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Archive for the ‘constitution’ Category

The American Voter Is An Enabler, Part 3-Ruling Class (Videos)

People are going back and forth about this Comey situation. I did a reading on it a while back so if you check my video, “Why Did Comey Close the 2nd FBI Investigation? Ask A Psychic. You will see how all this and so much more is playing out. It’s all political theater. Politicians are actors who never made it to Hollyweird.  

These are some interesting times.
It was stated by someone, and I quote…

“Too many people, who appear to be waking up still think that politics is the best way to life. From the first day that a human can absorb information, it is indoctrinated they have and need masters (teachers, police, priest & politicians). As soon as the awake people also wake up to the fact, that a ruling class is bad for society, things will start to change.” Anonymous

It’s the conundrum of human history. Particularly when you look at the notion of Empire. Modern day empire building manifests as the industrial revolution, but it really boils down to the concept of scarcity, fear of scarcity and then the need for a ruling class to protect everyone from scarcity. In their back rooms and dark halls, the ruling class had to figure out a way to remain the ruling “men behind the curtain” so they invented the notion of scarcity, on an abundant planet, and while they fill their coffers with more than they could ever use or need, and all the rest follows.

Humans, particularly the industrialized human, have the propensity to applaud their rulers no matter how they rule “Stockholm Syndrome” just as long as they promise to arrest their fears. They willingly give up their sovereignty to some external, much bigger, much more powerful force, to protect them and keep them from harm.

Meanwhile, cognitive dissonance is in full swing, as they look around at the failing economy, loss of jobs, horrendous war games, loss of life, health care, etc. which all equal loss of security, yet, the love relationship they have with leadership, i.e., the ruling class, is so pervasive it blinds them to the fact that they are no better off and that the ruling class are blood suckers who have no care for them. The voter will continue to vote against his/her interest for just a sliver of that promise pie, while the ruling class own the pie factory.
The deeper question is, why is humanity susceptible to being duped in this fashion, over and over again?

It appears that “Trump” was an even bigger Psyops than Obama. People actually believe there was a strong populous movement headed by a Billionaire? Even that makes no sense. But, because he was a cantankerous Billionaire, they thought he would be different?

Trump was a bigger Psyops than Obama because he had even the folks who were beginning to distrust the system altogether, get behind him. He pulled folks in from the left, right and center.

He has completely disappointed his base, yet they feverishly hold on to hope. As their hope disappears, it will create a tremendous mental dystopia and the masses who believed in him will join the ones “shouting” NOT MY PRESIDENT, and the populous movement will disintegrate like a morning fog.
Lack of faith in the government could lead to even more unrest and even more need for militarize police all over the country. Society will disintegrate into warring factions among themselves and the outcome will be as it always has been. The ruling class remain in power handing out slivers of pie to the fewer and fewer numbers of humans that are left after destroying them from the inside out.
It is written in the stars, Empires rise and fall over the millennia, however the Empire wheel keeps turning. Why do humans need empires is my question.
Why Is Humanity Susceptible to Building Empires?

“Are we witnessing the beginning of the end? And who’s end will it be? Ours or his!?” Anonymous

The Dems may want to tar and feather Trump for firing Comey.  But they keep missing the elephant, the big huge elephant in the room. This is not about the dems vs the Reps, it’s about pedos not wanting their crap to be uncovered. The in fighting is just a smoke screen. Do you realize that they fight each other in public and sleep with each other after dark?

Wake up people, there’s no saving this corrupt system.
It needs to be dismantled.

Pedophiles are running for cover. What Comey found out will bring even Trump down and it ain’t no Russian BS. How many times has the US interfered in elections, (Homeland Security interfered in US elections) overthrown governments, set up puppets who are allied with the US and NATO?

#Iraq #Haiti #Egypt #Honduras #Venezuela just to name a few.
Come on people!

Remember, Hillary sold 20% of US uranium reserves to Russia.  So what’s the hype about Trump or anyone in  his inner circle relating to the Russians? Why are these people trying to suggest Russian involvement in US elections when their track record is glaringly obvious of their collusion and interference around the globe? It’s the pot calling the kettle black!

We got, Hillary and Trump hobnobbing with the Saudis but so did Bush. The Saudi government, those guys, who just got Elected by the United Nations to Women’s Rights Commission DESPITE THAT COUNTRY’S APPALLING RECORD ON THE TREATMENT OF WOMEN. This shows you the “world” collusion and moral bankruptcy.

It ain’t about parties, it’s about world dominion, power and control for the psychopaths that run this world.
FYI, the Trump family is featured in the Jeffrey Epstein Blackbook, which indicates they knew a little bit about his lifestyle.

The Trump presidency is a psyops almost bigger than the Obama one was. In fact, Trump IS Obama’s 3rd term. He’s a puppet. He don’t know nothing from nothing, which makes him even easier to be manipulated by the globalist. He has no resistance, he’s a naive narcissistic, touch off. Don’t even think that bringing him down will change anything. It won’t!

Check it out, there’s a huge elephant in the room people!

So folks think that Comey should have been fired since he did not suggest that Hillary be prosecuted for her crimes. SO, good-bye Comey, you didn’t do your job.

But if you people think that Trump is going to hire someone who will prosecute her, you are sadly mistaken. She will not go to jail!

They haven’t forgotten what Hillary said, “If I go down, I am taking everyone with me.” and she wasn’t playing. In order to get to the top, you have to swim in some slime, become slime and then throw slime. All of them are complicit in some way and all of them think they are above the law.
There is no honesty among thieves so they all got to watch their backs, can’t keep their eyes closed to long and eliminate ALL threats. The United States government is a mafia, a criminal cabal, crooks thieves and robbers, and folks keep voting for them, thinking something will change, and it won’t. History should tell us that much.

The other thing that I think is sorely missed is that, usually, the VP is the President’s Handler. Think about it.. they tend to be more of a power broker from the sidelines. We hardly ever heard of Biden except here and there, Obama was the front man, same with Bush and Chaney. they got it all set up, and like Bush said “Oh, I’m not gonna lose.” so whatever they got to do, they will do and have done it. It’s just easier to see it now with the Internet, and if they have their way, they will figure out a way to silence it.

The whole “Alt-Right” and “fake news” meme was the beginning of a paradigm shift from allowing certain information to find its way to the web.
Censorship began, Twitter shut down accounts, Facebook, in addition to its already sending folks to Facebook jail; hired people to filter out so called “fake news”, reddit shut down accounts or deactivated certain sub-reddits and now, under the guise of Advertiser pressure, YouTube/Google is doing its part to silence the masses.

I ain’t even about free speech, you can’t have it on someone else’s platform. It’s a privilege to be able to speak your mind on someone else’s platform, but, it’s discouraging enough to make people self censor or go somewhere else.
The idea is to silence dissent, wherever they find it; and to keep the secret, secret, and at all costs.
Our world is governed by Psychopathic Megalomaniacs who intend on staying in power no matter what.
So to conclude, American voter, as long as you enable your government it will continue to abuse you.

United Nations Elects Saudi Arabia to Women’s Rights Commission
EPIC RANT: The Government Will Not Protect You From Tractor Trailers
The Government Will Not Protect You From The Coming Financial Collapse
Police Militarization – How America’s Police Became an Army: The 1033 Program
After Berkeley riots, President Trump threatens to take away federal funds
21 arrested as hundreds of Trump supporters and counter-protesters clash at Berkeley rally
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries
Subject: Media Black-Out Ordered About Saudi 911 Murders & Hillary’s 15 Year Cover-Up
Trump to Approve Weapons Sale to 9/11 Financiers, Saudi Arabia
Jeffrey Epstein: inside the decade of scandal entangling Prince Andrew
Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery
How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately “elevated” Donald Trump with its “pied piper” strategy
Labor nominee Acosta cut deal with billionaire guilty in sex abuse case
Not Good: “Trump is Now a Captive of The Deep State” (Video)
Bill Bonner: Trump Is No Match for the Deep State
Globalist puppet Donald Trump on US charging Julian Assange: ‘It’s ok with me’

Will Barack Obama Be The Next UN Secretary General? (Video)

NB COMMENTARY:  There’s a rumor going around that Barack Hussein Obama may be elected into the Office of Secretary General come this December, 2016. 

Now wouldn’t having Obama as Secretary General of the UN, just bust a lot of buttons??!!  

Obama would be the perfect choice, as he is most in alignment with the type of puppet they need. But wouldn’t that be some history right there, the 1st Black President, and the first African American to be Secretary General of the UN!!!
OMG, I see stars, I see fireworks, I see no fly zones all over the planet, and I see drones.

Quiet as it’s kept he was allowed to preside over the security counsel which was unprecedented. Quiet as it’s kept the US has an overriding veto in the UN. And even more quiet is the fact that these folks do whatever they want to do. So if they decide that this is what they want, who cares about rules, laws, protocols. They are all made just to be revised and at the behest of the revisionists who spring up amongst us from time to time.

With Obama as Secretary General of the UN, the most lauded President in US history, the pronounced Global citizen, the man who literally stated at his last speech at the UN that a new day and a New World was in order to the cheers of all the straw voters. What’s to stop them? Everybody would just roll over and support the rolling out of the New World Order, hands down. Imagine, he will be able to sanction all his unsanctionable deeds. His predecessors, Kofi Anan, there during the kidnapping of Aristide from Haiti.. Moon, watching Libya burn.. would pale in the face of  Mr. Drone Master as he rules the skies.

We are in for a roller coaster ride.

Lord Have Mercy.. say it isn’t so, Joe. Lie to me, tell me that he is NOT a party to the BIGGEST LIE EVER PERPETRATED ON THE ENTIRE WORLD! 

In slightly less than four months, President Barack Obama will be without a job—unless he has another one already lined up.
Rumors are swirling that Obama is already lobbying to take the job of United Nations Secretary-General when Ban Ki-moon’s final five-year term expires on Dec. 31. Those rumors are similar to ones made in the final year of President Bill Clinton’s second term in office.
Some unprecedented news, folks. Never in the history of the United Nations has a U.S. President taken the chairmanship of the powerful UN Security Council. Perhaps it is because of what could arguably be a Constitutional prohibition against doing so. To wit: Section 9 of the Constitution says:
  “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”
Nonetheless, the rotating chairmanship of the council goes to the U.S. this month. The normal course of business would have U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice take the gavel. However, this time will be different. Constitution be damned, Barack Hussein Obama has decided to put HIMSELF in the drivers seat, and will preside over global nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament talks slated to begin September 24th. The Financial Times says:
  “Barack Obama will cement the new co-operative relationship between the US and the United Nations this month when he becomes the first American president to chair its 15-member Security Council.”

Rhetorics: President Obama’s speech was nearly the 50 years after the historic speech by then U.S. President John F. Kennedy in Berlin in 1963, during which he proclaimed the famous sentence: ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’
President Obama just gave $500 million of Your Money to the UN Green Fund
Secretary-General Ban congratulates US President Barack Obama on re-election
In his final speech to the United Nations on Tuesday, President Barack Obama warned world leaders of deep and dangerous divisions between those who support more global integration and those who want to retreat into isolationism.
Obama and Ban deliver final U.N. speeches no holds barred
Obama, in final U.N. speech, calls for world ‘course correction’
The controversial veto power
The veto power is not the only issue with the United Nations Security Council. Kofi Annan, a former United Nations Security General criticised its make up. Annan claims that, in order for the UN Security Council to prevent fading into irrelevance, it must admit more permanent members. The UN Security Council seems to have been frozen in time. Its current permanent members seem an anachronism, failing to reflect the geopolitical realities of the current age. Stuck in a time when the world seemed divided into three zones, the West, with capitalism, and the East, communism, and the developing ‘third world’ up for grabs. France is no longer at the front line of a European advance against communism. China and Russia no longer represent a single axis of the world’s powers. As Kofi Annan rightly claims, the UN Security Council must change.
United Nations, New York, 24 September 2009: The Security Council, in a summit meeting this morning presided over by the US President Barack Obama, adopted Resolution 1887, which, among other things, calls upon the States that are party to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to comply fully with all their obligations and fulfill their treaty commitments. It also calls upon all States to sign and ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).
Todays meeting only the fifth in the Council’s history to be held at the level of heads of State and government began with the unanimous adoption of a resolution by which the 15-member body voiced grave concern about the threat of nuclear proliferation and the need for global action to combat it.
Although we averted a nuclear nightmare during the Cold War, we now face proliferation of a scope and complexity that demands new strategies and new approaches, said Mr. Obama, the first US President to preside over a Security Council meeting.
Just one nuclear weapon exploded in a city be it New York or Moscow, Tokyo or Beijing, London or Paris could kill hundreds of thousands of people. And it would badly destabilize our security, our economies, and our very way of life.

President Obama Says Kaepernick’s Protest Shows Concern For “Legitimate Issues” (Video)

NB Commentary: This is the most ridiculous mind fuck they got going. Or is it?
This is probably going to be one of my most incensed rants of all times, well so far anyways. I just don’t get it and I have been trying to stay out of it. Colin and his flag protest is so old and so tired and so not an issue to me. Why? Because I have not saluted a flag in over 45 years. Why? Because why should I? What does saluting a flag prove? That I am an idol worshiper? That I do as I am told? That I believe the 2 verses that are sung? That I would rather go along with the crowd than stand out and be different? That even though the flag is supposed to represent “freedom” and all that bullshit that I believe it does?
What are national anthems? They are lies, they stir the hearts and minds of the people to think that there country is so great and so awesome that they will go on the battle field holding the ding dong piece of cloth and risk being shot to smithereens. Okay, so they don’t do that anymore, but they sure as hell put that flag on every ding dong bomb they make, every missile, every drone and every ground to air missile, not to mention all the other military might that they have invading the land and sea. So what does the flag really mean….? It means imperialism and the right to be “imperialistic” world wide. Hell, these folks had the nerve to plant that piece of striped cloth on the moon for crying out loud. The moon?? The Moon?? To say what, to mean what, to do what??? How nonsensical is it to plant a flag on the moon to say, my ass was there and don’t you forget it!
Of course, they also say there’s no wind up there and so having it on the moon, well it could be there forever right? My question is, are there any other flags on the moon? And if so why?
Folks rattle on and on about the constitutional right of an individual to protest, yet the police have the right to tell you to take your ass and your protest somewhere else if they deem it necessary to do so or that you are “disturbing” the peace. And it ain’t about color, though I would like to throw in the race card as well. But if anyone saw what happened to the “Occupy WallStreet” folks they would know that it ain’t about color.
It’s all about control. Control the narrative = mainstream media, Control your behavior = laws, Control your independence = Police.
So, I just recently found out what the last verse of the song was. Why am I not surprised. Seriously, did they really stop singing that part because the song was too long or was it too embarrassing to sing it? And I wonder how many folks of all colors would sing it anyways if it was part of the program. Don’t you ever wonder about that? Like who were these people who wrote songs like “Save a Wretch Like Me” turn abolitionists. Were they really all that or were they too a part of controlled opposition, cause all we got is the Civil  War, thousands dead and Jim Crow.
I fail to see the honor or the humor in pledging allegiance to a flag, that has no real value in the real scheme of things and instead has been a symbol of American Empire. Check it out. We have to revere it, honor it, handle it in a certain way, march with it hung a certain way, fold it a certain way, and at one time it was a crime to even wear anything that had the flag on it. Now folks want to protest, but due they put down their beers at home when the anthem is played?  Do they stop smacking on their hot dogs in the bleachers at the games? Do the fans even care about the anthem or even know the words to the first two verses?
These anthems are marching orders, they are incantations and are mind control to rally the masses around some symbol without having them realize or even care what the symbol means. Why do countries have flags?? What does it do for their self esteem? And we all know that some of the most ruthless countries in the world, including the US are the biggest flag wavers.
Actually, pledging to a flag is a form of idol worship, and this form of idol worship should not be taken lightly.
I did not want to get into this debate, but when I saw that our illustrious President got into it, I knew straight up that this was a “MIND FUCK”. What is a Mind Fuck, it’s propaganda, pure and simple. Here we now have a raging debate about a piece of cloth that most folks realize that it does not live up to the so called standards that it purports, that is, the country behind the flag has been letting its people down across the board, but alas they give the people this flag to pledge to and to quiet them down, cause they should not even think about how they are being brain washed into believing a lie.
This thing is so comical, I laughed all day as it has monopolized the twitterverse, instagram and Facebook. The memes were hysterical. But, even though folks are making fun and some aren’t taking it seriously they are still paying attention to it and to him and making all kinds of videos etc. He and his propaganda is trending now, and like that madness with Beyoncé, folks are equating this to some kind of radical black power statement. “Power to the People,” “Black Power,” “I’m Black and I’m Proud” and the latest of him joining the Nation of Islam??
Uh oh, that fro gone have to go!! But I digress.
Then the President weighed in on it.
Back in the day, we would call a person like him “shady”, and I call him “Slim Shady” and let me tell you why.
He is always throwing shade. He never ceases to amaze me how he throws shade like he is the star athlete on the Shades Basketball team. His throwing shade in this situation was all I could bare in avoiding this topic in my blogs. I really did not want to get caught up in it. I know it is straight bull shit and the masses are being manipulated by this guy who wore an Afro just to show off his protest.
Back to Obama, I mean “Slim Shady”. So, here we have the leader of the so called “free world”, the very man who wants to gather up the American’s guns say that Kaepernick has the right to sit down. Of course he has the right to sit down. He better not stand up!!
And how they call this taking a stand is unreal for me. Of course later he comes out giving his millions away, but what did he do before he had millions, what did he do before he was chosen to be the star of the “gossip mainstream media”?
But again, that is not what got me ranting… What got me ranting is that here we have the Willie Lynch syndrome taking wings again. Here we have one “light-skinned brother, standing up for another light skinned brother.” Don’t get me wrong, we all black if you ask me and I ain’t about that color stuff, but of all the times that Obama could have stood up for the rights of Black folks, he stands for the right of this brother to sit down because it’s his constitutional right, and yet if that brother said he wanted to own a gun, especially a high powered military grade rifle, Obama would be quick to NOT SITE  his constitutional right, but would ask had he had his head examine. Do you see what I mean? It’s the hypocrisy of it all. On one hand you have rights on the other hand you have none. So why throw the Constitution in there on a day when you wanna speak out for your bi-racial brother but not throw it out there for those folks who want their guns. In fact, why haven’t you spoken out about police brutality that has been waged clearly against black men and women of all shades? What about their needs to be represented? Instead you quietly write into law a executive order to protect police, a Blue Lives Matter Bill of sorts.
How is it that you can be so smug about Blue Lives and militarize them to the hilt when you know those Blue lives are brutalizing Black Lives. Where do you start with the Constitution and where do you stop??
And that my friends is what has me writing like a bangy chicken over here because hypocrisy boils my blood. The whole do what I say and not what I do or better yet, listen to what I say and ignore what I do.
African Americans have seen the 1st Black President disappoint them over and over and over again. Ignore their issues, put band-aide on cancer (ObamaCare) cry over the deaths of little white children and give lip service to Trayvon Martin while he meanwhile ignores the homeless, even the veterans, and the poor in this country, who by the way are predominately black folks.
When he first came into “power” and he said he would not address the Bush Administration war crimes, I knew then he was a shoe-in for the oligarchy, the bankers, the power elite. I knew then that he was a puppet and all them crying black folks who prayed over him and laid their hands on his head and all that, that he would not and will not and has not come up to the plate for African Americans.  He, like Kaeperkick only black when they want to make a point or when they are being “used” to make a point other than that… the are brothers of the cloth.. The biracial cloth, they can identify with the fact that, yeah, but being biracial don’t give you no props in this racist country. Being a house “N” don’t exempt you from being a “N” no matter what, cause Willie Lynch is alive in well in all of the US system and his impact can be felt far and wide.
Willie Lynch focused on how to subdue slaves by dividing them and conquering them or controlling them, and whether his was real or not, his method prevails to this day. It hits African people hard as they fight among themselves, distrusting each other and especially having issues with those “high yella” ones who thing cause they got the massah’s blood and live in the massah’s house and got more of the massah’s money that they are better than the rest of us, until the massah puts his foot so high up that the “high yella’s” can’t speak, that they realize that racism hasn’t died, we are not post racial, we are living in the belly of Racism/White Supremacy.
My message and final comment is, it takes more than sitting down and wearing an Afro to fight for the rights of African people to live in peace and not be fearful of being pulled over on a routine traffic stop. But I am grateful that he did it and I hope he continues to hold on to his principles until he sees major change, not window dressings, not pats on the back or on the head, not promises, but real change.
Besides, saluting a flag is the most ridiculous thing a person can do as far as I’m concerned, and since this is my blog, I can say that!!
I just keep shaking my head as the masses are played like a fiddle cause dude came back and knelt for the soldiers. Huh? How does “support the troops” motto play into this? Aren’t they being brutalized by the same system that brutalizes Black folks? Aren’t they force to salute a tyrannical regime? Shouldn’t all the soldiers drop their guns and fight no more for this charade? So yeah, They got us, trending on another trend. It’s a gift that keeps on giving.
Colin Kaepernick’s San Diego protest, why Eric Reid & Nate Boyer joined him +3rd Eye programming
President Obama Says Kaepernick’s Protest Shows Concern For “Legitimate Issues”
Colin Kaepernick’s Defiantly Pro-Black Afro Spawns Hilarious #KapSoBlack Hashtag
Farrakhan released a statement via his Facebook page in which he thanked Kaep for taking a stand, and lauded his courage in the face of intense criticism.
Colin Kaepernick — Donating 100% of His Jersey Profits
Colin Kaepernick announces he will donate $1 million to charities
Obama, Caught Between Black and Blue Lives
Fla. Law Enforcement Weigh In On ‘Blue Lives Matter Act’ To Expand Hate Crime Law
Obama signs ‘Blue Alert’ law to protect police

Don’t Thank Me for My Service, by Camillo Mac Bica

Nana’s Commentary:

All my life I loved fireworks. I would go to the 4th of July display every year that I could. I would lie down on the ground and just take it all in. Then I read about the impact that they have on some veterans. I stopped going.

I think that veterans should be given every single thing they need to make it back to civilian life and then given anything they ask for. They go off and fight a rich man’s war and come back to very poor treatment and little consideration for their PTSD. High rates of domestic abuse, drugs and alcohol use, homelessness, poverty and suicide should not even be mentioned in the same sentence when speaking of a Veteran.

I am totally against the barbarism of war, but if these folks are going to go out there and cause all kinds of devastation to themselves and others for the benefit of the elite, then the elite should take care of them to the utmost degree!! Any country that does not take care of its veterans is truly degenerate and completely lacking of empathy, gratitude or compassion. And that’s what I have to say about that!!

 Don’t Thank Me for My Service

Sunday, 03 June 2012 08:23By Camillo Mac BicaTruthout | Op-Ed
I do not want to appear disrespectful or ungrateful, but should we meet on the street one day, do say “Hello,” or “Fine day” or other such nicety, but please do not thank me for “my service” as a United States Marine. I make this request because my service, as you refer to it, was basically, either to train to become a killer or to actually kill people and blow shit up.
Now, that is not something for which a person should be proud nor thanked. In fact, it is regrettable, and for me a source of guilt and shame, something I will have to live with for the rest of my life, as the past cannot ever be undone. So, when you thank me for my service, it disturbs me … a lot. First off, it brings to mind my wasted youth and lost innocence, and the horrible and unnecessary deaths of good friends and comrades. Second, it reminds me of my responsibility and culpability for the pain and suffering I caused innocent people, again something I would rather forget, but cannot. Third, it reinforces my belief that you have absolutely no idea about the nature and reality of the wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, because if you did, you would understand that thanks are inappropriate. Fourth, it reminds me that many of those who feel the need to offer thanks were apathetic about – or even supportive of – the war, while they refuse to participate themselves or did little or nothing to end it. And lastly, I have to admit that I doubt the sincerity of these expressions of supposed gratitude, as “Thank you for your service” is just something to say not because you care about what I did or sacrificed, but only to demonstrate your supposed good character, or patriotism and/or “support” for members of the military and veterans.

In making this request not to be thanked for my service, I am, of course, expressing only my opinion, and, perhaps, my idiosyncrasy, and I make no claim to be speaking for other veterans. I would wager, however, that many, perhaps even most, who have experienced the horror of war and have the courage and presence of mind to think about and evaluate what the war they served in was truly about would understand and probably concur with this request. Those veterans, however, who may not agree, who cling to the mythology of heroism, glory, honor and nobility of war, do so in large measure from fear that acknowledging war’s reality would somehow diminish their sacrifice and the sacrifices of those whose lives were lost. Perhaps understandably, they view such sacrifices and loss as difficult enough to live with when they had value and purpose, and as intolerable if they were misguided and unnecessary. To these brothers and sisters, I would offer the following questions and observations for them to ponder.

First, what was accomplished by your sacrifice and by the waste of lives and treasure in Vietnam, in Iraq and in Afghanistan? Where is the honor, glory and nobility in killing and dying for greed, incompetence, and paranoia? Second, the mythology you cling to for comfort is a tool of political leaders to make war palatable, to garner support for their militarism and abandonment of diplomacy. It is what motivates future idealistic, perhaps naive, young people to “heed the call,” to seek honor and glory, by enlisting in the military to fight for a cause they have been deceived into believing is right, just and necessary, but which is, in reality, a string of wars for corporate greed, power and hegemony. All who are touched by war are tainted and require readjustment, perhaps even rehabilitation, but in order to truly come home from war, to make the perilous journey of healing, one must face the realities of one’s own war experience head on, as no healing is possible from fantasy, myth, rationalization and distortion of truth.
So, in the future, if you really insist on thanking me for something, do not thank me for

the eight years I spent as a Marine, but for the 45 or so years following my discharge from the military that I have spent as an activist fighting for human rights and social justice and to end the insanity of war. Frankly, however, I would prefer that you just say hello, or fine day or other such nicety. You see, my activism all these years warrants no praise or merit, as it is not something I choose to do. Rather, I do it because I must, perhaps as penance for my culpability for the sacrilege of war. And if you truly want to demonstrate your good character, patriotism, and support for the troops and veterans, rather than merely mouth meaningless expressions of gratitude for something you don’t truly understand or care much about, do something meaningful and real. Do what is truly in the interest of this nation and of those victimized by war.

Make some demands.

“how can we still have troops in other countries and we celebrate with “bombs”… it would be lovely if we decided not to do them in honor to our troops… That would be a great way to say THANK YOU!”

Demand, for example, an immediate end to the corporate takeover of our “democracy” and to the undue influence of the military-industrial-Congressional complex. Demand sanity in Pentagon spending and a reallocation of finite resources to people-focused programs such as health care, education and jobs rather than to killing and destruction. Demand an immediate end to wars for corporate profit, greed, power and hegemony. Demand that we adhere to the Constitution and to international law. Demand accountability for those who make war easily and care more for wealth, profit and power than for national interest or for the welfare of their fellow human beings. And finally, demand the troops be brought home now, and that they be adequately treated and cared for when they return. So, should we meet on the street one day, do say Hello, or Fine day, and as you talk to me about your efforts to make this country and the world a better and more peaceful place in which to live, I would be happy to thank you for your service.

CAMILLO MAC BICA, PhD, is a professor of philosophy at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. He is a former Marine Corps officer, Vietnam veteran, longtime activist for peace and social justice, and the coordinator of the Long Island Chapter of Veterans for Peace.

The Things They Cannot Say

More Than Human? The Ethics of Biologically Enhancing Soldiers

Fireworks, Triggers, PTSD, and Veterans

The Truth Seeker’s Guide: The Star Trek Conspiracy – Part One

The Star Trek Conspiracy – Part One

“Space… the final frontier!”

These four instantly recognizable words will forever be associated with the phenomenon known as Star Trek. Six shows (a total of 726 episodes) and 11 feature length movies later, the effect of this sci-fi landmark on the minds of millions cannot be underestimated. So powerful is it’s sway, that it has shaped academic careers, created new languages, influenced global policies and created a vision of the future where war,
poverty and hatred has been eliminated and all of humanity is equal.

So what happens when the suggestion is raised that not everything about this behemoth is what it appears to be? As with all things that fall into the sphere of mythical archetypes and cults of personality, questioning  intent and purpose can be akin to sticking your head inside a bees nest! Holding up mass values and perceptions to the cold light of day can (at best) trigger an instant denial reaction or (at worst) the threat of reprisals. Just take a look at the mass reaction to the ‘Faux Paul’  research in relation to The Beatles…

 A superficial look at the possible hidden aspects of Star Trek won’t get you very far. Many of the knee jerk reactions consider that the ‘proof’ can be found in relation to various religious agendas (Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry’s Baptist upbringing in relation to the TV industry in the 1960s) although (in reality) there is very little evidence to substantiate these claims. This doesn’t mean that the idea of a Star Trek ‘agenda’ is unfounded though. In order to get an idea of a possibly larger picture, one needs to play a game of ‘degrees of separation’.
Some may say that doing this only shows a bunch of coincidences, but I encourage any open minded person to look at these factors carefully before drawing conclusions.

The first place to start is with Gene Roddenberry. Was he a Freemason?! Many speculate (and even state) that he was a 33rd degree of the Scottish rite, although there appears to be no obvious evidence in this case. 
However, this doesn’t rule out a Freemasonic association entirely. It does seem interesting that the initial names of both the ship and captain have some significance. Roddenberry wanted to stick with Captain Pike (a name synonymous with Freemasonry: Albert Pike) although this link is tenuous. More interesting though is the ship itself. Roddenberry was determined, for a considerable amount of time, to name the vessel “Constitution”. Those who have looked into Freemasonic history will know that on March 17th, 1926, Major General Henry Knox lodge was constituted on the gun deck of the US Navy ship “USS Constitution”. More importantly, this was the only Lodge in the world ever to be instituted on an active ship of war. Although the starship name eventually became
“Enterprise”, the ship remained a “constitution class starship”.

Read Full Article: The Truth Seeker’s Guide: The Star Trek Conspiracy – Part One
SEE MORE: Parts Two and Part Three


For full length video click here:

The Star Trek The Original Series 2-part episode, The Menagerie, was reworked fom the show’s actual 1965 pilot epsiode named The Cage. The Menagerie was aired in November of 1966. A group of small telepathic aliens very reminiscent of the little grey aliens that dominate today’s commercial market, hold Captain Pike a prisoner. The Star trek series, of course, went on to be a huge success.
In a rare interview on the paranormal radio show Coast to Coast A.M. Art Bell interviewed Leonard Nimoy who played the alien character Spock. Leonard Nimoy told him, “When we were making the Star Trek series the first season — middle of the first season — some people came to me and they said, ‘You may not know it, but you have been chosen as a kind of a vessel to carry information to this civilization to help prepare this society for the coming of another civilization for alien arrival and your character is a character designed to educate this public  that there is nothing to fear, that it is possible to interact with other species’, and I said, ‘Ok, it’s ok with me if that’s the case.’ ”

Excerpted from: TRICKED BY THE LIGHT


Star Trek Voyager – In the Star Trek Voyager episode Coda, Captain Janeway is almost fooled by an alien into thinking she has died. The alien poses as her father, imploring her to follow him into the light. She is suspicious of his intentions and refuses.
JANEWAY: That’s the real me, isn’t it, lying on the ground on that planet, dying, and this is the hallucination. This isn’t real.
ALIEN: More denial. You’re only making it harder on yourself.
JANEWAY: You’re trying very hard to convince me to come with you. Why is that? If what you’re saying is true, why not let me come to the decision on my own?
ALIEN: I’m trying to spare you unnecessary pain.
JANEWAY: My father would never act like this. He always believed I had to learn my own lessons, make my own mistakes. He never tried to shield me from life. Why would he try to shield me from death? You’re not my father. I could be imagining you, but I don’t think so. You have such a specific agenda. You’re determined that I go with you somewhere. Who are you?
ALIEN: I’m trying to help you. Stop fighting me.
JANEWAY: Are you an alien being of some kind? Is that it?
[Planet Surface]
CHAKOTAY: Her eyes are open.
EMH: Vital signs are responding. Blood pressure is sixty over thirty.
TUVOK: But the entity is still inhabiting her cerebral cortex, impeding your treatment.
CHAKOTAY: Kathryn, hang on. We’re bringing you back. Just fight a little longer.
EMH: Direct synaptic stimulation might drive out the alien presence.
[Mess hall]
JANEWAY: I was right. I heard Tuvok and Chakotay and the Doctor. You’re an alien. You’ve created all these hallucinations, haven’t you?
ALIEN: This is what my species does. At the moment just before death one of us comes down to help you understand what’s happening, to make the crossing over an occasion of joy.
JANEWAY: And what is that?
ALIEN: Our Matrix, where your consciousness will live. I was being truthful when I said it was a place of wonder. It can be whatever you want it to be.
JANEWAY: Then why didn’t you tell me this from the beginning? Why pretend to be my father.
ALIEN: Usually people are comforted to see their loved ones. It makes the crossing over a much less fearful occasion. I’ve done this many times, but I’ve never encountered someone so resistant.
[Planet Surface]
EMH: Something’s happened. The alien presence is getting stronger again.
CHAKOTAY: Fight it, Kathryn, just a little longer.
EMH: I’ll have to try a thoron pulse.
[Mess hall]
JANEWAY: My people are telling me to fight. They’re trying to save me.
ALIEN: They’re trying out of desperation. It’s hopeless.
JANEWAY: You’re the one who sounds desperate. I don’t get the feeling you’re trying to make me comfortable. You’re only interested in my agreeing to come with you.
ALIEN: Because it’s inevitable.
JANEWAY: And you don’t strike me as any type of Good Samaritan. You’re more like a vulture, preying on people at the moment of their death when they’re at their most vulnerable.
ALIEN: I’ve waited for you. I’ve been patient.
JANEWAY: But your patience is wearing thin. What’s the real reason you want me in that Matrix? Somehow I don’t think it has anything to do with everlasting joy.
ALIEN: You must go with me.
JANEWAY: If you could force me to go, you’d have done it already. You need me to agree, don’t you? I have to go voluntarily.
ALIEN: Wouldn’t that be better than standing here in this endless debate?
JANEWAY: Let me tell you this. We can stand here for all eternity and I will never choose to go with you.
ALIEN: You’re in a dangerous profession, Captain. You face death everyday. There’ll be another time and I’ll be waiting. Eventually you’ll come into my Matrix and you will nourish me for a long, long, time.
JANEWAY: Go back to hell, coward.
Afterwards, Captain Janeway discusses the encounter with one of her crew.
CHAKOTAY: I can understand that. I can’t help thinking about it. That alien, his Matrix, he was like the spider that has to lure a fly into his web.
JANEWAY: Do you think it’s possible that each of the near death experiences we’ve heard about are the result of an alien inhabitation? 

The Truth About the Nevada Rancher’s Standoff? Really??

Here’s the irony, the little part that most of these reporters on this situation are grossly overlooking. The “lands” that supposedly belong to the ranchers belonged to the Indigenous people before the European came and decided to take it over. In taking it over with the belief that they could and had the authority to do so, the whole of North and South America was “captured”. Now these people whose Ancestors did it to the Natives are crying out about how unfairly they are being treated. I always say, “When the shoe is on the other foot, it’s a tight squeeze.”

This government and its agents are doing exactly what they have been doing since they first came here. They feel they have the right to claim any land, anywhere they so desire and for any reason. Remember, the first settlements were in the Eastern Region of North America, then they decided to “Go West”. I am almost certain that that land which the Bundy ranch is on did not originally belong to anyone named “Bundy”! And to compare being there since 1870’s or so to being there for thousands upon thousands of years is a small fry of an argument to a government that not only feels it can claim land in its jurisdiction, but it can claim territory and it’s people’s way of life, all over the world.

How many of these same ranchers and citizen militias fought in the wars overseas? How many of them voted for war against a contrived enemy? How many of them hold prejudices and biases against “Immigrants”?

Federal Land Per State

My point is, if you support a government that oppresses others, steals from others, lies to others and creates chaos with others, what makes you think that that same government is not going to perpetuate that same abuse upon you? Your Ancestors laid down this government, this constitution, these laws…… exclusive of the Indigenous people, the Africans and women. You blatantly support your governments actions in creating a “Constitution” that was derived with these inherent exclusions. And now, you want that same government to treat “you” differently. Is this collective cognitive dissonance or is it ignorance or is it the idea that because your Ancestors did it to others, you believe that the fine print reads that you are exempt???

This is my major departure from this video and this reporter. It is as if he, Stefan, lives in the twilight zone, or on another planet or other reality. He seems grossly unable to connect these dots, that is, this land does not belong to the US government, State government, or city government. It was inhabited by a people who were brutally displaced and pushed into reservations so that invaders can take it over, settle on it, and claim that their family has been there for 2 centuries! I am sure that the few remaining tribes left in the area find this quite comical and a form of “chickens coming home to roost.”

I don’t know the land rights laws that are implied in the Constitution of the US or the State Constitution of Nevada, but what I do know is that everything is in Divine order and what goes around comes around. Humanity has this thing about owning land and its resources, they have been fighting wars over it since the beginning. What does that say about human beings? They are territorial, insecure, fearful beings who feel threatened by another territorial, insecure, fearful being. Rather than negotiating amicably, they would rather fight! Some are so bold to take their “flag” to another celestial body and plant it as if to claim that territory as well. In fact, they sell stars and plots of land on the Moon. Really??? This situation is simply a tiny pimple on the mound of a much bigger problem. Man’s disconnection from Source and therefore its disconnection from everything around him including the Sun, Moon, Stars and this here, Planet Earth.

Indian Reservations Map of Nevada, pdf 

Nevada Tribal Lands, Maps, Air Quality Analysis | Pacific 

Nevada Tribes – Nevada Indian Territory

Battle Mountain Band
35 Mountain View Drive #138-13
Battle Mountain
NV 89820-
(775) 635-2004
Fax: 635-8016
Carson Colony
2900 S. Curry St.
Carson City, NV 89704
(775) 883-6459
Fax: (775) 883-6467
Dresslerville Colony of the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California
1585 Watasheamu
Gardnerville, NV 89460
(775) 265-5645
Duck Valley Reservation – Nevada & Idaho Shoshone-Paiute Tribes
P.O. Box 219
Nevada 89832
(208) 759-3100
Fax: (208) 759-3940
Duckwater Shoshone Tribe of the Duckwater Reservation
101 1st Street,
(775) 863-0227 ‎
Elko Band of the Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians
525 Sunset Street
Elko, NV 89801
(775) 738-9251
Ely Shoshone Tribe
16 Shoshone Circle
NV 89301-
(775) 289-3013
Fax: 289-3156
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe
Phone: (775) 423-6075
Fax: (775) 423-5202
Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe
Post Office Box 457
NV 89421-
(775) 532-8259
Fax: 532-8263
Goshute Tribe
White Pine County, Nevada
Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada
680 Greenbrae Dr., Suite 280
Sparks, NV 89431
Phone: (775) 355-0600 Ext. 130
Fax: (775) 355-0648
Las Vegas Paiute Tribe
1 Paiute Drive
Las Vegas
NV 89106-
(702) 386-3926
Fax: 383-4019
Lovelock Paiute Tribe
Box 878
NV 89419-
(775) 273-7861
Fax:(702) 273-7861
Moapa Paiute Band of the Moapa Indian Reservation
Post Office Box 56
NV 89025-0340
(775) 865-2787
Fax: 865-2875
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
Post Office Box 256
NV 89424-7401
(775) 574-1000
FAX: 574-1008
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
98 Colony Road
NV 89502-
(775) 329-2936
Fax: 329-8710
Shoshone Paiute Business Council
P.O. Box 219
NV 89832-
South Fork Band of the Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians
Post Box B-13
NV 89829-
(775) 744-4223
Fax: 738-0569
Stewart Colony
5258 Snyder Ave.
Nevada 89701
(775) 883-7767
Fax: 887-3531
Summit Lake Paiute Tribe
510 Melarkey #11, Suite 207
NV 89445-
(775) 623-5151
Fax: 623-0558
Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians (4 Bands)
525 Sunset Street
NV 89801-
(775) 738-9251
Fax: 738-2345
Walker River Paiute Tribe
Post Office Box 220
NV 89427-
(775) 773-2306
Fax: 773-2585
Washoe Tribal Council
919 Highway 395 South
NV 89410- (775) 883-1446
Fax: 265-6240
Wells Band of the Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians
P.O. Box 809
NV 89835-
(775) 752-3045
Fax: 752-0569
Winnemucca Colony
420 Pardde
CA 96130-
(916) 257-7093
Fax: 887-3531
Woodsfords Colony
96 Washoe Blvd.
CA 96120
(916) 694-2170
Yerington Paiute Tribe Colony and Campbell Ranch
171 Cambell Lane
NV 89447-
(775) 463-3301
Fax: 463-2416
Yomba Shoshone Tribe
HC 61 Box 6275
NV 89310-
(775) 964-2448
Fax: 962-2443 

Nana Baakan Connections


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