DECACS, Inc. and all its Initiatives

Archive for August, 2011

Run for cover!!! It’s a Cat 1 Hurricane!!

Why We Fight?

Truth is the first casualty of War.
War Games Abound
Violence Escalates
Sex & Violence in the Media
Bullying is Rampant
(yet we wonder why young people bully one another???)

Documentary – “Why we fight?”
1:38:41 – 3 years ago
Free University in Internet, over 200 political, social, cultural, scientifical Clips under “ kam200 ” . Religion Feminism Atheism Democracy Human rights Anthropology Sociology Politics Freedom Philosophy Science History Life

If You Want to Know the Real Story, Follow the Money.

Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.

May 7th, 2011

””The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes”

‘What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?’ Mahatma Gandhi



Outpatient counseling (general & drug and alcohol), learning therapy, group therapy, educational, cultural & creative workshops.


D.E.C.A. Comprehensive Services, Inc. will provide individual and family outpatient counseling, tutorial services, educational, cultural and creative workshops and special projects. Counseling and learning therapy will be ongoing, while group therapy and workshops will cover a variety of topics and run for designated intervals.


The Executive Office will hire appropriate Administrative Staff, Mental Health Professionals, Counselors and fee for service Consultants needed to conduct this program.


The Out Reach Coordinator who is an administrative staff member will conduct a Community OutReach Program that will recruit clients. Recruitment will be the major arm of this project in order to secure clients for the program.
The COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAM will facilitate appropriate recruitment procedures outlined in the *RECRUITMENT PROCEDURAL TEXT.
PROJECT R.E.A.C.H. – Resources, Educational And Cultural Horizons any and all activities that target the outer community are executed under this initiative. The Out Reach Coordinator is primarily responsible for the following programs; four (4) annual programs;
Kwanzaa Celebration (Fall session),
Talent Search (Black History-Winter session),
Spring Festival (activities, vending, street festival – Spring session)
Culminating Event ( a symposium of activities (Summer session).
These activities are designed to add the Cultural Component along with bringing the Community together. In addition, there will be ongoing Out Reach to area schools, churches, community programs and agencies.


Service Providers (Consultants, Mental Health Professionals, Workshop Facilitators, etc.) will be required to seek creative methods to explore counseling and workshop materials and be directly responsible for their clients once they have been assigned. They will also be required to safeguard client confidentiality, inform each client their civil rights, monitor client(s) progress by submitting the appropriate forms, i.e., log sheet, sign in sheet, session notes and treatment plans whenever indicated. Service provider must work with the utmost of integrity in facility and with clients, staff and administration.


While there is emphasis on the disadvantage community of African Americans, programs are available to anyone who wishes to participate without regards to race, color, religious creed, handicap, ancestry, national origin, age, sex or sexual orientation. Any client whom projects can not service will be referred to the other appropriate agencies.


Some services are free to clients. Medical Services will be billed to appropriate Medical Insurance companies when applicable. Cultural and creative activities may entail a minimal fee. There is the possibility of scholarships, sponsorships and awards for these programs. The Executive Office will constantly seek alternative funding sources so that many of these services may remain free.


INTAKE PROCEDURE – every client seeking medical services, i.e. outpatient psychological and/or psychiatric services will undergo a comprehensive intake process in which pertinent information will be retrieved by the Intake Officer. All information given will be held in the strictest confidence and each client will be assured of this. Clients will be asked to provide appropriate proof of Medical coverage for verification. Clients will also be asked to sign mandatory documents, i.e., application, civil right compliance/bill of rights, confidentiality, release of information, initial treatment plans and any applications for group or workshop enrollment.

8. REGISTRATION PROCEDURE: The Case Manager, who will be in close contact with all Services Providers, will determine the appropriate service needs for each client after the Initial Intake. The Case Manager in consultation with the Program Director will assign each client to the appropriate service provider(s) for individual and/or group counseling; learning therapy, educational, cultural and/or creative workshop(s). Registration will remain open pending each Services Provider’s request, allowing clients to receive services at any time. The Case Manager will also be responsible for follow up of all assignments and when necessary refer clients to designated outside services.


D.E.C.A. Comprehensive Services, Inc. will receive some of its funding from fee for service psychiatric and psychological consultation services by billing appropriate Medical insurance companies. It will also seek outside funding sources and contracts for educational, cultural and creative services.

DECACS, Inc. – Project Overview


Department of Educational & Cultural Awareness Comprehensive Services, Inc.

MISSION STATEMENT: To use a multi-disciplinarian approach to mental health for children and their families by using the comprehensive tools of counseling, education, creativity and cultural enrichment.

To provide supportive and preventive services of counseling, cultural enrichment, education and creativity to children and their families adding a comprehensive component to the traditional services offered by mental health. Through the utilization of the many skills and talents of a multi-disciplinarian team of professionals, this program will foster learning and healing more effectively because the participants will be using other creative as well as cognitive abilities to understand their inner and outer worlds. This will stimulate growth on many levels, provide hope and help to facilitate fuller, wholer responsible human beings.

To establish a mental health model for African Americans where counseling, learning and healing are in a synergistic relationship with educational and cultural awareness. In addition, this model will have the creative component needed to enhance the interaction between the mental health professional and client as they will each explore and develop (jointly and individually) their educational and cultural awareness.

D.E.C.A. Comprehensive Services, Inc.

Minorities, in particular, the impoverished members of the African American community, reflect the epitome of the misfortunate consequences of untapped or misused resources. Poverty, which is greatly influenced by racism and classism, finds its expression in the inner and outer environment of these disenfranchised people. The impact can be felt in the families, educational systems, employment opportunities, and mental and physical health of these people. As a result, high rates of crime, disease, dysfunction, ignorance and mental illness permeate throughout their communities and alter the total structure of American society.
These impoverished members of humanity house a wealth of creative and constructive energy. This energy is entrapped at best and misused at worst. Unaware of their hidden and/or misused talents they are frustrated and release destructive energy into their individual worlds and outer environment. By tapping into this well of resources then channeling these resources into meaningful and constructive expressions, these members of humanity begin to create within themselves a healthier reality which brings benefit to the larger community.
Therefore, there is an urgent need for skilled culturally sensitive mental health care professionals who provide culturally sensitive mental health services to minorities, in particular, the African American community in the Philadelphia area. D.E.C.A. Comprehensive Services, Inc. is a program that will direct itself to this need and through its professional staff, endeavor to fulfill its responsibility as a mental health provider for this community.
D.E.C.A. Comprehensive Services, Inc. will offer comprehensive programming that enhances the psychological healing and learning abilities of its clients who are in need of diverse approaches to mental healing and learning that cannot be readily obtained through conventional means.


Traditional mental health services are feared at best and ineffective at worst for the inner city disenfranchised population. In spite of the alarming rise in the rate of socially and emotionally disturbed individuals in our society, many of the individuals in this population are reticent to seek professional help. However, these same individuals are in sore need of this service and are, in many instances, provided this service as a last resort or when circumstances they are in crisis.
focusing on children and their families, will provide an outlet for disturbing and destructive emotional energies through service to the whole person. It will use a holistic approach to mental healing through the compatible tools of counseling, cultural awareness, education and creativity. It will provide support for their social, emotional, health and educational concerns (to name a few). The course of this service will be primarily preventive however it will be available during and after these concerns become problematic.
This program is a partnership. The service provider and client are partners with one another. The provider will be able to express some of his/her other talents as workshop facilitators and clients will be able to evaluate themselves in a broader arena where other opinions are being heard. Mutual appreciation is heightened and deepened as individuals become more than a means to an end but are an integral part of the creative process.
In addition, where clients are engaging in counseling, educational, creative and cultural activities, subtly self-esteem improves and they are able to see more of their own worth and value as human beings. They will feel more capable and thus make a positive contribution to humanity.
Mental healing is a process and it affects all aspects of health in our world today. By designing a program whose target is to creatively foster mental healing; clients will be afforded an alternative that will provide therapeutic assistance in a deeper sense thus averting many other illnesses.

Welcome to DECACS, Inc.


Several Culturally Enriching programs are the backbone of DECACS, Inc. programming. These programs can be enjoyed locally and globally. Through extensive travel, networking and researching, it is clear that Culture programs spearhead the closing of the cultural divide, fosters understanding between peoples and encourages exchange on a broad level.


To use a multi-disciplinarian approach to mental health for children and their families by using the comprehensive tools of counseling, education, creativity and cultural enrichment. We reach out to others who are less fortunate year round. And especially to our seniors, and young children in schools around our country and the world. All too often these populations are not able to participate in fine cultural enrichment programming that we offer due to financial constraints.


To provide supportive and preventive services of counseling, cultural enrichment, education and creativity to children and their families adding a comprehensive component to the traditional services offered by mental health professionals. Through the utilization of the many skills and talents of a multi-disciplinarian team of professionals, this program will foster learning and healing more effectively because the participants will be using other creative as well as cognitive abilities to understand their inner and outer worlds. This will stimulate growth on many levels, provide hope and help to facilitate fuller, more prosperous and responsible human beings.

Keith’s Special Comment: The Four Great Hypocrisies of the Debt Deal

Keith’s Special Comment covers the “four great hypocrisies” of the debt deal and the necessity of taking the governance of this nation back from politicians.


Nana’s Comment: If only I could rant like this, truthful, poetic, sarcastic, comical, and truthful all in a little over nine minutes.

The US debt ceiling deal


The US debt ceiling deal by Patrick Martin

1 August 2011

President Barack Obama made a brief White House appearance Sunday night to announce that an agreement had been reached with Republican and Democratic congressional leaders to raise the federal debt ceiling before Tuesday’s deadline set by the Treasury. Speaking in advance of the opening of financial markets in Asia, Obama thanked “the leaders of both parties” and said the deal would “allow us to avoid default.”

The agreement, which must still be voted on by the Senate and the House of Representatives, imposes unprecedented cuts on domestic social spending without a single dollar of increased taxes on the wealthy.

It calls for raising the debt limit by $2.7 trillion in two stages, $1 trillion immediately and $1.7 trillion in four months. The increase in the debt ceiling will be matched dollar-for-dollar by cuts in spending over the next ten years, as demanded by Boehner, the top congressional Republican. Reid admitted that the deal would “give the Republicans everything they’ve asked for.”

The first $1 trillion will comprise spending cuts already agreed upon in bipartisan talks headed by Vice President Joseph Biden, mainly in non-entitlement domestic programs including education, housing, transportation and the environment. The immediate effect of these cuts will be substantial—$25 billion in fiscal year 2012, which begins October 1, and $47 billion in fiscal year 2013—and escalating thereafter.

A new 12-member House-Senate committee, consisting of three Democrats and three Republicans from each body, will have until Thanksgiving to identify an additional $1.7 trillion to $1.8 trillion in spending cuts, including entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Theoretically, the committee could also mandate an end to certain tax breaks to increase government revenues, but Republican leaders are on record opposing even token tax increases on the wealthy, and Obama and the congressional Democratic leadership have dropped their previous demand that any deficit reduction package include some tax increases.



My Photo


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Raising the debt ceiling: The government asks for more crack

Recently there has been talk in the news to raise the current Federal Governments debt ceiling above $14.29 trillion dollars. The argument is that if we don’t raise the debt ceiling the US will be forced to default on its debts. They say that they will be unable to pay their debts and if that happens the United States will lose its creditability and no one, private individuals or other nations, will loan to our government and that will cause a dollar crises.

What’s the problem with this stated dilemma? First of all it very clearly implies that if we don’t go deeper into debt that we will be unable to pay our debt. Why don’t the politicians in support of raising the limit state it as clearly as that? Why it’s for the very same reason they use fraises like QE1 and QE2. If they were to directly say “We must continue borrowing in order to pay our debt on what we have already borrowed” I think then more people’s mouths would drop to the floor in total shock of the audacity. Who in the world can believe it?
Imagine, you personally run yourself into debt, you then go and ask your bank for a loan to pay your debt, but you don’t just pay your debt you buy other things and give some money away. Now you find yourself even deeper in debt so you call up your credit card company and ask them to raise your credit limit. You then reach your credit limit and need to take out another loan to pay back your minimum payments. How long do you think you could continue doing this? I think YOU would get as far, in this scenario, as calling your credit card company to raise your limit before they laugh you off the phone. Well your Government has been doing this very thing for over 30 years, only no one is laughing.
They say there would be a dollar crises, but in fact it’s very clear that there already is one. Our current debt is $14 trillion dollars. We are quickly reaching the ceiling of $14.29 trillion within a few months. If they haven’t been able to manage the debt by the time they reached 10 trillion what in the world would make you think they will somehow find the wisdom to manage it now? The reality is that the total real debt has already passed this limit when you include state and local debt. That takes the total debt to $16.85 trillion. The arbitrary mark has already been passed. Simply paying the interest on such a crushing debt is impossible without continued borrowing and money printing. The government is like and alcoholic or crack addict that has reached a critical point in his addiction. He needs more and more now just to stay alive and if he stops he will die. The question is, once you reach that point are you really alive? The truth is the dollar is already dead. They can shoot up a few more times but the damage has already been done.


Nana’s Comments:

I believe that they are pushing the people to mass hysteria by this and many other tactics, 911 for example. Once the people are pushed so hard, and they begin to fight back, they will have reason for martial law. Remember many of the weapons used against the masses around the world were made in the USA.
It boggles the mind that the wealthy do not want to have an increase in taxes, but would rather imposed draconian decreases in the social services needed most by the masses, who far outnumber the rich elitists. It appears to be a serious disconnect between what is happening on the ground and what is happening in their ivory towers.

The wealth will not trickle down and will remain out of the reach of those who most need it. Our society is like a runaway locomotive, with no one at the helm to forestall the coming disaster. But with disasters being the driving force behind the elite’s prerequisite desire to remain elites, surely they are devising plans that will secure them in any situation, no matter how dire to the masses. They make sure they are protected by their own guards – and out of the reach of any disaster that may befall the rest of us.

Unfortunately, the American citizen continues to believe that a corrupt system that started on the backs and deaths of millions of Indigenous peoples and kidnapped Africans can be changed by creating a “New Party” to jockey with the existing ones. If this happened, eventually this “New Party” too, will become corrupt.

A system or mass movement that demands the governments take care of them is doomed to remain the slaves they were before the movement. That type of system is the design of slave owners for their property, the slaves.


It’s all a holographic game designed to keep the populace in the Matrix of survival and submission to their overlords. It matters not what color, race or ethnicity they are. Once they have become part of the clan of destruction, they will do the exact same thing that was done to the populace throughout the history of their fore-fathers and ours. Because this miserable way of governing a people has continued for so long, and there has been no obvious cure, except for a few rebellions along the way; the cancer persists and the only solution is the complete destruction of all the cancerous cells.

Many cries for change are like chemo-therapy. But they not only ARREST the cancer cells, they kill the host immune system, weakening it and thus subjecting it to the tyranny of the disease it wanted to be rid of. Governments throughout the world have become this cancer. They are here because the populace offers these cancerous cells a perfect place for them to reside; in the body politic. You cannot kill the cancer cells, but you can stop the feeding, cut off their nourishment; eventually they will die off