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Archive for the ‘YouTube’ Category

Untying the YouTube Knot (Videos)

The Title of this video is “Untying the YouTube Knot”You know, over the past few months, YouTube has been giving its content creators the blues. Some righteously and others not so much.  I was surprised that they came at me, but I am beginning to think that it was because of my video series debunking the rumor that Michelle Obama was a man, that got me so many views and subs, that my channel was no longer under the radar.

I really couldn’t understand why YouTube is acting so crazy, demonetizing my vids and now suppressing my views. It really doesn’t make any sense to me because I have a really small channel compared to some. But at this point, I am convinced it’s the message and not the size of your channel.
I even saw someone complaining about their views being suppressed back in 2015 before the big hooplah about the advertisers.  So, the Passive aggressive way of getting at you and staying on you is basically getting fine tuned as they blame it on the Algorithms, etc.
So, I just wanted to let my subscribers and visitors know what I am going to do. I believe that when one door closes another opens and many times the other door has more opportunities. I strongly believe that YouTube is gonna see what a bad move it was for them to squeeze out their content creators.
Of course, they are big enough that they feel they can do so, and suffer minor scraps and bruises. But the fact that they would do that to the folks who made YouTube what it is today, shows the level of loyalty they have and therefore they cannot be trusted with their new partners, the big Dogs!!! 
Everybody is in it for the money, and if the Big Dogs see YouTube is not loyal, they won’t trust them either. Instead of squeezing us out they should have created another Platform where we could flourish, but instead, they are using passive aggressive means to get us out. Suppressing views and demonetizing most channels, and then actually shutting others down. And they are doing it left and right.
When you look at the trending pages, even if your interests are extremely different, you don’t see what you used to see, now you see weirdness.  Then you gotta go search for your channels, when they used to be right there prominent on the Home Page.

Some channels are completely GONE, gone, others have moved to their back up and some have created 2 and 3 other channels only to have them shut down.
So, for me, I always say, if it don’t fit, don’t force it. Content creators are creative folks, and YouTube is just causing other folks to draw them in on other platforms. These platforms may not be as fancy as YouTube, but they are options and in a little bit, they will pan out to be a much better option than YouTube, because the content creators will not only leave, but take their subscribers with them. I don’t know whose idea it was to put the squeeze on us, but I don’t think it was well thought out.
When you are married for several years, you just don’t get up and leave, unless you really don’t need what you are leaving behind. Quiet as it’s kept, YouTube needs us, so kicking us out in the cold, will only make them wish they hadn’t. The funny thing will be if they try to bring us back. How many of us jilted lovers will crawl back to YouTube, no questions asked. I am sure some will, but we should not come back, because YouTube kicked us to the curb for no real reason except their cash register, and that’s not a good foundation for any relationship.
So, I want to let you all know what I have done and what I will be doing in the future.

Obviously, I cannot totally depend on my channel like folks with hundreds of thousands of views can, for revenues. However, the idea that they are suppressing my views is a bit infuriating. They went from demonetizing to the back way of doing so, by saying, ain’t nobody watching my videos and I know much better than that. In fact, I am wondering why the analytics say 1,620 view in the passed 48 hours but the actual view count on the vids, ain’t changing, sounds a bit fishy to me.
I am at Patreon, but I really have no patrons, even though I did the whole patreon push.
I am on Vidme and that’s pretty cool, got a couple of subs there.  Vidme, is straight no chaser, just upload your vids within the parameters of your membership, or upload by adding a URL of a video from somewhere else, which is really, really a cool feature and wallah, there’s your vid, with the description, thumbnail and all! Pretty niffty I might add.  So come over there an check me out.
I am on, which is an alternative to Facebook and a decent place for African Americans, who primarily want to support a black owned business and get other opportunities like showcasing your business, uploading vids, and pics, networking, blogging, and announcing events, it’s pretty cool. When first started off it was free to join, but now they are asking for $5/month membership fee. It makes sense to me cause it takes money to do much of anything in this country! I like it because I know that my posts will be appreciated by a small group of folks who will holler back at me and let me know they saw it!
I am still on Facebook, but my days there are numbered. I really don’t care for it anymore, and since I don’t get much traction over there, I am slowly weaning myself off it.  They offer the opportunity to post ads, but if you don’t have a large following, your ads won’t do much as far as getting them duckets into the bank!!
I am still on Google+ as well, I like the interactions there much better, I also like the groups they have and the networking. People respond to what I post, I share theirs, and of course, Google offers so much other junk to rope you in, it ain’t funny. But no revenue. That is only through YouTube.
I am also, it’s seems to be a budding platform similar to FaceBook but not quite as overloaded with the newsfeed. There you get points for being on there, and they can be cashed in or used to purchase whatever they got going over there, but I get a kick out of watching my points increase. is working on sharing revenues with their content creators, but I gotta read the fine print about a hundred more times before I can make any sense of that.
I want to give a special shout out for the folks over there at BitChute though! I joined the platform about 6 months ago, and had no idea I was even accepted until someone posted a comment under one of my vids. I was like, really???? Then when I went there, I saw my channel and all my YouTube videos from the past 6 months. I was like, wait-a-second, when did that happen???? I ain’t complaining or anything, but I was not prepared for that! And that was soo cool.
Now they are using some sort of bit torrent thingamajig, and don’t get me lying, I ain’t got a single clue how that works or what the heck that is… but they were able to suck all my vids off YouTube via my YouTube ID and there were my vids, looking just as pretty and nice and wonderful and right there! I also have the option of uploading which is a new feature as they were mainly dependent on the torrent option, whatever the heck that is. If you know what that means, feel free to clue me in, in the comment section cause I am like “duuuuh” when it comes to that technology.
But what was super special was when I sent them a thank you message and got a response right away from the Big Guy over there who said he had been watching my vids for a long time on YouTube, and that I was one of the first folks to sign up, probably after I heard about it on the Corbett Report. Ditto, ditto, but I had no idea I was one of the first ones to sign up.
You know how you get that tingly feeling when you think nobody notices you and then all of a sudden someone does and you are like wow, and you didn’t even know it?? But even more than that, that you are appreciated!! That’s what I am talking about. Heck, I went to a small college and live in a small town and it’s the smallness that’s the greatness if you ask me. So BitChute might be small now, but they care and so I just wanna say thanks for that, and ask you all to come over and check me out there.
I am gonna move my I Ching videos over there. I was thinking of filling up another channel with just those types of videos, but some of them are still political, and YouTube has already demonetized a few of them. I mean, they are psychic reading videos, but because I am talking about Donald Trump, War, Syria, 911, and all they demonetized them, I couldn’t believe, especially since I thought, they wouldn’t dare demonetize those vids. They even demonetized my video on Michelle Obama that got the most vids on my whole channel!! And after it have been there for 2-3 months.  And, along with demonetizing they are suppressing views.
It’s frustrating, infuriating and depressing. You do all this work, not only for the money but because you have something you want to share with your subs and you can’t even tell if they even saw it, but you know they did, by the comments, cause pretty much, out of the hundred who watch it maybe one or 2 will leave a comments, so if you have 35 views and 10 comments, well that’s pretty fishy, don’t you think?? Well, I do anyways.
So, I am still juggling, this one woman show, trying to determine what the what, but I may just make my vids and upload them to the other platforms… cause you know what, it don’t make no sense that YouTube is giving us such a hard time!
I just wanted to let you all know where I was, and what I am thinking about doing. And what I will probably be doing from now on. Since I can upload to those platforms, I ain’t making no money over here on YouTube anyways, might as well stretch out there and get more exposure on these other platforms and build up an audience there. At 65, going on 66, ain’t nobody got time for that!!

Support My Work, it would be greatly appreciated. YouTube is doing its level best to make it hard for content creators.
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Available for Psychic Readings, Dream Interpretation and Workshops.


The Great Mind F***k Seth Rich, George Webb, Jason Goodman, Dave Acton, Defango & LTV Social Engineering (VIDEOS)

The Great Mind F***k

Seth Rich, George Webb, Jason Goodman, 
Dave Acton, Defango and LTV, 
Social Engineering

Okay folks, this is a dream story and I am asking you to travel into the Dream Universe with me and then leave your comments below. Take this opportunity to hone your Dream interpretation skills and tell me what you think this dream means.

I am going to do all I can to pull this dream together.
I return to my old college campus, Marywood in Scranton PA. They are having an event, a gathering or party or festival or something to that effect.  When I arrive, there are a few people gathered around, but I had expected to see many more folks. At some point, it snows very heavily and quickly the ground is covered up to at least 7 inches. We are out side when this happens and though it was not expected everyone seems to simply go indoors without any resistance.

There are two ladies that I end up talking to. They seem to be in some kind of position of authority, or have some type of job on campus, but they are not students.

We strike up a conversation and I tell them how when I attended Marywood, there were 7 black students in the entire school, now there are so many there and even students from Africa.

They seem to be preoccupied but listen to me anyways.
I tell them how we could walk from the Liberal Arts building to Regina Hall on one side and to the freshmen dorm on the other side.

They tell me that Regina Hall is now a shelter for homeless people. I thought that odd that they would put a shelter for homeless people right on campus. Especially since homeless people can have many types of varying issues, from mental health, drug addictions, criminality, etc.

They reassured me that they were secure and that there was no way the homeless people could come over because they had built a strong wall between the two building and sealed off the opening to Regina hall.

At some point in this dream, I go into the Liberal arts building and there I could see the wall. It’s a pale blue but it is really strange. Mainly because there was no wall, when I attended the college before. I gingerly run my hand across the wall, remembering how we used to be able to visit our fellow classmates by just walking thru the Liberal Arts Building to the other building.

I tell the two young ladies that I may have even spent a few months in that building as that is where the sophomores lived before they moved over to Madonna Hall, a building that was reserved for the Juniors and seniors and had been newly renovated, when I was there in the 70’s.

A lot has changed on campus since I was there in the 70’s and my old stories seem to go over their heads, they are a few years younger than me, maybe 20 or 30 years younger., or maybe just 20 years.

I am very familiar with the campus none the less.  So they trust that my old story is probably very true but irrelevant at this point.
The dorm on the other side of the Liberal Arts building, Immacculata Hall is totally unfamiliar to me, especially how they have the students crammed into the rooms. Some rooms have 2 and 3 bunk beds stacked on top of one another. I see a few students lying in bed, but they are not sleeping they are just hanging out in their beds, like college kids in dorms do, but it was really strange that they were so cramped into the rooms. I don’t remember us having bunk beds when I was there and thought maybe they do that so they can house more students or something like that.
A little while later, I begin to realize that it’s time for me to return home. And I better hurry before I miss my “bus” or “train”.
One of the two young ladies offers me a job.
“Would you like to work with us?” She asks.
“Wow, I respond, that’s interesting, what would you all want me to do?”
“Well, we keep an eye out on the campus and the students. We don’t have to work to hard, we just walk around and check things out. Since you are so familiar with this campus, it should be easy for you to do this, correct?”
“We really hadn’t thought of adding another person to our team, but now that you are here and you seem to be familiar wit the surroundings we thought about it and decided that you would be great addition to what we are already doing as a team.”
I am still not quite clear of exactly it is that they want me to do, or even what they saw in me that would  make them think I qualified for the job, but heck, I could use some extra money to help pay my rent.
“So, what are the terms of the job, like how long and how much, and what are the hours?” I ask.
I do have responsibilities back home and all, but if they can pay me enough that I could take care of my rent,  and other bills, then fine.
“Oh, and would I live on campus or off campus?”
“You would definitely live on campus, we all do, we live right here,”
I wondered if the students knew they were being watched, or if they looked out of place they are a bit older, but then again, the student body demographics range as well. But then I wondered, if the students would notice that these folks were never in any of their classes. They had to be clandestine in whenever they were around and could not come right out and say to the students “Hey, we are watching you.”
The two ladies take me inside of a building and into a small office.  There’s another young lady, even younger than them, maybe a grad student or something, but she was very professional and had her books out. She may have been their accountant as she was writing down numbers in a book she took out when we arrived.

One of the young ladies spoke to her as we stood there in her office.
“Listen, I need you to crunch some numbers. We are thinking of hiring this lady to work on our team so she can help us watch the students. Do we have it in our budget to cover another person on the team?”
The lady is sitting at her desk and she turns some pages saying.
“Well, we have three sources from which we can draw money. How much are we paying her?”
Yeah, that was my initial question anyways.
“Well, we need her to work about 6 hours a week for 6 weeks. She can work more, but we don’t want to appear to obvious, with three of us working, we alternate shifts so we won’t be too obvious. She is really familiar with the campus since she lived here before. So, we were thinking 6 hours a week for 6 weeks, should be good.”
That’s a curious amount of hours for a watch detail, I think to myself. How can anybody make a living only working 6 hours a week.
“Excuse me, did I hear you correctly did you say 6 hours a week, or was that six hours a day?
“No, you heard me correctly, we would start with 6 hours a week for 6 weeks, if you can keep a good look out over the campus and report back what you find out in that time, then we may expand your hours but this would be determined by you in the long run.”
That sounded pretty fair, give me a trial run, see if I now my way around and then, increase my hours if I do well, sounds pretty fair, I think to myself.  Then the one of the ladies asks the accountant-treasure acting looking lady, do we have the budget for this addition.
They seem to be really strange acting to me at this point.
Not like a security team of folks but some kind of special project thingy or something. They are not very relaxed either but really rigid and super professional like.  The lady who is crunching the numbers seems more relaxed although they are standing over her and sorta demanding but gently so, that she hurry up.  And I kind of remember, they better hurry up cause I have a bus to catch.
“Well, we have three funds we can draw from to pay her salary of $26,000.00 for her 6 weeks/6  hours per week position.
We have the “……………….” fund. We can take $12,000.00 from there” 
I can’t remember what she said in this part of the dream.
“We have the “……………………” fund, we can take $10,000.00 from there.”
I can’t remember that one either.
“And then we have the Seth Rich Fund, we can get the balance from there.”
“Wait, did you say the Seth Rich fund? How can he fund anything,  I thought he was killed, shot in the back a few times or something like that. You mean he is still alive and contributing to this fund?”
This is where the dream took a serious turn for me. I am usually lucid in my dreams and my day time and sleep time overlap a lot, so when they said Seth Rich, well I respond with the knowledge of my waking life, I though that that dude was dead so how can he be putting in any money into a fund and why would he, if he were alive, fund a project that has us watching the students on campus?  The questions start swirling around in my head and the fact that nobody paid any attention to my question was even more weird. They jus simply agreed with her and were happy she could find the money to pay my salary.
Actually I was kinda happy, I mean, where can you go and work for 6 hours a week for 6 weeks and get paid $26,000.00? And all I gotta do is keep an eye out and watch these students. But look like I ain’t watching them, and have housing and food and all that stuff and be able to pay my rent back home..
It sounded like a really sweet deal, although I am still curious how Seth Rich got in the mix.

I am not sure if this happens in my minds’ eye or if they actually had a picture of him in his flag out fit sitting on the chair, but that is what I see as I am waking up from this dream, thinking, dang, that dude ain’t dead after all. He’s somewhere making money and donating it to a fund to watch the students at Marywood College.
Now, I am a prolific dreamer, I dream all the time, even during my naps that I take whenever I’m sleepy. Ha, I am blessed to be able to do that and I thank the Universe and my guides for that at this point in my life.
My dreams have plots that run in sequence for the most part and are telling me something. I believe they help me to see beyond the veil.
I had watched a few videos on YouTube about this George Webb, Dave Acton, Jason Goodman, Defango debacle that just blew up with “Lift the Veil” saying he believed George and Dave were the same person. But then we had the bomb threat that shut down the Port of Charlestonin South Carolina and got the FBI and Coast guard to evacuate the Maersk Memphis container ship. I had just heard about that before I had this dream. My last thought on this whole thing was that George Webb had hijacked Dave’s YouTube channel and that is why it felt like to LTV that they were the same person. Since Dave wouldn’t show his face in his vids anymore, like he had been seen on Infowars, and all, it was strange to LTV that he would not show his face.

The whole thing blew up with the bomb scare that hit mainstream media where they reported that YouTube conspiracy theorists were behind the scare and named George Webb and Jason Goodman in some of their reports.
Like a bowling ball, going down the alley, all the pins fell!


So what do you think?

I would love for my subscribers and visitors to take a shot at interpreting this dream. Tell me what you think it is saying.
Nana’s Rants On Things From A-Z
Music:  Audiobinger 8 “What If”
Support My Work, it would be greatly appreciated.
Possible Coverup w Intercept Russia Election Story
Rebekah Roth ~ George Webb for Dummies Part 1
whats eating Ronald grape?
George Webb give further evidence linking Hillary to the murder of Seth Rich
Alpha Jalloh was tracked to being behind the Seth Rich hit by George Webb
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught – Motherboard
First NSA leaker is finally under arrest, and she clearly had a major ax to grind against President Trump
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
Assange wants support for NSA whistleblower as WikiLeaks offers $10k reward to ‘expose’ reporter
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
The FBI thinks it’s found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia
What We Know About Reality Winner, Government Contractor Accused Of NSA Leak
What we know about Reality Winner
Snowden: Prosecuting NSA Leaker Reality Winner Is a ‘Fundamental Threat to the Free Press’
Who Is Reality Winner, NSA Contractor Accused in Top Secret Leak?
Here’s what we know about alleged NSA leaker Reality Leigh Winner
BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Investigator George Webb On The Run From John Podesta And Hillary Goon Squad! Life And Family Been Threatened Due To Work On Seth Rich Murder Investigation. – See more at:

Seth Rich, Reality Winner and Social Engineering (VIDEOS)

Seth Rich, Reality Winner and Social Engineering Pt. 1, 2, 3

To me this is all Social engineering at its finest. It is a distraction from what we really need to be focusing on.

In this video I review several online news outlets discussing Reality Winner along with a review of a few YouTube videos pointing to the situation surrounding Seth Rich’s “reported botched robbery.”

To me this is all Social engineering at its finest. It is a distraction from what we really need to be focusing on.
In this video I review several online news outlets discussing Reality Winner along with a review of a few YouTube videos pointing to the situation surrounding Seth Rich’s “reported botched robbery.”
Support My Work, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Available for Psychic Readings, Dream Interpretation and Workshops.

Possible Coverup w Intercept Russia Election Story
Rebekah Roth ~ George Webb for Dummies Part 1
whats eating Ronald grape?
George Webb give further evidence linking Hillary to the murder of Seth Rich
Alpha Jalloh was tracked to being behind the Seth Rich hit by George Webb
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught – Motherboard
First NSA leaker is finally under arrest, and she clearly had a major ax to grind against President Trump
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
Assange wants support for NSA whistleblower as WikiLeaks offers $10k reward to ‘expose’ reporter
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
The FBI thinks it’s found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia
What We Know About Reality Winner, Government Contractor Accused Of NSA Leak
What we know about Reality Winner
Snowden: Prosecuting NSA Leaker Reality Winner Is a ‘Fundamental Threat to the Free Press’
Who Is Reality Winner, NSA Contractor Accused in Top Secret Leak?
Here’s what we know about alleged NSA leaker Reality Leigh Winner
BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Investigator George Webb On The Run From John Podesta And Hillary Goon Squad! Life And Family Been Threatened Due To Work On Seth Rich Murder Investigation. – See more at:

Crowdfunding, Patreon and YouTube Demonetization (Videos)

I want to talk a bit about the notion that YouTube is demonetizing videos on their platform.
When I started this project, a few days ago, what came to mind most was, why?
I really didn’t have any idea how deep the rabbit hole would be. I searched the investors of Patreon and the Investors of Google (Al Gore?) and the investors of YouTube.
In actuality, YouTube was taken over by Google in 2006. I didn’t join YouTube till 2009, but I had watched some of the videos. The platform was truly archaic compared to what we have now, and certainly the ads were not flying all over the place back then. 

I still believe that everyone in this venture YouTube, Google (Alphabet), PayPal and Patreon are in the same pocket when it comes to their investors. So it would stand to reason they have some complimentary goals as well as major support for and from one another.
Angel Investors are particularly interesting as they can have or gain full reign of your business because they are very, very wealthy and are investing their own cash and/or assets. Looking at the investors of these companies, Angels are all over the place.

This topic is too involved and much more than my talents can review with precision accuracy, but I think it’s important to note that we are not simply dealing with YouTube, we are dealing with Google (Alphabet), PayPal, and Patreon that have a symbiotic relationship with each other and are not necessarily thinking of ways to make the little guy YouTube Creator smile. They are looking for huge returns on their investments! Period!  If advertisers are pulling out, that’s a red flag and investors may jump ship!

YouTube Grew so fast, Google had to get a piece of the action and within  little over 2 years, Google bought YouTube! Since Google was and is the ad giant, NBC, was moved into the host of other advertisers and was no longer the main source of advertising for YouTube.
But now, Google/YouTube is in panic mode with advertisers pulling out left and right. They are afraid that the current climate around “fake news”, hate speech, terrorism, etc. may be broadcasted via YouTube with their ads attached. They don’t want it.
Here’s a list of some of the biggest advertisers who have stopped their spending with Google and YouTube.

“Both ATandT and Verizon may have an ulterior motive to make YouTube look like an untrustworthy spot for marketers because both companies are trying to sell more digital ads in their own networks.”

As a result, Google/YouTube has come down hard on all Creators and in some ways indiscriminately though they claim to be manually reviewing videos in addition to adjusting their algorithms.
YouTube is a big part of Google revenues but when you compare it to the other options Google has as a search engine, it’s primary role, and with competition coming in from other Video sites, it’s possible that Google may simply go on this bumpy ride for a while and settle with being somewhere not so close to the top when it comes to a video platform.

It is competing with 75 others and has had its hayday. Bringing in YouTube Red, and streaming TV programs may keep hope alive for YouTube but the regular content creators with smaller pockets will have to be a bit more creative or may get squeezed out altogether.
YouTube had, in the past a couple of options for YouTube Creators to get financial support for their videos. This was happening before they actually went all the way with monetizing videos.

They had “Fan Funding” Which they discontinued Feb. 28, 2017,

“allows users to make one-time donations to their favorite channels and content creators.”

They went on to offer “SuperChat,” which works particularly well for live streamers. “here a fan can pay for their comment to be at the top of the list of comments and the Streamer would reap the rewards.” Not too sure how well that will work out over the long haul.

They also had YouTube Contributor option, where you basically paid for ads to “not” show up on your vids but where “customers choose to pay web publishers for their content through Google-Ad network rather than deprive the Publishers of income from advertisements.”
In all actuality, they have the absolute right to do demonetize videos, whenever they choose since they are providing the platform and providing it for free. With 400 vides/minute it has to be a daunting task to catch them all.  So, like back in the day, if one person in class acts up, everybody in the class gets punished.
Yep, we are complaining and we actually think it has something to do with free speech but not really. People tend to paint the “Free Speech” brush a bit far.
With YouTube needing to be bailed out due to Copyright issues, even the “Fair Use Claims” are negligible. Channels are still getting hit hard!
It’s sorta like this, in my house I ask folks I invite into my house to remove their shoes, if they refuse, well, since it’s my house I have the choice of allowing them in or blocking them from coming in. After all it’s my house.
Same thing with YouTube.
On the other hand, say, you got a partner who gives you all the loving you want.. if you know what I mean, then all of a sudden and without warning, the loving dries up. You have had this symbiotic relationship with this person, it was understood that they would deliver, and now, they are reneging. But the bottom line is this, they can!  And that’s the deal with this YouTube demonetizing vids and shutting down channels left and right.
They Can! Why? Because it’s theirs.
Now we got several options, and personally I think YouTube is gonna regret bending under the pressure of their advertisers. In fact, I think even the advertisers are gonna feel the pinch because even though there is enough junk out there to keep people distracted, there are really a lot of folks who want to learn something new, about other stuff than junk. Some people really want to get a wrinkle in their brain.  Not to mention the many creative content makers who make brilliant videos with outstanding content!  And, since the way YouTube goes about determining what is or is not ad friendly, is so vague and broad, you make a video and ain’t no telling whether or not it’s gonna pass the acid test.
But we as creators really do have options. And maybe our co-dependent relationship on YouTube needs to change or even stop in some cases although, if you are streaming videos from your YouTube channel to other platforms, well, you’re still keeping the lines of communications open, sorta like the whole, “let’s be friends” after a break-up when it really means, just in case it don’t work out that maybe we could jump back into the mix again, if you follow me.

Several things are happening with this change.
First, it is censorship. We can dance around it or say it isn’t so “Joe” but it is.
And the genius of it all, is that it will not be blatant in your face censorship, like shutting down channels or grabbing vids of channels, not that they stopped doing that either, but, they have done the insidious, tightening of the purse string censorship.
Like in a relationship.. the one who has the money can open and close that “pocketbook” if you follow my drift.  So, instead of coming straight at you, they take the passive aggressive way of scaring the shit out of you, cause you never know.  It’s 3 days later and a hundred hours of editing later, and you get the knock at the door..
“You have been issued a warrant, we will be arresting your revenues, your video sucks, well not exactly, we suck, well not exactly, our advertisers suck, well maybe not, but anyways, we will fall the way of MySpace if we don’t tow the line. So, we can’t put ads on your videos. Listen, you ain’t the only one who suffers from purse-string madness. So grow up and get over it and next time, be careful, is all.”

Now, folks can go through the changes of starting their own YouTube Platform. yeah, fat chance on that one.  Remember, YouTube was out there, with it’s initial creators, Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim,when they worked for PayPal.  Regular folks coming up with a brilliant idea in February 14, 2005. And then Google started sniffing around. Next thing you know, Google gave them an offer they couldn’t refuse, $1.65 Billion dollars in stock. By November 13, 2006, good ole YouTube is owned by Google and we all know what that means.
But we had hope.. we really did.
And we had smooth sailing for a little while…. then it started, politics, economics, politics, economics and politics and economics some more.
I remember when you could work with YouTube in a partnership capacity where you could get “special” annuities if you ran your own ads on your videos or ran ads on other peoples vids etc.  Great Idea, till the corporations stepped in.
Oh Lord, talk about big brother.. well not quite so big but scary big enough anyways.
Then eventually, the ads were like the ones you see on TV. And they spend a lot of money making them ads, let me tell you.

Then came Patreon. In May, 2013 Jack Conte, a popular YouTube artist, founded Patreon.

“Harkening back to old-school patronage, Patreon enables fans and sponsors to support artists and creators. Patrons pledge to support artists and creators on a reoccurring basis for each work created, empowering a new generation of creators the ability to make a living off of their passions.”

Now Patreon is cool to a point, but you have to put in a lot of work to make it happen, and if you don’t have at least 10 thousand subs on YouTube, forget it.  Besides, Patreon streams from YouTube so if at any time YouTube decides to pull your video or copyright strike it, what can  you do, you cannot upload to Patreon any vids.

Now when it first came out, in 2013, it was kind of clandestine about getting in the mix. In my mind, all I could think of is why would YouTube allow a Platform to gain more notoriety if it meant it would be taking its viewers away from its site.  You follow me? Why would YouTube, bring a tall dark and handsome dude to a date when they look like a nerd and expect you to be still attracted to them, I’m just saying.
So I began to wonder if in fact YouTube and Patreon had made some back room deal. Something along the line of, well as long as you don’t allow up loads.  But is YouTube and Patreon really that separate from one another.
Think about it, folks actually think they are waking up. Folks are making more and more visits to channels that address some serious issues because they wanna wake up, or at least take shorter naps.
YouTube was gonna start losing viewers anyways. Some people have ad block because quite frankly, they are waking up and don’t want to be disturbed by the tripe that some of those ads have.
So, what if YouTube was thinking ahead, or let’s say Google was thinking ahead and since they are in the AD world, they know how it works..  Why not have a what appears to be “not ad friendly” platform and make people pay for it. You see?
Patreon is “not ad friendly”. 

Patreon is into tithing so to speak cause folks gotta pay outa pocket not to mention, they have to sign up in order to do so. Which to me are two strikes against it. Pay outa pocket once a month or whatever and you have to sign up in order to do so. Huh???

Other solutions can be going to other platforms where you can upload your videos and get revenues that way. there ain’t too much competition out there, just yet, but if this keeps up, other platforms will be developed. People will come along to grab the spoils of the YouTube collateral damage and create other platforms that you can upload their videos to.

One interesting thing about YouTube is that all things are in house. You cannot get the email address of your subs directly. So, you have to get your subs to give you their email address so you can let them know when you switch. You can try TubeBuddy and pay for a subscription which offers many tools for YouTube Creators.

Or you can make a video, upload it to YouTube and tell everyone to come where you are now.
Or you can find some other ingenious way, cause YouTube, if it sees folks leaving in droves might snatch your vid down for some unknown reason especially if you have millions of subs.
You can also, just find a more creative way to get your point across.  You know, use some of your passive aggressive skills to work around YouTube warriors.
Watch your title, watch your key words, watch your description. Put love, pancakes, strawberries, apple pie and icecream in the description and key words. Avoid anything that will piss them off. in other words “Self Censor” sorta.
Or we can call a YouTube boycott, for one week, no creators create anything, at all! Nothing.  Since the advertisers want to boycott YouTube, well, the creators can too. 

Ha, that would be awesome, we could “make” YouTube do it our way and fight back by giving them the finger.  LOL, that would never happen, we can’t even get folks to boycott Walmart, but I always say, boycotts are winners in any power struggle.
Bottomline, we YouTube creators or shall I say, we video creators have to be more creative in finding ways to get our videos out there and get them funded.  But first we must read the terms of service before we sign on the dotted line. And who on God’s green earth is gonna read all that stuff or even understand it, you practically have to hire a lawyer to translate!
Meanwhile the begging campaigns go on and on.
If we sell stuff on our videos, that’s even more work.  And a small channel like mine with just a little over 3000 subs, well we don’t even make that much off the adsense anyways.
Unless of course we make videos that are, you know….. non threatening to the advertisers.
We would have to make a whole paradigm shift in our creating to get that pocketbook to open up again.  And if we have any integrity.. well we will eventually become more and more disenchanted, hostile and resentful, and after a while, give it up or find something else to do.
All in all, this thing that YouTube is doing will eventually shift YouTube into the twilight zone, not that it ain’t already there, and it will see its viewership decrease, its revenues’ from ads decrease and other competitors grab up the spoils.
Next thing you know, YouTube will go the way of MySpace.  But of course, these corporate moguls always have contingency plans.  They are gonna push YouTube Red, News outlets and TV shows will start airing their programs on YouTube and the very thing that they were up in arms about and not wanting to advertise will be in their faces.  But maybe not so much, because we all know that mainstream media is scripted. So, it will be safer for YouTube in the long run and maybe even more financially lucrative.
Not sure how that would work though, unless YouTube/Google is asking for a cut of the ad revenues from the News Outlets and TV Shows, cause I doubt if advertisers are gonna pay twice for the same display, but who knows.
The fact is they are already advertising on TV programs, and news channels anyways around similar topics, but I think, since they want a piece of the action, their real plan is to squeeze the little guy out of the way so they can get the big dudes in there that will gain them even more revenues.

In a minute, YouTube will replace television and to me, that is the final goal.  They see that more and more people are going to YouTube for information and entertainment.  They see that more and more folks are streaming YouTube thru their TV’s so why not go all the way?  Haven’t you seen that free trial flash across your device?

There was a time when you had to record from the TV and then upload it to YouTube, eventually, it won’t be necessary.
So Google backed YouTube is playing the passive aggressive role of resistance until we comply.  If not, then they will go for the tall dark and handsome dude who has a much bigger pocketbook than the average YouTube creator has.
And so that ends my two cents on the matter.

I wonder if YouTube will monetize this video, since I figured out their game plan. We shall see..

WTF is YouTube’s Demonetization?

YouTube pushes harder to tag videos ‘too offensive’ for ads
YouTube is randomly demonetizing videos
YOUTUBE DEMONETIZING VIDEOS | Media Censorship and The Bigger Picture (Mr. Repzion, Philip DeFranco)

Youtube Responded, But It Gets Even More Confusing…
Let’s Talk about Patreon versus Adsense ads
Art Marketing Vlog: Why I DON’T use PATREON

Crowdfunding’s Patreon Takes Aim At YouTube’s Business Model
Patreon is a membership platform that makes it easy for artists and creators to get paid.
FYI – There’s a legal storm brewing in Cali that threatens to destroy online free speech
YouTube will no longer allow creators to make money until they reach 10,000 views
YouTube Competitors (35)

Getting Started With Angel Investing
YouTube is facing a full-scale advertising boycott over hate speech
YouTube Hate Videos Haunt Advertisers on Google
History of YouTube

“Both ATandT and Verizon may have an ulterior motive to make YouTube look like an untrustworthy spot for marketers because both companies are trying to sell more digital ads in their own networks.”
YouTube Introduces Super Chat, Phases Out Fan Funding
Sob story from band that lost $11,000 was actually a marketing stunt
Google Has Acquired YouTube

Modern Technology, A Blessing or Curse for the Youth of This Modern Age

Children today are rather keen and determined about their media gadgets. Two weeks ago, I introduced my Anisa Joseph – Amma Tacheampong to Gummy Bear. Now her older brother, Kwesi, who is now 10 years old introduced me to Gummy Bear. This was several years ago, maybe he was about 4 or 5 years old. At that time he was confined to the computer. He did not have his own cell phone and sat for hours watching Gummy bear playlist I made for him on YouTube. Now, forward to 5-6 years later and cell phones have become small computers that can connect through wifi to the internet, whether it makes calls or not. So, instead of throwing your cell phone away, it can become an alternate computer. But who guessed it would create such a ruckus with the little ones who not only know how to watch it, but know how to manipulate the touch screen, navigate to the movies they want on Netflix, or YouTube and stare at that tiny screen for hours upon hours.

This is exactly what my granddaughter does. She has our discarded cell phones and uses them to surf the net for movies she wishes to watch. And I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t mention that she will throw a tantrum if you don’t give her a phone. She does understand that the phone dies when the charge is all gone, she also has come to understand that she can only use her phone, not anyone else’s. That was a tough one, cause we had to learn that too. If you put it in her hands just to show her something, she will NOT LET YOU TAKE IT BACK!

Fortunately, she rarely watches movies that are not suitable for her to watch, she has her own account on Netflix and knows exactly how to access it in order to watch the movies that are for children her age.

I don’t get a chance to post all the movies and pics and stories I have of her, but I had to stop whatever I was doing and post this one. SMDH…….. LIttle people know their way around this technology better than most people over 40. They are growing up with this technology and leaving the old stuff behind.

Anisa doesn’t know how to use a standard mouse, but she certainly knows how to use her little finger on a touch screen to navigate her way around the internet. I don’t know, part of me is really really worried about this, and another part of me is amazed at how smart she is. She will be having her 3rd birthday June 11, 2014.


Anisa and her gadgets. She is proficient at using the Kindle and her Cell phone to navigate the Netflix videos and Youtube videos. She knows how to click on the app that she wants to work with. From the photo gallery; to watching videos of herself, to playing music, especially the silly ringtones; to Netflix account that has videos for her, and she knows how to go to Youtube and click on videos she would like to watch.
She does this for hours until the charge goes on the kindle or phone. Fortunately she has been watching appropriate videos. And BTW, she loves Dora!!!
Anyway, I am not sure if she is going to be quite vain or not. All I know is that I was in my 40’s before I saw a video of myself and it was weird watching myself. She watches videos of herself from age 5 months to now, she will be 3 years old, June 11, 2014

The jury is still out on this one for me. Mainly because of how much time I spend on my computer and interacting with social media. My granddaughter is 3 years old, she has been using cell phone since she was a little younger than 2years of age, maybe younger. 

I am amazed at her abilities. Everyone around her has a gadget. Her older brother would use the Kindle and she would mimic his way of using it. He didn’t really have to show her, she would watch him. He would find games and movies on the Kindle and she did it too. 

She will be 3 years old come June 11. She is still intrigued by nature and her surroundings, and will play in the yard for hours, but her older brother, well, he would rather play with his gadgets. We shall see if the gadgets will totally consume her as she gets older.