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Archive for the ‘idealist’ Category

Are You Voting For Trump? (Video)

The rabbit hole is so deep we are going to end up in China.
I have a question for the Trump Voters. Can you tell me what happened to the Occupy Movement? Last I heard, wasn’t there a big chasm between the Middle Class and the 1% and an even bigger chasm between the 1% and the poor. How is it possible that people actually believe that a Billionaire, has a heart for the common man. Maybe it’s the Oprah’s of the world, the Bill Gates and the JayZ’s that have pulled this trick on the masses.
I think that it is extremely interesting that “Trump” a Billionaire has so many folks following him. If you ask me that is key in showing how duped the American voters are. Trump is part of the 1%, how did it happen that folks believe he will look out for the middle class and the poor. In order to be a Billionaire you have had to rub elbows with the elite. Where are his donations to causes for human rights and social justice? Where is his track record of reaching out to others. Oh yeah, he’s given jobs to many some say, but seriously, he is still a Billionaire, and if folks are having trouble with the elite, and if they feel that the 1% sees the rest of us as useless eaters, why on God’s green earth would they vote into office a 1%ter? It boggles my mind that folks would trust him. 
Before he ran, folks were talking about his extravagance and luxurious behavior and how he bought a whole island for him to be buried in. 
There was all this controversy and finger pointing at the Bush Administration when he had the most wealthy people in his administration than any other president. And last I heard, many of the Congressmen and women are millionaires themselves. How is it possible that he would not have access to even more bribes, and money laundering and back-room deals than any of the other elite so-called representatives in Congress.
Just because he could fund his own campaign does not tell us that he does not act and think like an elitist, quite the contrary. I find it interesting that this point is not brought up at all, it is as if the American voter has no memory, at all.
This election is a train wreck, but even more unfortunate, the American voter is happily going along for the ride.
You can say I’m a hater, but I’m just saying. This is blatant cognitive dissonance if you ask me.
 More Reading:
TRUMP supporters are, perhaps, the only group of voters in America’s history who have been so viciously and consistently maligned, and in such a coordinated manner, by both political parties.
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