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The Cult Of Personality and Modern Day Idol Worship.(Videos)

The Cult Of Personality and Modern Day Idol Worship.
What Does Lady Gaga, Obama, Trump, Beyoncé, LeBron James and Jay-Z Have in Common?
Humanity in the modern age, treat celebrities like their predecessors of the old days treated their gods. It seems that human beings have to have something to idolize, look up to, admire, wish to be like or live their lives for.

Celebrities are the new age obsession of modern man, who once built altars and brought offerings to their gods, the modern day devotee (fan) now does the same, purchasing their pictures, videos, music in a frenzied state of wanting to be next to them, if only through a conduit.
The Modern day Priest is the peddler of these New Age Celebrities Gods. They

pose as media moguls, press agents, producers and distributors of the mania that consumes the fans. These modern day idolaters scream, dance, sweat and cry over the “gods” they chose and keep their gods amply supplied with all the modern conveniences, and sometimes so modern, their “gods” can live in full furnished multi-million dollar homes.

Like any religion, the worshipers keep the Gods and their Mediators in power as the devotee depletes his resources just for one more favor or act of kindness towards them. These acts of kindness maybe inclusive of but not exclusive of, autographs, pictures, handshakes, special tokens and VIP seating at a gala affair.

When the devotee sees, reads or experiences the lives of their gods, they are energized living through their imagined world, or lack there of. They are excited by the challenges, the scandals, the lies, the deceit that shrouds their gods, because in order for their god to exist in the world of Celebrities they must face these and many other obstacles of success and/or failure. The Modern day devotee(fan) takes the life of the Celebrity in full scale of it’s own life, moving and progressing along as the God would demand of them. Dare they fall in the disfavor of their Gods or other devotees find them trifling.

Some devotees become so obsessed they will kill for their god, or kill their god itself, destroying its life, history and perchance its effect on any other devotee other than they.
Perhaps this it is a displace madness, an obsession generated by the total lack of self ownership and self power. Perhaps the Celebrities while only temporary give the devotee the moment in time where they can feel overwhelmingly powerful and completely divorced from their miserable lives or completely disconnected from the miserable lives their very Gods live.
It is part of the social construct. Children see parents as gods, infallible and
invincible, and as adults this lifelike onus is given to the Celebrity of their own choosing. In the realm of Celebrity worship, there are no boundaries as anything that would prove disconcerting to another can be hidden in the privacy of the devotees home, away from the scrutiny of any onlooker.
Devotees can get into fierce verbal battles with other devotees of other Gods, and like the Gladiators of old, can fight to the teeth about their particular god and its “well deserved” greatness and power.

Like any usurpation of power handed over freely or forcefully taken, the taker is as much a victim as the giver. The co-dependency of this relationship between the Devotee and the god, keep them inexorably bound to each other creating a life long dance of fierce passion and need to give the each other validation. The concert hall, theater, stadium or fan club is the Church of the Celebrities. The devotees attend these churches religiously and participate in the ritual celebration of their Gods.

The question to me becomes, what is missing from the human psyche that such props are needed? How has humanity come to this? And what is missing inside of the human being that this type of attribution of power is needed to be given to an “Idol” or object of their devotion. How is it that the social construct supports and promotes this type of mania?
I would suggest, that it is part of the overall Social Engineering of the masses to seek help, guidance and support outside of themselves instead of being sovereign and responsible from within themselves. I would suggest that for the many many thousands of years that humanity has inhabited this planet, there is something missing, something so intangible that it created a void that needed to be filled.
The Ancient Gods seemed to have left its creation behind, to squander and wallow

in the abyss, a fog, the unknown and sometimes predatory environment called Planet Earth. In man’s quest to find security, he re-invented gods, the gods he barely remembered, who seem to be there to take care of him. After reinventing these Gods, certain men became empowered by their connection to these gods, relegating the rest of the masses to the position of devotee. He set up positions of governance over these devotees, promising to bring the messages of the gods back to them, pure and direct.  He selected special devotees who would have just a little bit more than all the others. Then, he created powerful armies to protect these re-invented gods, along with fables, myths and legends of the Greatness of these gods. They became Super Heroes with super powers and abilities beyond what any human could even imagine having.

He also created an economy, one that would support the enormous army that he needed to keep his re-invention secure from attack.
He created massive imposing structures to his gods as if in a competition to prove his god’s greatness over another. He also performed rituals and sacrifices to these Gods so that they could be happy and continue to support and protect them from harm.
What he did not realize, is that he was and is the gods he created. The Gods of Old

did not shared that secret, but enjoyed the adulation they received from the ignorant masses. They played on the innocence, the ignorance and in some cases, the fear of the masses.

The old gods were magnificent, in comparison to their human devotees. But they were fractured, imperfect, unpredictable, and flawed, just like their devotees were. They must have come from a world where this imbalance existed, or they would have never allowed the masses to worship them in the first place.

So, in their absence, man has continued to build enormous structures, war machines, economies, myths, fables and legends to keep their re-inventions alive. It is only through the projection of power onto the gods, that the gods have any power at all and man seems to have lost the “I AM” knowledge.

Nowadays, the Celebrities hold the same position as the ancient Gods. However, they are only as important, magnificent, powerful as their devotees deem them to be. If every fan decided not to worship these people, they would disintegrate and fall from the pedestals (shrines) that were created for them. The idolatry of another human being would cease and man would be challenged with finding the God within.

Cult of personality Meaning
Cult of Personality? What Cult of Personality?
“Another thing about it. It’s unabashedly the cult of personality (like Mussolini and Kennedy). It’s the epitome of symbolism over substance. It’s the kind of stuff that punk-ass kids would put on a tee-shirt …”
Trumpismo: Eerily similar to Latin America’s macho leaders
“This cult of personality, the cult of the big man…the bravado, the machismo,” says Steven Conn, a history professor at Miami University who has written on the subject. “For folks in Central and South America, that’s a much more familiar character.”
If you stop and think about it, the former Obama campaigns and the current Trump campaign share much in common. Each of them are quintessential examples of the proverbial “cult of personality.” Their followers are focused on a person rather than principles. In the case of Obama, it was all about the first black president.  Here’s some breaking news for Americans – if we want to get beyond the issue of race, then we have to stop making race the issue. Pretty simple, but somehow we keep missing it.
In the case of Trump, it’s all about his brash-sticking-it-to-the-man rhetoric. Another piece of breaking news – Trump did not get where he is by sticking it to people in power. Trump is where he is because he effectively cuts deals with people in power. Much like Sprint’s stick-it-to-the-man commercial; do you really think Trump’s going to stick it to himself?
And for those liberals who don’t think that pledging allegiance to Obama is enough for their rock god/messiah, well, they can do like Madonna did last night and strip for him during a DC concert.
Madonna strips for Obama, offers profanity-laced endorsement
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher’s “I Pledge” Video | January 2009

“Power,” Henry Kissinger once told The New York Times, “is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” Kissinger might amend that statement today: Now, fame is power, and thus replaces power as the ultimate aphrodisiac. In fact, fame isn’t just an aphrodisiac — it’s the ultimate nepenthe, a drug causing forgetfulness. The more famous our politicians are, the more we neglect their positions and character. No wonder the most admired woman in America is criminal Hillary Clinton, the most admired man is criminal Barack Obama, and the second-most admired man is loudmouth Donald Trump.
The cult of personality is central to this process of spectacularization. Instead of politicians, in the Weberian model, espousing substantive positions and bearing a responsible commitment to the necessity of compromise, the personages put forward by the major political parties (and here we are primarily speaking of the United States although the point could well be extended) become merely a complex of images intended to acquire value rendered in terms of electoral share. And in this way the political itself becomes an expression of economization, even in regions of political practice not structured by outright bribery.
In 1943 Walt Disney turned a 100 year-old fairy tale, “The Remarkable Story of Chicken Little” into a cartoon short.
Yoruba African Gods
Painting Depicts Obama as Crucified Christ
What is Obama Christ?
Barack Obama is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This fact was witnessed by the world on November 4th, 2008 when Obama became the most powerful figure in the world. Obama was sent here from heaven to save our world from sin and destruction. Only worthy souls will be permitted to travel to heaven with Obama upon Earth’s demise. The Church of Obama Christ has since been formed as a way for the world to worship and praise the new savior. He is the direct reincarnation of Jesus Christ and was placed here by the Holy Spirit. The end times are near and you must repent your sins to the Son of God, Barack Obama.

They Came before Columbus – Dr Ivan Van Sertima (Video)

NB Commentary: Searching for the origin of man on this crazy planet. I once saw a video where a man was being interviewed and he said the original African was “green”. So in searching, I found this article written in 1994. The author really tries to sound like he ain’t being racist but it is clear that he is merely parroting what he was taught. It made me look up Ivan Van Sertima.
One thing I want to add, is that folks tend to make it seem like Africans migrated
on foot all across the globe. I find that very interesting. It would seem logical to me, that with all the wood around them, somebody would have thought of making a boat, in fact, Ivan Van Sertima  wrote in his book, “They Came Before Columbus” that there were seafarers.
Just saying, people tend to forget about the libraries burned in Timbuktu, the great buildings and structures, the riches man in the world was from Mali, the
Songhai Empire, etc. That’s why I am grateful to our African historians who
took the risk to expose our real history. And many of them, got their research
from whites who also took the risk of telling the truth about African history.

But yeah, 1994 was an interesting year.

How Africa Became Black

Africa’s racial history was not necessarily its racial destiny. To unravel the story of
Africa’s past, you must not only look at its faces but listen to its languages and harvest its crops.
By Jared Diamond|Tuesday, February 01, 1994RELATED TAGS: ARCHAEOLOGY
Excerpt: “Most Americans think of native Africans as black and of white Africans as recent intruders; and when they think of Africa’s racial history they think of European colonialism and slave trading. But very different types of peoples occupied much of Africa until as recently as a few thousand years ago. Even before the arrival of white colonialists, the continent harbored five of what many consider to be the world’s six major divisions of humanity, the so-called human races, three of which are native to Africa. To this day nearly 30 percent of the world’s languages are spoken only in Africa. No other continent even approaches this human diversity, and no other continent can rival Africa in the complexity of its human past.” To Read more click here 

Planet Earth, the Pyramid Culture

This isn’t exactly true. Check out this link.

But to me what is more important is the realization that there are pyramids all over this planet in every section of the planet, occupying places/cities far and wide. It makes me ponder at the agenda for having them all over. In different places they were used for different purposes, but it can’t be ignored that they are every where.

My question is why do we have a planet covered with pyramids. Is there some “other’ mystical reason for these megalithic structures. And we must not forget Stonehenge in Europe. Or the huge round balls in Bosnia.

I have read some studies about the Earth energetic being with a giant grid and the pyramids act like conduits to connect the energy i.e., primary nodal point of ever sacred spot on the planet are connected on this grid.  And that quite possibly it is these conduits that keep this planet under lock down. In fact the pyramid grid also shows the placement of great churches, synagogues and Mosques on these primary and sub-primary nodal points. These placements are no accident. Why in the advent of the Pyramids have practically megalithic places of worship been erected?

Before we go into the “my dog’s bigger than your dog” debate, we need to look deeper into the real reason and purpose for having a “dog” in the first place.

Is it just to say how magnificent the civilization was? If so, why are we left with just remnants.

Are they there for comparison and to determine the strength, value, heroism, quality of life than another culture?

Are they simply tourist sites and have no contemporary value or significance?

Why have they been discovered to have Astrological, Metaphysical and even Earth based indicators that have people coming to them from all over the world to observe, and/or be enchanted by them?

Who put them there in the first place? Are we saying that primitive people with stone tools built these structures in the time it would take modern day man to do over decades.. Maybe even longer than that? Are we even being told the truth about their origins and purpose and if so, why would one be used to feed the gods and another to sacrifice the lives of virgins to the gods? Why?

I think if we just take a moment and get over ourselves and realize what it took to even put these stone megaliths in place, the labor, the manpower down to the destruction of a neighboring environment it should cause us to stop and think. How do we know that removing all them big rocks and stones, didn’t cause great floods, or disruption of the Eco-system.

What I am proposing is that we take a little more time before we make a supposition and see what we can research on this and find out what these pyramids really mean and what use do they hold for us in modern times.

In closing I suggest that we live on a planet that has been structured by a particular Architect or assembly of Architects with an express purpose of creating a model, specific to this planet. Thus they have transplanted a pyramid culture that impacts on all life on this planet and any life that observes this planet. These pyramids are telling the Solar System, the Galaxy and the Universe we live in, who we are, how we got here and why we are here. This entire planet is a pyramid civilization,  a pyramid culture (see Mars Pyramids).

When the true purpose of these facts are studied with an objective eye, we may come to “See” what the “Others” see when observing this planet and the life forms upon it.

“Well, there are some Pyramids in Europe. Maybe not as massive and impressive as the ones in Egypt, but they are there
Here are some examples :
The Bosnian Pyramid, Visocica Hill – Bosnia
Greek Pyramids – Greece   http://www.hiddenmys…ekpyramids.html
The Pyramids of Montevecchia – Italy   http://www.crystalin…m/pyritaly.html
“These are definitely pyramids, but authentic I don’t think so.  The only and most important reason why these pyramids do not share the world stage with the other pyramids is because they lack the astrological precision that the Egyptians and Mayans had in their Pyramids.  The one in Italy is the closest, but only in alignment configuration~it still lacks alignment with the heavens, reducing it to a duplicate.  Pyramids without the astrological factor prove that their makers had no understanding of its purpose.  My post was made in reference to the real deal pyramids, not the duplicates.”
“It is true Europe doesn’t have the same types of pyramids that the Egyptians and South Americans do, but they have the Henges that work in the same way. The Henges can still be used today. Maybe the ancient Europeans didn’t like the look or the shape of the pyramid. The South American pyramid is in a slightly different shape than the ones in Egypt.”
“There are also a couple in the US, though they are more correctly “mounds” – Cahokia in Illinois and Etowahin Georgia.
Neither is on the scale of the pyramids of Egypt or elsewhere, but both exhibit some astronomical alignments.”
“Or… we can look at what the geologists who’ve been out there have said: That they are hills. They’ve removed all the first and vegetation (how would it get on top of a large manmade structure anyway?) and have been using the remains of the Roman Villa, a medical era cemetery, and in some instances have been caught hoaxing inscriptions to show evidence of a culture.
  Robert Schoch, a well known proponent of a much earlier date for the pyramids at Giza, investigated the site and reported that inscriptions appeared in a cave that had not been there to begin with.
All evidence points to it being a natural formation, and is based soley of of Osmanagić’s feeling that it has to be a pyramid.   Geology of the Bosnian Pyramids
“There are quite a few seemingly.
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire has been carbon-dated at 2660 years BC, the same era as the Giza pyramids. It contains an estimated 340,000 cubic metres of chalk and earth, rising to a height of 39.6 metres. The base of the monument is 167m in diameter and it is perfectly round. The flat top is 30m across. It is part of a sequence of ancient sites in the area that are in alignment.
Despite its external appearance, this is actually a step pyramid, consisting of six, six metre high steps. The steps are walled with blocks of chalk, which easily deteriorates when left exposed. Consequently the builders preserved it, by covering it with earth and grass.
Excavations have revealed that it is not a burial mound.
There is also an omphalos stone there which is always of interest to me. Ziggurats (a ziggurat: that is a kind of pyramid, but with “steps” – several storeys, each smaller than the one below. ) are far more practical and impressive than pyramids imo and should never be considered inferior not that you or anyone has said so but this is a misconception that I’ve encountered on occasions. I mean what can you do with a pyramid other than use it as a tomb?”
Difference between Pyramids and Ziggurats
Few sights-or sites for that matter-can compare to the grandeur and majesty of the Ziggurats and the Pyramids. If you are looking to get a feel for the ancient civilizations on your next trip or vacation, few destinations can compare to these two for sheer historical value. Of course determining which one of these two is the “best” is an exercise in futility, as each will have its own merits and drawbacks. It would perhaps be better to point out their key attributes in the interest of helping you make a more informed decision and that is precisely what this comparison aims to do.

The Smash of Civilizations
by Chalmers Johnson
[Extracted from Chalmers Johnson’s Nemesis: The Crisis of the American Republic, forthcoming from Metropolitan Books in late 2006, the final volume in the Blowback Trilogy. The first two volumes are Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire (2000) and The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic (2004)]
In the months before he ordered the invasion of Iraq, George Bush and his senior officials spoke of preserving Iraq’s “patrimony” for the Iraqi people. At a time when talking about Iraqi oil was taboo, what he meant by patrimony was exactly that — Iraqi oil. In their “joint statement on Iraq’s future” of April 8, 2003, George Bush and Tony Blair declared, “We reaffirm our commitment to protect Iraq’s natural resources, as the patrimony of the people of Iraq, which should be used only for their benefit.” In this they were true to their word. Among the few places American soldiers actually did guard during and in the wake of their invasion were oil fields and the Oil Ministry in Baghdad. But the real Iraqi patrimony, that invaluable human inheritance of thousands of years, was another matter. At a time when American pundits were warning of a future “clash of civilizations,” our occupation forces were letting perhaps the greatest of all human patrimonies be looted and smashed.
Coalition soldiers in front of the Great Ziggurat of Ur, a four-thousand-year-old temple in southern Iraq which is one of the archaeological treasures of the world. The military has placed the monument off limits in order to disguise the vandalism by U.S. soldiers, including the looting of clay bricks and spray-painting “Semper Fi” onto its walls
There have been many dispiriting sights on TV since George Bush launched his ill-starred war on Iraq — the pictures from Abu Ghraib, Falluja laid waste, American soldiers kicking down the doors of private homes and pointing assault rifles at women and children. But few have reverberated historically like the looting of Baghdad’s museum — or been forgotten more quickly in this country.
In archaeological circles, Iraq is known as “the cradle of civilization,” with a record of culture going back more than 7,000 years. William R. Polk, the founder of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago, says, “It was there, in what the Greeks called Mesopotamia, that life as we know it today began: there people first began to speculate on philosophy and religion, developed concepts of international trade, made ideas of beauty into tangible forms, and, above all developed the skill of writing.” No other places in the Bible except for Israel have more history and prophecy associated with them than Babylonia, Shinar (Sumer), and Mesopotamia — different names for the territory that the British around the time of World War I began to call “Iraq,” using the old Arab term for the lands of the former Turkish enclave of Mesopotamia (in Greek: “between the [Tigris and Eurphrates] rivers”). Most of the early books of Genesis are set in Iraq (see, for instance, Genesis 10:10, 11:31; also Daniel 1-4; II Kings 24).
The pyramids at Giza, belonging (from the right) to Khufu (also known as Cheops), Khaefre (Khephren) and Menkaure (Mykerinus)

    4th Dynasty

      The pyramids at Giza, on the outskirts of modern Cairo, are perhaps the most iconic of all Egyptian monuments, and they mark the high point in the engineering skills first displayed by Imhotep in the previous dynasty. The largest, the Great Pyramid, shown here furthest from the camera, remains the most massive freestanding monument ever raised by humankind.

        The 4th Dynasty was the period at which many of the institutions of the state appeared in mature form, and the art of this dynasty became firmly established in the canons that would endure until the end of Egyptian civilisation.
        Alien Base Found At Chinese Pyramid

        by Terrence Aym

        27 October 2011
        Nine university scientists gaped upwards at the gigantic, prehistoric pyramid that had no right to exist
        A team of daring Chinese researchers, digging into the ancient mysteries of the origin of their country, have come to the inescapable conclusion that 12,000 years ago, an interstellar supreme alien race used much of the northern and central Chinese regions as massive Earth bases.