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Archive for the ‘conspiracy’ Category

Where Is This Flat Earth? A Question for Flat Earthers (VIDEOS)

Where Is This Flat Earth? A Question for Flat Earthers.


After watching this video on’s channel called
“Top Vatican Jesuit Astronomer; Earth is Flat, Gravity is Obsolete.”
It aroused in me a few questions. I want to ask all you Flat Earthers out there and
I hope you can answer my question. Over and over again folks keep saying they can see that the earth is flat. They use all kinds of tests and experiments to prove their point.
It is obvious that NASA (never a straight answer) is making up stuff as they go along. They use creative graphic artists to give us these amazing pictures, do-dads and what-nots to give us what they THINK it must look like out there. Okay, so you got me to this point.
But what I want to know is this, if the earth is flat, then what is the Earth flatly on?
Is it under water?
If so, where is the water coming from? What is the water encased in?
Is it a flat dome covered spaceship, floating out in space?
Is it a stationary flat doom covered spaceship.
Is the earth and all of its inhabitants just a fig-newton of someone’s imagination?
Cause you see, unless you can tell me the actual location of this flat dome covered big ole rock then it stands to my reasoning that it may very well be flat, but it has to be held up by something.
Throw gravity out of the window, what is holding this flat dome covered rock in place?

I think that if flat earthers cannot answer that question and present specific evidence that the Earth is indeed flat, then the debate will go on endlessly because the real questions are not being answered and that is….. Where is this Flat Earth located in the scheme of things and how is it being held up, contained, held stationery, immovable,  and all the other answers that would make this flat earth notion fly..
I really don’t care about what this so-called Vatican Astronomer has said, it’s disengenuous to accept some things they say and ignore other stuff they say and do. Either they are gonna be impeccable points of light when it comes to truth, or they are just liars telling a little truth like the rest of them.
Where is the real answer?
Who has the real answer?
And when will it be revealed?
Many Flat earthers consider themselves Christians, however, they also believe that Christ ascended into heaven. If the earth is covered by a dome, then what heaven did he ascend into. Did he ascend into a hole in the dome? And if so, how come his ascension did not cause a full scale flooding of the planet?
How can you have it both ways?
How can you even believe he is coming back to save the world, and he will be in the flesh, yet you cannot say where he even went, and if we are living under a dome, and he ascended in the flesh, then how did he get through that dome?
So back to my original question.
Where is this Flat Earth located in the scheme of things and what is it anchored upon?

Million Women March on Day After Inauguration Set to Dwarf Inauguration Attendance

Wow, they are gonna get their divide and conquer by any means necessary.
Don’t like it, protest it!
Don’t like somebody else’s leader ruling over you?
Protest it.
Somebody else’s leader can go to hell in a hand basket. F ’em. Not my President!
I can hear the chanting.
Drop tons of dollars into the coffers of this corrupt system!Protest more and more, buy sharpies and card board and bus tickets and hotel rooms and show that Billionaire you can pay other billionaires you favor, to continue to rule over you.
Your rulers are better than their rulers. Cause your ruler eats Kennel Ration.
Kick him out of office, disgrace him. Show him how much you hate him. Show him how deplorable he is. 
Protest, protest and protest some more.
Show the new world order that you are willing sheep who won’t take responsibility for your actions but want the government to be responsible for your actions. 
Show them you will be quite happy if they would dispose this maniacal demon AND replace him with….. um……who? Hillary? Forget her scandals, at least she loves women, and on a good day she might speak up for them.
Don’t show the NWO that you realize that you are being played and taken to the bank, because you keep supporting the system that is eating at your very being. You just want to have the right to choose your predator. Never mind that the other guy won, fair and square according to the election results.
Look, if you wanna play this game of STATISM, be a good order follower and chum up to your new leader. MAYBE he’ll be kind and never grab another pussy, ever. Maybe he won’t call fat women fat anymore or CNN, fake news and maybe, you could get him to DO something for women’s rights like stop being friends with the Saudis like his predecessors before him.
I don’t get it. If you don’t like the system the way it’s set up, then why did you vote in the first place?
It just looks like you don’t like the system when it’s not in your favor.
Why protest, when you could shut it down by not spending a single dime for 3 days.
Maybe folks like being on television.
The Rise of the Woman = The Rise of the Nation

Is Pizza-Gate a Psyops? (Videos)

Is Pizza-Gate a Psyops?

NB Commentary: The Internet is a blaze with all manner of  memes, information, disinformation, misinformation and out right lies about the phenomenon presently called pizza-gate. Why?
Is it because we have found out that our so-called public officials have indulged in such debauchery and now we are all appalled?
Is it because mainstream media is using the tactic of crying out against “fake news”?
Is it because people just can’t even imagine the abuse of small children to such a large degree?
Is it because it has gone on for so long and people have been killed when they attempt to uncover it or have blatantly discovered it without any contest? (Ted Gunderson and
Centre County Attorney, Ray Gricar, went missing while investigating 
the Sandusky child sex abuse ring, for example, along with many others who died mysteriously when investigating this.)
Is it because people who have strong religious leaning can push their agenda and claim that going back to Jesus will save us all from this hideous activity?
Is it because people are appalled that anyone would do what they, in their own hearts have dreamed about, imagined or even attempted to do but pulled back because it was soooo wrong in their estimation? Besides, what if they got found out.
Stay with me here….. I am going to take you on a journey. A journey that goes cross

cultures into the deep recesses of the very spiritual/religious leanings that humans have used to feel sanctified and above reproach.

Now, let’s look at the psyops aspect of it first.
What is a Psysops? It’s commonly known as Psychological Operations. The definition is as follows.
Psyops, or psychological operations, is a term used to describe the techniques of psychological manipulation used in warfare. These operations are used to deceive, confuse, disrupt and demoralize the enemy, with an aim toward weakening enemy resistance or even causing enemy forces to surrender and enemy populations to capitulate.
As the flip-side to the ancient wisdom that knowledge is key to all successful warfare strategies, the art of deliberately sewing deception has been understood and practiced for thousands of years.
But.. Psychological operations can range in scope from those that heal and those that harm.  Some may simply be benign. The mind is being manipulated for some reason or other, by another, or maybe even by the individual themselves who may play mind games on him/herself and those around them.
For example, a person may rent a very expensive car, drive it through the neighborhood, show up on their neighbor’s doorstep, show off their car and drive away. In that instance, those who do not know the origin of the car would surmise this person had money. Why, because it would take a heap of money to own such a vehicle.  From there they would brag to their friends or shall I say report to their friends that “So and So” has a heap of money.  “So and So” drives off having psychically manipulated their perception of reality.  He has performed a psyops.. Or con game as it is commonly called when the government is not involved.
So, how often have we, in our individual lives, perpetrated a fraud for the purpose of managing perception of ourselves by others?  Women may use make-up, men may build muscle… all in all it’s about creating a perception, a persona, a concept. But is any of it real?

Most times people relate to psyops as something that is done for nefarious reasons, they seldom look in the mirror to ask themselves how many times have they engaged in the same behavior.

Now, let’s look at pedophilia… which mainly eludes to illicit sex with children by adults. Children who in most cases, not all, are remiss and resistant to it.  Now, turn around and look at the sexualization of children, particularly in western societies. I do realize that this is not a Western Phenomenon, only.
Far from it, but it is blatantly apparent in the Western World.  How often do we as parents, adults, etc, encourage our children to embrace the habits, ways and dress of adults? How many of us expose our children to all manner of behavior through television, movies and print media? Have we ever thought about how this primes them to become “sex slaves” as it were?
Why do we over-sexualize our children? Why do we allow them to view and or engage in sexual promiscuity via the media and in this day and age, YouTube animations that are supposedly designed for children but have so many sexual overtones it’s unbelievable.

I always say, this is an adult world.  We birth our children into it and scare them to death the entire time they are here. We don’t protect them, or shield them from that which would harm them most. And in this case, we don’t teach them boundaries and give them consciousness that will help them to determine what is good or safe touch and what is not.  We get caught up in the fanfare and notoriety and celebrity madness.  We allow them to see half naked women in suggestive poses and we applaud their nakedness.  We allow them to listen to music that is sensational and very, very sexual.  Therefore we prime them to the point where they know no boundaries or are confused about boundaries between adults and children, thus they are easily manipulated to get into the car or bed of a stranger and/or relative.
We allow them to dance suggestively with each other and with adults. We don’t teach them the appropriate behavior which is really a safe behavior in essence.
Ironically, those folks who want to change this and demand toy manufactures, modeling agencies, media moguls, entertainment, etc., to stop over sexualizing the children would need to go to their respective representatives in the hopes of getting them to enact legislation that would crack down on these exploitive practices.  Sadly, too many of them are indulgent and would be too weak to stand against it, may be too afraid to do so, or may simply ignore the outcry do to their own complicity.
Now, to the spiritual/religious/cultural overtones here.

If we go back to the beginning, well, let’s just go to the Bible for starters… Adam

and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel.  According to the story, Cain killed Abel and was exiled. Where did he go and if there was only Adam and Eve, surely he died of loneliness, but I digress.

Let’s go back to Adam and Eve. With their one son at first and then more children coming after, how did they procreate? It would have had to been incestuous quite frankly if we go by the story. If not, then there had to have been more than one Adam and One Eve.  If we stick with the Bible story, then we are clearly seeing the population increase through some type of incestuous relationships between parents and siblings because it would have taken many more people to bring the entire human race into existence. Would it not??
And let’s just take a brief look at this terminology. “The Sons of God came unto the daughters of men and there were giants n the land.”  Were the sons adults and the daughters children?  Were the Sons children and the daughters children and if so, how did they procreate, and create giants no less.
And just a little note about Noah and his family.
Clearly there had to have been incestuous relationships between the family members in order to re-populate the earth after the great flood.
Now, let’s go to Greece… We have many stories of the Greek Gods incestuous relationships. Mothers having children with sons, Fathers having sex with daughters.. Children being sister/brother wives. I won’t detail the instance, you can look that up for yourself.  Gods eating their children.
If the Gods did it, then why not humans?  Would doing it make you more Godly or closer to God?
It can be dismissed as just myth and lore, but can it really??
It’s a psyops. It shapes perception of reality.
And let’s not talk about Santa Claus and his eminent domain to invade peoples homes all around the world, but I digress again.
Let’s go back to Egypt or Khemet as it has also been referred to. Here we find the same thing happening.  Mothers giving birth to children after having intercourse with their son.  We have brother and sister husband and wives.  We have another culture of incestuous relationships that are documented on the walls of antiquity and glossed over as if it makes no difference at all.  It is another Psyops.
Even in African spirituality there are instances where the story goes… Mother mates with her son to bring forth others.
Around the world in small communities where there are no others for miles and miles and miles, there has to be co-mingling among them in order for them to survive.  If restrictions were placed upon them that kept them from interbreeding, they would essentially die out, would they not?
Stay with me here.
Now,  if co-mingling with relatives is part of human nature, or human society going back centuries, then to scoff at it now is disingenuous or is it not?
Religious and societal sanctions began to emerge over time to relegate the close inter-breeding and marrying between close relatives and even siblings as a sin or deviant, punishable by those in authority.  The Catholic Church went so far as to say, you can marry your second cousin but no one closer than that.
Now, let’s look at Pedophilia. It is commonly believed that pedophilia is an act
upon a  AN UNWILLING child by an adult.
Now, let’s look at the psyops aspect of this. More than likely an adult has lured the child and convinced the child that it is safe, especially if it wants to keep the child participating.  Of course there are instances of child abductions and the child is screaming and cryin gand trying to break free.  However, I would wager that is not the norm in these so-called pedophile rings.  The screaming fear and chaos comes later on after the child has been primed.
When an individual engages in sex, certain energies are released.  These energies create a type of nirvana upon climax and Endorphine are released causing a feeling of peace and tranquility.  If the individual is under duress, the climax may happen but is short lived and then it becomes a high that is chased after for the duration.  Many people become sex addicts do to the pleasure they derive from the sex act and the momentary feeling of nirvana at the point of climax.  It gets distorted when a child is involved as the child cannot emit a corresponding energy as an adult would, therefore it’s like only getting an ounce of nirvana when a gallon is required.
So why do they do it?  Because it becomes an addiction and like any other addiction they run after it.  The child is emitting an energy of fear, trepidation, anxiety, anger, confusion, etc. which can also provide a momentary shot.  Therefore they have to have a lot of children to get the full “hit” or so they think.  There is no full hit, there is only fragmented beings, being used in a fragmented and distorted way.. Emitting fragmented and distorted energies causing a fragmented and distorted addiction.
In modern society, the sexualization of children offers many options for those who have the inclination toward pedophilia. 
1) they can fantasize in private 
2) they can get closer to the object of their fantasy by attending child beauty pageants
3) they can become advocates for the safety of children while secretly molesting them
4) it normalizes the sexual admiration of a child thru publicity
5) it fosters credence build on this acceptance and thus it pardons those who actively participate in pedophilic acts 
6) it can be used as a tool for blackmail especially for those who are wealthy and/or in high office,
7) it normalizes a rape culture 
8) it normalizes child abuse on varying levels.
9)due to the secrecy involved, it allows this behavior to go on unimpeded for decades even centuries  when coupled with trauma it release an addictive energetic frequency driving the pedophile to the point of an insane insatiable appetite for the experience.
10)it erodes the fabric of a society rendering it extremely harmful to its members which could lead to total collapse of its viability to sustain its most vulnerable, the children
11)the children who manage to grow up are severely emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually damaged, may become perpetrators themselves and/or become psychotic
12)this psychosis acts like a virus and spreads to the other members of society creating a poisonous frequency on a psychic level that without the total dismantling of the distortion the society becomes a cesspool of discordant, destructive energies.
What I am saying is this, pedophilia and incest is a part of human history and cultures.  Presently it may be demonized in some and herald in others, however, if we go back to the spiritual and fundamental origins of it, we can trace it back thousands upon thousands of years.  Children have been used in blood sacrifices, thrown to the volcano, sacrificed to the goods for a harvest and eaten for longevity.  If we look deep enough we may find that the rise and fall of so-called great civilizations had and intimate relationship with the rise and fall of these acts against its children.
The question is, Why??

The Occult Cult of Celebrity and the Erosion of the Self.

The cult of celebrity is no different from the multifarious ancient cults of Gods, goddesses and mortals mixed up, often with fatal results, in the general spiritual hierarchy of the ancient world.

What is it about human nature that makes humans susceptible to this behavior towards its young?  Is it the lore, the myth or the taboo?  In some instances these acts made a person closer to the Gods, garnered them favor, staved off famine and earth change catastrophes.

Remember, Abraham who was told by his God to sacrifice his son to prove his faithfulness?  That was not unusual for that to happen. Human sacrifice was not rare. They say Yeshuwa was the last “human sacrifice” and yet people eat his body and drink his blood, every Sunday. Think about that.

Where does this come from?  Why are humans cannibals?  Why do they kill their children?  Why do they eat their young thinking it will elongate their own lives?  Why do the molest and rape them?
To Me this predilection is the real psyops, the real rabbit hole.  Somewhere along the way, humanity has been hardwired to indulge in this type of behavior.  Whether out in the open in certain cultures or in secret dark rooms, tunnels and dungeons in others. One of the reasons it won’t stop is because it is in us. It is in all of us. 
If we are all God’s creatures, made by God, then why did God create us this way?  Even animals protect their young. They do not set up altars to ritualistically kill them.  And only when they have matured do they enter into sexual behavior with them.  I once had a cat who had several kittens. One of her kittens continued to nurse past the time needed and would get an erection while nursing his mother. Whenever he came near her she would quickly push him away.  Of course animals are not always the greatest examples to draw from,  but they at least don’t seem to need to appease the Gods by sacrificing their children.

Sacred prostitution
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sacred prostitution, temple prostitution, cult prostitution[1], or religious prostitution is a sexual ritual consisting of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship, perhaps as a form of fertility rite and divine marriage (hieros gamos). Scholars have long considered such practices to be customary in the ancient world.
Some scholars prefer the term sacred sex to sacred prostitution in cases where payment for services was not involved. The Greek term hierodoulos or hierodulehas sometimes been taken to mean sacred holy woman, but it is more likely to refer to a former slave freed from slavery in order to be dedicated to a god.[2] The Hebrew term qedesha is often translated literally as temple holy one.
The Greeks[edit]
Plato was an early critic of sexual intercourse in pederastic relationships, proposing that men’s love of boys avoid all carnal expression and instead progress from admiration of the lover’s specific virtues to love of virtue itself in abstract form. While copulation with boys was often criticized and seen as shameful and brutish,[48] other aspects of the relationship were considered beneficial, as indicated in proverbs such as A lover is the best friend a boy will ever have.
Child abuse issues[edit]
Though pederasty was once accepted in many cultures, some modern observers have retrospectively labeled it abusive. Enid Bloch argues that many Greek boys who were involved in paederastic relationships may have been harmed by the experience, if the relationship included anal sex. Bloch writes that the boy may have been traumatized by knowing that he was violating social customs. According to her, the “most shameful thing that could happen to any Greek male was penetration by another male.” In this respect Bloch is in accord with Greek sexual morality, which also recognized a difference between ethical pederasty which excluded anal sex and “hubristic” pederasty which was believed to debase the boy as well as the man who penetrated him.[89]
Bloch further argues that vases showing “a boy standing perfectly still as a man reaches out for his genitals” indicate the boy may have been “psychologically immobilized, unable to move or run away.”[90] Many other vases show the boy running away.[91]
The Truth About Easter and the Secret Worship of the Anunnaki
The Satanic Ritual of Sacrificing Children
Every year, the priests of Ishtar would impregnate young virgins on an altarannu dedicated to herself and her husband*. The children were born on Christmas (!!!), and the next year they were sacrificed in the Easter’s Sunday at the sunrise service. The priests would take Ishtar’s eggs and dye them in the blood of the sacrificed children.
*Inanna’s husband was none other that the infamous god Moloch or Melekh, to whom children were – and still are – sacrificed in Satanic rituals. Satanism is the religious worship of the Anunnaki, and the human and animal sacrifices were/are part of the rituals.
The Canadian Genocide: Tens of Thousands of CHILDREN Killed by the CHURCH
Pope Francis, the Jesuits and the Church of England to be Prosecuted for Child Trafficking and Genocide — The Queen of England Already Found Guilty
The Orange County Pedophilia Ring is Protected – Dozens of Missing Children, Investigators ‘Suicided’
He says he was initiated into:
“… the oldest, most pristine form of Satanism, the old Sumero-Akkadian-Babylonian mystery religion …Inherent in this culture is the presence and power of demonic spirits, and they became an integral part of my life and even my being. In a culture addicted to power, demonic spirits offered the ultimate power trip. If, in American culture, people are addicted to comfort, status, and prestige, in Satanic culture people are addicted to demonic power. 
“Satanism has pervaded western civilization …It has been growing for thousands of years, quietly weaving its way through the very fabric of the culture and the power structures of the nations in the West. It has adherents in all walks of life, in all incomes, and all social strata. It has exerted a profound influence on the intellectual life of the West for the past several hundred years …Satanism has influenced politics, economics, art and music, through the spiritual-psychological process called dissociation, and dissociation is as old as human culture itself.”4
There are so many questions and the more you know the more there is to know. But at this point in the journey it can be firmly stated that there is a considerable reptilian connection to ancient and modern control and manipulation of the human race. That is not to say all reptilians in all existence, just some of them. But then we need to ask about the consciousness that incarnates into the reptilian stream because in the end the decisions of action and behavior are taken by consciousness.

John A. Keel points out that historical records say the priests claimed to have the ability to communicate with other-dimensional beings, and that the kings and emperors, including people like Julius Caesar and Napoleon, met with strange beings who materialized and dematerialized. The same goes with today’s leaders who consult their other-dimensional demonic masters. Keel details the literature on secret societies that describes many materializations of fearsome demons, which gave out orders and directed their followers to commit murder or political manipulation. Those who disobeyed would be killed by the entity or fellow members.
“Thus,” he wrote, “the ultraterrestrials are able to guide and control human events through evil men lusting for power.”8
Exactly. Keel goes on:
“…The startling truth, as carefully recorded by the ancient historians, is that ultraterrestrials have always been in direct contact with millions of individuals and that they actually ruled directly over mankind for many years. In recent centuries their influence has become more subtle, but it is always there.”9
Only by understanding the nature of the infinite frequencies or densities of existence can we begin to see the plot. We are being controlled and manipulated on this planet from other dimensions or densities and have been for thousands of years, at least.
The well known writer and researcher on “UFO” topics, Dr Jacques Vallee, asked the right questions when he said:
“Are we dealing…with a parallel universe, where there are human races living, and where we may go at our expense, never to return to the present? Are these races only semi-human, so that in order to maintain contact with us, they need crossbreeding with men and women of our planet?
Is this the origin of the many tales and legends where genetics plays a great role: the symbolism of the Virgin in occultism and religion, the fairy tales involving human midwives and changelings, the sexual overtones of the flying saucer reports, the biblical stories of intermarriage between the Lord’s angels and terrestrial women, whose offspring were giants?
From that mysterious universe, have objects that can materialize and ‘dematerialize’ at will been projected? Are the UFOs ‘windows’ rather than ‘objects’? There is nothing to support these assumptions, and yet, in view of the historical continuity of the phenomenon, alternatives are hard to find, unless we deny the reality of ail the facts, as our peace of mind would indeed prefer.”10>
But humans are doing precisely this to each other every day by demanding that everyone conform to the norms to which they blindly conform. This is nothing less than psychological fascism – the thought police with agents in every home, everywhere. Agents so deeply conditioned that most have no idea they are unpaid mind controllers. “I’m just doing what’s right for my children” I hear them say. 
No, what you have been programmed to believe is right for them and the belief, also, that only you know best. I remember debating with a former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom at the Oxford Union debating society and he simply could not see a difference between education and indoctrination. It was a wonder to behold. 
We see this same theme in our daily experiences of people in uniform and others from the masses who are promoted to power over the masses. It’s summed up by the satirical version of the British Labour Party song, The Red Flag, which goes:
“The working class can kiss my arse, I’ve got the foreman’s job at last.”
10 Ancient Cultures That Practiced Ritual Human Sacrifice
I’m a self-declared life long student enrolled in a study of history, civilization, and comparative mythology. One of the most fascinating subjects, almost taboo to discuss, is to look with morbid curiosity on the practice of blood offerings….be it lovely doves or gentle lambs, but especially, humans, and even more so…. innocent human children. We ponder the mystery of a superstitious culture when we view the image of a delicate child mummy sacrificed thousands of years ago in some pre-Colombian ritual. We contemplate what kind of human need there was for this sort of dark practice, and if the seeds of this need lurk in us still today, passed genetically from an ancestor who lived hundreds and thousands of years ago. This ritualistic killing was usually associated with appeasing a god, often to ensure a good harvest. However, no culture is exempt from this practice.
He’s talking about parents sacrificing their children to idol gods—a practice that was quite common in ancient times.  Multiple gods got in on the ritual, and if you were really in a desperate situation, you might try offering up your kid to a god who you didn’t normally give that type of offering to.  But some gods—such as the Ammonite god named Molek—required child sacrifice on a regular basis, which is why the ancient Jews had set aside a whole ravine near the city of Jerusalem to serve as an ongoing child barbecue.  Children were burned alive on super-heated metal idol arms, and you can just imagine how unpleasant the smells and sounds of such a practice would be.  It was the infamous Valley of Ben Hinnom which Jesus later used as a metaphor for what Hell would be like: a fire that never dies, weeping and anguish, a foul stench.  When Jesus talks about Gehenna in the Gospel books, He’s referring to Ben Hinnom.  When Yahweh speaks of Tophet in the Old Testament books, He’s referring to the actual altar in the valley where children were physically killed.  Clearly this whole practice was horrific and disturbing on every level.  But it was also going on all of the time and right next to the most famous city in Israel.  Jerusalem was a major trade center, a very popular worship center, and a key cultural landmark.  Yet if you come to Jerusalem, you end up getting a faceful of Tophet, and how are you not disturbed by such a thing?  You see, the Jews weren’t trying to hide what they were doing.  It’s more like they were intentionally doing it on a grand stage which was strategically located in a place where no one could miss it.  Yes, we Christians certainly do want to know that our good Gods are horrified by such a terrible practice, so we feel good when we read about Yahweh exclaiming His horror of this practice not just once, but three times in the book of Jeremiah.
Now wait a second.  Here’s Yahweh telling Abraham to barbecue Isaac on some rocks many centuries before the prophet Jeremiah was even born.  Suddenly Yahweh’s three claims to have never commanded child sacrifice are sounding disturbingly hypocritical.  And then there was that trick He pulled on Jephthah—a guy who vowed to give Yahweh a special sacrifice in return for Yahweh giving Jephthah a miraculous military victory.
Jephthah lived on a farm and had his share of animals.  He was used to coming home and having some four-legged thing run to meet him.  So when he promised to roast the first creature to greet him when he returned from battle, he figured he was striking up a pretty safe bargain with God.  But it turned out that Yahweh didn’t appreciate having His help being treated so cheaply, so after giving Jephthah the victory he wanted, Yahweh made sure that it was Jephthah’s own daughter who outran all of the animals on the day that Jephthah returned from battle.  Shocked and horrified by the unexpected turn of events, Jephthah recognized that God was disciplining him for his bad attitude, and he dutifully sacrificed his daughter.  So now we have two incidents of Yahweh requiring child sacrifice: one was a direct command, the other was through a manipulation of circumstances.  In the case of Abraham, Yahweh called the sacrifice off before it was completed.  But in the case of Jephthah, the young woman went down without any Divine intervention.  Do these stories bother us?  Of course they do.  Jephthah’s disturbing account is sandwiched right between the stories of Gideon and Samson—two characters who get frequent mention in Sunday School classes.  Yet we consistently skip over Jephthah’s three chapters (Judges 10-12), because it’s just too upsetting to think that Yahweh would ever really want child sacrifice.
Now even if Yahweh didn’t have any history of demanding child sacrifice from His followers, it is beyond ludicrous for a sovereign God to claim that His own creatures can ever do anything which hasn’t occurred to Him.  It is our Gods who set the limits on who we humans are and define all of our capacities.  We can’t just sit around brainstorming original ideas.  Like children who are choosing a cookie from a plate that mom has set out, we can only ever choose among possibilities that our Gods have made available to us.  So no, child sacrifice really wasn’t a human original.  Not only did Yahweh conceive of the possibility long before we did, but He also designed us with the capacity to find such a loathsome activity appealing under certain circumstances.  Whose idea was it to make human beings so utterly selfish that they’d be willing trash their own family members in order to get some god to send rain down on their thirsty crops?  Who designed human parents to feel bonded to their own offspring, yet ensured that that bond could also be eroded under certain circumstances? It was our three glorious Creators who designed us to be the selfish, sadistic little creatures that we are, and it was our Creators who taught us everything we know about evil.  We humans can do nothing apart from our Gods, and we can’t comprehend anything without Them making our minds work.
In the Old Testament, Yahweh boasts of having absolute control over all things—including life and death.  It was through the mouth of Moses that He said:
Christian Deceptions: Case Study: Rebranding a Sky God
Where Human sacrifices are still taking place throughout the world
Drug gangs, witch doctors and weird cults – the terrifying modern face of human sacrifice
The end of innocence: The cost of sexualizing kids
Not long after, the kids were called out to dance to the hit songs of the season – these songs in my opinion should be rated PG 13. 4-6 year olds trooped to the dance floor, miming the sexually explicit songs and gyrating their bodies in the most sensual manner. They could have given Beyounce a run for her money. 
They ran their hands over their bodies, shook their booties hard while their parents cheered them on. The boys had their upper shirts unbuttoned and rapped along perfectly to gangsta raps while doing flawless break dance. 
Predator Potential
While it might appear that the audience at child pageants is comprised of family and friends of the children who compete, there’s no guarantee that strangers with nefarious intentions haven’t infiltrated the crowd. Whether pedophiles attend the pageants or simply collect the adult-looking photos that many pageant moms love to post online, the mini contestants may easily be exposed to those with a sick interest in them. There’s really no way to tell whether the friendly man taking hours of video footage in the corner is an uncle, grandfather or pedophile.
Instead of thrusting your child forward into the limelight that may cause the destruction of her confidence and send her the message that her only worth lies in how she looks, allow your child to be a child. Surround her with trusted family and friends, encourage her to participate in activities that promote her intellectual and physical abilities and, most of all, keep her away from the sordid world of child pageants.
what’s with parents who watch their little kids dance like prostitutes at parties, in front of everyone and actually cheer them on! The three or four presenters all seemed to agree and one even shared a story of how his 7 year old cousin was dancing at a party and everyone cheered, then the girl suddenly broke into some dip-it-low booty poppin’ moves and her mother immediately sprang up from her seat and dragged her off the dance floor. For me this was an Aha! moment; So I’m not insane then, I’m not the only who thinks that’s just outright wrong.
Aliens and Sex with human Women
“Sorcerers chiefly used the blood sacrifice; and while we hold this to be evil, we cannot deny that this method is very efficient. Power flashes forth from newly shed blood, instead of exuding slowly as by our method. The victim’s terror and anguish add keenness, and even quite a small animal can yield enormous power.The great difficulty is in the human mind controlling the power of the lower animal mind. But sorcerers claim they have methods for effecting this and that the difficulty disappears the higher her the animal used, and when the victim is human disappears entirely. (The practice is an abomination but it is so.) 
Santa Claus Is An Illegal Alien
What is Santeria?
Celebrating our African historical personalities,discoveries, achievements and eras as proud people with rich culture, traditions and enlightenment spanning many years.

Podesta Emails FireStorm-Free Speech Or Censorship (Videos)

NB Commentary: By now it is clear that the so called 1st Amendment is in grave jeopardy. Not like it wasn’t before but it has become blatantly apparent that it is seriously going down hill a thousand miles an hour.

Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have all thrown their hats into the ring of fire. Censorship is ironically being championed by the very Social Media outlets that have made their billions off Social Media.

With the President weighing in on the threat of “Fake News” sites being an affront to Democracy, these wondrous outlets are browning their noses to keep in the good favors of the establishment while corporate media loses its grip on mass consumption. Day by day, little by little, sites are going down, one by one. And we thought the UN take over of the Internet was bad. We never guessed, or did we, that our favorite social media sites would turn us over to the Big Guys and shut us down.


As we all know, The New York Times is liberal propane a tool and today’s article calling VC’s article “fake news” is a perfect example of how the perverse elite network of child pedos will present a united front to discredit any effort that blows the whistle and publicizes their debauchary. This is what the owner of Comet Ping Pong meant when he arrogantly stated he wasn’t worried about anything because he has “community support” and is protected from the blowback. They have created this new topic “fake news” and included all real whistle blower efforts under this moniker to fool the masses who are still asleep. But those of us who are Awake know there is nothing fake about the numerous missing children and testimonies and allegations of children who say they have been mercilessly exploited by a network of powerful military, government, celebrity and wealthy elites.

Well folks, it’s happened and we have Podesta to blame! Why did he do that? Couldn’t he have created his own line of innuendos and analogies rather than using the tried and true ones that would lead him and us, straight to a pedophilia connection? Didn’t he realize that we have active imaginations and would basically begin to surmise that along with pedophilia that these folks going to Abramovic’s parties was gonna eat the pizza and the children too. Haven’t we seen enough movies about this debauchery to believe it all to be true? And what about the underground tunnels? Wait, this isn’t Gaza.
That poor ole construction company on the same block as Comet Pizza certainly has not inkling of what could possibly be going on behind closed doors, or inside the holes they are filling in, or opening up, which one is it, since they do both, I would imagine. I saw that in the movies as well.

Can we get Podesta to erase all of his emails? No wait. He did erase some of them.
Then how did these get out? The devil is in the details. Podesta, were you being devilish or what?

Now, we, the innocent public and wanna be journalist, have to censor ourselves or be banned forever.  We are not faced with having to figure out a way to say it, without saying it.  You know, maybe we could come up with our own language. A Pizza with a line threw it.

Or maybe the word PEDO spelled backwards, with a line through it.
Let’s use adult bodies with children clothes on it and put a line through that. Ha, that might be too risqué as we know that sometimes mean pedophilia as well.
Well, I guess we will just have to find alternatives to the alternatives and investigate and share our findings on other outlets. And I guess Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube haven’t gotten the memo. Just like we found their social networks we can find others.

BTW, they actually banned Reddit and Twitter posters and their posts!!! Imagine that!! There are some folks in some really influential places who can pull some strings and get the job done. Too bad they didn’t do that to the advantage of the people. Too bad it was done to cover their own dirty tricks and not to expose the real culprits, who are not the ones reporting it, but the ones hiding it.

Too bad the sake, life and mental health of thousands of children is not as important as their image, sales and profits. It’s simply too bad and very, very sad.
Below, I have listed several sites that have not been censored.. So far anyways.
I’ve created this blog to share the information 4chan has collectively gathered and researched about a suspected pedophilia and human trafficking ring that we seem to have uncovered existing within our DC politicians and the elite class.
It all started with one incredibly suspicious email that had skeptics suggesting they weren’t actually talking about pizza, but rather in code. Here it is;

International Intelligence Expert, By Tom Heneghan

The U.S. Military Flag Officers also have total proof that junior George W. Bush’s war in Iraq was based on lies, was illegal and UN-Constitutional, and that the 9/11 BLACK OP attack on the American People was an inside job and an extension of the year 2000 electoral coup d’état, which allowed George W. Bush to illegally take power in the United States, then with the events of 9/11 declare “Martial Law” on American soil using the UN-Constitutional Patriot Act similar to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi German 1933 “Enabling Act”.


Daily Stormer
November 8, 2016
Really disturbing investigation into all the evidence linking Clinton and her entourage to pedophilia and child trafficking.
It’s ludicrous that such demonic people are being considered for the highest office in the land…

A Treasure Trove of Information, Past and Present:




James Alefantis is the owner of pizza joint Comet Ping Pong, he is the romantic partner of former CTR director David Brock. Here is a link confirming this and showing them caught up with another individual in some kind of blackmail love triangle:

BREAKING: From the anon who brought you the Laura Silsby connection: I have uncovered a pedophile with links to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, David Brock, George Soros, Marina Abramovic and the Podestas


Rudy Guiliani & FBI Complicit in Covering Up Cases of Child Rape at Westpoint as US Attorney in 1984; Evidence: Children with Lacerated Vagina etc. Money awarded in civil case

Will General Flynn Bust the DC Pizzagate Pedophile Ring?

Editor’s Note
The following articles are provided for those who are new to PIZZAGATE. Each one offers a different angle on this rapidly unfolding “Greatest Scandal of the Third Millennium”.
Here are some newer posts on PIZZAGATE:

"Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism" Act Obama Vetoes, Congress Caves (Videos)

“Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism” Act Obama Vetoes, Congress Caves

The US Congress passed a bill called the “We are gonna sue Saudi Arabia on behalf of the victims of the 911 Terror Attacks” or Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, which, Obama promptly vetoed by the way, in an unprecedented move against Congress.
Now that in and of itself should send some folks to look in the mirror and ask themselves some serious questions about this administration, and especially about our dearly beloved President, Barack Hussein Obama.
When the smoke cleared, Congress decided that it would override the veto, in another unprecedented move against this administration. Then they got word… sorta like the word they got when they were refusing to give the banks all that money back in 2008.. Does the words “martial Law” ring a bell anyone? I don’t know what made them back pedal for sure, but looking closely at the gaul they had to even attempt to override his royal highness was unprecedented to say the least.

Here’s the deal. Why are they blaming the Saudi government when there has been no proof that the Saudi government had anything to do with it? Does anyone remember that the 19 hijackers had Saudi passports but 9 of them were found alive?
How about the fact that they Bombed Afghanistan because OBL was reportedly held up in them there hills. Wanna sue Afghanistan for its rocks and hills?
How about they blamed Libya for the plane crash and Gaddafi wasn’t responsible but he paid the families and you see where that got him?
How about they sue Larry Silverstien who admitted that they had plans to build a new trade center in early 2000?
How about they sue BBC for foreknowledge of WTC7 collapse 20 minutes before it collapsed? 
How about they sue the FBI for never proving that OBL had anything to do with it and they never even put him on the Worlds most wanted list cause they had no evidence he actually orchestrated the attacks.
How about they go after the real person instead of dragging the blemishless Saudis thru the mud? Surely I jest cause it ain’t no way the Saudis are free from blemish.. But that’s a horse of a different color and does not need to be inserted in this narrative. So let me not digress in sighting the various human rights violations and supporting of ISIS and harboring of known terrorist among them and their pitiful treatment of women because that requires a whole other video.
Let me continue with my list of folks who should be sued by the families of the 911 victims.
How about they dig themselves out of a hole because Pres. OBAMA knows we will surely end up in China if folks even look down that 911 rabbit hole. Just look at the wording of this thing.
Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act.
How many heads would role if there was a real investigation and the real culprits were given their just due?
Obama is the front man for the cover-up and he most definitely is not gonna air the dirty laundry for the whole world to see.
At this point, most folks know it was an inside job. First responders are dying from all kinds of cancers. And whistle blowers are dying, out of jobs, fearing for their lives. How about suing the EPA for saying the air was safe to breathe?
But any of these so called public officials who pretend to be clueless about what happened on that fateful day, are all complicit in the cover up, and the Saudi Royals ain’t gotta take the hit when they can hit back really hard with the OPEC option of dollars for oil.
It’s noble to say he wants to protect Americans over seas, but seriously… Obama ain’t no dummy and neither are the rascals he rubs elbows with.
Time for some serious 911 truth!
Mainstream media is still peddling the lie. It makes you wonder how folks can wake up, read the lie, know it’s a lie, turn over and go back to sleep. The train wreck continues.
More Reading:
“Reflecting the desire to keep the public placated, while at the same time giving in to Saudi demands, Sens Bob Corker (R – TN) and Lindsey Graham (R – SC) both indicated that the ‘fixes’ would be implemented after the November elections, during the lame duck session,” reported. So for now, the bill is law, but after the elections it will be watered down to nothing to please the Saudi’s instead of the American people.
White House: Congress has ‘buyer’s remorse’ after overriding Obama veto
‘Time Of Looking Away Over’: Germany Warns Saudi Arabia To Stop Funding Wahhabism
The Senate recently overruled a veto from President Obama on a bill that will allow the families of terrorist attacks file lawsuits against countries suspected of supporting terrorism. What’s actually in the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA)? Hasan Piker gives you the breakdown on the JASTA bill.
Opec quota deal not guaranteed to force up the oil price 
OPEC Leaves Production Target Unchanged

Hillary Emerges From Chelsea’s Apartment Looking ENTIRELY DIFFERENT! (Video)

NB Commentary: The body double for the elite, public officials and entertainers has been going on for some time. With speculations around types of clones etc., but to be sure, common sense would tell you that with all the running around from place to place that they do they would need a stand in or a serious dose of some drug to keep them standing.

I used to wonder about that with Obama, how can he be in all them places at one time? I travel and air travel is sometimes more draining than ground travel. But be sure, when they are “chosen” to be in office in those high places, their body double is chosen for sure. And yes, I saw the movie Dave (see the video below if you missed it), but I heard about body doubles, long before.

It brings comfort to the American people to think that only Saddam, Osama or some other “terrorist” had a body double, but there was a report that even Qaddafi had one. So you see… it’s quite possible.

The thing to me is, if she is not well, or even if she is too sick to continue, who will folks be electing into the office of the Presidency? A real live  puppet for sure.. but wouldn’t that be treasonous???

Illuminati News: Mary Todd Killed Lincoln

NB Commentary: Now here’s an interesting twist for the great unwashed masses to chew on. I can’t say much, and don’t have much of a comment to say on this one except, SMDH.

Mary Todd Killed Lincoln– by Brian David Andersen –(Posted here by Wes Penre, Dec 17, 2004, Revised Dec 26, 2005)

Last Updated: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 03:25:23 AM 


* * *Would anyone (especially a man in the 1860s) in their right mind try to kill the President of the United states with a one shot small pistol normally carried by a woman? Six shooter revolvers existed in the 1860s and if one were to plot to kill a President, one would logically have more than one bullet in the barrel.

Mary Todd Lincoln, like many women in Washington during the American Civil War carried a derringer….But Mary Todd also owned a derringer with a white pearl handle(1)….that fact is in the National Archives. And she waved, flashed and flaunted her pearly pop gun often on the streets of Washington D.C. and The White House.

Lincoln was shot on the left side of his head and Mary Todd was left handed. Mary Todd was barred from attending the funeral and two armed guards made sure she did not leave her room for 10 days after the shooting ….that fact is in the National Archives.

Mary Todd Lincoln was denied the normal customary widowers pension three times by the U.S. Congress (Today the pension is automatic).

Mary Todd like so many high society persons in Washington D.C. during the 1860s was an opium

addict… that fact is in the Library of Congress. Her drug supplier also was a part time actor who doubled for the real full time actor John Wilkes Booth when he had multiple appearances on the same day in two different cities.

Abraham had the Treasury Department print money and that really pissed-off the Rothschilds and others because they did not want any competition with money they printed via their private company called the Federal Reserve Bank(2). Lincoln had to go because he betrayed his “family” but the plot was to discredit him by revealing that he had an affair with a Hapsburg illegitimate offspring and the royal sex resulted in two children.

The part time actor (Mary’s catnip boy) was sent to Ford’s theater to inform the President that an important message was waiting for him at the War Department. The plot then was to knock-out Abe and smuggle him (An empty carriage was found at the back of Ford’s Theater the night of the shooting) onto a sea vessel, drug him for several day and return him to Washington in a daze as the press zeroed in on the drugged President, the facts and pictures (there are many) of his illegitimate family would be released. The President would have to resign and Mary Todd was part of this plot.

However Stanton and the Rothschilds underestimated the revenge of a delirious First Lady strung-out on opium who has just discovered that her hubby had popped a secret, illegal yet “royal” family. Now Mary Todd was also going to do some popping.

As the part time imposter actor opened the door to the suite at Ford’s Theater to summon the President, he was shocked and horrified to see Mary Todd pointing and firing her woman’s derringer into her husband’s head. The imposter actor panicked because he knew his buddies downstairs would blame him for shooting the President and that was not the game plan at all or he was setup as the fall guy / patsy from the beginning. Either way going back downstairs was not a good idea so the drug pusher jumped from the Presidential box seats into the third act of the play at Ford’s Theater and broke his leg.

The term “Break a leg” used in the theater comes from “Booth’s” (the fake one) flying leap into the third act of “Our American Cousin” performed at Fords Theater on April 14, 1865.

The real John Wilkes Booth had no choice but to escape on the first ship to India because his career and reputation were blasted away by a junkie and her wacked out and desperate supplier claiming to be Booth. The fake Booth escaped to Grandbury Texas and did some acting but his alcoholism and blabbering mouth resulted in his murder by arsenic poisoning in Enid, Oklahoma.

Many people from the North and South wanted the fake Booth to be silent one way or another and

a former high ranking confederate officer who was in charge of disrupting union payroll lines ended the charade. The fake Booth’s intensely pickled body was grotesquely displayed as the remains of the real Booth in towns and hamlets in the Midwest and Western states for 18 months after he was force fed the lethal cocktail in the spring of 1911. In the continuing bizarre chain of events, there exists today a certified sworn affidavit from a cousin of Abraham Lincoln that he was present at the poisoning of the fake Booth.

Spin control of reality and perception was critical for the powers that be and the first move Stanton made according several documents in Washington D.C. libraries was to commit the two persons that accompanied the Lincolns to the theater the evening of the murder to a mental institution within 30 days of the shooting. Major Henry Rathbone and Clara Harris were released from the booby hatch sometime in 1867. What happened to these pivotal eye witnesses while they were locked up in the asylums? Later the two witness married and the Major murdered his wife. Were both of these persons totally sane when they entered the institutions but purposely driven mad because they knew too much?

Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abe and Mary knew most of the facts of his fathers’s affair, half sisters and mother’s drug and murdering ways but used his knowledge and his silence to secure a cushy job as the President of Pullman Railroad Cars. Stanton, the Rothschilds, and the Paysurers [sic. Correct spelling: Payseurs, Wes Penre] made sure Robert Todd was fat, sassy, had plenty of cash to burn in his favorite elite gambling halls and whore houses but most of all he was totally quiet to his grave. Over the years Robert Todd did everything he could to destroy evidence related to his sordid family history but he could not destroy all the facts and evidence….

While growing up in Illinois in the 1920s and 30s Mary Alice Kemery looked at a large picture with a glass bubble of Abraham Lincoln in her grandparents and then later in her parents homes. One day she requested that the picture on the wall be investigated by historians and to her and her family’s shock they discovered the picture was a prized missing and authentic lithograph signed by Lincoln on the back of the photo. How did this prized picture worth over a million dollars get into her family home? Mary’s father ask his grandmother Emma when he was a child where the photo came from and her reply was “let sleeping dogs lie” and then would often cry after making that statement. Emma cried because the picture was the only connection she had to her father Abraham Lincoln. Her mother disappeared shortly after she and her twin sister were born.

After discovering the photo on her family’s wall was an authentic piece of Lincoln history, Mary Alice Kemery began a 35 year investigation into her family’s history, Lincoln and the assassination. All the aforementioned facts about Mary Todd and others were discovered by Mary Alice in the National Archives and other libraries in the Washington D.C. area and Illinois during the past 35 years. Ray Neff (mentioned in another Conspiracy Nation segment on Lincoln) can confirm the life and time of Mary Alice Kemery and she is also known as the late, great and popular astrologer Linda Goodman a very dear and personal friend of mine.

I met Ray Neff on several occasions with Linda (Mary Alice) but Ray is too narrow minded and scared to see and absorb the large scope of Lincoln’s real life and death. Many persons (like Brian Redman and Ray Neff) are too fearful to recognize and acknowledge that their hero and icon named Lincoln was human and had sexual and love desires like any normal man and followed through with those needs that resulted in a second family. Abraham Lincoln was a normal mortal human being with talents and faults. Honest Abe was not a god or a superman… (and the reader’s perception hopefully begins to tilt and sway towards reality and move permanently away from the illusion and fiction created by the powers that be, time and hero worship by the masses of comic book like characters fashioned by writers and historians,,,)

The following is a combination of facts gathered by Linda (Mary Alice), I and others over the years. One could hire the best fiction writers in the world to make up a story but they could not invent a scenario more bazaar than the Lincoln Saga. Reality is much more fascinating, interesting and thorough than the limited imaginations and creations of the very best fiction writers.

The person born Abraham who became President of the United States did not have a last name at birth because his mother would not identify the father. The family of Abraham named him after the town he was born in or they named him after the town where his family was from Lincolnton, North Carolina (the Kentucky version of Lincoln’s birth is a spin control fabricated by wishful thinking biographers). Lincolton is a small town located near a branch operation of the Bank of England known as the Federal Reserve Bank that is privately owned and operated to this day in Charlotte, North Carolina. (This bank has no automated teller machines gee, how come?) At that time royalty from Europe and the Rothschilds had family members living in the area around Lincolnton to operate and manage the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. Abraham’s mother was a maid and nanny. Was Abraham an illegitimate offspring of European royalty or the Rothschilds? The facts and evidence indicate his royal illegitimate birth.

To end the bloody hostilities, the founding fathers (most of them Masons) of the United States agreed to the “temporary” installation of a branch institution of the Bank Of England in 1791 so the United States could repay England (the Rothschild family) for debts occurred during the Revolutionary War. This secret institution was given a 20 year charter and called the United States Constitutional Bank. To make sure this debt was paid the Bank of England established their branch in the most important area of the United States – Charlotte, North Carolina!! Charlotte, North, Carolina???? Yes Charlotte, North Carolina. Why Charlotte????


Today American history, geography and geology books omit one key and crucial tidbit of information – The world’s largest gold deposits in the late 18th century were around the town of Charlotte, North Carolina. English Royalty the Rothschilds and other controlled the gold and the bank that laundered the income from the mines. The Masonic Brothers of the United States gave their Masonic Brothers of England “temporary” control of the gold and the money laundering bank to pay back the war debt and end the bloodbath of the Revolutionary War. And remember the Golden Rule – he who has the gold makes the rules. And he who has the gold can mold the public perception of realty.

When the charter for the branch bank expired, Thomas Jefferson (not a Mason) had enough votes in Congress to block and deny the extension of the agreement with the Bank of England in 1811. In 1812 the Rothschilds sent troops that cut right through American defenses like a hot knife through warm butter and flawlessly burned Washington D.C. as if the Capitol were a summer campfire for marsh mellows and hot dogs.

Thomas Jefferson was given two choices:

1. Have his new country burned, crushed and tortured back into colony status. By this time the British were crudely adept at managing concentration camps (they taught the German Nazis) and Jefferson was acutely aware of the whip, rack and stockade capabilities of his enemy.

2. Remain “sovereign” (no more barbeques or skewers of the nation’s capitol) but renew the charter for the United States Constitutional Bank for 50 years.

During the war of 1812 many Americans had visually witnessed the burning of their capitol but one year later all Americans were fried and very few United States citizens knew they had been roasted on a golden platter. – In 1813 the bank charter was renewed by the U.S. Congress for 50 years and the financial institution was quietly and privately renamed the Federal Reserve Bank.

Andrew Jackson tried to cancel the bank charter when he was elected President but his term in office was short and “shameful”. However, America was eventually allowed to store some of the gold from the Charlotte area in Ft. Knox. Have any elementary school children or history Ph.D candidates in the past 50 years ever questioned where the gold in Ft Knox was originally mined 20 to 50 years before the gold rushes in Colorado and California?

As the renewal of the bank charter approached, most of the Northern politicians desired to extend the charter while most Southern politicians opposed the existence of the Federal Reserve Bank. The bank issue was one of the secret major causes of the American Civil War yet the charter prevailed when an extension was granted in 1865 – only the Northern Politicians voted on the extension because the Southern politicians were involved in the crash of the Confederacy – very convenient for the Rothschilds and English royalty. After 1865 the charter bank was publicly called The Federal Reserve Bank but privately owned and operated by the Rothschilds , the Bank Of England and the British royal family.

The fast and steady rule over the centuries is that only royalty can have sex with royalty. However, most if not all of the illegitimate children of royalty and their decedents are watched over and taken care of no matter what race, nationality, religion or any level of intelligence including Colin Powell a decedent of King George II whose family is from Jamaica. Dan Quayle (he is the classic example of any intelligence level) and George Bush are also decedents of King George II. Hilary Clinton is related to the Melons whose ancestors are English royalty.

After finishing law school Lincoln became a circuit lawyer and during his travels he was encouraged to meet and have a relationship with an illegitimate child of King Leopold of Habsburg named “Elizabeth”. Remember, only royalty has sex with royalty and the affair between LiZ and Abe was supported by both of their real yet secret families. The birth of twin daughters was the result of the long term affair that took place while Abe was traveling on horse back as a circuit lawyer and Mary Todd had no awareness of her husband’s royal sexual/ personal intercourses and family. Anyone married to Mary Todd would welcome some extra nookie especially if it was free.

Lincoln was a virtual nobody before the Republican Convention of 1860 and all of sudden he became a very important person. American history is full of unknown private citizens all of a sudden becoming persons of power and wealth. Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, Vanderbilt were all unknowns who had instant fame and fortune overnight. All of the aforementioned persons started out as Trustees (bag men) of money accounts for European royalty and the Rothschilds. They were not CEOs of any important corporations at the beginnings of their instant successful careers. But the sinister and cruel joke of these English royal court jester bag men was (and has been and still is) on the American Public. Lincoln was suppose to be a weak puppet bag man of the powers that be because of his ties to royalty but he surprised everyone with his desire to lead America to a new level of independence.

Bank Of England

The Trustee bag men insured that the private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank could operate public utility companies, corporations, universities, foundations and other institutions under the rat maze / smoke screen cloak of trusts – a continuing shell and con game set up to confuse, befuddle and impress politicians and the public. However the key industry the Federal Reserve Bank and the Trustee Bag Men immediately controlled was all aspects related to railroads. And Lincoln walked and was elected into this buzz saw of lethal high stakes financial intrigue and deadly international funny money operations. But not even his royal family ties could protect him when he challenged the will and desires of the private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank.

Lincoln is a hero because he tried to set the United States of America on a new course of fiscal responsibility by having the Treasury Department print money. He also rejected “loans” from the Bank of England to the Union at ridiculous interest rates. Why should have the Union utilized and been dependent upon money printed by the Federal Reserve Bank located in the Confederate state of North Carolina or loans from a foreign bank? He placed the survival of the United States of America above, beyond and over his secret royal family ties – and that indirectly cost him his life. But our school children are only told the fantasy of “Honest Abe” and not the reality of his true patriotism, courage, honor and sacrifice.

The twin daughters were about eight years old when Abe became President He was having friends take care of the daughters because Elizabeth was too distraught about the shame of having children without a marriage and she departed for Europe soon after the births.

Lincoln never supported his mistress and illegitimate daughters in the same manner as European royalty supports their bastards and that really ticked-off the Hapsburgs. In the National Archives are documents that detail an incident that occurred at a White House dinner in 1861. A Prince from Hapsburg walked up to Lincoln before the food was served and slapped Ol’ Honest Abe three times with a white glove. This dramatic action was a challenge for a pistol duel but the President of The United States only lowered his head in shame as he walked out of the room and did not return to the dinner.

Also in the National Archives is a letter from a school child to Lincoln asking him how many children Abe had. In the last sentence of his reply note to the child Lincoln stated “I regret to inform you that I cannot recognize that I have any twin daughters.” And a drug addicted, distraught, insane and rootin – tootin and shootin Mary Todd Lincoln made her husband, his illegitimate daughters and the American public more regretful and sorrowful than anyone could ever imagine…..

There is a second part to the saga. Lincoln arranged for one of his daughters to be raised by an old law school buddy who was from a wealthy cotton plantation family in South Carolina His name was Felix Turner Hughes. However Felix died shortly after Lincoln’s daughter arrived and a relative took over the plantation and his name was Felix Monroe Hughes. Felix Monroe raped and impregnated the daughter of Lincoln and she named the child ……88 (what is the eighth letter in the alphabet). AND 88’s LIFE AND CHILDREN ARE A PIVOTAL CORNERSTONE OF AMERICAN HISTORY……

Illuminati News: Mary Todd Killed Lincoln

Footnotes by Wes Penre:  
(1) ^ The problem with this theory is that the murder weapon does not have a white handle, as we can see on the picture from the wall at the Ford’s Theater (see picture above). However, this article is interesting, and it could still be a valid theory. The question is: did Mary Todd own more than one handgun? Maybe something to research further…
UPDATE Dec 19, 2007: I received an email from Brian David Andersen, the author of this article. He tells me the following: “…the author [Andersen] viewed a photo taken in the early 1970s of the white pearl handled derringer displayed in Ford’s Theater. Owners of Ford’s Theater deny that a white pearl handled derringer was every [sic] on display. The person who took the picture of the white handled pearl derringer displayed in Ford’s Theater died in 1996 thus the photo was lost in the dispersion of the deceased’s estate.”
(2) ^ There is a difference between the Federal Reserve Bank and the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve Bank was originally named the United States Constitutional Bank and the name was changed after the war of 1812. The title of Federal Reserve Bank was chiseled on the building in Charlotte, North Carolina in the 1820s but like the gold mines, the true nature remained hidden from the public. The Federal Reserve System was supposedly started on Jekyll Island in the early 1900s. Wes Penre’s correspondence with the author.

NB Commentary: Why Do We Blame Our Children? (Video)

When our youth carry on, act out, embarrass us and create chaos, 
why do we blame them?

Why do we lock them away, put them on time out, punish and discipline them as if it’s their fault? As adults, aren’t we responsible for the world they are born into? And if we don’t like the world they are born into, don’t we have the responsibility to change it?

No it ain’t easy… But blaming the victim ain’t right either.
When we have a child as the CEO of McDonald’s, Burger King, ExxonMobil, Apple, Tetris, ToysRUs, Signa, GE, Warner Bros., MSNBC, Time Warner, Disney, Dept. Of Education, CDC, DHS, ClearChannel, Google, YouTube, and a host of other operations that conspire against the health and well being of our children.. we cannot continue to blame them!

They are acting out because they were born into an environment that is not child friendly or child safe. They are born into an environment that sees children as fodder. They are born into an environment that counts them in their think tanks, not as collateral damage but the actual damage, the actual casualty of a real war. A war that guarantees they will act out, be sick, mentally deranged and eventually discarded as cast off  OR they will line up behind the conspiracy and perpetrate this same exact strategy of chaos, tension and death on their offspring until the entire planet is covered with decaying misguided destructive frequencies guarantying that the human mind and spirit will not rise up from the ashes but will be struck down for eternity. Hell is not under the earth. Hell is not after we die. Hell is right here on top of the earth and we create and recreate it every day for our children, who will grow up and do the same for theirs. We cannot continue to blame the children. We have to look in the mirror. Actually, we need to take that mirror of vanity down. We need to look at our creation. Our children.

We need to “SEE” them. We need to have compassion, empathy and understanding for them. We need to stop charging them with crimes when we allowed them to be born into a criminal society. We need to stop locking them up and in some cases throwing away the key in prison that we built just for them. We need to take the chains off their feet and out of their minds so they can thrive and be healthy.  We need to stop prostituting our children for consumption, avarice, greed and materialism and take them to the park and teach them about how a tree grows.

We need to change the role models they see that are destroying their own sense of self and understanding of the spiritual beings they are. We need to take them out of the religious institutions of brain washing and mind fuck and let them watch the sun rise. We need to honor their dreams and ask them to tell us what they are and help them understand them. We need to keep them away from all things harmful, including zoos, circuses, and amusement parks.
We need to teach them how to grow food, cook a meal, iron a shirt, clean a bathroom, pick a peach from a peach tree and manage their health.

We need to avoid all types of violence around them, including wars, road rage, cursing and violent video games. We need to throw away our televisions and monitor the amount of time they have on their digital devices.
We need to stop celebrating all holidays and create our own family and community gatherings. Any holidays that honor war, war criminals, injustice, pedophiles, and corruption should be avoided at all costs. We should teach them how to sweep the yard and sew their own clothes.

Why do we continually blame our youth for the shit they do and the chaos they cause, especially our pre-teens and teens? Why are we kicking them out of schools, writing statics with their recidivism in mind, arranging chairs in court rooms for their conviction and scientifically generating drugs for their intake?
Why do they rebel? They rebel because they realize that we are liars, fraudsters, fakes, perpetrators, perverts and unethical scum. They realize that we will continue to blame them and call them stupid for not abiding by the code of the destructive environment we have created for them.
How can we blame them, how can we fault them, how can we punish them? We are asking them to become the zombified skitzoid vampire that we have become being born into this environment. We are asking them to eat poison mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually and be as grateful as we are to have it. So they rebel, and they should.
They should fight the corruption they see around them. they have the courage to stand up to the injustice. They have the courage we lost when we conformed. They have the ability to see beyond the veil and beyond our hypocrisy and the flagrant lie we tell to ourselves each and every day. They are struggling to be sane in this very insane world run by delusional people who think it makes sense to poison the air, water and earth. They are struggling with how to be sane in an insane world that cannot see the connection between hypocrisy and the resulting torment, corruption, displacement and distortion that it creates.
They don’t want to do their homework or go outside and do something when they see their parents sit in the work place all day and come home and sit on the couch all night. They don’t want to listen to our demands and commands when we do not listen to theirs. And what is theirs you may ask??
They want to feel safe, they want to be protected they want to live freely, they want to expand their consciousness they want to explore their imagination and they want to have a world that is supportive and okay with that.
This world is not…. unless you live on some primitive island far from the commercial destruction of this planet. Otherwise, there is no place for them to feel safe. So they will give into the first law of nature, self preservation and fight overtly or covertly, but they will fight until they either die, or give in. What other option do they have when adults won’t take responsibility for what they have done to the Earth they brought their children into?

And on a side note, if we continue to vote into office openly corrupt people to lead us, we are driving a stake through the hearts of our children and we really have not right to blame them in any way.

Links Of Interest
How to Deal With Your Acting-Up Teenager: Practical Help for Desperate Parents  by Robert Bayard Ph.D. 
Neglect and emotional abuse are often not recognised in teenagers. Their behaviours may be interpreted by others as a lifestyle choice or ‘acting out’.
MOM: Typically, the more a parent clamps down, the more the child rebels. In adulthood, this can result in one of two extremes. One is that the kid remains in a state of rebellion into adulthood and has trouble making a successful life because of it. The other side we see is that when these rebellious kids become adults and have their own children they are very strict –probably overly strict– parents and it’s very hard for them to have a happy medium.
“Teen Drug Rehab and addiction treatment center, Good Future, delivers quality and sustaining results for your teenager. Good Future Teen Rehab treats drug abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse and other addictions. Good Future Teen Rehab accepts many insurances and treats teens from all parts of the USA at the center in Delray Fl.”
You’re free to use this song and monetize your video, but you must include the following in your video description:
Dream Culture by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Is Water Fluoridation Good for Dental Health? 8 Reasons Why Fluoride is Toxic to Teeth, the Environment, and You
Half of teens think they’re addicted to their smartphones
Teenager Acting Out – What to Do?
Good Future Teen Rehab
Neglect or emotional abuse in teenagers: Core info leaflet
How to Handle Spoiled Teenagers
What To Do If You Suspect Your Teen Is Drinking
Watching TV might slow your brain
Avoiding Injury this Amusement Park Season
Child Prostitution
Selling Atlanta’s children: What has and hasn’t changed
Unhealthy Fixation
The war against genetically modified organisms is full of fearmongering, errors, and fraud. Labeling them will not make you safer.
10 IRREFUTABLE evidence that GMO can harm you!
child soldiers by bebejonjames
Kids For Cash Judges Tied Up
Children in prison

(Video) What Really Happened to Dr. Sebi – Why Didn’t His Family Tell Us He was Incarcerated

NB Commentary: By now folks all over the world have heard about Dr. Sebi making his transition to the astral plane. There has certainly been a lot of speculation around his transition. What I like to do, especially after viewing the articles, videos and comments on certain subjects; is to consult the I Ching Oracle to see if I can get a clear picture of what “really” took place.
Below you will find my comments, an article about his incarceration and subsequent transition and a video playlist that includes the video I uploaded with the readings I received.

Please feel free to leave your comments below.

Here are some points that came to mind for me, before I consulted the oracles. These points seem to make sense as to why his family did not make an announcement about his arrest and subsequent incarceration.
  1. Protect him from the shit storm that would be thrown at him if they let the word out that he was arrested for the second time for money laundering.
  2. Since we as black folks tend to raise our leaders to the status of God, imagine the devastation that would reverberate thru the so’called conscious community.
  3. How many of us are legally savvy with Honduran laws that we could do anything?
  4. I am certain there would have been a wide spectrum of responses from those who admire him, but what if he asked his family not to say anything.
  5. What about the fact that he got ill? What type of shit storm would that have created especially since he is the one healing people?
  6. There’s a lot of haters out there ready to tear him down. They gave him something when he got ill. What does that tell everyone who follows his teachings?
  7. Since it was his Second time. Maybe he felt he would get out like he did before.
  8. Maybe they were too embarrassed about the jail part.
  9. Maybe they were too weirded out that he died.

Dr. Sebi

August 7 at 6:29pm ·


Alfredo Darrington Bowman also known as the world famous Dr. Sebi the man who cures cancer and aids along with many other diseases was detained after a flight from California that landed at the Juan Manuel Galvez de Roatan Airport on May 28, 2016 under charges of money laundering. Dr. Sebi and his associate Pablo Medina Gamboa were apprehended carrying a total of $50,000 in cash. $20,000 on Dr. Sebi and $30,000 on Gamboa. They were attempting to board a private plane headed to another location in Honduras. He was detained and then released for a pending court appearance that would later take place on June 3, 2016.

After his court hearing on June 3, 2016 Dr. Sebi was detained under the charges of money laundering by the Public Ministerio. On an unconfirmed date and time between June 3rd and the August 6th Dr. Sebi reported severe health conditions during incarceration related to pneumonia. In critical health condition he was rushed to the Vicente D’antoni Hospital but died in transit. Before this event his brother Garden Bowman reported that Dr. Sebi had experienced health complications from pneumonia and was prescribed medication by the hospital. His exact conditions of death and any evidence of foul play is still unknown and under investigation. He was received at the hospital by Dr. Edwin Interiano.

Dr. Sebi died at 82 and is survived by 17 children, he was a inspiration to many and will be intensely missed by people all over the world impacted by his holistic approach to wellness.

Dr. Sebi’s Transition 2016-08-06
Dr. Sebi – (1933-2016)

29 Holistic Doctors/Practitioners Found Poisoned, Some Nearly Dead. Another Attack on Alternative Medicine? 
Famed healer Dr. Sebi dies after suspicious arrest and hospitalization 
Dr. Sebi Died On August 6 2016 After Being Arrested 
They Finally Killed Dr. Sebi – It Was Only A Matter Of Time 
Renowned Holistic Healer Who Treated Left Eye Dies In Custody 
Holistic Doctor Death Series: Over 50 Dead on 1 Year Anniversary of Father’s Day
Honduras Man Dr. Sebi Found the Cure To All Diseases: AIDS, HIV, Diabetes, Cancer + More [VIDEO] 
Defeated the FDA, American Medical Association and Judicial System in 1988 Proving that He Cures AIDS and Other Diseases.

The Truth of Dr Sebi’s Death in Prison: Interview with his best friend of 51 years who was there

Prominent AFP Clinton Researcher Found Dead

NB Commentary: I have done some research on this. The information about his death is being withheld by the Police department and detectives, but even that’s suspicious.  I searched for articles that counter this report, but not even had an article on this. So check out this information and see if you can find anything on this. He worked for AFP so I doubt they would make that story up.

UPDATE: Prominent AFP Clinton Researcher Found Dead
AUGUST 01, 2016   CHRIS 

Rest in Peace.

Victor Thorn was a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author of over 50 books.

AMERICAN FREE PRESS contacted the State College [Pa.] Police Department this morning for any news on the suicide of Victor Thorn, whose birth name was Scott Robert Makufka.
AFP asked the policeman who answered the phone if the department could provide any updates.
“There was something that occurred on Monday morning, but I don’t know if we’ve released any identities or any details about it at this time.”
AFP asked if he knew when the release might happen.
“I don’t. I don’t know what the status of the investigation is. I have not seen the detective that’s in charge of that today yet. They’ll release it as soon as they can. I don’t know what the holdup is or the details are at this point.”
Please visit “2016 Police Media Releases” to access the most current releases.
The releases “usually get picked up pretty quickly by Centre Daily Times, and, and some of the other media outlets,” he told AFP.

Victor Thorn Dead at 54
• AFP investigative reporter, prominent Clinton researcher, and prolific author Victor Thorn was found dead, the apparent victim of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
By the Staff at AFP
Prolific author, AMERICAN FREE PRESS writer and seasoned Clinton researcher Victor Thorn was found at the top of a mountain near his home, the apparent victim of a gunshot wound. Family and some close friends contend Thorn took his own life on his birthday, August 1. Thorn would have been 54.
At the peak of his writing career, the author of some 20 books and 30 chapbooks, Thorn had reported for this newspaper for over a decade, writing thousands of articles on myriad subjects from conspiracy to health-related topics. Best known for his investigate research on the Clintons, Thorn wrote the Clinton trilogy—three definitive works that delved into the history of the power couple including their sordid scandals, Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults of multiple women, and the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state.
Besides writing for AFP, Thorn published the works of numerous writers in the alternative media such as Michael Collins Piper, Adam Gorightly, Mark Glenn, John Kaminski and Joan d’Arc, while also producing five CDs and DVDs, one of which is a five-disc collection that covers the John F. Kennedy assassination.
Thorn also served as the editor of five anthologies, and his political articles have appeared in various newspapers around the country.

In February 2001, Thorn founded Babel magazine, an online publication that ran until early 2004 and featured some of the first articles devoted to the 9-11 conspiracy.
One of his books, The New World Order Exposed, was translated and published in Japan in 2006, while 9-11 on Trial has been republished by Progressive Press, and was also released in France to coincide with the fifth anniversary of 9-11.
After co-hosting “The Victor Thorn Show” on the Reality Radio Network from 2002-2003, in February 2004, Thorn co-founded WING TV (World Independent News Group), a daily Internet television and radio talk show viewed in over 100 countries worldwide.
Thorn has also made hundreds of different radio appearances (including “Coast-to-Coast AM” and “The Lionel Show” on WOR 710 in New York City) and has done weekly one-hour news updates on Alex Merklinger’s “Mysteries of the Mind,” while also appearing weekly on Vyzygoth’s “From the Grassy Knoll” and Frank Whalen’s “Frankly Speaking Radio.”

Thorn has been an avid political activist who spoke at the OKC Bombing 10th anniversary, as well as before the America First Party.
He has also protested in six different states, not to mention at Ground Zero on several occasions and in front of the White House in Washington, D.C.
Some supporters have voiced concerns that yet another prominent critic of the Clintons has turned up dead—this time just after Hillary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination.
Family has countered that there was no evidence of foul play at the scene and that Thorn most likely took his own life.
At this time, however, we are looking into all possibilities. The recent release of Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be in the White House and the Hillary (And Bill) trilogy, which has been selling off the shelves at AFP recently—exposing all the dirty secrets the Clinton’s have tried so hard to conceal over the years—certainly provides a motive for murder.
Thorn recently had some startling success with his research and writing. At the end of 2015, coauthors Roger Stone and Robert Morrow dedicated their book The Clintons’ War on Women to Victor, and in the early part of 2016, a prominent publisher in Poland purchased the rights to translate and sell Thorn’s Clinton trilogy.
If, in fact, Thorn was taken out by the Clintons, we will, sadly, have to add Thorn’s name to the long list of Clinton victims to be found in Thorn’s own masterpiece, Hillary (And Bill): The Murder Volume.
Victor Thorn: Clinton Researcher & 9/11 book writer found dead
UPDATE: Prominent AFP Clinton Researcher Found Dead
Victor Thorn – Rest In Peace

Brilliant WN researcher Victor Thorn took his life (or the Clintons got him)
Author Victor Thorn found dead of apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound


NB Commentary: Sometimes you just have to step in there and say your piece in the face of total ignorance coming from folks who set themselves up as being one who is in the know.  I watched this video up until the 1:02:30 mark when he and his guest took a serious turn for the worse in reporting on this Dallas thing and in particular, reporting on what they perceive is “up” with the inclusion of Micah X Jackson in this scenario.

You can watch the video from this point to see what I am ranting about. This dude took me all the way back to my college years when I had to straighten some folks out about the “Black Experience.” Most white folks don’t have a clue… and in 2016… it don’t make no sense.  My comments are listed below the video.

After reading my complaint about their video, they left this message and removed the video.“New World Agenda commented on a video on YouTube. Shared publicly – Yesterday 1:11 AM 2016-07-24 I’m sorry Nana. Never would I want to offend people (or get things wrong). I pulled the podcast. It would be best to have someone of your knowledge and experience to be on the show to give us the much needed information. We try our best… sometimes it’s difficult to interpret what is going on in the black communities. Thanks for taking the time to explain. All the best!”

Okay, I listened to your pod-cast up until you got to 1:02:30 Mark when you started to talk about the New Black Panthers.

Here is where I have to say your journalism took a nose dive.
You clearly have no idea what the differences are between a Black Muslim, a Black Panther,  a member of the New Black Panther Party,  a member of the Black Lives Matter Movement or even what Professor Griff stands for.

Just like you cannot bundle all white supremacists activists groups or patriots into the same pile, you cannot put all of these and many other groups into the same pile either.
I suggest you find another source of inquiry besides Wikipedia which has been known to report false information.. sometimes reporting events as soon as they happen with full details. Where do they get their details from if not from some insider?
One of the things that is very, very annoying about white guys like you and your guest is that you appear to be intelligent but you have no clue about what you are talking about when it comes to Black folks and their issues.
For one thing, many African Americans use the red, black and green colors and most of the individuals who use them are NOT militant or part of a break away society. In fact, Muammar Qaddafi used the same image.

 FYI Red = Blood, Black = color, and Green = land. It is a symbol of solidarity among African Americans who identify with their contribution and heritage in this country and around the world. In fact, you will see these colors in many African flags, just like you see red, white and blue in a lot of European flags.
Also, the fist of power is a symbol of solidarity. It means united we are powerful, it means unity, it does not mean any of the BS you two are talking about.
The outfit he has on is called a “dashiki” and it DOES NOT AND IS NOT  worn by the Black Panthers or the New Black Panther Members. It is worn by folks who wish to identify with their African heritage along with other African print garments, Again your ignorance is glaring!
You are clearly uninformed and maybe you should get your facts straight before you steer your listeners down the wrong path.
I find it quite hypocritical for  you to mock the young woman because she did not eloquently express herself like a Malcolm X when you have someone like Bush for the president of the United states who barely made it out of high school. I don’t know how you feel about Bush, but your comments and mockery is the stuff of disdain and are reprehensible in this type of journalism, unless you are going to line up with the other troll Youtube channels. What side of the New World Order Agenda are you??
I do know about the difference and if you want to know more, than you should discuss this with someone who does know the difference.
Your comments is why Black folks cringe at your attempts to speak about us when you are so unenlightened about who we are, how we feel and what we need to be a part of this country.
Maybe your ancestors mocked the so-called founding fathers who had the same desire to have their own land and be out from under the hand of tyranny as many Africans in this country have faced for 400 years. You all got your freedom, right??
In conclusion, if you are about making change in this world, and steering away from the ridiculous psyops that are being played on the American people of all ethnicities, please do your homework before you speak. Otherwise, you will sound ignorant, and it’s the ignorance of white folks like yourself, that make it hard for Black folks to see any advantage of aligning themselves with you or accepting what you have to say as viable and worth taking seriously.
No, I am not a part of any of those movements, and most African Americans are not, but for you to lump them all together without a single idea about any of them based on a RBG flag; his attire and the “fist of Power” is highly insulting and misleading. I suggest you erase the entire part, because you obviously do not know what you are talking about.
Let me also add, that I find it interesting that you are quite comfortable with this man, this black man or any Black Man, joining the US military,  going to another country and killing people who did nothing to him. These same black men come home to fewer rights and freedoms that the US military is supposedly trying to make sure others have. I did not hear you mock the insanity of that notion, but seem to appreciate the fact that he was in the military.. yeah, he fought for “his” country? But when that same man finds out that his country will not fight for him, and like you white folks, who feel the same way, somehow there is a difference and now the request for equal rights and human rights for black folks, no matter how they are expressed is laughable to you.

Let me tell you something, dear Mr. White Man, ain’t nothing funny about when you’re coming home from your US military duty; with PTSD and have to face the stark reality that you may be shot and/or killed by a Police officer on a city street because you are a Black Man in America!

Nana’s Commentary: "200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball"

Nana’s Commentary:
To me, the irony of this endless banter about the earth being flat, or the earth being a globe, the question that stumps the panel and that no one can prove is, where did it all begin. Who is this “God” according to the biblical/sacred texts? Who orchestrated the “big bang” according to the scientists?
Well, I have the answer, that will shut all this down.
Watch, the movie “Dark City.”

After watching that, I was convinced that the “hidden” hand that created this world came from another (“Men In Black” ending gives clues.) And my theory is just as plausible as any other. If they can build huge planet size moons and spaceships, why couldn’t they build a planet, a prison planet for their little wayward human creatures, who according to the Bible were born in sin anyways. Give them a playground, a few animals for pets, zoos, slaughter, consumption and clothing. Give them a few plants for the same purposes. Put them in a giant terrarium with plenty of water and see what happens.

Convene a Galactic Council to decide who will be allowed to come in and out. Design a zodiac/constellation apparatus to impact on their personalities. Give them time marked by the rising and setting of the sun and moon. Throw a few asteroids in for good measure and to keep it interesting. Add a little religion, well I should say dozens of religions. Mix in a little politics for surely these humans cannot be allowed to be sovereign. They must have LEADERS!!

Make sure that all the animals have COMMON sense and strong instincts, while the humans have to wait for someone to “train” them. Wipe their memories after each death so they can be trapped in the cycle of Karma. Make sure that those who manage to escape death come back with incredulous stories about heaven and hell, pass on their experiences through lore so the others will believe. It’s imperative that while they believe they have free will and DO NOT have to step into the light (Star Trek) that it would behoove them to do so because there they will be reunited with their loved ones, Jesus, Buddha, etc.

Spoon feed them technology so that they never discover the hidden hand but keep the banter going back and forth about the nature and/or origin of “the hidden.” hand. (Truman Show). Whenever they get too crazy, “come down” and dismantle their nuclear arsenals; blow a few volcanoes, throw in a tsunami, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. just to keep them scared shitless and to get them to comply. Keep them focused on the last days, death and the hereafter. ( I always thought the term “come down” was interesting. Why do humans say “God” “Angels” or “Aliens” come down?????)

Give only the Psychopathic rulers full range over controlling nature and point to the holy book and sacred scriptures (Vedas) as their right to eminent domain.  If they evolve too quickly and start to see themselves as humans instead of races, creeds, religions, sexes, etc. create enmity to keep it interesting as well, without a little friction this Truman show can become quite boring. Make sure that the minds of the masses have some options for expansion, but if anyone should expand too far, shut it down!

Collude all the world leaders, scientists and archaeologists. (The teachers will profess whatever they have been taught, so this will self replicate). The religious leaders are already colluded with their “sacred” writings, rituals, tithes, sacrifices and hocus-pocus.

Press the reset button every once in a while, because, Jeez, these humans are a wild bunch and tend to get out of control.

Since death and time is an illusion, pressing the reset button just recycles them all back into the pool with only a trace memory of horror. Of course, a few will survive, so, like in the “Book of Eli” give them the “Book” (myth, legends, folklore) so they can start all over again, or so they think they are anyways, and that’s all that matters.

Create uprisings from time to time, kill off their leaders, good and bad, throw in a few psychopaths to keep it even more interesting.

Make sure the humans are hard wired to continuously put Psychopaths into the role of leaders over them. That will make this zoo more easily managed. As long as a bat shit crazy nut job is the bully in the playground, it won’t need to be micromanaged, just a minor check-in from time to time. Allow them to have a few saviors, ET’s, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Prophets, the Antichrist, etc. so they will continually look to the sky for help or some higher force beyond them. Keep them in survival mode, always searching for contentment. Augment their survival instincts with rewards like sex, marriage, money, family and presumptuous success.

Since cognitive dissonance is a most effective tool for keeping these human creatures insane, weak and fearful, create illusions, like philanthropy, love, success, hope, faith, virtue, integrity, and other do-gooder examples while oppressing their minds with evil, demons, consumerism and the media.

Create the illusion of good vs evil which is optimum in a 3d reality. There always has to be some kind of enmity so the natives can maintain a restless paranoia. Give them natural and pharmaceutical drugs to pacify them. Those who are most deviant will be thrown to the lions, beheaded, jailed, or threatened with damnation for all eternity. Keep this propaganda alive in the hearts and minds of the religious leaders. Fear of damnation is a great culling mechanism.

Since Plan-ET is a prime directive, there will be skirmishes with outer worldly powers (Star Wars) over who is in charge. Some sharing will take place, some stealing and backdoor dealings. Some of the most agreeable plans will last the longest, like taking turns on who will be the God of the next new religion and who is most adept at keeping the humans, blind, deaf and dumb. This arrangement could last for trillions of years with only a few, barely noticeable and surely laughable humans will discover. And since the reset button is always an option, wiping them all out and starting all over again is a viable solution should these humans start to unite and decide to escape this hell hole.

Ha, that makes sense to me!!!!

Putin Orders “Doomsday” Plane Into Air After Military Warns US-Turkey Plot Is “Beyond Staggering”

When I first read this article on, I was very skeptical of the report. Particularly since it was taken from the website,, a Sorcha Faal publication. I have watched this publication over the years starting with the big fail NESARA propaganda that had everyone thinking we were gonna be rich as soon as the Big Guys who are bigger than the other Big Guys make them change our monetary system to fair and equal. Well that rumor was going around since the 90’s and possibly before because I can remember how the internet looked back then, a far cry from what it looks like now. Most of the messages came in emails and from blogs. So, I reluctantly read this article.

The more I read it the more my inner sense started to tell me that there was more than a kernel of truth to it. I did what I always do and search it on Google along with reading the comments. gets a really bad rap because some of their articles are simply NOT worth the read. However, I strongly encourage everyone to read this one. What convinced me of its legitimacy was the “Boiling Frogs” podcast by Sibel Edmonds which I have linked in this post. This report is dated 2014 but the information is so current it is unbelievable. She does have a certain bias, being Turkish herself but she laid it out there, thus verifying a large portion if not all of this article.

Published on Jan 21, 2014 


In this exclusive interview for the Boiling Frogs Post Eyeopener report, FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds discusses her recent article, “Turkish PM Erdogan: The Speedy Transformation of an Imperial Puppet.” We talk about Erdogan’s falling out with Fethullah Gülen and the CIA, and how serviceable puppets are discarded by their shadow government masters when they reach their “expiration date.”


December 2, 2015

Putin Orders “Doomsday” Plane Into Air After Military Warns US-Turkey Plot Is “Beyond Staggering”
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that President Putin has ordered the Federation’s Ilyushin-80 giant command and control aircraft designated for use during nuclear war (otherwise known as the “Doomsday plane”) to prepare for worldwide war operations within a fortnight after military intelligence analysts discovered a “beyond staggering” plot by United States and Turkish government factions to bring down Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan and replace him with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “designated figurehead” Fethullah Gulen—while at the same time utilizing Islamic State terrorists as “leverage”. 

According to this report, this “beyond staggering” plot by the CIA to overthrow the current government of Turkey was first started in 2008 by the US military-intelligence establishment supported think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) whose board members are a “whose who” of American military connected individuals, including former US Vice President Richard Cheney, and whose research papers advocated the United States creating what they call a “moderate Muslim” majority in the Middle East to battle Islamic extremists and whose target nation for this action was Turkey.
Aiding this CIA in this effort, this report continues, is the Turkish imam Fethullah Gulen who came to the United States in 1999 due to “health problems” and has stayed there since after gaining his visa with help from former CIA officials.
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), however, this report notes, resisted granting permanent residency status to Gulen and, according to secret US leaked cables,  parts of the American government have long believed that Gülen “is a ‘radical Islamist’ whose moderate message cloaks a more sinister and radical agenda.”
Shortly after the CIA got Gulen into the United States, this report further explains, President Erdogan established in Turkey the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2001 as the “moderate Muslim” platform desired by the AEI to effectuate change throughout the entire Middle East using part of Gulen’s massive wealth estimated to be between $22-50 billion.

Fethullah Gulen (l) with Recep Erdogan (r) in 1998

In 2013 though, this report continues, then Prime Minister Erdogan discovered the CIA-Gulen plot against himself and Turkey which he publicaly labeled as an “international conspiracy” vowing revenge on Gulen and threatening Francis Ricciardone, the US ambassador to Turkey, with expulsion.
Fearing their “moderate Muslim” project would be destroyed, this report grimly states, the CIA then transferred out of Turkey “selected” military and intelligence officers, before Erdogan could arrest them, to Iraq—and where on 8 April 2013 they declared themselves to be the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/Islamic State).

With Gulen being described as nothing more than the projection of an idea from Langley Virginia CIA headquarters, an idea from essentially stupid people there who believed they could use him and they could abuse religion as a cover to advance their design for global control, this report continues, a duel arrangement was then brokered by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton between the Erdogan and Gulen factions in Turkey to split the illegal oil wealth captured by Islamic State terrorists in Iraq and Syria—and which Hillary Clinton has been paid by Gulen, to both her families foundation and presidential campaign, an estimated $1 million.
As the MoD began just hours ago publishing the details “of Turkey robbing its neighbors”, this report notes, the continued mounting evidence of this massive CIA plot is now being openly supported by the Obama regime who announced yesterday they were sending more American troops to Iraq to protect their Islamic State allies—and which Iraq’s Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, said were not welcome and whose powerful Shiite militia leaders vowed to kill the moment they set foot on Iraqi soil
Also, this report notes, as National Defense Management Center Lieutenant-General Mikhail Mizintsev today stated that the size of the illegal Erdogan-CIA-Gulen oil trade is impressive, and more information will be presented about it next week, Russian airstrikes have nevertheless destroyed 32 Islamic State oil production facilities, 11 refineries, and thousands of fuel trucks leaving MoD experts to wonder about whom the exactly the Obama and regime and its allies are going to attack and questioning their true motives.
This is critical point to note, this report says, especially when viewed in the light of international law where Russia is the only military force currently to allowed to be operating in Syria, and which US Defense Secretary Ash Carter admitted to yesterday before the US Congress when he acknowledge that the claim of legal authority to make such a deployment under the terms of the 2001 legislation that authorized the use of military force (AUMF) in Afghanistan and Iraq (the only such congressional authorization on the books) did not exist to send American military forces into this war zone.
With the Iraqi government already knowing that the Obama regime is supporting the Islamic State, and having videos showing US military forces dropping weapons and supplies to these terrorists, this report continues, the “true agenda” of the CIA’s plan to install Gulen in power is there for anyone to see if they so wished.

But to what the Obama regimes “true agenda” actually is, this report claims, may to be to actually ignite World War III—particularly when seen by the evidence that the over 14,000 Islamic refugees reported completely vanished by Sweden have, in fact, been transported to the United States—most specially to the more than 100 radical Islamic charter schools owned and operated by “King of Madrasas” Gulen in the United States set up by a maze of dubious NGO’s—including George Soros’ Center for American Progress NGO which joined with Gulen, and which after this “beyond staggering” plot was discovered this past week caused Russia to label George Soros as threat to national security.
And as to how these over 14,000 Islamic refugees in Sweden were able to gain Swedish passports to assure their visa free travel to the United States, this report further explains, began this past spring when  Margot Wallström, Sweden’s foreign minister, became the first Western official to publically denounce the subjugation of women in Saudi Arabia—and which aside from being met with the vast and powerful US-led propaganda machine used by this barbaric monarchy, also resulted in Sweden’s “surrender” thus giving the Saudi’s de facto veto power over Sweden’s foreign policy — and perhaps its domestic policies too.
To what exact purpose the Obama regime has in secreting these over 14,000 Islamic refugees into the United States, this report concludes, can, perhaps, be seen more clearly in the massive military actions currently underway in America (specifically in the regions occupied by Gulen charter schools), and when combined with the actions currently being observed in the Middle East, shows a nation preparing for total global war.
December 2, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Anti-Police Organizing in the Wake of Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s Death

Anti-Police Organizing in the Wake of Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s Death


Cop Killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley Had Pocket Full of $100 Bills – But No Job or Home

Remember how the 9/11 attack led people to cancel or pull back from anti-globalization protests?  It appears a similar dynamic could be at work as a shocking event challenges and divides a growing and effective movement making serious headway.  Like anti-globalization protests before it, the anti-police brutality/ policing movement is going through its own birth pangs as the tactics debate (when is property violence appropriate?) and issues such as how to foreground anti-black racism (#BlackLivesMatter vs. #AllLivesMatter) have taken center stage in the multifaceted and large scale resistance efforts underway.

Saturday, December 20th, was a big day for movement news.  While Minnesota’s Mall of America protest had people occupying space in the US’s largest mall to demand an end to police violence, half way across the country in Brooklyn, two police officers were shot and killed by a young black man who had ostensibly posted on social media before the shootings about his intention to “put wings on pigs”, citing revenge for the deaths of Brown and Garner as motive.  The accused shooter, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, shot himself dead on a nearby subway platform after shooting the officers.  As of Sunday afternoon, there is little information and much speculation about the accused murderer’s life (including that the murders were part of a counter-intelligence plot to discredit the movement and justify extreme force).  Much is uncertain, but it’s certain that the NYPD is already using this to suppress protest, repress entire communities, and further foment divisive public relations–especially with NYC Mayor deBlasio.  How can recent police union behavior and statements be considered anything but a naked admission of a police force’s own extra-legal/ paramilitary ambitions?

At this writing we do know a few things for certain: the corporate state’s policing apparatus will do everything in its power to use this event as a further call to arms against protesting U.S. residents and communities of color.  They will attempt not only to discredit a growing direct action-based movement, but also to aggressively attack protest groups and individuals they have been trying to get their hands on anyway.  If Ismaaiyl Brinsley had been arrested  and charged with the killing of two police officers in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, clearly the anti-policing movement would be having very different debates and discussions.  Now, in his death, many people righteously struggle to contextualize his motives or opportunistically use his actions for their own political reasons.

Not that probing Brinsley’s motives is entirely irrelevant–he shot a woman, possibly an ex-girlfriend, before the officers, for example– but the movement can hurt itself by participating in the posthumous quasi-legalistic media charade of “nailing down” his motives or state of mind.  (This activity already inculcates participants in the state’s judgmental logic of condemnation/ exoneration–echoing media character assassinations of murder by police victims like Brown and Martin.)   What if he was acting in concert with counter-intelligence forces? What if Mao’s little red book was in Brinsley’s pocket?  What if he was an active member of a local Cop Watch group?  What if he was a well-known local homeless man struggling with mental illness and addiction?

Initial activist reactions offer a range of responses: some grapple with the delicate issue of expressing compassion about the shooter’s life, death, and family; some timidly, or not so timidly, tiptoe around self-defense concepts and a deep understanding of the extreme nature of “revolutionary suicide”; some routinely denounce Brinsley’s actions–acting as guardians of the “real non-violent movement” against  “unstable violent outsiders”; some have decided that was a police action he got entangled in.  Then there’s those (new to the issue white activists, I am talking to you) who may have been active and supportive of the anti-police brutality movement, but will use this as an excuse to pull back.  (Controversial events function as a movement’s filtering process, losing people who are too challenged to keep fighting and were just waiting for a chance to fold anyway.)

If there’s anything I am reminded of by this event, it’s the power of social movements, and anti-racist struggles in particular.  For me, there is a connection between the cop murders and the movement.  Before you jump down my throat insisting that I am “feeding the cops’ ideology” by saying this–hear me out, please, and don’t take my statements out of context.  Since the drug war and mass incarceration/ deportation practices, many black and brown lives have been destroyed.  You don’t have to be a front lines long term activist to have strong opinions about policing and institutional racism in America, and feel hopeless in the face of it, too.  Frustration and anger is woven into the everyday fabric of people’s lives, and this includes individual consciousness, rhetoric, and self-understanding.  Add to this an endless flow of social media, news commentary, and live feeds of protests and demonstrations all over the U.S.  Some people may not be able to attend protests for various reasons (work, childcare, transportation, not living close to one, or a shy demeanor) but social media offers a strong way to feel emotionally connected to events since Ferguson began.

This access and ability to connect is both reason for the movement’s effectiveness and a reason to prepare for more controversial actions taken up by individuals in the name of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, or against violent police generally. (And then there’s always police counterinsurgency activities…)  In a large, multifaceted, international movement such that the Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!/ anti-policing movement has become, no one can ultimately judge who’s a protestor or a non-protestor, who cares or doesn’t care, about “the issues”. (Who has an authentic political consciousness gauge and where can I get one?) We can only state if we support certain actions as part of strategies our organizations or ideologies endorse.

I believe, from what I understand about Brinsley’s biographical facts and his presumed state of mind before the murders, he understood himself as a target of racist policing.  Go figure: young, black, and male in the U.S. A. But, As Dr. Johanna Fernandez wrote in CounterPunch, he could have also been acting in concert with authorities to execute a state plot to discredit the movement.  We will never know the facts here, and it shouldn’t deflect from our understanding of institutionalized racism, anyway.

Whether or not Brinsley acted alone or in concert with the state, his life had a truly tragic end.  If we admit understanding or empathy with people espousing extreme tactics — even cop murder — to express oppositional feelings, are we only throwing the police state, and its rabid NYPD, another reason for street level preemptive attack? (As if it ever needed a reason.  We’ve clearly seen over the decades, if the state doesn’t have a reason to justify aggression it’ll make one up.)  What about attempts to understand how social pressures like racist policing and mass incarceration damage people–like Ismaaiyl Brinsley? If we deny a careful consideration of the incalculable impacts movements can have, which include tapping into very real frustrations/ psychological dynamics leading individuals to act alone or as police agents, we sacrifice any potential unity than can be derived in a process of self-reflection and greater political awareness. Collective analysis may not lead to the unity of a shared position, but it could lead to an “agree to disagree” unity or a commitment to explore unpopular perspectives.  Something beyond simple condemnation or exultation is called for here.

It’s a daunting situation and the corporate state wins again if we play into the terms of engagement it always sets by the very nature of its power.  If Ismaaiyl Brinsley had survived and faced his accusers in court, we would see the movement split around “just” court procedures and outcomes.  Some would want him evaluated to qualify for mental health rehabilitation services, some would want him routinely punished, and some would call for his freedom, with an understanding his actions were committed under extreme duress due to the pernicious police state apparatus (a kind of “black rage” defense– if you will.)  From the looks of his social media posts, he knew he was probably going to die Saturday.

I shudder to think about what the state would do to Brinsley, and how the movement would split around his “just” punishment and desirable “rehabilitation.” (How are we going to rehabilitate psychotic racist police?  Any ideas?)  We would have to painfully endure a real trial of the Left’s anti-policing/ abolitionist positions. Instead, we are left to grapple with three dead bodies, many unanswered questions, and a big question mark about our ability to buoy the turbulence of building and sustaining a mass movement, focused specifically on the deep and festering wound of racist police violence, in the age of social media activism.


On Tuesday police Commissioner William Bratton said Ismaaiyl was carrying $100 bills in his pocket.
But he had no job or home.
The Yeshiva World reported:

If we are going to posthumously speculate on Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s life, dare I suggest we use the very commitment to institutional analysis and human compassion that has served as a foundation of the Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!/ anti-policing movement–and previous anti-racist movements– since its inception?  As the saying goes, let’s “keep our eyes on the prize.”

Michelle Renee Matisons, Ph.D. has  written for Counterpunch, Black Agenda Report, Z Magazine, Mint News Press, the NJ Decarcerator, Rethinking Schools, Alternet, and other publications. She can be reached at

Anti-Police Organizing in the Wake of Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s Death » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Activist Post: We Are the Enemy: Is This the Lesson of Ferguson?

We Are the Enemy: Is This the Lesson of Ferguson?

John W. Whitehead
Activist Post

If you dress police officers up as soldiers and you put them in military vehicles and you give them military weapons, they adopt a warrior mentality. We fight wars against enemies, and the enemies are the people who live in our cities — particularly in communities of color. — Thomas Nolan, criminology professor and former police officer.

Ferguson matters because it provides us with a foretaste of what is to come. It is the shot across the bow, so to speak, a warning that this is how we will all be treated if we do not tread cautiously in challenging the police state, and it won’t matter whether we’re black or white, rich or poor, Republican or Democrat. In the eyes of the corporate state, we are all the enemy.

This is the lesson of Ferguson.

Remember that in the wake of the shooting, Ferguson police officers clad in body armor, their faces covered with masks, equipped with assault rifles and snipers and riding armored vehicles, showed up in force to deal with protesters. Describing that show of force by police in Ferguson, Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri, stated, “This was a military force, and they were facing down an enemy.”

Yes, we are the enemy. As I point out in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, since those first towers fell on 9/11, the American people have been treated like enemy combatants, to be spied on, tracked, scanned, frisked, searched, subjected to all manner of intrusions, intimidated, invaded, raided, manhandled, censored, silenced, shot at, locked up, and denied due process.

There was a moment of hope after Ferguson that perhaps things might change. Perhaps the balance would be restored between the citizenry and their supposed guardians, the police. Perhaps our elected officials would take our side for a change and oppose the militarization of the police. Perhaps warfare would take a backseat to more pressing national concerns.

That hope was short-lived.

It wasn’t long before the media moved on to other, more titillating stories. The disappearance of a University of Virginia college student and the search for her alleged abductor, the weeks-long man-hunt for an accused cop killer, the Republican electoral upset, a Rolling Stone expose on gang rapes at fraternity parties, Obama’s immigration amnesty plan, and the rape charges against Bill Cosby are just a few of the stories that have dominated the news cycle since the Ferguson standoff between police and protesters.

It wasn’t long before the American public, easily acclimated to news of government wrongdoing (case in point: the national yawn over the NSA’s ongoing domestic surveillance), ceased to be shocked, outraged or alarmed by reports of police shootings. In fact, the issue was nowhere to be found in this year’s run-up to Election Day, which was largely devoid of any pressing matters of national concern.

And with nary a hiccup, the police state marched steadily forth. In fact, aided and abetted by the citizenry’s short attention span, its easily distracted nature, and its desensitization to anything that occupies the news cycle for too long, it has been business as usual in terms of police shootings, the amassing of military weapons, and the government’s sanctioning of police misconduct. Most recently, Ohio police shot and killed a 12-year-old boy who was seen waving a toy gun at a playground.

Rubbing salt in our wounds, in the wake of Ferguson, police agencies not only continued to ramp up their military arsenals but have used them whenever possible. In fact, in anticipation of the grand jury’s ruling, St. Louis police actually purchased more equipment for its officers, including “civil disobedience equipment.”

Just a few weeks after the Ferguson showdown, law enforcement agencies took part in an $11 million manhunt in Pennsylvania for alleged cop killer Eric Frein. Without batting an eye, the news media switched from outraged “shock” over the military arsenal employed by police in Ferguson to respectful “awe” of the 48-day operation that cost taxpayers $1.4 million per week in order to carry out a round-the-clock dragnet search of an area with a 5-mile-radius.

The Frein operation brought together 1,000 officers from local, state and federal law enforcement, as well as SWAT teams and cutting edge military equipment (high-powered rifles, body armor, infrared sensors, armored trucks, helicopters and unmanned, silent surveillance blimps) — some of the very same weapons and tactics employed in Ferguson and, a year earlier, in Boston in the wake of the marathon bombing.

The manhunt was a well-timed, perfectly choreographed exercise in why Americans should welcome the police state: for our safety, of course, and to save the lives of police officers.

Opposed to any attempt to demilitarize America’s police forces, the Dept. of Homeland Security has been chanting this safety mantra in testimony before Congress: Remember 9/11. Remember Boston. Remember how unsafe the world was before police were equipped with automatic weapons, heavily armored trucks, night-vision goggles, and aircraft donated by the DHS.

Contrary to DHS rhetoric, however, militarized police — twitchy over perceived dangers, hyped up on their authority, and protected by their agencies, the legislatures and the courts — have actually made communities less safe at a time when violent crime is at an all-time low and lumberjacks, fishermen, airline pilots, roofers, construction workers, trash collectors, electricians and truck drivers all have a higher risk of on-the-job fatalities than police officers.

Moreover, as Senator Tom Coburn points out, the militarization of America’s police forces has actually “created some problems that wouldn’t have been there otherwise.” Among those problems: a rise in the use of SWAT team raids for routine law enforcement activities (averaging 80,000 a year), a rise in the use and abuse of asset forfeiture laws by police agencies, a profit-driven incentive to criminalize lawful activities and treat Americans as suspects, and a transformation of the nation’s citizenry into suspects.

Ferguson provided us with an opportunity to engage in a much-needed national dialogue over how police are trained, what authority they are given, what weaponry they are provided, and how they treat those whom they are entrusted with protecting.

Caught up in our personal politics, prejudices and class warfare, we have failed to answer that call. In so doing, we have played right into the hands of all those corporations who profit from turning America into a battlefield by selling the government mine-resistant vehicles, assault rifles, grenade launchers, and drones.

As long as we remain steeped in ignorance, there will be no reform.

As long as we remain divided by our irrational fear of each other, there will be no overhaul in the nation’s law enforcement system or institution of an oversight process whereby communities can ensure that local police departments are acting in accordance with their wishes and values.

And as long as we remain distracted by misguided loyalties to military operatives who are paid to play the part of the government’s henchmen, there will be no saving us when the events of Ferguson unfold in our own backyards.

When all is said and done, it doesn’t matter whose “side” you’re on as far as what transpired in Ferguson, whether you believe that Michael Brown was a victim or that Darren Wilson was justified in shooting first and asking questions later.

What matters is that we not allow politics and deep-rooted prejudices of any sort to divert our efforts to restore some level of safety, sanity and constitutional balance to the role that police officers play in our communities. If we fail to do so, we will have done a disservice to ourselves and every man, woman and child in this country who have become casualties of the American police state.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute where this article first appeared. He is the author of A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State and The Change Manifesto.

Ex-US Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe

Ex-US Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe

Excerpt: “He (Wanta) was tasked by President Reagan and CIA Director William Colby to destabilize the Soviet Union through establishment, with funds from the US Treasury, of a worldwide currency trading scheme…….”
Being Robin Hood and taking down another government to support your own is a very interesting angle as it relates to extortion. The mission may have had some honest intentions but the idea of going after the Soviet Union in a “scheme” that would make trillions of dollars for the US is to me a question of ethics. Is it okay to do someone in so you can do for someone else? Well one thing that is for sure, there is no honesty among thieves. The issue of “my money” is a dubious one notwithstanding how you got “your money” in the first place.
For a long time a family member of mine was a pimp. He amassed great sums of money. When he offered it to me, I refused. I did not want money that was gotten under duress, torture, abuse or any other such thing.
Are the American people so shallow that they do not care, how they got the money, just that now they can use it? Are the American Christians and ethical social beings that shallow that they will look the other way, knowing that the money was ill-gotten in the first place, but yeah, we got millions of jobs out the deal? Are Americans so separated from the law of “what goes around comes around” that they think that since the “shake down of the Soviet Union” economy would not bite them in the ass as the Soviet Union and her descendants attempt to get themselves back on track knowing that it was the work of an American President that put them in the cross-hairs in the first place? 
To answer my own question, yes, in fact most people are that shallow. They do not realize that everything is energy and an exchange of energy, in this instance “ill-gotten money” will not bode well in the future. For instance, if one is willing to do something criminal to someone else, what makes them think they are “safe” from anyone else wanting to do something criminal to them? 
People who rally in support of criminalizing these two “culprits” who attempted to shake Mr. Wanta down are just as guilty as the party that Wanta engaged in to shake down the Soviet Union. There are no innocents in this kind of “economic tyranny” on all sides. The economies based on the Western Model is a ponzy scheme, no matter how you slice it. Issuing W9’s is no clearance for the fact that a substantial amount of interest was amassed for the Banksters and Crooks of the world to leverage their bets and hedge funds as this “fiat money” traveled around the globe.
Who in this day and time can even imagine having $trillions of dollars in their bank account?Who can imagine in this day and time having even billions? In fact, who really knows how billions become trillions when millions are homeless and even more millions of homes lie vacant?
Is there a viable resolve for one to come to in a corrupt economy ran by corrupt banksters backed by corrupt corporations and governments? 
Again, the fact that people feel that Mr. Wanta has been “mistreated, threatened or bribed” have their eyes veiled by the deception of the “currency trading scheme” and I would dare to mention the reason why. All for the love of money.
There are no victims in this case and there are no innocents either. IMHO

Ex-US Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe


Ex-US  Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe


“Former Tenn. Gov. Don Sundquist and S. Dakota Sen. Sheldon Songstad may face not just the largest bribery charge in history but conspiracy to murder as well.”

… by  Gordon Duff,  VT Sr. Editor,    … with  New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Lee Wanta, tough as nails, and still kicking

Editor’s note:  You just can’t make this stuff up. Two crooked aging politicians, who appear to be uber bagmen for Capitol Hill, don’t disconnect a voice mail message left for their shake down victim, and then the caller rings up his co-conspirator to discuss their next move, including killing their target if they don’t get paid.
But there is just one problem. The whole six-minute conversation goes into Lee Wanta’s voice mail, which the jury is going to enjoy immensely. Lee calls his rather extensive security team to ask what to do, and here we are… doing it.
This murder conspiracy case might also break the media blackout on the Wanta case, which has gone on since 2006, after the Treasury Dept. snatched his $4.5-million wire transfer from China into the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, only to be tranferred to Goldman Sachs the next day; and off to Europe it went as part of the $16 trillion of liquidity pumped into the banking system there during the meltdown.
I wish I could say this was an unusual case, but really, only the amounts involved are. These two yo-yos… there is an army of ex-office holders who would be doing exactly what these two thought was going to be their final wet dream.
If we were really to round up all of them doing this kind of stuff, there would be so many special elections going on that they would run out of press people to cover them. And no, I am not exaggerating… Jim W. Dean ]

A day after former Republican Virginia governor, Bob McDonnell and his wife were convicted of 20 counts of bribery and influence peddling, former Republican Tennessee governor Don Sundquist and South Dakota Senator Sheldon Songstad may face, not just the largest bribery charge in world history but indictment for conspiracy to murder as well.
What is amazing about this case is the amount of money involved, totaling $9.5 trillion US dollars, in fact the entire GNP of the United States for several years.
Sundquist and Songstad, wanted $30 billion out of the proceeds to pay themselves along with Congress, the US Treasury Department, five Supreme Court justices and two former US presidents.
Best of all, the whole thing is on tape, a “shakedown” attempt against Ambassador Lee Wanta, former White House intelligence chief under President Ronald Reagan and editor at Veterans Today.

Sundquist and Songstad left, on a recording at Wanta’s embassy, full details, not only of their ability to virtually buy the entire US government and deliver a multi-trillion dollar settlement authorized to Wanta by the US Supreme Court, but were recorded making arrangements for the murder of Wanta as well. 

Read More……….Source: Excerpt from Veteran’s Today

NASA Documents Reveal “Climate Change” Caused By Covert Weather Weapons

November 5, 2013

NASA Documents Reveal “Climate Change” Caused By Covert Weather Weapons

Little Known NASA Documents Reveal Mission of Military and Federal Agencies to Modify the Climate

It’s unacceptable that the UN/IPCC continue to push CO2 as the cause for climate change but refuse to acknowledge the military has been actively engaged in Climate Warming Weapons Technologies for more than 20 years.

TITLE: “Present and Future Plans of Federal Agencies in Weather-Climate Modification”

This set of documents from 1966 reveals a network of government agencies in perpetual and secret collaboration with each other and the military to Modify the Global climate. Created by the elitist National Academy of Sciences – decades of an inter-agency culture of secrecy explains why
the issue of covert aerosol Geoengineering is a taboo topic to be degraded to the status of “conspiracy theory” by a matrix of complicit bureaucrats at every opportunity. This is why your local TV “meteorologist” will rarely make a helpful comment about an unusual sky filled with persistent jet trails.
TITLE: “The Evolution of a Weather Modification R&D program Into a Military Weapons System”. A 1986 Critique of the 1966 initiative.
This document appears as an anonymous draft intended as a critique of the US Weather Modification Program that the author characterizes as hijacked into a military weapons system…..

Denial ain’t just a River in Egypt.

 Conspiracy Theories are NOT Theories After all? 

Investigator Doug Hagmann Exposes Alarming Truths! 


Published on Jul 19, 2012 Investigator, Doug Hagmann (from Hagmann and Hagmann) exposes that the top conspiracy theories are not theories after all! The Middle East, Government watch list, Money Manipulation, Privacy, TSA, and even the conspiracy that the government in Washington D.C. isn’t actually our government.!

I find it interesting how like this one and many other so-called patriotic programs seem to overlook the very essence of why this stuff is happening now. They mention the founding Fathers and their intent over and over again, but these so-called Founding Fathers DID NOT intend for their “document” to include blacks, native Americans or women….. it was a document created for White Anglo-Saxon aristocracy.

They also forget to mention the atrocity of the Slave Trade and the Institution of Slavery, Racism and White Supremacy that sustained it for 300+ years. To me they miss the ELEPHANT in the room by overlooking these simple facts of history.

A nation built on the backs, blood, sweat and tears of an annihilated enslaved people can not stand for long. The European was given the false notion that he was superior to his “Slave” and therefore it was hardly a thing to mention the “rights’ of these enslaved people. The indigenous people were considered savages, therefore, no mention of them or their rights. The Constitution/Bill of Rights is an exclusive document written specifically for those intended not for the so-called “We the People”. Until this is identified, the now “We the People” will continue to grope in the dark for an answer as to why their “Freedoms” are being taken away.

Instead take a hard long look at how these “Freedoms” were taken away by force from the Indigenous People and the African people who were captured and brought thousands of miles from their homeland. These atrocities were perpetrated by the Forefathers of those who now complain about their “Freedoms” being taken away.

How long could such a house of cards last? Once this is faced with an open and serious eye, folks will continue to complain about how their “rights” are being taken away. Now, the descendants of the perpetrators of colonialism, death and destruction here in North & South America are seeing what it feels like to be discriminated against because of the way they think, act, believe or social status.
These Patriots need to take a long hard look at what their Forefathers and Founding Fathers did and continue to do; to Indigenous and African peoples over the past 500+ years and then they will see why, as Malcolm X once said, “The chickens come home to roost.”

I often wonder if when these Patriots spout out their patriotic dribble, do they have the same tunnel vision as their Forefathers? Are they willing to address the discrimination, oppression, racism and white supremacy that has spearheaded this train wreck? Are they brave enough, willing enough, capable enough to speak truth to power and admit that they are in the same hell their Forefathers perpetrated on other human beings? Can they honestly write an narrative that demonstrates how the present day Patriot got himself/herself in this cycle of oppression? Without looking at the root cause of the destruction of America/Western Society.. they will continue to bark at the Moon about the rights they are denied while ignoring how these same rights were denied others.

Denial ain’t just a River in Egypt.