DECACS, Inc. and all its Initiatives

Archive for the ‘Workshops’ Category

PC Helpdesk Services

Don’t Know Where To Start Won’t Start Moves
Too Slowly Does Not Follow Directions  Lost Files
Can’t Find Files   Programs Don’t Run Properly 
Hardware Configuration ConflictsComputer Phobia
Difficulty Understanding Basic Commands & Terms

Overall Frustration With Deep Desire
to Destroy the Animal!!

Before you do anything drastic, Call Nana 

First Time Set Up For Newbies      
 Tutorial Services    Basic Program Utilization    Maintenance
Trouble Shooting    Desk Top & Web Publishing     Consultations
Additional Technical Support        Computer Sales and Repairs
In this day and age, it really is the only way to travel, but you won’t get no where if you get the machine and don’t know what to do after you turn it on.  That is where I come in.  Because I had to learn how, I did, and I am proud to say, you would be most please with my services.    In order to keep up with the fast pace of the world of computer technology, often times the basics get loss in the shuffle, but it is those basics that can determine whether or not you are able to put the purchase of your computer to good use.
  1. Got a New Machine?
  2. Uncertain about what to do Next?
  3. Given up on your machine?
  4. Just need Some Tips & Clues?
  5. Want to work more efficiently and effectively on your computer?

Looking for someone who can bypass the techy talk and tell you how it is??
Need someone to just get you through the basics?
Need a website, blog, or email setup?

Where do I start?
Can’t find the power button?
What’s a monitor, mouse, keyboard, webcam, gadgets, apps, hotkeys?
Where’s my Stuff?
How do I get on line?
How do I search google?
What’s a browser?
What’s Social Media?
What’s an upgrade, error?
Do I need Anit-virus?
What’s the difference between software and hardware?
What is Wifi?
Why won’t it start?
The “blue screen of death”?????

Just got a new computer and asking yourself, WTH?

Computers can be hard and scary. Let’s talk basic maintenance. 
Computers can last a long time if they are properly maintained. 
Call Nana

Welcome to DECACS, Inc.


Several Culturally Enriching programs are the backbone of DECACS, Inc. programming. These programs can be enjoyed locally and globally. Through extensive travel, networking and researching, it is clear that Culture programs spearhead the closing of the cultural divide, fosters understanding between peoples and encourages exchange on a broad level.


To use a multi-disciplinarian approach to mental health for children and their families by using the comprehensive tools of counseling, education, creativity and cultural enrichment. We reach out to others who are less fortunate year round. And especially to our seniors, and young children in schools around our country and the world. All too often these populations are not able to participate in fine cultural enrichment programming that we offer due to financial constraints.


To provide supportive and preventive services of counseling, cultural enrichment, education and creativity to children and their families adding a comprehensive component to the traditional services offered by mental health professionals. Through the utilization of the many skills and talents of a multi-disciplinarian team of professionals, this program will foster learning and healing more effectively because the participants will be using other creative as well as cognitive abilities to understand their inner and outer worlds. This will stimulate growth on many levels, provide hope and help to facilitate fuller, more prosperous and responsible human beings.