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Archive for September, 2016

Will Barack Obama Be The Next UN Secretary General? (Video)

NB COMMENTARY:  There’s a rumor going around that Barack Hussein Obama may be elected into the Office of Secretary General come this December, 2016. 

Now wouldn’t having Obama as Secretary General of the UN, just bust a lot of buttons??!!  

Obama would be the perfect choice, as he is most in alignment with the type of puppet they need. But wouldn’t that be some history right there, the 1st Black President, and the first African American to be Secretary General of the UN!!!
OMG, I see stars, I see fireworks, I see no fly zones all over the planet, and I see drones.

Quiet as it’s kept he was allowed to preside over the security counsel which was unprecedented. Quiet as it’s kept the US has an overriding veto in the UN. And even more quiet is the fact that these folks do whatever they want to do. So if they decide that this is what they want, who cares about rules, laws, protocols. They are all made just to be revised and at the behest of the revisionists who spring up amongst us from time to time.

With Obama as Secretary General of the UN, the most lauded President in US history, the pronounced Global citizen, the man who literally stated at his last speech at the UN that a new day and a New World was in order to the cheers of all the straw voters. What’s to stop them? Everybody would just roll over and support the rolling out of the New World Order, hands down. Imagine, he will be able to sanction all his unsanctionable deeds. His predecessors, Kofi Anan, there during the kidnapping of Aristide from Haiti.. Moon, watching Libya burn.. would pale in the face of  Mr. Drone Master as he rules the skies.

We are in for a roller coaster ride.

Lord Have Mercy.. say it isn’t so, Joe. Lie to me, tell me that he is NOT a party to the BIGGEST LIE EVER PERPETRATED ON THE ENTIRE WORLD! 

In slightly less than four months, President Barack Obama will be without a job—unless he has another one already lined up.
Rumors are swirling that Obama is already lobbying to take the job of United Nations Secretary-General when Ban Ki-moon’s final five-year term expires on Dec. 31. Those rumors are similar to ones made in the final year of President Bill Clinton’s second term in office.
Some unprecedented news, folks. Never in the history of the United Nations has a U.S. President taken the chairmanship of the powerful UN Security Council. Perhaps it is because of what could arguably be a Constitutional prohibition against doing so. To wit: Section 9 of the Constitution says:
  “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”
Nonetheless, the rotating chairmanship of the council goes to the U.S. this month. The normal course of business would have U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice take the gavel. However, this time will be different. Constitution be damned, Barack Hussein Obama has decided to put HIMSELF in the drivers seat, and will preside over global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament talks slated to begin September 24th. The Financial Times says:
  “Barack Obama will cement the new co-operative relationship between the US and the United Nations this month when he becomes the first American president to chair its 15-member Security Council.”

Rhetorics: President Obama’s speech was nearly the 50 years after the historic speech by then U.S. President John F. Kennedy in Berlin in 1963, during which he proclaimed the famous sentence: ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’
President Obama just gave $500 million of Your Money to the UN Green Fund
Secretary-General Ban congratulates US President Barack Obama on re-election
In his final speech to the United Nations on Tuesday, President Barack Obama warned world leaders of deep and dangerous divisions between those who support more global integration and those who want to retreat into isolationism.
Obama and Ban deliver final U.N. speeches no holds barred
Obama, in final U.N. speech, calls for world ‘course correction’
The controversial veto power
The veto power is not the only issue with the United Nations Security Council. Kofi Annan, a former United Nations Security General criticised its make up. Annan claims that, in order for the UN Security Council to prevent fading into irrelevance, it must admit more permanent members. The UN Security Council seems to have been frozen in time. Its current permanent members seem an anachronism, failing to reflect the geopolitical realities of the current age. Stuck in a time when the world seemed divided into three zones, the West, with capitalism, and the East, communism, and the developing ‘third world’ up for grabs. France is no longer at the front line of a European advance against communism. China and Russia no longer represent a single axis of the world’s powers. As Kofi Annan rightly claims, the UN Security Council must change.
United Nations, New York, 24 September 2009: The Security Council, in a summit meeting this morning presided over by the US President Barack Obama, adopted Resolution 1887, which, among other things, calls upon the States that are party to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to comply fully with all their obligations and fulfill their treaty commitments. It also calls upon all States to sign and ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).
Todays meeting only the fifth in the Council’s history to be held at the level of heads of State and government began with the unanimous adoption of a resolution by which the 15-member body voiced grave concern about the threat of nuclear proliferation and the need for global action to combat it.
Although we averted a nuclear nightmare during the Cold War, we now face proliferation of a scope and complexity that demands new strategies and new approaches, said Mr. Obama, the first US President to preside over a Security Council meeting.
Just one nuclear weapon exploded in a city be it New York or Moscow, Tokyo or Beijing, London or Paris could kill hundreds of thousands of people. And it would badly destabilize our security, our economies, and our very way of life.

Are You Voting For Trump? (Video)

The rabbit hole is so deep we are going to end up in China.
I have a question for the Trump Voters. Can you tell me what happened to the Occupy Movement? Last I heard, wasn’t there a big chasm between the Middle Class and the 1% and an even bigger chasm between the 1% and the poor. How is it possible that people actually believe that a Billionaire, has a heart for the common man. Maybe it’s the Oprah’s of the world, the Bill Gates and the JayZ’s that have pulled this trick on the masses.
I think that it is extremely interesting that “Trump” a Billionaire has so many folks following him. If you ask me that is key in showing how duped the American voters are. Trump is part of the 1%, how did it happen that folks believe he will look out for the middle class and the poor. In order to be a Billionaire you have had to rub elbows with the elite. Where are his donations to causes for human rights and social justice? Where is his track record of reaching out to others. Oh yeah, he’s given jobs to many some say, but seriously, he is still a Billionaire, and if folks are having trouble with the elite, and if they feel that the 1% sees the rest of us as useless eaters, why on God’s green earth would they vote into office a 1%ter? It boggles my mind that folks would trust him. 
Before he ran, folks were talking about his extravagance and luxurious behavior and how he bought a whole island for him to be buried in. 
There was all this controversy and finger pointing at the Bush Administration when he had the most wealthy people in his administration than any other president. And last I heard, many of the Congressmen and women are millionaires themselves. How is it possible that he would not have access to even more bribes, and money laundering and back-room deals than any of the other elite so-called representatives in Congress.
Just because he could fund his own campaign does not tell us that he does not act and think like an elitist, quite the contrary. I find it interesting that this point is not brought up at all, it is as if the American voter has no memory, at all.
This election is a train wreck, but even more unfortunate, the American voter is happily going along for the ride.
You can say I’m a hater, but I’m just saying. This is blatant cognitive dissonance if you ask me.
 More Reading:
TRUMP supporters are, perhaps, the only group of voters in America’s history who have been so viciously and consistently maligned, and in such a coordinated manner, by both political parties.
Did the ‘Bumfights’ Guy Pull This ‘Naked Trump’ Statue Stunt?
Trump supporters fear Fredericksburg-area delegates will back Cruz at contested convention
How to win back the hearts and minds of Trump supporters

The American Voter Is An Enabler (VIDEO)

A voter/citizen of the USA expressed that he is aware that this election is a train wreck but wants to be able to say “at least I tried”. 
My response. ….
If you are in a sinking boat because it was poorly constructed, to say you tried to save it by using a small bucket to dunk the water instead of a huge one, still doesn’t stop the boat from sinking. It’s time for a new boat!
The American voter is in a codependent relationship with an abusive government. The American voter is an enabler to its abuser because he/she believes by trying to win the game by the government ‘s rules that they will eventually be given Justice and/or correct treatment. They refuse to see that their government is a Psychopathic tyrant who cares only to be fed by its host. They cannot accept that all their trying will make not a shred of difference because the relationship is not dependent on the tyrant being removed. But only the reformation of the Tyrant. 

As long as the American voter believes that the tyrant can be reformed, they will continue to try to save the sinking ship with whatever size bucket they have.
It’s time to abandon ship, and build a completely different model that can truly sail the seven seas!
Nana’s Rants on Subjects from A-Z

The Gruesome History of Eating Corpses as Medicine By Maria Dolan

NB Commentary: I’m just gonna leave this right here…………..
The Gruesome History of Eating Corpses as Medicine

The question was not “Should you eat human flesh?” says one historian, but, “What sort of flesh should you eat?”
Egyptians embalming a corpse. (Bettmann / Corbis)
By Maria Dolan
MAY 6, 2012
The last line of a 17th century poem by John Donne prompted Louise Noble’s quest. “Women,” the line read, are not only “Sweetness and wit,” but “mummy, possessed.”
Sweetness and wit, sure. But mummy? In her search for an explanation, Noble, a lecturer of English at the University of New England in Australia, made a surprising discovery: That word recurs throughout the literature of early modern Europe, from Donne’s “Love’s Alchemy” to Shakespeare’s “Othello” and Edmund Spenser’s “The Faerie Queene,” because mummies and other preserved and fresh human remains were a common ingredient in the medicine of that time. In short: Not long ago, Europeans were cannibals.
Noble’s new book, Medicinal Cannibalism in Early Modern English Literature and Culture, and another by Richard Sugg of England’s University of Durham, Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians, reveal that for several hundred years, peaking in the 16th and 17th centuries, many Europeans, including royalty, priests and scientists, routinely ingested remedies containing human bones, blood and fat as medicine for everything from headaches to epilepsy. There were few vocal opponents of the practice, even though cannibalism in the newly explored Americas was reviled as a mark of savagery. Mummies were stolen from Egyptian tombs, and skulls were taken from Irish burial sites. Gravediggers robbed and sold body parts.
“The question was not, ‘Should you eat human flesh?’ but, ‘What sort of flesh should you eat?’ ” says Sugg. The answer, at first, was Egyptian mummy, which was crumbled into tinctures to stanch internal bleeding. But other parts of the body soon followed. Skull was one common ingredient, taken in powdered form to cure head ailments. Thomas Willis, a 17th-century pioneer of brain science, brewed a drink for apoplexy, or bleeding, that mingled powdered human skull and chocolate. And King Charles II of England sipped “The King’s Drops,” his personal tincture, containing human skull in alcohol. Even the toupee of moss that grew over a buried skull, called Usnea, became a prized additive, its powder believed to cure nosebleeds and possibly epilepsy. Human fat was used to treat the outside of the body. German doctors, for instance, prescribed bandages soaked in it for wounds, and rubbing fat into the skin was considered a remedy for gout.
Blood was procured as fresh as possible, while it was still thought to contain the vitality of the body. This requirement made it challenging to acquire. The 16th century German-Swiss physician Paracelsus believed blood was good for drinking, and one of his followers even suggested taking blood from a living body. While that doesn’t seem to have been common practice, the poor, who couldn’t always afford the processed compounds sold in apothecaries, could gain the benefits of cannibal medicine by standing by at executions, paying a small amount for a cup of the still-warm blood of the condemned. “The executioner was considered a big healer in Germanic countries,” says Sugg. “He was a social leper with almost magical powers.” For those who preferred their blood cooked, a 1679 recipe from a Franciscan apothecary describes how to make it into marmalade.
Rub fat on an ache, and it might ease your pain. Push powdered moss up your nose, and your nosebleed will stop. If you can afford the King’s Drops, the float of alcohol probably helps you forget you’re depressed—at least temporarily. In other words, these medicines may have been incidentally helpful—even though they worked by magical thinking, one more clumsy search for answers to the question of how to treat ailments at a time when even the circulation of blood was not yet understood.
However, consuming human remains fit with the leading medical theories of the day. “It emerged from homeopathic ideas,” says Noble. “It’s ‘like cures like.’ So you eat ground-up skull for pains in the head.” Or drink blood for diseases of the blood.
Another reason human remains were considered potent was because they were thought to contain the spirit of the body from which they were taken. “Spirit” was considered a very real part of physiology, linking the body and the soul. In this context, blood was especially powerful. “They thought the blood carried the soul, and did so in the form of vaporous spirits,” says Sugg. The freshest blood was considered the most robust. Sometimes the blood of young men was preferred, sometimes, that of virginal young women. By ingesting corpse materials, one gains the strength of the person consumed. Noble quotes Leonardo da Vinci on the matter: “We preserve our life with the death of others. In a dead thing insensate life remains which, when it is reunited with the stomachs of the living, regains sensitive and intellectual life.”
Egyptians embalming a corpse. (Bettmann / Corbis)
The idea also wasn’t new to the Renaissance, just newly popular. Romans drank the blood of slain gladiators to absorb the vitality of strong young men. Fifteenth-century philosopher Marsilio Ficino suggested drinking blood from the arm of a young person for similar reasons. Many healers in other cultures, including in ancient Mesopotamia and India, believed in the usefulness of human body parts, Noble writes.
Even at corpse medicine’s peak, two groups were demonized for related behaviors that were considered savage and cannibalistic. One was Catholics, whom Protestants condemned for their belief in transubstantiation, that is, that the bread and wine taken during Holy Communion were, through God’s power, changed into the body and blood of Christ. The other group was Native Americans; negative stereotypes about them were justified by the suggestion that these groups practiced cannibalism. “It looks like sheer hypocrisy,” says Beth A. Conklin, a cultural and medical anthropologist at Vanderbilt University who has studied and written about cannibalism in the Americas. People of the time knew that corpse medicine was made from human remains, but through some mental transubstantiation of their own, those consumers refused to see the cannibalistic implications of their own practices.
Conklin finds a distinct difference between European corpse medicine and the New World cannibalism she has studied. “The one thing that we know is that almost all non-Western cannibal practice is deeply social in the sense that the relationship between the eater and the one who is eaten matters,” says Conklin. “In the European process, this was largely erased and made irrelevant. Human beings were reduced to simple biological matter equivalent to any other kind of commodity medicine.”
The hypocrisy was not entirely missed. In Michel de Montaigne’s 16th century essay “On the Cannibals,” for instance, he writes of cannibalism in Brazil as no worse than Europe’s medicinal version, and compares both favorably to the savage massacres of religious wars.
As science strode forward, however, cannibal remedies died out. The practice dwindled in the 18th century, around the time Europeans began regularly using forks for eating and soap for bathing. But Sugg found some late examples of corpse medicine: In 1847, an Englishman was advised to mix the skull of a young woman with treacle (molasses) and feed it to his daughter to cure her epilepsy. (He obtained the compound and administered it, as Sugg writes, but “allegedly without effect.”) A belief that a magical candle made from human fat, called a “thieves candle,” could stupefy and paralyze a person lasted into the 1880s. Mummy was sold as medicine in a German medical catalog at the beginning of the 20th century. And in 1908, a last known attempt was made in Germany to swallow blood at the scaffold.
This is not to say that we have moved on from using one human body to heal another. Blood transfusions, organ transplants and skin grafts are all examples of a modern form of medicine from the body. At their best, these practices are just as rich in poetic possibility as the mummies found in Donne and Shakespeare, as blood and body parts are given freely from one human to another. But Noble points to their darker incarnation, the global black market trade in body parts for transplants. Her book cites news reports on the theft of organs of prisoners executed in China, and, closer to home, of a body-snatching ring in New York City that stole and sold body parts from the dead to medical companies. It’s a disturbing echo of the past. Says Noble, “It’s that idea that once a body is dead you can do what you want with it.”
Maria Dolan is a writer based in Seattle. Her story about Vaux’s swifts and their disappearing chimney habitat appeared on in November 2011.

9/11, What Was Mainstream Media’s Role? Ask A Psychic (Video)

NB Commentary: This is my attempt to bring some clarity to the controversy surrounding the 911 event which took place on Sept. 11, 2001. Here I consult the I Ching Oracle System to gain insight into the role the Mainstream Media played in shaping the narrative and impacting on the perception and reaction of those who viewed their productions. It has been 15 years since then and many different approaches have been taken to decipher what exactly happened on that fateful day.

This video is a bit lengthy but I do hope you watch it to the end. It will help to advance your understanding of my style and technique when consulting the I Ching about such events.
I conduct ongoing workshops via the internet.  If you would like to learn how to use the I Ching Oracle System and learn more about the unique technique that I use please feel free to contact me….

Check out this playlist:
For more information on how to join our I Ching Workshops Online go to this link.
More Reading:


Hillary Emerges From Chelsea’s Apartment Looking ENTIRELY DIFFERENT! (Video)

NB Commentary: The body double for the elite, public officials and entertainers has been going on for some time. With speculations around types of clones etc., but to be sure, common sense would tell you that with all the running around from place to place that they do they would need a stand in or a serious dose of some drug to keep them standing.

I used to wonder about that with Obama, how can he be in all them places at one time? I travel and air travel is sometimes more draining than ground travel. But be sure, when they are “chosen” to be in office in those high places, their body double is chosen for sure. And yes, I saw the movie Dave (see the video below if you missed it), but I heard about body doubles, long before.

It brings comfort to the American people to think that only Saddam, Osama or some other “terrorist” had a body double, but there was a report that even Qaddafi had one. So you see… it’s quite possible.

The thing to me is, if she is not well, or even if she is too sick to continue, who will folks be electing into the office of the Presidency? A real live  puppet for sure.. but wouldn’t that be treasonous???

Illuminati News: Mary Todd Killed Lincoln

NB Commentary: Now here’s an interesting twist for the great unwashed masses to chew on. I can’t say much, and don’t have much of a comment to say on this one except, SMDH.

Mary Todd Killed Lincoln– by Brian David Andersen –(Posted here by Wes Penre, Dec 17, 2004, Revised Dec 26, 2005)

Last Updated: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 03:25:23 AM 


* * *Would anyone (especially a man in the 1860s) in their right mind try to kill the President of the United states with a one shot small pistol normally carried by a woman? Six shooter revolvers existed in the 1860s and if one were to plot to kill a President, one would logically have more than one bullet in the barrel.

Mary Todd Lincoln, like many women in Washington during the American Civil War carried a derringer….But Mary Todd also owned a derringer with a white pearl handle(1)….that fact is in the National Archives. And she waved, flashed and flaunted her pearly pop gun often on the streets of Washington D.C. and The White House.

Lincoln was shot on the left side of his head and Mary Todd was left handed. Mary Todd was barred from attending the funeral and two armed guards made sure she did not leave her room for 10 days after the shooting ….that fact is in the National Archives.

Mary Todd Lincoln was denied the normal customary widowers pension three times by the U.S. Congress (Today the pension is automatic).

Mary Todd like so many high society persons in Washington D.C. during the 1860s was an opium

addict… that fact is in the Library of Congress. Her drug supplier also was a part time actor who doubled for the real full time actor John Wilkes Booth when he had multiple appearances on the same day in two different cities.

Abraham had the Treasury Department print money and that really pissed-off the Rothschilds and others because they did not want any competition with money they printed via their private company called the Federal Reserve Bank(2). Lincoln had to go because he betrayed his “family” but the plot was to discredit him by revealing that he had an affair with a Hapsburg illegitimate offspring and the royal sex resulted in two children.

The part time actor (Mary’s catnip boy) was sent to Ford’s theater to inform the President that an important message was waiting for him at the War Department. The plot then was to knock-out Abe and smuggle him (An empty carriage was found at the back of Ford’s Theater the night of the shooting) onto a sea vessel, drug him for several day and return him to Washington in a daze as the press zeroed in on the drugged President, the facts and pictures (there are many) of his illegitimate family would be released. The President would have to resign and Mary Todd was part of this plot.

However Stanton and the Rothschilds underestimated the revenge of a delirious First Lady strung-out on opium who has just discovered that her hubby had popped a secret, illegal yet “royal” family. Now Mary Todd was also going to do some popping.

As the part time imposter actor opened the door to the suite at Ford’s Theater to summon the President, he was shocked and horrified to see Mary Todd pointing and firing her woman’s derringer into her husband’s head. The imposter actor panicked because he knew his buddies downstairs would blame him for shooting the President and that was not the game plan at all or he was setup as the fall guy / patsy from the beginning. Either way going back downstairs was not a good idea so the drug pusher jumped from the Presidential box seats into the third act of the play at Ford’s Theater and broke his leg.

The term “Break a leg” used in the theater comes from “Booth’s” (the fake one) flying leap into the third act of “Our American Cousin” performed at Fords Theater on April 14, 1865.

The real John Wilkes Booth had no choice but to escape on the first ship to India because his career and reputation were blasted away by a junkie and her wacked out and desperate supplier claiming to be Booth. The fake Booth escaped to Grandbury Texas and did some acting but his alcoholism and blabbering mouth resulted in his murder by arsenic poisoning in Enid, Oklahoma.

Many people from the North and South wanted the fake Booth to be silent one way or another and

a former high ranking confederate officer who was in charge of disrupting union payroll lines ended the charade. The fake Booth’s intensely pickled body was grotesquely displayed as the remains of the real Booth in towns and hamlets in the Midwest and Western states for 18 months after he was force fed the lethal cocktail in the spring of 1911. In the continuing bizarre chain of events, there exists today a certified sworn affidavit from a cousin of Abraham Lincoln that he was present at the poisoning of the fake Booth.

Spin control of reality and perception was critical for the powers that be and the first move Stanton made according several documents in Washington D.C. libraries was to commit the two persons that accompanied the Lincolns to the theater the evening of the murder to a mental institution within 30 days of the shooting. Major Henry Rathbone and Clara Harris were released from the booby hatch sometime in 1867. What happened to these pivotal eye witnesses while they were locked up in the asylums? Later the two witness married and the Major murdered his wife. Were both of these persons totally sane when they entered the institutions but purposely driven mad because they knew too much?

Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abe and Mary knew most of the facts of his fathers’s affair, half sisters and mother’s drug and murdering ways but used his knowledge and his silence to secure a cushy job as the President of Pullman Railroad Cars. Stanton, the Rothschilds, and the Paysurers [sic. Correct spelling: Payseurs, Wes Penre] made sure Robert Todd was fat, sassy, had plenty of cash to burn in his favorite elite gambling halls and whore houses but most of all he was totally quiet to his grave. Over the years Robert Todd did everything he could to destroy evidence related to his sordid family history but he could not destroy all the facts and evidence….

While growing up in Illinois in the 1920s and 30s Mary Alice Kemery looked at a large picture with a glass bubble of Abraham Lincoln in her grandparents and then later in her parents homes. One day she requested that the picture on the wall be investigated by historians and to her and her family’s shock they discovered the picture was a prized missing and authentic lithograph signed by Lincoln on the back of the photo. How did this prized picture worth over a million dollars get into her family home? Mary’s father ask his grandmother Emma when he was a child where the photo came from and her reply was “let sleeping dogs lie” and then would often cry after making that statement. Emma cried because the picture was the only connection she had to her father Abraham Lincoln. Her mother disappeared shortly after she and her twin sister were born.

After discovering the photo on her family’s wall was an authentic piece of Lincoln history, Mary Alice Kemery began a 35 year investigation into her family’s history, Lincoln and the assassination. All the aforementioned facts about Mary Todd and others were discovered by Mary Alice in the National Archives and other libraries in the Washington D.C. area and Illinois during the past 35 years. Ray Neff (mentioned in another Conspiracy Nation segment on Lincoln) can confirm the life and time of Mary Alice Kemery and she is also known as the late, great and popular astrologer Linda Goodman a very dear and personal friend of mine.

I met Ray Neff on several occasions with Linda (Mary Alice) but Ray is too narrow minded and scared to see and absorb the large scope of Lincoln’s real life and death. Many persons (like Brian Redman and Ray Neff) are too fearful to recognize and acknowledge that their hero and icon named Lincoln was human and had sexual and love desires like any normal man and followed through with those needs that resulted in a second family. Abraham Lincoln was a normal mortal human being with talents and faults. Honest Abe was not a god or a superman… (and the reader’s perception hopefully begins to tilt and sway towards reality and move permanently away from the illusion and fiction created by the powers that be, time and hero worship by the masses of comic book like characters fashioned by writers and historians,,,)

The following is a combination of facts gathered by Linda (Mary Alice), I and others over the years. One could hire the best fiction writers in the world to make up a story but they could not invent a scenario more bazaar than the Lincoln Saga. Reality is much more fascinating, interesting and thorough than the limited imaginations and creations of the very best fiction writers.

The person born Abraham who became President of the United States did not have a last name at birth because his mother would not identify the father. The family of Abraham named him after the town he was born in or they named him after the town where his family was from Lincolnton, North Carolina (the Kentucky version of Lincoln’s birth is a spin control fabricated by wishful thinking biographers). Lincolton is a small town located near a branch operation of the Bank of England known as the Federal Reserve Bank that is privately owned and operated to this day in Charlotte, North Carolina. (This bank has no automated teller machines gee, how come?) At that time royalty from Europe and the Rothschilds had family members living in the area around Lincolnton to operate and manage the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. Abraham’s mother was a maid and nanny. Was Abraham an illegitimate offspring of European royalty or the Rothschilds? The facts and evidence indicate his royal illegitimate birth.

To end the bloody hostilities, the founding fathers (most of them Masons) of the United States agreed to the “temporary” installation of a branch institution of the Bank Of England in 1791 so the United States could repay England (the Rothschild family) for debts occurred during the Revolutionary War. This secret institution was given a 20 year charter and called the United States Constitutional Bank. To make sure this debt was paid the Bank of England established their branch in the most important area of the United States – Charlotte, North Carolina!! Charlotte, North, Carolina???? Yes Charlotte, North Carolina. Why Charlotte????


Today American history, geography and geology books omit one key and crucial tidbit of information – The world’s largest gold deposits in the late 18th century were around the town of Charlotte, North Carolina. English Royalty the Rothschilds and other controlled the gold and the bank that laundered the income from the mines. The Masonic Brothers of the United States gave their Masonic Brothers of England “temporary” control of the gold and the money laundering bank to pay back the war debt and end the bloodbath of the Revolutionary War. And remember the Golden Rule – he who has the gold makes the rules. And he who has the gold can mold the public perception of realty.

When the charter for the branch bank expired, Thomas Jefferson (not a Mason) had enough votes in Congress to block and deny the extension of the agreement with the Bank of England in 1811. In 1812 the Rothschilds sent troops that cut right through American defenses like a hot knife through warm butter and flawlessly burned Washington D.C. as if the Capitol were a summer campfire for marsh mellows and hot dogs.

Thomas Jefferson was given two choices:

1. Have his new country burned, crushed and tortured back into colony status. By this time the British were crudely adept at managing concentration camps (they taught the German Nazis) and Jefferson was acutely aware of the whip, rack and stockade capabilities of his enemy.

2. Remain “sovereign” (no more barbeques or skewers of the nation’s capitol) but renew the charter for the United States Constitutional Bank for 50 years.

During the war of 1812 many Americans had visually witnessed the burning of their capitol but one year later all Americans were fried and very few United States citizens knew they had been roasted on a golden platter. – In 1813 the bank charter was renewed by the U.S. Congress for 50 years and the financial institution was quietly and privately renamed the Federal Reserve Bank.

Andrew Jackson tried to cancel the bank charter when he was elected President but his term in office was short and “shameful”. However, America was eventually allowed to store some of the gold from the Charlotte area in Ft. Knox. Have any elementary school children or history Ph.D candidates in the past 50 years ever questioned where the gold in Ft Knox was originally mined 20 to 50 years before the gold rushes in Colorado and California?

As the renewal of the bank charter approached, most of the Northern politicians desired to extend the charter while most Southern politicians opposed the existence of the Federal Reserve Bank. The bank issue was one of the secret major causes of the American Civil War yet the charter prevailed when an extension was granted in 1865 – only the Northern Politicians voted on the extension because the Southern politicians were involved in the crash of the Confederacy – very convenient for the Rothschilds and English royalty. After 1865 the charter bank was publicly called The Federal Reserve Bank but privately owned and operated by the Rothschilds , the Bank Of England and the British royal family.

The fast and steady rule over the centuries is that only royalty can have sex with royalty. However, most if not all of the illegitimate children of royalty and their decedents are watched over and taken care of no matter what race, nationality, religion or any level of intelligence including Colin Powell a decedent of King George II whose family is from Jamaica. Dan Quayle (he is the classic example of any intelligence level) and George Bush are also decedents of King George II. Hilary Clinton is related to the Melons whose ancestors are English royalty.

After finishing law school Lincoln became a circuit lawyer and during his travels he was encouraged to meet and have a relationship with an illegitimate child of King Leopold of Habsburg named “Elizabeth”. Remember, only royalty has sex with royalty and the affair between LiZ and Abe was supported by both of their real yet secret families. The birth of twin daughters was the result of the long term affair that took place while Abe was traveling on horse back as a circuit lawyer and Mary Todd had no awareness of her husband’s royal sexual/ personal intercourses and family. Anyone married to Mary Todd would welcome some extra nookie especially if it was free.

Lincoln was a virtual nobody before the Republican Convention of 1860 and all of sudden he became a very important person. American history is full of unknown private citizens all of a sudden becoming persons of power and wealth. Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie, Vanderbilt were all unknowns who had instant fame and fortune overnight. All of the aforementioned persons started out as Trustees (bag men) of money accounts for European royalty and the Rothschilds. They were not CEOs of any important corporations at the beginnings of their instant successful careers. But the sinister and cruel joke of these English royal court jester bag men was (and has been and still is) on the American Public. Lincoln was suppose to be a weak puppet bag man of the powers that be because of his ties to royalty but he surprised everyone with his desire to lead America to a new level of independence.

Bank Of England

The Trustee bag men insured that the private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank could operate public utility companies, corporations, universities, foundations and other institutions under the rat maze / smoke screen cloak of trusts – a continuing shell and con game set up to confuse, befuddle and impress politicians and the public. However the key industry the Federal Reserve Bank and the Trustee Bag Men immediately controlled was all aspects related to railroads. And Lincoln walked and was elected into this buzz saw of lethal high stakes financial intrigue and deadly international funny money operations. But not even his royal family ties could protect him when he challenged the will and desires of the private owners of the Federal Reserve Bank.

Lincoln is a hero because he tried to set the United States of America on a new course of fiscal responsibility by having the Treasury Department print money. He also rejected “loans” from the Bank of England to the Union at ridiculous interest rates. Why should have the Union utilized and been dependent upon money printed by the Federal Reserve Bank located in the Confederate state of North Carolina or loans from a foreign bank? He placed the survival of the United States of America above, beyond and over his secret royal family ties – and that indirectly cost him his life. But our school children are only told the fantasy of “Honest Abe” and not the reality of his true patriotism, courage, honor and sacrifice.

The twin daughters were about eight years old when Abe became President He was having friends take care of the daughters because Elizabeth was too distraught about the shame of having children without a marriage and she departed for Europe soon after the births.

Lincoln never supported his mistress and illegitimate daughters in the same manner as European royalty supports their bastards and that really ticked-off the Hapsburgs. In the National Archives are documents that detail an incident that occurred at a White House dinner in 1861. A Prince from Hapsburg walked up to Lincoln before the food was served and slapped Ol’ Honest Abe three times with a white glove. This dramatic action was a challenge for a pistol duel but the President of The United States only lowered his head in shame as he walked out of the room and did not return to the dinner.

Also in the National Archives is a letter from a school child to Lincoln asking him how many children Abe had. In the last sentence of his reply note to the child Lincoln stated “I regret to inform you that I cannot recognize that I have any twin daughters.” And a drug addicted, distraught, insane and rootin – tootin and shootin Mary Todd Lincoln made her husband, his illegitimate daughters and the American public more regretful and sorrowful than anyone could ever imagine…..

There is a second part to the saga. Lincoln arranged for one of his daughters to be raised by an old law school buddy who was from a wealthy cotton plantation family in South Carolina His name was Felix Turner Hughes. However Felix died shortly after Lincoln’s daughter arrived and a relative took over the plantation and his name was Felix Monroe Hughes. Felix Monroe raped and impregnated the daughter of Lincoln and she named the child ……88 (what is the eighth letter in the alphabet). AND 88’s LIFE AND CHILDREN ARE A PIVOTAL CORNERSTONE OF AMERICAN HISTORY……

Illuminati News: Mary Todd Killed Lincoln

Footnotes by Wes Penre:  
(1) ^ The problem with this theory is that the murder weapon does not have a white handle, as we can see on the picture from the wall at the Ford’s Theater (see picture above). However, this article is interesting, and it could still be a valid theory. The question is: did Mary Todd own more than one handgun? Maybe something to research further…
UPDATE Dec 19, 2007: I received an email from Brian David Andersen, the author of this article. He tells me the following: “…the author [Andersen] viewed a photo taken in the early 1970s of the white pearl handled derringer displayed in Ford’s Theater. Owners of Ford’s Theater deny that a white pearl handled derringer was every [sic] on display. The person who took the picture of the white handled pearl derringer displayed in Ford’s Theater died in 1996 thus the photo was lost in the dispersion of the deceased’s estate.”
(2) ^ There is a difference between the Federal Reserve Bank and the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve Bank was originally named the United States Constitutional Bank and the name was changed after the war of 1812. The title of Federal Reserve Bank was chiseled on the building in Charlotte, North Carolina in the 1820s but like the gold mines, the true nature remained hidden from the public. The Federal Reserve System was supposedly started on Jekyll Island in the early 1900s. Wes Penre’s correspondence with the author.

The Cabal and Its Vampire Monster (Video)

NB Commentary: I want to comment on whether the deaths are faked or real. Everything is energy and the Cabal, that runs this world needs the energy and not necessarily the deaths. You once mentioned that folks are worth “more” dead than alive. Think about it, when someone dies or is reported to have died, all types of energy is released from family, friends, fans, individuals, etc. the Gofundme pages for example, the insurance companies, and behind all this are the Banksters. People don’t realize how the banking system works and how the digital entries are counted as assets, even if they are supposed to go to someone else. But while they are sitting there in the bank, they are considered commodities and can be traded. You follow me?
Now, let’s look at the emotional energy. The Cabal are ritualistically feeding a blood thirsty Vampire Monster, this monster once demanded “blood sacrifices”. They don’t have to have an actual death/blood when they can have hysteria, mania, grief and fear to feed their monster. Since the Monster is not in the physical plain and since we know that death is an illusion, they can manipulate the minds of the masses and get just as much energy out of them as if there was an “actual” death. Just watching how the masses reacts is the “dead” give away. 

Back in the day, you would see actual blood flowing. Humans have used “blood” in rituals across cultures. The shedding of blood is an Archetype. Blood represents life, energy. When you bleed, you lose energy, and if enough blood is lost your physical body dies. It seems that so many living things have blood in them, down to the tiniest bug., Throughout human history man has shed the blood of another in conflicts. The more blood he sheds the more power he has, hence “blood sacrifices” are empowering to those who conduct them. 

Zachary K Hubbard, in his YouTube Videos, has pointed to this in the transfer of power from one entertainer to another, and the rigging of sports events. 

Wars are ritual sacrifices to their Vampire Monster and are still conducted because their Monster needs some “real” blood from time to time.. But it also has a ripple effect around the rest of the world. Grief, Terror, Shock & Awe, feeds the Monster, real or contrived, it’s the energy of Shock and Awe that they want. 

When humans indulge in ritual sacrifices that include the spilling of blood and death, they link into that Vampire Monster and become its host. It seeks them out for constant feeding and promises them dominion over the unwashed masses. 

But it’s all energy and what we need to do is become the Masters of how we allow our energies to be manipulated and/or drained from us. This Vampire Monster the Cabal is feeding, drains us of our Psychic energy, where the real power lies.. Once the Cabal realized they didn’t have to actually “kill” people to get the energy, they created “Social engineering projects”, to get the same results. Sports games, music festivals, religious evangelism, horror movies, violence and other conduits where the masses gather together and emit powerful energy. 

When he say it’s all fake, I can see what he means because they make shit up as they go along, and watch folks become manic, releasing their psychic energy. They have to make shit up, because their Vampire Monster is insatiable. 

Antonio Armstrong (NFL) and Wife Murdered by their son, July 29, 2016.. Ritual Sacrifice? Son Framed?

Dane Wiggington Narrates Mark Twain’s Lowest Animal

Dane Wiggington Narrates Mark Twain’s Lowest Animal

Dane Wigington – Bio
Dane Wigington has a background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona.
His personal residence was featured in a cover article on the world’s largest renewable energy magazine, Home Power. He owns a large wildlife preserve next to Lake Shasta inNorthern California.
Dane focused his efforts and energy on the geoengineering issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to ever-increasing “solar obscuration” caused from the aircraft spraying as he also noted significant decline in forest health and began testing and research into the geoengineering issue about a decade ago.
He is the lead researcher for and has investigated all levels of geoengineering, solar radiation management, and global ionosphere heaters like HAARP. Dane has appeared on an extensive number of interviews and films to explain the environmental dangers we face on a global level from the ongoing climate engineering assault.
The Lowest Animal, by Mark Twain

Fairly early in his career–with the publication of numerous tall tales, comic essays, and the novels Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry FinnMark Twain earned his reputation as one of America’s greatest humorists. But it wasn’t until after his death in 1910 that most readers discovered Twain’s darker side.
Composed in 1896, “The Lowest Animal” (which has appeared in different forms and under various titles, including “Man’s Place in the Animal World”) was occasioned by the battles between Christians and Muslims in Crete.  As editorPaul Baender has observed, “The severity of Mark Twain’s views on religious motivation was part of the increasing cynicism of his last twenty years.”  An even more sinister force, in Twain’s view, was the “Moral Sense,” which he defines in this essay as “the quality which enables [man] to do wrong.”
After clearly stating his thesis in the introductory paragraph, Twain proceeds to develop his argument through a series of comparisons and examples, all of which appear to support his claim that “we have reached the bottom stage of development.”
The Lowest Animal
by Mark Twain
I have been scientifically studying the traits and dispositions of the “lower animals” (so-called), and contrasting them with the traits and dispositions of man.
I find the result humiliating to me. For it obliges me to renounce my allegiance to the Darwinian theory of the Ascent of Man from the Lower Animals; since it now seems plain to me that the theory ought to be vacated in favor of a new and truer one, this new and truer one to be named the Descent of Man from the Higher Animals.
In proceeding toward this unpleasant conclusion I have not guessed or speculated or conjectured, but have used what is com­monly called the scientific method. That is to say, I have sub­jected every postulate that presented itself to the crucial test of actual experiment, and have adopted it or rejected it according to the result. Thus I verified and established each step of my course in its turn before advancing to the next.
These experiments were made in the London Zoological Gardens, and covered many months of painstaking and fatiguing work.
Before particularizing any of the experiments, I wish to state one or two things which seem to more properly belong in this place than further along. This in the interest of clearness.
The massed experiments established to my satisfaction certain gener­alizations, to wit:
  1. That the human race is of one distinct species. It exhibits slight variations (in color, stature, mental caliber, and so on) due to climate, environment, and so forth; but it is a species by itself, and not to be confounded with any other.
  2. That the quadrupeds are a distinct family, also. This fam­ily exhibits variations–in color, size, food preferences, and so on; but it is a family by itself.
  3. That the other families–the birds, the fishes, the insects, the reptiles, etc.–are more or less distinct, also. They are in the procession. They are links in the chain which stretches down from the higher animals to man at the bottom.
Some of my experiments were quite curious. In the course of my reading I had come across a case where, many years ago, some hunters on our Great Plains organized a buffalo hunt for the entertainment of an English earl. They had charming sport. They killed seventy-two of those great animals; and ate part of one of them and left the seventy-one to rot. In order to determine the differ­ence between an anaconda and an earl (if any) I caused seven young calves to be turned into the anaconda’s cage. The grateful reptile immediately crushed one of them and swallowed it, then lay back satisfied. It showed no further interest in the calves, and no disposition to harm them. I tried this experiment with other anacondas; always with the same result. The fact stood proven that the difference between an earl and an anaconda is that the earl is cruel and the anaconda isn’t; and that the earl wantonly destroys what he has no use for, but the anaconda doesn’t. This seemed to suggest that the anaconda was not descended from the earl. It also seemed to suggest that the earl was descended from the anaconda, and had lost a good deal in the transition.
I was aware that many men who have accumulated more millions of money than they can ever use have shown a rabid hunger for more, and have not scrupled to cheat the ignorant and the helpless out of their poor servings in order to partially appease that appetite. I furnished a hundred different kinds of wild and tame animals the opportunity to accumulate vast stores of food, but none of them would do it. The squirrels and bees and certain birds made accumulations, but stopped when they had gathered a winter’s supply, and could not be persuaded to add to it either honestly or by chicane. In order to bolster up a tottering reputa­tion the ant pretended to store up supplies, but I was not de­ceived. I know the ant. These experiments convinced me that there is this difference between man and the higher animals: he is avaricious and miserly; they are not.
In the course of my experiments I convinced myself that among the animals man is the only one that harbors insults and injuries, broods over them, waits till a chance offers, then takes revenge. The passion of revenge is unknown to the higher animals.
Roosters keep harems, but it is by consent of their concu­bines; therefore no wrong is done. Men keep harems but it is by brute force, privileged by atrocious laws which the other sex were allowed no hand in making. In this matter man occupies a far lower place than the rooster.
Cats are loose in their morals, but not consciously so. Man, in his descent from the cat, has brought the cats looseness with him but has left the unconsciousness behind (the saving grace which excuses the cat). The cat is innocent, man is not.
Indecency, vulgarity, obscenity (these are strictly confined to man); he invented them. Among the higher animals there is no trace of them. They hide nothing; they are not ashamed. Man, with his soiled mind, covers himself. He will not even enter a drawing room with his breast and back naked, so alive are he and his mates to indecent suggestion. Man is The Animal that Laughs. But so does the monkey, as Mr. Darwin pointed out; and so does the Australian bird that is called the laughing jackass.
No! Man is the Animal that Blushes. He is the only one that does it or has occasion to.
At the head of this article we see how “three monks were burnt to death” a few days ago, and a prior “put to death with atrocious cruelty.” Do we inquire into the details? No; or we should find out that the prior was subjected to unprintable muti­lations.
Man (when he is a North American Indian) gouges out his prisoner’s eyes; when he is King John, with a nephew to render untroublesome, he uses a red-hot iron; when he is a reli­gious zealot dealing with heretics in the Middle Ages, he skins his captive alive and scatters salt on his back; in the first Richard’s time he shuts up a multitude of Jew families in a tower and sets fire to it; in Columbus’s time he captures a family of Spanish Jews and (but that is not printable; in our day in England a man is fined ten shillings for beating his mother nearly to death with a chair, and another man is fined forty shillings for having four pheasant eggs in his possession without being able to satisfacto­rily explain how he got them).
Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it. It is a trait that is not known to the higher animals. The cat plays with the frightened mouse; but she has this excuse, that she does not know that the mouse is suffering. The cat is moderate–unhumanly moderate: she only scares the mouse, she does not hurt it; she doesn’t dig out its eyes, or tear off its skin, or drive splinters under its nails–man-fashion; when she is done playing with it she makes a sudden meal of it and puts it out of its trouble.
Man is the Cruel Animal. He is alone in that distinction.
The higher animals engage in individual fights, but never in organized masses. Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities, War. He is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth in cold blood and with calm pulse to exterminate his kind. He is the only animal that for sordid wages will march out, as the Hessians did in our Revolu­tion, and as the boyish Prince Napoleon did in the Zulu war, and help to slaughter strangers of his own species who have done him no harm and with whom he has no quarrel.
Man is the only animal that robs his helpless fellow of his country–takes possession of it and drives him out of it or destroys him. Man has done this in all the ages. There is not an acre of ground on the globe that is in possession of its rightful owner, or that has not been taken away from owner after owner, cycle after cycle, by force and bloodshed.
Man is the only Slave. And he is the only animal who en­slaves. He has always been a slave in one form or another, and has always held other slaves in bondage under him in one way or another. In our day he is always some man’s slave for wages, and does that man’s work; and this slave has other slaves under him for minor wages, and they do hiswork. The higher animals are the only ones who exclusively do their own work and provide their own living.
Man is the only Patriot. He sets himself apart in his own country, under his own flag, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps multitudinous uniformed assassins on hand at heavy ex­pense to grab slices of other peoples countries, and keep them from grabbing slices of his. And in the intervals between cam­paigns, he washes the blood off his hands and works for the universal brotherhood of man, with his mouth.
Man is the Religious Animal. He is the only Religious Ani­mal. He is the only animal that has the True Religion–several of them. He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself, and cuts his throat if his theology isn’t straight. He has made a graveyard of the globe in trying his honest best to smooth his brother’s path to happiness and heaven. He was at it in the time of the Caesars, he was at it in Mahomet’s time, he was at it in the time of the Inquisition, he was at it in France a couple of cen­turies, he was at it in England in Mary’s day, he has been at it ever since he first saw the light, he is at it today in Crete (as per the telegrams quoted above), he will be at it somewhere else tomor­row. The higher animals have no religion. And we are told that they are going to be left out, in the Hereafter. I wonder why? It seems questionable taste.
Man is the Reasoning Animal. Such is the claim. I think it is open to dispute. Indeed, my experiments have proven to me that he is the Unreasoning Animal. Note his history, as sketched above. It seems plain to me that whatever he is he is not a reasoning animal. His record is the fantastic record of a maniac. I consider that the strongest count against his intelligence is the fact that with that record back of him he blandly sets himself up as the head animal of the lot: whereas by his own standards he is the bottom one.
In truth, man is incurably foolish. Simple things which the other animals easily learn, he is incapable of learning. Among my experiments was this. In an hour I taught a cat and a dog to be friends. I put them in a cage. In another hour I taught them to be friends with a rabbit. In the course of two days I was able to add a fox, a goose, a squirrel and some doves. Finally a monkey. They lived together in peace; even affectionately.
Next, in another cage I confined an Irish Catholic from Tipperary, and as soon as he seemed tame I added a Scotch Presbyterian from Aberdeen. Next a Turk from Constantinople; a Greek Christian from Crete; an Armenian; a Methodist from the wilds of Arkansas; a Buddhist from China; a Brahman from Benares. Finally, a Salvation Army Colonel from Wapping. Then I stayed away two whole days. When I came back to note results, the cage of Higher Animals was all right, but in the other there was but a chaos of gory odds and ends of turbans and fezzes and plaids and bones–not a specimen left alive. These Reasoning Animals had disagreed on a theological detail and carried the matter to a Higher Court.
One is obliged to concede that in true loftiness of character, Man cannot claim to approach even the meanest of the Higher Animals. It is plain that he is constitutionally incapable of aproaching that altitude; that he is constitutionally afflicted with a Defect which must make such approach forever impossible, for it is manifest that this defect is permanent in him, indestructible, ineradicable.
I find this Defect to be the Moral Sense. He is the only animal that has it. It is the secret of his degradation. It is the quality which enables him to do wrong. It has no other office. It is incapable of performing any other function. It could never hate been intended to perform any other. Without it, man could do no wrong. He would rise at once to the level of the Higher Animals.
Since the Moral Sense has but the one office, the one capacity–to enable man to do wrong–it is plainly without value to him. It is as valueless to him as is disease. In fact, it manifestly is a disease. Rabies is bad, but it is not so bad as this disease. Rabies enables a man to do a thing, which he could not do when in a healthy state: kill his neighbor with a poisonous bite. No one is the better man for having rabies: The Moral Sense enables a man to do wrong. It enables him to do wrong in a thousand ways. Rabies is an innocent disease, compared to the Moral Sense. No one, then, can be the better man for having the Moral Sense. What now, do we find the Primal Curse to have been? Plainly what it was in the beginning: the infliction upon man of the Moral Sense; the ability to distinguish good from evil; and with it, necessarily, the ability to do evil; for there can be no evil act without the presence of consciousness of it in the doer of it.
And so I find that we have descended and degenerated, from some far ancestor (some microscopic atom wandering at its pleasure between the mighty horizons of a drop of water perchance) insect by insect, animal by animal, reptile by reptile, down the long highway of smirchless innocence, till we have reached the bottom stage of development–nameable as the Human Being. Below us–nothing. Nothing but the Frenchman.

"Hacking Democrcay "- "American Blackout" – "UnCounted" Documentaries

NB Commentary, Sometimes the sleeping giant rolls over and takes a yawn, but after watching these videos, you can see he went back to sleep or he was/is heavily sedated and will probably not awaken from his stupor until thunder rocks his bed to and fro.

Rip Van Winkle will wake up 100 years later, see his shadow and beg to be medicated, so he can go back to sleep where it’s safe as the whispered words ‘Wake Up” drown in his snores.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 3, 2016 (Video)

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 3, 2016 (Video)

NB Commentary: I have been watching the skies all my life, and at nearly 65 years of age, I have seen the sky change drastically over the past 20 years. As a child, I would look at the clouds to try and determine the shapes they would display. It was with deep joy and excitement to watch them shift and change. Now, the shifting and changing of the skies is downright scary because I feel know joy and excitement anymore. It saddens me as I know there is a purposeful hand behind changing our Earth skies to alien skies. It’s a form of terra-forming as we can say has happened on other planets according to reports, however dubious.
We can see it happening here on this planet and there is no doubt of it. It is happening worldwide particularly in the NATO allied countries. It is being used for nefarious reasons and being denied for other nefarious reasons but for sure our skies have changed and are no longer pristine and beautifully blue. Does anyone remember the songs we sang about the blue skies and how joyful those songs were?
I have made countless videos on the “Skies Above Me” and as time as gone by, I have grown tired of taking videos. For one, initially the skies were visibly changing and I could document the change, now, they are just the same old skycrap, day in and day out. I have lost the desire to explore and discover what is happening overhead because it’s the same ole same ole. Nothing to see here.
There has to be some mad man or men at the helm of this debacle, who cares not what happens to his very own. Maybe they can be saved, maybe not, as we all know, family don’t always go along with  your program anyways. So, if they don’t I am sure these folks at the helm, the Man/Men behind the curtain have no cause or regret for losing them either. These men are after immortality at any cost and if they are immortal, having to share the planet with mere mortals can definitely give them even greater cause to eliminate them.
I like listening to Dane, although he sounds very pessimistic and uses superlatives in his analysis, but he’s not far off. I do believe that this generation’s grandchildren will see what he is talking about if something doesn’t change. But on some levels it seems inevitable. Humanity’s control of this planet has gone off the charts and there really is no turning back as far as I can see. So much, would have to be dismantled, and as some folks say while they are chomping on their MikeyD’s…. “you gotta die from something.” 
Human beings on this planet, especially in the industrialized world, have given up on going “back to nature.” Forget it… continue to consume, consume, consume, until it’s all gone. Funny thing, after it is all gone, those who did go back to nature will survive. They may be in the wilderness , while the elite counterparts are hunkered down in their Deep Underground Military Bunkers, but eventually, they will have to come out, and when they do, they will see the real world, the Matrix they created.  For some reason, these Psychopaths think their demise can be avoided while they kill off the rest of us. It really makes you wonder what alternate Universe they live in.
Published on Sep 3, 2016
With each passing day, with each passing week and month, the overturning of our former reality is unfolding. As countless individuals in our society try desperately to cling to the fading paradigm they have known, their propensity toward total denial is reaching ever more astounding levels. Others, in agencies and the media, are displaying unimaginable levels of tyranny and public betrayal as they grasp for what they falsely perceive as security by conforming to the heard mentality. In addition to the 24/7 climate engineering toxic aerosol assault, citizens in the US and elsewhere are now being sprayed with incredibly toxic organophosphates under the guise of mosquito abatement. The economic implosion continues to move in lockstep with the unfolding biosphere collapse, even Walmart is letting 7000 employees go. The US has become a war state that is simply a tool of the military industrial complex, but is this really anything new? How close is global conflict? How much longer can the biosphere function under the all out assault from countless directions? When will the apathy and denial of first world societies finally shatter? 
Each of us is responsible for ourselves, for our own conduct, for what we do (or don’t do) toward the greater good. We must stand together with unyielding resolve to help with the most critical effort of all, to wake the sleeping masses. Make your voice heard, make every day count.

NB Commentary: Prince Was Not Murdered. (Video)

NB Commentary: I don’t think Prince was that stupid not to be able to tell the difference between his medication. They are trying to make it look like he was a drug addict as well, hiding the label or mislabeling his medication. Prince was smart enough that even if there was a mix up in his meds, his body would react and he would either figure out why, or have someone to help him figure that out. 
Prince was brilliant. He knew they “Wanted to Kill” him in every way possible.. so he took his own self out before he would give them the satisfaction of doing it. The Star Whackers are assassins and that’s what they do for a living. Prince gave the world warnings, which meant he knew of his impending death, and for the sake of torturing the “targeted individual” I would wager they told him his days were numbered. In his song about the elevator he also foretold his death, but remember, it says when the elevator tries to take you down, punch a higher floor. 
The music industry tried to take him down. He punched a higher floor, and I would say according to his beliefs, that higher floor would be heaven or the AfterLife. People have issues around folks committing suicide and due to religious influence, if somebody “kills” you, your chances of going to “heaven” are higher.. But what that tells us subliminally that it is better that someone have control over your life, along with the ability to take your life, then if you took control over your life, yourself. Prince new better, he knew that his greatest triumph would be to “cheat the PTB” our of his death. 
When you understand how this world works, that it is scripted, planned and manipulated you understand how those “idols” in Hollyweird are “scripted, planned, manipulated and assassinated” according to the agenda. Prince knew that. He was a highly evolved spiritual being. He knew the science behind the Industry and he knew about “prophecy”. That is why he was able to predict 911 years before it happened. Prince was extremely cautious about his health as well as the people around him. Of course there will always be infiltrators, but he was also brilliant, smart, keen and conscious. I never got into him before he died. But after he made transition I did a reading on what happened to Prince Rogers Nelson, and it showed me who he was on a Spiritual Level and that he took control of his life and his music up until the very end. 
Don’t fall for the Media lie, that has scandalized so many other of his minions, they did not kill Prince, he would not allow them to do so.

President Obama Says Kaepernick’s Protest Shows Concern For “Legitimate Issues” (Video)

NB Commentary: This is the most ridiculous mind fuck they got going. Or is it?
This is probably going to be one of my most incensed rants of all times, well so far anyways. I just don’t get it and I have been trying to stay out of it. Colin and his flag protest is so old and so tired and so not an issue to me. Why? Because I have not saluted a flag in over 45 years. Why? Because why should I? What does saluting a flag prove? That I am an idol worshiper? That I do as I am told? That I believe the 2 verses that are sung? That I would rather go along with the crowd than stand out and be different? That even though the flag is supposed to represent “freedom” and all that bullshit that I believe it does?
What are national anthems? They are lies, they stir the hearts and minds of the people to think that there country is so great and so awesome that they will go on the battle field holding the ding dong piece of cloth and risk being shot to smithereens. Okay, so they don’t do that anymore, but they sure as hell put that flag on every ding dong bomb they make, every missile, every drone and every ground to air missile, not to mention all the other military might that they have invading the land and sea. So what does the flag really mean….? It means imperialism and the right to be “imperialistic” world wide. Hell, these folks had the nerve to plant that piece of striped cloth on the moon for crying out loud. The moon?? The Moon?? To say what, to mean what, to do what??? How nonsensical is it to plant a flag on the moon to say, my ass was there and don’t you forget it!
Of course, they also say there’s no wind up there and so having it on the moon, well it could be there forever right? My question is, are there any other flags on the moon? And if so why?
Folks rattle on and on about the constitutional right of an individual to protest, yet the police have the right to tell you to take your ass and your protest somewhere else if they deem it necessary to do so or that you are “disturbing” the peace. And it ain’t about color, though I would like to throw in the race card as well. But if anyone saw what happened to the “Occupy WallStreet” folks they would know that it ain’t about color.
It’s all about control. Control the narrative = mainstream media, Control your behavior = laws, Control your independence = Police.
So, I just recently found out what the last verse of the song was. Why am I not surprised. Seriously, did they really stop singing that part because the song was too long or was it too embarrassing to sing it? And I wonder how many folks of all colors would sing it anyways if it was part of the program. Don’t you ever wonder about that? Like who were these people who wrote songs like “Save a Wretch Like Me” turn abolitionists. Were they really all that or were they too a part of controlled opposition, cause all we got is the Civil  War, thousands dead and Jim Crow.
I fail to see the honor or the humor in pledging allegiance to a flag, that has no real value in the real scheme of things and instead has been a symbol of American Empire. Check it out. We have to revere it, honor it, handle it in a certain way, march with it hung a certain way, fold it a certain way, and at one time it was a crime to even wear anything that had the flag on it. Now folks want to protest, but due they put down their beers at home when the anthem is played?  Do they stop smacking on their hot dogs in the bleachers at the games? Do the fans even care about the anthem or even know the words to the first two verses?
These anthems are marching orders, they are incantations and are mind control to rally the masses around some symbol without having them realize or even care what the symbol means. Why do countries have flags?? What does it do for their self esteem? And we all know that some of the most ruthless countries in the world, including the US are the biggest flag wavers.
Actually, pledging to a flag is a form of idol worship, and this form of idol worship should not be taken lightly.
I did not want to get into this debate, but when I saw that our illustrious President got into it, I knew straight up that this was a “MIND FUCK”. What is a Mind Fuck, it’s propaganda, pure and simple. Here we now have a raging debate about a piece of cloth that most folks realize that it does not live up to the so called standards that it purports, that is, the country behind the flag has been letting its people down across the board, but alas they give the people this flag to pledge to and to quiet them down, cause they should not even think about how they are being brain washed into believing a lie.
This thing is so comical, I laughed all day as it has monopolized the twitterverse, instagram and Facebook. The memes were hysterical. But, even though folks are making fun and some aren’t taking it seriously they are still paying attention to it and to him and making all kinds of videos etc. He and his propaganda is trending now, and like that madness with Beyoncé, folks are equating this to some kind of radical black power statement. “Power to the People,” “Black Power,” “I’m Black and I’m Proud” and the latest of him joining the Nation of Islam??
Uh oh, that fro gone have to go!! But I digress.
Then the President weighed in on it.
Back in the day, we would call a person like him “shady”, and I call him “Slim Shady” and let me tell you why.
He is always throwing shade. He never ceases to amaze me how he throws shade like he is the star athlete on the Shades Basketball team. His throwing shade in this situation was all I could bare in avoiding this topic in my blogs. I really did not want to get caught up in it. I know it is straight bull shit and the masses are being manipulated by this guy who wore an Afro just to show off his protest.
Back to Obama, I mean “Slim Shady”. So, here we have the leader of the so called “free world”, the very man who wants to gather up the American’s guns say that Kaepernick has the right to sit down. Of course he has the right to sit down. He better not stand up!!
And how they call this taking a stand is unreal for me. Of course later he comes out giving his millions away, but what did he do before he had millions, what did he do before he was chosen to be the star of the “gossip mainstream media”?
But again, that is not what got me ranting… What got me ranting is that here we have the Willie Lynch syndrome taking wings again. Here we have one “light-skinned brother, standing up for another light skinned brother.” Don’t get me wrong, we all black if you ask me and I ain’t about that color stuff, but of all the times that Obama could have stood up for the rights of Black folks, he stands for the right of this brother to sit down because it’s his constitutional right, and yet if that brother said he wanted to own a gun, especially a high powered military grade rifle, Obama would be quick to NOT SITE  his constitutional right, but would ask had he had his head examine. Do you see what I mean? It’s the hypocrisy of it all. On one hand you have rights on the other hand you have none. So why throw the Constitution in there on a day when you wanna speak out for your bi-racial brother but not throw it out there for those folks who want their guns. In fact, why haven’t you spoken out about police brutality that has been waged clearly against black men and women of all shades? What about their needs to be represented? Instead you quietly write into law a executive order to protect police, a Blue Lives Matter Bill of sorts.
How is it that you can be so smug about Blue Lives and militarize them to the hilt when you know those Blue lives are brutalizing Black Lives. Where do you start with the Constitution and where do you stop??
And that my friends is what has me writing like a bangy chicken over here because hypocrisy boils my blood. The whole do what I say and not what I do or better yet, listen to what I say and ignore what I do.
African Americans have seen the 1st Black President disappoint them over and over and over again. Ignore their issues, put band-aide on cancer (ObamaCare) cry over the deaths of little white children and give lip service to Trayvon Martin while he meanwhile ignores the homeless, even the veterans, and the poor in this country, who by the way are predominately black folks.
When he first came into “power” and he said he would not address the Bush Administration war crimes, I knew then he was a shoe-in for the oligarchy, the bankers, the power elite. I knew then that he was a puppet and all them crying black folks who prayed over him and laid their hands on his head and all that, that he would not and will not and has not come up to the plate for African Americans.  He, like Kaeperkick only black when they want to make a point or when they are being “used” to make a point other than that… the are brothers of the cloth.. The biracial cloth, they can identify with the fact that, yeah, but being biracial don’t give you no props in this racist country. Being a house “N” don’t exempt you from being a “N” no matter what, cause Willie Lynch is alive in well in all of the US system and his impact can be felt far and wide.
Willie Lynch focused on how to subdue slaves by dividing them and conquering them or controlling them, and whether his was real or not, his method prevails to this day. It hits African people hard as they fight among themselves, distrusting each other and especially having issues with those “high yella” ones who thing cause they got the massah’s blood and live in the massah’s house and got more of the massah’s money that they are better than the rest of us, until the massah puts his foot so high up that the “high yella’s” can’t speak, that they realize that racism hasn’t died, we are not post racial, we are living in the belly of Racism/White Supremacy.
My message and final comment is, it takes more than sitting down and wearing an Afro to fight for the rights of African people to live in peace and not be fearful of being pulled over on a routine traffic stop. But I am grateful that he did it and I hope he continues to hold on to his principles until he sees major change, not window dressings, not pats on the back or on the head, not promises, but real change.
Besides, saluting a flag is the most ridiculous thing a person can do as far as I’m concerned, and since this is my blog, I can say that!!
I just keep shaking my head as the masses are played like a fiddle cause dude came back and knelt for the soldiers. Huh? How does “support the troops” motto play into this? Aren’t they being brutalized by the same system that brutalizes Black folks? Aren’t they force to salute a tyrannical regime? Shouldn’t all the soldiers drop their guns and fight no more for this charade? So yeah, They got us, trending on another trend. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.
Colin Kaepernick’s San Diego protest, why Eric Reid & Nate Boyer joined him +3rd Eye programming
President Obama Says Kaepernick’s Protest Shows Concern For “Legitimate Issues”
Colin Kaepernick’s Defiantly Pro-Black Afro Spawns Hilarious #KapSoBlack Hashtag
Farrakhan released a statement via his Facebook page in which he thanked Kaep for taking a stand, and lauded his courage in the face of intense criticism.
Colin Kaepernick — Donating 100% of His Jersey Profits
Colin Kaepernick announces he will donate $1 million to charities
Obama, Caught Between Black and Blue Lives
Fla. Law Enforcement Weigh In On ‘Blue Lives Matter Act’ To Expand Hate Crime Law
Obama signs ‘Blue Alert’ law to protect police

"The Making of Donald Trump": David Cay Johnston on Trump’s Ties to the Mob (video)

NB Commentary: Okay, Donald Trump is not a poster boy, and he probably ain’t got an ounce of no how when it comes to being a president of a company much less the president of the US, but this reporter sounds like a Hillary plant. Where are the facts and figures. Is this an Opinion piece or is this real journalism? That’s what’s missing in our media today, real journalism! Research, facts and more facts to back up the research. Name calling is not journalism. It’s opinion so this should be called that, opinion. I am really really disappointed in Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! Down the rabbit hole it has gone along with the wonderful reporting of old.

“The Making of Donald Trump”: David Cay Johnston on Trump’s Ties to the Mob and Drug Traffickers

“This narrative that politics are not full of gangsters is a Walt Disney propoganda partisan talking point. Of course Trump is a gangster, not as big of a gangster as the Bush Clinton crime Syndicate. I’m new to Democracy Now but what I realize about them is they are leftist propoganda outlet of the American Comunist Party. They obviously are the the gold standard for the progressive left but they are in bed with a whole different group of gangsters, the George Soros Council on Foreign Relations social engineering Neo Liberals. If this is your thing, more power to you. America is nothing more than a conglomeration of gangster run operations. The scary thing about this election for the left is that the biggest gangster crew out there backing Trump is the United States Armed Forces, not because he’s an honerable man in the puritanical “Democracy Now” sense. He’s a Nationalist in the most rugged sense, and he has that in common with the United States Armed Forces. Donald Trump has deep mafia connections? no shit, but the Clinton Bush Crime family is an enemy to the Republic, a term “Democracy Now” will never use, after all, they view America as a “Democracy ” not a Republic. Enjoy your daily dose of George Soros funded Propoganda, I’m going to get high the old fashion way and smoke a joint. Cheers!”

"The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr." (Audio/Video)

NB Commentary: When the “Voices Of Africa” Choral & Percussion Ensemble traveled to Bolivia in Feb. 2016 to be a part of the annual celebration of the Ganyingo, 2016, we were asked to participate in a Q& A with students who were studying Black History and the particular topic was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I was stunned by their knowledge of what happened to him and one of the students even implicated J. Edgar Hover’s involvement.

Now, here we are a million miles from home and in one of the poorer countries of South America and these young people knew more about African American history than our own here in the US. And that means black kids and white kids. How is that possible?

We were asked questions that we had to seriously take a moment to answer. We were dealing with politically adept youngsters no older than 14 or 15 years old max. It made me marvel at how our bias here in the US makes us see through a lens of the same oppressive regime that has our people on lock down. These young people had fewer resources, a scant academic environment, old desks, tables and chairs but were so keen in their thought processes. We could see their potential for leadership in the academia as well as global politics. It was absolutely stunning to behold.
Please listen to the audio of the Gary Null Radio show on PRN where they interview Dr. William Pepper who spent 39 years researching on the MLK assassination. It lasts 2 hours so wash dishes, take a drive, cook dinner or some other mindless task, but you don’t want to miss the revelations that come out in this broadcast.
You can go to this link…..
Or Download this file and listen on your media player.
By Robert D.  Morningstar 
On June 21st, 2016, this writer was invited by Dr. Gary Null to participate in his Global Press Conference on the Martin Luther King Assassination to present new evidence in the murder of Martin Luther King, discovered by Dr. William Pepper,  author of “The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.”  
Dr. William Pepper, who officially represented the King Family, was also a also the lawyer who defended James Earl Ray and through many years of arduous work and investigation succeeded in an appeal to secure the retrial of James Earl Ray, and through that civil trial was able to present exculpatory evidence that the jury found to be more credible than the official story, and in the end coming to a unanimous verdict that cleared James Earl Ray  of the crime of killing Dr. King.
Listen to Gary Null’s Global Press Conference on The  Martin Luther King Assassination:
Posted on June 21, 2016 by Jason in Gary Null Show
On “The Gary Null Show” today, we present new evidence that demands a revision of the history behind the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. An exclusive live press conference happened today over the radio, June 21 at Noon EST, at the studios of the Progressive Radio Network. This is the first presentation to the public with first hand evidence that will revise the official history behind the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The broadcast is simultaneous with the release of a new authoritative publication, The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The books author, human rights attorney William Pepper Esq, has compiled 39 years of private and legal investigation into the murder of one of the world’s greatest civil rights and non-violent anti-war heroes.
Pepper was Dr. King’s personal friend during the latter year of his life. Later he legally represented James Earl Ray and the King family to exonerate Ray and indict the US government as a conspirator in the assassination. Pepper’s evidence is based upon tens of thousands of hours of research, key sworn depositions, legal testimonies and private interviews with hundreds of persons both guilty and innocent.
  • Evidence of the role of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and his lover and second in command at the FBI Clyde Anderson Tolson in financing the actual murder
  • The orchestration of James Earl Ray’s escape from prison and his subsequent grooming as a patsy and conviction as the lone gunman
For all who are interested in the life and times of Dr. Martin Luther King and who question our government’s official word on Dr. King’s assassination, this will be an important presentation.
Further Reading:
Dr. William F. Pepper
William Francis Pepper is a barrister in the United Kingdom and admitted to the bar in numerous jurisdictions in the United States of America. His primary work is international commercial law. He has represented governments in the Middle East, Africa, South America, and Asia. Today, Pepper represents Sirhan Sirhan, the gunman convicted in the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in June 1968. 
BREAKING NEWS – Ole Dammegard: Probable cause evidence shows Jesse Jackson was key covert police operative responsible for April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King assassination.

They Came before Columbus – Dr Ivan Van Sertima (Video)

NB Commentary: Searching for the origin of man on this crazy planet. I once saw a video where a man was being interviewed and he said the original African was “green”. So in searching, I found this article written in 1994. The author really tries to sound like he ain’t being racist but it is clear that he is merely parroting what he was taught. It made me look up Ivan Van Sertima.
One thing I want to add, is that folks tend to make it seem like Africans migrated
on foot all across the globe. I find that very interesting. It would seem logical to me, that with all the wood around them, somebody would have thought of making a boat, in fact, Ivan Van Sertima  wrote in his book, “They Came Before Columbus” that there were seafarers.
Just saying, people tend to forget about the libraries burned in Timbuktu, the great buildings and structures, the riches man in the world was from Mali, the
Songhai Empire, etc. That’s why I am grateful to our African historians who
took the risk to expose our real history. And many of them, got their research
from whites who also took the risk of telling the truth about African history.

But yeah, 1994 was an interesting year.

How Africa Became Black

Africa’s racial history was not necessarily its racial destiny. To unravel the story of
Africa’s past, you must not only look at its faces but listen to its languages and harvest its crops.
By Jared Diamond|Tuesday, February 01, 1994RELATED TAGS: ARCHAEOLOGY
Excerpt: “Most Americans think of native Africans as black and of white Africans as recent intruders; and when they think of Africa’s racial history they think of European colonialism and slave trading. But very different types of peoples occupied much of Africa until as recently as a few thousand years ago. Even before the arrival of white colonialists, the continent harbored five of what many consider to be the world’s six major divisions of humanity, the so-called human races, three of which are native to Africa. To this day nearly 30 percent of the world’s languages are spoken only in Africa. No other continent even approaches this human diversity, and no other continent can rival Africa in the complexity of its human past.” To Read more click here 

Yuri Bezmenov "Useful Idiots" Must Watch.

Feminists Are Useful Idiots, And Doomed. Must Watch.

Your Thoughts on this video?????

NB Commentary. Execution is not always physical. In modern times in a so called modern society, you get targeted. You are demonized, scandalized, suicided, or any other number of ways to “get rid of You”, they have hired assassins who do just that.. It may happen in a day or take years.
The idea is to maintain the status quo, which is to foment conflict to keep people dependent on government. As long as there is a problem, that they created they will create the solution. so these so called “socialist” leftists, feminists etc. don’t realize they are tools for destabilization… once their work is done, they are useless. They have been duped and therefore, they are no longer needed, they lose esteem in the eyes of the masses as they travel up thru the ranks of the very government they were fighting against. This cause their followers to be disillusioned as well. It’s a vicious cycle.

But I wouldn’t blame the fighters for social justice and human rights, I would blame the puppeteers behind them, the handlers who know full well what they are doing. the ones who arm the rebels, the ones who incite dissidence, the ones who create rivalry between factions, so that they can control. And that typically is the established government from the beginning.
Yuri Bezmenov, Former KGB

Is Wikileaks Controlled Opposition? Ask a Psychic. (Videos)

NB Commentary:  I have added this blog for the purpose of adding more information to the video that I uploaded to YouTube called “Is Wikileaks Controlled Opposition? Ask A Psychic.”   One of my subscribers asked that I look into it, after they saw my video on “What Happened to Dr. Sebi, Why Didn’t His Family Tell us?”  For me it makes much more sense to go to the Oracles than to debate back and forth about a situation to determine what happened. It works for me.
There are two videos listed in the playlist “Wikileaks.” Part 1 and Part 2.

Some folks may find Divination something that they should avoid like the plague, I leave them to that idea. As for me, Divination has proven to put the proverbial “nail in the coffin” on controversial subjects especially.  I use the I Ching which I have studied and experienced for over 30 years and have found it to be the most incorruptible Oracle system I have ever used.
Check out my playlist….Nana Discusses Understanding the I Ching.

What is WikiLeaks
3 November 2015
WikiLeaks is a multi-national media organization and associated library. It was founded by its publisher Julian Assange in 2006.
WikiLeaks specializes in the analysis and publication of large datasets of censored or otherwise restricted official materials involving war, spying and corruption. It has so far published more than 10 million documents and associated analyses.
“WikiLeaks is a giant library of the world’s most persecuted documents. We give asylum to these documents, we analyze them, we promote them and we obtain more.” – Julian Assange, Der Spiegel Interview
WikiLeaks has contractual relationships and secure communications paths to more than 100 major media organizations from around the world. This gives WikiLeaks sources negotiating power, impact and technical protections that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to achieve.
Although no organization can hope to have a perfect record forever, thus far WikiLeaks has a perfect in document authentication and resistance to all censorship attempts.

The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition by Zen Gardner
Is Russia Today (RT) Part of the Controlled Media Matrix?
Controlled Opposition
Friday, January 16, 2015
WikiLeaks Founder Promises More Clinton Emails, Dems Fear ‘October Surprise’
Shameless WashPost Buries Its Own Poll Showing Record Low in Popularity for Hillary
EXPOSED Proof FBI Director Comey Threatened With The Masonic Oath Of Silence For Hillary’s Crimes

Arkancide: lawyer of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange dead
ANOTHER DEAD CLINTON CRIMES TRUTH TELLER: WikiLeaks Julian Assange Lawyer FOUND DEAD, After Being Struck by Train
Who Cares If Russia Leaks Clinton’s Emails? 5 DNC Officials Resigned For Cheating Bernie Sanders
Top DNC fundraiser to depart following shakeup
5 Revelations From The Leaked DNC Emails
In the three hours-plus that Hillary Clinton spoke with FBI investigators about her private email server on July 2, she cited more than three-dozen things that she could not recall.
Hillary Clinton’s Memory Lapse on Benghazi (Supercut)

Racist Prosecutor Who Acquitted Trayvon Martin’s Killer Loses Primary In Landslide

NB Commentary: So at least if you are going to vote, get these folks out of office and don’t replace them with another of the same ilk, for crying out loud.

Racist Prosecutor Who Acquitted Trayvon Martin’s Killer Loses Primary In Landslide

Posted on August 31, 2016
Republican prosecutor Angela Corey just lost in a primary election landslide by a 65% to 28% to the defense lawyer of a 12-year old child Corey prosecuted as an adult, raising a national uproar. People around the country are cheering Florida voters for removing America’s worst prosecutor from office after a relatively short eight years in office.

Angela Corey was hand picked by Florida’s despicable Republican Governor Rick Scott to prosecute the Trayvon Martin case against George Zimmerman which she lost by overreaching for a murder charge. In a stunning demonstration of racial disparity, Corey used her prosecutorial discretion to push for a 60-year jail sentence against a black woman who fired a warning shot during a domestic dispute with her abusive husband, which ultimately resulted in a 20-year prison sentence for Marissa Alexander, that was ultimately reduced to three years after national outcry erupted. 
Recently, the New York Times singled out Angela Corey as a death penalty zealot, resulting in her office handing out four times the number of state sanctioned murders at taxpayer expense than even Miami-Dade, the state’s largest county, a place which has double the population:
Angela Corey, 61, has made her reputation, in part, by winning verdicts that carry the death pen­alty. She has one of the highest rates of death sentences in the country, with 24 (19 in Duval) in the eight years since she was elected. Even compared with the three other Florida counties on the list of 16, Duval County is an outlier. The state attorney in one of the three, Miami-Dade County, which has twice the population of Corey’s jurisdiction and twice the annual number of murders, has five death sentences over the same period. Death-penalty opponents question whether Corey gives too little weight to the backgrounds of defendants.
“Other prosecutors in Florida care about mitigating evidence like chronic and serious child abuse,” says Stephen K. Harper, the executive director of the Florida Center for Capital Representation. “Angela Corey does not.”
So finally, a woman that Wonkette said was too awful even for Florida (my home state) will depart her office, leaving a wake of destroyed children’s lives after prosecuting them as adults, and cementing her reputation as America’s cruelest prosecutor by sending 75% of juvenile defendants to jail versus only 12% in Miami.
Trayvon Martin’s mother has not responded to the news of Angela Corey’s downfall on twitter yet.