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Archive for the ‘Russia’ Category

Media Refuses to Report on Proven Trump Collusion—Because It’s Not With Russia

In Russia, there are free speech zones, gays are persecuted, and speaking out against the state is often met with police brutality — just ask the activist band Pussy Riot. Vladimir Putin is no hero. That being said, however, on a larger scale, Putin is not attempting to build an empire, he is not destabilizing the Middle East and installing dictators, he’s not funding ISIS, and he tends to resist moves by the globalists that are harmful to the well-being of the Russian people and their money.

Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, is destabilizing the Middle East, they are funding terrorism, they are carrying out the wholesale slaughter of innocence and genocide in Yemen and when it comes to reporting on these crimes, corporate media at large is utterly and irresponsibly silent.

This irresponsible reporting by corporate media has led to a frenzy of disinformation filling the digital airwaves of entirely unprovable Russian collusion in the 2016 election. If the media was so hell-bent on ousting President Donald Trump’s corruption, why then are they only reporting on the non-existent evidence of Trump-Russia collusion while ignoring the mountain of evidence proving his collusion with the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world?

If corporate media were actually interested in exposing the alleged crimes of Trump, then why are they spending so much time faking headlines and lying about Russia when they could easily expose his ties to terrorists in Saudi Arabia?

Since Trump has gotten into office, he’s proven to America that he has no intention of making America great again. Every step forward he takes, like halting the flow of cash from the CIA to ISIS, he takes several more steps back.

His foreign policy, like that of his predecessors, does not fight terror. In fact, it does the opposite by creating blowback, thus ensuring the future and endless creation of terrorists for years to come.


Even if a smoking gun comes out and one day proves that Putin and Trump colluded to steal the election, would it really change anything?

Just like his predecessor, Barack Obama, and just like Clinton would’ve done, Trump cozied up to Saudi Arabia once he got elected and is carrying out the agenda of the neocon deep state dead set on provoking war.

To see how overt this Saudi Trump collusion actually is, we need only look at his stance on Saudi Arabia before he was elected.

While speaking with supporters at a campaign event in Bluffton, South Carolina in 2016, then-Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said if he is elected “you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.”

“It wasn’t the Iraqis,” Trump said.

“You may find it’s the Saudis.”

Trump was referencing the fact 15 out of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia. He also, somehow, had knowledge of what was in the 28 pages that would be declassified a few months later in July.

Trump went on to say the government has “papers…that are very secret” which may implicate the Saudis.

Before he was elected, Americans did find out that the 28 pages proved the United States government knew the Saudi Arabian government had a hand in and supported the terrorists who carried out the attacks on 9/11 — and covered it up.

“You will find out,” Trump said.

However, after he was elected, the only thing we’ve found out from Trump in regard to Saudi terrorism is his unwavering and overtly nefarious love of the terrorist nation.

Speaking to the New York Times last year, as the Intercept notes, Trump claimed that, without U.S. support and protection, “Saudi Arabia wouldn’t exist for very long.” The real problem, he continued, was that the Saudis are “a money machine …and yet they don’t reimburse us the way we should be reimbursed.” Asked if he would be willing to “stop buying oil from the Saudis” if they refused to pull their weight, Trump responded: “Oh yeah, sure. I would do that.”

Not surprisingly—he didn’t do that.

After going from implicating them in the worst terror attack ever to take place on US soil, Donald Trump is now best buds with the terrorist regime in Saudi Arabia. In fact, in May, Trump “completed largest single arms deal in US history, negotiating a package totaling more than $109.7 billion.”

Tis quite amazing what being president of the United States can do to a person’s integrity. But those of us who’ve been paying attention saw this coming a mile away. Just like George W. Bush and Barack Obama did, Trump bowed down to his Saudi masters.

While he showed the opposite of collusion with Russia by recommending sanctions against them—a de facto act of war—his collusion with the Saudi regime first became evident during his travel ban earlier this year.

Out of the 43 people who carried out terrorist attacks on US soil, only three of them came from the seven countries on Trump’s list — the other 40 terrorists came from countries who were not banned.

This handful of attacks on American soil hardly justifies restricting the travel from these countries once we look at the countries Trump did not ban — which are responsible for 93% of all terrorism in the United States causing death on a massive scale, including Saudi Arabia.

The majority of the 40 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, while the others were from Pakistan, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Guinea.

As the Free Thought Project previously reported, during his campaign Trump registered eight companies tied to hotel interests in Saudi Arabia alone. And, in 2001, the alleged Saudi-hating Trump sold an entire floor of Trump Tower to the Saudis for $4.5 million.

Trump is openly showing favoritism toward, colluding with, has financial ties to, and sold billions in weapons to the terrorist nation of Saudi Arabia — yet the media still remains focused on unprovable Russian collusion. Make no mistake that this is deliberate.

While the media uses fairy tales of Russian election hacking to distract, Trump is proving to be just like all of his predecessors — fooling people into thinking he’s ‘MAGA’ while bowing down to the military-industrial complex. All the while, his ostensible resistance is rendered impotent by buying into lies deliberately devised to keep them from seeing the reality that he is no different than Obama or Clinton.

via Media Refuses to Report on Proven Trump Collusion—Because It’s Not With Russia

Seth Rich, Reality Winner and Social Engineering (VIDEOS)

Seth Rich, Reality Winner and Social Engineering Pt. 1, 2, 3

To me this is all Social engineering at its finest. It is a distraction from what we really need to be focusing on.

In this video I review several online news outlets discussing Reality Winner along with a review of a few YouTube videos pointing to the situation surrounding Seth Rich’s “reported botched robbery.”

To me this is all Social engineering at its finest. It is a distraction from what we really need to be focusing on.
In this video I review several online news outlets discussing Reality Winner along with a review of a few YouTube videos pointing to the situation surrounding Seth Rich’s “reported botched robbery.”
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Possible Coverup w Intercept Russia Election Story
Rebekah Roth ~ George Webb for Dummies Part 1
whats eating Ronald grape?
George Webb give further evidence linking Hillary to the murder of Seth Rich
Alpha Jalloh was tracked to being behind the Seth Rich hit by George Webb
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught – Motherboard
First NSA leaker is finally under arrest, and she clearly had a major ax to grind against President Trump
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
Assange wants support for NSA whistleblower as WikiLeaks offers $10k reward to ‘expose’ reporter
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
The FBI thinks it’s found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia
What We Know About Reality Winner, Government Contractor Accused Of NSA Leak
What we know about Reality Winner
Snowden: Prosecuting NSA Leaker Reality Winner Is a ‘Fundamental Threat to the Free Press’
Who Is Reality Winner, NSA Contractor Accused in Top Secret Leak?
Here’s what we know about alleged NSA leaker Reality Leigh Winner
BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Investigator George Webb On The Run From John Podesta And Hillary Goon Squad! Life And Family Been Threatened Due To Work On Seth Rich Murder Investigation. – See more at:

Global Marine Life Die-Off Accelerates as We Fight Over a Rigged Political System (video)

NB Commentary: After reading this article, I began to think that this whole election hoopla is just another false flag psyops. Something to keep us from looking at what is really happening in our world, and to this planet. We are more oblivious to what is going on around us than ever before. Maybe the hysteria and mania gives us some kind of solace, some kind of euphoric outlet so we can stay in denial that our planet is on a collision course.

Well, it won’t be the first time this planet has had dire consequence. The sad part about all this is that instead of it being due to Natural causes, it’s because the human species is doing it. Not that it’s fair to blame all of humanity, but the so-called leaders of the world are doing it in our name.

I have been noticing a decrease in insects for the past several years, and while I don’t necessarily care for mosquitoes I have also noticed a decrease in the simple fruit fly.

Of course, the lame stream media will not report on these things. It may wake people up and cause a stir. So they continually read their scripted narratives and engage in the mass mind control machine with impunity. It makes you wonder, if they even know what’s really going on.

Global Marine Life Die-Off Accelerates as We Fight Over a Rigged Political System

Vic BishopStaff Writer
By now we should be able to acknowledge that the election is rigged and that none of the current candidates represent the deepest interests of the American people or the human race. Never the less a sea of human energy and resources are
being dumped into the phony contest, all the while, critically important issues
go undiscussed with no plan what so ever. The amount of vitriol, anger, and
hate in the election debate this year is suffocating, leaving one to wonder what would happen if this much energy were directed toward solving our most pressing collective problems.
Nothing is more important to life on earth than the condition of our global eco-systems, and in the 2014 edition of World Wildlife Fund’s Living Planet Report, it was reported that 52% of the world’s marine life has disappeared since 1970. Staggering.

“WWF’s Living Blue Planet Report tracks 5,829 populations of 1,234 mammal, bird,  reptile and fish species through a marine living planet index. The evidence,
analyzed by researchers at the Zoological Society of London, paints a troubling picture. In addition to the plummeting number of marine vertebrate species, populations of locally and commercially fished fish species have fallen by
half, with some of the most important species experiencing even greater declines.” [

In the years since the report was issued, the world has seen an unprecedented number of cases of mass fish and wildlife die-offs, and the causes of such dramatic occurrences are going largely undetermined. The Pacific Ocean appears to be in greatest distress, leaving many to wonder what negative effects the ongoing disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has had on the sea since it began leaking radioactive material in 2011. In 2013, what has been described as a viral plague began wiping out millions of starfish and sea urchins began all along the Western sea board of the U.S., and subsequently spread to the Atlantic.
The latest developing mystery on the west coast is a newly discovered type of cancer, which is supposedly contagious and now killing millions of mollusks and clams. When coupled with numerous reports of cancerous tumors being found on sharks, whales and fish in the Pacific, it leads to the hypothesis that radiation is in fact causing severe damage to the chain of life in the Pacific. With no mention of the animal die-offs or the ongoing catastrophe in Fukushima among our leadership, it is clear that no politician or government agency dares address such a frightening issue, leaving the fate of the world’s largest ocean in the hands of TEPCO, the inept Japanese power company.

Additionally, massive, continent sized gyres of plastic continue to swell around the world with little to no attention, choking out marine life and birds by the millions, contributing to acidification of oceanic waters and a broad increase in ocean temperatures. Around the world, reports of fish and marine life die-offs continue to roll in, and it is no longer shocking to see photos of hundreds of thousands of fish, squid, or mammals lying dead on some public beach.
Rather than discuss a plan for resolving some of these issues, the government instead continues to display utter contempt for wildlife as demonstrated by the military’s ongoing plans to murder millions of cetaceans as collateral damage in the effort to test newly developed electromagnetic weapons and next generation SONAR. Additionally, the Olympic Peninsula on the upper west coast of the U.S., the most biologically diverse region in the U.S., has been designated as the testing grounds for electromagnetic warfare programs, causing citizen activists to take up arms in protection of wildlife.
Geoengineering projects conducted by the U.S. government are also suspected of heavily impacting life in our oceans.

Investigative journalist Dane Wigginton describes the effects of these projects as a ‘military assault on marine life,’ writing: Geoengineering is undeniably a major factor relating to the die-off of the oceans. The US military is certainly the single largest participant in the ongoing global climate engineering insanity (though all

major powers are involved). Geoengineering is destroying the ozone layer which has subjected the planet to deadly levels of UV radiation greatly contributing to the die-off of plankton populations around the world.” [Source]
Final Thoughts
The damage to life in our oceans is not inevitable, as much of the harm being done
would be relatively easy to curb if only the political will could be mustered to do so, however, it appears that government complicity is at least partly to blame.
Priorities in our society are driven by mainstream news agencies, all of which are owned and operated by a mere 6 transnational corporations. Their agenda is set by their corporate backers and influential political entities, meaning that the public’s attention will always be directed toward issues which serve the interests of the corporate and political elite, and away from issues that really matter. For some reason, a healthy marine eco-system is apparently a non-issue for the elite, and while we fall into the trap of divide and conquer, bickering over which andidate is the worst, nothing is done to address the ominous catastrophe developing in our unhealthy oceans.

Published on Jul 28, 2016

We all knew Hillary was coming, but watching this all happen in real life is like going to see the movie Jurassic Park at the theater, then getting eaten by a velociraptor on the way to your car afterward.

For a comprehensive list of global animal die-offs, see the annual lists compiled by End Times Prophecy.

About the Author
Vic Bishop 
is a staff writer for and Survival Tips blog. He is an observer of people, animals, nature, and he loves to ponder the connection and relationship between them all. A believer in always striving to becoming self-sufficient and free from the matrix, please track him down on Facebook.

Washington Launches Its Attack Against BRICS

NB Commentary: While the world mourns the death of a celebrity, a whole lot of shaking is going on behind the scenes, or maybe I should say, a whole lot of shaking up is going on. Who would have thought that the US had a “trump” card in their back pocket. Hegemony and world dominion has not left the mindset of US Government and its hinchmen. I truly believe the US is an experiment in NWO implementation with its massive military might, its covert intelligence and its seedy infiltrators all set in place all over the globe. Hugo must be turning over in his grave…..

APRIL 26, 2016

Having removed the reformist President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Washington is now disposing of the reformist President of Brazil, Dilma
Rousseff. Washington used a federal judge to order Argentina to sacrifice its debt restructuring program in order to pay US vulture funds the full value of
defaulted Argentine bonds that the vulture funds had bought for a few pennies
on the dollar.  These vultures were called “creditors” who had made “loans” regardless of the fact that they were not creditors and had made no loans.
They were opportunists after easy money and were used by Washington to get rid
of a reformist government.

President Kirchner resisted and, thus, she had to go.  Washington concocted a story that Kirchner covered up an alleged Iranian bombing in Buenos Aires in 1994.

This implausible fantasy, for which there is no evidence of Iranian involvement, was fed to one of Washington’s agents in the state prosecutor’s office, and a dubious event of 22 years ago was used to clear Kirchner out of the way of the American looting of Argentina.

In Brazil, Washington has used corruption insinuations to get President Rousseff
impeached by the lower house.  Evidence is not necessary, just
allegations.  It is no different from “Iranian nukes,” Saddam Hussein’s
“weapons of mass destruction,” Assad’s “use of chemical weapons,”  or in
Rousseff’s case merely insinuations. The Secretary General of the Organization
of American States, Luis Almagro, notes that Rousseff “hasn’t been accused of
anything.” The American-backed elites are simply using impeachment to remove a
president who they cannot defeat electorally.

In short, this is Washington’s move against the BRICS.  Washington is moving
to put into political power a rightwing party that Washington controls in order
to terminate Brazil’s growing relationships with China and Russia.
The great irony is that the impeachment bill was presided over by the corrupt lower house speaker, Eduardo Cunha, who was recently discovered to have stashed millions of dollars in secret Swiss bank account perhaps his pay-off from Washington) and who lied under oath when he denied having foreign bank accounts.  You can read the sordid story here.

Kirchner and Rousseff’s “crimes” are their efforts to have the governments of Argentina and Brazil represent the Argentine and Brazilian peoples rather than the elites and Wall Street.  In Washington these are serious offenses as Washington uses the elites to control South American countries.  Whenever Latin
Americans elect a government that represents them, Washington overthrows the
government or assassinates the president.

Washington is close to returning Venezuela to the control of the Spanish elite allied with Washington.   The presidents of Ecuador and Bolivia are also targeted.  One reason Washington will not permit its British lapdog to honor the asylum Ecuador granted to Julian Assange is that Washington expects to have its own agent back in as President of Ecuador, at which time Assange’s asylum will be repealed.

Washington has always blocked reform in Latin America.  Latin American peoples will remain American serfs until they elect governments by such large majorities
that the governments can exile the traitorous elites, close the US embassies, and expel all US corporations. Every Latin American country that has an American presence has no future other than serfdom.

Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury
and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts’ 
How the Economy Was Lost is now available from CounterPunch in electronic format. His latest book is The
Neoconservative Threat to World Order

Russia Presents Detailed Evidence Of ISIS-Turkey Oil Trade

Russia Presents Detailed Evidence Of ISIS-Turkey Oil Trade
NB Commentary:
Is it or is it not true that when the hired Assassins are deploy and the mainstream media picks up the story and runs with it. Over and over again, we hear about the story, all types of evidence seen and unseen, heard and unheard. Details on the very activities of everyone involved in the new BREAKING STORY.  Everyone bites and regurgitates the sound bites verbatim and the hype continues until some one completely exposes it as a False Flags. It is very evident that within the False Flag scenario that people “die” in fact, their deaths keep the story alive and well.
But, if  you take a moment and dig a little deeper you can find out why the propaganda arm and channel is directing your attention. So now let’s turn to the real news buried behind the hype. “ ISIS-Turkey Oil Trade”
If you believe that surveillance is at its height, then how did this little caravan of smuggled, black market oil get over looked.

I still have a question, after they blow up all of these oil refineries and tankers and trucks, what is left for Syria to use to take care of their own people who have not escaped to other countries? I wonder if Russia will help in the rebuilding of the infrastructure they are destroying?

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/02/2015 15:45 -0500
On Monday, Turkey’s sultan President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said something funny. In the wake of Vladimir Putin’s contention that Russia has additional proof of Turkey’s participation in Islamic State’s illicit crude trade, Erdogan said he would resign if anyone could prove the accusations. 
Now obviously, conclusive evidence that Ankara is knowingly facilitating the sale of ISIS crude will probably be hard to come by, at least in the short-term, but the silly thing about Erdogan’s pronouncement is that we’re talking about a man who was willing to plunge his country into civil war over a few lost seats in Parliament. The idea that he would ever “step down” is patently absurd. 
But that’s not what’s important. What’s critical is that the world gets the truth about who’s financing and facilitating “Raqqa’s Rockefellers.” If a NATO member is supporting this, and if the US has refrained from bombing ISIS oil trucks for 14 months as part of an understanding with Erdogan, well then we have a problem. For those who need a review, see the following four pieces:
Unfortunately for Ankara, The Kremlin is on a mission to blow this story wide open now that Turkey has apparently decided it’s ok to shoot down Russian fighter jets. On Wednesday, we get the latest from Russia, where the Defense Ministry has just finished a briefing on the Islamic State oil trade. Not to put too fine a point on it, but Turkey may be in trouble.
First, here’s the bullet point summary via Reuters:
That’s the Cliff’s Notes version and the full statement from Deputy Minister of Defence Anatoly Antonov is below. Let us be the first to tell you, Antonov did not hold back. 
In the opening address, the Deputy says the ISIS oil trade reaches the highest levels of Turkey’s government. He also says Erdogan wouldn’t resign if his face was smeared with stolen Syrian oil. Antonov then blasts Ankara for arresting journalists and mocks Erdogan’s “lovely family oil business.” Antonov even calls on the journalists of the world to “get involved” and help Russia “expose and destroy the sources of terrorist financing.” 
“Today, we are presenting only some of the facts that confirm that a whole team of bandits and Turkish elites stealing oil from their neighbors is operating in the region,” Antonov continues, setting up a lengthy presentation in which the MoD shows photos of oil trucks, videos of airstrikes and maps detailing the trafficking of stolen oil. The clip is presented here with an English voice-over. Enjoy.
truck convoy in east Syria

And here’s the latest video of Russia destroying Islamic State oil infrastructure:
Oh, and for good measure, Lieutenant-General Sergey Rudskoy says the US is not bombing ISIS oil trucks.
*  *  *
Full statement from Anatoly Antonov (translated)
At a briefing for the media, “the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the fight against international terrorism. The new data “
International terrorism – is the main threat of our time. This threat is not illusory but real, and many countries, primarily Russia, knows this firsthand. The notorious “Is Islamic state” – the absolute leader of the terrorist international. This is a rearing monster of international terrorism can be countered. And you can win. Over the past two months, Aerospace Russian forces is clearly demonstrated. 
We are firmly convinced that victory over LIH need to deliver a powerful and devastating blow to the sources of its funding, as repeatedly mentioned by President Vladimir Putin. Terrorism has no money – is a beast without teeth. Oil revenues are a major source of terrorist activity in Syria. They earn about $ 2 billion. Dollars annually, spending this money on hiring fighters around the world, providing them with weapons, equipment and weapons. That’s why so LIH protects thieves oil infrastructure in Syria and Iraq. 
The main consumer of stolen from legitimate owners – Syria and Iraq – the oil is Turkey. According to the data entered in this criminal business involved the highest political leadership of the country – President Erdogan and his family. 
We have repeatedly talked about the dangers of flirting with terrorists. It’s like that stokes. The fire from one country can spill over to others. This situation we are seeing in the Middle East. Today, we present only part of the facts, confirming that the region has a team of bandits and Turkish elites stealing oil from the neighbors. 
This oil in large numbers on an industrial scale, for the living pipelines from thousands of oil tankers entering the territory of Turkey. We are absolutely convinced today present you the hard facts about what the final destination of the stolen oil – Turkey. There is a large number of media representatives, and Our briefing will see more of your colleagues. In this regard, I would like to say the following. We know and appreciate the work of journalists. We know that in the journalistic community, many courageous, fearless people honestly do its job.Today, we have clearly shown you how the illegal trade in oil, the result of which – the financing of terrorism. Provided concrete evidence that, in our opinion, may be the subject of investigative journalism. 
We are confident that the truth with your help will, will find its way. We know the price to Erdogan. He has already been caught in a lie again Turkish journalists who opened Turkey delivery of arms and ammunition to militants under the guise of humanitarian convoys. For this imprisoned journalists. 
Do not resign Turkish leaders, particularly Mr. Erdogan, and did not recognize, even if their faces will be smeared by oil thieves. I might be too harsh, but at the hands of the Turkish military killed our comrades. The cynicism of the Turkish leadership is unlimited. Look what they’re doing ?! Climbed to a foreign country, it shamelessly robbed. And if the owners interfere, then they have to be addressed. 
I stress that Erdogan’s resignation is not our goal. It is – it is the people of Turkey. Our goal and the goal to which we urge you, ladies and gentlemen, – joint action to block the sources of funding for terrorism. We will continue to provide evidence of robbery by Turkey of its neighbors. Maybe I’ll be too straightforward, but the control of these thieves in business can be entrusted only to the most close people. 
No one in the West, I wonder, does not cause the issue that the son of the President of Turkey is the leader of one of the largest energy companies, and son-in-appointed Minister of Energy? What a brilliant family business! 
This, in general, may elsewhere? Well, once again, of course, such cases can not be charging anyone, only the closest people. Votes this fact in the Western media we do not see much, but it sure can not hide the truth. Yes, of course, dirty petrodollars will work. I am sure that there are now discussions about the fact that everything you see here, – falsification. Well. If it did not – let be allowed in those places that we showed journalists. 
It is obvious that today the publicity was devoted only part of the information about the monstrous crimes of the Turkish elites who directly finance international terrorism. We believe that any sane journalist should fight this plague of the XXI century. The world experience has repeatedly argued that the objective journalism is able to be an effective and formidable tool in the fight against various financial corruption schemes. We invite colleagues to investigative journalism on the disclosure of financial schemes and supplies oil from the terrorists to the consumers. Especially since the oil produced in the controlled militants territories in transit through Turkish ports shipped to other regions. For its part, the Ministry of Defense of Russia will continue to disclose new evidence on the supply of terrorists oil to foreign countries and to talk about the conduct of aerospace forces of Russia operations in Syria. Let’s unite our efforts. We will destroy the sources of financing of terrorism in Syria, as you get involved in the kind of work abroad. “

The Pretend War: Why Bombing Isil Won’t Solve The Problem

NB Commentary: Is it Real Or Is It Memorex?
You just gotta wonder what all the saber rattling is really all about. Is it about peace? Is it about war? Is it about oil? is it about Israeli Secret Intelligence Service? Is it about Islam? Ironically, they want to have stronger gun laws in Western countries while selling high power weaponry and armored vehicles to the so-called moderate rebels who are trying to overthrow their government by any means necessary and they ain’t peaceful means, by the way! 
Think about that, what would be the US response if, say, Russia sold guns, munitions and armored trucks etc., to the anarchist enclave in the US, or maybe to the New Black Panther Party, or how about a few men who support the Bundy Ranch empire. Heck, sell some guns to the MOORS, or the Sovereignty movement. I quiver to think of the consequence of that kind of meddling in our movements on the ground against a corrupt government!
Then again, when there is buying, isn’t there some selling going on? So where are these rebels getting the money to purchase these munitions? Or is the US and the other 40 countries that are arming the so-called moderates, giving their millions of dollars in munitions away to these sorry fools who get a kick out of pretend cutting off heads while the other drugged up compatriots kill, rape women and children. Now how moderate is that? This is starting to sound like a big fat trumped up hoax to sell more weapons and kill and displace a few hundred thousand in the process.
One thing that is for certain, it has definitely fit into the depopulation agenda of the elite. Why not just get folks fighting each other and that will save us. We will have more space to stretch out and since we will have robotics to take care of our every whim, we won’t need humans at all after a while.
Maybe they are planning to come back like an Egyptian Pharaoh, and reap the benefits of today’s spoils, for surely it will not happen in their lifetime.

Or maybe they are trying to speed it up so it CAN happen in their life time. 
Whatever the case may be, the carnage and destruction is not a pretty picture at all, and somebody needs to rewind the tape back to before Eve gave the apple to Adam.

The Pretend War: Why Bombing Isil Won’t Solve The Problem

The deployment of our military might in Syria will exacerbate regional disorder – and it will solve nothing
By Andrew J. Bacevich
Nov. 28, 2015
Not so long ago, David Cameron declared that he was not some ‘naive neocon who thinks you can drop democracy out of an aeroplane at 40,000 feet’. Just a few weeks after making that speech, Cameron authorised UK forces to join in the bombing of Libya — where the outcome reaffirmed this essential lesson.
Soon Cameron will ask parliament to share his ‘firm conviction’ that bombing Raqqa, the Syrian headquarters of the Islamic State, has become ‘imperative’. At first glance, the case for doing so appears compelling. The atrocities in Paris certainly warrant a response. With François Hollande having declared his intention to ‘lead a war which will be pitiless’, other western nations can hardly sit on their hands; as with 9/11 and 7/7, the moment calls for solidarity. And since the RAF is already targeting Isis in Iraq, why not extend the operation to the other side of the elided border? What could be easier?
But it’s harder to establish what expanding the existing bombing campaign further will actually accomplish. Is Britain engaged in what deserves to be called a war, a term that implies politically purposeful military action? Or is the Cameron government — and the Hollande government as well — merely venting its anger, and thereby concealing the absence of clear-eyed political purpose?
Britain and France each once claimed a place among the world’s great military powers. Whether either nation today retains the will (or the capacity) to undertake a ‘pitiless’ war — presumably suggesting a decisive outcome at the far end — is doubtful. The greater risk is that, by confusing war with punishment, they exacerbate the regional disorder to which previous western military interventions have contributed.
Even without Britain doing its bit, plenty of others are willing to drop bombs on Isis on either side of the Iraq-Syria frontier. With token assistance from Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, US forces have thus far flown some 57,000 sorties while completing 8,300 air strikes. United States Central Command keeps a running scorecard: 129 Isis tanks destroyed, 670 staging areas and 5,000 fighting positions plastered, and (in a newish development) 260 oil infrastructure facilities struck, with the numbers updated from one day to the next. The campaign that the Americans call Operation Inherent Resolve has been under way now for 17 months. It seems unlikely to end anytime soon.

In Westminster or the Elysée, the Pentagon’s carefully tabulated statistics are unlikely to garner much official attention, and for good reason. All these numbers make a rather depressing point: with plenty of sorties flown, munitions expended and targets hit, the results achieved, even when supplemented with commando raids, training missions and the generous distribution of arms to local forces, amount in sum to little more than military piddling. In the United States, the evident ineffectiveness of the air campaign has triggered calls for outright invasion. Pundits of a bellicose stripe, most of whom got the Iraq war of 2003 wrong, insist that a mere 10,000 or 20,000 ground troops — 50,000 tops! — will make short work of the Islamic State as a fighting force. Victory guaranteed.

Fake Video Footage: The West’s Propaganda War on Syria Exposed Once Again

Indeed, the video was a complete hoax – a literal production filmed in Malta, not Syria, and consisting of actors, actresses, and special effects. The UK Mirror in its article, “Footage of Syrian ‘hero boy’ dodging sniper’s bullets to save girl revealed as FAKE,” would finally admit:

Lars Klevberg, 34, from Oslo, devised the hoax after watching news coverage of the troubles in Syria.

He told BBC Trending: “If I could make a film and pretend it was real, people would share it and react with hope.

“We shot it in Malta in May this year on a set that was used for other famous movies like Troy and Gladiator.

“The little boy and girl are professional actors from Malta. The voices in the background are Syrian refugees living in Malta.”

Not the First Time


No sweat.
And who knows? Notwithstanding their record of dubious military prognostications, the proponents of invade-and-occupy just might be right — in the short term. The West can evict Isis from Raqqa if it really wants to. But as we have seen in other recent conflicts, the real problems are likely to present themselves the day after victory. What then? Once in, how will we get out? Competition rather than collaboration describes relations between many of the countries opposing Isis. As Barack Obama pointed out this week, there are now two coalitions converging over Syria: a US-led one, and a Russia-led one that includes Iran. Looking for complications? With Turkey this week having shot down a Russian fighter jet — the first time a Nato member has downed a Kremlin military aircraft for half a century — the subsequent war of words between Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin gives the world a glimpse into how all this could spin out of control.

The threat posed by terrorism is merely symptomatic of larger underlying problems. Crush Isis, whether by bombing or employing boots on the ground, and those problems will still persist. A new Isis, under a different name but probably flying the same banner, will appear in its place, much as Isis itself emerged from the ashes of al-Qaeda in Iraq………….. 
Read More click here

Andrew J. Bacevich is a retired US colonel, and author of America’s War for the Greater Middle East: A Military History, due out in April.

Turkey Downs Russian Fighter to Draw NATO and US Deeper into Syrian Quagmire by MIKE WHITNEY

    NOVEMBER 24, 2015
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  2. On Tuesday, Turkey shot down a Russian warplane that was carrying out military operations against jihadi groups in Northern Syria. The downing of the Su-24 fighter jet is part of a broader plan by the administration of Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan to topple the secular government of Syrian President Bashar al Assad and to establish “safe zones” on the Syrian side of the Turkish-Syrian border. Erdogan needs the safe zones to provide a sanctuary for the militant extremists who are the footsoldiers in his war against Syria. The downing of the Russian fighter is a desperate attempt by Erdogan to incite a reaction from Russia that will draw either NATO or the United States deeper into a conflict which has dragged on for 4 and a half years and killed 250,000 people.
    Unlike the Obama administration, that has been willing to arm and train jihadi groups to conduct its proxy-war against Assad in Syria, Erdogan is a true believer, a committed Islamist who has done everything in his power to roll back democracy in Turkey, to establish one-man rule, to destroy the independent judiciary, to silence the free press, and to establish a conservative and intolerant Islamic state. Erdogan is what many would call a “Koolaid drinker”, a man who believes that his support for disparate and vicious terrorist groups that have decimated Syria, laid its civilian infrastructure to waste, and displaced more than half the population is “God’s work”. Make no mistake, the Turkish government is the modern-day Caliphate. The fact that its government officials dress in nicely-tailored suits rather than black pajamas, is merely a way to divert attention from their extreme fanaticism and their covert support for liver-eating fundamentalist savages.
    In the seven weeks since Russia began military operations in Syria, nearly all of the gains of the US-Turkey-Saudi-Qatar jihadi coalition have been wiped out. The decisive battle took place more than a week ago at Kuweris airbase east of Aleppo. This was the tipping point for the war although the imminent fall of Aleppo is bound to attract more notoriety. It’s clear now that the Russian-led coalition is winning the war, has foiled US attempt to remove Assad, and that the bulk of the foreign mercenaries will either be killed or captured. The Obama administration realizes that the current phase of the war is hopeless and has started to implement a fallback plan to control territory in E Syria that is critical for future pipeline corridors. In contrast, the Turkish government is completely unwilling to accept the fact that its plan has failed which is why it has embarked on this risky strategy to draw either NATO or Washington deeper into the fray. Check this out from a Tuesday battlefield report from South Front:
    “The Syrian forces backed up by the Russian warplanes, pushed back the militant groups from nearly 200 kilometers of land in the coastal province of Lattakia, military sources said Monday. On Sunday, the Syrian army and popular forces purged the terrorists and advanced to areas near the Turkish borders. The ground reports argue that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) took control of Zahia heights, 2km from the joint borders with Turkey.”
    Can you see what’s going on? The Russian-led coalition is closing in on the Syria-Turkish border which will put an end to Erdogan’s dream of toppling Assad or continuing to fuel the war with terrorists that are provided a safe haven on Syrian soil. This is why the Su-24 fighter was shot down on Tuesday. It is a desperate attempt to salvage the failed strategy of toppling a secular government and replacing it with friendly Islamic extremists who hew to Erdogan’s twisted worldview.
    By the way, readers should take a minute and review the video of the “moderate” headchoppers that the US supports in Syria paying special attention to their moderate treatment of prisoners. The Russian pilot was captured by these “freedom fighters”, shot twice in the chest and then his clothes were ripped off so he could be moderately photographed. These are the fine fellows that Uncle Sam would like to see in Damascus heading the government because, as we all know, “Assad has lost legitimacy.” (See here.)
    For the last three days, I have been following a fast-evolving plan by the Turkish Terrorist Government (TTG) to create a false flag operation that would draw either the US or NATO deeper into the war in Syria reversing Obama’s recent commitment NOT to deploy ground troops to the warzone. On Saturday, Turkish newspapers reported that 1,500 Syrian Turkmen had fled to the Turkish border for safety. The reasons that were given were that the Russian warplanes were bombing areas where ISIS was not located. True, ISIS is not located in these Turkmen villages by the border; rather the barbarians that you see in the video are located there. These men belong to the jihadi groups that that have been funded, armed and trained by Turkey and the US and who are fighting to topple Assad. Reasonable people who would like to see an end to terrorism, should feel supportive of Putin’s efforts to annihilate these monsters. Instead, the Turkish government has been trying to make the case that Russia is bombing innocent civilians. Now check out this story (from Monday) in Turkey’s leading newspaper Hurriyet:
    “Turkey has called for a U.N. Security Council meeting to discuss attacks on Turkmens in neighboring Syria, according to Prime Ministry sources, with Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu saying his government will “not hesitate” to take the required measures on Syrian soil to protect the Turkmen people…
    Turkey is in discussions with the United States and Russia over the bombing of the villages and has sent a letter to Britain, the current holder of the U.N. Security Council’s presidency, asking for the subject to be taken up, sources from Davutoğlu’s office told Reuters on Nov. 23…
    Speaking to reporters late on Nov. 22, Davutoğlu recalled that he was engaged in constant contact with both Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar and National Intelligence Organization (MİT) Chief Hakan Fidan over the weekend concerning alleged Russian air raids on Turkmen villages near the Syrian-Turkish border. Sources, meanwhile, told Reuters that Davutoğlu had consulted on the intelligence dimension of the issue with Akar and Fidan.
    “Our security forces have been instructed to retaliate against any development that would threaten Turkey’s border security,” the prime minister said. “If there is an attack that would lead to an intense influx of refugees to Turkey, required measures would be taken both inside Syria and Turkey,” he added.
    “Looking at background of these attacks, in a region where very clearly there is no element of Deash (ISIS), where there is no terrorist element, first Russian airplanes come and then with support from foreign fighters.
    “We will also take the required measures diplomatically for the protection of our brothers and sisters in the place where they are located and for the protection of their human rights in the face of any threat,” he also stated.” (Turkey urges UN to act to protect Turkmens in Syria, Hurriyet)
    So is the Turkish PM correct in saying the Russians are bombing the Turkmen civilians forcing them to flee from their homes. Not according to Turkmen leader Ali Türkmani. Here’s what he said:
    “There is a perception operation that is being waged over the Turkmens. The regime will of course attempt to maintain its territorial integrity. As such, threats from al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army are being targeted [by Russian air strikes]. It’s not correct to say the Turkmens are being targeted.”
    So civilians are not being targeted, but the Turkish government is supplying weapons and ammo to the terrorists as this article in the Turkish Daily Zaman proves:
    “Several trucks bound for Syria were stopped at the beginning of last year by Turkish gendarmerie forces upon instructions by a prosecutor. It turned out they contained weapons.
    The AK Party government claimed for months that the trucks only included humanitarian aid, but a report published by the Cumhuriyet daily in May last year revealed that the trucks contained weapons.
    According to the daily’s report, a truck, which is thought to be one of many, contained 1,000 artillery shells, 50,000 machine gun rounds, 30,000 heavy machine gun rounds and 1,000 mortar shells.
    The government was accused of sending the weapons to radical Islamist groups in Syria, but Davutoğlu swore in June that the trucks were bound for Turkmens. In contrast, Turkmens had earlier denied receiving any weapons from Turkey.” (Turkey calls on UN Security Council to convene for Turkmens in Syria, Today’s Zaman)
    So what is the game-plan here? What is Turkey really up to?
    Well, first of all, they are trying to set up a safe zone on sovereign Syrian territory so they can continue to spread terror across Syria. Check out this clip from the Daily Sabah and you’ll see how these Turkmen radicals who are allies of Ankara are seizing villages to create the safe zone:
    “Syrian opposition groups supported by Turkish and US warplanes took control of two Turkmen towns in Northern Syria early Saturday, Anadolu Agency reported….The operation was supported by six Turkish F-16s, four US F-15s and an AC-130 joined the offensive along with three drones.
    Security sources added that this success in the fight against DAESH that can be defined as the first step for the creation of a DAESH-free zone in Northern Syria….
    Speaking about Turkey’s stance on the recent developments in Northern Syria, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in a live broadcast on Wednesday that declaring no-fly and safe zones is crucial to resolve the Syrian Crisis….Erdoğan further stated that Turkey will continue to carry out anti-terror operations until concrete results are achieved and peace is restored.” (First step for the safe zone in N. Syria: opposition groups take two Turkmen towns from DAESH, Daily Sabah)
    Whether you call it an ISIS-free zone or not is irrelevant. The fact is, the Turkish government (with US air support) is trying to annex Syrian territory for its own nefarious purposes. That much is clear.
    The downing of the Russian Su-24 fighter fits perfectly with the way in which the Turkish government has been ratcheting up tensions on the border, using its jihadi allies to seize Syrian territory, and trying to incite a violent reaction that will force greater NATO or US involvement. I seriously doubt that Putin is gullible enough to take the bait and overreact to this obvious and pathetic provocation in Ankara. He will exact his pound of flesh at some other time, a time of his own choosing.
    MIKE WHITNEY lives in Washington state. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). Hopeless is also available in a Kindle edition. He can be reached at
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A Game Worth the Candle: Terror and the Agenda of our Elites | Articles

A Game Worth the Candle: Terror and the Agenda of our Elites

Chris Floyd

Published: 14 November 2015 
People see the carnage in Paris, and cry, “When will this end?” The hard answer is that it is not going to end, not any time soon. We are living through the horrific consequences of decisions and actions taken long ago, as well as those of being taken right now. The currents and movements set in motion by these actions cannot be quelled in an instant — not by wishing, not by hashtags of solidarity or light shows on iconic buildings … and certainly not by more bombing, destruction, repression and lies, which are the main drivers of our present-day hell.

There will be no end to rampant terrorism soon because our leaders are not really interested in quelling terrorism. This is simply not a priority for them. For example, in the past 12 years they have utterly destroyed three largely secular governments (Iraq, Libya and Syria) and turned them into vast spawning grounds for violent sectarianism. They did this despite reports from their own intelligence services and military analysts telling them that the spread of violent extremism would almost certainly be the outcome of their interventions. But for our leaders — both the elected ones and the elites they serve — their geopolitical and macroeconomic agendas outweighed any concerns over these consequences. Put simply, to them, the game was worth the candle. They would press ahead with their agenda, knowing that it would exacerbate extremism and terrorism, but doubtless hoping that these consequences could be contained — or better yet, confined to nations seen as rivals to that agenda, or to remote places and peoples of no worth to our great and good.
Our leaders are not opposed to terrorism, neither as a concept nor as a practical tool. Over the past several decades, our leaders and their allies and puppets around the world have at times openly supported terrorist violence when it suited their aims. The prime example is in Afghanistan, where Jimmy Carter and his Saudi allies began arming and funding violent jihadis BEFORE the Soviet incursion there. In fact, as Carter’s own foreign policy guru, Zbigniew Brzezinski, has openly stated, the United States began supporting Islamist terrorism in Afghanistan precisely in order to draw the Soviet Union into the country. Despite fierce internal opposition in the Kremlin, the Soviets finally took the bait, and sent in troops to save the secular government it was backing from the fundamentalist rebellion.
Ronald Reagan continued and expanded this policy. The same type of men now in charge of ISIS and al Qaeda were welcomed to the Oval Office and praised by Reagan as “the moral equivalent of our founding fathers.” They were given arms, money and training in terrorist tactics by our military and intelligence services. They were given textbooks — prepared, financed and distributed by the US government — to indoctrinate schoolchildren in violent jihad. The creation of this worldwide network of Islamic extremists was aimed at weakening the Soviet Union. This was the overriding geopolitical concern of the time. Any other consequences that might flow from this policy — creating a global infrastructure of sectarian extremism, seeding a radical minority with arms, funds and innumerable contacts and connections with state were considered unimportant. But we are now living with those consequences.
These are not the only examples of course. For instance, the United States supported — and went to war for — the KLA in Kosovo, a group that it had earlier condemned as terrorists for years. The cultish terror group MEK —which not only carried out deadly terrorist attacks in Iran but also murdered American government officials — is now honored and supported by top politicians from both parties in Washington. The United States now calls al Qaeda associates in Syria “moderate rebels” and provides arms to their allies. The United States is deeply involved in Saudi Arabia’s horrific attack on Yemen against the Houthis, who had been bottling up al Qaeda in the country. Now, thanks to US bombs and guidance — and participation in a blockade of Yemen that is driving the country to starvation — al Qaeda is thriving there again. The violent extremists that the West knowingly and openly helped in NATO’s destruction of Libya are now exporting weapons and terrorists throughout Africa and the Middle East.
Again, in almost all of these cases, Western leaders were specifically warned by their own experts that their actions would exacerbate extremism and violence. And again, with this knowledge, they decided that their geopolitical agendas were more important than these consequences. This agenda — maintaining and expanding their political and economic dominance, and preserving the power and privileges that a militarist empire gives to those at the top — was more important than the security and welfare of their own people.
In this, they are as one with the leaders of ISIS and al Qaeda. They too know that the chief victims of their actions will not be the elites of the West but the ordinary Muslims going about their lives in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India and elsewhere. But their own similar agenda — power, privilege, domination — outweighs any concerns for innocent human lives.

This is the abysmal, despairing tragedy of our times. Our lives, and the lives of our children and descendants, do not really matter to our leaders; certainly not more than the agendas they pursue. And so despite the horrors we’ve seen in the past few weeks — and yes, the bombing of the Russian airliner, the mass murders in Beirut and Baghdad are every bit as horrific and grievous as the attack on Paris — nothing is likely to change. Our leaders are not even beginning to take the steps necessary to even begin addressing the consequences of their morally demented agenda and at last begin the long process of reversing the current of violence and extremism that assails us. Instead, at every turn, they are adding to the flow of death and madness, despite the stark, undeniable evidence of the consequences of their actions.
They say they are at war with terrorism. It’s a lie. They use terrorism and terrorists when it suits their agenda. They say they are “at war” with ISIS, an enemy which they tell us represents an existential threat to human civilization, and whose destruction is now our “highest priority.”  It’s a lie. In a real war against such a threat, you would make common cause against the common enemy, even if you find your allies distasteful. Thus the mutually loathing capitalists of the West and communists of the Soviet Union (and elsewhere) made common cause against Nazi Germany.
If we were really “at war” with ISIS, if its military defeat really was an overriding concern, then the West would form a military coalition with Iran, Russia, Turkey, the Syrian government and others to carry out this goal. It is obvious that for the West, the overthrow of the Assad government is far more important than defeating ISIS or bringing the conflict in Syria to an end by diplomatic means.

Instead, our leaders give every indication that they will continue the policies that have brought us to this dark and evil place. With the near-total ignorance and amnesia of our media class, there is little hope that public opinion can be mobilized to insist on a new course. And so, at some point soon, we will see more iconic buildings bathed in the colors of a Western nation (but never one from the Middle East, whose peoples suffer more, by several orders of magnitude, from the decades of extremism fostered by the West). And this will go on, year after year, until we decide that human life, human dignity, human freedom are more important than our leaders’ agendas of greed and domination.

US Media Shows Footage of Russian Airstrikes Passed Off as American

US Media Shows Footage of Russian Airstrikes Passed Off as American

Nana’s Commentary:
It appears that everyone is rejoicing in Russia’s efforts to cause the downfall of “ISIS” which is ironically being call DAESH for some reason and it’s notable that the “ISIS” people hate that name and would rather be called “IS” but that is not really the crux of this commentary.

Yes, Russia has entered with flying colors, the so-called “War On Terror” and supposedly that is a good thing but for some reason it does not feel good at all. In fact, it is reminiscent of what happens when you exterminate roaches. You may definitely get them out of your house or apartment, but they migrate, pardon the pun, to the house next door, or the apartment above or below, only to wait out their time for when they can return. We have seen this throughout history over and over and over again. Where do these dissidents actually go in the long run? Without justice there’s no peace but is justice merely the bombing of the militants? Can you actually “kill” them all? Why do Militants exist in the first place? Drugged up, gunned up and escaping poverty, these Mercenaries are of a certain ilk that cannot be destroyed by bombing their predecessors. In fact, those they kill will become heroes to their progeny.
We are we so short sighted when it comes to resolving our differences that we impose death and destruction instead of mediation and resolve? Why haven’t those countries that support the militants after seeing the damage come to an agreement to cease and desist in propping them up? Do they have two faces? One that appears to be against them militants and one that is hidden that supports them because they help their imperial plans?

I do think they have gotten in a little over their heads this time. This is not 50 years ago, 100 years ago. Technology has advance so much in the past 20 years that for sure these folks can communicate quickly and with ease across wide swaths of the planet and mobilize within days. Guerrilla warfare is second nature to them. Boots on the ground is their clarion call. They are not flying through the air with bombs and missiles and yet they are hard to exterminate. Why is this? What do they want, and why do they fight so hard for it?
Am I being too sensitive to think that these folks have families and loved ones? Am I being to naive to think of the karmic and spiritual impact of killing thousands more, destroying more territory and infrastructure and as one journalist mentioned, hiking the price of oil? Is this what this is really all about or has this “War On Terror” become a flashpoint for the whole world to get a piece of the action, either for or against the terrorists.
Our world and its global politics is in a shambles. It’s a marriage made in hell, where nobody really wins but that doesn’t stop the fighting. And of course, it’s Russia’s turn to avenge its demise in Afghanistan via the help, support and assistance of the Mujahideen funded by the US. Shortly after which, Russia’s control over a large area and several countries came to a screeching halt. Countries left the USSR and Russia was left weak and ineffectual in a region in which it had reigned supreme for decades, posing as a Global power and threat to the tiny US military might. Russia has done what the 33rd Hexagram in the I Ching Oracle talks about. It retreated and gained in strength so that it could come back even more powerful on the international scene and take back control or at least gain some Western Allies.
How ironic is that? Now the West is supporting Russia and while the US propaganda machine and talking heads attempted to vilify Russia at every opportunity, the fact that Russia has taken out more IS militants in a few months than the US and its allies have done in 4 years is notable. It reminds me of how I would tell my children (sons) to go clean up their room and hours later it looked like nothing had been done, and yet I could go in there and within 30 minutes get the job done.
In essence, Russia has made the US and NATO look like chumps in this “War On Terror.” But is that a good thing?
I feel very uneasy about this. Part of it has to do with the whole barbarism of war and bombing and blowing shit up. But the other part has to do with the reign of destruction and its impact on the ethereal level. That level that we cannot see with our naked eye but that part of reality that tells us that we are all connected. So every death and destruction and destitution and abandonment that hits those folks hits us too even if we don’t see it or experience it personally. So I am wondering if drawing Russia into this, well I guess they didn’t exactly draw them in, Russia has had enough of the BS playing around and supporting the militants and in fact, it is getting quite close to home and affecting Russia’s sovereignty and while other countries look the other way as this occurs, Russia saw the shenanigans that the US and its allies pulled with the Ukraine and that was a bit too much and taking things a bit too far.
As one journalist mentioned, the US is not even part of that part of the world, so why are they even meddling in the business of those people? The US considers itself apart of the West but in actuality it is not. This explains the adage the US and it’s Western allies because quite frankly, the US is in North America and pretty darned far from the European Nations. It cannot be part of the EU and frankly Russia has more right to be.
Russia is flexing its muscles, it is pulling away from the USD, it is forming a strong alliance with Brazil and China, it supporting Syria and standing with it against a  gas pipeline going through its country to the West. It is making a comeback!
Yet, it feels ominous to me. I am not sure if Putin is NOT part of the NWO (which I call the Old World Order with a New Face). I am not sure if this new presence of Russia on the scene is going to bring these terroristic threats and creations of terroristic threats to a close or if, like roaches, they will simply escape to a quiet arena and begin strategizing for their next assault. Will the US and the 40 other nations that have been funding IS and other groups simply stop and give up their plan for world hegemony or will they devise another plan, create an alternative, design another scare to strike fear into the heart of the masses. Is it now time for the so-called “Last Card” the “Alien Threat?”
Although Putin is doing the “Job” in Syria, I am reticent to applaud it. Personally, I cannot imagine living somewhere that has been bombed tens of thousands of times!!! Maybe if Putin works with his allies to help rebuild Syria so that the Syrian people can come back home, I may feel a little better about this, but I am having a hard time adjusting to this level of violence and seeing it as a good thing.

© Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation
21:18 21.11.2015(updated 03:54 22.11.2015) Get short URL
PBS NewsHour, a daily US television news program shown on the US Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), used footage of Russian airstrikes against ISIL targets, claiming that they were US airstrikes, an Information Clearing House article revealed.
Earlier this week, the US government said it would intensify anti-ISIL airstrikes and bomb the terrorist organization’s oil infrastructure, which is ISIL’s primary source of income.
After that, on November 16, the US military said it destroyed 116 trucks carrying illegal oil in ISIL-controlled territories.
“On Monday, 295 trucks were in the area, and more than a third of them were destroyed, United States officials said. The A-10s dropped two dozen 500-pound bombs and conducted strafing runs with 30-millimeter Gatling guns. The AC-130s attacked with 30-millimeter Gatling guns and 105-millimeter cannons,” the New York Times colorfully described the US military operation that allegedly took place on November 16.
Well, it sure sounded like a major anti-ISIL operation in the wake of the Paris attacks. But so far, these are just claims, not backed by any evidence.
Two days later, on November 18, the Russian Air Force destroyed 500 oil trucks that had been illegally transporting oil from ISIS-controlled territories.
Unlike the US Air Force, which didn’t provide any video evidence from their alleged operation, the Russian Defense Ministry promptly released videos of what exactly happened to terrorists and how the operation unfolded.
On November 19, PBS NewsHour ran a program on ISIL and “showed” how their oil trucks were destroyed by US airstrikes.
It’s all fine and dandy, but the US public broadcaster used the footage of Russian airstrikes, passing them off as US airstrikes, without revealing the true source.
“For the first time the US is attacking oil delivery trucks,” the voice-over said between 2:30 — 2:35, while showing a clip of exactly the same video published by the Russian Defense Ministry the day before.
The PBS shows footage of Russian airstrikes against ISIL targets, passing them off as US airstrikes. The PBS program neither mentioned the Russian military operation nor revealed the source of the footage.
What the US channel did was just outright lying, because millions of viewers would certainly think the video footage showing the explosions of oil trucks was from US airstrikes about which the New York Times ran an article on Monday.    

About 500 terrorists’ fuel trucks that had been illegally transporting oil from Syria to Iraq were destroyed by Russian aviation in a few days, Col. Gen. Andrei Kartapolov, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said.
“Just in the first few days, [Russian] aviation destroyed about 500 fuel tankers. This greatly hampered the militants’ possibility to illegally export energy resources and, accordingly, their income from oil smuggling.”
“Just in the first few days, [Russian] aviation destroyed about 500 fuel tankers. This greatly hampered the militants’ possibility to illegally export energy resources and, accordingly, their income from oil smuggling.”

Read more:

6 Painful Truths About the War on Terrorism

6 Painful Truths About the War on Terrorism

Dylan CharlesEditor

If you were 4 years old when 9/11 occurred in 2001, then you’re now old enough to enlist and fight in the war on terror. Recent geo-political events suggest that this conflict may endure for some generations to come, so, regretfully, your children may also get to participate. The war on terrorism is apparently part of our culture and part of our lives now.

The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for peace in our time, in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it: We are at war now — with somebody — and we will stay at war with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives.It will be a Religious War, a sort of Christian Jihad, fueled by religious hatred and led by merciless fanatics on both sides. It will be guerilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy.” – Hunter S. Thompson

By no means a prophet, Hunter S. Thompson was just an eccentric observer with a knack for connecting the dots between political events and the ongoing mainstream media narrative that supports and manufactures consent for the oligarchy. When taken at face value, the terror script is indeed a rather convincing and motivating story, but when you dismantle the official fiction and bring the hidden pieces into the picture, the truth about the war on terror is just too heavy for conscious people to ignore any longer.
As it persists, international terrorism is guaranteed to increase, and as time goes by, we learn more and more about the real reasons why we’ve been forced into this apocalyptic conflict. After nearly 15 years of kicking down doors, drone bombing villagers, shattering societies, and mourning our own senselessly dead, here are 6 things we now know for sure about the war on terrorism.

“The first casualty when war comes is truth.”  – Hiram W. Johnson

1.) The war on terror was never about ensuring the security of Americans at home or abroad, nor was the current situation the result of foreign policy blunders.
The conflict was engineered from the onset to break up, destroy and destabilize most of the oil-producing countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa. The war on terrorism is about control of oil, about conquering national economies and turning them over to ‘foreign investors,’ about demonizing Muslim nations, about creating a lawless territory in which to develop Western controlled mercenary armies like ISIS, about protecting Israel’s interests in the region, aboutdestabilizing Europe, about opening access to the poppy fields of Afghanistan, and about punishing those nations which dared to defy the international banking cartel by moving to avert the petro-dollar.
The war on terrorism is also about radically altering the legal framework of Western governments to allow for greater surveillance, control and the militarization of once free societies. The aim is to continually broaden the definition of terrorism so that any act of defiance against the state or the corporate oligarchy, whether advocating for human rights, the environment, or any other issue of popular concern, can be persecuted without due process. The war on terror will be used to target American citizens who support the idea of limited government and strive to maintain the protections afforded by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States of America.
Additionally, the war on terror is about creating new markets for the security industry and opening steady income streams for war profiteers and arms manufacturers, so that a relative minority can profit heavily from the continuance of the war and the waste, swindling and destruction involved.

2.) The war on terror doesn’t stop terror, because it is terror.
The Western nations most heavily invested in the war on terror are also the nations most heavily involved in global arms trading, which gives advanced weaponry to any despotic tin pot dictator with an oilfield. And France just happens to be the world’s number one exporter of arms per capita.The Western ‘coalition’ regularly kills civilians in other nations directly and indirectly, which is in and of itself a very real type of terrorism.

“You cannot have freedom or peace in a country whose government is engaged in the global wholesale of advanced military arms and weaponry to national governments.”Stefan Molyneux

Regional arms sales by the UK.
3.) Our worst terrorist enemies are the products of government, the military industrial complex and Western intelligence agencies.
The Mujahideen was originally organized, funded, trained and supplied by the CIA to oppose the Soviet Union. The Mujahideen became Al Qaeda with the assistance of Saudi Arabia and American training, arms and financial aid. Al Qaeda has morphed into, or been replaced with ISIS, who is the creation of the military industrial complex, the US, Israel, the UK and France, and is supported by some 40 other nations who knowingly trade and deal with ISIS.

“They tax you in order to create weapons to sell to foreigners to attack you.” –Stefan Molyneux

ISIS, the new Islamic Caliphate as they call it, is the most barbaric, cruel and inhumane social movement to come about in some number of centuries, perhaps even a millenia or more. ISIS was given birth and nurtured into being by the West, and now, primarily Muslim people are suffering horribly in their own homelands while the war intensifies and extends into Europe in acts of urban terrorism.

Video from November 2015 of an ISIS fighter in Syria using an American TOW missile to waste an American Humvee.

4.) The mainstream media plays a crucial in perpetuating the war on terrorism.
The primary role of the corporate-owned and government-controlled mainstream media is to transform selected acts of terror into enduring symbols that can be used again and again to reinforce the war on terror narrative. Their secondary role is to keep the level of tension and stress as high as possible by ceaselessly over-reacting to non-events and over-reporting on non-issues, thereby keeping the public captivated and hypnotized by an ongoing drama so that when a major event does occur it has the greatest possible psychological impact.
Reporting on global terrorism is duplicitous and hypocritical because certain events have more franchise than others in influencing public support for government policy changes and military actions. In the practical world of marketing, French flags pictured draped over national monuments at night-time will go much further in promoting the war on terror than Kenyan flags draped over African monuments.
The media uses shock and awe in a war of psychological attrition against the public. The objective is to incapacitate and sideline people from participating in dissent, while scaring people into acquiescence to any imposed government authority or security measures.

5.) State-sponsored False flag attacks still work to achieve political objectives.
There is a tremendous continual international effort underway to expose the true facts behind each new terror attack, terror plot, and major government lie. The alternative media is growing in reach and effectiveness, however, the reality is that the Hegelian dialectic of problem, reaction, solution still works on a shell-shocked public.

6.) Suicide is more deadly to our soldiers than any terrorist organization.
The war on terrorism represents the first time in US history that suicide has been the leading cause of death of US soldiers. The psychological impact of this type of conflict is unique and the suicide rate of returning soldiers may be our best evidence that the war is unwinnable.

Final Thoughts
The goal of the war on terror is transform people into willing participants in chaos, mayhem and murder, or to turn them into collateral damageNobody is born a terrorist, and we are all being set up as dispensable pawns in an orchestrated clash of civilizations.
The truth is out there. When you cut through the propaganda, emotional triggers, and the divisive nature of discourse today, what’s left is the truth that the war on terror is something that we must end. The rise in global consciousness and our willingness to speak out may be our only hope.

Read more articles from Dylan Charles.
About the Author
Dylan Charles is a student and teacher of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, a practitioner of Yoga and Taoist arts, and an activist and idealist passionately engaged in the struggle for a more sustainable and just world for future generations. He is the editor of, the proprietor of, a grateful father and a man who seeks to enlighten others with the power of inspiring information and action. He may be contacted at
This article (6 Painful Truths About the War on Terrorism) was originally created and published byWaking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Dylan Charles and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.
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Russian Air Forces destroy 500 terrorist oil trucks in Syria; disrupt oil sales channel

Russian Air Forces destroy 500 terrorist oil trucks in Syria; disrupt oil sales channel

Around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq for processing have been destroyed by Russia’s Air Forces, the General Staff said. “In recent years, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and other extremist groups have organized the operations of the so-called ‘pipeline on wheels’ on the territories they control,” Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov said. 

Hundreds of thousands of tons of fuel have been delivered to Iraq for processing by trucks and the revenue generated from these illegal exports is the one of the terrorists’ main sources of funding, he said. The spokesman displayed images showing convoys comprised of hundreds of vehicles transporting oil to back up his assertion. 

In just the first few days, our aviation has destroyed 500 fuel tanker trucks, which greatly reduced illegal oil export capabilities of the militants and, accordingly, their income from oil smuggling,” Kartapolov stressed. The spokesman also said that the Russian military has begun developing proposals for joint military action with the French Navy against the terrorists in accordance with an order by President Vladimir Putin. “This joint work will begin after the arrival of aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle to the Syrian shores,” Kartapolov explained. 

Russia has been bombing Islamic State and other terror groups in Syria since September 30 at the official request of country’s president, Bashar Assad. On Tuesday, Russia’s fleet of 25 long-range bombers joined Su-34, Su-25, and Su-24M warplanes conducting operations in Syria to double the number of airstrikes against the militants. Russian Air Forces destroy 500 terrorist oil trucks in Syria; disrupt oil sales channel — Puppet Masters —

How does ISIS earn $3 million a day? NATO helps them smuggle oil

Sputnik News
Sat, 15 Aug 2015 14:11 UTC

The terrorist network Islamic State (ISIL) is financed through illegal oil sales and makes a profit of about three million dollars a day. NATO members, including Turkey, the US and the United Kingdom tolerate the terrorists’ oil smuggling activities, DWN reported. 

Close allies of the United States and the UK secretly finance the terrorist group Islamic State (ISIL). The Kurdistan Regional Government in northern Iraq and the Turkish military intelligence have supported ISIL’s oil smuggling activities and supplied the terrorist group with weapons and equipment, DWN reported. 

Oil smuggling is one of the main financial resources for ISIL. The terrorist group controls about 60 percent of Syria’s oil production and seven major oil fields in Iraq. 

ISIL managed to increase its production to 45,000 barrels of oil per day, supported by a network of corrupt officials in the Kurdish government and Turkey. With their help, the terrorist organization makes an average profit of about 3 million dollars a day, the newspaper wrote. 

However, both the Turkish and the Kurdish government officially deny any connection to ISIL’s oil smuggling activities.Both governments are said to have taken corresponding measures to stop oil smuggling, supported by the US and British governments. 

However, widespread corruption in political circles practically brought these efforts to a naught, investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed reported to MiddleEastEye. 

Ahmed refers to statements of Turkish, Kurdish and Iraqi officials. An anonymous source in the ruling party of Iraq, the Islamic Dawa party, confirmed to him that “members of the Kurdistan Regional Government have tolerated ISIL’s oil sales on the black market.” 

According to the official, Turkey tolerates ISIL’s oil black market as well, with the US silently watching these activities. 

“The Americans know what’s going on. But Erdogan and Obama have a good relationship with each other. Erdogan makes basically what he wants and the United States has to agree with it,” the official said. 

Even British corporations are reported to be involved in the business of the Islamists. The Anglo-Turkish oil company Genel Energy closely linked to a group of British parliamentarians has reportedly received an order to supply the refineries for the Kurdish energy company Group Nokan. The latter is suspected of supporting ISIL’s illegal oil sales to Turkey, DWN reported.

Petro-Politics = Russian military operation in Syria bolsters oil market, domestic stocks


LOL, it’s all about the war, the fighting, the blood and the gore that makes the stocks rise and the blood boil in delirium. Funny how war makes the cash registers ring and the banksters happy, they don’t care who does it, just do it!! what a mad, mad, mad world we live in.

Not to mention this has gone on far too long and those folks are jumping ship, thousands at a time and finding their way into Europe.

And the reality is, when the war comes home, somebody says, wth??? We thought they would just kill them all off there, and have mass graves to bury them in, why are they escaping and why the hell are they coming here, hey wait a minute, nobody told us this would be the “blowback”!!! What the f*****k? And we all know they ain’t gonna go live with the Queen, nor is she gonna provide them a sovereign land to live on, even though she is the biggest land owner in the world, and she ain’t gonna roll over Beethoven and open up the Taj Mahal for them to hang out in, and forget it, tent cities all over Europe is an eyesore.

Forget the xenophobia, the antisemitism, the urban blight, the destruction of our way of life….? Keep they arses over thar where they belong (misspelling for emphasis). Hahahahah, I can’t stop laughing at this debacle. But funnier than that is the next stupid nation that sides with these war criminals, thinking they are gonna get more than crumbs from the pie. SMDH, when will they ever learn……???

Syrians waiting to cross into Turkey

Russian military operation in Syria bolsters oil market, domestic stocks

Russia's Su-24 aircraft takes off from Syria's Hmeimim airbase. © Dmitriy Vinogradov
Oil prices have risen 12 percent in October to a two-month high. Rising crude coincides with Russia’s airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Syria which began on September 30.

The price of Brent in London increased over one percent to $53 per barrel on Friday. US benchmark WTI is trading higher than $50 per barrel for the first time in three months after hitting six-year lows in late August. Other factors contributing to rising oil prices include a weakened dollar and shrinking US production. 
Crude prices can be particularly responsive to unrest or violence in the Middle East, one of world’s biggest oil-producing regions. While Syria does not have significant oil reserves, crude prices rise over fears the conflict could spread to the broader region.

“Syria is not a crude oil producer—its real significance to the energy markets is not a heightening of its ongoing internal conflict but rather the risk of contagion within the region at large,” the Wall Street Journal quotes NUS Consulting Group as saying.  Read More:

Russia Shoots Down “US Stealth Coup”: Tough Times for America’s “Color Revolution” industry.

    Global Research, July 31, 2015
    New Eastern Outlook 31 July 2015
    Times are tough for America’s “color revolution” industry. Perfected in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union, and honed during the so-called “Arab Spring,” the process of backing subversion in a targeted country and overthrowing a sitting government under the cover of staged mass protests appears to be finally at the end of running its course.
    That is because the United States can no longer hide the fact that it is behind these protests and often, even hide their role in the armed elements that are brought in covertly to give targeted governments their final push out the door. Nations have learned to identify, expose, and resist this tactic, and like Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime’s tactic of Blitzkrieg or “lighting war,” once appropriate countermeasures are found, the effectiveness of lighting fast, overwhelming force be it military or political, is rendered impotent.
    This was most recently observed in Armenia during the so-called “Electric Yerevan” protests – Yerevan being the capital of Armenia, and “electric” in reference to the alleged motivation of protesters – rising electric prices.
    American-backed “color revolutions” always start out with a seemingly legitimate motivation, but soon quickly become political in nature, sidestepping many of the legitimate, practical demands first made, and focusing almost entirely on “regime change.” For the Armenian agitators leading the “Electric Yerevan,” they didn’t even make it that far and spent most of their initial momentum attempting to convince the world they were not just another US-backed mob.
    The Stealth Coup 
    Nikol Pashinyan and his “Civic Contract” party are transparently US-backed. So many found it suspicious that he was the most prominent voice insisting that the “Electric Yerevan” was not political and by no means a US-backed movement.
    Verelq, an Armenian-based news website which inexplicably links to the US State Department’s Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Armenian site, would report in their article, “Nikol Pashinyan: Protest actions in Yerevan are of exclusively social nature,” that:
    “Even if you look at the ongoing processes through the microscope, you cannot see any foreign political or domestic political components in the demonstrations. People do not want electricity to grow in price. That’s all,” said Pashinyan. He said electric power is first of all a product: the Electric Networks sells it and the citizens buy it. “The protest actions should be considered as protection of consumers’ rights. Politics is nowhere near,” he said.
    But politics were very near, including politicians like Pashinyan himself, who made it a point to visit jailed protesters throughout the failed uprising and even at one point called for the construction of a “human wall” of prominent Armenian personalities between protesters and police. US State Department-funded Armenia Now (of the New Times Journalist Training Center) reported in their article, “Politics in the Middle: Lawmakers, public figures form “human wall” between police, protesters,” that:
    The appeal to create a human wall was made by opposition lawmaker Nikol Pashinyan late on Tuesday as he urged all former and current MPs, scholars, show-biz representatives, lawyers, reporters, religious representatives and other public figures to visit the standoff site in order to ensure no force is applied against the protesters.
    Other obvious ties between the protests, Pashinyan, and US-backed NGOs have been laid out by geopolitical analyst Andrew Korybko in his article, “‘Electric Yerevan’ is Sliding Out of Control.”
    Despite these links, some have attempted to claim Pashinyan was merely an opportunist and that his US-backing, and attempts by US NGOs to manipulate the protests had little to do with the protests themselves. But nothing could be further from the truth.
    Stealth Agitators
     America’s next generation of “color revolutions” attempt to obfuscate all possible ties between themselves and their agitators in an attempt to take back the strategic initiative by maintaining maximum plausible deniability. But if one knows where to look, they will find that no amount of obfuscation and subterfuge can cover the links between the US State Department and its mobs.
    The protests were the work of  the “No To Plunder” group, led by lawyers and activists emanating from the US State Department National Endowment for Democracy (NED), USAID, and Open Society-funded Armenian Young Lawyers Association (AYLA) and the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor Office who openly coordinated efforts with “No To Plunder” to pressure the government on a number of issues.
    At least 2 members of AYLA, Ara Gharagyozyan and Arthur Kocharyan, were identified as core members of “No To Plunder.”  AYLA’s news website “Iravaban” would list a number of young lawyers and activists attending one of its internship programs in 2014. Iravaban would also cover the protests in intricate detail from start to end, as well as report on activities AYLA and the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor Office undertook to support the protests.
    A number of other pro-protest “news sites” included Hetq, which while it admits it is funded by convicted financial criminal George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, does not list the US NED as a sponsor – NED however does list Hetq. There is also, funded by USAID as well as the European Endowment for Democracy. All of this adds up to a large network of locally-based but foreign funded and directed media outlets that help add the illusion of consensus to disinformation spread regarding the protests.
    Together with US-funded training programs indoctrinating students and training lawyers and activists in the finer arts of sedition, then allowing them to go off on their own to lead mobs, the US believes sufficient plausible deniability has been created to hide ties between themselves and protest leaders. Similar efforts have been made in both Hong Kong and more recently in Thailand, where overtly US-backed mobs have been replaced by students trained, then unleashed by US-proxies.
    Despite this careful arrangement, the “Electric Yerevan” protests never reached critical mass. The reason for this is simple – they were suspected of being US-backed and the more overt US assets that would eventually need to move in to lead the protests were unable to, lest they confirmed that suspicion and undermined the entire effort. Without these more mainstream assets moving in and providing support, larger protests are logistically and politically impossible.
    How to Shoot Down a Stealth Coup
    Russia’s emerging media influence on the world stage played an essential role in unmasking and disrupting America’s efforts to destabilize and overthrow the government in Armenia. The ability to be one step ahead of the Western-narrative and expose the players before they even take to the stage, meant that people already knew what to look for.
    When the protesters hit the streets, and as the protests dragged on, US NGOs and Western media reports supporting the protests confirmed initial Russian warnings. When clumsy, overt assets like Pashinyan began getting involved, there was little doubt that electrical prices, while a real point of contention, were being used as a means to create a larger, more disruptive, and ultimately dangerous attempt at foreign-backed regime change.
    In the future, the government of Armenia should be careful about giving such points of contention for foreign interests to use in the first place – meaning that dedication to economic and social progress cannot be ignored, even if one is confident they can tamp down potential protests.
    Other nations around the world have a lot to learn from how Russia disrupted this latest attempt by America to project power beyond its shores and disrupt the lives of a sovereign people thousands of miles away. By simply informing people of what is really going on, following the money, and exposing the players involved, people in Armenia were able to assess for themselves whether or not to support the mobs – they chose wisely not to. Were Armenia to adopt similar laws as Russia’s regarding NGOs – mandating that they declare openly and often their foreign funding – people can better assess whether or not mobs these NGOs are supporting are truly marching for their interests, or Wall Street and Washington’s.
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Yes beautiful, but that rifle was made in China? Russia? Israel? USA?

Yes beautiful, but that rifle was made in China? Russia? Israel? USA?

I am just saying that when you look a little deeper into this picture, a beautiful African Warrior who is carrying a weapon made by the enemies of all Africans.
When she needs more ammunition or another rifle she has to go to the ones who manufacture these weapons, and they are most likely, as I am sure they are, of European or Asian Descent. And as we know these are the same people who have invaded and colonized the African peoples for way too long. Europeans through the gun, bible, disease and intimidation, and Asians through the slow subliminal take over of their natural resources and infrastructure.
Look at any picture of Africans fighting against other Africans. Where are their weapons manufactured? That is the question that comes to mind when I see this picture. Besides the beauty, I see behind it, the destruction of African civilizations down through the ages. The difference here is that she is not wearing Army fatigues, or a bullet proof vest or any other such armor to protect her from an incoming or errant bullet from another’s rifle.

Hopefully, she is on her way to hunt some food for her family and not on her way to kill another African!!