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Archive for the ‘concealment’ Category

Bill Cosby’s daughter, Erinn, talks sexual assault by Mike Tyson; relationship with father

Bill Cosby’s daughter, Erinn, talks sexual assault by Mike Tyson; relationship with father.

         Published on Feb 27, 2015

Bill Cosby’s daughter, Erinn, talks sexual assault by Mike Tyson; relationshop with father Greg Garrett  1992
Do you believe Erinn had any inkling of her father’s proclivities?


This is so ironic. Erinn Cosby having a run in with Mike Tyson, accusing him of attempted rape. Her reaction to being assaulted by a well known celebrity is quite poignant. She admits her mental state and her use of drugs, but does seems to be a bit guarded in her words.

It’s the world of Sports/Entertainment. Wine, Women, Drugs and Sex. Now looking at the current allegations against Bill Cosby, why on God’s Green Earth would Cosby upset the apple cart when his own apple cart was full of worms. So, to keep all things “in the family” Cosby didn’t bring his daughters accusations against Mike Tyson out into the public eye but suggested getting help for Mike Tyson.  See video below.

Imagine how much courage it would have given the women who have accused Cosby from that era to come out against him if he attacked Mike Tyson? Imagine the outrage they would have felt if they saw him moralizing against something that he has been “allegedly” doing himself?

So, yeah, in the police force, they call it the Blue Line, where they protect one another. I don’t know what they call it in Sports/Entertainment/Politics but many scandals are swept right under the rug, and the bigger they are as celebrities the quick and easy fix is in, automatically. And then again, there comes that time when, for whatever reason, known or unknown, the “fix” don’t work no more.
What I truly like about this video is how it shows a woman who has been violated and the many nuances of that and its impact on her as a human being. It shows her fears, confusion, need to be supported by her family, and the pressure of the society to bring to the fore something about a “big, powerful” man who has a lot of fans and backing. Who would believe her? Did she get paid to tell or did she get paid to shut up? The scrutiny that a woman would be subjected to; i.e., doubts and innuendos about her character, family relations, mental state, academic history, etc. all play a role in shaping the reaction of any woman in the position of being violated by a “popular” man or any man for that matter..

This is so incredibly ironic some 23 years later….. with Cosby “Himself” being exposed.