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Archive for the ‘computer’ Category

Modern Technology, A Blessing or Curse for the Youth of This Modern Age

Children today are rather keen and determined about their media gadgets. Two weeks ago, I introduced my Anisa Joseph – Amma Tacheampong to Gummy Bear. Now her older brother, Kwesi, who is now 10 years old introduced me to Gummy Bear. This was several years ago, maybe he was about 4 or 5 years old. At that time he was confined to the computer. He did not have his own cell phone and sat for hours watching Gummy bear playlist I made for him on YouTube. Now, forward to 5-6 years later and cell phones have become small computers that can connect through wifi to the internet, whether it makes calls or not. So, instead of throwing your cell phone away, it can become an alternate computer. But who guessed it would create such a ruckus with the little ones who not only know how to watch it, but know how to manipulate the touch screen, navigate to the movies they want on Netflix, or YouTube and stare at that tiny screen for hours upon hours.

This is exactly what my granddaughter does. She has our discarded cell phones and uses them to surf the net for movies she wishes to watch. And I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t mention that she will throw a tantrum if you don’t give her a phone. She does understand that the phone dies when the charge is all gone, she also has come to understand that she can only use her phone, not anyone else’s. That was a tough one, cause we had to learn that too. If you put it in her hands just to show her something, she will NOT LET YOU TAKE IT BACK!

Fortunately, she rarely watches movies that are not suitable for her to watch, she has her own account on Netflix and knows exactly how to access it in order to watch the movies that are for children her age.

I don’t get a chance to post all the movies and pics and stories I have of her, but I had to stop whatever I was doing and post this one. SMDH…….. LIttle people know their way around this technology better than most people over 40. They are growing up with this technology and leaving the old stuff behind.

Anisa doesn’t know how to use a standard mouse, but she certainly knows how to use her little finger on a touch screen to navigate her way around the internet. I don’t know, part of me is really really worried about this, and another part of me is amazed at how smart she is. She will be having her 3rd birthday June 11, 2014.


Anisa and her gadgets. She is proficient at using the Kindle and her Cell phone to navigate the Netflix videos and Youtube videos. She knows how to click on the app that she wants to work with. From the photo gallery; to watching videos of herself, to playing music, especially the silly ringtones; to Netflix account that has videos for her, and she knows how to go to Youtube and click on videos she would like to watch.
She does this for hours until the charge goes on the kindle or phone. Fortunately she has been watching appropriate videos. And BTW, she loves Dora!!!
Anyway, I am not sure if she is going to be quite vain or not. All I know is that I was in my 40’s before I saw a video of myself and it was weird watching myself. She watches videos of herself from age 5 months to now, she will be 3 years old, June 11, 2014

The jury is still out on this one for me. Mainly because of how much time I spend on my computer and interacting with social media. My granddaughter is 3 years old, she has been using cell phone since she was a little younger than 2years of age, maybe younger. 

I am amazed at her abilities. Everyone around her has a gadget. Her older brother would use the Kindle and she would mimic his way of using it. He didn’t really have to show her, she would watch him. He would find games and movies on the Kindle and she did it too. 

She will be 3 years old come June 11. She is still intrigued by nature and her surroundings, and will play in the yard for hours, but her older brother, well, he would rather play with his gadgets. We shall see if the gadgets will totally consume her as she gets older. 

PC Helpdesk Services

Don’t Know Where To Start Won’t Start Moves
Too Slowly Does Not Follow Directions  Lost Files
Can’t Find Files   Programs Don’t Run Properly 
Hardware Configuration ConflictsComputer Phobia
Difficulty Understanding Basic Commands & Terms

Overall Frustration With Deep Desire
to Destroy the Animal!!

Before you do anything drastic, Call Nana 

First Time Set Up For Newbies      
 Tutorial Services    Basic Program Utilization    Maintenance
Trouble Shooting    Desk Top & Web Publishing     Consultations
Additional Technical Support        Computer Sales and Repairs
In this day and age, it really is the only way to travel, but you won’t get no where if you get the machine and don’t know what to do after you turn it on.  That is where I come in.  Because I had to learn how, I did, and I am proud to say, you would be most please with my services.    In order to keep up with the fast pace of the world of computer technology, often times the basics get loss in the shuffle, but it is those basics that can determine whether or not you are able to put the purchase of your computer to good use.
  1. Got a New Machine?
  2. Uncertain about what to do Next?
  3. Given up on your machine?
  4. Just need Some Tips & Clues?
  5. Want to work more efficiently and effectively on your computer?

Looking for someone who can bypass the techy talk and tell you how it is??
Need someone to just get you through the basics?
Need a website, blog, or email setup?

Where do I start?
Can’t find the power button?
What’s a monitor, mouse, keyboard, webcam, gadgets, apps, hotkeys?
Where’s my Stuff?
How do I get on line?
How do I search google?
What’s a browser?
What’s Social Media?
What’s an upgrade, error?
Do I need Anit-virus?
What’s the difference between software and hardware?
What is Wifi?
Why won’t it start?
The “blue screen of death”?????

Just got a new computer and asking yourself, WTH?

Computers can be hard and scary. Let’s talk basic maintenance. 
Computers can last a long time if they are properly maintained. 
Call Nana