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Archive for the ‘Muslims’ Category

The Rise of the American-Muslim Totalitarian State

NB Commentary: When the now President Obama was running for election back in 2007 he made a lot of promises and gave people the adage that Hope and Change were in the offing. It was time and “Yes, We Can” rang out through the media and the entertainment world took it up and splattered every media outlet with this adage. I even remember myself feeling anxious about the election and wondered if he really would win. He appeared to be anti-everything that his predecessor was openly for.
Now, years later, we see that there has been very little Hope and even less change.

What struck me most was shortly after he was elected when he was asked if you would bring charges against the Bush administration for war crimes.  Before and during Mr. Obama’s campaign there had been a ground swell and a very strong movement for Bush’s impeachment that reached Congress and Congressman Dennis Kucinich, read a long list of grievances against the Bush administration. But when Obama was asked the question, he said, and I loosely quote him here, “Let’s move forward, and not backward.”  To me that was a key statement of what direction he would take his administration and it certainly would not be “away” from what was already taking place in the White House and the administration of the US government.
by James Corbett January 30, 2013

“The DOJ claims that in planning and waging the Iraq War, ex-President Bush and key members of his Administration were acting within the legitimate scope of their employment and are thus immune from suit,” chief counsel Inder Comar of Comar Law said. Source

People didn’t seem to be moved by this. Code Pink had been bought and sold on the bribery market and their efforts for the cessation of war pretty much muted. With brand new offices in DC, they were closer to the new President, but having succumb to the belief that Hope and Changehad arrived and that wars would end and that Guantanamo would close, they became part of the mainstream. In fact, if they show up now, they appear lifeless, pointless and powerless to keep the Peace Movement moving in any direction.
Now we are looking at more war theaters than ever before, or shall I be more honest here and say that the theaters have hit the main page of the news instead of being on the back page under the classified ads. The Wars going on in the so-called middle east, have been going on since before the Clinton administration. The idea of gaining a stronghold in Africa far preceded our current president. It’s just that now, with Social Media, and massive access to the news from around the world.. We can see what is really going on. Something that the indigenous people of the nations that the US and NATO have been bombing for decades already knew.
I also quivered at the outright about face turn that the US made towards Syria who in days of old was a part of the extraordinary rendition program and were holding so-called terrorists in their prisons. Now the US wants to overthrow the Assad regime, a once staunch ally of the US. It begs to question what the hidden agenda is when the US makes these allies and you just have to wonder, when the alliance with the US will come back to haunt them with bombs, drones, airstrikes, invasions and stealth operations to acquire their once friend’s, resources.

CIA agent Robert Baer: “If you want a serious interrogation, you send a prisoner to Jordan. If you want them to be tortured, you send them to Syria. If you want someone to disappear — never to see them again — you send them to Egypt.” Source

“The report also shows that as many as 54 foreign governments reportedly participated in these operations in various ways, including by hosting CIA prisons on their territories; detaining, interrogating, torturing, and abusing individuals; assisting in the capture and transport of detainees; permitting the use of domestic airspace and airports for secret flights transporting detainees; providing intelligence leading to the secret detention and extraordinary rendition of individuals; and interrogating individuals who were secretly being held in the custody of other governments. Foreign governments also failed to protect detainees from secret detention and extraordinary rendition on their territories and to conduct effective investigations into agencies and officials who participated in these operations.

The 54 governments identified in this report span the continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America, and include: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.” Source

And now, we have the Islamic Boogie Man. The epitome of all that is evil. Branded on 911 and blamed for the incredulous, they have become the bane of Western Society, even if the statistics show quite the contrary. A war on terror has been initiated and now every Muslim is suspect. Your friendly neighborhood donut maker and soda seller is a possible terrorist, despite the fact that they are US citizens also seeking the Mom’s Apple Pie of the American Dream. Quite frankly, the American Dream has become a nightmare for those law abiding Muslim citizens who want for their families every right that every other human being deserves. The right to live in peace and work towards a better tomorrow. In the face of this tyranny, the eye is skewed towards the threatening so-called Muslim terrorist and with a broad brush all Muslims are suspect while the crimes perpetrated against American men, women and children is done by home grown terrorists with no Islamic affiliation whatsoever. Why is this possible, how is it possible? The biggest culprit is mainstream media. They decide who will be hated and who will be adored, whether the object of our ire/affection is deserved or not. Let’s just hope that predator drones are not launched against American citizens, presumed to be Muslim extremist because quite frankly, these Muslims do not live on an island separated from the rest of humanity. They are among us and a drone strike will not be able to tell the difference.

DECEMBER 11, 2015


Muslim-Americans are living in a totalitarian police state with worsening harassment, profiling, and surveillance. The United States’ government may claim liberty and justice for all; however, in practice, towards Muslims, it exhibits all four major characteristics of a totalitarian state: a war on terror that targets Muslims abroad, a totalitarian police state at home, public executions by drones and gulags outside the rule of law, and a strong reliance on propaganda and political demagoguery.

The hallmark of fascism was state oppression of certain targeted non-privileged groups. Today, Muslims are bearing the brunt of America’s totalitarian police state.
Despite FBI records showing that since 9/11, Muslims have committed far less domestic terror attacks than white supremacists, it is the American-Muslim community that is under unprecedented levels of surveillance and government intrusion. Muslims in America are unquestionably experiencing a fascist system of surveillance, operating at the same level that East Germans faced under the Stasi spy agency. Researcher, Arun Kundnani, has shown how the FBI has one counterterrorism spy for every 94 Muslims in the U.S., which approaches Stasi’s ratio of one spy for every 66 citizens.
Clearly racism, as much as oil, fuels the War on Terror. White Christians rarely have to worry that an undercover agent or informant has infiltrated their churches, student organizations or neighborhoods. The simple fact that U.S. law enforcement has not infiltrated and spied on conservative Christian communities to disrupt violent rightwing extremism, which is the biggest terrorism threat in America, confirms what Muslims in American know in their bones: to worship Allah is to be suspect.
Federal judges recently ruled that suspicion-less surveillance of Muslims is permissible under the U.S. Constitution. The NYPD has admitted that Mosques, student groups, restaurants, even grade schools, have all been under surveillance. By rapidly increasing both government policies of secrecy and surveillance, Mr. Obama’s government is increasing its power to watch its citizens, while diminishing its citizens’ power to watch their government.
The threat of homegrown Islamic terrorism has been largely manufactured, so that the so-called War on Terror can promote multi-billion dollar, corporate-sponsored militarism abroad and the erosion of two hundred-year-old civil liberties at home.
Muslim-Americans are not only facing increasing oppression from the state, but they are also facing growing prejudice from their fellow countrymen, as hate crimes and civil liberty violations against Muslims continue to precipitously rise.
A recent Pew Forum Poll established that Muslims are by far the most disliked minority in America. According to FBI statistics, anti-Muslim hate crimes soared by an astounding 50 percent last year. Muslims constitute 1 percent of the U.S. population, but they are 13 percent of the victims of religious-based hate crimes. Islamophobia and xenophobia now seem as American as apple pie. Intolerance of Muslims is often inverted, depicting Muslim customs as an insult to Western customs.
One major aspect of American totalitarianism, shared by fascist regimes, is the nation’s enormous military budget. In 1933, Nazi Germany’s military spending was 2 percent of their national income; by 1940, it was 44 percent.
Today, America spends more on her military than the rest of the world combined. America has expanded its military into having 662 foreign military bases, according to the Department of Defense’s 2010 Base Structure Report. The War on Terror has cost $6 trillion, the equivalent of $75,000 for every American household, calculates Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.
Another hallmark of totalitarianism is the creation of a prison system outside the rule of law that is largely designed to imprison and torture one minority group. The Guantanamo Bay gulag is unquestionably a crime against humanity. There is unlimited cruelty in a system that seems to be unable to free the innocent and unable to punish the guilty.
In April 24, 1934, a People’s Court, just like Guantanamo was established, which also bypassed the judicial system: prisoners were held indefinitely in isolation and were tortured and subjected to show trials. The People’s Court was signed into law by Adolf Hitler.

In 2007, a politician who was vehemently against the human rights abuses at Guantanamo Bay, explained what he would do about the torture camp if he ever became President:

“When I am President, I will close Guantanamo. It is a moral outrage, a blight upon America’s conscience. It is the location of so many of the worst constitutional abuses in recent years. From inception, Guantanamo was a laboratory for unlawful military interrogation, detention, and trials.”
The politician who uttered these words was Senator Barack Obama. Ironically, under President Obama’s tenure, conditions for Guantanamo detainees, from both a physical and legal standpoint, have become markedly worse.
Public executions are perhaps one of the most overt and odious symbols of totalitarianism. In totalitarian Spain, under General Franco, mass public executions were the norm, and were often carried out in bullrings or with band music and onlookers dancing in the victims’ blood. With Hitler and Mussolini supplying arms to Franco, some 200,000 men and women were publically executed during the war and bombed from overhead.

Nowadays, drones are the ultimate totalitarian technology. Washington both uses drones for what amount to public extra-judicial executions of Muslims abroad, and for spying on American Muslims at home.

Most Americans believe that drones are targeted and therefore humane. Nothing could be further from the truth. By all accounts, drones have killed more children than terrorists. According to a new report from The Intercept, nearly 90 percent of people killed in drone strikes in Afghanistan are civilians.
By 2018, some privacy experts believe law enforcement will likely control over 35,000 drones that the government will use to monitor Americans from the skies.
Integral to the rise of the America Muslim Totalitarian State is propaganda. Sheldon Wolin has poignantly pointed out that, whereas the production of propaganda was crudely centralized in Nazi Germany, in the United States, it is left to highly concentrated media corporations, thus maintaining the illusion of a “free press”.
The American propaganda machine is highly sophisticated. It does not rely upon the radio addresses, speeches, and leaflets disseminated by the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, nor does it rely on the crude censorship or harassment of free press ordered by a Politburo. The propaganda of America’s “one percent” is subtle yet pervasive; it relies not only on government diktats but also on the mass media, art, pop culture and Hollywood.

American cinema and music have always been a remarkably effective means of whipping up xenophobic wartime sentiment. For example, the highest grossing war film in history, American Sniper, and President Obama’s favorite television show, Homeland, both engage in an overly broad generalization of Islam, and depict Muslims and terrorists in a way that is indicative of widespread Islamophobia in American culture.

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee reported a spike in Islamophobia and hate crimes after the release of American Sniper, which culminated in the recent slaying of three young Muslims in North Carolina, who were shot in the head sniper execution style. American Islamophobia operates in the service of American militarism and American militarism abroad, and in turn, ratchets up Islamophobia against minorities at home.
The media determines our language, our language shapes our thoughts, and our thoughts determine our actions. Language is the fulcrum of a society’s perception. Whosoever controls the public’s language, controls the public’s perception.
The corporate elites who sit on media editorial boards control said language. In 1983, fifty companies owned ninety percent of U.S. media. Today, only six media giants control a staggering ninety percent of what the American public listens to, reads, and watches. “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play,” once remarked Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Germany’s Minister of Propaganda.
For Muslim-Americans the media’s Orwellian totalitarian language is clear: Drones are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Torture is Enhanced Interrogation. Occupation is Liberation.
Donald Trump’s recent call to ban Muslims from entry into the U.S. is not without

precedent. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 effectively banned all Chinese immigration to the US. This racist law remained in place for five decades and required all Chinese to carry identification certificates or face deportation. When Trump endorsed identification cards to be worn at all times by American Muslims, his popularity jumped almost 3 percentage points. If Donald Trump’s policies are viewed by Americans as odious and un-American, then why has he consistently gained popularity after every anti-Muslim outburst?

America’s history is stock full of totalitarianism and popularized, irrational fear of “the other”. It began when the settler pioneers feared Native Americans and united against them by slaughtering millions in order to quell that fear. As settlers began to unite around a common identity they feared the British Monarchy and rebelled against it. Americans then fought against Mexico, France and various other countries for vast land control. Five hundred documented revolts on slave ships and the fact that plantation owners were greatly outnumbered by slaves, cemented the role of fear that perpetuated slavery for centuries. With greater fear comes greater violence, and with greater violence comes a greater need to justify that violence by ratcheting up the fear.
After the attacks on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were forced into interment camps on American soil. Vietnamese Americans were then targets of xenophobia in America during the Vietnam War, and then there was the “Red Scare”, which targeted Russian-Americans throughout the Cold War.
From the ashes of the Soviet Union arose the terrorists from the oil-rich Middle East, who became America’s new number one enemy and so the legacy of American xenophobia continues. Today, as the deliberately unending war on terror rumbles on abroad, Muslim, Arab, and Sikh Americans fear that they are living in a totalitarian state.
Garikai Chengu is a scholar at Harvard University. Contact him


NB Commentary: 

Any attack that is hosted by MSM is only done when it suits the overall agenda. Anything outside of the agenda and was not orchestrated by the puppet masters and their puppets has little to no importance unless it can be capitalized upon. #BringBackOurGirls Movement. In which, case it became a National and international project to have people holding white boards in front of them saying “Bring Back Our Girls:. In short order it was found to be a bit of a hoax for two reasons, the school mentioned was not the school where Boko Haram had raided. 2. Alternative news outlets exposed the lunacy of this one and it quickly became a non story. However, that did not stop Boko Haram from its terroristic threats and barbarism, but not in the context of the International spotlight.
And remember the bombing of the Mall In Kenya (Westgate shopping mall attack). That too hit the national/international newswire.. It served the agenda of fear and trepidation and shielded the real issues that were going on at the time. More proof that there has to be an agenda.
So… when there is a big hype about something in the news, look around, there is probably something else that is happening or has happened that they need to blow up another story to distract the masses. And sometimes, it’s just social engineering.


     NOVEMBER 14, 2015
    The way Kenya is currently trending on Twitter and Facebook shows that folks have plenty to say about the Kenya attacks in comparison to the news coverage that the Paris attacks have received. As reported by CNN, 147 people were killed at Garissa University College in Kenya back on April 2, but news hounds might only remember the horrific attack at the Kenya college as a blip on the radar in the news cycle in comparison to the equally horrific Paris attacks.
    According to the website popularity tracking list called “What’s Hot” on, an Amazon company, a BBC News article about the 147 people killed in the Kenya attack by an Islamist group is the sixth most popular URL on their list as of this writing.
    So many tweets and posts are coming into Twitter and Facebook about Kenya that some readers are getting confused, wondering why the Kenya tweets are trending. The Kenya attacks not only left 147 people dead, but also injured at least 79 folks in the attack that lasted for hours. It was a sad day for Kenya, which saw the country experience an attack that claimed such a high death toll that it was the largest amount of people killed on Kenyan soil since 1998, when more than 200 people lost their lives in the bombing of the U. S. Embassy in Nairobi.
    The disparity of attention between the Kenyan attacks and the Parisian attacks are being blamed on the fact that Kenya is a third-world country.
    The fact that Facebook has allowed folks to change their profile photos to French flags with Facebook’s new filter to allow them to support Paris, as reported by TIME‎, is being compared to the lack of Kenyan flag filters on Facebook during the time Kenya was attacked.
    Other attacks are being questioned and re-examined in the wake of the tragic Paris attacks, along with queries about the news coverage, or lack thereof, for other tragic events.
    As written by Jeremy Wheeler on Facebook about the Paris and Kenya attacks, some social media users are noting the difference in the tragedies in terms of the outpouring of worldwide sympathy and news coverage.
    “Apologists for the terrorists who murdered in Paris are popping up even before the bodies are cold. Back in April when Islamist terrorists attacked a university in Kenya what was the excuse then? Did you even hear about it?”
    The Kenya attack on Garissa University College in northeastern Kenya is being brought back to life months later as a means for social media users to give attention to other terrorist attacks around the world.
    While social media users recognize that both attacks are tragic, Facebook user Ann VanRyan wrote to Facebook, asking about the option for a Kenya flag overlay as Facebook offers the France flag overlay.

    “Facebook… Where’s my option to have the Kenya flag overlay on my profile pic? This is equally as horrendous and is happening every day in the poorest parts of our world. ‪#‎LookForTheHelpersJess‬
    Related searches such as Kenya Paris and the #prayforKenya hashtag are also trending in the wake of the controversy over the difference in news coverage. The Kenya attack articles are being retweeted, causing some users to think the Kenya attack just occurred.
    (AP Photo/Sayyid Azim)

Nana’s Commentary – Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Migrants and Refugees

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Migrants and Refugees

The Neocon Cabal had the idea of destabilizing the so called Middle East, guess they didn’t pencil in the immigrant issue and the tent cities this destabilization would create. Seems even the UN was a little behind the ball in allowing these “wars on Terror” to continue unabated. Maybe they couldn’t think clearly cause they missed their morning coffee. But it seems to me, since they are working with a so-called Global Agenda, they would have thought of this especially considering the number of refugees that left Afghanistan and Iraq. Now we got, Syria, Libya, and Yemen to add to the mix. 

It amazes me that the US and UK sought out Allies for their Global War on Terror, Allies who are all in Europe and the Middle East who would be the most impacted by the Exodus of people from war torn countries. This Exodus is taking place thousands of miles from America’s shores. Let their friends in Europe take the hit. That’s what friends are for? I guess they too will think twice before going along with the US and UK hidden agenda when it comes to the next “War On Terror”

Even if they return, which most of them want to do, what will they return to? An infrastructure completely destroyed, farmland destroyed, institutions of learning and religion destroy, livestock destroyed, and ins some cases the fall out from depleted uranium, etc. And the biggest purveyor of the “Lie” that hurled the world into war is least likely to take these immigrants in. Do I need to name names here?? I think not.

Millions of migrants seeking asylum in Europe face hostility, racism, and red tape. John Oliver does one admittedly tiny thing for one of them.

The notion that Europe’s population is decreasing in size was not a projection for Semitic people to come in and fill in the blanks. They want Europeans to increase their birth rate, they are afraid of annihilation or extinction of the European stock. That is the fundamental root cause of the hysteria. It’s racist and xenophobic. They do not wish to mix their seed with the seed of those coming from the Middle East no matter how much they profess to be Christians. To them these folks are Semitic and this is a form of antisemitism, quiet as it’s kept. They are also considered “brown” people and some of them are very dark “brown” especially coming from Yemen and Libya.


The Global Elite could care less about the inconvenience. They could care less about making sure these folks are carefully assimilated into these cultures. And for sure, their cultures are drastically different even in the case of those who are receiving them with open arms. The Cultural and language differences are going to be staggering. The immigrants may be able to adopt the language but they will have a difficult time with the food and customs. They need support from folks who speak their language, understand their customs and eat their food. Without that type of intervention and engineering, we will be looking at tent cities for some time. In fact, mass migrations have often lead to just that as can be seen in situations of natural disasters, #Katrina, #Haiti and on and on.

We live in a world lead by greedy psychopaths who could care less about the consequences of their actions and the impact it has on others. As long as their bellies are full, their homes in good repair, their water running and electricity working, their fine cars and clothes, they could care less about what happens to the other 99%.

This is a major crisis and cannot be taken care of with a bandade or two. It should be taken care of by the very ones who orchestrated this hegemony in the first place. They have billions for bombs and tearing up shit, but they don’t have money to save lives or to enhance the “others” way of life. No time, no policy, no desire, unless of course it is going to somehow enrich them in some way.

It is a totally sad state of affairs. Where’s FEMA with their trailers when you need them. (Snark!!)