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Archive for the ‘African Spirituality’ Category

How Did Bill Clinton Become a Voodoo Priest? (Videos)

NB Commentary:One of the things that I absolutely love about making my videos for YouTube and for my subscribers, is the fact that I learn so much while doing it.
I like to make my videos interactive, so I search the Internet for pictures to go along with what I am trying to convey. In doing so, I come across articles that feature the pictures that I wish to use. Then I end up reading the articles and finding out more and more and more about my subject.  A  7-12 minute video may take me hours of reading materials I find on the web. I have always been a researcher, and  I have always enjoyed the challenge of integrating my research into a readable and enjoyable theme.
I have posted several links in my blog that you will find a link to in the description below.  Be prepared to learn something new or confirm what you already knew.
I also was trained in public speaking so I create a script for my videos so I can express myself as succinctly as possible. Sometimes I get tongue tied, which is just what I do and it shows you all that I am human.
I see making videos as a form of artistry. I feel my creative juices flowing and no sooner I put one up, I get more ideas about my next video. I love the hide and seek that YouTube plays with my videos, because they are monetized and sometimes YouTube feels that after all my hard work and hours of labor, a certain video is not ad friendly. Oh well, I just hope you folks out there don’t mind the ads too much and will come watch some of the other ones as well.
I have set up a Patreon account where you all can support me over there, ad free. I will let you know when I am ready to launch it.
So today, I am watching a video on a YouTube channel called blackmagik363
Video Title “Professor Griff- The Truth about Kanye West ‘Spiritual Attack’, Music Industry Rituals, and Witches”
I really enjoy Brother Rich’s interviewing style. He is well read and informed but still poses the questions in such a way as to want more information and to defer to his guest and gives them ample time to answer. He never interrupts, but is very much an active listener. In this interview with Professor Griff they come upon the question of Bill Clinton being initiated into Voodoo in Haiti. Brother Rich is quite curious as to why the Haitians would initiate a European into their occult magic. I do not think that Professor Griff’s answer was comprehensive enough so I wanted to expound on it in this video.

Being quite aware of the religion and having insight into African Spirituality, I think I can offer a more in depth understanding as to why the Haitians would accommodate Bill Clinton and his wife back in 1975 and since that time.  It seems that Mr. Clinton wanted to win the election in his home state of Arkansas. Later, the presidential election, over George Bush, so he asked for help. In return he protected Haiti with the help of Hougan Max Beauvoir.  

It is not uncommon for the Priests and Priestess of African Spirituality to be visited by Heads of State from all over the Globe in fact. They may be of all manner of other religious practices but they have heard or already know the power of the “rituals” that can be performed to help them win court cases, elections, positions

of power in government, money, wealth, etc. Some of them come, Bibles and Qur’ans in hand to seek out the help and advice of these Priests. They may do it in secret under the cover of darkness, pay their respects, pay their money, have the rituals done for them and/or do them themselves, or whatever is asked of them.  It is not uncommon, not at all.   While they may not speak of it publicly or may even denounce it, secretly they are there and they are doing the “work” to get what they want accomplished in their lives professionally, economically, etc.

“In the days leading up to Clinton’s visit, according to sources in Haiti, many occult preparations took place. These were intended not only to grant Clinton the power to overcome the challenges facing his presidency and defeat the Whitewater investigations, but also to give Aristide the power to continue to control Clinton.”

According to the Haiti Observateur, “During a March 31, 1995 visit to Haiti under Aristide’ s restored rule, Clinton took part in a Voodoo initiative ceremony intended to keep him impervious to Republican attacks and to guarantee his re-election.” (, Feb. 20,. 2004). 

Clinton joined with Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a defrocked Catholic Priest, to gain more influence in the upcoming election to get Al Gore elected who would continue to favor the Haitian cause.  This is where the work became nefarious and Bush ended up throwing up in the lap of the Japanese Prime minister because of the work Aristide did.  Al Gore still did not win the election even though he should have, but it just shows that the “work” is not full proof and though it helped to ease the tension and impeachment of Bill Clinton, it did not keep him out of his own lust for young girls and children. But that’s another video.

So to answer the question of why?
Why would the Haitians or any other African Spiritual Practitioners give their rituals, rites and initiations to Europeans? Depending on the integrity of the Practitioners it can simply boil down to politics and economics. I am not too sure if he was actually initiated into the Haitian Priesthood. That initiation is not immediate and takes several years to complete, but I would surmise that he participated in ceremonies and may have gotten some talismans and may even been mounted by spirits.  There is a reason why they called him, the “First Black President.” Little did we know he was chumming up with the Haitian Priests and attending Haitian ceremonies, but there was something about him. And it was said he had a certain charm.  One that I never understood, but like it was when I didn’t drink the Obama Kool-Aid, I didn’t drink the Clinton Kool-Aid either.
The Clinton foundation ain’t got nothing on the “Pay-to-Play scenario when it comes to unscrupulous African Spirituality Practitioners.  If the money is right, the influence right, they will give it to them. They will give you a Chieftaincy, they will give you a stool a crown, a title, what do you want?  In return you will build in their country, you will give them money, you will transport them around in fancy cars and jets, you will give them a seat as an Ambassador or in the White House. You will protect their country with your military, you will in essence be accommodating to them,  or whatever…  It’s a form of spiritual bribery. And remember, the Priest, will never give you any power that will make you independent of him.  And that’s another layer of this type of relationship with a Priest who you go to for nefarious reasons.  One hand washes the other, but in the African Spirituality rituals of this nature, you don’t see the third hand.  Or as some would call it “The Voodoo Double-Cross.”
But what goes around comes around the level of trust is skewed because everybody is using everybody. As the saying goes, there’s no honesty among thieves. So I ain’t surprised that Clinton is a said to be a so-called Voodoo priest down there in Haiti.
Don’t get me wrong, there are very righteous and upstanding African Spirituality Practitioners, but if he was initiated and they did not refuse him, then their ability to “see” him shrouded in all the corruption is very, very suspect. Why would they bring this criminal element into the fold, unless it was going to give them something in return?
Look at Haiti! How did his practice of Voodoo help Haiti? There in lies the answer as to why they would initiate him.
And we won’t go down the scummy road of money laundering, Pedophilia, human trafficking, sex slaves and child abuse. Or even into the very, very nefarious of Voodoo.
Like Professor Griff said and I paraphrase, every thing is energy. It can be used for righteousness or it can be used for nefarious reasons. It can be used to heal or to harm. Energy is neutral, it has no moral construct. It just is.
Just because someone is of African decent and using ancient African Spiritual mysticism does not mean they are not aware of and/or privy to using it for harm.
More Reading
That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti
Haitian sorcerers claim credit for his victories and defeats
Published: 12/14/1998 at 1:00 AM
Former President Bill Clinton And His Experience With Haitian Voodoo
Sunday, March 22, 2015 11:29 AM
Bill Clinton’s affair with Voodoo
The hidden life of the Clintons revealed
Alex Jones and Doug Hagmann discuss how the Clintons have been involved with some very disturbing occult practices:
The Alex Jones Show – NOVEMBER 5, 2016

The BBC Asks – What Really Happened With The Clintons In Haiti?
Former President Bill Clinton And His Experience With Haitian Voodoo
Aristide, the Man who Turns to Voodoo to Place a Curse on Presumed Enemies
First published January 21, 2001
The origin of the species: Zombies
Voodoo In Haiti
Haiti: Possessed by Voodoo
Hillary Clinton: 6th Level Illuminati Witch and Sadistic Monarch Slave Handler)
Suicided Investigator was Digging into Clinton Family Child Trafficking Allegations in Haiti
Clinton pressured Aristide to adopt free market economic policies as the condition of restoring him to power in 1994.”
Bill Clinton Loves Haiti  by Jemima Pierre
For Haitians, Clinton’s ‘liberation’ is more dehumanization.”
There is no Haiti without Bill Clinton. Rarely has the Republic entered the mainstream press since the January 12, 2010 earthquake without mention of the former US President. When it comes to Haiti, Clinton is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. In the days after the earthquake Clinton saturated the media with Haiti-related appearances on cable newsnetworks, a spread in Esquire Magazine, a speech at the UN, and editorials in prominent newspapers. Clinton is the co-chair of the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti. He is the UN Special Envoy for Haiti. And he is the co-director of the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, a foundation involved in number of neoliberal economic initiatives in Haiti. Clinton justifies his involvement by saying he is “responding to the needs of Haitians.” But what needs? Which Haitians? And to what end?
This would be Aristide’s second return from exile. He was ousted by a military coup in 1991 but Bill Clinton, when he was president, returned him to power in 1994 following a US intervention that forced out the military regime.
Aristide fled Haiti again in February 2004, leaving before dawn on a US plane as rebels approached the capital. He accused American diplomats of having kidnapped him, charges that Washington denied.
The Clintons and the Clinton Foundation have a long history in Haiti. During his time as president, Bill Clinton imposed three years of devastating economic sanctions against the country, in an effort to destabilize the military junta. With the failure of this policy, Clinton sent Marines to Haiti to restore Jean-Bertrand Aristide to the presidency. During Aristide’s term, Clinton demanded Haiti’s adherence to brutal IMF austerity policies, while cracking down on Haitian migrants trying to flee the devastated country to the US.
In the immediate aftermath of the 2010 Haitian earthquake, which killed upwards of 300,000 people, Clinton was dispatched as a UN special envoy and co-chairman of the Interim Haiti Recovery Committee to oversee the international aid and investment efforts in the country. Under his watch, there has been a continual looting of the country, with investment designed to exploit the country’s low-paid working class.

The Truth About Black Religion and Spirituality & The Lies of Christianity, Islam Dr. Umar Johnson

The Truth About Black Religion and Spirituality and The Lies of Christianity, Islam Dr. Umar Johnson (video)

NB Commentary: 

Dr. Umar ,made some really good points particularly when it relates to spirituality. Having gone thru Christianity to Islam to African traditional spiritual belief systems. Clearly, they do entail a great deal of the culture from which they are derived or shall I say controlled by. I have a few points to add.
1. The yin/yang principle is within every one of us, having been born from both a male and female conjugal relationship. Each person has a male principal and female principle within them. Therefore, we are a manifestation of the “whole” in and of ourselves. Gender is a construct but not applicable in the spirit realm, that is, a person may be born with the physicality of a male, but have a strong principal within of a female and the same can apply to a female. Here is where my departure comes as it relates to his statement about homosexuality. All too often, the spiritual nature of same sex relationships is packaged in disdain, hatred, and much confusion as to its purpose and nature. If he reads, studies or observes Malidoma Some’s work he will find that there is a deeper, often hidden purpose for this than is commonly acknowledge. Dr. Some is from Dagara people of Upper Volta in West Africa. In Dr. Some’s culture the homosexual is held in high esteem and are called Gatekeepers.
2. Expanding on my above comment I would also include that in traditional African spirituality, particularly among those who have not been influenced by Western taboos, you will find the notion of re-incarnation. It is believed that we re-incarnate as male or female. With that being said, we may present more closely to our most previous gender in our present life time as we navigate through the sexes. The idea is to experience “spirit” through the physical. In order to do so, we come as male or female through our lifetimes and that in and of itself may have us gravitate to a person of the same sex whom we knew and loved in a past life. There is no so-called gender construct in the spirit realm only as it manifests in 3rd dimensional reality. African spirituality is keenly aware of this, that is, how, a person who is part of the Yoruba/Ifa spiritual system can have an opposite or same sex Orisha as their patron. The male may find himself very intrigued by the female principal of a particular Female Orisha and appear to be “effeminate” but the reality is that the female energy is very strong within him. The opposite is true with women.
3. One point of departure for the Ancients particularly in reference to the Khemetian Spiritual Science; like many other religions that we are familiar with today, it was kept from the masses and only the “Royals”, the Priests and Priestesses were initiated into it. They were set apart from the masses and often revered as God incarnated and here we see the objectification of the God source to something outside of the individual. The separation between the haves and the have-nots was profound and the magic, spiritual practices, etc. were delegated to the royal blood lines, and priests. This carried over into the more modern religions of our time. But even if you look at Ancient China, Mesopotamia, India, and other ancient cultures the same is true. Some how the idea of controlling and manipulating the masses became prevalent for political, social and economic reasons and this system was primarily responsible for the civilizations to thrive. That is not to say they wouldn’t have done so without this separation, but in doing so, the element of controlling the masses for gains of the few was much more manageable. So, when we speak of Empire we must be fair in our delineation of exactly what that meant then and what it means now.
4.  Finally, I would like to mention that modern constructs of traditional African spirituality has become more institutionalized and thus there is a chasm between the Knowledge of “God” and the actual imbibing with the God within. Because it has become another tool of control through rituals and sacrifice, those in these “systems” become imprisoned as do the others in institutionalized religious practices. that is, African traditional spirituality becomes the same bastion of mind control and manipulation as the other more popular “religions”. It has become an institution and like he mentioned, it has become a business. People have their finances scarfed from them under the guise of pleasing the Gods/Ancestors and are seldom lead to believe that they can achieve this without all the trappings, i.e., shrines, altars, sacrifices, etc.
We are all here to learn, evolve and develop and for the most part Dr. Umar is clearly on point, and even with admitting his own evolution and development, it is very refreshing to hear him mention that, if just for the sake of perspective.
Personally, I applaud Dr. Umar and his work. He is very intelligent and creative in his manner of educating us about the issues we face in this world as African descendant peoples. Continue in your work, Dr. Umar, you are a blessing for those who have ears to hear.

Like he mentioned, there is no ONE AND ONLY WAY to connecting with the Divine within. In fact, the path may have many twists and turns, but if we remain vigilant we will succeed and the awakening will be all pervasive. We Are The Change We Are Looking For! Ase’, Namaste