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Archive for the ‘Kenya’ Category

Obama’s Birth Certicate (Videos)

Obama’s Birth Certificate
NB Commentary: The resurgence of this issue is a smoke screen, everybody already knows that the certificate is a fraud at worse and has been tampered with at best! That’s why he had to kill Osama bin Laden again to cover it up.
This is a distraction away from PizzaGate and pedophilia which is a much more heinous crime and is world wide and goes all the way to the top.
Frankly, these folks will throw Obama under the bus if it means saving their asses from being exposed as part of a worldwide pedophile ring.
It’s classic bate and switch.

How many times have the issues and concerns around child trafficking and pedophilia and Satanic ritual abuse been presented to the public, and as soon as the debate and investigations reach a fever pitch, out comes some other distraction to steer the crowd onto another topic of interest.
They spent a great deal of time side tracking the Podesta emails. Election fraud, fake news, Russian Hackers, China’s gearing up, protests against Trump’s election, and now, the infamous birther issue which ironically, Trump brought to the forefront of the American people’s mind, then he dismissed it and now it’s back up again.

What will he say? Is this still another ploy to discredit Trump and question his integrity?
Or, like always, is this just another decoy, to steer the publics’ attention from the despicable corruption that is intrinsic in the offices of world government and the Vatican.
Again, every body already knows that the certificate is illegitimate for the simple fact that it has been tampered with. If you or I tampered with our birth certificate we would be in big trouble, right? It would quickly delegitimize us and forget about that great job offer!
Nobody has time to impeach him and reverse all of his laws and executive orders he put in place. He will slide right out of view, just like Bush, and will probably be pardoned like Bush was too if they do find anything on him. These war criminals look out for their own.
It is obvious that Obama and Hillary are of no use to the Powers that Shouldn’t be.

So yeah, this is mute and really no big deal unless they want to derail it by pushing the red button.

 Malik Obama interviewed by Director Joel Gilbert (Dreams from My Real Father)

Malik Obama interviewed by Director Joel Gilbert (Dreams from My Real Father) Videos

NB Commentary: There’s a certain glue that African families have. It also can be seen in other indigenous families and other families that do not purport the Nuclear family option as opposed to the extended family option.

African people from my experience are very passionate about their families ties and when a member of the family dies they are very, very heart broken. If they do not live where their family member lives or are unable to go there, they will mourn for days and days and days.
The family members no matter how rich or poor will do so much to get that person buried, particularly if they are an elder. The respect they have for their elders is very, very high. (Comments continued below the video)

Malik Obama interviewed by Director Joel Gilbert 

(Dreams from My Real Father)

 Malik Obama interviewed by Director Joel Gilbert 
(Dreams from My Real Father) 
In an industrialize nation it may be hard to understand this sentiment, but in some cases, the Aunt in Africa is like your other Mother, she cares for you like you are born from her. In Ghana, your Uncle is your father in the same way.
So, knowing what I know about Africa, how they feel about families and especially about the death of an elder in the family, I can understand Malik Obama expressing himself the way he does. He is hurt in a way we cannot understand in the west because our culture does not strengthen family ties, it does not encourage extended families and most often both parents are away working, and the children are not raised by the elders they are raised by daycare and teachers.

It probably cost $20k to move his Aunt’s body from the US to Kenya. All the preparations that would have to take place for them to gather her remains and then send them via airlines to Kenya and then to have her burial take place there.
I can assure you that when her body did arrive, they felt the grief as if it were yesterday even though it was weeks after she died. That’s just how they are.
I am sure that there was a time with all peoples across the globe, when humans were less materialistic and capitalistic, that they mourned their family members similarly, but today, the chasm between the way indigenous people feel about their families has broaden extensively.

The notion of extended families, polygamy, eldership are slowly wearing away as the industrialized world removes these ties and sentiments and replace them with the attrition of things, wealth, and notoriety.  Human life and even the Earth itself seems to have lost its value and purpose. Wars are waged with no consideration of the innocents and families devastated by it. Powerful governments walk over families, homes and infrastructure like Godzilla and leaving disaster in its wake does not stir the heart of this beast.

Watching Malik Obama, I could see that he has much pain in his heart. I can only imagine what it must feel like to even consider that he, his family, his village and his country could have possibly been used for a hidden agenda that propelled Barack Obama into the White House in 2008.

 Exclusive: Obama’s Biggest Secrets Released 
DISCLAIMER: I am posting this video for the information it entails. I do not support Alex Jones, in fact he annoys the hell out of me because he’s always interrutping his guests, however, Joel Gilbert is an investigative reporter and he expresses some very, intersting facts. So if you can’t tolerate Jones, skip forward, and remember, I WARNED YOU!!!
The Associated Press Misrepresents Again on Obama Birth Certificate
Phoenix sheriff: President Obama`s birth certificate is Fake after 5 year investigation
12/16/2016, 10:41 PM – Source:
Obama’s Biggest Secrets Released

America: Your Solidarity with Paris is Embarrassingly Misguided

America: Your Solidarity with Paris is Embarrassingly Misguided

Op-Ed by Claire Bernish
November 14, 2015
(ANTIMEDIA) The World, at Large — We are in mourning. Again. Indeed, Paris is in mourning, again.
For the second time in less than a year, we are all de facto Parisians — with Facebook profiles, casinos, and whole buildings draped in the blue, white, and red of the French flag. Solidarity as sympathy, bien sûr — a most poignant message that humanity stands with Paris — and will act decisively to avenge the “carnage” unexpectedly wrought by those whose motives most will never fall victim to, much less comprehend.
Evidently, despite the accumulated knowledge of the entire planet at our disposal through the computer screen, solidarity has escaped some of us.
And I am weary.
Without question, I mourn for Paris’ recent victims and their families — and I would never claim knowledgeable firsthand experience of the same. But I refuse — despite my partial French heritage — to cloak myself in nationalism of any stripe or star, particularly not now. Because, besides victims in Paris, an incomprehensibly astronomic number of people have been grieving loss of the highest order for some time — in places whose names roll off our tongues as if it’s accepted that violence simply happens there — and a majority likely couldn’t guess the colors on these victims’ flags.
You see, I also mourn for those killed mere hours before Paris crumbled into chaos, in strikingly similar attacks in Beirut.
I mourn the hundreds of thousands displaced or killed in Syria, no matter their pledged allegiance. No matter their professed religion. No matter.
I mourn for the millions killed in ongoing and renewed, illegal United States’ aggression in Iraq — and those facing a torturous demise from exposure to depleted uranium employed in violation of international and humanitarian law — for reasons far closer to ‘American’ and corporate hegemony than compassionate principle.
I mourn the untold number killed in the United States’ insidious — and seemingly permanent — war in Afghanistan. And the countless children there who know nothing of peace, much less the feeling of safety it brings. And patients and staff recently targeted, bombed, and then shot while fleeing the Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Kunduz — and the irony of that humanitarian organization’s French roots.
I mourn those forced into human slavery or sex trafficking in Malaysia; and curse the scant hope they escape, now that the massive TPP has garnered U.S. government’s tacit approval of the abhorrence that is human trade.
I mourn for Palestinians, whose land was usurped — and whose lives and infrastructure and families and sense of security and HOMES are under siege and occupation by an illegal and actively terrorist State.
I mourn the patients and staff at the over 100 healthcare facilities in Yemen that have been BOMBED since March. And the apparently soulless who found an acceptable target in hospitals.
I mourn for Yemen.
I mourn for the victims of complicit government violence in Mexico, and 43 students and their families who lack answers.
I mourn for Chinese men, women, and children working, quite literally, as slaves, so the West can be rude at dinner and take endless pictures — of its narcissistically apathetic self.
I mourn rampant genocide — past and present — for the sake of manifest destiny. And empire. And imperialism. And inexplicable and unstated reasons.
In fact, I mourn for all victims of terror, whether State or group sponsored, without conditions attached to my grief — no matter location, nor loyalty, nor arbitrary geopolitical happenstance of location of a victim’s birth. And I’m already grieving those soon to be terror’s next victims; since, as French President François Hollande jarringly warned, avenging Paris’ victims just birthed (yet another) “PITILESS” war.
As if gentle were somehow a method to employ in waging war.
Yes, I mourn for Paris. But I do so while weeping in shame at the deplorable supercilious judgment ensconced in Western reaction to it; for countless pitiable xenophobes and their endless vapid justifications; for arrogant commentary from politicians and their media mouthpieces with their embarrassing post-tragedy clamoring to exploit ignorant heartstrings for the appropriate victims; for the endless War of Terror — and the service members who somehow haven’t yet deduced that this would ALL END if they simply refused to fucking fight.
The fact is, grief on this scale is exhausting. And I’m very nearly out of tears.
So keep these victims around the globe in mind — every, single man, woman and child who has, who is, and who will suffer the maiming, horror, torture, and death that’s as necessary to war as those who take up arms — when you next excuse a politician’s stance on war, because the rest of his or her platform seems really promising.
Or, at least, seems the lesser of two evils.
And shake that flag from your social media profile; and your home; and your thoughts. Because as long as you wear just one flag, your attempt to stand with victims of terror is a most embarrassingly hollow solidarity, indeed.


NB Commentary: 

Any attack that is hosted by MSM is only done when it suits the overall agenda. Anything outside of the agenda and was not orchestrated by the puppet masters and their puppets has little to no importance unless it can be capitalized upon. #BringBackOurGirls Movement. In which, case it became a National and international project to have people holding white boards in front of them saying “Bring Back Our Girls:. In short order it was found to be a bit of a hoax for two reasons, the school mentioned was not the school where Boko Haram had raided. 2. Alternative news outlets exposed the lunacy of this one and it quickly became a non story. However, that did not stop Boko Haram from its terroristic threats and barbarism, but not in the context of the International spotlight.
And remember the bombing of the Mall In Kenya (Westgate shopping mall attack). That too hit the national/international newswire.. It served the agenda of fear and trepidation and shielded the real issues that were going on at the time. More proof that there has to be an agenda.
So… when there is a big hype about something in the news, look around, there is probably something else that is happening or has happened that they need to blow up another story to distract the masses. And sometimes, it’s just social engineering.


     NOVEMBER 14, 2015
    The way Kenya is currently trending on Twitter and Facebook shows that folks have plenty to say about the Kenya attacks in comparison to the news coverage that the Paris attacks have received. As reported by CNN, 147 people were killed at Garissa University College in Kenya back on April 2, but news hounds might only remember the horrific attack at the Kenya college as a blip on the radar in the news cycle in comparison to the equally horrific Paris attacks.
    According to the website popularity tracking list called “What’s Hot” on, an Amazon company, a BBC News article about the 147 people killed in the Kenya attack by an Islamist group is the sixth most popular URL on their list as of this writing.
    So many tweets and posts are coming into Twitter and Facebook about Kenya that some readers are getting confused, wondering why the Kenya tweets are trending. The Kenya attacks not only left 147 people dead, but also injured at least 79 folks in the attack that lasted for hours. It was a sad day for Kenya, which saw the country experience an attack that claimed such a high death toll that it was the largest amount of people killed on Kenyan soil since 1998, when more than 200 people lost their lives in the bombing of the U. S. Embassy in Nairobi.
    The disparity of attention between the Kenyan attacks and the Parisian attacks are being blamed on the fact that Kenya is a third-world country.
    The fact that Facebook has allowed folks to change their profile photos to French flags with Facebook’s new filter to allow them to support Paris, as reported by TIME‎, is being compared to the lack of Kenyan flag filters on Facebook during the time Kenya was attacked.
    Other attacks are being questioned and re-examined in the wake of the tragic Paris attacks, along with queries about the news coverage, or lack thereof, for other tragic events.
    As written by Jeremy Wheeler on Facebook about the Paris and Kenya attacks, some social media users are noting the difference in the tragedies in terms of the outpouring of worldwide sympathy and news coverage.
    “Apologists for the terrorists who murdered in Paris are popping up even before the bodies are cold. Back in April when Islamist terrorists attacked a university in Kenya what was the excuse then? Did you even hear about it?”
    The Kenya attack on Garissa University College in northeastern Kenya is being brought back to life months later as a means for social media users to give attention to other terrorist attacks around the world.
    While social media users recognize that both attacks are tragic, Facebook user Ann VanRyan wrote to Facebook, asking about the option for a Kenya flag overlay as Facebook offers the France flag overlay.

    “Facebook… Where’s my option to have the Kenya flag overlay on my profile pic? This is equally as horrendous and is happening every day in the poorest parts of our world. ‪#‎LookForTheHelpersJess‬
    Related searches such as Kenya Paris and the #prayforKenya hashtag are also trending in the wake of the controversy over the difference in news coverage. The Kenya attack articles are being retweeted, causing some users to think the Kenya attack just occurred.
    (AP Photo/Sayyid Azim)