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Archive for November, 2018

Is There Such A Maniacal State In The USA Known As The “Deep State”?


By Catherine J. Frompovich

For many years, especially since the infamous and diabolical decimation of the NYC World Trade Towers and Building No.7, which no plane hit, there’s been much talk about the “Deep State” and/or the “Shadow Government” being the very real government running the USA.  Most folks really don’t give a damn, or so it seems.  However, there are three sets of ‘actors’ who U.S. citizens seemingly can’t equate with manipulating the strings of governance, especially those folks who propose ‘socialism’.

Most folks think it’s the President and the political party they vote for and elect who run the country.  Think again!  Would you accept the President is not permitted to know the devious plans of the Deep State and Shadow Government; how about the machinations of the Federal Reserve and its cadre of fiatmoney economy manipulators; and what’s euphemistically referred to as the New World Order under the auspices of the United Nations!  See the UN’s Agenda 21 and 2030, if you don’t believe that.  Those are the defining actors, or “string pullers,” running the U.S., and most of the world, since they were able to get away with assassinating President John F. Kennedy, in my opinion.  I remember that day like it was yesterday!

So, who or what make up the Deep State or Shadow Government?  Basically, it’s a conglomerate of military-influenced and/or run alphabet agencies within the U.S. federal government.  Here’s a list and don’t gasp:

  • CIA       Central Intelligence Agency
  • IRS        Internal Revenue Service
  • FBI        Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • DoD      Department of Defense
  • DHS      Department of Homeland Security
  • DoS       Department of State
  • EPA       Environmental Protection Agency
  • NOAA   National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency
  • NWS     National Weather Service
  • NSA      National Security Agency
  • DOJ       Department of Justice

We can accept the above because they were named by former CIA agent Kevin Shipp on August 5, 2016 before an audience gathered to hear about weather geoengineering.

According to Mr. Shipp, who had his legal run in with the CIA and won, these agencies are operating outside the U.S. Constitution in what‘s being called a “Post Constitutional Government (PCG)”.  It’s illegal and we, the citizens, have allowed them to get away with it!  According to Shipp, even Congress doesn’t know the extent of the alphabet agencies involvement in post constitutional government, which is pretty sad.  Where’s congressional oversight?  Is that a ‘flagrant’ clue to what Mr. Shipp says about PCG?

Shipp talks about the CIA-NSA-connected newspapers.  He talks about how government agencies work with In-Q-Tel, and that Google is working under In-Q-Tel to monitor the Internet.  However, according to Shipp, it’s all part of the military complex agenda.

At 27:42 on the timeline, Shipp ventures off into vaccines and the Autism heartbreak, which may prove interesting to parents.  He states we live in the “Age of Cowardice.” OMG!  How has it come down to that?

CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination Dangers, and 911
41:22 minutes

“The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land.”
The government rules by fear.

Source: Is There Such A Maniacal State In The USA Known As The “Deep State”?

Brazil’s New President Openly Threatens Genocide of Indigenous Amazonians

Brazil’s New President Openly Threatens Genocide of Indigenous Amazonians

NOVEMBER 6, 2018 AT 5:33 PM

Along with his pledge to sell off their rainforest home to agribusiness and mining, Bolsonaro has said openly “minorities will have to adapt … or simply disappear”

Credit: Charlie Hamilton James, National Geographic


Brazil’s new president, Jair Bolsonaro, campaigned on a plan to sell off major portions of the Amazon rainforest to agribusiness, mining. and hydro-power.

“Minorities have to adapt to the majority, or simply disappear,” he said on the campaign trail, adding that under his administration, “not one square centimeter” of Brazil will be reserved for the country’s indigenous peoples.

Thirteen percent of the land in Brazil is protected indigenous territory in the Amazon rainforest, where most of the world’s last uncontacted tribes take refuge. Bolsonaro has said he wants to put all of that land on the auction block.

Contacted members of the Awá of Brazil, only 100 of whom remain uncontacted by civilization. Credit: Charlie Hamilton James, National Geographic

Since his election on October 28, he’s announced a merging of the ministries of agriculture and the environment — the latter of which was supposed regulate the former — into a new “super ministry” to oversee his plan.

The new ministry will be headed by politicians from the “beef caucus,” a group of lawmakers who have historically opposed indigenous land conservation, supported agricultural expansion, and attempted to relax slave labor laws.

Not only is this a grave attack on the human rights of Brazil’s indigenous people, but also on their ability to continue acting as the best defenders of the world’s forests,” writes Becca Warner, an environmentalism journalist for The Ecologist.

“We need all the forest we can get, to capture carbon from the atmosphere and keep it locked away,” she says. “In fact, scientists agree that halting deforestation is just as urgent as reducing emissions.”

Bolsonaro should have little trouble pushing his agenda through Congress, as it is currently dominated by a three-wing political alliance known as the Bancadas do Boi, do Bíblia e da Bala.

In English, those are the political representatives of “Beef” (ranching and agribusiness), the “Bible” (religious conservatives) and “Bullet” (the military).

Indigenous peoples and their supporters say the new push to open protected forested lands to agriculture and mining has clear genocidal implications.

More than 20 land rights activists have been killed in Brazil so far this year, with most deaths linked to conflicts over logging and agribusiness

Fifty land rights campaigners were killed in Brazil last year for trying to protect forests from illegal logging and the expansion of cattle ranches and soy plantations, according to Global Witness.

Source: Brazil’s New President Openly Threatens Genocide of Indigenous Amazonians

Dr. Phil, Black Girl Thinks She Is White (Videos)

The Title of this video is, “Dr. Phil, Black Girl Thinks She Is White

When I first saw this video of Treasure Richardson, I knew from the start it had to be a set up, a hoax, a scam or some such thing as that.  In the ensuing days after the airing of this segment, with a little ground work and exposure by Treasure’s Sister, Nina, it has come to light, that it is simply a scam for ratings and notoriety, perpetrated by a young woman and her mother who come from a very painful home life experience.  While that is no excuse, it does help to fan the flame of the outrageousness of their behavior that subsequently landed them on the Dr. Phil Show.

From my experience with African Americans who identified as “white” it would only take a moment or two before the “black-ish” would come out.  The illusion of race is really to perpetrate the fraud of the difference in color, when in fact it is the difference in ethnicity, culture, social orientation, lifestyle, etc. along with genetics that cause people of a certain ethnicity to manifest physically in  a certain general form causing a general grouping of individuals.

To my thinking, White Supremacy is just as toxic as Black Supremacy.  The two paradigms are pitched against one another to keep the separation active, but from a high station above the clouds, looking down on this planet, you see people, different people, but people nonetheless.

To me it shows how Creative the All Encompassing Divine Force can be in expressing itself through our physical reality.  A garden filled with one type of flower holds a certain beauty but a garden of many flowers has a certain exquisite beauty that leans towards being quite breathtaking.

In this video, I will be citing a commentary on this Dr. Phil segment, submitted to me, from an email buddy, named Chaz White.  With all the commentary on this segment, I have found  Mr. White’s commentary to be the most profound so with his permission I will share it here.

On Monday, October 29, 2018, Mr. White wrote:

 “Such as a man thinketh… Such as he is.”

Blind Ridiculous Conformity ensures success in the “out-sane asylum” controlled by con artists. In wrestling,and you control the head of your opponent to direct the body of your opponent.

This show, like many others could be well scripted performance art. The programming is directed by mischief makers, i.e. authors of confusion, to condition mentalities for continued slavery of the populace.

We should first ask: What is the purpose of this story? Why is she being featured and promoted?? How does it serve system lords?

Confusion that confuses to more confusion is understandable in western cultures based upon confusion, while making that confusion seem like normal behavior.

She is only telling the same lie as so called “white people” tell.

If others can tell the same lie, why should not she?

Pay attention to Dr. Phil’s comments and assertions. They are misguidedly misinformed and shows his ignorance based on the inconsistencies in his description of race being biologically definable.

He is after all DR. PHIL. Which means that his thoughts and research should be responsibly connected to the information he dispenses to the public such that it educates, rather than sensationalize the mind.

The so called, “well educated,” therapist was not any better. Neither she nor Dr. Phil chose to address Race, Racism, or Whiteness, with the fact based approach which she so eloquently referred.

It’s all a sham, scam, and ham, G-d Damn!

The system encourages scientific ignorance and moral stupidity, then preys upon it.

Snow is white. The albumen of a cooked egg is white. Clouds are white.

Humans are not White

The concept of whiteness is the source of racism. Every other definition of race is based on this flawed make-believe of “whiteness.”

The invention of “whiteness” is rooted in pretension and presumption of the mentally/emotionally unstable mind. It is “Royalism,” that is beyond reproach, inquiry or inspection. It’s great to be the a royal or associate one’s validity with royals.

Royalty does what it wants to do, without question  It is always the victor with the spoils. It is the way of spoiled, overindulged children. They get their way at the expense of others deemed by them as inferiors, no matter what.

The designation of so called “white people” is even scientifically inconsistent with the definition of white itself. If white is the mixture of all colors (i.e. wavelengths of light),  then that would mean that so called “white folks” are the most colored folks of all folks.

The inconsistency is heard when someone uses the oxy-morron that describes a person as a so called “black albino!”

Incidentally, the largest contingent of Albinos is in East Africa.

The attachment to “Whiteness” used to define any Humans,  as superior, is a pathological dis-ease designed to soothe mental and emotional instability, while cloaking inadequacies and validating oppression upon any arbitrarily group designated as “not so called white”.

The quality of the content of ones character has nothing to do with physical attributes of Humans. It has more to do with behavior and beliefs upon which that behavior is based.

All Humans without exception are related. That is to say they are family. A dysfunctional family, but they are family nonetheless.  The con artist profit from the dysfunction and keeping the Human dysfunctional. Read Stephen J. Gould’s, “The Misrepresentation of Man,” to understand the history of the propaganda against scientific facts.

Here is an experiment for you: Ask a “so called white person” to prove without a doubt that he/she is white.

Their explanations will be no better than this young lady on Dr. Phil. You will see it is a matter of Blind Ridiculous Conformity or simply put “make believe.”

It is time to “raid the game,” by going to the falsehoods of the matter and challenging the facts to arrive at the truth.

This concludes, Mr. White commentary on the Dr. Phil Show, featuring a “Black Girl who thinks She Is White.”

Thanks for listening, thanks for watching, peace and blessing to you, your family and loved ones.


Dr Phil accused of ‘exploitation’ after black teen tells show ‘I’m white’

Black Teenager Tells Dr. Phil She Hates Black People, Claims She is White


This video:

Music: Together [Eternal Glance] 1822

For the full narrative, links and videos please check out my blog

Nana’s Rants On Things From A-Z








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