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Archive for the ‘Islamic State’ Category

Why the FBI Wants Orlando Agencies to Deny Public Records Request

NB Commentary:  I have read several comments under the articles listed below and it amazes me how these folks are not seeing the humongous elephant in the room.

Can the American populace be that blind, deaf and dumb? Did they just crawl out from under a rock when they heard about Omar Mateen’s 911 call saying he was an ISIS sympathizer? Did they not want it to be heard that he said he wanted America to stop bombing  his country of Afghanistan? Why was it redacted from the original release of the 911 calls and then released? Why has the story changed to him being a disgruntled closeted gay homophobe who saw two guys kissing and to detract from his own desire told his dad how disgusting it was? And where is his wife?
Have the American people been so shook up and down that their brains are rattling and they cannot connect the dots even if they tried? How do they not get
it? Haven’t they heard that the ISIS attacks will come home to roost? Weren’t they warned that these so-called rebels turned terrorists will be crashing at a party near you? Weren’t they fear mongering and at the same time arming these so-call rebels on one hand and saying you better watch out on the other hand?
I find it amazing that they have no trouble whatsoever, blaming everything on ISIS when it happens in another country, but when it happens here, mums the word. Why is that?? And why can’t folks see it.

“Muslims most often are used as convenient US or other Western state-sponsored false flag attack patsies.
Yet as James Petras explains, “(o)ver the past fifty plus years, over 125 mass shootings/massacres have occurred within the United States but not one perpetrator has been identified as a trained member of an international Islamist terrorist organization.”

Why won’t they just come out and call a spade a spade? Either it’s ISIS or it ain’t, either they are a part of the terrorist network or they ain’t. And if they are.. Then a lot of questions should ensue.
Shouldn’t they be bombing the US cells wherever they find them?
Shouldn’t they be sending drones to US wedding parties wherever they suspect a terrorist cell?
Shouldn’t they be rounding up these terrorists and sending them to Guantanamo?
Shouldn’t they be bombing their schools,  hospitals and neighborhoods where they are held up in the US?
But instead we see them…
Shaking hands with them….
Arming them….
Looking the other way when they travel across borders and enter European countries…..
Investigating them and then releasing them…..
Allowing so called radicals, radicalize folks via the internet (Robertson in Mateen’s case)…..
Allowing their Mosques that openly teach propaganda against the US to exist, instead of shutting them down and weeding them out…..
No, it is much more fun to do that to other countries and their defenseless men, women and children.
It’s more fun to blame Obama and say he is closet Muslim who won’t expose the hateful Muslims for who they are.

It’s easier to omit the “War On Terror” that was launched before Obama came into
It is easier to ignore the death and destruction that the US and NATO has rained down on the defenseless as a result of this so-called and literally impossible war to win.
It’s easier to create chaos, division, corruption and massacres and blame it on those folks over there.
It’s even more fun to show the blood and gore and blood and more gore spewing out of those folks over there than to face it here in the USA.
So when Bush made the threat that he was going to seek them out wherever they are, he did not mean he would do much of that here in the US. In fact, he just kinda sorta didn’t mean the war on terror was gonna take place in the US at all. No war on terror on US soil, only in the middle East, cause for sure, they ain’t having that war in Paris, France, Brussels.
Then we have the openly complicit and criminal relationship with Erdogan and the Saudi’s who are also arming the so-called rebels. Not to mention, that Israel says the rebels are better than Assad. And the US supports Israel. So what’s wrong with that picture?
The false flag narrative has simply run its course. People are waking up and even if it’s just 10 out of every thousand that is still too many. What else is there to do besides go to full scale war with Russia, which is a fools dream. Go to war with Russia?? You’re kidding me right?
Because the US is responsible for the deaths that happened in Orlando and probably every where else that has the ISIS tag on it, because the US congress agreed to ARM THE REBELS! And in doing so, they endangered the lives of everyone everywhere, and not just over there. Them chickens will find their way, right back home!!

My rants are just that, rants, but I back them up with the facts and news articles and/or videos that I find on the internet, which seems to be the bane of the existence of the The Powers That Shouldn’t Be.
Steven Lendman’s article brings it all into perspective, and I have quoted it below. He is a prolific writer and his use of critical analysis of the shenanigans that these folks in power get themselves into is par excellance. 

Genesis of Current Mass Shootings, Blasts and Suicide Bombings
by Stephen Lendman  July 4, 2016
They’re coming in rapid fashion – in late June/early July alone:
  • Istanbul blasts inflicting mass casualties; 
  • Dhaka, Bangladesh shootings and hostage takings; 
  • slaughter in Baghdad, killing over 200 and wounding hundreds more – the latest of numerous violent incidents since GW Bush’s 2003 naked aggression; and
  • on America’s Independence Day, an apparent suicide bombing meters from its Jeddah, Saudi Arabia consulate, followed by multiple blasts rocking the area.
Whether these and similar attacks are terrorism, false flags, lone wolf incidents or something else requires understanding how they began in the first place.
In his memoirs, titled “From the Shadows,” former CIA director/defense secretary Robert Gates said US intelligence operatives began aiding Mujahadeen fighters in Afghanistan six months before Soviet Russia invaded.
Former Carter administration national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski explained, saying Jimmy Carter, on Independence Day eve (July 3, 1979), “signed the the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.” 
“And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.”
Mujahadeen support led to today’s Taliban, Al Qaeda, the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), ISIS, Jabhat al Nusra, Jaysh al-Islam, Ahrar ash-Sham, Boko Haram, and other jihadist groups – US created and sponsored or offshoots from them.
Bipartisan US imperial policy bears full responsibility for unleashing a scourge of state-sponsored terrorism in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, Europe and America.
Brzezinski was unapologetic, asking “(w)hat is more important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”
He failed to explain America needs enemies to advance his imperium. Communism was its bogeyman earlier, public enemy number one until Soviet Russia’s 1991 dissolution.
Now it’s radical Muslims, Islam vilified in the process – directly or by implication, America raping and destroying one Islamic country after another.
Muslims most often are used as convenient US or other Western state-sponsored false flag attack patsies.
Yet as James Petras explains, “(o)ver the past fifty plus years, over 125 mass shootings/massacres have occurred within the United States but not one perpetrator has been identified as a trained member of an international Islamist terrorist organization.”
In contrast, America “brutalized and, directly or indirectly, massacred millions of Muslim civilians, citizens of once-sovereign nations, throughout the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa,” – unprecedented lawlessness continuing unabated, millions more lives at risk.
State-sponsored terror threatens world peace, America its lead perpetrator, waging war on humanity at home and abroad. Its rage for dominance created societies unfit to live in, imperiling life on earth. 
Imperial madness threatens everyone, endless wars and headline-making violent incidents reminders of what’s at stake.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at 
G4S calls itself the “world’s leading security solutions group.”The London-based company contracts often with the U.S. government — it currently operates 32 taxpayer-funded juvenile prisons in the U.S. through G4S Youth Services, and has transported and housed immigrant detainees on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security. G4S has also coordinated security for more than 90 percent of nuclear sites in the U.S, as well as airports, hospitals, and seaports.
Orlando terrorist connected to radical Muslim cleric who was released from prison last year after he converted 36 people in jail and ‘runs a website used to dispense his teachings’
  • Officials say Omar Mateen, 29, was tied to former US Marine turned radical Muslim cleric Marcus Dwayne Robertson 
  • Robertson converted at least 36 people to his version of Islam while he was imprisoned for four years in jail before he was released
Robertson, who was a former US Marine and undercover FBI agent before turning into a radical Imam, was released from prison last year despite warning from officials and prosecutors that he would recruit people to carry out horrendous acts of violence. 
Investigative Report Proves Turkey Part of ISIS Terror
“We must not question the motives of our elected leaders, who despite sitting on this information for years, still lie to us, flagrantly, even now, before the blood of 129 French citizens has even dried, pretending that they intend to ‘destroy’ a band of psychopathic murdering scum, armed and funded from within the heart of NATO,” Ahmed concludes.
Says House Intel Chair: “Some of them have drifted back to the U.S.”
“This is a big part of the reason why ISIS exists, it’s about perpetual war; the military industrial complex has to have new markets, has to make money, so they have to keep things in the Middle East unstable,” Henderson told Press TV on Saturday. 
Why Barack Obama and most of the U.S. Congress are Guilty of Treason
Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US “Created” ISIS As A “Tool” To Overthrow Syria’s President Assad
The T-Shirts
ISIS, apparently, sells merch. Not just T-shirts and baseball caps, but — gasp — toys for children! Here’s a CNN video from June 24. (I say “seems” because I came in late on this story and Google is a horrible research tool, so, readers, feel free to correct any of my misapprehensions.) Here’s the video:
America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group

Mass shooting in Orlando gay nightclub, June 12, 2016

Mass shooting in Orlando gay nightclub: 50 dead, 53 injured, ‘act of domestic terrorism’

NB Commentary: Guess folks was loving Muhammed Ali, a professed Muslim too much, they needed to demonise the Muslims for the sake of balance. Did anyone see the video of the beautiful Jenazah prayer service for him? Oh yeah, and they love doing stuff right around or right at the beginning of Ramadan. The cowards, love to get them when they are vulnerable. How many folks remember that the Shock & Awe campaign of the Iraq war was right at the beginning of Ramadan that year? Yeah, they are really brave to drop bombs on fasting folks, weak, thirsty and hungry.. But we know, the warriors are NOT fasting, but it’s just the blatant disrespect for the Holiest Month of the Islamic faith. SMDH.

So now we have a mass shooting, #guncontrol #hatemuslims, #falseflag, #whoturnedofthisdudeschip
Last night, around this time say 2AM or so, I got a serious dizzy spell, I said to myself, what the hell is gonna happen now?
Now, I don’t jack shit about guns, or rifles for that matter but I would notice someone walking into even the darkest alley with a gun that looks similar to this, and not from watching it in a movie. Plus he was heavily armed??????

Mass shooting in Orlando gay nightclub: 50 dead, 53 injured, ‘act of domestic terrorism’

By Ian Greenhalgh on June 12, 2016
We have come a long way from the Texas Bell Tower sniper shootings in 1966 and the mass killing scourge that Charles Whitman unleashed on us that day.
Yes… another one.
Editor’s Note Update: Well this is indeed a bad day, when a new mass killing record is set in the US by a lone shooter with only an assault rifle and a handgun. The bad news is the updated statistic of 53 dead  and 50 injured now. That means where were a lot of clip reloads. Our prayers go out to all the victims and their families.
I did a very quick notice Press TV news clip on the story. We did not know the shooter was an Afghan Muslim at air time.  They graciously gave me some time to cover the “copycat” crime history on these shootings, starting with the Texas bell tower sniper…how the massive coverage triggered other losers seeking to go out in a blaze of glory to do the same.
We had the “Going Postal” genre, where disgruntled, fired employees would go back and shoot up their former employers and then later came the school shootings, which also became “copycat” fodder. No one call this terrorism at any step of the process, almost like permission had not been given to use the term.
I knew the question would come up about “too many guns in America” which set me up for saying what never gets airtime during these mass killing stories, that 2 million Americans defend themselves from criminal attacks every year using a gun. Many do not have to fire them, and then there are those who kill their attackers.
This puff of smoke is from Whitman firing a shot
The “people versus guns kill people” debate will be going on for a long time. A gun has never killed anyone, people do. And if they are not totally crazy they do it for a reason, like they saw someone else do it on TV and decided to do the same for whatever warped reason.
My two cents? Dear night club, with 300 plus people in your club you can afford two armed and well trained security people to protect your customers. You have the camera technology to spot suspect people. Adding a $1 to the entry fee would cover the cost.  You could put up a sign that you have a well-armed establishment.
Here in Georgia churches were banned places for gun carriers, but that law was amended to allow the churches to allow armed concealed carry security if they chose. This was done after random church shootings began and everyone was well tuned to the copycat crime aspect.
After the Newtown, Connecticut mass elementary school shooting nine states enacted legislation to allows schools to have armed, trained personnel. But most were afraid of the “liability” of getting sued from an incident and chose to be defenseless to an armed attacker, depending on locked door security to save them.
No school has been sued for not having protection. In the meantime there are idiots that actually put up yard signs, “This is a gun-free house”. The house breakers and thieves are most grateful. There is another kind of sign,  “We have guns and now how to use them”. This debate will be with us forever… Jim W. Dean]

This tragic incident has several hallmarks of being a false flag attack; the shooter being a young Muslim, the FBI ‘checking’ to see if he has links with extremists, the shooter already dead and unable to answer any questions. It’s all too familiar. The fact it was a gay club may also be significant, given the current hoo-hah in the US political arena over LGBT issues.

Since the initial reports, the shooter has been identified as US citizen Omar Mateen from Florida. 

The suspect behind the gay nightclub shooting in Orlando, which left dozens dead and injured, has been identified as Omar Mateen, the CBS network reported, citing sources. The channel added that the FBI is currently checking if he was linked to extremists.
A correspondent from the WFTV channel said Mateen was 27 years old and was from Port St. Lucie in Florida, nearly 150km from Orlando.
According to reports on social media, he was born to Afghan parents.
Quite frankly, this is almost certainly an event designed to provoke further anti-Islamic feeling in the US and judging by the sort of stupid, ill-informed and hate-filled commentary that is already appearing on various websites reporting on this story, it is an easy sell.  
This comment, the byline to an article on the shooting is sadly typical of the nonsense flooding the interwebs:
His level of preparation indicates an intention to demonstrate his profound devotion to Allah during Ramadan.
Since when was Ramadan about killing people? How is committing murder showing devotion to Allah? This is just ludicrous nonsense written by someone who is either completely ignorant of Islam or is willfully telling nefarious lies in order to demonise Islam and Moslems.