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Trump is the Anti-Obama, Just Like Obama Was the Anti-Bush (But It’s All a Con Game)

Trump is the Anti-Obama, Just Like Obama Was the Anti-Bush (But It’s All a Con Game)

By Kevin Barrett on November 9, 2016
Different color, same Kool Aid
Remember that illusory “hope and change thing” from 2008?
Tens of millions fell for it. Obama looked SO different from Bush. So we assumed his policies would be different.

Bad assumption. And now, eight years later, many of us are making the same mistake.

Trump looks SO different from Obama, who comes across as a sensitive, educated, literate, liberal, wishy-washy, black, globalist anti-racist. Trump embodies the precise opposite of all these qualities: He is an ultra-assertive insensitive racist nativist nationalist boor who has never finished a serious book in his life.
I wrote most of the first edition of this book BEFORE the 2008 election – and called the entire Obama presidency right. Now, in this article, I’m calling the Trump presidency…before it has even started. (Hope I’m wrong.)
Such differences are purely superficial, designed to hypnotize us into imagining that we are living in a democracy. In reality, presidents are just front men for the global elite and the powerful interests they represent. Their job is to provide a change of scenery so that business-as-usual can continue unmolested by plebs seeking a bigger slice of the pie. To create a really enthralling change of scenery, something to utterly hypnotize the masses and distract them from the actual dire situation, the DIPS (Dominant Inbred Psychopaths) have learned to bring on a front man who seemingly offers the greatest possible contrast with the previous front man.

Hillary didn’t offer enough contrast with Obama; her real function was to play the foil for the rise of Trump. Like Obama, she’s liberal, educated, literate, a little too smooth, and basically a compromiser who identifies with the left wing of the power elite and shares its globalist ideals. And just as Obama was the first black president, Hillary would have been the first woman president. Symbolically as well as in actuality, a Hillary presidency would have been another Obama presidency. That would have driven the Obama-haters nuts. They had to be thrown a bone, just as the Bush-haters were thrown a bone with the coronation of Obama in 2008.

Some criticize Trump for his lack of political experience. But the truth is that Trump’s background provides perfect preparation for the presidency: He is a lifelong front-man for organized crime. Trump got his job in the  Meyer Lansky mob through his mentor, Roy Cohn. Fronting for organized crime, and fronting for the government of the United States, is pretty much the same thing these days. Trump has got plenty of the only kind of experience that really counts.
But experienced or not, Trump (like Obama, and Bush before him) is being set up to fail. The truth is that America is becoming increasingly ungovernable, and nobody will be able to change that – at least not for a very long time. The USA’s national identity, and its citizens’ governability, is predicated on endless rapid economic growth with benefits enjoyed by all, or at least most. But the era of rapid American economic growth is over, and such new wealth as is being created is hogged by the top .01%. Ordinary people are facing life sentences of permanent stagnation or worse, and their children’s lot will be even worse than theirs.
These are structural problems that cannot be solved by anything short of revolution – not the illusory revolution offered as a marketing slogan, along with cosmetic reforms, by the likes of Bernie Sanders, but real revolution. (And/or the breakout of “free energy” technologies.)

As the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares explains, the era of the politics of hope (predicated on endless economic growth and equitably shared benefits) has been eclipsed in the post-9/11 era by the politics of fear.
Bush-Cheney inaugurated the fear era with a satanic public ceremony: The human sacrifice of 3,000 people on 9/11/01. When people started catching on, PRESTO-CHANGE-O they wheeled out Obama, the anti-Bush, to distract, hypnotize and stupefy the anti-Bush crowd. Now people have caught on that the 2008 recession never ended and will never end (at least not for ordinary folks) so the illusion of another massive change is necessary. Bring on Trump, the ultimate distraction, to mollify the Obama-haters!

Trump’s superficial anti-globalist anti-New-World-Order facade is going to be set up to take the blame for the bad stuff that’s coming. The globalists will say: See, we told you that Trump and his nationalist nativism would be a disaster! Then they’ll wheel out the anti-Trump, whether in 2020 or 2024, who will be totally pro-globalist, maybe outright pro-world-government, and who will offer the greatest possible superficial and meaningless contrast with Trump himself, who will be even more loathed then than he is now.

The whole time, business-as-usual will continue, perhaps interrupted by one or more spectacular false flags to keep the fear level raised to orange.
You don’t have to be Nostradamus to figure this stuff out. It’s all right there in front of anyone with eyes to see.
Posted by Kevin Barrett on November 9, 2016, With 4677 Reads Filed under Election 2016Of Interest.

Presidential Debate-9-26-2016 Who Won?-Who Lost?-Who Cares?

Jim Fetzer & Preston James – Analysis 1st Debate Trump~Clinton
I don’t typically make video commentaries on videos on YouTube, but I felt compelled to make one for this video. I left my commentary under the video as well but I wanted to bring some things forward, as it were, especially since this has become a hot button issue over the past few days since the debate.  The amount of diatribe over the debate has become nauseating as far as I am concerned, because it seems people are seriously missing the point.  So this is directed to Jeff Rense and to Jim Fetzer and the other guests that were on this show, highlighted above. I am going to submit a video I Ching Reading on this Trump Person but I wanted to present this first.

What I don’t get is that you guys don’t see that the “selected” President has to do whatever they are told to do, they are puppets of the shadow government who works behind the scenes. All to often these candidates say they are about A,B,C but once in office they changed their tune and mouth the party line. Why don’t you guys see the facade this whole thing is?
We got all this “Hope and Change” with Obama, and what did he do? Folks were out in droves to listen to him make promises. What does it mean that polls say this and crowds say that, when in the final analysis, if they want Killery to win she will. It’s all orchestrated and controlled, and I think you guys would do better reporting on the deep state rather than the facade of a debate. Let me add this, one of your callers said that he doesn’t think that was Hillary, and I must agree.
First, if they have that kind of technology to make her over, than they surely are cheating the American people and the world to be able to bring on such a recovery for a clearly very sick woman. the game is on, to make you think that that Woman is Hillary. They have prepared her so well, she gave the hint when she said, “I am prepared to be President.” I believe they will roll in a body double to take her place as Hillary.
That woman did not have her spark, her voice and her body language, all of it was rehearsed and prepared so she could play and look the part. Second, unless they have had her double out all the other times she has been in the public eye, botox takes a bit of time to heal. And again, if they have that kind of technology to make a person look 20 years younger overnight, well, Trump should buy some stocks in that company or buy the company, because that is a little bit of a stretch for me. My neck is naturally youthful, Hillary’s neck goes from youthful to old again within several “sightings.'”

“Botox results will not appear instantly. It takes 5 to 7 days before the effects of Botox start to work and for you to start to see a reduction in the lines and wrinkles on the face. It takes 2 weeks to see the full expression of the treatment with Botox that you get.”

You’ve seen movies where they completely change the way a person looks. I am sure that her handlers are watching what we are watching and noticing what we are noticing, so a little mole on her lip can be put there with an eyeliner pencil. They are full steam ahead in creating this “carbon copy.”
Maybe it’s because you guys are guys that the little subtleties get missed, but the Clinton Foundation, the emails, Benghazi and Arkcancide and stealing the nomination from Bernie can be observed by any gender!!
Anyways, I really think you guys are putting too much energy into this. You, like the many African Americans who thought “Obama” was gonna be different, are going to be just as disappointed when you find out that Trump can only “do” what he is told to do.

Links Of Interest

“Finally, this isn’t about Trump vs Clinton, that is merely the illusion we are being invited into believing. This is about awakening to the fact that our system is absurd and it’s time to do something different. What is the answer? That is what we must discuss instead of playing this broken political game of dividing and choosing which goon to “vote” for.”

Jim Fetzer & Preston James – Analysis 1st Debate Trump~Clinton
Clinton showed she’s as un-serious on foreign policy as Trump
Danielle Pletka is senior vice president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute.
Donald Trump ‘manterrupted’ Hillary Clinton over 50 times during the debate
How Long Does It Take For Botox Cosmetic To Take Effect? | Dr. Vitenas
How Donald Trump Won the Debate
10 Thoughts About The Debate
 Hillary Clinton Prepared for the Debate, and Showed She Is Prepared for the Presidency
At the Debate, Each Was Clueless on America’s Place in the World
The (Real) Polls Prove It: Clinton Trounced Trump in the Debate
Donald Trump: The one time Hillary Clinton got under my skin during the debate
Clinton clearly went into this debate not looking for one or two big “Have you no decency” moments but rather looking to hit him with a rat-tat-tat series of taunts and jabs to see if she could get him to lose his cool and throw him off his game. It ended up happening a lot more quickly than I expected. No more than fifteen minutes in he was getting visibly angry. And he stayed that way for the next hour plus.
Now, we’re learning that NBC’s parent company Comcast donated $5.6 million to the Democrat Party during the convention in Philadelphia.
Lester Holt wore an earpiece during Presidential debate
Proof Hillary Clinton’s Corrupt, crookedness @ debate stage, worse than “Watergate” Podium Gate

Chokwe Lumumba, mayor of Jackson, dies at 66 | Al Jazeera America


Chokwe Lumumba, mayor of Jackson, dies at 66 | Al Jazeera America

Chokwe Lumumba, mayor of Jackson, dies at 66

February 25, 2014 7:32PM ET
The first-term mayor was an attorney with a long record of black radical activism
Jackson Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, a prominent attorney and human rights advocate who persuaded local voters into accepting a sales tax to fix crumbling roads and infrastructure in Mississippi’s capital city, died Tuesday, authorities said. He was 66.

City officials said Lumumba died at St. Dominic Hospital. A cause of death was not immediately clear, though City Council president Charles Tillman, who was sworn in as acting mayor, said he had met Monday with Lumumba, who had a cold.

“He kind of joked around about it,” Tillman said.

Lumumba served one term on the City Council and was sworn in as mayor last July. He was one of two candidates who defeated then-Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. in the Democratic primary in early June. Lumumba then defeated businessman Jonathan Lee in the general election.

As mayor, Lumumba persuaded Jackson voters to pass a referendum in January to add a 1-cent local sales tax to help pay for improvements to crumbling roads and an aging water and sewer system. He said then that the city needed an estimated $1.2 billion to completely fix its infrastructure, and raising sales tax by 1 percent would bring in at least $15 million a year until the tax expires in 20 years. Lumumba said the local tax will improve infrastructure, create jobs and increase public safety.
“It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that our beloved brother, human rights activist and mayor of this great city, Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, passed away this afternoon,” Safiya Omari, Lumumba’s chief of staff, said Tuesday night.

Security guards escorted her away in tears. Omari made the announcement under Lumumba’s portrait inside Jackson’s antebellum city hall and surrounded by the seven members of the City Council. The building was crowded with city employees, politicians, ministers and other residents of Mississippi’s largest city.

State law says the council will set a special election for voters to choose a new mayor. The council has up to 10 days to meet about taking that action, then the election must be 30 to 45 days later
After the City Council adjourned its brief meeting, Bishop Ronnie Crudup, one of Jackson’s most prominent ministers, led the crowd in prayer.

“Lord, he was a good man, a man who had vision, vision for the city,” Crudup prayed.
City Council member Melvin Priester Jr. credited Lumumba for bringing a spirit of openness to city government.
“He has done a great deal in the last couple of months to change the culture of government in Jackson,” said Priester, who was elected earlier this year to Lumumba’s former seat on the City Council.

In 2011, Lumumba persuaded then-Gov. Haley Barbour, a Republican, to release sisters Jamie Scott and Gladys Scott from a Mississippi prison after they had served 16 years for an armed robbery they said they didn’t commit. Barbour suspended their life sentences and released them. The sisters did not receive a pardon from Barbour when he left office in early 2012, although he granted pardons and other reprieves to more than 200 people during his final days as governor. Barbour released the women on the condition that Gladys give a kidney to Jamie.

Mississippi Democratic Party Chairman Rickey Cole issued a statement Tuesday saying Democrats are “deeply saddened by the loss of the promising new Mayor of our Capital City, the Honorable Chokwe Lumumba.”

“His young administration has been a great beacon of hope for so many of us,” Cole said. “He was just beginning to make an effective start tackling the long-neglected challenges faced by our capital city.”

Republican Gov. Phil Bryant issued a statement Tuesday saying he and his wife, Deborah, “are shocked and saddened by the news of Mayor Lumumba’s passing and are praying for his loved ones.”
“Just a short time ago, I had the opportunity to join the mayor in a church pew as we welcomed a new development to the city,” Bryant said. “His enthusiasm for Jackson will be deeply missed.”

Lumumba was born in Detroit as Edwin Taliaferro, and changed his name in 1969, when he was in his early 20s. He said he took his new first name from an African tribe that resisted slavery centuries ago and his last name from African independence leader Patrice Lumumba.

He moved to Jackson in 1971 as a human rights activist. He went to law school in Michigan in the mid-1970s and returned to Jackson in 1988.

Lumumba was involved with the Republic of New Afrika in the 1970s and ’80s. He said in 2013 that the group had advocated “an independent predominantly black government” in the southeastern U.S. Lumumba was vice president of the group during part of his stint. The group also advocated reparations for slavery, and was watched by an FBI counterintelligence operation.

“The provisional government of Republic of New Afrika was always a group that believed in human rights for human beings,” Lumumba told The Associated Press in a 2013 interview. “I think it has been miscast in many ways. It has never been any kind of racist group or ‘hate white’ group in any way. … It was a group which was fighting for human rights for black people in this country and at the same time supporting the human rights around the globe.”

Lumumba said during the 2013 mayoral campaign that he has shown he can lead across racial lines. In 1990, when the Ku Klux Klan planned to march through Jackson, he said he organized counterdemonstrators, including a predominantly white group of Millsaps College students. He also said he wants to empower people who have been left out of the economic system.

“We have to talk about equitable development,” Lumumba said. “Each portion of the population should be able to develop, and no portion of the population should be given any preferential treatment.”

The Associated Press