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Archive for July, 2016

The Real Reason White People Say ‘All Lives Matter’

NB Commentary: Great article! Well written! Points well taken.

The Real Reason White People Say ‘All Lives Matter’
 07/25/2016 05:57 pm ET 
Editor-at-Large at and editor of Godless Paganism: Voices of Non-Theistic Pagans
Why “Black” Makes Us Uncomfortable
Dear fellow white people, let’s have an honest talk about why we say “All Lives Matter.” First of all, notice that no one was saying “All Lives Matter” before people started saying “Black Lives Matter.” So “All Lives Matter” is a response to “Black Lives Matter.” Apparently, something about the statement “Black Lives Matter” makes us uncomfortable. Why is that?
Now some white people might say that singling out Black people’s lives as mattering somehow means that white lives don’t matter. Of course, that’s silly. If you went to a Breast Cancer Awareness event, you wouldn’t think that they were saying that other types of cancer don’t matter. And you’d be shocked if someone showed up with a sign saying “Colon Cancer Matters” or chanting “All Cancer Patients Matter.” So clearly, something else is prompting people to say “All Lives Matter” in response to “Black Lives Matter.”
Many of the people saying “All Lives Matter” also are fond of saying “Blue Lives Matter.” If you find that the statement “Black Lives Matter” bothers you, but not “Blue Lives Matter,” then the operative word is “Black”. That should tell us something. There’s something deeply discomfiting about the word “Black.” I think it’s because it reminds us of our whiteness and challenges our notion that race doesn’t matter.
The Problem With “Colorblindness”
If you’re like me, growing up, the word “Black” was always spoken of in whispers in your family. It was like we were saying something taboo. Why was that? Because itwas taboo. We might feel more comfortable saying “African-American,” but not “Black.” The reason is that we were raised to believe that “colorblindness” was the ideal for whites. We were taught that we shouldn’t “see color.” And saying the word “Black” was an acknowledgment of the fact that we did “see color.”
The problem with being “colorblind” — aside from the fact that we’re not really — is that it is really a white privilege to be able to ignore race. White people like me have the luxury of not paying attention to race — white or black. The reason is because whiteness is treated as the default in our society. Whiteness is not a problem for white people, because it blends into the cultural background.
Black people, on the other hand, don’t have the luxury of being “colorblind.” They live in a culture which constantly reminds them of their Black-ness, which tells them in a million large and small ways that they are not as important as white people, that their lives actually do not matter as much as white lives. Which is why saying “Black Lives Matter” is so important.
“Black Lives [Do Not] Matter”
“All Lives Matter” is a problem because it refocuses the issue away from systemic racism and Black lives. It distracts and diminishes the message that Black lives matter or that they should matter more than they do. “All Lives Matter” is really code for “White Lives Matter,” because when white people think about “all lives,” we automatically think about “all white lives.”
We need to say “Black Lives Matter,” because we’re not living it. No one is questioning whether white lives matter or whether police lives matter. But the question of whether Black lives really matter is an open question in this country. Our institutions act like Black lives do not matter. The police act like Black lives do not matter when they shoot unarmed Black people with their arms in the air and whenBlacks are shot at two and a half times the rate of whiteseven when whites are armed. The judicial system acts like Black lives don’t matter when Blacks are given more severe sentences than whites who commit the same crimes and are turned into chattel in a for-profit prison-industrial complex.
And white people act like Black lives do not matter when we fail to raise the appropriate level of outrage at unjustified killings of Blacks or when we respond with platitudes like “All Lives Matter.”
But we still say it. We say it because “All Lives Matter” lets us get back to feeling comfortable. “Black Lives Matter” makes us uncomfortable. Why? Because it reminds us that race exists. It reminds us that our experience as white people is very different from the experience of Black people in this country. It reminds us that racism is alive and well in the United States of America.
The New Face of Racism
Now, I just said the “R” word, so you’re probably feeling defensive at this point. You’re instinctively thinking to yourself that you are not a racist. You may be thinking that you have Black friends or that you don’t use the N-word or that you would never consciously discriminate against a Black person. But most racism today is more subtle than that. Sure, there is a lot of overt racism that still goes on. The KKK is still active and some white people do still say the N-word. But overt racism is really culturally unacceptable any more among whites today. The racism that we need to face today is much more insidious than white hoods and racial slurs. It is the racism of well-meaning people who are not consciously or intentionally racist.   
The racism that we need to face is the racism of average white middle-class Americans who would never think of saying the N-word and would vociferously condemn the KKK, but nevertheless unwittingly participate in institutionalized racism. We most often participate in racism by omission, rather than commission. We participate in racism when we fail to see it where it exists. We participate in racism when we continue to act like race is a problem that only Black people have. We participate in racism when we seek comfortable responses like “All Lives Matter.”
What We Can Do: Embrace the Discomfort
We white people need to embrace our discomfort. Here are some things we can do:
1. Recognize that we are not “colorblind.”
We can start by recognizing that we all have an “implicit bias” toward Blacks. Think you don’t have it? Consider how we mentally congratulate ourselves when we treat the random Black person the same way we treat white people. Here’s a tip, if you give yourself brownie points for treating Black people like you do white people, you’re not really treating Black people like white people.
Still don’t think you have unconscious bias, go to the Harvard implicit bias testing website and take the tests on race and skin-tone. Even white anti-racism activists like me have these biases. And they come out in all kinds of subtle ways, as well as not so subtle ways.
2. Work against unconscious bias by spending time with Black people in Black spaces.
Next, go out of your way to spend time with Black people in Black community settings. Many of us live segregated lives in which we have little to no interaction with Black people. Let’s face it, Black people make us white people uncomfortable. It’s because we’ve been socialized by a racist system to fear Black people.
Even if you feel comfortable around individual Black people, you most likely do not feel comfortable in a room full of Black people. You might have Black friends, but you probably socialize with them in white spaces. Have you ever been to a Black space and felt uncomfortable? Maybe you felt like no one wanted you there. Welcome to the everyday experience of Black people in white culture.
And when you go to a Black space, go to listen rather than lead. Learn to follow. Leading is a white privilege. Let go of it for a while and learn from those whose experience you will never have. Listen to Black people, and if what they are saying or how they are saying it makes you uncomfortable, so much the better.
3. Talk to white people about institutional racism and say “Black Lives Matter.”
It’s no good sitting around feeling guilty about white privilege. We need to do something about it. One thing we can do is to use our white privilege to dismantle it.
One white privilege we have is that other white people listen to us. We can go into white spaces and talk to white people about implicit bias and institutional racism. We can unapologetically proclaim that “Black Lives Matter.”
After the Orlando shooting, I went to an interfaith vigil in my small conservative town. Almost no one among the speakers said the words “queer,” “gay,” or “lesbian.” This was probably unconscious, but it revealed a lingering, but deep seated discomfort among heterosexuals with gayness and queerness, a discomfort that the popular use of the acronym “LGBT” obscures. Similarly, we whites are uncomfortable with Black-ness. We don’t even like like to say the word. It feels wrong in our mouths. We hide it by using code words like “inner city” or “urban,” terms which allow us to hide from our unconscious racism. We need to say “Black Lives Matter” because we need to overcome our discomfort with Blacks and face up to our unconscious bias.
Join the Second Civil Rights Movement
Dear fellow white people, we are in the middle of a second Civil Rights Movement. Most of us white people idealize Martin Luther King, Jr. and we like to think that we would have been on his side of things during the Civil Rights era. But the fact is thatthe majority of the American public did not support the Civil Rights movement while it was happening and only came to see King as a hero after he was killed.

The Civil Rights movement was unpopular among most whites when it was happening. It was unpopular because it made white people deeply uncomfortable. Today, the Black Lives Matter movement makes us uncomfortable, too. In forty years we will look back on this second Civil Rights movement and have to ask ourselves whether we were on the right side of history. If we want to be on the right side of history this time, we have to make ourselves uncomfortable. There is no comfortable way to change. And the change can start with saying this simple but powerful phrase: Black Lives Matter.

Global Marine Life Die-Off Accelerates as We Fight Over a Rigged Political System (video)

NB Commentary: After reading this article, I began to think that this whole election hoopla is just another false flag psyops. Something to keep us from looking at what is really happening in our world, and to this planet. We are more oblivious to what is going on around us than ever before. Maybe the hysteria and mania gives us some kind of solace, some kind of euphoric outlet so we can stay in denial that our planet is on a collision course.

Well, it won’t be the first time this planet has had dire consequence. The sad part about all this is that instead of it being due to Natural causes, it’s because the human species is doing it. Not that it’s fair to blame all of humanity, but the so-called leaders of the world are doing it in our name.

I have been noticing a decrease in insects for the past several years, and while I don’t necessarily care for mosquitoes I have also noticed a decrease in the simple fruit fly.

Of course, the lame stream media will not report on these things. It may wake people up and cause a stir. So they continually read their scripted narratives and engage in the mass mind control machine with impunity. It makes you wonder, if they even know what’s really going on.

Global Marine Life Die-Off Accelerates as We Fight Over a Rigged Political System

Vic BishopStaff Writer
By now we should be able to acknowledge that the election is rigged and that none of the current candidates represent the deepest interests of the American people or the human race. Never the less a sea of human energy and resources are
being dumped into the phony contest, all the while, critically important issues
go undiscussed with no plan what so ever. The amount of vitriol, anger, and
hate in the election debate this year is suffocating, leaving one to wonder what would happen if this much energy were directed toward solving our most pressing collective problems.
Nothing is more important to life on earth than the condition of our global eco-systems, and in the 2014 edition of World Wildlife Fund’s Living Planet Report, it was reported that 52% of the world’s marine life has disappeared since 1970. Staggering.

“WWF’s Living Blue Planet Report tracks 5,829 populations of 1,234 mammal, bird,  reptile and fish species through a marine living planet index. The evidence,
analyzed by researchers at the Zoological Society of London, paints a troubling picture. In addition to the plummeting number of marine vertebrate species, populations of locally and commercially fished fish species have fallen by
half, with some of the most important species experiencing even greater declines.” [

In the years since the report was issued, the world has seen an unprecedented number of cases of mass fish and wildlife die-offs, and the causes of such dramatic occurrences are going largely undetermined. The Pacific Ocean appears to be in greatest distress, leaving many to wonder what negative effects the ongoing disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has had on the sea since it began leaking radioactive material in 2011. In 2013, what has been described as a viral plague began wiping out millions of starfish and sea urchins began all along the Western sea board of the U.S., and subsequently spread to the Atlantic.
The latest developing mystery on the west coast is a newly discovered type of cancer, which is supposedly contagious and now killing millions of mollusks and clams. When coupled with numerous reports of cancerous tumors being found on sharks, whales and fish in the Pacific, it leads to the hypothesis that radiation is in fact causing severe damage to the chain of life in the Pacific. With no mention of the animal die-offs or the ongoing catastrophe in Fukushima among our leadership, it is clear that no politician or government agency dares address such a frightening issue, leaving the fate of the world’s largest ocean in the hands of TEPCO, the inept Japanese power company.

Additionally, massive, continent sized gyres of plastic continue to swell around the world with little to no attention, choking out marine life and birds by the millions, contributing to acidification of oceanic waters and a broad increase in ocean temperatures. Around the world, reports of fish and marine life die-offs continue to roll in, and it is no longer shocking to see photos of hundreds of thousands of fish, squid, or mammals lying dead on some public beach.
Rather than discuss a plan for resolving some of these issues, the government instead continues to display utter contempt for wildlife as demonstrated by the military’s ongoing plans to murder millions of cetaceans as collateral damage in the effort to test newly developed electromagnetic weapons and next generation SONAR. Additionally, the Olympic Peninsula on the upper west coast of the U.S., the most biologically diverse region in the U.S., has been designated as the testing grounds for electromagnetic warfare programs, causing citizen activists to take up arms in protection of wildlife.
Geoengineering projects conducted by the U.S. government are also suspected of heavily impacting life in our oceans.

Investigative journalist Dane Wigginton describes the effects of these projects as a ‘military assault on marine life,’ writing: Geoengineering is undeniably a major factor relating to the die-off of the oceans. The US military is certainly the single largest participant in the ongoing global climate engineering insanity (though all

major powers are involved). Geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer which has subjected the planet to deadly levels of UV radiation greatly contributing to the die-off of plankton populations around the world.” [Source]
Final Thoughts
The damage to life in our oceans is not inevitable, as much of the harm being done
would be relatively easy to curb if only the political will could be mustered to do so, however, it appears that government complicity is at least partly to blame.
Priorities in our society are driven by mainstream news agencies, all of which are owned and operated by a mere 6 transnational corporations. Their agenda is set by their corporate backers and influential political entities, meaning that the public’s attention will always be directed toward issues which serve the interests of the corporate and political elite, and away from issues that really matter. For some reason, a healthy marine eco-system is apparently a non-issue for the elite, and while we fall into the trap of divide and conquer, bickering over which andidate is the worst, nothing is done to address the ominous catastrophe developing in our unhealthy oceans.

Published on Jul 28, 2016

We all knew Hillary was coming, but watching this all happen in real life is like going to see the movie Jurassic Park at the theater, then getting eaten by a velociraptor on the way to your car afterward.

For a comprehensive list of global animal die-offs, see the annual lists compiled by End Times Prophecy.

About the Author
Vic Bishop 
is a staff writer for and Survival Tips blog. He is an observer of people, animals, nature, and he loves to ponder the connection and relationship between them all. A believer in always striving to becoming self-sufficient and free from the matrix, please track him down on Facebook.

10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook

NB Commentary:  This is a great article especially for those folks who are not sure if the friend requests is coming from a real person or some nefarious person with nefarious motives.  A while ago, I posted a video on my Facebook page about the Spring Valley School incident where the security guard threw the black female student across the room. In the video, a father from the community talked to the folks at a meeting about what he would do if someone did that to his daughter.
The video got so many hits to my surprise it was up in the thousands within hours. By the end of the day it had gotten 7000 views. Next thing you know, Facebook shut my account down and hard as I tried they did not give me a reason. I couldn’t contact anyone and ended up searching online for why Facebook would put you in the Facebook jail.
As a result of being locked out of my account for several days, I opened another account and told all my friends what happened. But as soon as I opened my new account I got a flood of friend requests. One of them was from some dude in Malaysia who claimed to be a Tantric yoga teacher. His profile was really borderline pornography. I sent him a message and asked why did he have those videos on his profile and he explained a ton of things that did not make sense to me as to what that even had to do with Tantra. Having had some knowledge about Tantric yoga, I was aware enough to follow his line of thinking to the toilet bowl. I quickly unfriended him. Several others followed, half naked women, which I found extremely interesting since it can clearly be seen in my profile pic that I am female.
I often read the comments below an article or YouTube video before I respond. Nine times out of 10, when there are several  responses to one comment, it’s an argument and sometimes it sounds like the same person under different accounts is arguing with himself. It is so obvious from the style of writing and the vitriol and cursing that goes on between the parties. It’s as if they get on there just to fill up the comment section with stupidity.
I am aware of the plants as well. Someone reported on how the “troll/agent” didn’t close their window before going to the next comment section and it was recorded. Somehow the information got transferred to someone with a keen eye and they shared the information on the internet.
It is common knowledge that the alphabet intelligence organizations have their spies and patsies so of course with the advent of social media they have to infiltrate social media as well.  Using discernment when interacting with these characters is the first line of defense.

Check out the article below and use some of these tips, they are helpful in avoiding some of these bogus accounts.

10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Have you
noticed an increase in friend requests? Have you ever wondered if any of those
are REAL people?
I have a suspicion that many people, especially those of high profile, are being
bombarded with a plethora of fake Facebook friend requests.
If you are disseminating important information that goes against the Cabal’s agenda, then flooding your 5,000 Facebook friend limit with fake accounts would prevent your information reaching REAL people who would benefit from it.
I check each and every friend request I receive. Numerous times, I have seen at least one Facebook friend listed as a “mutual friend” by such requests. In many of
these profiles, the first and most recent post is porn related. When this happens, I notify the mutual friend and will remind them to take the time to see who they are friending.
But there are other reasons why fake accounts are being created.
According to a report on Tech.Micpolice departments around the nation have taken predictive crime prevention to a new level by building fake user accounts, as well as posing as genuine people to gather information about local events. (1)
10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook
  1. Account was made recently 2015, 2016.
  2. Account has no history published for earlier years, but Facebook says they have been a member since 2009, etc.
  3. Most fake accounts have 1 image or no real profile photo of the person. Some may only have a select few photos over a long span of time. A well seasoned user would have more photos posted over a long period of time. A fake account may have 7-10 photos posted on the same day.
  4. User has very few friends in common and or friends in general.
  5. There is little to no interaction on their page with friends, no comments, likes or responses over their long time line.
  6. Profile picture seems to good to be true, that hot model added you today! They even messaged you and are interested in you!
  7. When in doubt use reverse image search. Take their image and see if it is a real person or not.
  8. When in doubt deny, deny, deny.
  9. The user doesn’t “like” any bands, books, or movies.
  10. The user doesn’t belong to any groups.
A few Facebook tips:

I am probably more judicial than most Facebook users. I won’t add anyone who I can’t see their page, nor will I add anyone who floods their wall with political
posts. If they haven’t posted in at least a month, then chances are, they’re
not active on Facebook, so I won’t add them either.
Of course, there are always exceptions to every rule but in general, these trends
seem to weed out inactive profiles and political clutter on my Facebook feed.
If you go through your friends list, you will see some profiles without a picture.
Many of these users are no longer on Facebook but are still counted against
your 5,000 friend limit.
If you click on their name and they are no longer on Facebook, then you will be
redirected back to your personal Facebook page. At that point, you can
officially “unfriend” them and free up more room to add more people.
Take the time to see who is friending you. Facebook is a numbers game to a lot of
people, but I’d rather have a small number of quality friends than a maxed out
5,000 limit of fake profiles or a plethora of people posting crap I don’t want
to see on my newsfeed.

The Clinton Chronicles – The Bill Clinton Murders (Video-Links)

NB Commentary: This country dedicates monuments, federal buildings, streets, towns, libraries, roads and holidays to its war criminals, slave holders, pedophiles, drug addicts, corporate moguls and mafia connected king pins. It says a lot about how it protects its criminals, honors them and gives them high office in the land.
Small wonder that they would select someone like Bill Clinton for the presidency and quite possibly, his wife as well. I used to always wonder about that. It seems strange to me that the American public don’t get it or see it.
They continually rally behind these criminals as if they are in the twilight zone with no clue of how deep the rabbit hole goes. But as I get older, it all seems to make more sense.
Why would Killery even flinch at an FBI investigation, when they have skirted passed so many crimes in the past? It would only stand to reason that being knee-deep in the criminality that has subdued this country… one could only expect that this (the email scandal) shall pass, be swept under the rug, or a few folks go missing; thus the corrupt debauchery can and will continue unabated.
Links Of Interest

NB Commentary: Dr. Boyce Watkins and Zaza Ali on being and Entrprenuer

NB Commentary: Dr. Boyce Watkins & Zaza Ali discuss some things around black folks having their own business and what it means, more so than the title of the video suggests. My commentary addresses that part of the video. See my comments below.
Dr Boyce & Zaza Ali:
Was Obama weak on police shootings of black men? 

Before I comment I tend to read a lot of the comments to see what folks are talking about and to learn something new as well.
Watching the interaction between Dr. Boyce and ZaZa, I wondered if anyone else picked up the pixie dust. LOL
On the real though, I have been independently employed for most of my adult likf, and that’s about 40 years. At this point the idea of working 9-5 is terrifying to say the least. But folks who do work 9-5 for even half that long are just as terrified to step away, and that ain’t got nothing to do with color. This culture does not teach us to be anything else but workers. Get and education so you can get a job. Not get an education so you can provide jobs.
I think that we have to be careful not to be disingenuous. There is no multi-level pyramid scheme out there that will have you living high off the hog, basking in the sun on the beach all day, while your business grows and grows without you having to do something.
 Having your own business is hard work. I don’t know about them two, but I put in more hours than I would ever have to working 9-5 and I am more responsible for what goes out because it’s mine.
I think there are many prongs that can be used for African Americans to become more self reliant. Some are employers others are employees. It’s how we play the game. I really am not too cool with doing it the capitalistic way, however, if you are going to build a business in this paradigm you are gonna have to cross the capitalistic Rubicon on some level. There are so many stipulations that are required for you to even become incorporated. And this system is set up to only let a few fish swim upstream.
I haven’t reviewed Dr. Boyce’s business work and teachings, I been too busy keeping my business afloat, but I hope that he is being real with everyone about the “paperwork” involved, and as the saying goes, “Black folks is scared of paperwork.”
Folks should take a few classes before you step out there. Others should have a trade. We need so many skilled workers, cause even though you have your own business you will fare much better if you have helpers. Everybody can’t be a chief, but a good solid business plan, with good solid workers who share your vision.. can work wonders.
We as a people have a lot of “Soul Work” to do on the level of having our own business and working with or for other Black folks.
So, yeah, get all the information you can get about starting your own business, and if it scares you too much, then see if you can work for an already established black business owner, and if that’s not an option, support Black businesses. I have seen so many come and go due to lack of support as well..
There’s nothing like having your own, but you gotta put in the grunt work and the sweat equity to make it happen and keep it happening. Real Talk!

Tamron Hall Just Ripped Scott Baio To Shreds (Video)

NB Comentary: She handed him his arse!!

When it comes to Donald Trump supporters, it’s become pretty clear what you’re gonna get. They’re either people too dumb to tie their own shoelaces, or they’re jerks who embrace racism, misogyny, and the need to prove their manhood.
Enter Scott Baio.
Baio sat down with Tamron Hall on her MSNBC show while at the Republican National Convention. Hall pressured him to answer why he would post a photo on Twitter of Hillary Clinton in front of the word “c*nt” and then continue to call himself a good Christian.
The former TV star could quite literally be seen talking out of both sides of his mouth, both defending his use of the image, but also claiming it was all in innocent fun. It was quite the sight to behold.
When Baio tried to put words in Hall’s mouth claiming that she was somehow trying to make things about race, she perfectly came back at him, as she should, by saying:
“I do this for a living. You can’t chop my words up.”
Baio then laughs at her and gives a nod to the all white Trump crowd behind them who was cheering him on as if to say, “can you believe this chick?” You could smell the misogyny through the television screen.
This doesn’t stop Hall, though. She kept the pressure on the washed-up television star, and kept pointing out the fact that he’s a hypocrite who claims to have higher moral standing as a supposed Christian, even though he tweets out images of Hillary in front of the word “c*nt” and disparaging photos against First Lady Michelle Obama.
Hall also pressures Baio to reveal that if Trump were to shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue, as the candidate previously said he could and still win, if he would still support him. A question that he couldn’t answer, but seemed to insinuate he would.
Baio tries and tries to come back at Hall, but she kept brilliantly slapping him down, even pointing out that Baio has blocked her on Twitter, which forced him to say it was a mistake and he’s “not afraid of anyone.”
All in all, it was a spectacular takedown of the former ‘Happy Days’ star, and she deserves an award for even needing to be in the same airspace as that guy.
Watch the whole interaction here:
Sarah is a liberal writer who’s been writing and commenting on politics for over 5 years as the Opinionated Democrat on Facebook. She is also the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the online satirical publication Free Wood Post. 

The Anatomy of a False Flag Event

This are article examines three critical aspects of a false flag event and then applies what is known, and typical of a false flag event to the murder of five Dallas police officers earlier in the week. By the way, the above picture strongly suggests that there is a lot more to the official narrative than the public is being told.
The three areas of concern are:
  1. Rehearsal of certain aspects of the event by either First Responser, LEO, or both.
  2. If the false flag event consists of an assassination(s), the narrative includes acting alone, the “discovery” of a diary or a mainfesto which states the murderous intentions of the “patsy”, and the labeling of the so-called perpetrator as being insane so the act can be referred to as a random act of insane violence so the subject of a conspiracy never enters the discussion by the media and the authorities investigating the crime.
  3. Disguise the purpose of the event.
Rehearsal for the Event
History is replete for rehearsal of a false flag event. In some cases, the event flows from the drill/rehearsal. This practice make s a great deal of sense, because complex agendas need rehearsal in order to produce the desired effect, which is always the opposite of the truth.
The following events represents a history of major false flag attack in which there were drills preceding the attack. This list is not exhaustive and it not intended to be. Rather, it shows a distinctive pattern in which the event was preceded by a drill closely associated with the nature of the false-flag event
  • Oklahoma City
  • 9/11
  • The Estonia Catastrophe
  • The Oslo Shooting
  • London Subway Bombing
  • Virginia Tech Shooting
  • Taft Union High School Drill gone live
  • Boston Marathon Bombing
  • In the case of the Dallas shooting, we see the same type of drill preparation only a few days prior to the murdering of five Dallas police officers
According to CBS Dallas Fort Worth an active shooter drill took place in Argyle Texas just 41 miles north of Dallas on June 29 2016.  
FROM CBS DFW: “The sights and sounds are scary, but not dangerous. Members of law enforcement, along with fire and EMS personnel conducted an active shooter exercise at a North Texas high school on Wednesday.
Emergency vehicles could be seen responding with lights and sirens at Argyle High School. Local hospitals also participated in the disaster drill.
The event includes realistic scenarios that have actors playing victims and officers using fake gun rounds.
The sights and sounds are scary, but not dangerous. Members of law enforcement, along with fire and EMS personnel conducted an active shooter exercise at a North Texas high school on Wednesday.
Emergency vehicles could be seen responding with lights and sirens at Argyle High School. Local hospitals also participated in the disaster drill.
The event includes realistic scenarios that have actors playing victims and officers using fake gun rounds.
Argyle ISD Police Chief Paul Cairney said officials are taking every consideration and realize a shooting event can happen in a small town. “We’ve been thinking about that. But one of the things that we need to make sure that we do, if something were to happen, is we need to have the whole response coordinated and coordinated well, because we don’t want to have anymore people that are hurt,” he said.”

The Dallas event definitely fits the profile of so many other false flag events with regard to a preceding drills which comes close mimicking the actual event.
If this were the only similarity to so many false flag events, one could argue that this is just a tragic coincidence. However, the evidence trail which strongly suggest that this fits previous false flag events, almost perfectly.
There is no question that the rehearsal aspect of a false flag event was satisfied in this case.
When the False Flag Involves Assassination, the Following Characteristics are Present
When direct assassinations are involved we see the following narrative:
  1. Lone gunman with no second shooter in order to avoid allegations of a conspiracy.
  2. A discovered diary or manifesto declaring the intentions of the lone gunman. In each of the following cases, the perpetrator (i.e. patsy) had a diary/manifesto stating their murderous intentions and the target of the hostility.
    1. JFK assassination
    2. RFK assassination
    3. Martin Luther King
    4. In 9/1l, the discovery of Mohamed Atta’s passport was miraculously found, despite the fact that neither of the two planes had their black boxes found. But the government found Atta’s passport. Swamp land in Florida anyone? The found passport served the purpose of a diary with stated terrorist intentions, for placing the blame on Muslim terrorists, to cover up the fact that this was a false flag event.
    5. In regard to the most recent terror event, the shooter has been identified and he has, you guessed, a manifesto with stated intentions to go along with a discovered document on military strategy tactics. In regard to the most recent terror event, the shooter has been identified and he has, you guessed, a manifesto with stated intentions to go along with a discovered document on military strategy tactics. Micah Xavier Johnson went on a shooting rampage against Dallas police, officials said Friday.
From the official narrative from the LA Times
“Investigators have discovered bomb-making materials, rifles and a “personal journal of combat tactics” in the home of the black former Army reservist who is identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, a Dallas-area resident, was a “loner” with no criminal history who “wanted to kill white people” and “especially white officers,” said police, who are still investigating whether he acted alone in perpetrating the deadliest day for law enforcement since the Sept. 11 terror attacks in 2001.”
 Please note that Johnson was not a man of many means. Where did he get the money to acquire such a vast amount of military hardware?  This is strongly reminiscent of the Aurora Batman Shooting for the exact same reasons. 
The Purpose of the False Flag Event
I have been writing this for years, the following order will be followed to take world into a third world war in which the goal is to cull the population  by 90%. The people don’t want war, they have to be convinced by false flag events. The following three steps are now in play and will culminate in World War III
  1. The creation of domestic false flag terror events (e.g. the Dallas police shootings designed to start a race war), in which the government, for the good of the people, must step in  and declare martial law.
  2. The elimination of all political and religious dissent under the martial law. This means gun confiscations and roundups (e.g. rehearsed by Jade Helm.
  3. When goals one and two occur, World War III will commence and the New World Order will complete its mission of the elimination of all national sovereignty.
We are are present in stage one moving quickly toward stage two.
This is the anatomy of a false flag event.


    NB Commentary: Sometimes you just have to step in there and say your piece in the face of total ignorance coming from folks who set themselves up as being one who is in the know.  I watched this video up until the 1:02:30 mark when he and his guest took a serious turn for the worse in reporting on this Dallas thing and in particular, reporting on what they perceive is “up” with the inclusion of Micah X Jackson in this scenario.

    You can watch the video from this point to see what I am ranting about. This dude took me all the way back to my college years when I had to straighten some folks out about the “Black Experience.” Most white folks don’t have a clue… and in 2016… it don’t make no sense.  My comments are listed below the video.

    After reading my complaint about their video, they left this message and removed the video.“New World Agenda commented on a video on YouTube. Shared publicly – Yesterday 1:11 AM 2016-07-24 I’m sorry Nana. Never would I want to offend people (or get things wrong). I pulled the podcast. It would be best to have someone of your knowledge and experience to be on the show to give us the much needed information. We try our best… sometimes it’s difficult to interpret what is going on in the black communities. Thanks for taking the time to explain. All the best!”

    Okay, I listened to your pod-cast up until you got to 1:02:30 Mark when you started to talk about the New Black Panthers.

    Here is where I have to say your journalism took a nose dive.
    You clearly have no idea what the differences are between a Black Muslim, a Black Panther,  a member of the New Black Panther Party,  a member of the Black Lives Matter Movement or even what Professor Griff stands for.

    Just like you cannot bundle all white supremacists activists groups or patriots into the same pile, you cannot put all of these and many other groups into the same pile either.
    I suggest you find another source of inquiry besides Wikipedia which has been known to report false information.. sometimes reporting events as soon as they happen with full details. Where do they get their details from if not from some insider?
    One of the things that is very, very annoying about white guys like you and your guest is that you appear to be intelligent but you have no clue about what you are talking about when it comes to Black folks and their issues.
    For one thing, many African Americans use the red, black and green colors and most of the individuals who use them are NOT militant or part of a break away society. In fact, Muammar Qaddafi used the same image.

     FYI Red = Blood, Black = color, and Green = land. It is a symbol of solidarity among African Americans who identify with their contribution and heritage in this country and around the world. In fact, you will see these colors in many African flags, just like you see red, white and blue in a lot of European flags.
    Also, the fist of power is a symbol of solidarity. It means united we are powerful, it means unity, it does not mean any of the BS you two are talking about.
    The outfit he has on is called a “dashiki” and it DOES NOT AND IS NOT  worn by the Black Panthers or the New Black Panther Members. It is worn by folks who wish to identify with their African heritage along with other African print garments, Again your ignorance is glaring!
    You are clearly uninformed and maybe you should get your facts straight before you steer your listeners down the wrong path.
    I find it quite hypocritical for  you to mock the young woman because she did not eloquently express herself like a Malcolm X when you have someone like Bush for the president of the United states who barely made it out of high school. I don’t know how you feel about Bush, but your comments and mockery is the stuff of disdain and are reprehensible in this type of journalism, unless you are going to line up with the other troll Youtube channels. What side of the New World Order Agenda are you??
    I do know about the difference and if you want to know more, than you should discuss this with someone who does know the difference.
    Your comments is why Black folks cringe at your attempts to speak about us when you are so unenlightened about who we are, how we feel and what we need to be a part of this country.
    Maybe your ancestors mocked the so-called founding fathers who had the same desire to have their own land and be out from under the hand of tyranny as many Africans in this country have faced for 400 years. You all got your freedom, right??
    In conclusion, if you are about making change in this world, and steering away from the ridiculous psyops that are being played on the American people of all ethnicities, please do your homework before you speak. Otherwise, you will sound ignorant, and it’s the ignorance of white folks like yourself, that make it hard for Black folks to see any advantage of aligning themselves with you or accepting what you have to say as viable and worth taking seriously.
    No, I am not a part of any of those movements, and most African Americans are not, but for you to lump them all together without a single idea about any of them based on a RBG flag; his attire and the “fist of Power” is highly insulting and misleading. I suggest you erase the entire part, because you obviously do not know what you are talking about.
    Let me also add, that I find it interesting that you are quite comfortable with this man, this black man or any Black Man, joining the US military,  going to another country and killing people who did nothing to him. These same black men come home to fewer rights and freedoms that the US military is supposedly trying to make sure others have. I did not hear you mock the insanity of that notion, but seem to appreciate the fact that he was in the military.. yeah, he fought for “his” country? But when that same man finds out that his country will not fight for him, and like you white folks, who feel the same way, somehow there is a difference and now the request for equal rights and human rights for black folks, no matter how they are expressed is laughable to you.

    Let me tell you something, dear Mr. White Man, ain’t nothing funny about when you’re coming home from your US military duty; with PTSD and have to face the stark reality that you may be shot and/or killed by a Police officer on a city street because you are a Black Man in America!

    Chaos In Dallas:Sniper Attack Leaves 12 Officers Shot & 5 Dead (video)

    NB Commentary: This is a straight up Psyops. Social engineering Masters Course. Be very, very careful to protect yourself. Keep you mind body ans spirit safe and secure. Whatever you do or wherever you go to find “PEACE” go there. Hold on to your sanity. This is a psychological, mental and spiritual assault on all of your sensibilities. Everyone is at risk. A word to the wise.

    Sterling, Castile, Dallas, Bomb Robots

    NB Commentary: I knew it wasn’t over, I get this dizzy feeling when Shit is about to hit the fan. So from Orlando to this. If they give us enough false flags, with real casualties, we won’t be able to keep up or debunk them fast enough.

    Bomb Robots? 
    Dang, couldn’t they  just get me a robot that likes to house clean.
    Seriously?? A Bomb Robot??
    Okay, here’s a question.
    Who saw this coming?
    Makes you wonder if they stage these events to test out their new weapons. I am beginning to think so.
    Bet they wagered on it down at Wall Street, wish I could understand all them numbers. Watch the stocks for this company go up though.
    For humans to find more and more creative ways to kill each other must give the one who created this Prison Planet even more reason to feel good about their experiment.
    I believe that Killery is behind it, and I wouldn’t put her passed it, it gives her a chance to throw her towel in for the BLM movement. It’s all staged, and believe me there are many agendas, they got a lot of dogs in this race.

    Dallas Police Used Robot With Bomb to Kill Ambush Suspect: Mayor

    “He added that while robots aren’t typically designed to be armed — they’re used for observation or dismantling purposes — law enforcement could decide to use bomb robots when officers are in immediate danger.” 

    Everything we know about the bomb robot used by Dallas policeThe incident is believed to be a first on US soil. By James Vincent  July 8, 2016  

    They have been trying to separate us,

    divide and conquer. They tried to do it by selecting Obama and get all the white folks that are secretly racist, riled up. But that didn’t work, and a lot of white folks fell in love with that man.

    Gun supporter Ms Giffords on a shooting range

    Then we had the Tea Party, and that went over like a led balloon when they shot that political lady, Gabby Gifford,  a gun supporter.
    And all these “false flags hoaxed drills” that are unraveling at the seems. So they throw in Donald Trump to get the masses really acting whacko. But even Trump got unexpected followers, in the Latinos and Blacks.. So now what, what can they do to declare Martial law, what can they pull off next to give them good reason to bring the military to the streets of North America in full bloom?? 

    Either the American people are more resilient than they expected or too sleep to care. One thing I do know, is that if Martial law does become open, and warfare is declared, they will be facing some serious gun battles from folks who ain’t as scared as the Police are, from folks who have bought out the gun stores in the Malls and online, even the gays purchases of firearms peaked after Orlando, well, all I can say is, get your supplies and honker down cause if the SHTF… it ain’t gonna be pretty. And it will certainly be colorful as all walks of life join together. The USA and its government has shown that it doesn’t really care about ANY OF ITS people. It ain’t about black or white, or latino it’s about those who have and those who do not. So yeah, this will be a colorful revolution coming to a war theater near you.

    You know, maybe it’s because I have been checking the Corbett Report out for some time, but James said exactly what I was thinking when I heard the term “sniper”. Then I went down the list of countries in my head where this same scenario took place. Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Egypt… and it makes you wonder, who the hell is behind these “so-called snipers” and what is their agenda, or should I say agendas?? 
    After the recent deaths of two black men (Alton B. Sterlingand Philando Castile) here in the US struck down by police, and the not so recent legislation called, “Blue Alert” to protect the Police, it makes you wonder if along with being psychopaths, if the folks at the helm are bi-polar. I have always admired folk’s ability to list dates and times and names in news stories and talks etc., well that part of history always escapes me, but believe me, I remember the stories, the carnage, the blaming and the looking away. And one thing that is for sure, the US will say it’s a brutal regime that uses snipers to kill its own people who are peacefully protesting, but they will never turn the mirror around and own, claim or admit that those snipers, along with a host of other so-called “lone gunman” are funded and supported by our own home grown brutal regime, right here in the USA. Nope, not, it’s different, they are “lone gunman” they are not connected in anyway to the USA or it’s government and administration, oh no, the US would never do anything like that against its people, never in a million years, only those other guys do that. 

    Happy 4th Of July: Here Are 10 Ways America Is Number 1 — That Are No Reason For Celebration

    NB Commentary: American Exceptionalism is a hodgepodge of deluded definitions of what it means to be exceptional. In reality, there is no real value in this exceptionalism except that it is highly overrated and seriously undermines any reality that one might wish their brain to travel through.
    The Media hype about how great America is, which probably should be stated the USA, is the burning flame of this delusion. It tends to give folks the idea of being better than the rest of the world and that in and of itself gives them the right to impose their “betterness” on the less fortunate creatures who don’t have a clue about how to run their lives without the help/ better known as intervention from the USA.
    This bandage over the eyes of the citizens of the USA has them sullied in the eyes of those who meet the brunt of the swift hard kick that comes from American Boots on the ground. How great is great and what does it mean? I could add a few more to this list of ways that America ain’t so great, but suffice it to say, that without mentioning the pervasive inequality between the haves and the have-nots, the USA does a serious disservice to its credibility when trumping around telling others to run their governments and live their lives as Americans do.
    Unfortunately, there are enough other folks out there, who risk their life and limb to come here, as they too, have swallowed the hype that America is better than any other “free” country in the world. They soon find out that that is not the case, quite the contrary. They see that they too will be stepping over the homeless, subjected to bigotry, inequality, low wages and disruption in family life as they attempt to assimilate and get their Lion share of the American pie.
    This dichotomy can only create a nation filled of delusional, paranoid, socio-pathic, psychopaths swimming a a pool of cognitive dissonance. So Yeah, What does the 4th of July mean? Ask Fredrick Douglas.

    Happy 4th Of July: Here Are 10 Ways America Is Number 1 — That Are No Reason For Celebration
    JULY 4, 2016
    As Americans don their red white and blue sequence bar-b-que aprons and raise their flags, ironically made in China, in an effort to “celebrate their freedom,” we should be asking ourselves this 4th of July, what freedoms do Americans really have?
    We are under constant surveillance, our every move under a microscope by government goons, “protecting us” from “terrorists.”
    We are under the constant threat of violence from the State for possessing a plant, or having a tail light out, or simply walking down the street.
    Americans are constantly paranoid of those blue and red lights popping up in the rearview mirror that most always end in extortion and could very well end with a visit to the hospital, being locked in a cage, or worse.
    In the Land of the Free, police killed more people in just one month of this year than the United Kingdom has in the entire 20th century.
    In the Land of the Free, police kill at more than 70 times the rate of other first world nations.
    In the Land of the Free, we are told to “fear the terrorists” but US police kill 58 times more people than all terrorist activity against US civilians since 9-11!
    State-sanctioned deprivation of rights, liberty, and life, is that what we call “Freedom” these days? The exact opposite of what the founders meant when they signed the Declaration of Independence.
    Sadly, when people do begin to question this paradigm of violence against the citizens and the usurping of freedom, blame is quickly associated and directed toward whichever corporate puppet is in charge, then they just go back to sleep — resolute in the notion that they can vote those bastards out and it will all be fixed.
    Boobus Americanus then slips back into la la land, cheering on the police state as if they are fans on a football stadium sideline. “My team is winning! USA! USA! USA!”
    But your team is not winning, Boobus!
    Just for a moment, can we stop chanting that “USA is number one”?
    Can we remove the patriotic blinders for a moment and take a look at the categories in which we are actually number one?
    Because it’s certainly not freedom.
    According to the 2014 Legatum Prosperity Index released in November, in the measure of personal freedom, the United States has fallen from 9th place in 2010 to 21st worldwide—behind such countries as Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Uruguay and Costa Rica.
    Other such rankings systems show the US as low as 46. Yet somehow, Americans still believe their leaders when they say that terrorists “hate our freedom,” as if the ‘terrorists’ took down the first 45 freest countries and are just now getting to us!
    No, we are most assuredly not number one in freedom.
    But, we are however number 1 in,
    Prison Population:
    The job of law enforcement in America today is enforcing every arbitrary edict in the land to maximize profits for just a few private prison companies who are paid with stolen money (taxes). Because order followers don’t question any of their orders, it has lead to 65 million Americans (about 22% of the population) having criminal records. 
    This vicious cycle has become a phenomenon known only as recidivism.

    Of all the major industrialized nations, America is the most obese. Mexico is #2.

    Child abuse death rate:
    The United States has the highest child abuse death rate in the world. Many of these deaths happen in State-approved foster homes after children are ripped from their parents’ arms because their parent took part in some arbitrary victimless crime, like smoking marijuana.

    Hours spent in front of the television:
    Nobody watches more television per week (28 hours) than Americans do. Americans are far better at keeping up with the Kardashians than they are about putting an end to government corruption.

    Teen Pregnancy Rate:
    The US leads the world, by a wide margin in teen pregnancies. This is in spite of public schools offering vaginal implants for birth control to 11-year-old girls without their parents’ permission.

    Prescription Drug Use:
    Americans are not even close to being in the top 10 healthiest countries in the world, despite consuming far more prescription drugs than the rest of the world.

    Citizens Killed by Police:
    In Canada, the total number of citizens killed by law enforcement officers in the year 2015, was 23; 52 times less than the U.S.
    If we look at the United Kingdom, police killed 3 people in 2015, one person in 2014, and 0 in 2013. English police reportedly fired guns a total of three times in all of 2013, with zero reported fatalities.
    From 2010 through 2015, there were eight fatal police shootings in England, which has a population of about 52 million. By contrast, Albuquerque, N.M., with a population 1 percent the size of England’s, is approaching 40 fatal police shootings in that same time period.
    China, whose population is 4 and 1/2 times the size of the United States, recorded 4 killings by law enforcement officers in 2015. Police in America killed 302 times more people than China!

    The United States has accumulated the biggest mountain of government debt in the history of the world.
    As for the citizens, there is more credit card debt in America than anywhere else in the world. There is more mortgage debt in America than anywhere else in the world. And, there is more student loan debt in America than anywhere else in the world.

    According to, the United States has the most total reported crimes in the world, by a long shot.

    Arbitrary, immoral and downright evil laws:
    How ironic is it that the Land of the Free has the most laws on the entire planet?
    Attorney Harvey Silverglate argues that the average American commits three felonies a daywithout even knowing it. Although it has been estimated that there are over 3000 types of federal criminal offenses, no one knows the exact number for sure.
    At any given time, a police officer could walk up to you and find you in violation of some arbitrary law. It is a mathematical certainty.
    So, next time your chest begins to fill with patriotic puff, stop for a second and realize that Americans are number one, but in such a bad way.
    In the meantime, however, we still have the freedom in this country to inform ourselves and others. Only through a lesser ignorance will these horrid tyrannical traits subside.

    Humanity is involved in a struggle, as we have always been, but there are much more of us now. Inciting peaceful change has never been more important. However, so many well-meaning individuals go about inciting this change with blunt force. This has to change.
    If you truly want to make the world a more peaceful place, you have to become a more peaceful person. Petty infighting, personal attacks, vitriol, and hate are the tools of tyrants and also of those who only claim to be awake.
    Peace is true professionalism.
    Next time you’re cringing in a public setting, listening to Joe Six Pack spout off NFL stats like an ESPN commentator, wait for an opportune time and plant a seed.
    Hey Joe, speaking of the Kansas City Chiefs, what do you think of wide receiver, Dwayne Bowe and his arrest for having weed? Do you think its cool that he was deprived of his freedom for having a plant? How can we legitimately call this country the land of the free when that can happen to someone?
    Be the change that you want to see in this world.
    Matt Agorist is the co-founder of, where this article first appeared. He is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. .

    Why the FBI Wants Orlando Agencies to Deny Public Records Request

    NB Commentary:  I have read several comments under the articles listed below and it amazes me how these folks are not seeing the humongous elephant in the room.

    Can the American populace be that blind, deaf and dumb? Did they just crawl out from under a rock when they heard about Omar Mateen’s 911 call saying he was an ISIS sympathizer? Did they not want it to be heard that he said he wanted America to stop bombing  his country of Afghanistan? Why was it redacted from the original release of the 911 calls and then released? Why has the story changed to him being a disgruntled closeted gay homophobe who saw two guys kissing and to detract from his own desire told his dad how disgusting it was? And where is his wife?
    Have the American people been so shook up and down that their brains are rattling and they cannot connect the dots even if they tried? How do they not get
    it? Haven’t they heard that the ISIS attacks will come home to roost? Weren’t they warned that these so-called rebels turned terrorists will be crashing at a party near you? Weren’t they fear mongering and at the same time arming these so-call rebels on one hand and saying you better watch out on the other hand?
    I find it amazing that they have no trouble whatsoever, blaming everything on ISIS when it happens in another country, but when it happens here, mums the word. Why is that?? And why can’t folks see it.

    “Muslims most often are used as convenient US or other Western state-sponsored false flag attack patsies.
    Yet as James Petras explains, “(o)ver the past fifty plus years, over 125 mass shootings/massacres have occurred within the United States but not one perpetrator has been identified as a trained member of an international Islamist terrorist organization.”

    Why won’t they just come out and call a spade a spade? Either it’s ISIS or it ain’t, either they are a part of the terrorist network or they ain’t. And if they are.. Then a lot of questions should ensue.
    Shouldn’t they be bombing the US cells wherever they find them?
    Shouldn’t they be sending drones to US wedding parties wherever they suspect a terrorist cell?
    Shouldn’t they be rounding up these terrorists and sending them to Guantanamo?
    Shouldn’t they be bombing their schools,  hospitals and neighborhoods where they are held up in the US?
    But instead we see them…
    Shaking hands with them….
    Arming them….
    Looking the other way when they travel across borders and enter European countries…..
    Investigating them and then releasing them…..
    Allowing so called radicals, radicalize folks via the internet (Robertson in Mateen’s case)…..
    Allowing their Mosques that openly teach propaganda against the US to exist, instead of shutting them down and weeding them out…..
    No, it is much more fun to do that to other countries and their defenseless men, women and children.
    It’s more fun to blame Obama and say he is closet Muslim who won’t expose the hateful Muslims for who they are.

    It’s easier to omit the “War On Terror” that was launched before Obama came into
    It is easier to ignore the death and destruction that the US and NATO has rained down on the defenseless as a result of this so-called and literally impossible war to win.
    It’s easier to create chaos, division, corruption and massacres and blame it on those folks over there.
    It’s even more fun to show the blood and gore and blood and more gore spewing out of those folks over there than to face it here in the USA.
    So when Bush made the threat that he was going to seek them out wherever they are, he did not mean he would do much of that here in the US. In fact, he just kinda sorta didn’t mean the war on terror was gonna take place in the US at all. No war on terror on US soil, only in the middle East, cause for sure, they ain’t having that war in Paris, France, Brussels.
    Then we have the openly complicit and criminal relationship with Erdogan and the Saudi’s who are also arming the so-called rebels. Not to mention, that Israel says the rebels are better than Assad. And the US supports Israel. So what’s wrong with that picture?
    The false flag narrative has simply run its course. People are waking up and even if it’s just 10 out of every thousand that is still too many. What else is there to do besides go to full scale war with Russia, which is a fools dream. Go to war with Russia?? You’re kidding me right?
    Because the US is responsible for the deaths that happened in Orlando and probably every where else that has the ISIS tag on it, because the US congress agreed to ARM THE REBELS! And in doing so, they endangered the lives of everyone everywhere, and not just over there. Them chickens will find their way, right back home!!

    My rants are just that, rants, but I back them up with the facts and news articles and/or videos that I find on the internet, which seems to be the bane of the existence of the The Powers That Shouldn’t Be.
    Steven Lendman’s article brings it all into perspective, and I have quoted it below. He is a prolific writer and his use of critical analysis of the shenanigans that these folks in power get themselves into is par excellance. 

    Genesis of Current Mass Shootings, Blasts and Suicide Bombings
    by Stephen Lendman  July 4, 2016
    They’re coming in rapid fashion – in late June/early July alone:
    • Istanbul blasts inflicting mass casualties; 
    • Dhaka, Bangladesh shootings and hostage takings; 
    • slaughter in Baghdad, killing over 200 and wounding hundreds more – the latest of numerous violent incidents since GW Bush’s 2003 naked aggression; and
    • on America’s Independence Day, an apparent suicide bombing meters from its Jeddah, Saudi Arabia consulate, followed by multiple blasts rocking the area.
    Whether these and similar attacks are terrorism, false flags, lone wolf incidents or something else requires understanding how they began in the first place.
    In his memoirs, titled “From the Shadows,” former CIA director/defense secretary Robert Gates said US intelligence operatives began aiding Mujahadeen fighters in Afghanistan six months before Soviet Russia invaded.
    Former Carter administration national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski explained, saying Jimmy Carter, on Independence Day eve (July 3, 1979), “signed the the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.” 
    “And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.”
    Mujahadeen support led to today’s Taliban, Al Qaeda, the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), ISIS, Jabhat al Nusra, Jaysh al-Islam, Ahrar ash-Sham, Boko Haram, and other jihadist groups – US created and sponsored or offshoots from them.
    Bipartisan US imperial policy bears full responsibility for unleashing a scourge of state-sponsored terrorism in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, Europe and America.
    Brzezinski was unapologetic, asking “(w)hat is more important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”
    He failed to explain America needs enemies to advance his imperium. Communism was its bogeyman earlier, public enemy number one until Soviet Russia’s 1991 dissolution.
    Now it’s radical Muslims, Islam vilified in the process – directly or by implication, America raping and destroying one Islamic country after another.
    Muslims most often are used as convenient US or other Western state-sponsored false flag attack patsies.
    Yet as James Petras explains, “(o)ver the past fifty plus years, over 125 mass shootings/massacres have occurred within the United States but not one perpetrator has been identified as a trained member of an international Islamist terrorist organization.”
    In contrast, America “brutalized and, directly or indirectly, massacred millions of Muslim civilians, citizens of once-sovereign nations, throughout the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa,” – unprecedented lawlessness continuing unabated, millions more lives at risk.
    State-sponsored terror threatens world peace, America its lead perpetrator, waging war on humanity at home and abroad. Its rage for dominance created societies unfit to live in, imperiling life on earth. 
    Imperial madness threatens everyone, endless wars and headline-making violent incidents reminders of what’s at stake.
    Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 
    His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
    Visit his blog site at 
    G4S calls itself the “world’s leading security solutions group.”The London-based company contracts often with the U.S. government — it currently operates 32 taxpayer-funded juvenile prisons in the U.S. through G4S Youth Services, and has transported and housed immigrant detainees on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security. G4S has also coordinated security for more than 90 percent of nuclear sites in the U.S, as well as airports, hospitals, and seaports.
    Orlando terrorist connected to radical Muslim cleric who was released from prison last year after he converted 36 people in jail and ‘runs a website used to dispense his teachings’
    • Officials say Omar Mateen, 29, was tied to former US Marine turned radical Muslim cleric Marcus Dwayne Robertson 
    • Robertson converted at least 36 people to his version of Islam while he was imprisoned for four years in jail before he was released
    Robertson, who was a former US Marine and undercover FBI agent before turning into a radical Imam, was released from prison last year despite warning from officials and prosecutors that he would recruit people to carry out horrendous acts of violence. 
    Investigative Report Proves Turkey Part of ISIS Terror
    “We must not question the motives of our elected leaders, who despite sitting on this information for years, still lie to us, flagrantly, even now, before the blood of 129 French citizens has even dried, pretending that they intend to ‘destroy’ a band of psychopathic murdering scum, armed and funded from within the heart of NATO,” Ahmed concludes.
    Says House Intel Chair: “Some of them have drifted back to the U.S.”
    “This is a big part of the reason why ISIS exists, it’s about perpetual war; the military industrial complex has to have new markets, has to make money, so they have to keep things in the Middle East unstable,” Henderson told Press TV on Saturday. 
    Why Barack Obama and most of the U.S. Congress are Guilty of Treason
    Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US “Created” ISIS As A “Tool” To Overthrow Syria’s President Assad
    The T-Shirts
    ISIS, apparently, sells merch. Not just T-shirts and baseball caps, but — gasp — toys for children! Here’s a CNN video from June 24. (I say “seems” because I came in late on this story and Google is a horrible research tool, so, readers, feel free to correct any of my misapprehensions.) Here’s the video:
    America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group

    The Agenda, Homosexuality, Genocide or Population Control

    NB Commentary: Nana’s Rants Blog are my feelings and thoughts around certain subjects. In some of them I will post  videos and links to support and/or to counter my positions. These Rants are my reactions to certain topics as it relates to current events, etc.
    In this one, I wish to tackle the “Homosexual Agenda” as is being purported by many who feel that there is a Depopulation Agenda using Homosexuality at its helm. To me there are so many other more serious indicators that suggest that there is an agenda to depopulate the so-called over populated planet but to point a finger at the Homosexual Lifestyle as the key generator of this idea is spurious to me. It suggests that there is little or no understanding of the individual homosexual as well as little to no understanding of the homosexual life style.
    People tend to focus on the “sex” act between a male and a female as the only way to pro-create yet they are limited in their knowledge of the various nuances that even this type of sex has as to whether or not a child will come from this union. They seem to be oblivious to the many failed attempts or no attempts at all to have children and would rather point a finger at the same sex relationship as the primary culprit for the decrease or possible depopulation of the entire human species. The other variables that effect fertility in the human population are ignored or glossed over, and particularly when those who are the standard barers of this tripe, themselves have only one, two or no children themselves. I suggest that those who fear depopulation should have more and more children to augment the advance of the annihilation of mankind on this planet. That way they can make up for the perceived loss of people to populate this planet through same sex relationships, that in their minds, bare no children.     

    These ART data are a rich source of information that can give potential ART users an idea of their average chances of success per ART cycle or ART transfer.  Average chances, however, do not necessarily apply to a particular individual or couple.

    ART success rates vary in the context of patient and treatment characteristics, such as age, infertility diagnosis, number of embryos transferred, type of ART procedure, use of techniques such as ICSI, and history of previous births, miscarriages, and ART cycles.  People considering ART should consult a physician to discuss their treatment options.

    I agree that there is certainly an agenda to depopulate the world, but populations among Europeans and/or developing countries,  have been on a steady decline since the 1970’s and not due to folks being homosexual. With the advent of the feminist movement, women have been hoisted out of the home and into the mainstream job market. These women who are upwardly mobile, tend to delay having children to late in life, or none at all. Those who do have children are subjected to the rat race of dragging their children from home to school to day care, each and every day of their lives if they chose to have a career. This burden in and of itself has been arrested by many families by having fewer to no children at all. There are many economic factors to consider when having children that seem exacerbated in the Industrial world. This also becomes another deterrent for people to have children. The argument that Homosexuals are causing depopulation is a bit misplaced and somewhat unfair, as if they should carry their weight to keep the world population going, and not consider the same deterrents that those who are heterosexual face each and every day. On the other hand, many homosexuals are doing their part and having children and even adopting children that heterosexual couples, families and individuals admit to adoption agencies.

    In the period from the 1950s to the 1980s, concerns about global population growth and its effects on povertyenvironmental degradation and political stability led to efforts to reduce human population growth rates. While population planning can involve measures that improve people’s lives by giving them greater control of their reproduction, a few programs, most notably the Chinese government’s “one-child policy“, have resorted to coercive measures.

    Homosexuality has been around as long as there has been humans. Decrease in populations among Europeans is due to the propaganda that the best size for a family is 2.25 children. Not that you can have a fraction of a child but I’m just saying. Thus the advance of prophylactics and various other birth control formulas to keep the population under control. As a result, Industrialized Western/European nations are having a minus birth rate while the other so-called underdeveloped countries continue to grow. Nations that are not Western, and in particular Cultures that see their children as their posterity continue to have children and sometimes, it has been slated, at an alarming rate, yet these cultures have homosexuals in them.
    China is a great example of overpopulation to the point where they had to, under pressure, make laws preventing couples from having more than one child.
    In war torn countries, they continue to have children to replenish their population and impoverished countries do the same. The depopulation agenda in these countries IS NOT HOMOSEXUALITY  but has a different face, and is implemented through war, vaccines laced with birth control, disease, pestilence and corrupt governments. Infant mortality is high in these countries and yet, I am sure there are homosexuals there as well.

    The following excerpt was taken from an outline of a Government Project: The Wildlands Project.

    …Humanity must drastically scale down its industrial activities on Earth, change its consumption lifestyles, stabilize and then reduce the size of the human population by humane means, and protect and restore wild ecosystems and the remaining wildlife on the planet.”The Wildlands ProjectThe Tartars had the idea of infecting the enemy by catapulting bodies infected with bubonic plague over the walls of the city of Kaffa. Some historians believe that this event was the cause of the epidemic of plague that swept across medieval Europe killing 25 million.

    Over population propaganda resulted in more and more people in the middle and upper classes choosing to have fewer and fewer children, or maybe opting out of bearing children at all. This fact cannot be blamed on the homosexual agenda. Homosexuals bear and raise children. I don’t have the statistics, but I think that folks who do not know the homosexual community make a very erroneous statement when they equate population control with homosexuality or a homosexual agenda. It may be against your religion but honestly, unless a homosexual has a sex change,,, and even that’s stretching it, being homosexual does not stop you from the DESIRE to bear or have children.  Many choose to have children either through conception with the opposite sex, fertility clinics, turkey basters, surrogate mothers, adoptions and caring for foster children. I have experienced homosexuals do all of the above.
    The other thing that is missed is that sometimes folks don’t even come out as gay or homosexual or even trans-gendered until they have taken the heterosexual way of life, settled down in marriages and had children and then realize they are gay. Even after this realization with all the hatred and bigotry going around against gays they may stay in the heterosexual lifestyle until they simply cannot lie to themselves anymore. This may be after several marriages, relationships and/or children. It galls me to use Caitlyn Jenner as an example but for the sake of argument, I must.

    In no way can a Homosexual Agenda make anyone who is not inclined towards homosexuality, become homosexual.  In fact this Agenda, may make people more accepting of those who are different in the way they express their capacity to love.
    For those who argue that our children are being subjected to this lifestyle at a very young age, I would suggest that our children are being subjected to being sexualized and commercialized at a very young age. To me that is more exploitive than showing them people who are gay.
    All too often the homosexual has had to live in a dark closet of fear and trepidation. They have been ostracized from mainstream society and have had to live a lie for a large portion of their lives in some cases. The resulting suicides, drug use, nefarious behaviors, criminal activities etc. are all smoke screens for the deeper issues around fear of and actual rejection of the human being. Homosexuals have been raped, killed, tortured, fired, ostracized, humiliated, damned and relegated to hell fire. Who in their right mind would want to be homosexual in such an unwelcoming society? It is an act of bravery on anyone’s

    Aisha & Danielle

    part who is gay or trans-gendered to speak their truth in such a hostile environment. Knowing how difficult it is for someone who is same sex oriented to speak out, imagine how much more difficult it must be for someone who is heterosexual to openly choose that lifestyle knowing what they have said, done or co-signed when it comes to gay bashing. My point is, how can seeing more gays on TV and in the media make anyone want to be gay when they know in the “real world” the bigotry exists and has persisted even in their own behaviors towards the homosexual community.

    For the first time, the online companion to the preeminent black women’s periodical Essence magazine, will feature a lesbian couple in its “Bridal Bliss” section. Aisha and Danielle Moodie-Mills will be the first lesbian couple to have their love story and wedding photos featured on the site.

    Homosexuality has been rampant in Hollywood, the Catholic Church, the Christian Church, the Entertainment industry, and even politics but was underground. Here is where people and many of them children, were being molested and taken advantage of. It was well known in the circles about who was “gay” and what they were doing. Most folks looked the other way, as they were protected societies. But how did the “Homosexual Agenda” foster depopulation in these communities? Especially in the Catholic communities where it was outwardly viewed with disdain as an abomination, and parishioners were extolled against using birth control.

    For many of the couples Allen consults, having a family means going up against the traditional ideals of the conservative black church, Georgia’s anti-LGBT laws, and a cultural bias that criminalizes non-heteronormative behavior. But the idea of what constitutes a “normal” family — and who has the right to define that — is increasingly up for challenge in this country. Even in the red state of Georgia.

    Preston, however, is proof that the human desire for family, to nurture a child and provide a loving household, does not discriminate based on sexual orientation.“We want babies like you want babies,” Allen says. “Your life is no different from mine. I just don’t have a husband; I have a wife.”

    I do understand the aim of social engineering. However, I believe that what is happening with the presence and open exhibition of the gay lifestyle is exploitive more so than condoning. When I look at what is presented in the Media, I DO NOT  see true stories of the average LGBT lifestyle. I see exploitation, distortion, make-believe and fantasy. Maybe that, like so many others, is done for the views, but it certainly is not reality.

    Back in the 70’s there was a slew of what we coined as Black-Exploitation films in the media. They did not depict the average black person here in America. I sincerely doubt if they even help folks to appreciate Blacks, quite the contrary. So, in essence these media demonstrations don’t help folks to get to know the LGBT community but portray a false narrative of what it is like.

    Family Pride Network’s mission is to connect and support LGBT families and prospective parents through social events, educational programs, and professional resources.

    If you want to site instances of experiments and the infiltration into the water systems and food, a hormone that would turn men gay, then I would ask, how does that work when women are drinking and eating the same water and foods? Do the women become more female???

    When People work from their fear center, they do not use their common sense, and that is why this hype about a homosexual agenda sounds frivolous to me. The actual facts show that people cannot be turned gay when they are heterosexual.  With all the angst against homosexuals, especially male homosexuals, I find it striking that folks would fear them and or feel threatened by them, when they are one of the most denigrated factions of society. I do agree that there is a Homosexual Agenda, and that agenda, like every other agenda, is exploitation divide and conquer and follows the platform of most religious and political parties. Folks have to have or find something to fight over or against.
    If you or anyone you know has had any children over the past several decades, I would say that having them whether you are gay or not is a tremendous challenge as well as a burden in a world where their mind body and soul are being attacked on all sides. Western cultures are not child-friendly so to me, anyone who has a child in this day and age is bringing that child into a hostile non-sustainable environment. And at the rate the Western world is going.. it is not leaving much behind for its children except death, destruction and debt.

    Nevertheless, human beings are given to the urge to mate and pro-create.  That is a universal urge, whether you are straight or gay. It falls like dust on all of us. Some of us will go ahead and have children, some of us will not, but to say there is a “Homosexual Agenda” cloaking a depopulation agenda, is queer as a three dollar bill in my estimation. When I look around at the environment we live in, industrialization, corporations, capitalism, big Pharma, Military Industrial Complex, GMO’s, pollution, Geo-Engineering, Deforestation, Racism, poverty, vaccines, militarized epidemics, mind control, Fast Foods, Shadow/Corrupt governments, Big Agri, etc., etc., etc., all or in part will have a much bigger impact on population than a few homosexuals who do not have any children.
    FINAL NOTE: For those of you who feel that someone may become gay from watching gay people on TV, in the movies and in the media, I am here to set your mind at ease. Homosexuality is not a virus. You can not catch it from walking with, talking to, sitting beside, breathing the same air or riding on the same bus with someone who is gay. It is not airborne, nor is it a deadly pathogen. It cannot be weaponized, nor vaccinated against. It can not be distributed worldwide in aerosols sprayed from military aircraft. And while they may experiment with putting the gay gene into frogs, the fear that you may “turn” gay and grow a penis or vagina should be quelled immediately, since you ain’t no frog.  It is not sold on the Black Market or dark street corners. It’s not disguised as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny (although there may be a homosexual individual wearing these costumes). Additionally, it cannot be washed out, stamped out, eradicated or stripped from your DNA. If your fear is that they will be damned to hell, then be thankful that you won’t be on the same side of hell with them.
    If anyone fears catching gay-itis, I suggest you look deep into your heart and into your dreams to find what secrets you harbor there.
    To Those who accept your sexuality without hesitation, I applaud you, because there are those who are deathly afraid of you and they are armed with ignorance and may be extremely dangerous, so pick your battle and be sure to pick your friends and associates wisely.
    MenWeb – Men’s Issues: Gays: Guardians of the Gate Interview with …
    Malidoma Somé recognizes that he learned more through his initiation as a … also touches on what has become known here as the “gay” or “homosexual” issue.

    Gay Ugandan King Proves that Homosexuality is Africa

    By         January 30, 2014 09:39 GMT

    Homosexuality BEGAN in Africa?!?!?!?

    So… A UK newspaper is laying out what they deem as irrefutable evidence that homosexuality BEGAN in Africa and it was colonialism that brought in the homophobia concept…not the other way around.

    They even went so far as to provide a pic of the first “Queen”.. “Ugandan King Mwanga II was widely reported to have engaged in sexual relations with his male subjects…”

    According to the report, a commonly cited reason for maintaining, or expanding, criminalisation of homosexuality nowadays, is that homosexuality is “un-African” or, in other words, a foreign phenomenon.
    The research, however, showed that throughout Africa’s history homosexuality has been a “consistent and logical feature of African societies and belief systems”, and that Uganda’s laws criminalising homosexuality originates entirely from legislations introduced by the British colonial administration in 1902 and 1950.”
    I wonder how the Brothers who insist homosexuality began in Rome will take this bit of news? Call it Conspiracy? I must admit.. As a scholar of African studies I never heard of this dude either. And for them to have a pic of ol’ it seems mighty convenient… But there is also the fact that Blacks are known for dismissing and sweeping homosexuality under the rug and keeping away from public knowledge.
    SIDE NOTE: To all the brothers upset about this. Do the due diligence. Do the research. And ask your self THIS. If homosexuality DID exist in the motherland… That would mean your homophobia and intolerance is a European construct, and going by what we know of Europeans, that wouldn’t be a far fetched theory. It would prove we were also brainwashed in this area, along with religion, skin color and everything else we follow the European ideal about. This calls for research and a mirror Black man.

    read the full story here