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Archive for December, 2016

The Battle Between the MSM and Alternative News Media (Videos)

NB Commentary:  If it’s so fake, and so unbelievable, then why don’t they simply ignore it?
Why do so many so called “real news” outlets feel the need to spend so much time lambasting so called fake news.
They have relegated themselves to the likes of in an effort to cover up PizzaGate scandal.  They have reported the debunked aspects of this story while ignoring the real indications and the real connections.

They are also telling out right lies, which is nothing new..

I find it ironic that they, in the past, have used Twitter accounts of what is happening in the world of news and posted it on their websites and TV programs, but now that the dark cover has been pulled back they want to discredit alternative news outlets.
When they go thru this much lambasting of alternative news, they must really be trying to hide something. 
Sounds like they are in full attack mood.
They are panicking and shooting themselves in the foot the entire time.
Get a grip you guys.
Get off your Satanic Panic button.
Let it rest. We know what you all do in the dark. You can’t cover it up no more.

Now we just need witnesses, victims to come forward and shut it down. Hopefully, anyways.
What gets me is that “they” know their news is scripted. They read a teleprompter that pipes in the same spin. They get a chance to add a little caveat to it, an inflection or intonation, but they know that if they steer away from the script they will lose their jobs. They know the CIA is playing a huge roll in the news they pipe out and that government officials are typically present at the big news outlets. They have heard the horror stories and they have their own as it relates to how they are pruned to even be an announcer.
ABC anchor man said, “Breaking News, we now have news about Hillary Clinton’s death.” but she wasn’t dead. Fake news. They know that the poison gas debacle blamed on Syria’s Assad, was faked but they report what they are told.  And how about the faked beheadings?  They know that they even have to change their story and some folks get fired when they are exposed as faking a story, or in other instances get promoted if they can keep it going, i.e, Anderson Cooper and the Green Screen debacle during his interviewing of a Sandy Hook Grieving Mom. He lost his nose in that one.

Or how about the two news reporters claiming to be in two separate places but had the same truck drive by in the scene behind them.  There are countless other examples, to many to even identify, yet they want to point a finger at the alternative news outlets and call them fake news.
They know this, yet they want to point fingers at independent news outlets and encourage a crack down on them. I say, look in the mirror first, and once that’s done, I am sure there will be few MSM outlets left if they were being honest.

They are so desperate. The funny thing is, by listing those so-called fake news outlets, they are actually giving you free advertisement, and that will get folks to check you out. Like Mommy and Daddy telling you don’t play with the children who live across the street. What are you going to do? Play with the children across the street. Maybe they need more publicity, if they talk begrudgingly about so-called fake news, they think they can get more viewers, but that’s too bad because they have lied so much, folks would rather find an alternative and they have given them a nice list to refer to. Who told them to do that?

When they claim that the alternative news stories that are not exactly true, or a
spin or a mere fabrication, that those stories may cost someone’s lives, I can’t help but think of how the story of 19 hijackers with box cutters, took over 3 planes, crashed into two buildings in NY and one at the Pentagon and how this story hyped the American people up to the point they were willing to hurt somebody. Folks enlisted in droves to go fight the enemy of “our freedoms” only to find out
that the whole war on terror was based on a lie. A lie so well orchestrated that to this day people still debate over whether it was an inside job.  Forget whether it was inside or outside job, how about all the inconsistencies and how they spun the narrative.
9/11 is my pet peeve as it is so blatantly obvious to be bigger than any false flag preceding it. How many people died in the ensuing wars because of this fabricated story?  And this story was so full of holes, doctored and re-written with obvious cover-up after cover-up and those who covered it up, got promoted and/or were never brought to “heel”.
It’s not the lie that bothers me, 
it’s the insult to my intelligence that I find offensive.
Every time I hear that adage, “fake news” I can only think of the many, many false flags, and how they repeated the same narrative. Remember that shooting of a TV anchor in VA? That was sooooo phoney, yet they kept repeating it like it was real. I think they are robots. Remember the “white hot” love guy who was clearly not so hot.. It was so fake, it was comical. They also fake the weather reports. It’s like the pot calling the kettle black. But more seriously, it’s the other arm of gun control. Control the narrative, control how folks can defend themselves and it’s a done deal. I only laugh because the Internet was created by DARPA, the CIA infiltrated Facebook and YouTube. Soros cause all them color revolutions with Twitter. Its like they created a toy for themselves and never expected it to become their destruction. They are falling over themselves trying to recoup their losses. The postal service lost with email and now the MSM is losing because of Social Media. What a world, what a world.

Let Me Conclude With This Summary:
When you set up an educational system that creates parrots who memorize and retort what they have learned to earn a grade, then you will create a mass of sheeple who will accept and regurgitate whatever they are given, from what ever news outlet, be it Mainstream or Alternative. Neither animal is always correct and certainly they all have to spin to keep their audience engaged. Some spin to the tune of millions of dollars, others to the tune of millions of followers but all in all it’s about getting their version of the “word” out there for consumption by the masses.
Since the masses have not been taught creative thinking, critical thinking or even discernment, it is difficult for many of them to separate the wheat from the tares when it comes to what is really going on in our world, and since most of us were not at the scene of the crime, we have to take “somebody’s” word for it.
Additionally, since much of what is reported is reported for the intellectual
prowess of the average 5th grader, the news is watered down and dumbed down and spruced up with cleavage, entertainment and sometimes fantasy.
Once again, their desire to control the masses and create non-thinking robots has given the so called “alternative news” outlets a group of people who, quiet as it’s kept, still are not thinking outside of the box. They will each find their niche or some outlet that speaks to their sentiments and preconceived notions just as they would with any other news outlet.

So what we have is a battle between the MSM and the Alternative News. What are they fighting for? Followers, subscribers, ads and revenue. On both sides of the aisle you will find “truth telling” but the same system that made the MSM and it’s cohorts has made the Alternative News. So even this battle is a Psyops and does not speak to the deeper issue, we have a dumbed down, gullible, practically illiterate group of fans who support their narrative. It’s all about politics and economics in the final analysis.

CIA Flashback: “We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.”
WASHINGTON — A regular guest commentator on Fox News who has been lying for years about working for the Central Intelligence Agency was arrested on Thursday and is being charged in connection with falsely claiming he worked as an “Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Officer” for the CIA for nearly three decades.
Total Breakdown of The Media’s Use of NLP & Mind Control
Dr Udo Ulfkotte, journalist and author, on RT
The End of Alt Media = The End of Trump!
Pizza Gate False Flag For Fake News Attacks Free Speech and Independent Media

Want To Help A Child Victim of Ritual Abuse? Don’t Do This!! (Videos)

NB Commentary: +Now You See TV, I want to leave a message for your and your guests on this show. I have never listened to your radio show before, this was my first time and I listened to the whole 2+hours.

After listening to it, I found that my thoughts were running through my mind, a thousand miles an hour. I felt compelled to get this message to you in those moments, but I slept on it and upon awakening, they were still there.
Let me start by thanking you for all your efforts in trying to get the word out about what is going on behind the scenes that is hurting our children and youth and bringing a major distortion in morals and morale in our country and around the world. i appreciate that you all are aware that this is not new nor is it isolated to the United States.  People need to know that while they are focusing on the Podesta emails and the Clinton foundation that it is only the tip of the iceberg.
Now, let me tell you about myself. I have a lot of talents and abilities and I am an independent entrepreneur who specializes in Mental Health and working with people who have been traumatized by various life situations. One of the things we look at around trauma and/or those suffering with PTSD is triggers. I am sure you are aware of the trigger that fireworks have on returning soldiers from war.  I think one of you mentioned something about aromas and how they set you up.

One of the most traumatic things that can happen to a person is to be raped. When it comes to a child there are no words to describe the devastation it causes across the spectrum of emotions and reactions to everyday life. The abuse accumulates a host of triggers, land minds as it were, that can go off at any time. Behavior becomes unpredictable to a great extent and these children need to be in support services for most of their lives.

When this abuse is done ritualistically it is even more insidious as it leaks across the dimensions of the human mind and seeps into the humans spirit affecting the very soul of the individual. Studies have shown that experiences with less of an impact on the psyche affect the structure of the DNA. It is called imprinting.  These young people have been imprinted with a hideous exposure to hideous behavior by adults who are supposed to protect them.

Here’s my point… if you folks really want to help these young people and even the perps, which is admirable, you have to be very selective of your terminology. To offer them a blood sacrifice or tell them that they can be cleansed by being washed in the Blood of Christ who was tortured, hung on a cross and killed, may sound logical to you, but, to the psyche it does not. If a child has been frightened by clowns, telling them later that a clown will save them will not ease their fear.

And you cannot take them to the Bible, except to cherry pic the verses that do not contain God’s wrath, the killing of men, women and children, the command to eat their own children or even the most often quoted test of Abraham where God asked him to sacrifice his first born to show his faith.  Again, I am talking about triggers here, and all of these are triggers. If you are who you say you are, and you have been privy to these rituals in your past you know that the terminology is the same, only they trade God with Satan.. or as we know, they give “Satan” the same accolades they give to God in heaven.

Again, please try to follow me here and what I am saying, and if you never get this or never read it or don’t care, or whatever, maybe other commentors on this thread who really want to help and hear what I am saying.

If a child/person has been exposed to horrendous or violence or torture or rape

or a combination of all the above… and it was down ritualistically (or not for that matter) more than likely terror, trepidation, blood, agony etc.. were present. If you use terms like “the Blood of Christ” you are not helping them, you are not saving them, and in fact, you are showing them an example of a individual who could have saved himself but did not for a higher cause of saving others.  These are the exact same terminology and psychology that is used along with many others in these rituals.

You guys have to search your heart of hearts, pay attention to what you are saying, get some understanding of the human psyche and find another way to reach out to these people. Most of them will not come anywhere near you and they may not know why.  Those who do will be so distorted in their thinking that you will not be able to even trust them to be forthright or even willing to heal.  Your terminology sounds like the perpetrator so they may come into your experience to see if they can continue with you, as a mentor and then eventually creating the dynamic where abuse can take place in the relationship if only that you are not there to take care of them or “save” them when you promised but couldn’t do it because you were busy.

I really hope that you can hear this voice crying out in the wilderness.
Please, please, do not offer them a Blood sacrifice as a way to “save” them or “heal’ them from their trauma based mind control experience. It will only keep them in the dark dungeons of their displaced, fragmented and disassociated minds.
If you read all this thank you. If you do not, that’s fine. I put it out there and that is what matters most. Peace and Blessings, Nana Baakan

According to the Bible God killed more than 2,270,971 people, many of them innocent of any wrongdoing, considerably more than the 10 killings attributed to Satan.*. (God’s tally does not count the large but unspecified numbers such as the Flood and Sodom & Gomorrah, nor Satan’s 10 for which he was given permission by God).God often forbids his followers to show pity or mercy (e.g. Deuteronomy 7:2, Ezekiel 9:5-6). Sometimes, God undertakes the mass killing of children himself (Exodus 12:29). Indeed, children have a particularly hard time of it. Not only are they punished for the crimes of their ancestors, but they are also victims of family cannibalism. To people who fail to meet God’s requirements he promises that, amongst many other tribulations, they will have to eat their own children (Leviticus 26:29 and Deuteronomy 28:53).

Is Pizza-Gate a Psyops? (Videos)

Is Pizza-Gate a Psyops?

NB Commentary: The Internet is a blaze with all manner of  memes, information, disinformation, misinformation and out right lies about the phenomenon presently called pizza-gate. Why?
Is it because we have found out that our so-called public officials have indulged in such debauchery and now we are all appalled?
Is it because mainstream media is using the tactic of crying out against “fake news”?
Is it because people just can’t even imagine the abuse of small children to such a large degree?
Is it because it has gone on for so long and people have been killed when they attempt to uncover it or have blatantly discovered it without any contest? (Ted Gunderson and
Centre County Attorney, Ray Gricar, went missing while investigating 
the Sandusky child sex abuse ring, for example, along with many others who died mysteriously when investigating this.)
Is it because people who have strong religious leaning can push their agenda and claim that going back to Jesus will save us all from this hideous activity?
Is it because people are appalled that anyone would do what they, in their own hearts have dreamed about, imagined or even attempted to do but pulled back because it was soooo wrong in their estimation? Besides, what if they got found out.
Stay with me here….. I am going to take you on a journey. A journey that goes cross

cultures into the deep recesses of the very spiritual/religious leanings that humans have used to feel sanctified and above reproach.

Now, let’s look at the psyops aspect of it first.
What is a Psysops? It’s commonly known as Psychological Operations. The definition is as follows.
Psyops, or psychological operations, is a term used to describe the techniques of psychological manipulation used in warfare. These operations are used to deceive, confuse, disrupt and demoralize the enemy, with an aim toward weakening enemy resistance or even causing enemy forces to surrender and enemy populations to capitulate.
As the flip-side to the ancient wisdom that knowledge is key to all successful warfare strategies, the art of deliberately sewing deception has been understood and practiced for thousands of years.
But.. Psychological operations can range in scope from those that heal and those that harm.  Some may simply be benign. The mind is being manipulated for some reason or other, by another, or maybe even by the individual themselves who may play mind games on him/herself and those around them.
For example, a person may rent a very expensive car, drive it through the neighborhood, show up on their neighbor’s doorstep, show off their car and drive away. In that instance, those who do not know the origin of the car would surmise this person had money. Why, because it would take a heap of money to own such a vehicle.  From there they would brag to their friends or shall I say report to their friends that “So and So” has a heap of money.  “So and So” drives off having psychically manipulated their perception of reality.  He has performed a psyops.. Or con game as it is commonly called when the government is not involved.
So, how often have we, in our individual lives, perpetrated a fraud for the purpose of managing perception of ourselves by others?  Women may use make-up, men may build muscle… all in all it’s about creating a perception, a persona, a concept. But is any of it real?

Most times people relate to psyops as something that is done for nefarious reasons, they seldom look in the mirror to ask themselves how many times have they engaged in the same behavior.

Now, let’s look at pedophilia… which mainly eludes to illicit sex with children by adults. Children who in most cases, not all, are remiss and resistant to it.  Now, turn around and look at the sexualization of children, particularly in western societies. I do realize that this is not a Western Phenomenon, only.
Far from it, but it is blatantly apparent in the Western World.  How often do we as parents, adults, etc, encourage our children to embrace the habits, ways and dress of adults? How many of us expose our children to all manner of behavior through television, movies and print media? Have we ever thought about how this primes them to become “sex slaves” as it were?
Why do we over-sexualize our children? Why do we allow them to view and or engage in sexual promiscuity via the media and in this day and age, YouTube animations that are supposedly designed for children but have so many sexual overtones it’s unbelievable.

I always say, this is an adult world.  We birth our children into it and scare them to death the entire time they are here. We don’t protect them, or shield them from that which would harm them most. And in this case, we don’t teach them boundaries and give them consciousness that will help them to determine what is good or safe touch and what is not.  We get caught up in the fanfare and notoriety and celebrity madness.  We allow them to see half naked women in suggestive poses and we applaud their nakedness.  We allow them to listen to music that is sensational and very, very sexual.  Therefore we prime them to the point where they know no boundaries or are confused about boundaries between adults and children, thus they are easily manipulated to get into the car or bed of a stranger and/or relative.
We allow them to dance suggestively with each other and with adults. We don’t teach them the appropriate behavior which is really a safe behavior in essence.
Ironically, those folks who want to change this and demand toy manufactures, modeling agencies, media moguls, entertainment, etc., to stop over sexualizing the children would need to go to their respective representatives in the hopes of getting them to enact legislation that would crack down on these exploitive practices.  Sadly, too many of them are indulgent and would be too weak to stand against it, may be too afraid to do so, or may simply ignore the outcry do to their own complicity.
Now, to the spiritual/religious/cultural overtones here.

If we go back to the beginning, well, let’s just go to the Bible for starters… Adam

and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel.  According to the story, Cain killed Abel and was exiled. Where did he go and if there was only Adam and Eve, surely he died of loneliness, but I digress.

Let’s go back to Adam and Eve. With their one son at first and then more children coming after, how did they procreate? It would have had to been incestuous quite frankly if we go by the story. If not, then there had to have been more than one Adam and One Eve.  If we stick with the Bible story, then we are clearly seeing the population increase through some type of incestuous relationships between parents and siblings because it would have taken many more people to bring the entire human race into existence. Would it not??
And let’s just take a brief look at this terminology. “The Sons of God came unto the daughters of men and there were giants n the land.”  Were the sons adults and the daughters children?  Were the Sons children and the daughters children and if so, how did they procreate, and create giants no less.
And just a little note about Noah and his family.
Clearly there had to have been incestuous relationships between the family members in order to re-populate the earth after the great flood.
Now, let’s go to Greece… We have many stories of the Greek Gods incestuous relationships. Mothers having children with sons, Fathers having sex with daughters.. Children being sister/brother wives. I won’t detail the instance, you can look that up for yourself.  Gods eating their children.
If the Gods did it, then why not humans?  Would doing it make you more Godly or closer to God?
It can be dismissed as just myth and lore, but can it really??
It’s a psyops. It shapes perception of reality.
And let’s not talk about Santa Claus and his eminent domain to invade peoples homes all around the world, but I digress again.
Let’s go back to Egypt or Khemet as it has also been referred to. Here we find the same thing happening.  Mothers giving birth to children after having intercourse with their son.  We have brother and sister husband and wives.  We have another culture of incestuous relationships that are documented on the walls of antiquity and glossed over as if it makes no difference at all.  It is another Psyops.
Even in African spirituality there are instances where the story goes… Mother mates with her son to bring forth others.
Around the world in small communities where there are no others for miles and miles and miles, there has to be co-mingling among them in order for them to survive.  If restrictions were placed upon them that kept them from interbreeding, they would essentially die out, would they not?
Stay with me here.
Now,  if co-mingling with relatives is part of human nature, or human society going back centuries, then to scoff at it now is disingenuous or is it not?
Religious and societal sanctions began to emerge over time to relegate the close inter-breeding and marrying between close relatives and even siblings as a sin or deviant, punishable by those in authority.  The Catholic Church went so far as to say, you can marry your second cousin but no one closer than that.
Now, let’s look at Pedophilia. It is commonly believed that pedophilia is an act
upon a  AN UNWILLING child by an adult.
Now, let’s look at the psyops aspect of this. More than likely an adult has lured the child and convinced the child that it is safe, especially if it wants to keep the child participating.  Of course there are instances of child abductions and the child is screaming and cryin gand trying to break free.  However, I would wager that is not the norm in these so-called pedophile rings.  The screaming fear and chaos comes later on after the child has been primed.
When an individual engages in sex, certain energies are released.  These energies create a type of nirvana upon climax and Endorphine are released causing a feeling of peace and tranquility.  If the individual is under duress, the climax may happen but is short lived and then it becomes a high that is chased after for the duration.  Many people become sex addicts do to the pleasure they derive from the sex act and the momentary feeling of nirvana at the point of climax.  It gets distorted when a child is involved as the child cannot emit a corresponding energy as an adult would, therefore it’s like only getting an ounce of nirvana when a gallon is required.
So why do they do it?  Because it becomes an addiction and like any other addiction they run after it.  The child is emitting an energy of fear, trepidation, anxiety, anger, confusion, etc. which can also provide a momentary shot.  Therefore they have to have a lot of children to get the full “hit” or so they think.  There is no full hit, there is only fragmented beings, being used in a fragmented and distorted way.. Emitting fragmented and distorted energies causing a fragmented and distorted addiction.
In modern society, the sexualization of children offers many options for those who have the inclination toward pedophilia. 
1) they can fantasize in private 
2) they can get closer to the object of their fantasy by attending child beauty pageants
3) they can become advocates for the safety of children while secretly molesting them
4) it normalizes the sexual admiration of a child thru publicity
5) it fosters credence build on this acceptance and thus it pardons those who actively participate in pedophilic acts 
6) it can be used as a tool for blackmail especially for those who are wealthy and/or in high office,
7) it normalizes a rape culture 
8) it normalizes child abuse on varying levels.
9)due to the secrecy involved, it allows this behavior to go on unimpeded for decades even centuries  when coupled with trauma it release an addictive energetic frequency driving the pedophile to the point of an insane insatiable appetite for the experience.
10)it erodes the fabric of a society rendering it extremely harmful to its members which could lead to total collapse of its viability to sustain its most vulnerable, the children
11)the children who manage to grow up are severely emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually damaged, may become perpetrators themselves and/or become psychotic
12)this psychosis acts like a virus and spreads to the other members of society creating a poisonous frequency on a psychic level that without the total dismantling of the distortion the society becomes a cesspool of discordant, destructive energies.
What I am saying is this, pedophilia and incest is a part of human history and cultures.  Presently it may be demonized in some and herald in others, however, if we go back to the spiritual and fundamental origins of it, we can trace it back thousands upon thousands of years.  Children have been used in blood sacrifices, thrown to the volcano, sacrificed to the goods for a harvest and eaten for longevity.  If we look deep enough we may find that the rise and fall of so-called great civilizations had and intimate relationship with the rise and fall of these acts against its children.
The question is, Why??

The Occult Cult of Celebrity and the Erosion of the Self.

The cult of celebrity is no different from the multifarious ancient cults of Gods, goddesses and mortals mixed up, often with fatal results, in the general spiritual hierarchy of the ancient world.

What is it about human nature that makes humans susceptible to this behavior towards its young?  Is it the lore, the myth or the taboo?  In some instances these acts made a person closer to the Gods, garnered them favor, staved off famine and earth change catastrophes.

Remember, Abraham who was told by his God to sacrifice his son to prove his faithfulness?  That was not unusual for that to happen. Human sacrifice was not rare. They say Yeshuwa was the last “human sacrifice” and yet people eat his body and drink his blood, every Sunday. Think about that.

Where does this come from?  Why are humans cannibals?  Why do they kill their children?  Why do they eat their young thinking it will elongate their own lives?  Why do the molest and rape them?
To Me this predilection is the real psyops, the real rabbit hole.  Somewhere along the way, humanity has been hardwired to indulge in this type of behavior.  Whether out in the open in certain cultures or in secret dark rooms, tunnels and dungeons in others. One of the reasons it won’t stop is because it is in us. It is in all of us. 
If we are all God’s creatures, made by God, then why did God create us this way?  Even animals protect their young. They do not set up altars to ritualistically kill them.  And only when they have matured do they enter into sexual behavior with them.  I once had a cat who had several kittens. One of her kittens continued to nurse past the time needed and would get an erection while nursing his mother. Whenever he came near her she would quickly push him away.  Of course animals are not always the greatest examples to draw from,  but they at least don’t seem to need to appease the Gods by sacrificing their children.

Sacred prostitution
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sacred prostitution, temple prostitution, cult prostitution[1], or religious prostitution is a sexual ritual consisting of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship, perhaps as a form of fertility rite and divine marriage (hieros gamos). Scholars have long considered such practices to be customary in the ancient world.
Some scholars prefer the term sacred sex to sacred prostitution in cases where payment for services was not involved. The Greek term hierodoulos or hierodulehas sometimes been taken to mean sacred holy woman, but it is more likely to refer to a former slave freed from slavery in order to be dedicated to a god.[2] The Hebrew term qedesha is often translated literally as temple holy one.
The Greeks[edit]
Plato was an early critic of sexual intercourse in pederastic relationships, proposing that men’s love of boys avoid all carnal expression and instead progress from admiration of the lover’s specific virtues to love of virtue itself in abstract form. While copulation with boys was often criticized and seen as shameful and brutish,[48] other aspects of the relationship were considered beneficial, as indicated in proverbs such as A lover is the best friend a boy will ever have.
Child abuse issues[edit]
Though pederasty was once accepted in many cultures, some modern observers have retrospectively labeled it abusive. Enid Bloch argues that many Greek boys who were involved in paederastic relationships may have been harmed by the experience, if the relationship included anal sex. Bloch writes that the boy may have been traumatized by knowing that he was violating social customs. According to her, the “most shameful thing that could happen to any Greek male was penetration by another male.” In this respect Bloch is in accord with Greek sexual morality, which also recognized a difference between ethical pederasty which excluded anal sex and “hubristic” pederasty which was believed to debase the boy as well as the man who penetrated him.[89]
Bloch further argues that vases showing “a boy standing perfectly still as a man reaches out for his genitals” indicate the boy may have been “psychologically immobilized, unable to move or run away.”[90] Many other vases show the boy running away.[91]
The Truth About Easter and the Secret Worship of the Anunnaki
The Satanic Ritual of Sacrificing Children
Every year, the priests of Ishtar would impregnate young virgins on an altarannu dedicated to herself and her husband*. The children were born on Christmas (!!!), and the next year they were sacrificed in the Easter’s Sunday at the sunrise service. The priests would take Ishtar’s eggs and dye them in the blood of the sacrificed children.
*Inanna’s husband was none other that the infamous god Moloch or Melekh, to whom children were – and still are – sacrificed in Satanic rituals. Satanism is the religious worship of the Anunnaki, and the human and animal sacrifices were/are part of the rituals.
The Canadian Genocide: Tens of Thousands of CHILDREN Killed by the CHURCH
Pope Francis, the Jesuits and the Church of England to be Prosecuted for Child Trafficking and Genocide — The Queen of England Already Found Guilty
The Orange County Pedophilia Ring is Protected – Dozens of Missing Children, Investigators ‘Suicided’
He says he was initiated into:
“… the oldest, most pristine form of Satanism, the old Sumero-Akkadian-Babylonian mystery religion …Inherent in this culture is the presence and power of demonic spirits, and they became an integral part of my life and even my being. In a culture addicted to power, demonic spirits offered the ultimate power trip. If, in American culture, people are addicted to comfort, status, and prestige, in Satanic culture people are addicted to demonic power. 
“Satanism has pervaded western civilization …It has been growing for thousands of years, quietly weaving its way through the very fabric of the culture and the power structures of the nations in the West. It has adherents in all walks of life, in all incomes, and all social strata. It has exerted a profound influence on the intellectual life of the West for the past several hundred years …Satanism has influenced politics, economics, art and music, through the spiritual-psychological process called dissociation, and dissociation is as old as human culture itself.”4
There are so many questions and the more you know the more there is to know. But at this point in the journey it can be firmly stated that there is a considerable reptilian connection to ancient and modern control and manipulation of the human race. That is not to say all reptilians in all existence, just some of them. But then we need to ask about the consciousness that incarnates into the reptilian stream because in the end the decisions of action and behavior are taken by consciousness.

John A. Keel points out that historical records say the priests claimed to have the ability to communicate with other-dimensional beings, and that the kings and emperors, including people like Julius Caesar and Napoleon, met with strange beings who materialized and dematerialized. The same goes with today’s leaders who consult their other-dimensional demonic masters. Keel details the literature on secret societies that describes many materializations of fearsome demons, which gave out orders and directed their followers to commit murder or political manipulation. Those who disobeyed would be killed by the entity or fellow members.
“Thus,” he wrote, “the ultraterrestrials are able to guide and control human events through evil men lusting for power.”8
Exactly. Keel goes on:
“…The startling truth, as carefully recorded by the ancient historians, is that ultraterrestrials have always been in direct contact with millions of individuals and that they actually ruled directly over mankind for many years. In recent centuries their influence has become more subtle, but it is always there.”9
Only by understanding the nature of the infinite frequencies or densities of existence can we begin to see the plot. We are being controlled and manipulated on this planet from other dimensions or densities and have been for thousands of years, at least.
The well known writer and researcher on “UFO” topics, Dr Jacques Vallee, asked the right questions when he said:
“Are we dealing…with a parallel universe, where there are human races living, and where we may go at our expense, never to return to the present? Are these races only semi-human, so that in order to maintain contact with us, they need crossbreeding with men and women of our planet?
Is this the origin of the many tales and legends where genetics plays a great role: the symbolism of the Virgin in occultism and religion, the fairy tales involving human midwives and changelings, the sexual overtones of the flying saucer reports, the biblical stories of intermarriage between the Lord’s angels and terrestrial women, whose offspring were giants?
From that mysterious universe, have objects that can materialize and ‘dematerialize’ at will been projected? Are the UFOs ‘windows’ rather than ‘objects’? There is nothing to support these assumptions, and yet, in view of the historical continuity of the phenomenon, alternatives are hard to find, unless we deny the reality of ail the facts, as our peace of mind would indeed prefer.”10>
But humans are doing precisely this to each other every day by demanding that everyone conform to the norms to which they blindly conform. This is nothing less than psychological fascism – the thought police with agents in every home, everywhere. Agents so deeply conditioned that most have no idea they are unpaid mind controllers. “I’m just doing what’s right for my children” I hear them say. 
No, what you have been programmed to believe is right for them and the belief, also, that only you know best. I remember debating with a former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom at the Oxford Union debating society and he simply could not see a difference between education and indoctrination. It was a wonder to behold. 
We see this same theme in our daily experiences of people in uniform and others from the masses who are promoted to power over the masses. It’s summed up by the satirical version of the British Labour Party song, The Red Flag, which goes:
“The working class can kiss my arse, I’ve got the foreman’s job at last.”
10 Ancient Cultures That Practiced Ritual Human Sacrifice
I’m a self-declared life long student enrolled in a study of history, civilization, and comparative mythology. One of the most fascinating subjects, almost taboo to discuss, is to look with morbid curiosity on the practice of blood offerings….be it lovely doves or gentle lambs, but especially, humans, and even more so…. innocent human children. We ponder the mystery of a superstitious culture when we view the image of a delicate child mummy sacrificed thousands of years ago in some pre-Colombian ritual. We contemplate what kind of human need there was for this sort of dark practice, and if the seeds of this need lurk in us still today, passed genetically from an ancestor who lived hundreds and thousands of years ago. This ritualistic killing was usually associated with appeasing a god, often to ensure a good harvest. However, no culture is exempt from this practice.
He’s talking about parents sacrificing their children to idol gods—a practice that was quite common in ancient times.  Multiple gods got in on the ritual, and if you were really in a desperate situation, you might try offering up your kid to a god who you didn’t normally give that type of offering to.  But some gods—such as the Ammonite god named Molek—required child sacrifice on a regular basis, which is why the ancient Jews had set aside a whole ravine near the city of Jerusalem to serve as an ongoing child barbecue.  Children were burned alive on super-heated metal idol arms, and you can just imagine how unpleasant the smells and sounds of such a practice would be.  It was the infamous Valley of Ben Hinnom which Jesus later used as a metaphor for what Hell would be like: a fire that never dies, weeping and anguish, a foul stench.  When Jesus talks about Gehenna in the Gospel books, He’s referring to Ben Hinnom.  When Yahweh speaks of Tophet in the Old Testament books, He’s referring to the actual altar in the valley where children were physically killed.  Clearly this whole practice was horrific and disturbing on every level.  But it was also going on all of the time and right next to the most famous city in Israel.  Jerusalem was a major trade center, a very popular worship center, and a key cultural landmark.  Yet if you come to Jerusalem, you end up getting a faceful of Tophet, and how are you not disturbed by such a thing?  You see, the Jews weren’t trying to hide what they were doing.  It’s more like they were intentionally doing it on a grand stage which was strategically located in a place where no one could miss it.  Yes, we Christians certainly do want to know that our good Gods are horrified by such a terrible practice, so we feel good when we read about Yahweh exclaiming His horror of this practice not just once, but three times in the book of Jeremiah.
Now wait a second.  Here’s Yahweh telling Abraham to barbecue Isaac on some rocks many centuries before the prophet Jeremiah was even born.  Suddenly Yahweh’s three claims to have never commanded child sacrifice are sounding disturbingly hypocritical.  And then there was that trick He pulled on Jephthah—a guy who vowed to give Yahweh a special sacrifice in return for Yahweh giving Jephthah a miraculous military victory.
Jephthah lived on a farm and had his share of animals.  He was used to coming home and having some four-legged thing run to meet him.  So when he promised to roast the first creature to greet him when he returned from battle, he figured he was striking up a pretty safe bargain with God.  But it turned out that Yahweh didn’t appreciate having His help being treated so cheaply, so after giving Jephthah the victory he wanted, Yahweh made sure that it was Jephthah’s own daughter who outran all of the animals on the day that Jephthah returned from battle.  Shocked and horrified by the unexpected turn of events, Jephthah recognized that God was disciplining him for his bad attitude, and he dutifully sacrificed his daughter.  So now we have two incidents of Yahweh requiring child sacrifice: one was a direct command, the other was through a manipulation of circumstances.  In the case of Abraham, Yahweh called the sacrifice off before it was completed.  But in the case of Jephthah, the young woman went down without any Divine intervention.  Do these stories bother us?  Of course they do.  Jephthah’s disturbing account is sandwiched right between the stories of Gideon and Samson—two characters who get frequent mention in Sunday School classes.  Yet we consistently skip over Jephthah’s three chapters (Judges 10-12), because it’s just too upsetting to think that Yahweh would ever really want child sacrifice.
Now even if Yahweh didn’t have any history of demanding child sacrifice from His followers, it is beyond ludicrous for a sovereign God to claim that His own creatures can ever do anything which hasn’t occurred to Him.  It is our Gods who set the limits on who we humans are and define all of our capacities.  We can’t just sit around brainstorming original ideas.  Like children who are choosing a cookie from a plate that mom has set out, we can only ever choose among possibilities that our Gods have made available to us.  So no, child sacrifice really wasn’t a human original.  Not only did Yahweh conceive of the possibility long before we did, but He also designed us with the capacity to find such a loathsome activity appealing under certain circumstances.  Whose idea was it to make human beings so utterly selfish that they’d be willing trash their own family members in order to get some god to send rain down on their thirsty crops?  Who designed human parents to feel bonded to their own offspring, yet ensured that that bond could also be eroded under certain circumstances? It was our three glorious Creators who designed us to be the selfish, sadistic little creatures that we are, and it was our Creators who taught us everything we know about evil.  We humans can do nothing apart from our Gods, and we can’t comprehend anything without Them making our minds work.
In the Old Testament, Yahweh boasts of having absolute control over all things—including life and death.  It was through the mouth of Moses that He said:
Christian Deceptions: Case Study: Rebranding a Sky God
Where Human sacrifices are still taking place throughout the world
Drug gangs, witch doctors and weird cults – the terrifying modern face of human sacrifice
The end of innocence: The cost of sexualizing kids
Not long after, the kids were called out to dance to the hit songs of the season – these songs in my opinion should be rated PG 13. 4-6 year olds trooped to the dance floor, miming the sexually explicit songs and gyrating their bodies in the most sensual manner. They could have given Beyounce a run for her money. 
They ran their hands over their bodies, shook their booties hard while their parents cheered them on. The boys had their upper shirts unbuttoned and rapped along perfectly to gangsta raps while doing flawless break dance. 
Predator Potential
While it might appear that the audience at child pageants is comprised of family and friends of the children who compete, there’s no guarantee that strangers with nefarious intentions haven’t infiltrated the crowd. Whether pedophiles attend the pageants or simply collect the adult-looking photos that many pageant moms love to post online, the mini contestants may easily be exposed to those with a sick interest in them. There’s really no way to tell whether the friendly man taking hours of video footage in the corner is an uncle, grandfather or pedophile.
Instead of thrusting your child forward into the limelight that may cause the destruction of her confidence and send her the message that her only worth lies in how she looks, allow your child to be a child. Surround her with trusted family and friends, encourage her to participate in activities that promote her intellectual and physical abilities and, most of all, keep her away from the sordid world of child pageants.
what’s with parents who watch their little kids dance like prostitutes at parties, in front of everyone and actually cheer them on! The three or four presenters all seemed to agree and one even shared a story of how his 7 year old cousin was dancing at a party and everyone cheered, then the girl suddenly broke into some dip-it-low booty poppin’ moves and her mother immediately sprang up from her seat and dragged her off the dance floor. For me this was an Aha! moment; So I’m not insane then, I’m not the only who thinks that’s just outright wrong.
Aliens and Sex with human Women
“Sorcerers chiefly used the blood sacrifice; and while we hold this to be evil, we cannot deny that this method is very efficient. Power flashes forth from newly shed blood, instead of exuding slowly as by our method. The victim’s terror and anguish add keenness, and even quite a small animal can yield enormous power.The great difficulty is in the human mind controlling the power of the lower animal mind. But sorcerers claim they have methods for effecting this and that the difficulty disappears the higher her the animal used, and when the victim is human disappears entirely. (The practice is an abomination but it is so.) 
Santa Claus Is An Illegal Alien
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