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Untying the YouTube Knot (Videos)

The Title of this video is “Untying the YouTube Knot”You know, over the past few months, YouTube has been giving its content creators the blues. Some righteously and others not so much.  I was surprised that they came at me, but I am beginning to think that it was because of my video series debunking the rumor that Michelle Obama was a man, that got me so many views and subs, that my channel was no longer under the radar.

I really couldn’t understand why YouTube is acting so crazy, demonetizing my vids and now suppressing my views. It really doesn’t make any sense to me because I have a really small channel compared to some. But at this point, I am convinced it’s the message and not the size of your channel.
I even saw someone complaining about their views being suppressed back in 2015 before the big hooplah about the advertisers.  So, the Passive aggressive way of getting at you and staying on you is basically getting fine tuned as they blame it on the Algorithms, etc.
So, I just wanted to let my subscribers and visitors know what I am going to do. I believe that when one door closes another opens and many times the other door has more opportunities. I strongly believe that YouTube is gonna see what a bad move it was for them to squeeze out their content creators.
Of course, they are big enough that they feel they can do so, and suffer minor scraps and bruises. But the fact that they would do that to the folks who made YouTube what it is today, shows the level of loyalty they have and therefore they cannot be trusted with their new partners, the big Dogs!!! 
Everybody is in it for the money, and if the Big Dogs see YouTube is not loyal, they won’t trust them either. Instead of squeezing us out they should have created another Platform where we could flourish, but instead, they are using passive aggressive means to get us out. Suppressing views and demonetizing most channels, and then actually shutting others down. And they are doing it left and right.
When you look at the trending pages, even if your interests are extremely different, you don’t see what you used to see, now you see weirdness.  Then you gotta go search for your channels, when they used to be right there prominent on the Home Page.

Some channels are completely GONE, gone, others have moved to their back up and some have created 2 and 3 other channels only to have them shut down.
So, for me, I always say, if it don’t fit, don’t force it. Content creators are creative folks, and YouTube is just causing other folks to draw them in on other platforms. These platforms may not be as fancy as YouTube, but they are options and in a little bit, they will pan out to be a much better option than YouTube, because the content creators will not only leave, but take their subscribers with them. I don’t know whose idea it was to put the squeeze on us, but I don’t think it was well thought out.
When you are married for several years, you just don’t get up and leave, unless you really don’t need what you are leaving behind. Quiet as it’s kept, YouTube needs us, so kicking us out in the cold, will only make them wish they hadn’t. The funny thing will be if they try to bring us back. How many of us jilted lovers will crawl back to YouTube, no questions asked. I am sure some will, but we should not come back, because YouTube kicked us to the curb for no real reason except their cash register, and that’s not a good foundation for any relationship.
So, I want to let you all know what I have done and what I will be doing in the future.

Obviously, I cannot totally depend on my channel like folks with hundreds of thousands of views can, for revenues. However, the idea that they are suppressing my views is a bit infuriating. They went from demonetizing to the back way of doing so, by saying, ain’t nobody watching my videos and I know much better than that. In fact, I am wondering why the analytics say 1,620 view in the passed 48 hours but the actual view count on the vids, ain’t changing, sounds a bit fishy to me.
I am at Patreon, but I really have no patrons, even though I did the whole patreon push.
I am on Vidme and that’s pretty cool, got a couple of subs there.  Vidme, is straight no chaser, just upload your vids within the parameters of your membership, or upload by adding a URL of a video from somewhere else, which is really, really a cool feature and wallah, there’s your vid, with the description, thumbnail and all! Pretty niffty I might add.  So come over there an check me out.
I am on, which is an alternative to Facebook and a decent place for African Americans, who primarily want to support a black owned business and get other opportunities like showcasing your business, uploading vids, and pics, networking, blogging, and announcing events, it’s pretty cool. When first started off it was free to join, but now they are asking for $5/month membership fee. It makes sense to me cause it takes money to do much of anything in this country! I like it because I know that my posts will be appreciated by a small group of folks who will holler back at me and let me know they saw it!
I am still on Facebook, but my days there are numbered. I really don’t care for it anymore, and since I don’t get much traction over there, I am slowly weaning myself off it.  They offer the opportunity to post ads, but if you don’t have a large following, your ads won’t do much as far as getting them duckets into the bank!!
I am still on Google+ as well, I like the interactions there much better, I also like the groups they have and the networking. People respond to what I post, I share theirs, and of course, Google offers so much other junk to rope you in, it ain’t funny. But no revenue. That is only through YouTube.
I am also, it’s seems to be a budding platform similar to FaceBook but not quite as overloaded with the newsfeed. There you get points for being on there, and they can be cashed in or used to purchase whatever they got going over there, but I get a kick out of watching my points increase. is working on sharing revenues with their content creators, but I gotta read the fine print about a hundred more times before I can make any sense of that.
I want to give a special shout out for the folks over there at BitChute though! I joined the platform about 6 months ago, and had no idea I was even accepted until someone posted a comment under one of my vids. I was like, really???? Then when I went there, I saw my channel and all my YouTube videos from the past 6 months. I was like, wait-a-second, when did that happen???? I ain’t complaining or anything, but I was not prepared for that! And that was soo cool.
Now they are using some sort of bit torrent thingamajig, and don’t get me lying, I ain’t got a single clue how that works or what the heck that is… but they were able to suck all my vids off YouTube via my YouTube ID and there were my vids, looking just as pretty and nice and wonderful and right there! I also have the option of uploading which is a new feature as they were mainly dependent on the torrent option, whatever the heck that is. If you know what that means, feel free to clue me in, in the comment section cause I am like “duuuuh” when it comes to that technology.
But what was super special was when I sent them a thank you message and got a response right away from the Big Guy over there who said he had been watching my vids for a long time on YouTube, and that I was one of the first folks to sign up, probably after I heard about it on the Corbett Report. Ditto, ditto, but I had no idea I was one of the first ones to sign up.
You know how you get that tingly feeling when you think nobody notices you and then all of a sudden someone does and you are like wow, and you didn’t even know it?? But even more than that, that you are appreciated!! That’s what I am talking about. Heck, I went to a small college and live in a small town and it’s the smallness that’s the greatness if you ask me. So BitChute might be small now, but they care and so I just wanna say thanks for that, and ask you all to come over and check me out there.
I am gonna move my I Ching videos over there. I was thinking of filling up another channel with just those types of videos, but some of them are still political, and YouTube has already demonetized a few of them. I mean, they are psychic reading videos, but because I am talking about Donald Trump, War, Syria, 911, and all they demonetized them, I couldn’t believe, especially since I thought, they wouldn’t dare demonetize those vids. They even demonetized my video on Michelle Obama that got the most vids on my whole channel!! And after it have been there for 2-3 months.  And, along with demonetizing they are suppressing views.
It’s frustrating, infuriating and depressing. You do all this work, not only for the money but because you have something you want to share with your subs and you can’t even tell if they even saw it, but you know they did, by the comments, cause pretty much, out of the hundred who watch it maybe one or 2 will leave a comments, so if you have 35 views and 10 comments, well that’s pretty fishy, don’t you think?? Well, I do anyways.
So, I am still juggling, this one woman show, trying to determine what the what, but I may just make my vids and upload them to the other platforms… cause you know what, it don’t make no sense that YouTube is giving us such a hard time!
I just wanted to let you all know where I was, and what I am thinking about doing. And what I will probably be doing from now on. Since I can upload to those platforms, I ain’t making no money over here on YouTube anyways, might as well stretch out there and get more exposure on these other platforms and build up an audience there. At 65, going on 66, ain’t nobody got time for that!!

Support My Work, it would be greatly appreciated. YouTube is doing its level best to make it hard for content creators.
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Available for Psychic Readings, Dream Interpretation and Workshops.
