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Archive for the ‘international’ Category

War in Our Collective Imagination

By David Swanson
Remarks at Veterans For Peace Convention, Asheville, NC, July 27, 2014.

I started seeing graphics pop up on social media sites this past week that said about Gaza: “It’s not war. It’s murder.”  So I started asking people what exactly they think war is if it’s distinct from murder.  Well, war, some of them told me, takes place between armies.  So I asked for anyone to name a war during the past century (that is, after World War I) where all or even most or even a majority of the dying was done by members of armies.  There may have been such a war.  There are enough scholars here today that somebody probably knows of one.  But if so, it isn’t the norm, and these people I was chatting with through social media couldn’t think of any such war and yet insisted that that’s just what war is.  So, is war then over and nobody told us?

For whatever reasons, I then very soon began seeing a graphic sent around that said about Gaza: “It’s not war. It’s genocide.”  And the typical explanation I got when I questioned this one was that the wagers of war and the wagers of genocide have different attitudes.  Are we sure about that? I’ve spoken to advocates for recent U.S. wars who wanted all or part of a population wiped out.  Plenty of supporters of the latest attacks on Gaza see them as counter-terrorism.  In wars between advanced militaries and poor peoples most of the death and injury is on one side and most of it — by anyone’s definition — civilian.  This is as true in Afghanistan, where war rolls on largely unchallenged, as in Gaza, about which we are newly outraged.
Well, what’s wrong with outrage? Who cares what people call it? Why not criticize the war advocates rather than nitpicking the war opponents’ choice of words?  When people are outraged they will reach for whatever word their culture tells them is most powerful, be it murder or genocide or whatever.  Why not encourage that and worry a little more about the lunatics who are calling it defense or policing or terrorist removal?  (Eight-year-old terrorists!)

Yes, of course.  I’ve been going after CNN news readers for claiming Palestinians want to die and NBC for yanking its best reporter and ABC for claiming scenes of destruction in Gaza that just don’t exist in Israel are in fact in Israel — and the U.S. government for providing the weapons and the criminal immunity.  I’ve been promoting rallies and events aimed at swaying public opinion against what Israel has been doing, and against the sadistic bloodthirsty culture of those standing on hills cheering for the death and destruction below, quite regardless of what they call it.  But, as you’re probably aware, only the very most open-minded war advocates attend conventions of Veterans For Peace.  So, I’m speaking here backstage, as it were, at the peace movement.  Among those of us who want to stop the killing, are there better and worse ways to talk about it?  And is anything revealed by the ways in which we tend to talk about it when we aren’t hyper-focused on our language?

I think so.  I think it’s telling that the worst word anyone can think of isn’t war.  I think it’s even more telling that we condemn things by contrasting them with war, framing war as relatively acceptable.  I think this fact ought to be unsettling because a very good case can be made that war, in fact, is the worst thing we do, and that the distinctions between war and such evils as murder or genocide can require squinting very hard to discern.

We’ve all heard that guns don’t kill people, people kill people.  There is a parallel belief that wars don’t kill people, people who misuse wars, who fight bad wars, who fight wars improperly, kill people.  This is a big contrast with many other evil institutions.  We don’t oppose child abuse selectively, holding out the possibility of just and good incidents of child abuse while opposing the bad or dumb or non-strategic or excessive cases of child abuse. We don’t have Geneva Conventions for proper conduct while abusing children.  We don’t have human rights groups writing reports on atrocities and possible law violations committed in the course of abusing children.  We don’t distinguish UN-sanctioned child abuse.  The same goes for numerous behaviors generally understood as always evil: slavery or rape or blood feuds or duelling or dog fighting or sexual harassment or bullying or human experimentation or — I don’t know — producing piles of I’m-Ready-for-Hillary posters.  We don’t imagine there are good, just, and defensible cases of such actions.

And this is the core problem: not support for bombing Gaza or Afghanistan or Pakistan or Iraq or anywhere else that actually gets bombed, but support for an imaginary war in the near future between two armies with different colored jerseys and sponsors, competing on an isolated battlefield apart from any villages or towns, and suffering bravely and heroically for their non-murderous non-genocidal cause while complying with the whistles blown by the referees in the human rights organizations whenever any of the proper killing drifts into lawless imprisonment or torture or the use of improper weaponry.  Support for specific possible wars in the United States right now is generally under 10 percent.  More people believe in ghosts, angels, and the integrity of our electoral system than want a new U.S. war in Ukraine, Syria, Iran, or Iraq. The Washington Post found a little over 10 percent want a war in Ukraine but that the people who held that view were the people who placed Ukraine on the world map the furthest from its actual location, including people who placed it in the United States.  These are the idiots who favor specific wars.  Even Congress, speaking of idiots, on Friday told Obama no new war on Iraq.

The problem is the people, ranging across the population from morons right up to geniuses, who favor imaginary wars.  Millions of people will tell you we need to be prepared for more wars in case there’s another Adolf Hitler, failing to understand that the wars and militarism and weapons sales and weapons gifts — the whole U.S. role as the arsenal of democracies and dictatorships alike — increase rather than decrease dangers, that other wealthy countries spend less than 10 percent what the U.S. does on their militaries, and that 10 percent of what the U.S. spends on its military could end global starvation, provide the globe with clean water, and fund sustainable energy and agriculture programs that would go further toward preventing mass violence than any stockpiles of weaponry.  Millions will tell you that the world needs a global policeman, even though polls of the world find the widespread belief that the United States is currently the greatest threat to peace on earth.  In fact if you start asking people who have opposed every war in our lifetimes or in the past decade to work on opposing the entire institution of war, you’ll be surprised by many of the people who say no.

I’m a big fan of a book called Addicted to War.  I think it will probably be a powerful tool for war abolition right up until war is abolished.  But its author told me this week that he can’t work to oppose all wars because he favors some of them.  Specifically, he said, he doesn’t want to ask Palestinians to not defend themselves.  Now, there’s a really vicious cycle.  If we can’t shut down the institution of war because Palestinians need to use it, then it’s harder to go after U.S. military spending, which is of course what funds much of the weaponry being used against Palestinians.  I think we should get a little clarity about what a war abolition movement does and does not do.  It does not tell people what they must do when attacked.  It is not focused on advising, much less instructing, the victims of war, but on preventing their victimization.  It does not advise the individual victim of a mugging to turn the other cheek.  But it also does not accept the disproven notion that violence is a defensive strategy for a population.  Nonviolence has proven far more effective and its victories longer lasting.  If people in Gaza have done anything at all to assist in their own destruction, it is not the supposed offenses of staying in their homes or visiting hospitals or playing on beaches; it is the ridiculously counterproductive firing of rockets that only encourages and provides political cover for war/ genocide/ mass murder.

I’m a huge fan of Chris Hedges and find him one of the most useful and inspiring writers we have.  But he thought attacking Libya was a good idea up until it quite predictably and obviously turned out not to be.  He still thinks Bosnia was a just war.  I could go on through dozens of names of people who contribute mightily to an anti-war movement who oppose abolishing war.  The point is not that anyone who believes in 1 good war out of 100 is to blame for the trillion dollar U.S. military budget and all the destruction it brings.  The point is that they are wrong about that 1 war out of 100, and that even if they were right, the side-effects of maintaining a culture accepting of war preparations would outweigh the benefits of getting 1 war right.  The lives lost by not spending $1 trillion a year in the U.S. and another $1 trillion in the rest of the world on useful projects like environmental protection, sustainable agriculture, medicine and hygiene absolutely dwarf the number of lives that would be saved by halting our routine level of war making.

If you talk about abolishing war entirely, as many of us have begun focusing on through a new project called World Beyond War, you’ll also find people who want to abolish war but believe it’s impossible. War is natural, they say, inevitable, in our genes, decreed by our economy, the unavoidable result of racism or consumerism or capitalism or exceptionalism or carnivorism or nationalism.  And of course many cultural patterns interact with and facilitate war, but the idea that it’s in our genes is absurd, given how many cultures in our species have done and do without it.  I don’t know what — if anything — people usually mean when they call something “natural” but presumably it’s not the provocation of suicide, which is such a common result of participating in war, while the first case of PTSD due to war deprivation has yet to be discovered.  Most of our species’ existence, as hunter-gatherers, did not know war, and only the last century — a split-second in evolutionary terms — has known war that at all resembles war today.  War didn’t used to kill like this.  Soldiers weren’t conditioned to kill.  Most guns picked up at Gettysburg had been loaded more than once.  The big killers were diseases, even in the U.S. Civil War, the war that the U.S. media calls the most deadly because Filipinos and Koreans and Vietnamese and Iraqis don’t count.  Now the big killer is a disease in our thinking, a combination of what Dr. King called self-guided missiles and misguided men.
Another hurdle for abolishing war is that the idea rose to popularity in the West in the 1920s and 1930s and then sank into a category of thought that is vaguely treasonous.  War abolition was tried and failed, the thinking goes, like communism or labor unions and now we know better.  While abolishing war is popular in much of the world, that fact is easily ignored by the 1% who misrepresent the 10% or 15% who live in the places that constitute the so-called International Community.  Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come or weaker than an idea whose time has come and gone.  Or so we think.  But the Renaissance was, as its name suggests, an idea whose time came again, new and improved and victorious.  The 1920s and 1930s are a resource for us.  We have stockpiles of wisdom to draw upon.  We have example of where things were headed and how they went of track.

Andrew Carnegie took war profits and set up an endowment with the mandate to eliminate war and then to hold a board meeting, determine the second worst thing in the world, and begin eliminating that.  This sounds unique or eccentric, but is I believe a basic understanding of ethics that ought to be understood and acted upon by all of us.  When someone asks me why I’m a peace activist I ask them why in the hell anyone isn’t.  So, reminding the Carnegie Endowment for Peace what it’s legally obligated to do, and dozens of other organizations along with it, may be part of the process of drawing inspiration from the past.  And of course insisting that the Nobel Committee not bestow another peace prize on a war-thirsty presidential candidate or any other advocate of war is part of that.
World Beyond War
The case against war that is laid out at includes these topics:
War is immoral.
War endangers us.
War threatens our environment.
War erodes our liberties.
War impoverishes us.
We need $2 trillion/year for other things.

I find the case to be overwhelming and suspect many of you would agree.  In fact Veterans For Peace and numerous chapters and members of Veterans For Peace have been among the first to sign on and participate.  And we’ve begun finding that thousands of people and organizations from around the world agree as people and groups from 68 countries and rising have added their names on the website in support of ending all war.  And many of these people and organizations are not peace groups.  These are environmental and civic groups of all sorts and people never involved in a peace movement before.  Our hope is of course to greatly enlarge the peace movement by making war abolition as mainstream as cancer abolition.  But we think enlargement is not the only alteration that could benefit the peace movement.  We think a focus on each antiwar project as part of a broader campaign to end the whole institution of war will significantly change how specific wars and weapons and tactics are opposed.

How many of you have heard appeals to oppose Pentagon waste? I’m in favor of Pentagon waste and opposed to Pentagon efficiency.  How can we not be, when what the Pentagon does is evil?  How many of you have heard of opposition to unnecessary wars that leave the military ill-prepared?  I’m in favor of leaving the military ill-prepared, but not of distinguishing unnecessary from supposedly necessary wars. Which are the necessary ones?  When sending missiles into Syria is stopped, in large part by public pressure, war as last resort is replaced by all sorts of other options that were always available.  That would be the case anytime any war is stopped.  War is never a last resort any more than rape or child abuse is a last resort.  How many of you have seen opposition to U.S. wars that focuses almost exclusively on the financial cost and the suffering endured by Americans?  Did you know polls find Americans believing that Iraq benefited and the United States suffered from the war that destroyed Iraq?  What if the financial costs and the costs to the aggressor nation were in addition to moral objections to mass-slaughter rather than instead of?  How many of you have seen antiwar organizations trumpet their love for troops and veterans and war holidays, or groups like the AARP that advocate for benefits for the elderly by focusing on elderly veterans, as though veterans are the most deserving?  Is that good activism?

I want to celebrate those who resist and oppose war, not those who engage in it.  I love Veterans For Peace because it’s for peace.  It’s for peace in a certain powerful way, but it’s the being for peace that I value.  And being for peace in the straightforward meaning of being against war.  Most organizations are afraid of being for peace; it always has to be peace and justice or peace and something else.  Or it’s peace in our hearts and peace in our homes and the world will take care of itself.  Well, as Veterans For Peace know, the world doesn’t take care of itself.  The world is driving itself off a cliff.  As Woody Allen said, I don’t want to live on in the hearts of my countrymen, I want to live on in my apartment.  Well, I don’t want to find peace in my heart or my garden, I want to find peace in the elimination of war.  At is a list of projects we think may help advance that, including, among others:

  • Creating an easily recognizable and joinable mainstream international movement to end all war.
  • Education about war, peace, and nonviolent action — including all that is to be gained by ending war.
  • Improving access to accurate information about wars. Exposing falsehoods.
  • Improving access to information about successful steps away from war in other parts of the world.
  • Increased understanding of partial steps as movement in the direction of eliminating, not reforming, war.
  • Partial and full disarmament.
  • Conversion or transition to peaceful industries.
  • Closing, converting or donating foreign military bases.
  • Democratizing militaries while they exist and making them truly volunteer.
  • Banning foreign weapons sales and gifts.
  • Outlawing profiteering from war.
  • Banning the use of mercenaries and private contractors.
  • Abolishing the CIA and other secret agencies.
  • Promoting diplomacy and international law, and consistent enforcement of laws against war, including prosecution of violators.
  • Reforming or replacing the U.N. and the ICC.
  • Expansion of peace teams and human shields.
  • Promotion of nonmilitary foreign aid and crisis prevention.
  • Placing restrictions on military recruitment and providing potential soldiers with alternatives.
  • Thanking resisters for their service.
  • Encouraging cultural exchange.
  • Discouraging racism and nationalism.
  • Developing less destructive and exploitative lifestyles.
  • Expanding the use of public demonstrations and nonviolent civil resistance to enact all of these changes.

I would add learning from and working with organizations that have been, like Veterans For Peace, working toward war abolition for years now and inspiring others to do the same.  And I would invite you all to work with WorldBeyondWartoward our common goal.

David Swanson is Director of World Beyond War, host of Talk Nation Radio, author of books including War No More: The Case for Abolition, War Is A Lie, and When the World Outlawed War.

Change Your Clocks!!!!!

People fuss and complain and make long videos warning us about the so-called New World Order. I say, it ain’t new!! Anytime a group of people can change the time on the clock and effect the entire world’s bio-rhythm, now that’s some power. I know that everyone in the “whole world” ain’t changing their clocks, but if they don’t change, and they have to interact with those who do, they still have to make an adjustment on some level. Now, that’s power.

Two times a year, a small group of folks get to determine “what time it is”! I think that highly signifies how controlled our world is. Imagine, just because you said so, billions of people adhere to your command. Now, that’s power!!

Lest we forget, we live in a controlled and manipulated world. This change alters our bio-rhythms, our sense of balance, our ability to manage our lives, our sleep cycles, our frequencies and our general relationships and interactions with all that goes on around us. Now that’s power!

Two times a year, a small group of folks get to determine that their “robots” go to their clocks and change them to fall in lock step with the “commands” of a hidden few. Now that’s power!

Imagine how they must feel when billions of people follow suit across the expanse of the entire planet. Everybody, particularly in the Western world, follows suit. Billions of hands on clocks around the world. Billions of people finding reasons to believe this disruption is fine. They make excuses, they warn, they intimidate, they complain, but in the final analysis, they all comply. Now, that’s power!

So the next time you feel you must point out that there is a “New World Order” ask your self, if you changed your clocks forth in spring and back in the fall. Ask yourself, were you effected, even in the slightest by others changing their clocks, ask if you were happy you didn’t have to change your computer clock, your cell phone and any other gadget you have that simply does the job for you.

 I’m just saying, we can’t escape it…. This world has been under a “World Order” since its inception, and so as I say, every year that I resist, complain, fuss and refuse to change my clock out of sheer rebellion, ain’t no such thing as a “New World Order”!

It’s the “Same World Order” and some folks just happen to wake up to how it manipulates, dictates, determines, discriminates, and all the rest of it, but surely we are a ‘COMPLETELY CONTROLLED WORLD COMMUNITY!

Now that’s power!!!!!!!

U.N. Report Advocates Teaching Masturbation to 5-Year-Olds

But I feel that the training should be done with the parents first, not the children. What happens in a lot of cases is that children are exposed to things that their parents are not aware of or would not expose them to or in some other cases do not want the children to even talk about.
This issue is two-pronged.
1. While they claim to empower the children they are dis-empowering the parents and placing themselves in the position of authority over the children beyond their parents.
2. If there is sexual impropriety on any level, be it parents, teachers, staff or others, who will come forth and expose this? If the children are given the proper training it must include the whole family to be most healthy and forthright for all involved.
I had an interesting dream, and I think it came from this topic.
I was an educator, somewhere, and it was not my present self but a teacher nevertheless attempting to handle this situation in my small school with my children. Their ages were in this range, and the demographics were across the board. The children responded all quite differently to “Sex Education” and it varied according to their home environment. One young man, about 9-10 years of age, he was African American, a little heavy and a little tall for his age. He became hysterical, and began to scream and ran out of the room. We had to calm him down and every time we attempted to bring him back into the room, he would yell and scream hysterically.(Clearly, he was not comfortable at all with the idea of discussing this in his classroom. He may have felt that school was his sage environment and now that safety was threatened because this was being discussed in the classroom. Apparently, he had been treated inappropriately and he was having a severe reaction.)
There were other students who considered it playful, they began to play around laughing and giggling. (Clearly, there was something missed in the instructions as they were not taking this as seriously as we had envisioned.)
Then there was another young lady and young man who were a bit older, maybe late teens. It seems there was an attraction already there between them, and they began to mimic having sew, right there in the classroom. When they were told that the lesson was over, the young man, having become fully aroused refused to stop and quickly turned the young girl over and penetrated her anus. She screamed and we had to pull him off her. It was unbelievable but he said, you can’t bring me this far and then tell me now it’s time to stop.
Okay, this was a dream, and I think that it is showing me the dangers of this approach if not properly handled. If you have people with nefarious motives doing this, well, they are not going to think of all the angles that can cause this to be a hurtful experience for some, traumatic for others and the usurpation of the parents’ authority and/or responsibility to be the first educators of this and so many other topics for their children. If parents allows the PTB to determine hand over fist, what is best for their children, then the society is controlled by those who are less interested in the genuine welfare of the children and more interested in their own agendas.
We simply must take control of our lives back and bring it home into our family situations and only if there is no other recourse,, rely on outside institutions to determine what is best for us.
In this day and age, we have become so dependent on the society and its programs to take care of us and our needs, we have forgotten or have gotten lazy about doing this ourselves. We have in essence become slaves to the MACHINE/MATRIX/POWERS THAT BE.


U.N. Report Advocates Teaching Masturbation to 5-Year-Olds
Like us?

The United Nations is recommending that children as young as five receive mandatory sexual education that would teach even pre-kindergarteners about masturbation and topics like gender violence.

The U.N.’s Economic, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) released a 98-page report in June offering a universal lesson plan for kids ranging in age from 5-18, an
“informed approach to effective sex, relationships” and HIV education that they say is essential for “all young people.”

The U.N. insists the program is “age appropriate,” but critics say it’s exposing kids to sex far too early, and offers up abstract ideas — like “transphobia” — they might not even understand.

“At that age they should be learning about … the proper name of certain parts of their bodies,” said Michelle Turner, president of Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum, “certainly not about masturbation.”

Turner was disturbed by UNESCO’s plans to explain to children as young as nine about the safety of legal abortions, and to advocate and “promote the right to and access to safe abortion” for everyone over the age of 15.

“This is absurd,” she told

The UNESCO report, called “International Guidelines for Sexuality Education,” separates children into four age groups: 5-to-8-year-olds, 9-to-12-year-olds, 12-to-15-year-olds and 15-to-18-year-olds.

Under the U.N.’s voluntary sex-ed regime, kids just 5-8 years old will be told that “touching and rubbing one’s genitals is called masturbation” and that private parts “can feel pleasurable when touched by oneself.”

• Click here to see the report.

By the time they’re 9 years old, they’ll learn about “positive and negative effects of ‘aphrodisiacs,” and wrestle with the ideas of “homophobia, transphobia and abuse of power.”

At 12, they’ll learn the “reasons for” abortions — but they’ll already have known about their safety for three years. When they’re 15, they’ll be exposed to direct “advocacy to promote the right to and access to safe abortion.”

Child health experts say they are wary of teaching about the sticky topic of abortion, but stress that as long as messages stay age-appropriate, educating kids at a younger age helps better steer them into adulthood.

“The adults are more leery of [early sex-ed] than the kids are,” said Dr. Jennifer Hartstein, a child psychiatrist in New York. “Our own fears sometimes prevent us from being as open and honest with our kids as possible.”

Hartstein, however, who didn’t see much harm in explaining basic concepts that kids of all ages will have questions about, was baffled by some of the ideas the U.N. hoped to introduce to kids as young as 5 years old, who will be taught about “gender roles, stereotypes and gender-based violence.”

“I want to know how you teach that to a 5-year-old,” Hartstein told

Despite those challenges, the U.N. insists that “in a world affected by HIV and AIDS … there is an imperative to give children and young people the knowledge, skills and values to understand and make informed decisions.”

UNESCO officials said the guidelines were “co-authored by two leading experts in the field of sexuality education” — Dr. Doug Kirby, an adolescent sexuality expert, and Nanette Ecker, the former director of international education and training at the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States.

Their report was based on a “rigorous review” of sex-ed literature, “drawing upon 87 studies from around the world,” said Mark Richmond, director of UNESCO’s Division for the Coordination of U.N. Priorities in Education, in an e-mailed statement.

Richmond defended teaching about masturbation as “age-appropriate” because even in early childhood, “children are known to be curious about their bodies.” Their lessons, he added, would hopefully help kids “develop a more complex understanding of sexual behaviour” as they grow into adults.

But Michelle Turner, of Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum, said that such roles should be left up to parents, and worried that children were being exposed to too much information too soon.

“Why can’t kids be kids anymore?” she said.

Read more:,2933,543203,00.html#ixzz2Pr0y5WQw

Celebrities, the Modern Day Gods

Humanity in the modern age, treat celebrities like their predecessors of the old days treated their gods. It seems that human beings have to have something to idolize, look up to, admire, wish to be like or live their lives for.
 Celebrities are the new age obsession of modern man, who once built altars and brought offerings to their gods, the modern day devotee (fan) now does the same, purchasing their pictures, videos, music in a frenzied state of wanting to be next to them, if only through a conduit.
The Modern day Priest is the peddler of these New Age Celebrities Gods. They pose as media moguls, press agents, producers and distributors of the mania that consumes the fans. These modern day idolaters scream, dance, sweat and cry over the “gods” they chose and keep their gods amply supplied with all the modern conveniences, and sometimes so modern, their “gods” can live in full furnished multimillion dollar homes.
Like any religion, the worshippers keep the Gods and their Mediators in power as the devotee depletes his resources just for one more favor or act of kindness towards them. These acts of kindness maybe inclusive of but not exclusive of, autographs, pictures, handshakes, special tokens and VIP seating at a gala affair.
When the devotee sees, reads or experiences the lives of their gods, they are energized living through their imagine world, or lack there of. They are excited by the challenges, the scandals, the lies, the deceit that shrouds their gods, because in order for their god to exist in the world of Celebrities they must face these and many other obstacles of success and/or failure. The Modern day devotee(fan) takes the life of the Celebrity in full scale of it’s own life, moving and progressing along as the God would demand of them. Dare they fall in the disfavor of their Gods or other devotees find them trifling.
Some devotees become so obsessed they will kill for their god, or kill their god itself, destroying its life, history and perchance its effect on any other devotee other than they.
Perhaps this is a displace madness, an obsession generated by the total lack of self ownership and self power. Perhaps the Celebrities while only temporary give the devotee the moment in time where they can feel overwhelmingly powerful and completely divorced from their miserable lives or completely disconnected from the miserable lives their very Gods live.
It is part of the social construct. Children see parents as gods, infallible and invincible, and as adults this lifelike onus is given to the Celebrity of their own choosing. In the realm of Celebrity worship, there are no boundaries as anything that would prove disconcerting to another can be hidden in the privacy of the devotees home, away from the scrutiny of any onlooker.
Devotees can get into fierce verbal battles with other devotees of other Gods, and like the Gladiators of old, can fight to the teeth about their particular god and its “well deserved” greatness and power.
Like any usurpation of power handed over freely or forcefully taken, the taker is as much a victim as the giver. The co-dependency of this relationship between the Devotee and the God, keep them inexorably bound to each other creating a life long dance of fierce passion and need to give the each other validation. The concert hall, theater, stadium or fan club is the Church of the Celebrities. The devotees attend these churches religiously and participate in the ritual celebration of their Gods.
The question to me becomes, what is missing from the human psyche that such props are needed? How has humanity come to this? And what is missing inside of the human being that this type of attribution of power is needed to be given to an “Idol” or object of their devotion. How is it that the social construct supports and promotes this type of mania?

Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith divorce: Lawyer Laura Wasser reportedly retained by Jada

From Huffington Post: Despite denying divorce rumors back in August, it appears that Will and Jada Pinkett Smith may be finally going their separate ways — at least according to In Touch Weekly.
The magazine is reporting that Jada Smith recently met with celebrity divorce lawyer Laura Wasser, who has represented the likes of Britney Spears, Maria Shriver, and Kim Kardashian.
A source tells In Touch that Smith has “finally begun to take steps to dissolve their marriage,” even reportedly turning down a role in Keanu Reeves directorial debut to spend time with her kids during this “difficult time.”

Read More Here:


MK-ULTRA Links To The Sandy Hook Assault

MK-ULTRA Links To The Sandy Hook Assault

By Yoichi Shimatsu  12-20-12

My long-distance interest in the Sandy Hook events is based on ongoing work with a team of anti-pedophile journalists and activists who for over a decade have tracked and exposed American pedophile rings from Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam) to Beijing, China.

In all cases so far, our team discovered that these frontline pedophiles supply children for sexual services to VIPs traveling in Asia, including diplomats from the highest levels of the White House and State Department, top executives of major corporations, and heads of universities and aid agencies. Nearly all the patrons involved in this cruel pastime have backgrounds in US intelligence ­ the CIA, NSA or State Department intelligence. The individuals are from diverse religious backgrounds ­ Catholic, Jewish and Orthodox – while the core facilitators are often priests with Jesuit order, and to a lesser degree Franciscans and Benedictines.

At an orphanage in Cambodia, it took three years for our multinational team ­ against death threats from armed policemen and undisguised hostility from NGOs ­ to realize the expulsion of a pedophile coven, which included a former US ambassador to the United Nations, the celebrated head of a new media program at an Ivy League campus and a renowned correspondent based at the Tokyo American Club. When the police shut down their strong-encryption computer center and satellite uplink, used for sweetheart messaging and exporting child-porn videos, the American pedophiles stripped out all the programs, rendering a room of Apple computers inoperable. Later, at a celebration for the “liberation” of the orphans from the grip of these abusive men and their compliant wives, the teachers told me that the average age of the boys and girls who had been invited to sleep over at weekend parties was “10 years old.”

One member of our team who resided in Cambodia suffered an “accident” in a cowardly act of retaliation by that viscous coven ­ with all the fingers on both hands broken and bleeding from his ears as he lay unconscious along a highway. It’s taken our brave friend three years to regain his formidable intellectual powers as a former political speechwriter. I use the term “coven” because these predators work as families ­ parents, children and grandchildren ­ indoctrinated from infancy that inflicting trauma on helpless children is life’s greatest pleasure.

Pedophilia is a psychiatric illness that is spreading worldwide because the globalist elite, much like a deranged fraternity from hazing hell, use it to control their peers and underlings through the commission of shameful and often lethal crimes. The photos are enough to prevent defection, informing to the police or sending leaks to the media.

The American power elite’s predilection for young boys has always been a privilege as shown in past scandals involving White House pages. One of the first postwar American ambassadors to Tokyo was a voracious pursuer of teenage boys inside gay bath houses frequented by rightwing Japanese militarists, the very same war criminals who had committed unspeakable atrocities against civilians ­ for example converting Christian boys schools into male brothels. The shared lust of the former soldiers from both sides corrupted and ultimately reversed the attempt by a victorious Allied Supreme Command to transform Japan into a peaceful democracy. Authoritarian perversion remains in command.

In recent years with the rise of Internet file-sharing, a major shift in pedophile profiles has appeared in the increasingly lower age of pedophiles. It is shocking that college-age men, who should be involved in same-age affairs (with either sex ­ we are not being judgmental about preference) are instead eager to abduct kids who are barely out of infancy and videotape brutal rape scenes to share with their online fellows. Today, young men of college age serve as procurers, pimps and producers of child porn for their sugar daddies.

These younger pedophiles, at least while in Asia, are often studying abroad on US government fellowships, CIA grants or working for Soros-funded NGOs. In Beijing, I had a verbal sparring match with a young American video producer who was making a documentary on child abductions by Chinese adoption rings. He had no intention of saving kids from these criminals, since his stated ambition was to launch a pornography industry in China. This was the son of a leading faculty member at a Connecticut prep school, which sponsors troubled boys and prepares them for a life of male prostitution with dormitory screenings of videos showing the gang rape of preteen girls ­ with the knowledge and sometimes approval of teachers, according to testimony submitted to court.

After first being a victim of sexual assault and then acting as a perpetrator against younger boys or girls, many of these young men develop passive-aggressive personalities. When challenged, they tend react with suppressed rage under a blank expression and then get their revenge with a strange prank against their accusers.

Many women might nod in agreement that men are awful creatures, but from our experience in Southeast Asia, there are also many female predators. On an early-morning visit to a Peace Corps camp on the Laotian border, a friend in the U.S. Army was stunned to discover that every American women ­ all graduates of elite East Coast colleges ­ was asleep with a 12-to-14 girl tucked inside her bed. Americans are not alone in this sickness of mind and body ­ Europeans, Australians and Japanese are among the notorious child molesters. Sexual domination of weaker individuals, especially children who cannot defend their rights, is a hallmark of imperialism.

There is one more element involved in the pedophile industry: the organized crime groups that finance the purchase or kidnapping of children. These gangsters are not just low-life elements but also include professional gangsters – “businessmen” with connections to politicians and bankers.

A point that needs mentioning is that during youth, I spent a summer at a prep school in Connecticut on a National Science Foundation program ­ but it had nothing to do with MK-ULTRA.

Mind Control in Connecticut: Catcher in the Rye

In 1942, at the start of World War II, the Jesuit order opened Fairfield University in southern Connecticut. The new Catholic college was erected on the country estate of Brewster Jennings, then chairman of the Socony Mobil Oil Company, which after a series of mergers became ExxonMobil. After serving as a naval officer in World War I, the Hartford-born oil executive graduated from Yale and became closely associated with the OSS and CIA. He founded the Avalon Foundation, since renamed the Mellon Foundation, which has funded pacification programs inside American society. (Outed spy Valerie Plame worked under cover at the Brewster Jennings “brass plate” company, which acted as the CIA’s counter-proliferation department.) Although the information remains classified, it had to be OSS chief Bill Donovan who prompted the formation of Fairfield University as an intelligence training center for potential CIA recruits vetted from the elite preparatory schools in Connecticut.

During the war in Europe, a non-commissioned office of Russian Jewish descent assigned to U.S. Defense Intelligence worked on Operation Paperclip (the transport of Nazi scientists to U.S. laboratories) and Project Artichoke (smuggling German Jews into Palestine in support of a Zionist state). His name was J.D. “Jerry” Salinger. Later, he served in the Counter-Intelligence Corps, debriefing and reassigning Nazi officers, including those who had conducted psychiatric experiments on prisoners of war.

At war’s end, Salinger lived in Tarrytown, New York, but was soon ordered to move across the state border to Stamford, Connecticut, close to Fairfield University. He resided in a converted barn, out of  public view, presumably to continue his special area of intelligence work, the field testing of the MK-ULTRA methods refined by the sadistically clinical Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (the pseudonym of Joseph Schieder), who ran the main mind-control lab at Jesuit-run Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., which is also a finishing school for diplomats in the State Department.

In the Connecticut countryside during his “lost years”, Salinger penned “The Catcher in the Rye”, which contains the command code-words for MK-ULTRA assassins. The protagonist Holden Caulfield is a study of a paranoiac passive-aggressive character, whose favorite expression is: “You’re killing me.”

CIA Partners with Organized Crime in New England

Around 1950, while Salinger was in Stamford, the CIA recruited a South Boston convict nicknamed “Whitey” Bulger to supply young runaways for mind-control experiments under the fast-expanding MK-ULTRA programs being set up at 44 universities across the United States. The centers for the New England drug experiments were probably the Whiting Forensic Facility at the Connecticut Valley Hospital in Middleford, Connecticut, and Bridgewater Hospital in Massachusetts, the region’s psychiatric facilities for the criminally insane.

With CIA backing, Bulger built up his Winter Hill Gang, composed mainly of Irishmen, who strong-armed their way to control over the Boston’s gambling scene and drug trafficking. While little is known about the political activities of the Bulger gang, its rise to crime dominance coincided with the expansion of weapons smuggling into Northern Ireland in support of the IRA. A parallel cross-Atlantic traffic in drugs (and illegal immigration in the reverse direction) began at the same time. The predominantly Irish political machine of Boston ­ from the Prohibition Era smuggling tycoon Joseph Kennedy Sr, to House Majority Leader Tip O’Neill ­ gave their blessings to the flourishing organized crime network and voiced support for the patriotic IRA “freedom fighters,” who returned the favor to Washington with murderous attacks on American-loathing British figures such as Lord Montbatten.

Connecticut, under control of the Patriciarca crime family, was off-limits to Bulger. The day-to-day operations of the Sicilian immigrants were run by Bill Grasso, head of the clan that later produced Connecticut’s first female governor.

Starting in the 1980s, the DOJ, FBI and CIA launched an all-out war against the Patriciarca mob ­ in order to install their puppet Whitey Bulger as crime boss of New England. FBI agent John Connelly took credit for infiltrating and busting up the Patriarca clan, but later he was exposed as a mole for Bulger. By the early 1990s, Bulger set up his Jai Alai Associates, a betting syndicate based in Connecticut and Florida. Finally, all of New England was safe for CIA smuggling, support for terrorism, money-laundering and mind-control operations.

Whitey Bulger

In 2011, Bulger made headlines with his arrest in Malibu, California, where he had lived for more than a decade “undetected” despite being on the FBI “most wanted” list – on a long vacation thanks to his relationship with the CIA. If there was one point of irritation, however, between the Irish mobster and his controllers, it was his opposition to drug use by teenagers. After seeing first-hand how MK-ULTRA had destroyed the minds of his young recruits, Bulger ordered his gang members never to sell drugs to teenagers. Even a ruthless mobster has more decency that the self-styled “patriots” who run the intelligence services.

Child Porn Hub for New York and Washington

Whatever its genteel image of colonial homes and autumnal foliage, Connecticut has a sleazy underside embedded in its servant pool, welfare households and the chronic unemployed. Bridgeport, with its low-income Puerto Rican population, is a major center for prostitution and recruitment of prostitutes for VIP clients in New York and the nation’s capital.

The pedophile rings have a social-economic hierarchy ­ at the top are the VIP clients, then the intermediaries, often Catholic priests or social-services managers, further down the ladder the operatives ­ losers recruited from prep schools and college campuses – and finally the supply itself – money-hungry willing parents and the unwillingly abducted children.

Newtown, like Fairfield and Stamford, is part of the Diocese of Bridgeport, which got into legal trouble in 2001 due to lawsuits by 23 victims of pedophilia committed by priests. Bishop Edward Egan, then diocese head, was a protector of sexual offender priests, sending them to other areas when parental complaints reached the ears of the police. After the plaintiffs won an out-of-court settlement, the Diocese petitioned the US Supreme Court to quash the thousands of documents detailing the beastly sex crimes. In 2009 Opus Dei honcho Justice Antonin Scalia determined that the court records should not be made public.

In this past year’s pedophile scandal at Penn State, another Opus Dei leader, former FBI director Louis Freeh, was hired as a consultant by the Nittany Lions football team. His whitewash report put most of the blame on head coach Joe Paterno, while suppressing the names and backgrounds of the wealthy and powerful boosters who were provided sexual services from the young football players.

In Connecticut, the Vatican had an interest in wiping the slate clean, and so did the CIA. The clean slate turned out to be a bloody mess.

Agency-Spawned Pedophiles

The MK-ULTRA program that reached into campuses across Connecticut quickly created a human garbage heap of wrecked minds and twisted souls. The child abuse and drugs routinely administered to young trainees led to a permanent social fixture of sadism and sexual abuse throughout New England from the gutter up to the governing class.

In 2011, a Newtown resident named Edwin Wilson was arrested for having a months-long sexual relationship with a 4-year-old girl and producing child-porn videos of their sexual encounters. The arrest was a part of a wide crackdown order the state attorney general, Richard Blumenthal ­ which boosted his successful campaign in the U.S. Senate race. Other cases included: a 24-year-old Hispanic male in Hartford who shot videos of sex with a pre-teen girl; a DJ in Plainfield arraigned on similar charges, an older theater and film teacher accused of using Taft school’s equipment to make kiddie porn ­ the list goes on in sickening detail. Fairfield University, where MK-ULTRA was implanted into New England, recently saw two staffers implicated in the rape of 23 Haitian boys during the earthquake relief effort.

Adam Lanza fits the profile of a pedophile-ring recruit ­ young enough to approach children at the local schools and in the churches, possessing the computer skills to produce child-porn videos and typically passive-aggressive in personality. The Lanzas attended the Saint Rosa of Lima Church, where eight child parishioners were among the shooting victims. Santa Rosa is the very same order that sponsors the western-state hospital that employed Michael Jackson’s physician Dr. Conrad Murray. As in the case of Jackson’s Neverland, after a child-sex experiment blossoms, it must be shut down.

The Lone Gun-Boy Theory

Nancy Lanza kept an arsenal of firearms, and ordered her son to be constantly under watch by older boys. She must have had good reason for being armed to the teeth. Judging from her hoard of rifles and hand guns, she was expecting an all-out assault from a coven of pedophiles, not an attack by a single shooter. The lone gun-boy theory is sheer nonsense ­ her son may have been an accomplice in giving the assailants access to his home but ended up murdered as a patsy.

The coven is larger and more powerful than Mrs. Lanza could ever have imagined. Sexual violation is the key to creating intelligence agents and assassins who are impervious to reason and mercy, lacking any original thoughts or moral qualms. Plus a supply of children is needed in Congress and the White House to entertain the satraps and moguls from Colombian drug lords to Israeli weapons dealers and French money launderers, not to mention America’s own homegrown pervs.

 The rabbit hole then gets deeper, as we look into another resident of Newtown is Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games… A movie about children murdering eachother… Ironic, no ? 

The Motive: Payback for a Double-Cross

If the culprits had been Adam Lanza and his pals, then their response to grounding would have been something like posting photos and addresses of naked children. The method of the shooting ­ point-blank execution-style gun shots ­ indicate that the assailants were professional hit men, probably allied with the Winter Hill Gang.

The Sandy Hook assault happened probably because of a split between competing institutions and diverging policies. On one hand, the gangland figures who cooperated with CIA mind-control program that promoted child-sex as a means of ensuring obedience and secrecy were being challenged by politicians playing up parental demands to clean up the scandalous child-sex problem in Connecticut.

The dirty FBI agent John Connelly was more of a double agent and go-between for the Feds and not simply a Winter Hill mole as portraying at his sentencing. The arrest of Whitey Bulger was a pure-and-simple double-cross by the FBI and CIA, who had used him as an ally in MK-ULTRA and informant for more than a half-century. In his ambitious drive to win a U.S. senatorial seat, state attorney general and now Senator Blumenthal broke the basic rules of mob cooperation. And now that has led to a war on the streets and in the schools.

Unlike the Sicilian crime families who went down easy, the fighting Irish criminals can be counted on to put up a street battle with the same flair as in the movie “The Gangs of New York.” The gangsters have no shortage of allies in the pimps, drug dealers, pedophiles, punks and deranged freaks who have been caught up in the sudden dragnet. The police are outnumbered and easily outgunned. It’s happened before, as in Fort Apache in the South Bronx. Sandy Hook is just the first installment of a payback. If the Feds push any harder, then Bridgeport and Boston will soon be looking like Belfast during the troubles or Beirut in the bad old days.

Stop Drugging the Kids

The mass media is under pressure to cover up the incident with sympathetic blather instead of a sustained probe. Forensic evidence is being literally buried. America is moving on ­ where to, nobody knows. The politicians and cops are now silent and glum. Relying on arrests and wiretapping, they have forgotten that the fight against crime begins with addressing social justice, economic fairness and education ­ and in some unfortunate cases, psychiatric care.

I am Adam Lanza’s Doctor by Rima E Laibow, MD

Was a Senate seat worth the lives of all those children and teachers?  Blumenthal, who paints himself as a clone of the erstwhile New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, will have to live with that question for the remainder of his life. Is the CIA satisfied that its mind-control techniques that have created hordes of homicidal monsters from Iraq to Libya and now Connecticut?

Richard Blumenthal

The lesson of Sandy Hook is that mind-control cannot itself be controlled. Programmed killers are like robots without power-off switches. The process of transforming innocent children into robots through sexual abuse is inhumane and a crime. Whatever MK-ULTRA is called today – since we know it still exists after seeing the Abu Ghraib Prison photos – it must be shut down forever or the murderous nightmare will go on and on. And mind-altering drugs are not just for sinister purposes, since at least 60 percent of U.S. children are on a pharmaceutical dosages long before they can learn how to think. Even parents act as mind-controllers against their own kids.

Now, with the investigation terminated, comes the diversionary exercise of “gun control”, a national effort led by Joe Biden, a member of the Knights of Malta, a politician with an intelligence background who is sworn to protect the interests of the Vatican. Say it ain’t so, Joe. Leave intact the right of armed self-defense or the gangsters will take over everything, but get rid of the drugs and end the mind control ­ and America will be a safer place, especially for its children.

Yoichi Shimatsu, a science writer based in Hong Kong, provides herbal therapy and health counseling to the victims of the Fukushima radiation crisis.