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Archive for the ‘FDA’ Category

The Great Culling: Our Water Official Full Movie

Finding the original poster of this video took a minute, but I prefer sharing the original rather than what someone uploaded.

It is becoming increasing clear that the US is and has been and will probably continue to be a huge NWO experiment. If it works here it can spread all over the globe, all will fall in line and make the Globalists job a lot easier. When I first heard about the ill effects of Fluoride in the water, I stopped using it, but seriously, it is actually in almost anything that needs water to produce, from fresh organic veggies and fruits to the ultimate processed foods, even bottle water.

Towards the end of this video they do offer some solutions at least to minimize the impact of Fluoride in our bodies, but for goodness sakes, whatever you do, stop using toothpaste stating that you should keep it out of the reach of children. Warning, that should be enough to scare you away from ever allowing into your house. At least, it’s an easy way to minimize it.

You can also package up your toothpaste and mail it back to the company and let them know you do not appreciate them selling you a product that is potentially poisonous to the point of it being ingested you may need to call poison control.

It’s something to think about, folks and it’s something that you can be proactive about in the way you purchase. We do realize that we literally have no control over what they put on a label. We also know that the strange bedfellows are ubiquitous, but at least take that tiny step to control what goes into your body and the bodies of the little people who look to us for safety and security.

(Video) What Really Happened to Dr. Sebi – Why Didn’t His Family Tell Us He was Incarcerated

NB Commentary: By now folks all over the world have heard about Dr. Sebi making his transition to the astral plane. There has certainly been a lot of speculation around his transition. What I like to do, especially after viewing the articles, videos and comments on certain subjects; is to consult the I Ching Oracle to see if I can get a clear picture of what “really” took place.
Below you will find my comments, an article about his incarceration and subsequent transition and a video playlist that includes the video I uploaded with the readings I received.

Please feel free to leave your comments below.

Here are some points that came to mind for me, before I consulted the oracles. These points seem to make sense as to why his family did not make an announcement about his arrest and subsequent incarceration.
  1. Protect him from the shit storm that would be thrown at him if they let the word out that he was arrested for the second time for money laundering.
  2. Since we as black folks tend to raise our leaders to the status of God, imagine the devastation that would reverberate thru the so’called conscious community.
  3. How many of us are legally savvy with Honduran laws that we could do anything?
  4. I am certain there would have been a wide spectrum of responses from those who admire him, but what if he asked his family not to say anything.
  5. What about the fact that he got ill? What type of shit storm would that have created especially since he is the one healing people?
  6. There’s a lot of haters out there ready to tear him down. They gave him something when he got ill. What does that tell everyone who follows his teachings?
  7. Since it was his Second time. Maybe he felt he would get out like he did before.
  8. Maybe they were too embarrassed about the jail part.
  9. Maybe they were too weirded out that he died.

Dr. Sebi

August 7 at 6:29pm ·


Alfredo Darrington Bowman also known as the world famous Dr. Sebi the man who cures cancer and aids along with many other diseases was detained after a flight from California that landed at the Juan Manuel Galvez de Roatan Airport on May 28, 2016 under charges of money laundering. Dr. Sebi and his associate Pablo Medina Gamboa were apprehended carrying a total of $50,000 in cash. $20,000 on Dr. Sebi and $30,000 on Gamboa. They were attempting to board a private plane headed to another location in Honduras. He was detained and then released for a pending court appearance that would later take place on June 3, 2016.

After his court hearing on June 3, 2016 Dr. Sebi was detained under the charges of money laundering by the Public Ministerio. On an unconfirmed date and time between June 3rd and the August 6th Dr. Sebi reported severe health conditions during incarceration related to pneumonia. In critical health condition he was rushed to the Vicente D’antoni Hospital but died in transit. Before this event his brother Garden Bowman reported that Dr. Sebi had experienced health complications from pneumonia and was prescribed medication by the hospital. His exact conditions of death and any evidence of foul play is still unknown and under investigation. He was received at the hospital by Dr. Edwin Interiano.

Dr. Sebi died at 82 and is survived by 17 children, he was a inspiration to many and will be intensely missed by people all over the world impacted by his holistic approach to wellness.

Dr. Sebi’s Transition 2016-08-06
Dr. Sebi – (1933-2016)

29 Holistic Doctors/Practitioners Found Poisoned, Some Nearly Dead. Another Attack on Alternative Medicine? 
Famed healer Dr. Sebi dies after suspicious arrest and hospitalization 
Dr. Sebi Died On August 6 2016 After Being Arrested 
They Finally Killed Dr. Sebi – It Was Only A Matter Of Time 
Renowned Holistic Healer Who Treated Left Eye Dies In Custody 
Holistic Doctor Death Series: Over 50 Dead on 1 Year Anniversary of Father’s Day
Honduras Man Dr. Sebi Found the Cure To All Diseases: AIDS, HIV, Diabetes, Cancer + More [VIDEO] 
Defeated the FDA, American Medical Association and Judicial System in 1988 Proving that He Cures AIDS and Other Diseases.

The Truth of Dr Sebi’s Death in Prison: Interview with his best friend of 51 years who was there

FAST FOOD NATION, Eric Schlosser

Nana’s Commentary

After sharing the video on how Fast Food has changed the world, it seems only fitting to share “The Dark Side of the All-American Meal with my readers….. Watch the video, read the book.

(Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal (2001) is a book by investigative journalist Eric Schlosser that examines the local and global influence of the United States fast food industry.[3])

Published on Aug 21, 2013
Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal (2001) is a book by investigative journalist Eric Schlosser that examines the local and global influence of the United States fast food industry.

First serialized by Rolling Stone in 1999, the book has drawn comparisons to Upton Sinclair’s classic muckraking novel The Jungle. The book was adapted into a film of the same name, directed by Richard Linklater.

The book is divided into two sections, “The American Way,” which interrogates the beginnings of the Fast Food Nation within the context of post-World War II America; and “Meat and Potatoes,” which examines the specific mechanizations of the fast-food industry, including the chemical flavoring of the food, the production of cattle and chickens, the working conditions of beef industry, the dangers of eating meat, and the global context of fast food as an American cultural export.

Fast Food Nation opens with discussion of Carl N. Karcher and the McDonalds brothers, examining their roles as pioneers of the fast-food industry in southern California. This discussion is followed by an examination of Ray Kroc and Walt Disney’s complicated relationship as well as each man’s rise to fame. This chapter also considers the intricate, profitable methods of advertising to children. Next, Schlosser visits Colorado Springs, CO and investigates the life and working conditions of the typical fast-food industry employee: fast-food restaurants employ the highest rate of low-wage workers, have among the highest turnover rates, and pay minimum wage to a higher proportion of its employees than any other American industry.

The second section of the text begins with a discussion of the chemical components that make the food taste so good. Schlosser follows this with a discussion of the life of a typical rancher, considering the difficulties presented to the agriculture world in a new economy. Schlosser is perhaps most provocative when he critiques the meatpacking industry, which he tags as the most dangerous job in America. Moreover, the meat produced by slaughterhouses has become exponentially more hazardous since the centralization of the industry: the way cattle are raised, slaughtered, and processed provides an ideal setting for E coli to spread. Additionally, working conditions continue to grow worse. In the final chapter, Schlosser considers how fast food has matured as an American cultural export following the Cold War: the collapse of Soviet Communism has allowed the mass spread of American goods and services, especially fast food. As a result, the rest of the world is catching up with America’s rising obesity rates.

The book continues with an account of the evolution of fast food and how it has coincided with the advent of the automobile. Schlosser explains the transformation from countless independent restaurants to a few uniform franchises. “The extraordinary growth of the fast food industry has been driven by fundamental changes in American society… During that period, women entered the workforce in record numbers, often motivated less by a feminist perspective than by a need to pay the bills. In 1975, about one-third of American mothers with young children worked outside the home; today almost two-thirds of such mothers are employed. As the sociologists Cameron Lynne Macdonald and Carmen Sirianni have noted, the entry of so many women into the workforce has greatly increased demand for the types of services that housewives traditionally perform: cooking, cleaning, and child care. A generation ago, three-quarters of the money used to buy food in the United States was spent to prepare meals at home. Today about half of the money used to buy food is spent at restaurants – mainly at fast food restaurants.”

Regarding the topic of child-targeted marketing, Schlosser explains how the McDonald’s Corporation modeled its marketing tactics on The Walt Disney Company, which inspired the creation of advertising icons such as Ronald McDonald and his sidekicks. Marketing executives intended that this marketing shift would result not only in attracting children, but their parents and grandparents as well. More importantly, the tactic would instill brand loyalty that would persist through adulthood through nostalgic associations to McDonald’s. Schlosser also discusses the tactic’s ills: the exploitation of children’s naïveté and trusting nature.

In marketing to children, Schlosser suggests, corporations have infiltrated schools through sponsorship and quid pro quo. He sees that reductions in corporate taxation have come at the expense of school funding, thereby presenting many corporations with the opportunity for sponsorship with those same schools. According to his sources, 80% of sponsored textbooks contain material that is biased in favor of the sponsors, and 30% of high schools offer fast foods in their cafeterias.