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Archive for the ‘gossip’ Category

Is Michelle Obama A Man? Pt. 10, Conclusion: "The Michelle Obama Psyops" (Videos)

This video is Part 10 in a series of short videos called 
“Is Michelle Obama A Man?”

NB Commentary: From the introduction through to where it all began, I have attempted to shed some light on this subject by giving a historical framework of how the Black community 50 years ago would have dealt with homosexuality and the transgender phenomenon. I hope that the information I have revealed will suggest to people who believe this meme, that quite possibly they have been hoodwinked and that from here on out they will be more circumspect in coming to conclusions about things or at least will take the time to research the source of the information so as to avoid being “Hoodwinked” as the writer of this story along with many other writers, reporters and journalist from various news outlets have done since the beginning of the concept of “telling a story” or “spreading the news.”

I want to sum it up with a few more statements, beginning with the difference between transsexual and transgender phenomenon and end this series with my concluding remarks.
What Is The Difference Between Transsexual And Transgender? Facebook’s New Version Of ‘It’s Complicated’
Transsexuals are people who transition from one sex to another. A person born as a male can become recognizably female through the use of hormones and/or surgical procedures; and a person born as a female can become recognizably male. That said, transsexuals are unable to change their genetics and cannot acquire the reproductive abilities of the sex to which they transition. Sex is assigned at birth and refers to a person’s biological status as male or female. In other words, sex refers exclusively to the biological features: chromosomes, the balance of hormones, and internal and external anatomy. Each of us is born as either male or female, with rare exceptions of those born intersex who may display characteristics of both sexes at birth.
Transgender, unlike transsexual, is a term for people whose identity, expression, behavior, or general sense of self does not conform to what is usually associated with the sex they were born in the place they were born. It is often said sex is a matter of the body, while gender occurs in the mind. Gender is an internal sense of being male, female, or other. People often use binary terms, for instance, masculine or feminine, to describe gender just as they do when referring to sex. But gender is more complex and encompasses more than just two possibilities. Gender also is influenced by culture, class, and race because behavior, activities, and attributes seen as appropriate in one society or group may be viewed otherwise in another.

Let me conclude by saying.
There has certainly been a lot of mystery around the Obama’s. That stands to reason without any doubt whatsoever. Several reports in the media across the board have pointed out the varying issues and concerns that shrouded the Obama Administration and it’s foreign policy of war theaters in 7 countries, tentacles stretching into their connection to the Clintons’ and John Podesta, Fast & Furious, Michelle’s horrid lunch program, Obama Care, Malia smoking weed and even the so-called elaborate vacations they took on the taxpayers’ dime.
I am certainly no fan of the Obama’s as I question anyone who would want to be the President of this corrupt country, no matter who they are. But I particularly don’t understand why anyone Black would put themselves in the position to receive the most extreme expression of racism white supremacy as they would in a role of Leader over a predominately white population that has historically been the most racist group of white folks on the planet.
However, the idea that Michelle Obama is a man is patently ludicrous when you are given more than a parroted news story found in tabloids around the internet.
I hope that this long video has brought some clarity to whomever chose to stay with me as I pulled my thoughts and research together to make this presentation and I hope that, while there me be ten thousand other things we can pull out of the closet to expose the Obama’s about, I hope that we can all agree that this right here, is not one of them.
Let’s put this one to rest and find something more productive to do with our time and energy.  Without a doubt the “Michelle Psyops” has taken its place among the many false flags perpetrated on the American people for many, many years, and with the advent of the Internet and access by so many, to YouTube, we have accounts raking in huge revenues along with and a host of other websites, with this one.
In my mind, I wonder, what was happening in the world when this story first broke in 2011, and then what was happening in the world when it really hit the fan in 2014 and has been steadily getting more and more steam.
I started doing some research but that would take days and days because I was not aware that this “Michelle Was Born A Man” meme was even being talked about. So I did not have the awareness at the time to connect the dots.  So if any of you out there have any insights feel free to drop me a comment.
It seems that stories like this one an others, i.e. Flat Earth, Nibiru, the Rapture, and terrorists cells next door, are huge distractions thrown at the American Public to overshadow the Big Elephant in the room. Couple that with the enormous number of mass shootings, many of which have been uncovered as false flags and we end up with a Plethora of psyops that are often perpetrated by internet trolls and News outlets, to keep the American people reeling from pillar to post in fear and trepidation. The real issues get swept under the rug while the American people banter over the ridiculous.
Like Mr. Butvidas, founder of said.

“Let’s write stuff to expose how stupid people are.”

And let me further quote the co-founder, “Mr. Watson who said,

“There’s just rampant idiocy in the media sometimes. People watch their favorite news channels, don’t question it and will regurgitate it the next day at the office. That is no good at all.”

Meanwhile, I will be holding on to may hat for the roller-coaster ride, called “The Trump Administration.”  Time for a pizza and a beer to watch this one unfold…

Oh Lord, Michelle Is Leaving Obama? (Videos)

NB Commentary: You know, there’s an old saying that says, the Obvious is just not Obvious to the uninformed. So along with Michelle being a man, she is now leaving Obama cause she is mad at him and has been mad for years, and now that her gravy train has come to an end she don’t want him no more!! WTH?
There has to be 10 thousand videos on this topic and now mine will be 10 thousand and one because it just has to be said and somebody has to say it!

Listen folks, if you all want to believe, say and parrot that the Obama’s was a fake family and that everything about them was fake, do you think that they got into the white House without the support of the Alphabet Agencies? How were they able to pull off all the fakery without getting exposed all the way to the white house?
Isn’t it obvious that they had some “friends” in high places, and just like the media was complicit in covering up Hillary’s crimes, the same media was just as complicit in covering up Obama’s.
What gets me about you people, with all this conjecture, is you only look at the surface issues. You seldom go beneath the surface and ask the hard questions. Like, who financed Obama into the campaign for the White House? A man hardly known, with little experience and a very mysterious background, yet he was elected President? Why and  how did that happen?
You people keep voting these folks in then you shit on them when they don’t follow suit with your preconceived notions of what and how they should be.
Why do you even vote at all, why do you waste your time voting and then spend countless  hours complaining and finding fault with the person you voted for.
Obama did not get into the white  house without some help from some very high or should I say “low” places. Those are the culprits you should be going after. Not the Puppet, Go after the Puppeteers and hold them to account.
How many times have we seen arranged marriages in hollyweird, in sports and in politics. Even in the churches, folks do stuff for show and behind the scenes they are doing something else. Have you forgotten about the “Bush Jr.” parties at the white house, or the womanizing that JFK did on his wife?
It amazes me how you guys can go on and on and on about the Obama’s and yet never look back into history to see how THEY ALL DO THAT SHIT!! I don’t want to say that you all are just singling him out because you are racists, so let me just say that you guys are the most uninformed bunch of folks about how this corrupt government functions and if you even think that Trump is gonna be any better, well, like I said before and I will say it again, he is the period at the end of the sentence.
Also, keep in mind that when you make deals with the “Shadow Government” they do promise you a rose garden. Look at how rich the Clinton’s got “after” they left the White House. Hmmmmmmm.
So, you all belly aching about how much money she ain’t gonna be able to spend after she leaves the white house, please.. She will be well taken care of and so will Barack, they played that game all too well and they know too much about the inside of the creepy place called Capital Hill, and they do not need them to turn whistle blower, and have to kill them off and surely cause a stink. So they will keep them nice and comfy until they are of no use to them anymore just like they did the Clinton’s.
You folks really make me laugh at how gullible and uninformed you all are about the very thing that you have to live and suffer under each and every day.
This is a prison planet and it’s time to get out before it’s too late.

I guess when you elevate a person to the position of “God-lebrity” then you feel justified to tear them down because you realize they are only there because you put them there.

Obama DIVORCE Happening NOW? (Breakup Of Michelle’s Fake Marriage)
Michelle Obama filing for DIVORCE 2017

‘Michelle would divorce me!’ Obama on why he would not run for third term as president
Obama’s Marriage In 2017: The ‘D’-Word! 
Obama’s image has been carefully crafted since even before his ghostwritten autobiographies. Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod have cautiously protected this image, which is why a divorce isn’t allowed to happen while Obama remains in the White House. But it appears their marriage is quickly dissolving, and we will all know the truth soon
A controversial biography of President Obama made waves in May 2012 by claiming that Michelle Obama considered divorcing her politician husband years before he ran for president. A White House spokesman quickly dismissed the allegations as “nonsense,” but not before the Internet broke out with criticism and speculation.
But is it true? The unauthorized biography, which Klein claims is based on nearly 200 interviews, has been dismissed by presidential spokesperson Eric Schultz. On Monday, Schultz told the Washington Examiner, “Ed Klein has a proven history of reckless fabrication in order to sell books. Nobody in their right mind would believe the nonsense in this one.”
According to the book, Michelle told France’s first lady Carla Bruni Sarkozy, 41, that she absolutely detests her role as America’s first lady, blasting it as “hell,” and admitting: “I can’t stand it!”
During the Obama’s quarrel, “Michelle collapsed in tears and even threatened to divorce Barack if he seeks a second term as president,” a source in the nation’s capital told The ENQUIRER.
“At one point, Michelle was heard yelling, ‘I hate you for dragging me through all this…I’ve had enough!’”

Barack & Michelle Obama’s Marriage Meltdown — How It’s Costing Taxpayers Millions!
By J.R. Taylor Posted on Mar 31, 2016 @ 11:20AM
Meanwhile, there were rumours that things are not what they appear between the president and the First Lady of America. According to National Enquirer, the First Lady has gained around 100 pounds in the past few months, which has led to issues in her marriage.
However, according to a report by the Gossip Cop, the news is a hoax and that the couple is still going strong. According to a White House insider, there is no marital problem between the president and the First Lady, and that Obama did not ask his wife to lose weight.
Who would have thought that Michelle Obama and US President Barack Obama will eventually face a marital problem after all the years of publicly showing off their affection to each other? Are they just faking it or not?
According to a tabloid magazine, National Enquirer, Michelle Obama is outrage with her husband Barack Obama that leads her to declaring that she “wanted out” of his life.
Michelle Obama just filed for DIVORCE – According to reports around World
Michelle Obama just filed for DIVORCE – According to Reports! – 2017
Will Barack and Michelle Obama get a divorce after he leaves office?
This is a serious question, as there have been multiple reports, especially in the foreign media, that their marriage is on the rocks. In the US, the main source is the National Enquirer. However, keep in mind that the National Enquirer is more often than not right about such kinds of things. It was certainly right about Edwards’ affair and child, even though the national press in the US denied it.
Dan Holliday, works at Recruiting
Written Jan 30, 2014
There simply isn’t any evidence that the Obamas have a struggling marriage.  It’s certainly possible that they do, and it’s certainly possible that they’ll split up, just as it’s possible that any couple will divorce at some point in the future.  But based on the real evidence that we have, there is no reason to conclude that the First Couple are struggling in their marriage right now.
Also, did you just quote the National Enquirer?  Wow.
Joe Willmore
Written Sep 3, 2015
Hmmm…”the National Enquirer is more often than not right…”

These are headlines from previous National Enquirers:
–“Members of Congress are Aliens”
–“Alien Bible Found”
–“Town in Panic Over 2,000 UFO Sightings”
–“Secret Service Say Bush Uses Cocaine”
–“Philip Seymour Hoffman:  Hidden Gay Life” (they lost a libel suit over that one)
–Or there’s the classic case where Carol Burnet sued over an article claiming she was intoxicated when meeting Henry Kissinger.
–Or the settlements with Cher.  Or Elizabeth Taylor (two of them).
–Or the claim that a stripper was having an affair with George W. Bush when he was in the WH and that his wife was going to divorce him (gee, I guess they made up).

I can’t predict the future.  But I have seen no evidence indicating that there is marital discord between the Obamas.  They actually seem to have a health marriage.  And they actually seem to have done a pretty good job of raising two young daughters in the WH fishbowl.
By Susan Duclos

Rumors of affairs, with males and females, surround Barack Obama and the icing on the cake according to multiple sources and pushed by the National Enquirer, was Barack’s over-the-top blatant flirting with Denmark’s prime minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, in South Africa for the memorial service for Nelson Mandela, going as far as taking a “selfie” with her while Michelle sat to the side looking angered at his antics.
Not for the first time in their 22-year marriage the Obamas are approaching what should be a happy family milestone under a cloud of rampant tabloid innuendo, summed up by a National Enquirer headline: “World exclusive: Obama marriage explodes!”.
January 19, 2014 · by Abdikarim Hussein · in News, People, Society. 
For the past couple of weeks, the National Enquirer has been publishing prominent  stories claiming that the marriage of President and Mrs. Obama is in deep trouble, and that after his term in office is over, she will file divorce papers
On the other hand,’ Hamada added, ‘if you get his wife to talk, she’ll tell you: “The president is a pathological philanderer. He uses the Secret Service for this, and has used them to hide evidence that he’s a cheater”.’
Some of Hamada’s claims appear to closely mirror a January report from the National Enquirer.
The tabloid reported in January that the Obamas are sleeping in separate bedrooms and have determined that the president will return to Hawaii in January 2017, while Mrs. Obama and their daughters will remain in Washington, D.C.
The ENQUIRER is reporting that a top notch team of private detectives has compiled a secret file containing incriminating new charges that President Barack Obama has cheated on his wife.
The exclusive report is also saying that a hush-hush divorce dossier has been gathered for first lady Michelle Obama, giving her the ammunition she needs to pull the plug on their 21-year marriage when Obama leaves the White House in 2017.
Michelle Obama Asks Barack for a Divorce: Are the Affair Rumors True?
Gurus Channel3 weeks ago (edited)
21 boss this is a parody. we are well aware of how much they love each other, that’s why we made something as ridiculous as this. We didn’t think that was hard to recognize.

The Washington Child Sex Ring Cover-up
The Franklin Child Sex Ring Implicating the Bush Whitehouse!
How many Americans would have thought this family worthy of election to so many high offices, if the mainstream media had not continued for generations to HIDE the horrible story of how the George Herbert Walker Bush family “earned” much of its wealth and power, i.e. by serving as the principal bankrollers in America of Adolf Hitler and his ” National Socialist Party”, both in its rise to power,  and even after World War II was declared, with NAZI Germany on one side, and America on the other?

Hiding In Plain Sight: The Global Pedophile Ring Exposed
Download this video.
Texas county Republican calls President George H.W. Bush a “longtime homosexual pedophile”
Morrow has also suggested that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush and Karl Rove are either all gay or bisexual
        By John Riley on March 10, 2016 @JohnAndresRiley
Reporters to Meet with White House on Credentialing
February 14, 2005  By: Joe Strupp

"Is Michelle Obama A Man?" Video Series

NB Commentary: Okay Folks, this is one topic I really hesitated to weigh in on. But as usual, I get signs from the Universe as to what should be the next topic of my YouTube videos. It’s quite magical how it works and I simply go with the flow.

I am not sure how long this video will end up being. I would like to say that this will be a short video, but I doubt that I can keep to that promise. I hope that you all will stay with me and follow my train of thought all the way to the conclusion.
This video will be in 8 short parts covering each topic in a short portion of the video. I will upload it all as one video, and if you don’t have the time to watch the entire video, pause it and come back later. I may get the chance to upload it in segments, but I will not promise that. I thank you in advance for taking this journey with me.

Let me begin by saying, that there are so many things about the Obama’s that is it hard to put it into a nut shell. When it comes to transparency when it comes to their lives before their stint in the White House,  you may as well be digging for a needle in a haystack. However, as much as they have had their history shrouded in mystery, anyone with a little imagination, know how and some time to spare, can do a search on the internet and get some information about them, and in this case, Michelle Obama.  This video is about her and the claims that she is a Transgendered woman.
Part 1, Her Childhood

This video is Part 1 of a series of videos that discuss this very interesting and controversial topic, “Is Michelle Obama a Transgendered Woman?”

In this video we will take a look at her childhood pics and compare them to the Internet “Shocking and Irrefutable Proof” that Michelle was born a boy to “his” parents, Fraser Robinson, III and Marian Shields Robinson, Jan. 17, 1964.

Part 2, Her Marriage and Pregnancy.
This video is Part 2 of a series of videos that discuss this very interesting and controversial topic, “Is Michelle Obama a Transgendered Woman?”

In this video we will take a look at some of her wedding pics, her marriage to Barack Hussein Obama and pics of her children while they were young.

“One laughable comment I read that I would like to mention here is the idea that the children were adopted by Michael Robinson and Barack Obama from an orphanage in Morocco! After I got up off the floor from laughing so hard at how ludicrous this speculation was I had to put into words in this video that that claim is clearly out in left field. Imagine a mostly Islamic country allowing a transgendered man and her husband adopt 2 daughters. Or, two men adopt 2 girls children. Just imagine. And if it were true, just maybe, I would wager, that they would sell two girls to these two guys before they would have them adopted with the purpose of raising them as their daughters. The lack of knowledge of other people’s cultures or the attribution of Western Culture onto other cultures through the lens of Western culture is glaringly egoistic as well as ignorant.”

Part 3, Her Children.
In this video we will take a look at some of various views on questions around the children and whether or not they are hers or if she adopted them. The argument that her children “do not look” like her is discussed in this video as well.
This video is Part 3 of a series of videos that discuss this very interesting and controversial topic, “Is Michelle Obama a Transgendered Woman?”
This is a personal pet peeve of mine as I hear so much about the so-called Gay Agenda and how folks equate that to genocide. They forget the “overpopulation” agenda where families were encouraged to have fewer children before the planet exploded.
I guess being 65 years old gives me the advantage of living thru history and not just being told what historically happened. I was there, and I remember.
Now, as far as their children is concerned, the problem with this is that some say they were adopted in Morocco, some say Ethiopia and others just speculate, not sighting where they were adopted.
Others say the children don’t even look like them. My response to that is incredulous. How often do we have children that don’t look like us but look like our brother, sister, aunt or cousin? The way a person looks does not in many cases tell you who their parents are. You can morph a face on top of another face for days and days, it still proves nothing!
Sometimes a child may look like a dead relative that folks haven’t seen in ages and can’t even recall what they looked like when they were alive, then you find an old dusty picture and sure enough.  As a birth coach I have seen little ones come out looking like so many other folks it ain’t funny. What does that prove?”
Part 4, the First Lady, Style and Physique.
This video is Part 4 of a series of videos that discuss this very interesting and controversial topic, “Is Michelle Obama a Transgendered Woman?”
In this video we will take a look at some of various views on questions around Michelle Obama, her style and physique. We will look at the change/make over before and after.  We will discuss the fact that she has muscles now!!!! Because she’s been working out.
“Before Michelle got to the White House, in observing her early pictures, she did not have the definition she has now. She’s been working out, therefore her physique is more toned and she clearly has develop her muscles. It is as if folks are saying she was a man first, became a woman and you can tell because of her muscles. LOL, if she wanted to be a woman then why would she build up her physique to resemble a man in the first place, wouldn’t she be taken hormones to keep the testosterone levels down, not work out to build them up.  It is commonly known that the more you work out, the more testosterone the body will secrete to accommodate the increase in muscle development.  Wouldn’t that be defeating the purpose of being a girl? Wouldn’t it make more sense for her to stay away from the gym than to go to the gym and let everyone see that she is really a dude?”
Part 5, African Women.
This video is Part 5 of a series of videos that discuss this very interesting and controversial topic, “Is Michelle Obama a Transgendered Woman?”

In this video we will take a look at some pictures of African Women from around the globe.  African Women come in so many shapes and sizes it’s hard to singularly point to a standard shape they come in. I have posted pictures of African Woman for your review and for your increased knowledge.  Comparing African Women body types to European Body types is not science. It does not use discretion, evidence, experience or knowledge of the African Woman’s anatomy, but it uses a European Standard to compare.  This is very disingenuous for anyone who has not done any research speaks with authority about Michelle Obama’s physique.

Part 6, Michelle the Tranny

This video is Part 6 of a series of videos that discuss this very interesting and controversial topic, “Is Michelle Obama a Transgendered Woman?”
In this video we will take a look at the Homosexual/Transgender Phenomenon, its place in the African American Culture, lifestyle and community, particularly during the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. We will explore the nature of the social reality during the time when Michelle Obama was born and how probable her family would venture out to change their male child into a girl child.
We will also look at the discrepancies in the reports that say she “changed” during childhood while others say “she changed” in college. Her childhood, high school and college pictures should be enough evidence, but alas.. They still want to believe, Michelle Obama is a tranny.
Part 7, Is She a Transsexual? 
In this video I cover the definition of “transsexual”, the history LGBT movement, and the black community.
I am getting beat up for even broaching this topic, but as an Educator and having lived on this planet as a Black Woman in America for 65+ years I feel I need to speak on the erroneous and illogical things going around on this topic for the sake of clarity.
Transsexual Defined
From Wikipedia.
Now, please don’t think that I am that naive that I trust everything that I find in Wikipedia, but let’s just say we are using their definition for the sake of expediency.
I really prefer to look at this thing in the most logical and sensible way possible so let’s see what we can glean from this short definition from wikipedia.
“Transsexual people experience a gender identity that is inconsistent with, or not culturally associated with, their assigned sex,”
As we have seen, Michelle Obama was born a female, so this would mean that, rather than her currently being a man, it would mean she was a girl that wanted to or felt the so called gender dysphoria as a young “girl” hence, she would be a “man” now instead of a man pretending to be a woman. It would stand to reason however, if she were born a man, than she would be considered transsexual.
“and desire to permanently transition to the gender with which they identify, usually seeking medical assistance (including hormone replacement therapy and other sex reassignment therapies) to help them align their body with their identified sex or gender.” 
So, here we see that the use of hormones would be necessary in order for the transition from male to female to take place.
Again, since we can clearly see that Michelle was a girl at birth, then if she was uncomfortable being a girl, she would now be a man, having taken the hormone therapy needed to change into a man. But we clearly see she is carrying herself like a woman. This is confusing.
Part 8, is She Transgender?
In this video I cover the definition of “transgender”, the history LGBT movement, and the black community.
I am getting beat up for even broaching this topic, but as an Educator and having lived on this planet as a Black Woman in America for 65+ years I feel I need to speak on the erroneous and illogical things going around on this topic for the sake of clarity.
Transgender Defined
How many folks out there who are claiming that Michelle is Michael, knows anyone who is transgender or transsexual? How many of you have watched the transformation, physically, mentally or spiritually? How many of you out there know what a transgender person would have to go through in order to get pass the rigors of the physical and psychological challenges placed upon them to make this change? How many of you are aware of how much it costs?
Part 9, Where it All Began.

Going down the rabbit hole, we find the original article that started this rumor. ““Let’s write stuff to expose how stupid people are.”” Mr. Butvidas, editor of

Throughout this series, I will be sighting videos, articles and comments that I have researched on the Internet that related to this topic. The details, narration and links will be hosted in my blog post listed in the link below.
Along with many YouTube videos on this topic, I wish to add my perspective.
Doing a little more research on this “is Michelle Obama A Man” I actually tracked down the original news outlet that hosted this article. Of course the article is no longer in their archive and they ask for prayers:
“The Holy Archives – (Please Pray As Out Web-engineers Work To Restore The Archives Destroyed By Obama)”

Initially I was searching for the article referenced as being printed June 30, 2011, by Matthew B. Glosser, entitled “Shocking New Revelation About Michelle Obama, A must Read Christwire Exclusive.”  Apparently Mr. Glosser is or was a writer for ChristWire in 2011.
The article was reprinted by Dr. Eowyn on another website called Fellowship of the Minds.
This article was entitled, “Michelle Obama is a Transexual. And can be found at
However, upon further research I came across this article By Adam Pasic, entitled, “The Guys Behind Christwire, Creating Parody From ‘Glenn Beck on Steroids” This site was mentioned in a 2010 article by the New York Times as being a satirical site. has had its story lifted, in total and spread around the Internet on several “right wing websites” and is the most often quoted proof that this story about Michelle Being a Man, is True.
“Shocking New Revelation about Michelle Obama: A Must Read, Christwire Exclusive” By Matthew B. Glosser JUNE 30, 2011

Part 10 Conclusion: “The Michelle Obama Psyops”

NB Commentary: From the introduction through to where it all began, I have attempted to shed some light on this subject by giving a historical framework of how the Black community 50 years ago would have dealt with homosexuality and the transgender phenomenon. I hope that the information I have revealed will suggest to people who believe this meme, that quite possibly they have been hoodwinked and that from here on out they will be more circumspect in coming to conclusions about things or at least will take the time to research the source of the information so as to avoid being “Hoodwinked” as the writer of this story along with many other writers, reporters and journalist from various news outlets have done since the beginning of the concept of “telling a story” or “spreading the news.”

I want to sum it up with a few more statements, beginning with the difference between transsexual and transgender phenomenon and end this series with my concluding remarks.

Blurring the Gender Lines – Michelle Obama Is a Man?? NB Commentary

NB Commentary on this video:
Interesting twist on this rumor of Michelle being born a man. Blurring of gender lines is an interesting topic that I want to tackle in my own video. But suffice it to say, there is still a level of naiveté’ on your part as it relates to body types, and what’s feminine and what’s masculine. I can see your point about branding, but, I am not too sure if I agree with it to the extent that you are portraying in this video.

There’s a much deeper issue going on when it comes to a so-called masculine looking black woman and a so-called feminine looking black male. You really cannot speak on the body types unless you are an African or of African descent and someone who has traveled the continent or at least took the time to study the bodies that you find there.
Another thing I would like to mention is that the idea of beefing up the body was started back in the 80’s long before Michelle or Obama came into the white house. Just look around at all the work-out studios you find in the Western world. Mostly because Westerners live sedentary lives, they don’t farm, they don’t walk, they don’t pick berries, they don’t do hard work, so a work-out studio or gym is a good place for them to burn off calories as the Western diet is causing such obesity.
Another thing I want to point out is that everybody who works out, will not necessarily gain that muscle tone, so I do agree they are probably using enhancers; Michelle did not have that muscle tone, pre-WhiteHouse. However, Obama, has always been lean and some what feminine. I doubt if he looked like Mike Tyson if he would have gotten elected.
Again, you are missing the subtle reality that black men face  here in America. They are threatening, remember what the police officer said about Mike Brown?

Also, my granddaughter was born with muscle tone, she never ever worked out before she was born except to kick the bajessus out of her mom inutero. Some men never gain muscle tone, without enhancers, and even in those cases, they never reach the “Arnold” without steroids and endangering their health as well.
Masculinity and femininity seem to be gleaned through a lens that is socially unique to you and how you see the world. There are many other cultures around the world where the line is very slight and other cultures where the celebration of the feminine is done by the men dressing up and celebration of the masculine where the women dress up.
The lines are not blurred, everyone knows they have both inside of them. They also are secure in their roles in the society… so a feminine man still functions as a man in his society and a more masculine woman still functions as a woman.
You seem to be looking at the body and the form it is in rather than the actions of the persons in the body and the roles they play.
There are men who are quite comfortable staying at home and taking care of the household and women who would rather work. All that means is one likes to be more domestic and the other more worldly.
What happens in Western culture too often is that it is either BLACK OR WHITE,  but nature is not that way, not at all. I once had a male cat assist the female cat during her labor.
It is all about energy. I would say that there is certainly a distortion as it is presented particularly in Western culture and maybe because Western culture tends to see things as either black or white, right or wrong, they are having a hard time with the blending, but in other cultures, it’s all about energy.
Their belief systems are different, the way they look through their lens at the world is different and the roles of male and female are different.
If, Western culture is in crisis due to the blurring of the gender lines, than that to me speaks more to the world view of those in the western culture, their values and precepts, but they are not applicable to the entire world.
There is a far more sinister agenda to the beefing up of the masses in this culture, but I will not go into that on this thread… but thanks for your video, it was certainly food for thought.
President Obama, in 2004 with wife Michelle and daughter Sasha
Where are Obama’s daughters’ baby pics and birth records?
Irrefutable Proof: Michelle Obama is a Transsexual
Or Lady M who appeared on Funny or Die’s Snackpocalypse! Public Service Propaganda just this week, eating a carrot:
Michelle Obama EXPOSED – Biographer Dishes on Her Childhood Secret
Kayden Coleman, now 29, was stunned with a bloated tummy and back pain in 2013.
Laverne Cox Becomes First Trans Woman To Cover TIME Magazine
May 29, 2014  |  By Lauren R.D. Fox
This week, TIME Magazine placed Cox on its cover, making her the first transgender woman to accomplish this feat, and published a riveting interview with her on race, gender and bullying. Here are the highlights from Cox’s interview and below, a behind the scenes video of Cox as she prepares for her historic cover.
One of the reasons we have Black run ones such as the Miss Black Universe, Duval and the other Black transgender pageant systems is because the negative African-American beauty perceptions that were espoused by this person are sadly part of the dominant culture. The end result is a perception in our GLBT subset of it that results in Black transwomen not getting fair shakes in judging when they compete in predominately white GLBT pageants.
Emasculating The Black Male: 15 Actors Who Wore a Dress For Success
Halperin said another reason Jenner may reconsider her transition is that the reality star still has an attraction to women “and wants to meet the right one.”
100% Proof Michelle Obama is Not a Man Exposed!?!