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Dr. Phil, Black Girl Thinks She Is White (Videos)

The Title of this video is, “Dr. Phil, Black Girl Thinks She Is White

When I first saw this video of Treasure Richardson, I knew from the start it had to be a set up, a hoax, a scam or some such thing as that.  In the ensuing days after the airing of this segment, with a little ground work and exposure by Treasure’s Sister, Nina, it has come to light, that it is simply a scam for ratings and notoriety, perpetrated by a young woman and her mother who come from a very painful home life experience.  While that is no excuse, it does help to fan the flame of the outrageousness of their behavior that subsequently landed them on the Dr. Phil Show.

From my experience with African Americans who identified as “white” it would only take a moment or two before the “black-ish” would come out.  The illusion of race is really to perpetrate the fraud of the difference in color, when in fact it is the difference in ethnicity, culture, social orientation, lifestyle, etc. along with genetics that cause people of a certain ethnicity to manifest physically in  a certain general form causing a general grouping of individuals.

To my thinking, White Supremacy is just as toxic as Black Supremacy.  The two paradigms are pitched against one another to keep the separation active, but from a high station above the clouds, looking down on this planet, you see people, different people, but people nonetheless.

To me it shows how Creative the All Encompassing Divine Force can be in expressing itself through our physical reality.  A garden filled with one type of flower holds a certain beauty but a garden of many flowers has a certain exquisite beauty that leans towards being quite breathtaking.

In this video, I will be citing a commentary on this Dr. Phil segment, submitted to me, from an email buddy, named Chaz White.  With all the commentary on this segment, I have found  Mr. White’s commentary to be the most profound so with his permission I will share it here.

On Monday, October 29, 2018, Mr. White wrote:

 “Such as a man thinketh… Such as he is.”

Blind Ridiculous Conformity ensures success in the “out-sane asylum” controlled by con artists. In wrestling,and you control the head of your opponent to direct the body of your opponent.

This show, like many others could be well scripted performance art. The programming is directed by mischief makers, i.e. authors of confusion, to condition mentalities for continued slavery of the populace.

We should first ask: What is the purpose of this story? Why is she being featured and promoted?? How does it serve system lords?

Confusion that confuses to more confusion is understandable in western cultures based upon confusion, while making that confusion seem like normal behavior.

She is only telling the same lie as so called “white people” tell.

If others can tell the same lie, why should not she?

Pay attention to Dr. Phil’s comments and assertions. They are misguidedly misinformed and shows his ignorance based on the inconsistencies in his description of race being biologically definable.

He is after all DR. PHIL. Which means that his thoughts and research should be responsibly connected to the information he dispenses to the public such that it educates, rather than sensationalize the mind.

The so called, “well educated,” therapist was not any better. Neither she nor Dr. Phil chose to address Race, Racism, or Whiteness, with the fact based approach which she so eloquently referred.

It’s all a sham, scam, and ham, G-d Damn!

The system encourages scientific ignorance and moral stupidity, then preys upon it.

Snow is white. The albumen of a cooked egg is white. Clouds are white.

Humans are not White

The concept of whiteness is the source of racism. Every other definition of race is based on this flawed make-believe of “whiteness.”

The invention of “whiteness” is rooted in pretension and presumption of the mentally/emotionally unstable mind. It is “Royalism,” that is beyond reproach, inquiry or inspection. It’s great to be the a royal or associate one’s validity with royals.

Royalty does what it wants to do, without question  It is always the victor with the spoils. It is the way of spoiled, overindulged children. They get their way at the expense of others deemed by them as inferiors, no matter what.

The designation of so called “white people” is even scientifically inconsistent with the definition of white itself. If white is the mixture of all colors (i.e. wavelengths of light),  then that would mean that so called “white folks” are the most colored folks of all folks.

The inconsistency is heard when someone uses the oxy-morron that describes a person as a so called “black albino!”

Incidentally, the largest contingent of Albinos is in East Africa.

The attachment to “Whiteness” used to define any Humans,  as superior, is a pathological dis-ease designed to soothe mental and emotional instability, while cloaking inadequacies and validating oppression upon any arbitrarily group designated as “not so called white”.

The quality of the content of ones character has nothing to do with physical attributes of Humans. It has more to do with behavior and beliefs upon which that behavior is based.

All Humans without exception are related. That is to say they are family. A dysfunctional family, but they are family nonetheless.  The con artist profit from the dysfunction and keeping the Human dysfunctional. Read Stephen J. Gould’s, “The Misrepresentation of Man,” to understand the history of the propaganda against scientific facts.

Here is an experiment for you: Ask a “so called white person” to prove without a doubt that he/she is white.

Their explanations will be no better than this young lady on Dr. Phil. You will see it is a matter of Blind Ridiculous Conformity or simply put “make believe.”

It is time to “raid the game,” by going to the falsehoods of the matter and challenging the facts to arrive at the truth.

This concludes, Mr. White commentary on the Dr. Phil Show, featuring a “Black Girl who thinks She Is White.”

Thanks for listening, thanks for watching, peace and blessing to you, your family and loved ones.


Dr Phil accused of ‘exploitation’ after black teen tells show ‘I’m white’

Black Teenager Tells Dr. Phil She Hates Black People, Claims She is White


This video:

Music: Together [Eternal Glance] 1822

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Nana’s Rants On Things From A-Z








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#BlackLivesMatter: Chat Partners with Hilllary

Nana’s Commentary:
“George Soros and his NGO, Black Lives Matter. The Open Society Foundations does exactly what it has done in its world wide infiltration of progressive movements. The infiltration is designed to undermine, redirect and take over the movement, codifying them into controlled opposition that subsequently becomes part of the mainstream. #Occupy Wall Street for starters. It should be clear that any funding coming in from the elite spells the inevitable demise of the original movement.”
    WE should all be reminded that the group that call itself, {black lives matter} is funded by the GEORGE SOROS,organization who is known world wide for funding social movements to destabilize nations for the purpose of over throwing their governments, in fact he and his organizations  were  just kicked out of RUSSIA for this same reason.
    WE black AMERICANS are now being faced with whole manufactured black movements that claim to speak in our name for our cause and are nothing more than movie productions from JEWISH billionaires wishing to exploit our legitimate grievances.
    LET’S pass the word on these people so we’re not played as useful idiots serving a cause unknown to us .
    THIS website has numerous articles on SOROS  and black lives matter in it’s archive but the article below is from THE DAILY MAIL , dated 1/16/15 and more updated video’s on the most recent protest.
by BAR executive editor Glen Ford
The #BlackLivesMatter organization is now part of the 2016 Democratic Party election machinery, assuming its role as a power broker on behalf of Black people. It’s a familiar historical pattern, except for the speed with which the transition has taken place. “The #BLM philosophy is that therapeutic dialogue with members of the power elite is politically more effective than the presentation of core demands.”
#BlackLivesMatter: Chat Partners with Hilllary
by BAR executive editor Glen Ford
“When #BLM folks claim they have ‘lots’ of demands, it actually means they have no core demands, at all.”
The best thing that could be said about the #BlackLivesMatter Campaign Zero team is that they are an embarrassment, political tourists in the halls of empire. The truth is, however, much worse. In two meetings with Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton, they have offered no demands worthy of the name, choosing instead to imagine that they are “pushing” Clinton and the Democratic Party into some stance advantageous to Black people. In reality, the #BlackLivesMatter clique has dissipated the energy – and threat – of angry Black bodies, hands and missiles in motion in Ferguson and Baltimore. Quickly fading is the specter of a Black movement from down below that struck real fear in the Obama administration and much of the U.S. power structure. Instead, #BlackLivesMatter provides harmless chat partners for Hillary and the other presidential hopefuls.
The #BLM operatives claim they “spent months” studying Clinton’s positions on the issues, in preparation for the meeting. Why? To gauge how far they could “move” the war criminal and corporate thief? Move her towards what? Campaign Zero’s “demands” are an eclectic assortment of criminal justice reform ideas and recommendations, many of them straight out of Obama’s presidential task force on policing, and borrowed “best-practice” police procedures (Seattle is their favorite department). When #BLM folks claim they have “lots” of demands, it actually means they have no core demands, at all.  
“#BlackLivesMatter provides harmless chat partners for Hillary and the other presidential hopefuls.”
The Democrats scoped them as political assets, early on: that’s why the Democratic National Committee overwhelmingly voted to “endorse [3]” #BlackLivesMatter back in August. The trio of #BLM founders, Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza, formally rejected [4] the official DNC embrace, but the #BLM’s chat-and-tweet-squads have continued to make the Democrats look good by pretending to hold them accountable through meaningless, meandering, demand-less meetings.
DeRay Mckesson, Brittany Packnett, Johnetta Elzie, Cherno Biko and Samuel Sinyangwe provided Hillary Clinton with another useful backdrop [5], last week. They appear to believe their mission was to “educate” Clinton (although they would have done far better to have educated themselves on political movement history, practice and theory). “This was an opportunity to get input from black people, who are experts of their own lives, solutions to dismantling anti-black racist institutions and policies,” Johnetta Elzie told reporters. #BLM thinks that relaying the recommendations of an Obama task force to a former Obama Secretary of State equals providing “solutions to dismantling anti-black racist institutions and policies.”
“They appear to believe their mission was to ‘educate’ Clinton.”
Actually, the #BLM crew’s primary mission was to force Clinton to mentally grapple with white privilege, and to grasp how Black people “feel.” #BLM’s aim is to assure that the next president has a deeper understanding of the workings of racism – presumably, deeper than the current, Black one. In the course of the conversation, Elzie said Clinton “…would listen and acknowledge that her experience was totally different than any of the black people at this table. It took her awhile to get there, but she got there. So I’m hopeful that she will continue to have this educational conversation with herself to acknowledge her privilege. You saying that you know that you’re white, you know that you have power, and you know that you are wealthy is not the same as seeing it and knowing that the way that police interact with you is completely different than how they will ever interact with us.”

The #BLM philosophy is that therapeutic dialogue with members of the power elite is politically more effective than the presentation of core demands. (Certainly, it is better for the future careers of the #BLM interlocutors.)
When it came to actually doing something about the Black condition, Clinton was less forthcoming. “I think she can take a harder stance on how she understands the role of the federal government in protecting the rights of people of color and pushing and modeling for local and state governments,” said DeRay Mckesson. “She kind of downplayed the role of the federal government and placed it all on state and local government,” said Johnetta Elzie.
Clinton used the meeting to announce her opposition to private prisons – which may have come as a shock to her campaign contributors from Wall Street’s corporate incarceration firms.
Elzie offered that Bernie Sanders has a better understanding of Black people’s justifiable fears of police. She and McKesson told the press they would wait to see more specifics from Clinton before deciding who to support. Cherno Biko said Clinton “hasn’t earned my endorsement yet, but I’m looking forward to her releasing a racial justice platform in the coming weeks.” Brittany Packnett emerged from the meeting “still thinking about where I will put my vote and not yet having an answer.”
“The #BLM crowd milked the incipient movement for all it was worth.”
They will all endorse one of the Democrats, sooner rather than later. The #BlackLivesMatter tent has already been folded up inside the Democratic Party, where slick Black “activists” on the make go to catch the express elevator to the executive suites. In less than a year, the #BLM crowd milked the incipient movement for all it was worth, presenting themselves as the interlocutors between the streets and Power. It’s been one hell of a journey – a great hustle. They have arrived at where they wanted to be: part of the age-old Black Petit Bourgeois Shuffle, dancing to the Master’s tune, while complaining that their pale partners still don’t have the right rhythm.
The demand from the streets remains the same as it has been since the imposition of the modern Black mass incarceration regime, two generations ago: Black community control of the police – by any means necessary. The Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice [6], Peace and Reparations will rally and march on the White House onSaturday, November 7 [6] – as it has every year since 2009 – under the banner “Black Power Matters.”
The demand for Black community control of police is called forth by both the principle of self-determination and the facts of Black existence in the United States. But self-determination does not exist in the practice of #BlackLivesMatter, which has squandered Black people’s dignity and the momentum of an emerging movement.
We wish them a swift and complete assimilation into the corridors of Power – which was their mission, all along.
BAR executive editor GlenFord can be contacted at [7].

Published on Black Agenda Report (
Home > #BlackLivesMatter: Chat Partners with Hillary
Submitted by Glen Ford on Wed, 10/14/2015 – 10:26


Bill Cosby’s daughter, Erinn, talks sexual assault by Mike Tyson; relationship with father

Bill Cosby’s daughter, Erinn, talks sexual assault by Mike Tyson; relationship with father.

         Published on Feb 27, 2015

Bill Cosby’s daughter, Erinn, talks sexual assault by Mike Tyson; relationshop with father Greg Garrett  1992
Do you believe Erinn had any inkling of her father’s proclivities?


This is so ironic. Erinn Cosby having a run in with Mike Tyson, accusing him of attempted rape. Her reaction to being assaulted by a well known celebrity is quite poignant. She admits her mental state and her use of drugs, but does seems to be a bit guarded in her words.

It’s the world of Sports/Entertainment. Wine, Women, Drugs and Sex. Now looking at the current allegations against Bill Cosby, why on God’s Green Earth would Cosby upset the apple cart when his own apple cart was full of worms. So, to keep all things “in the family” Cosby didn’t bring his daughters accusations against Mike Tyson out into the public eye but suggested getting help for Mike Tyson.  See video below.

Imagine how much courage it would have given the women who have accused Cosby from that era to come out against him if he attacked Mike Tyson? Imagine the outrage they would have felt if they saw him moralizing against something that he has been “allegedly” doing himself?

So, yeah, in the police force, they call it the Blue Line, where they protect one another. I don’t know what they call it in Sports/Entertainment/Politics but many scandals are swept right under the rug, and the bigger they are as celebrities the quick and easy fix is in, automatically. And then again, there comes that time when, for whatever reason, known or unknown, the “fix” don’t work no more.
What I truly like about this video is how it shows a woman who has been violated and the many nuances of that and its impact on her as a human being. It shows her fears, confusion, need to be supported by her family, and the pressure of the society to bring to the fore something about a “big, powerful” man who has a lot of fans and backing. Who would believe her? Did she get paid to tell or did she get paid to shut up? The scrutiny that a woman would be subjected to; i.e., doubts and innuendos about her character, family relations, mental state, academic history, etc. all play a role in shaping the reaction of any woman in the position of being violated by a “popular” man or any man for that matter..

This is so incredibly ironic some 23 years later….. with Cosby “Himself” being exposed. 

The Truth About the Nevada Rancher’s Standoff? Really??

Here’s the irony, the little part that most of these reporters on this situation are grossly overlooking. The “lands” that supposedly belong to the ranchers belonged to the Indigenous people before the European came and decided to take it over. In taking it over with the belief that they could and had the authority to do so, the whole of North and South America was “captured”. Now these people whose Ancestors did it to the Natives are crying out about how unfairly they are being treated. I always say, “When the shoe is on the other foot, it’s a tight squeeze.”

This government and its agents are doing exactly what they have been doing since they first came here. They feel they have the right to claim any land, anywhere they so desire and for any reason. Remember, the first settlements were in the Eastern Region of North America, then they decided to “Go West”. I am almost certain that that land which the Bundy ranch is on did not originally belong to anyone named “Bundy”! And to compare being there since 1870’s or so to being there for thousands upon thousands of years is a small fry of an argument to a government that not only feels it can claim land in its jurisdiction, but it can claim territory and it’s people’s way of life, all over the world.

How many of these same ranchers and citizen militias fought in the wars overseas? How many of them voted for war against a contrived enemy? How many of them hold prejudices and biases against “Immigrants”?

Federal Land Per State

My point is, if you support a government that oppresses others, steals from others, lies to others and creates chaos with others, what makes you think that that same government is not going to perpetuate that same abuse upon you? Your Ancestors laid down this government, this constitution, these laws…… exclusive of the Indigenous people, the Africans and women. You blatantly support your governments actions in creating a “Constitution” that was derived with these inherent exclusions. And now, you want that same government to treat “you” differently. Is this collective cognitive dissonance or is it ignorance or is it the idea that because your Ancestors did it to others, you believe that the fine print reads that you are exempt???

This is my major departure from this video and this reporter. It is as if he, Stefan, lives in the twilight zone, or on another planet or other reality. He seems grossly unable to connect these dots, that is, this land does not belong to the US government, State government, or city government. It was inhabited by a people who were brutally displaced and pushed into reservations so that invaders can take it over, settle on it, and claim that their family has been there for 2 centuries! I am sure that the few remaining tribes left in the area find this quite comical and a form of “chickens coming home to roost.”

I don’t know the land rights laws that are implied in the Constitution of the US or the State Constitution of Nevada, but what I do know is that everything is in Divine order and what goes around comes around. Humanity has this thing about owning land and its resources, they have been fighting wars over it since the beginning. What does that say about human beings? They are territorial, insecure, fearful beings who feel threatened by another territorial, insecure, fearful being. Rather than negotiating amicably, they would rather fight! Some are so bold to take their “flag” to another celestial body and plant it as if to claim that territory as well. In fact, they sell stars and plots of land on the Moon. Really??? This situation is simply a tiny pimple on the mound of a much bigger problem. Man’s disconnection from Source and therefore its disconnection from everything around him including the Sun, Moon, Stars and this here, Planet Earth.

Indian Reservations Map of Nevada, pdf 

Nevada Tribal Lands, Maps, Air Quality Analysis | Pacific 

Nevada Tribes – Nevada Indian Territory

Battle Mountain Band
35 Mountain View Drive #138-13
Battle Mountain
NV 89820-
(775) 635-2004
Fax: 635-8016
Carson Colony
2900 S. Curry St.
Carson City, NV 89704
(775) 883-6459
Fax: (775) 883-6467
Dresslerville Colony of the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California
1585 Watasheamu
Gardnerville, NV 89460
(775) 265-5645
Duck Valley Reservation – Nevada & Idaho Shoshone-Paiute Tribes
P.O. Box 219
Nevada 89832
(208) 759-3100
Fax: (208) 759-3940
Duckwater Shoshone Tribe of the Duckwater Reservation
101 1st Street,
(775) 863-0227 ‎
Elko Band of the Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians
525 Sunset Street
Elko, NV 89801
(775) 738-9251
Ely Shoshone Tribe
16 Shoshone Circle
NV 89301-
(775) 289-3013
Fax: 289-3156
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
Phone: (775) 423-6075
Fax: (775) 423-5202
Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe
Post Office Box 457
NV 89421-
(775) 532-8259
Fax: 532-8263
Goshute Tribe
White Pine County, Nevada
Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada
680 Greenbrae Dr., Suite 280
Sparks, NV 89431
Phone: (775) 355-0600 Ext. 130
Fax: (775) 355-0648
Las Vegas Paiute Tribe
1 Paiute Drive
Las Vegas
NV 89106-
(702) 386-3926
Fax: 383-4019
Lovelock Paiute Tribe
Box 878
NV 89419-
(775) 273-7861
Fax:(702) 273-7861
Moapa Paiute Band of the Moapa Indian Reservation
Post Office Box 56
NV 89025-0340
(775) 865-2787
Fax: 865-2875
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
Post Office Box 256
NV 89424-7401
(775) 574-1000
FAX: 574-1008
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
98 Colony Road
NV 89502-
(775) 329-2936
Fax: 329-8710
Shoshone Paiute Business Council
P.O. Box 219
NV 89832-
South Fork Band of the Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians
Post Box B-13
NV 89829-
(775) 744-4223
Fax: 738-0569
Stewart Colony
5258 Snyder Ave.
Nevada 89701
(775) 883-7767
Fax: 887-3531
Summit Lake Paiute Tribe
510 Melarkey #11, Suite 207
NV 89445-
(775) 623-5151
Fax: 623-0558
Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians (4 Bands)
525 Sunset Street
NV 89801-
(775) 738-9251
Fax: 738-2345
Walker River Paiute Tribe
Post Office Box 220
NV 89427-
(775) 773-2306
Fax: 773-2585
Washoe Tribal Council
919 Highway 395 South
NV 89410- (775) 883-1446
Fax: 265-6240
Wells Band of the Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians
P.O. Box 809
NV 89835-
(775) 752-3045
Fax: 752-0569
Winnemucca Colony
420 Pardde
CA 96130-
(916) 257-7093
Fax: 887-3531
Woodsfords Colony
96 Washoe Blvd.
CA 96120
(916) 694-2170
Yerington Paiute Tribe Colony and Campbell Ranch
171 Cambell Lane
NV 89447-
(775) 463-3301
Fax: 463-2416
Yomba Shoshone Tribe
HC 61 Box 6275
NV 89310-
(775) 964-2448
Fax: 962-2443 

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