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Archive for the ‘crime’ Category

Obama’s Birth Certicate (Videos)

Obama’s Birth Certificate
NB Commentary: The resurgence of this issue is a smoke screen, everybody already knows that the certificate is a fraud at worse and has been tampered with at best! That’s why he had to kill Osama bin Laden again to cover it up.
This is a distraction away from PizzaGate and pedophilia which is a much more heinous crime and is world wide and goes all the way to the top.
Frankly, these folks will throw Obama under the bus if it means saving their asses from being exposed as part of a worldwide pedophile ring.
It’s classic bate and switch.

How many times have the issues and concerns around child trafficking and pedophilia and Satanic ritual abuse been presented to the public, and as soon as the debate and investigations reach a fever pitch, out comes some other distraction to steer the crowd onto another topic of interest.
They spent a great deal of time side tracking the Podesta emails. Election fraud, fake news, Russian Hackers, China’s gearing up, protests against Trump’s election, and now, the infamous birther issue which ironically, Trump brought to the forefront of the American people’s mind, then he dismissed it and now it’s back up again.

What will he say? Is this still another ploy to discredit Trump and question his integrity?
Or, like always, is this just another decoy, to steer the publics’ attention from the despicable corruption that is intrinsic in the offices of world government and the Vatican.
Again, every body already knows that the certificate is illegitimate for the simple fact that it has been tampered with. If you or I tampered with our birth certificate we would be in big trouble, right? It would quickly delegitimize us and forget about that great job offer!
Nobody has time to impeach him and reverse all of his laws and executive orders he put in place. He will slide right out of view, just like Bush, and will probably be pardoned like Bush was too if they do find anything on him. These war criminals look out for their own.
It is obvious that Obama and Hillary are of no use to the Powers that Shouldn’t be.

So yeah, this is mute and really no big deal unless they want to derail it by pushing the red button.

 Malik Obama interviewed by Director Joel Gilbert (Dreams from My Real Father)

Malik Obama interviewed by Director Joel Gilbert (Dreams from My Real Father) Videos

NB Commentary: There’s a certain glue that African families have. It also can be seen in other indigenous families and other families that do not purport the Nuclear family option as opposed to the extended family option.

African people from my experience are very passionate about their families ties and when a member of the family dies they are very, very heart broken. If they do not live where their family member lives or are unable to go there, they will mourn for days and days and days.
The family members no matter how rich or poor will do so much to get that person buried, particularly if they are an elder. The respect they have for their elders is very, very high. (Comments continued below the video)

Malik Obama interviewed by Director Joel Gilbert 

(Dreams from My Real Father)

 Malik Obama interviewed by Director Joel Gilbert 
(Dreams from My Real Father) 
In an industrialize nation it may be hard to understand this sentiment, but in some cases, the Aunt in Africa is like your other Mother, she cares for you like you are born from her. In Ghana, your Uncle is your father in the same way.
So, knowing what I know about Africa, how they feel about families and especially about the death of an elder in the family, I can understand Malik Obama expressing himself the way he does. He is hurt in a way we cannot understand in the west because our culture does not strengthen family ties, it does not encourage extended families and most often both parents are away working, and the children are not raised by the elders they are raised by daycare and teachers.

It probably cost $20k to move his Aunt’s body from the US to Kenya. All the preparations that would have to take place for them to gather her remains and then send them via airlines to Kenya and then to have her burial take place there.
I can assure you that when her body did arrive, they felt the grief as if it were yesterday even though it was weeks after she died. That’s just how they are.
I am sure that there was a time with all peoples across the globe, when humans were less materialistic and capitalistic, that they mourned their family members similarly, but today, the chasm between the way indigenous people feel about their families has broaden extensively.

The notion of extended families, polygamy, eldership are slowly wearing away as the industrialized world removes these ties and sentiments and replace them with the attrition of things, wealth, and notoriety.  Human life and even the Earth itself seems to have lost its value and purpose. Wars are waged with no consideration of the innocents and families devastated by it. Powerful governments walk over families, homes and infrastructure like Godzilla and leaving disaster in its wake does not stir the heart of this beast.

Watching Malik Obama, I could see that he has much pain in his heart. I can only imagine what it must feel like to even consider that he, his family, his village and his country could have possibly been used for a hidden agenda that propelled Barack Obama into the White House in 2008.

 Exclusive: Obama’s Biggest Secrets Released 
DISCLAIMER: I am posting this video for the information it entails. I do not support Alex Jones, in fact he annoys the hell out of me because he’s always interrutping his guests, however, Joel Gilbert is an investigative reporter and he expresses some very, intersting facts. So if you can’t tolerate Jones, skip forward, and remember, I WARNED YOU!!!
The Associated Press Misrepresents Again on Obama Birth Certificate
Phoenix sheriff: President Obama`s birth certificate is Fake after 5 year investigation
12/16/2016, 10:41 PM – Source:
Obama’s Biggest Secrets Released

What’s Happening with Hillary Clinton’s Health? Ask A Psychic.

NB Commentary: There has been a lot of speculation around Hillary Rodham Clinton’s health lately. It seems the news is abuzz with the prospect that she might be seriously ill. So I decided that I would consult the I Ching Oracle because doing that seems to bring all things into perspective. The video is the first one in the following playlist, but you will get an idea of what the Oracle gave me. It provided a very indepth perspective on what is going on with her health, along with what to expect as she proceeds forward with this campaign. She will have to beat Trump and she won’t be able to do it while sitting down on pillows or being held up by two body guards.

For those of you who want this woman to reign over the US Empire, I suggest that you strongly encourage her Doctors to get on her health ASAP and give her the much needed assistance she needs because, frankly, according to the readings, she is not well and may not be able to withstand the rigors of the next few months of campaigning, not to mention 4 years of being the president of the USA.
It may be a big deal having a “Woman” in the white house, I see that, but you want a healthy strong and capable “Woman” in the white house who can withstand the rigors that that job entails.
Hillary will be 70 years old when she reaches that pinnacle of “so-called” success and she will go down in history for being the first “Woman” selected to be president of the US, but she will also be the first “Woman” to take a serious nose dive if she is not assisted, immediately. Frankly, at her age and with her list of ailments, she really may not have much recourse as far as medical assistance. It’s not to late to save her life, it’s just not going to save her if she becomes President of the US.

Of course we have had other Presidents who were propped up, Reagan, Roosevelt, Truman, and maybe others, but at least they were all men! and they were not the first “men.” If folks are looking for a shot in the arm, an adrenalin rush, something to brag about, etc. well, that won’t last long at the rate she is going. Best to wrap her in your arms and run to safety cause she is no “Barack Hussein Obama” shooting hops on the basketball court and playing golf. Even without any health issues, she is not “physically” fit to take on the rigors. Does she even work out?? LOL

Well, enjoy the playlist and by all means feel free to leave your comments.

What’s Happening with Hillary Clinton’s Health? Ask A Psychic.

“….Mrs. Clinton took umbrage at the idea that rival Senator Bernie Sanders “would characterize me, a woman running to be the first woman president, as exemplifying the establishment.”
If she is on an anticoagulant indefinitely, she does have a deep-seated problem; however, if she is nominated she will run, even it means death. Killary Rotten Benghazi Clinton is nearing the end of the trail, but only death or the legal system will stop her.
“With the collusion of the media at large FDR was elected 4 times while suffering from a terminal illness that eventually killed him while in office, almost leading to a Constitutional crisis as Elanore (who is not in the Constitutional chain of command) bacially took over running the Oval office in the last months before he died.”
WASHINGTON — People who run for president have to have a screw loose, Hillary Rodham Clinton said in an interview on Wednesday.

“Well, you have to be a little bit crazy to run for president, let me just put it like that, because you have to be so totally immersed and so convinced that you can bring something to that office,” she told Gwen Ifill on PBS’ “NewsHour.”

Hillary’s ambition is to be the first female POTUS. She doesn’t care if she lives past day two of her reign because she will go down in the history books as the first woman president.
“Fame is fleeting but obscurity is forever.” N.Bonaparte
Time to celebrate Hillary Clinton’s victory (and get ready for the backlash)
“….Mrs. Clinton took umbrage at the idea that rival Senator Bernie Sanders “would characterize me, a woman running to be the first woman president, as exemplifying the establishment.”


If she is on an anticoagulant indefinitely, she does have a deep-seated problem; however, if she is nominated she will run, even it means death. Killary Rotten Benghazi Clinton is nearing the end of the trail, but only death or the legal system will stop her.
“With the collusion of the media at large FDR was elected 4 times while suffering from a terminal illness that eventually killed him while in office, almost leading to a Constitutional crisis as Elanore (who is not in the Constitutional chain of command) bacially took over running the Oval office in the last months before he died.”
Hillary’s ambition is to be the first female POTUS. She doesn’t care if she lives past day two of her reign because she will go down in the history books as the first woman president.
“Fame is fleeting but obscurity is forever.” N.Bonaparte
Time to celebrate Hillary Clinton’s victory (and get ready for the backlash)
For Hillary Supporters:
It does not matter whether the classification was a high or low level one. You simply cannot include any classified information on an unclassified system. To do so is a violation of law. It does not matter if, in your opinion, whether or not he material should have been classified, or was over-classified. Clinton could have declassified it following standard procedures but did not do so (see, because you can retroactively classify something, you can also retroactively declassify something.)
But what is most significant here is that Clinton lied. Stone cold lied. There was marked classified on her unclassified server. And that does matter.

Clinton’s doctor reiterated those claims this week — in response to fake medical records that surfaced on the internet — saying yet again Clinton is in “excellent” condition to be president. Right now, there’s no compelling reason to think otherwise.
What Clinton has said about her health
Most campaigns tend to release letters from physicians who have examined the candidates. Clinton’s doctor released a letter in July 2015 detailing Clinton’s medical record, family history, medications, and recent examinations. The letter found that while Clinton has hypothyroidism and seasonal allergies, she is in “excellent physical condition and fit to serve as president of the United States.”
Clinton Scandals
Hillary Clinton’s ‘Entangled’ Foreign Policy
Is Hillary fit to be POTUS?
Voting for Hillary? You May Want to Recall the Clinton Body Count
Arkansas Connections
Clinton stories most of the media didn’t cover 
Soros has spent or committed more than $13 million to support Hillary Clinton and other Democrats this election cycle

Unbelievable: Media Allowed To Ransack Crime Scene At San Bernardino Shooters’ Apartment

NB Commentary

I have been hesitant to be drawn into this alleged crime/false flag/hoax for the past few days as I do believe that  a crime certainly had been committed and possibly several crimes to be sure but then the information came across my desk and this video is so compelling I had to share it and comment.
7 Things I learned today.
  1. The suspects were handcuffed and drug out of the back of the SUV. Now how is that possible if they were supposedly shooting at the police while driving. See video report with family’s lawyer who made this startling statement.
  2. The video of the company party was taken the night before, yet the MSM broadcast it as if it was the company party that got stormed the day of the Event.
  3. The woman was photographed lying on the ground dressed in a short skirt and not full body armor.
  4. The number of suspects went down from 3 men to 2 people, a woman and a man but how is it that they could not tell that one of the attackers was a woman?
  5. There were two possibly 3 crime scenes
  6. The word “revenue” on the woman’s official ID card was misspelled. Now they changed her name when they realized that the name they were using wasn’t a typical Arabic name for a female, and some even quible about how “Farook” is spelled, citing that the a”Q” should have been used if it were authentic. But the misspelled word is more damning, as I do know folks who will spell their name differently just to keep the confusion down to a minimum. See here.
  7. And then there’s Melissa’s video and that is what took me to the point of writing my commentary. 
The Alleged Female Assailant
Her Alleged Work ID card
I am not quite sure why there have been so many mass shootings during Obama’s Presidency. I do know that it is certainly giving me a headache and making me very, very sad.

Some say it’s gun control, but like I cited in my other blog, he is really the biggest gun salesman of all time, cause as soon as he threatens more control, folks run out and buy more guns. I am not too sure how that is going to keep guns out of the hands of the masses, particularly when they are even more scared than they were yesterday. Add a few terrorist into the mix and you have a recipe for disaster.

I do believe however, that it is a smoke screen to cover up the debacle that the Middle East has become for NATO and its most powerful military force, the USA. I am not cheering Putin for his aggression in Syria, while I do understand the geopolitical nature of his involvement, but I always think about the people on the ground, something that most people seem to forget. The want Putin to tear it up over there and get it over with. Meanwhile, more and more refugees will be fleeing Syria for surely Russia’s tactical team is precise. Now they are paying Turkey and some African countries to keep them in their borders.
I have seen what refugee camps look like, and if there is any hope that the money that will be doled out to maintain will be used to improve their lives, I personally think is a huge stretch of the imagination. But at least the European countries won’t have to worry about the refugees coming into their borders, to hell with what happens to them after that.
Unbelievable: Media Allowed To Ransack Crime Scene At San Bernardino Shooters’ Apartment
DECEMBER 5, 2015
Just in case you weren’t sure, the dog is definitely being wagged in San Bernardino. How do you know something is fake? A reporter stages a baby crib at the crime scene. When you hear someone say it’s unbelievable, sometimes it’s because it literally cannot be believed.