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Archive for the ‘depopulation’ Category

The Agenda, Homosexuality, Genocide or Population Control

NB Commentary: Nana’s Rants Blog are my feelings and thoughts around certain subjects. In some of them I will post  videos and links to support and/or to counter my positions. These Rants are my reactions to certain topics as it relates to current events, etc.
In this one, I wish to tackle the “Homosexual Agenda” as is being purported by many who feel that there is a Depopulation Agenda using Homosexuality at its helm. To me there are so many other more serious indicators that suggest that there is an agenda to depopulate the so-called over populated planet but to point a finger at the Homosexual Lifestyle as the key generator of this idea is spurious to me. It suggests that there is little or no understanding of the individual homosexual as well as little to no understanding of the homosexual life style.
People tend to focus on the “sex” act between a male and a female as the only way to pro-create yet they are limited in their knowledge of the various nuances that even this type of sex has as to whether or not a child will come from this union. They seem to be oblivious to the many failed attempts or no attempts at all to have children and would rather point a finger at the same sex relationship as the primary culprit for the decrease or possible depopulation of the entire human species. The other variables that effect fertility in the human population are ignored or glossed over, and particularly when those who are the standard barers of this tripe, themselves have only one, two or no children themselves. I suggest that those who fear depopulation should have more and more children to augment the advance of the annihilation of mankind on this planet. That way they can make up for the perceived loss of people to populate this planet through same sex relationships, that in their minds, bare no children.     

These ART data are a rich source of information that can give potential ART users an idea of their average chances of success per ART cycle or ART transfer.  Average chances, however, do not necessarily apply to a particular individual or couple.

ART success rates vary in the context of patient and treatment characteristics, such as age, infertility diagnosis, number of embryos transferred, type of ART procedure, use of techniques such as ICSI, and history of previous births, miscarriages, and ART cycles.  People considering ART should consult a physician to discuss their treatment options.

I agree that there is certainly an agenda to depopulate the world, but populations among Europeans and/or developing countries,  have been on a steady decline since the 1970’s and not due to folks being homosexual. With the advent of the feminist movement, women have been hoisted out of the home and into the mainstream job market. These women who are upwardly mobile, tend to delay having children to late in life, or none at all. Those who do have children are subjected to the rat race of dragging their children from home to school to day care, each and every day of their lives if they chose to have a career. This burden in and of itself has been arrested by many families by having fewer to no children at all. There are many economic factors to consider when having children that seem exacerbated in the Industrial world. This also becomes another deterrent for people to have children. The argument that Homosexuals are causing depopulation is a bit misplaced and somewhat unfair, as if they should carry their weight to keep the world population going, and not consider the same deterrents that those who are heterosexual face each and every day. On the other hand, many homosexuals are doing their part and having children and even adopting children that heterosexual couples, families and individuals admit to adoption agencies.

In the period from the 1950s to the 1980s, concerns about global population growth and its effects on povertyenvironmental degradation and political stability led to efforts to reduce human population growth rates. While population planning can involve measures that improve people’s lives by giving them greater control of their reproduction, a few programs, most notably the Chinese government’s “one-child policy“, have resorted to coercive measures.

Homosexuality has been around as long as there has been humans. Decrease in populations among Europeans is due to the propaganda that the best size for a family is 2.25 children. Not that you can have a fraction of a child but I’m just saying. Thus the advance of prophylactics and various other birth control formulas to keep the population under control. As a result, Industrialized Western/European nations are having a minus birth rate while the other so-called underdeveloped countries continue to grow. Nations that are not Western, and in particular Cultures that see their children as their posterity continue to have children and sometimes, it has been slated, at an alarming rate, yet these cultures have homosexuals in them.
China is a great example of overpopulation to the point where they had to, under pressure, make laws preventing couples from having more than one child.
In war torn countries, they continue to have children to replenish their population and impoverished countries do the same. The depopulation agenda in these countries IS NOT HOMOSEXUALITY  but has a different face, and is implemented through war, vaccines laced with birth control, disease, pestilence and corrupt governments. Infant mortality is high in these countries and yet, I am sure there are homosexuals there as well.

The following excerpt was taken from an outline of a Government Project: The Wildlands Project.

…Humanity must drastically scale down its industrial activities on Earth, change its consumption lifestyles, stabilize and then reduce the size of the human population by humane means, and protect and restore wild ecosystems and the remaining wildlife on the planet.”The Wildlands ProjectThe Tartars had the idea of infecting the enemy by catapulting bodies infected with bubonic plague over the walls of the city of Kaffa. Some historians believe that this event was the cause of the epidemic of plague that swept across medieval Europe killing 25 million.

Over population propaganda resulted in more and more people in the middle and upper classes choosing to have fewer and fewer children, or maybe opting out of bearing children at all. This fact cannot be blamed on the homosexual agenda. Homosexuals bear and raise children. I don’t have the statistics, but I think that folks who do not know the homosexual community make a very erroneous statement when they equate population control with homosexuality or a homosexual agenda. It may be against your religion but honestly, unless a homosexual has a sex change,,, and even that’s stretching it, being homosexual does not stop you from the DESIRE to bear or have children.  Many choose to have children either through conception with the opposite sex, fertility clinics, turkey basters, surrogate mothers, adoptions and caring for foster children. I have experienced homosexuals do all of the above.
The other thing that is missed is that sometimes folks don’t even come out as gay or homosexual or even trans-gendered until they have taken the heterosexual way of life, settled down in marriages and had children and then realize they are gay. Even after this realization with all the hatred and bigotry going around against gays they may stay in the heterosexual lifestyle until they simply cannot lie to themselves anymore. This may be after several marriages, relationships and/or children. It galls me to use Caitlyn Jenner as an example but for the sake of argument, I must.

In no way can a Homosexual Agenda make anyone who is not inclined towards homosexuality, become homosexual.  In fact this Agenda, may make people more accepting of those who are different in the way they express their capacity to love.
For those who argue that our children are being subjected to this lifestyle at a very young age, I would suggest that our children are being subjected to being sexualized and commercialized at a very young age. To me that is more exploitive than showing them people who are gay.
All too often the homosexual has had to live in a dark closet of fear and trepidation. They have been ostracized from mainstream society and have had to live a lie for a large portion of their lives in some cases. The resulting suicides, drug use, nefarious behaviors, criminal activities etc. are all smoke screens for the deeper issues around fear of and actual rejection of the human being. Homosexuals have been raped, killed, tortured, fired, ostracized, humiliated, damned and relegated to hell fire. Who in their right mind would want to be homosexual in such an unwelcoming society? It is an act of bravery on anyone’s

Aisha & Danielle

part who is gay or trans-gendered to speak their truth in such a hostile environment. Knowing how difficult it is for someone who is same sex oriented to speak out, imagine how much more difficult it must be for someone who is heterosexual to openly choose that lifestyle knowing what they have said, done or co-signed when it comes to gay bashing. My point is, how can seeing more gays on TV and in the media make anyone want to be gay when they know in the “real world” the bigotry exists and has persisted even in their own behaviors towards the homosexual community.

For the first time, the online companion to the preeminent black women’s periodical Essence magazine, will feature a lesbian couple in its “Bridal Bliss” section. Aisha and Danielle Moodie-Mills will be the first lesbian couple to have their love story and wedding photos featured on the site.

Homosexuality has been rampant in Hollywood, the Catholic Church, the Christian Church, the Entertainment industry, and even politics but was underground. Here is where people and many of them children, were being molested and taken advantage of. It was well known in the circles about who was “gay” and what they were doing. Most folks looked the other way, as they were protected societies. But how did the “Homosexual Agenda” foster depopulation in these communities? Especially in the Catholic communities where it was outwardly viewed with disdain as an abomination, and parishioners were extolled against using birth control.

For many of the couples Allen consults, having a family means going up against the traditional ideals of the conservative black church, Georgia’s anti-LGBT laws, and a cultural bias that criminalizes non-heteronormative behavior. But the idea of what constitutes a “normal” family — and who has the right to define that — is increasingly up for challenge in this country. Even in the red state of Georgia.

Preston, however, is proof that the human desire for family, to nurture a child and provide a loving household, does not discriminate based on sexual orientation.“We want babies like you want babies,” Allen says. “Your life is no different from mine. I just don’t have a husband; I have a wife.”

I do understand the aim of social engineering. However, I believe that what is happening with the presence and open exhibition of the gay lifestyle is exploitive more so than condoning. When I look at what is presented in the Media, I DO NOT  see true stories of the average LGBT lifestyle. I see exploitation, distortion, make-believe and fantasy. Maybe that, like so many others, is done for the views, but it certainly is not reality.

Back in the 70’s there was a slew of what we coined as Black-Exploitation films in the media. They did not depict the average black person here in America. I sincerely doubt if they even help folks to appreciate Blacks, quite the contrary. So, in essence these media demonstrations don’t help folks to get to know the LGBT community but portray a false narrative of what it is like.

Family Pride Network’s mission is to connect and support LGBT families and prospective parents through social events, educational programs, and professional resources.

If you want to site instances of experiments and the infiltration into the water systems and food, a hormone that would turn men gay, then I would ask, how does that work when women are drinking and eating the same water and foods? Do the women become more female???

When People work from their fear center, they do not use their common sense, and that is why this hype about a homosexual agenda sounds frivolous to me. The actual facts show that people cannot be turned gay when they are heterosexual.  With all the angst against homosexuals, especially male homosexuals, I find it striking that folks would fear them and or feel threatened by them, when they are one of the most denigrated factions of society. I do agree that there is a Homosexual Agenda, and that agenda, like every other agenda, is exploitation divide and conquer and follows the platform of most religious and political parties. Folks have to have or find something to fight over or against.
If you or anyone you know has had any children over the past several decades, I would say that having them whether you are gay or not is a tremendous challenge as well as a burden in a world where their mind body and soul are being attacked on all sides. Western cultures are not child-friendly so to me, anyone who has a child in this day and age is bringing that child into a hostile non-sustainable environment. And at the rate the Western world is going.. it is not leaving much behind for its children except death, destruction and debt.

Nevertheless, human beings are given to the urge to mate and pro-create.  That is a universal urge, whether you are straight or gay. It falls like dust on all of us. Some of us will go ahead and have children, some of us will not, but to say there is a “Homosexual Agenda” cloaking a depopulation agenda, is queer as a three dollar bill in my estimation. When I look around at the environment we live in, industrialization, corporations, capitalism, big Pharma, Military Industrial Complex, GMO’s, pollution, Geo-Engineering, Deforestation, Racism, poverty, vaccines, militarized epidemics, mind control, Fast Foods, Shadow/Corrupt governments, Big Agri, etc., etc., etc., all or in part will have a much bigger impact on population than a few homosexuals who do not have any children.
FINAL NOTE: For those of you who feel that someone may become gay from watching gay people on TV, in the movies and in the media, I am here to set your mind at ease. Homosexuality is not a virus. You can not catch it from walking with, talking to, sitting beside, breathing the same air or riding on the same bus with someone who is gay. It is not airborne, nor is it a deadly pathogen. It cannot be weaponized, nor vaccinated against. It can not be distributed worldwide in aerosols sprayed from military aircraft. And while they may experiment with putting the gay gene into frogs, the fear that you may “turn” gay and grow a penis or vagina should be quelled immediately, since you ain’t no frog.  It is not sold on the Black Market or dark street corners. It’s not disguised as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny (although there may be a homosexual individual wearing these costumes). Additionally, it cannot be washed out, stamped out, eradicated or stripped from your DNA. If your fear is that they will be damned to hell, then be thankful that you won’t be on the same side of hell with them.
If anyone fears catching gay-itis, I suggest you look deep into your heart and into your dreams to find what secrets you harbor there.
To Those who accept your sexuality without hesitation, I applaud you, because there are those who are deathly afraid of you and they are armed with ignorance and may be extremely dangerous, so pick your battle and be sure to pick your friends and associates wisely.
MenWeb – Men’s Issues: Gays: Guardians of the Gate Interview with …
Malidoma Somé recognizes that he learned more through his initiation as a … also touches on what has become known here as the “gay” or “homosexual” issue.

Gay Ugandan King Proves that Homosexuality is Africa

By         January 30, 2014 09:39 GMT

Homosexuality BEGAN in Africa?!?!?!?

So… A UK newspaper is laying out what they deem as irrefutable evidence that homosexuality BEGAN in Africa and it was colonialism that brought in the homophobia concept…not the other way around.

They even went so far as to provide a pic of the first “Queen”.. “Ugandan King Mwanga II was widely reported to have engaged in sexual relations with his male subjects…”

According to the report, a commonly cited reason for maintaining, or expanding, criminalisation of homosexuality nowadays, is that homosexuality is “un-African” or, in other words, a foreign phenomenon.
The research, however, showed that throughout Africa’s history homosexuality has been a “consistent and logical feature of African societies and belief systems”, and that Uganda’s laws criminalising homosexuality originates entirely from legislations introduced by the British colonial administration in 1902 and 1950.”
I wonder how the Brothers who insist homosexuality began in Rome will take this bit of news? Call it Conspiracy? I must admit.. As a scholar of African studies I never heard of this dude either. And for them to have a pic of ol’ it seems mighty convenient… But there is also the fact that Blacks are known for dismissing and sweeping homosexuality under the rug and keeping away from public knowledge.
SIDE NOTE: To all the brothers upset about this. Do the due diligence. Do the research. And ask your self THIS. If homosexuality DID exist in the motherland… That would mean your homophobia and intolerance is a European construct, and going by what we know of Europeans, that wouldn’t be a far fetched theory. It would prove we were also brainwashed in this area, along with religion, skin color and everything else we follow the European ideal about. This calls for research and a mirror Black man.

read the full story here