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The Laughable Idea that Cosby would Change the Stereotypes of Blacks if He Had a Network!

The Laughable Idea that Cosby would Change the Stereotypes of Blacks if He Had a Network!

by Nana Baakan  Jan. 14, 2016

Why do people think that if Bill Cosby had NBC that would make him more powerful. Come on Folks!! NBC????
Irritated Genie on Bill Cosby & NBC
What makes folks think that that is power? And what makes people think that if he got it and did all that stuff that folks think the Powers that Be don’t want him to do, that he would be successful? A take down is a take down and they don’t care what kind of Psuedo power you have. Besides, it’s commerce… people really don’t have a clue how this shithole works when it comes to fame, money, fame, money, politics, fame, money and corruption…
Even Ruppert Murdock has some running competition and he owns a bunch of media. Don’t get it twisted folks. Cosby would have to be in a whole other league to be untouchable. Perhaps create his own TV Network? Perhaps, but buying NBC is so laughable and people keep saying this over and over.
His power days have long since been gone. And when he had it, that was the time to really do something for the Black Community.
If they really wanted to shake him down, they would have “allowed” the buy out and then expose him to the world, what better way to pull the rug out from under him.
Cosby said “No” to somebody, and that did not go over well. So they launched a well hidden campaign to defame him in the eyes of the masses. This campaign has been hidden for some time, and held on to, for just the right moment and then, boom to the moon!
 Okay, for the sake of argument, let’s say that the conjecture that Cosby was gonna change the stereotypes of blacks in the media and that it was gonna make a big difference int he black community and that this difference was gonna scare white folks so much so they had to take Cosby down. Let’s just say you might have a point.
Let’s take a look at reality. If all it took was righteous examples of Black Folks in the media to change things around, how come there are hardly any, no where? Is everyone who comes up with the idea being threatened with a take down?
No, in fact Spike Lee did his fair share of changing that image and you see what happened to him right? I ain’t just talking about what the elite did to him. I am talking about what Black Folks did to him.
Black folks support shows that are very stereotypical. They support the rap artists

that talk about bitches and hoes and gangsters and drugs. They watch BET and the TV shows. And the MEDIA knows that!! Black folks participate quite handsomely in their own demise.

Look at the food we eat, the music we listen to, the TV shows we watch. If there was no market for it, then it would not sell and they would have stopped portraying Black folks like that a long time ago.
So the idea that Cosby was gonna do ANYTHING is laughable, because Black folks would soon tire of a zillion Cosby Shows and Fat Alberts. And we have to face that fact. If it were not for Blacks spending their money on the things that destroy them, there would be no market for the stereotypes. Cosby would soon have to fold because nobody would be watching his boring, tired, unexciting network full of do-gooder black folks, going to college and having their own businesses, being respectful to each other and helping the homeless. GIVE ME A BREAK! That network would fold in 6 months for lack of advertisement sales and viewers. Let’s be serious.
People wanna see muck, mire, debauchery, crime, punishment, illicit sex, scandal, corruption, etc. That is why it sells. Do you think Oprah is living high off the hog with her whining and crying Network?? Heck no, she don’t care now cause she don’t need the money!! LOL
Black folks need to stop being apologists for Cosby and open their eyes. It’s a rabbit hole and it’s way deeper than you think.

As far as the Media is concerned, Blacks have got to stop blaming the white man for their depictions of stereotypes! If you don’t like it, don’t buy it, don’t buy their music, don’t buy their fashion and cosmetic lines, don’t support any artists who are not uplifting and liberating the Black community. Don’t support businesses that do not support the Black community. Don’t go to their institutions of learning and stay the hell out of their jails.

Blacks complain and complain about White Supremacy in one breath and support the Machine in the next. That is why the idea is laughable because the Machine knows that the majority of Black folks would not support a Network that wasn’t catering to the lowest most defiled images of Black Folks, they know that and that is why they are rich because of it.

We really gotta wake up to what is happening and take responsibility for our actions and stop blaming the white man!