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Obama’s Birth Certicate (Videos)

Obama’s Birth Certificate
NB Commentary: The resurgence of this issue is a smoke screen, everybody already knows that the certificate is a fraud at worse and has been tampered with at best! That’s why he had to kill Osama bin Laden again to cover it up.
This is a distraction away from PizzaGate and pedophilia which is a much more heinous crime and is world wide and goes all the way to the top.
Frankly, these folks will throw Obama under the bus if it means saving their asses from being exposed as part of a worldwide pedophile ring.
It’s classic bate and switch.

How many times have the issues and concerns around child trafficking and pedophilia and Satanic ritual abuse been presented to the public, and as soon as the debate and investigations reach a fever pitch, out comes some other distraction to steer the crowd onto another topic of interest.
They spent a great deal of time side tracking the Podesta emails. Election fraud, fake news, Russian Hackers, China’s gearing up, protests against Trump’s election, and now, the infamous birther issue which ironically, Trump brought to the forefront of the American people’s mind, then he dismissed it and now it’s back up again.

What will he say? Is this still another ploy to discredit Trump and question his integrity?
Or, like always, is this just another decoy, to steer the publics’ attention from the despicable corruption that is intrinsic in the offices of world government and the Vatican.
Again, every body already knows that the certificate is illegitimate for the simple fact that it has been tampered with. If you or I tampered with our birth certificate we would be in big trouble, right? It would quickly delegitimize us and forget about that great job offer!
Nobody has time to impeach him and reverse all of his laws and executive orders he put in place. He will slide right out of view, just like Bush, and will probably be pardoned like Bush was too if they do find anything on him. These war criminals look out for their own.
It is obvious that Obama and Hillary are of no use to the Powers that Shouldn’t be.

So yeah, this is mute and really no big deal unless they want to derail it by pushing the red button.

 Malik Obama interviewed by Director Joel Gilbert (Dreams from My Real Father)