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Archive for the ‘drug trafficking’ Category

"The Making of Donald Trump": David Cay Johnston on Trump’s Ties to the Mob (video)

NB Commentary: Okay, Donald Trump is not a poster boy, and he probably ain’t got an ounce of no how when it comes to being a president of a company much less the president of the US, but this reporter sounds like a Hillary plant. Where are the facts and figures. Is this an Opinion piece or is this real journalism? That’s what’s missing in our media today, real journalism! Research, facts and more facts to back up the research. Name calling is not journalism. It’s opinion so this should be called that, opinion. I am really really disappointed in Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! Down the rabbit hole it has gone along with the wonderful reporting of old.

“The Making of Donald Trump”: David Cay Johnston on Trump’s Ties to the Mob and Drug Traffickers

“This narrative that politics are not full of gangsters is a Walt Disney propoganda partisan talking point. Of course Trump is a gangster, not as big of a gangster as the Bush Clinton crime Syndicate. I’m new to Democracy Now but what I realize about them is they are leftist propoganda outlet of the American Comunist Party. They obviously are the the gold standard for the progressive left but they are in bed with a whole different group of gangsters, the George Soros Council on Foreign Relations social engineering Neo Liberals. If this is your thing, more power to you. America is nothing more than a conglomeration of gangster run operations. The scary thing about this election for the left is that the biggest gangster crew out there backing Trump is the United States Armed Forces, not because he’s an honerable man in the puritanical “Democracy Now” sense. He’s a Nationalist in the most rugged sense, and he has that in common with the United States Armed Forces. Donald Trump has deep mafia connections? no shit, but the Clinton Bush Crime family is an enemy to the Republic, a term “Democracy Now” will never use, after all, they view America as a “Democracy ” not a Republic. Enjoy your daily dose of George Soros funded Propoganda, I’m going to get high the old fashion way and smoke a joint. Cheers!”