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How the FL Shooting Will Be Used To Bolster War, Usurp Freedom, And Create More Terrorism

How the FL Shooting Will Be Used To Bolster War, Usurp Freedom, And Create More Terrorism

by Claire Bernish

After September 11, 2001, discarding freedom and personal liberties in the name of security became standard operating procedure following a tragedy, and Friday’s mass shooting at the airport in Fort Lauderdale has not deviated from the new Orwellian norm.

Officials say Esteban Santiago arrived in Florida on a flight from Alaska and proceeded to the baggage claim area, where he pulled a firearm from his checked bag and opened fire — killing five people and wounding eight.

“He eventually retrieved a firearm and began indiscriminately shooting,” Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel told the press Friday. “This cowardly, heinous act resulted in the deaths of five people.”

While the incident unfolded, before total casualties and injuries had been counted, corporate media presstitutes championed in live time increased security measures and tighter strictures on gun laws — except for TSA agents, whom, some intoned, should now be required to carry firearms in the performance of their duties.

We have been conditioned for this. Fustian politicians assume an inept undervaluation of rights — and a careless lack of vigilance under color of fear — in the minds of the somnambulant masses will allow the implementation of new rights-crushing legislation.

On cue, the Wall Street Journal nearly immediately published an article citing Jeff Price, an aviation security expert and aviation-management professor at Metropolitan State University of Denver, who — without a hint of irony — asserted,

I think we can expect to see more of what we’ve seen every time we have one of these incidents at an airport — better-armed, better-trained police and a surge in law-enforcement visibility.

Because terrorism. Because mass shootings. Most simply, because guns.
Guns, many pols and gun-control enthusiasts will tell you, create calamity — nothing else — and the Second Amendment is an antiquated anomaly to be relegated to the already overflowing dustbin of constitutional rights.

These politicians will further exploit fear of The Next Tragedy to install new checkpoints, more scanners, appended means to verify identity, and additional TSA agents — already proven wholly ineffective, if not derelict — to molest, grope, and harass anyone daring to enter an airport.

Travel, they’ll say, is a dangerous affair — and must be policed accordingly.
No matter Santiago has been deemed mentally disturbed — one person, a lone shooter, who chose a divergent method for enmity — now that someone has undertaken a mass shooting in this manner, terrorists paid attention and gleaned fresh plans, they’ll say.

This snark is in no way reductive to the abhorrent nature of the indiscriminate shooting, nor to the mourning which indeed the country must now collectively experience; but right now is precisely the time for acute attentiveness — not fear-induced myopia as has become epidemic after such incidents.

A more rational response surprisingly came from one legislator, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Greg Steube, who is sponsoring a bill to eliminate gun-free zones in Florida — a necessary measure now that the state has experienced three horrific mass shootings.

“My first thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims,” Steube said Friday, quoted byUSA Today. “But this goes back to the fact why I’ve been working against gun-free zones for the past three years.

Gun-free zones don’t prevent criminals from breaking the law and killing innocent victims. All that law did was prevent law-abiding citizens who have a concealed-carry permit from carrying their firearm in defense of themselves and others.

While Steube’s thinking seems counterintuitive to those on a crusade to eliminate gun possession for everyone but law enforcement, Chicago — with the strictest gun control laws in the nation and more shooting deaths than New York City and Los Angeles, combined — proves the futility of the notion.

Stricture and prohibition spark black markets — if someone intends to do harm using a firearm, they will find it. That applies equally to all mass shooters — whether mentally unstable, paranoid xenophobe, or religious radical — if guns are the intended tool for an attack, oppressive gun laws only stop law-abiding civilians from killing whatever malicious wingnut next begins shooting random people in a crowd.

Tightening the reins on suffocating security procedures and positioning additional law enforcement officers in airports also won’t stop criminals of any motivation from discerning a creative method to thwart remaining deficiencies. These repeated clamp-downs only restrict our ability to travel freely — they aren’t preventing the next attack or quashing terrorism as politicians claim.

Fear is a potent manipulator — and the government counts on pulling the blindfold of dread over everyone’s eyes in the wake of catastrophe to erase yet another protected freedom from the Bill of Rights.

This time, don’t let it happen — don’t be fooled into obliging lawmakers whose only motive is to use death as a Police State weapon against all of us.

Claire Bernish writes for, where this article first appeared.

NB Commentary: Why Do We Blame Our Children? (Video)

When our youth carry on, act out, embarrass us and create chaos, 
why do we blame them?

Why do we lock them away, put them on time out, punish and discipline them as if it’s their fault? As adults, aren’t we responsible for the world they are born into? And if we don’t like the world they are born into, don’t we have the responsibility to change it?

No it ain’t easy… But blaming the victim ain’t right either.
When we have a child as the CEO of McDonald’s, Burger King, ExxonMobil, Apple, Tetris, ToysRUs, Signa, GE, Warner Bros., MSNBC, Time Warner, Disney, Dept. Of Education, CDC, DHS, ClearChannel, Google, YouTube, and a host of other operations that conspire against the health and well being of our children.. we cannot continue to blame them!

They are acting out because they were born into an environment that is not child friendly or child safe. They are born into an environment that sees children as fodder. They are born into an environment that counts them in their think tanks, not as collateral damage but the actual damage, the actual casualty of a real war. A war that guarantees they will act out, be sick, mentally deranged and eventually discarded as cast off  OR they will line up behind the conspiracy and perpetrate this same exact strategy of chaos, tension and death on their offspring until the entire planet is covered with decaying misguided destructive frequencies guarantying that the human mind and spirit will not rise up from the ashes but will be struck down for eternity. Hell is not under the earth. Hell is not after we die. Hell is right here on top of the earth and we create and recreate it every day for our children, who will grow up and do the same for theirs. We cannot continue to blame the children. We have to look in the mirror. Actually, we need to take that mirror of vanity down. We need to look at our creation. Our children.

We need to “SEE” them. We need to have compassion, empathy and understanding for them. We need to stop charging them with crimes when we allowed them to be born into a criminal society. We need to stop locking them up and in some cases throwing away the key in prison that we built just for them. We need to take the chains off their feet and out of their minds so they can thrive and be healthy.  We need to stop prostituting our children for consumption, avarice, greed and materialism and take them to the park and teach them about how a tree grows.

We need to change the role models they see that are destroying their own sense of self and understanding of the spiritual beings they are. We need to take them out of the religious institutions of brain washing and mind fuck and let them watch the sun rise. We need to honor their dreams and ask them to tell us what they are and help them understand them. We need to keep them away from all things harmful, including zoos, circuses, and amusement parks.
We need to teach them how to grow food, cook a meal, iron a shirt, clean a bathroom, pick a peach from a peach tree and manage their health.

We need to avoid all types of violence around them, including wars, road rage, cursing and violent video games. We need to throw away our televisions and monitor the amount of time they have on their digital devices.
We need to stop celebrating all holidays and create our own family and community gatherings. Any holidays that honor war, war criminals, injustice, pedophiles, and corruption should be avoided at all costs. We should teach them how to sweep the yard and sew their own clothes.

Why do we continually blame our youth for the shit they do and the chaos they cause, especially our pre-teens and teens? Why are we kicking them out of schools, writing statics with their recidivism in mind, arranging chairs in court rooms for their conviction and scientifically generating drugs for their intake?
Why do they rebel? They rebel because they realize that we are liars, fraudsters, fakes, perpetrators, perverts and unethical scum. They realize that we will continue to blame them and call them stupid for not abiding by the code of the destructive environment we have created for them.
How can we blame them, how can we fault them, how can we punish them? We are asking them to become the zombified skitzoid vampire that we have become being born into this environment. We are asking them to eat poison mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually and be as grateful as we are to have it. So they rebel, and they should.
They should fight the corruption they see around them. they have the courage to stand up to the injustice. They have the courage we lost when we conformed. They have the ability to see beyond the veil and beyond our hypocrisy and the flagrant lie we tell to ourselves each and every day. They are struggling to be sane in this very insane world run by delusional people who think it makes sense to poison the air, water and earth. They are struggling with how to be sane in an insane world that cannot see the connection between hypocrisy and the resulting torment, corruption, displacement and distortion that it creates.
They don’t want to do their homework or go outside and do something when they see their parents sit in the work place all day and come home and sit on the couch all night. They don’t want to listen to our demands and commands when we do not listen to theirs. And what is theirs you may ask??
They want to feel safe, they want to be protected they want to live freely, they want to expand their consciousness they want to explore their imagination and they want to have a world that is supportive and okay with that.
This world is not…. unless you live on some primitive island far from the commercial destruction of this planet. Otherwise, there is no place for them to feel safe. So they will give into the first law of nature, self preservation and fight overtly or covertly, but they will fight until they either die, or give in. What other option do they have when adults won’t take responsibility for what they have done to the Earth they brought their children into?

And on a side note, if we continue to vote into office openly corrupt people to lead us, we are driving a stake through the hearts of our children and we really have not right to blame them in any way.

Links Of Interest
How to Deal With Your Acting-Up Teenager: Practical Help for Desperate Parents  by Robert Bayard Ph.D. 
Neglect and emotional abuse are often not recognised in teenagers. Their behaviours may be interpreted by others as a lifestyle choice or ‘acting out’.
MOM: Typically, the more a parent clamps down, the more the child rebels. In adulthood, this can result in one of two extremes. One is that the kid remains in a state of rebellion into adulthood and has trouble making a successful life because of it. The other side we see is that when these rebellious kids become adults and have their own children they are very strict –probably overly strict– parents and it’s very hard for them to have a happy medium.
“Teen Drug Rehab and addiction treatment center, Good Future, delivers quality and sustaining results for your teenager. Good Future Teen Rehab treats drug abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse and other addictions. Good Future Teen Rehab accepts many insurances and treats teens from all parts of the USA at the center in Delray Fl.”
You’re free to use this song and monetize your video, but you must include the following in your video description:
Dream Culture by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Is Water Fluoridation Good for Dental Health? 8 Reasons Why Fluoride is Toxic to Teeth, the Environment, and You
Half of teens think they’re addicted to their smartphones
Teenager Acting Out – What to Do?
Good Future Teen Rehab
Neglect or emotional abuse in teenagers: Core info leaflet
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