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Archive for the ‘institutions’ Category

The American Voter Is An Enabler, Part 3-Ruling Class (Videos)

People are going back and forth about this Comey situation. I did a reading on it a while back so if you check my video, “Why Did Comey Close the 2nd FBI Investigation? Ask A Psychic. You will see how all this and so much more is playing out. It’s all political theater. Politicians are actors who never made it to Hollyweird.  

These are some interesting times.
It was stated by someone, and I quote…

“Too many people, who appear to be waking up still think that politics is the best way to life. From the first day that a human can absorb information, it is indoctrinated they have and need masters (teachers, police, priest & politicians). As soon as the awake people also wake up to the fact, that a ruling class is bad for society, things will start to change.” Anonymous

It’s the conundrum of human history. Particularly when you look at the notion of Empire. Modern day empire building manifests as the industrial revolution, but it really boils down to the concept of scarcity, fear of scarcity and then the need for a ruling class to protect everyone from scarcity. In their back rooms and dark halls, the ruling class had to figure out a way to remain the ruling “men behind the curtain” so they invented the notion of scarcity, on an abundant planet, and while they fill their coffers with more than they could ever use or need, and all the rest follows.

Humans, particularly the industrialized human, have the propensity to applaud their rulers no matter how they rule “Stockholm Syndrome” just as long as they promise to arrest their fears. They willingly give up their sovereignty to some external, much bigger, much more powerful force, to protect them and keep them from harm.

Meanwhile, cognitive dissonance is in full swing, as they look around at the failing economy, loss of jobs, horrendous war games, loss of life, health care, etc. which all equal loss of security, yet, the love relationship they have with leadership, i.e., the ruling class, is so pervasive it blinds them to the fact that they are no better off and that the ruling class are blood suckers who have no care for them. The voter will continue to vote against his/her interest for just a sliver of that promise pie, while the ruling class own the pie factory.
The deeper question is, why is humanity susceptible to being duped in this fashion, over and over again?

It appears that “Trump” was an even bigger Psyops than Obama. People actually believe there was a strong populous movement headed by a Billionaire? Even that makes no sense. But, because he was a cantankerous Billionaire, they thought he would be different?

Trump was a bigger Psyops than Obama because he had even the folks who were beginning to distrust the system altogether, get behind him. He pulled folks in from the left, right and center.

He has completely disappointed his base, yet they feverishly hold on to hope. As their hope disappears, it will create a tremendous mental dystopia and the masses who believed in him will join the ones “shouting” NOT MY PRESIDENT, and the populous movement will disintegrate like a morning fog.
Lack of faith in the government could lead to even more unrest and even more need for militarize police all over the country. Society will disintegrate into warring factions among themselves and the outcome will be as it always has been. The ruling class remain in power handing out slivers of pie to the fewer and fewer numbers of humans that are left after destroying them from the inside out.
It is written in the stars, Empires rise and fall over the millennia, however the Empire wheel keeps turning. Why do humans need empires is my question.
Why Is Humanity Susceptible to Building Empires?

“Are we witnessing the beginning of the end? And who’s end will it be? Ours or his!?” Anonymous

The Dems may want to tar and feather Trump for firing Comey.  But they keep missing the elephant, the big huge elephant in the room. This is not about the dems vs the Reps, it’s about pedos not wanting their crap to be uncovered. The in fighting is just a smoke screen. Do you realize that they fight each other in public and sleep with each other after dark?

Wake up people, there’s no saving this corrupt system.
It needs to be dismantled.

Pedophiles are running for cover. What Comey found out will bring even Trump down and it ain’t no Russian BS. How many times has the US interfered in elections, (Homeland Security interfered in US elections) overthrown governments, set up puppets who are allied with the US and NATO?

#Iraq #Haiti #Egypt #Honduras #Venezuela just to name a few.
Come on people!

Remember, Hillary sold 20% of US uranium reserves to Russia.  So what’s the hype about Trump or anyone in  his inner circle relating to the Russians? Why are these people trying to suggest Russian involvement in US elections when their track record is glaringly obvious of their collusion and interference around the globe? It’s the pot calling the kettle black!

We got, Hillary and Trump hobnobbing with the Saudis but so did Bush. The Saudi government, those guys, who just got Elected by the United Nations to Women’s Rights Commission DESPITE THAT COUNTRY’S APPALLING RECORD ON THE TREATMENT OF WOMEN. This shows you the “world” collusion and moral bankruptcy.

It ain’t about parties, it’s about world dominion, power and control for the psychopaths that run this world.
FYI, the Trump family is featured in the Jeffrey Epstein Blackbook, which indicates they knew a little bit about his lifestyle.

The Trump presidency is a psyops almost bigger than the Obama one was. In fact, Trump IS Obama’s 3rd term. He’s a puppet. He don’t know nothing from nothing, which makes him even easier to be manipulated by the globalist. He has no resistance, he’s a naive narcissistic, touch off. Don’t even think that bringing him down will change anything. It won’t!

Check it out, there’s a huge elephant in the room people!

So folks think that Comey should have been fired since he did not suggest that Hillary be prosecuted for her crimes. SO, good-bye Comey, you didn’t do your job.

But if you people think that Trump is going to hire someone who will prosecute her, you are sadly mistaken. She will not go to jail!

They haven’t forgotten what Hillary said, “If I go down, I am taking everyone with me.” and she wasn’t playing. In order to get to the top, you have to swim in some slime, become slime and then throw slime. All of them are complicit in some way and all of them think they are above the law.
There is no honesty among thieves so they all got to watch their backs, can’t keep their eyes closed to long and eliminate ALL threats. The United States government is a mafia, a criminal cabal, crooks thieves and robbers, and folks keep voting for them, thinking something will change, and it won’t. History should tell us that much.

The other thing that I think is sorely missed is that, usually, the VP is the President’s Handler. Think about it.. they tend to be more of a power broker from the sidelines. We hardly ever heard of Biden except here and there, Obama was the front man, same with Bush and Chaney. they got it all set up, and like Bush said “Oh, I’m not gonna lose.” so whatever they got to do, they will do and have done it. It’s just easier to see it now with the Internet, and if they have their way, they will figure out a way to silence it.

The whole “Alt-Right” and “fake news” meme was the beginning of a paradigm shift from allowing certain information to find its way to the web.
Censorship began, Twitter shut down accounts, Facebook, in addition to its already sending folks to Facebook jail; hired people to filter out so called “fake news”, reddit shut down accounts or deactivated certain sub-reddits and now, under the guise of Advertiser pressure, YouTube/Google is doing its part to silence the masses.

I ain’t even about free speech, you can’t have it on someone else’s platform. It’s a privilege to be able to speak your mind on someone else’s platform, but, it’s discouraging enough to make people self censor or go somewhere else.
The idea is to silence dissent, wherever they find it; and to keep the secret, secret, and at all costs.
Our world is governed by Psychopathic Megalomaniacs who intend on staying in power no matter what.
So to conclude, American voter, as long as you enable your government it will continue to abuse you.

United Nations Elects Saudi Arabia to Women’s Rights Commission
EPIC RANT: The Government Will Not Protect You From Tractor Trailers
The Government Will Not Protect You From The Coming Financial Collapse
Police Militarization – How America’s Police Became an Army: The 1033 Program
After Berkeley riots, President Trump threatens to take away federal funds
21 arrested as hundreds of Trump supporters and counter-protesters clash at Berkeley rally
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries
Subject: Media Black-Out Ordered About Saudi 911 Murders & Hillary’s 15 Year Cover-Up
Trump to Approve Weapons Sale to 9/11 Financiers, Saudi Arabia
Jeffrey Epstein: inside the decade of scandal entangling Prince Andrew
Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery
How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately “elevated” Donald Trump with its “pied piper” strategy
Labor nominee Acosta cut deal with billionaire guilty in sex abuse case
Not Good: “Trump is Now a Captive of The Deep State” (Video)
Bill Bonner: Trump Is No Match for the Deep State
Globalist puppet Donald Trump on US charging Julian Assange: ‘It’s ok with me’

The Truth About Black Religion and Spirituality & The Lies of Christianity, Islam Dr. Umar Johnson

The Truth About Black Religion and Spirituality and The Lies of Christianity, Islam Dr. Umar Johnson (video)

NB Commentary: 

Dr. Umar ,made some really good points particularly when it relates to spirituality. Having gone thru Christianity to Islam to African traditional spiritual belief systems. Clearly, they do entail a great deal of the culture from which they are derived or shall I say controlled by. I have a few points to add.
1. The yin/yang principle is within every one of us, having been born from both a male and female conjugal relationship. Each person has a male principal and female principle within them. Therefore, we are a manifestation of the “whole” in and of ourselves. Gender is a construct but not applicable in the spirit realm, that is, a person may be born with the physicality of a male, but have a strong principal within of a female and the same can apply to a female. Here is where my departure comes as it relates to his statement about homosexuality. All too often, the spiritual nature of same sex relationships is packaged in disdain, hatred, and much confusion as to its purpose and nature. If he reads, studies or observes Malidoma Some’s work he will find that there is a deeper, often hidden purpose for this than is commonly acknowledge. Dr. Some is from Dagara people of Upper Volta in West Africa. In Dr. Some’s culture the homosexual is held in high esteem and are called Gatekeepers.
2. Expanding on my above comment I would also include that in traditional African spirituality, particularly among those who have not been influenced by Western taboos, you will find the notion of re-incarnation. It is believed that we re-incarnate as male or female. With that being said, we may present more closely to our most previous gender in our present life time as we navigate through the sexes. The idea is to experience “spirit” through the physical. In order to do so, we come as male or female through our lifetimes and that in and of itself may have us gravitate to a person of the same sex whom we knew and loved in a past life. There is no so-called gender construct in the spirit realm only as it manifests in 3rd dimensional reality. African spirituality is keenly aware of this, that is, how, a person who is part of the Yoruba/Ifa spiritual system can have an opposite or same sex Orisha as their patron. The male may find himself very intrigued by the female principal of a particular Female Orisha and appear to be “effeminate” but the reality is that the female energy is very strong within him. The opposite is true with women.
3. One point of departure for the Ancients particularly in reference to the Khemetian Spiritual Science; like many other religions that we are familiar with today, it was kept from the masses and only the “Royals”, the Priests and Priestesses were initiated into it. They were set apart from the masses and often revered as God incarnated and here we see the objectification of the God source to something outside of the individual. The separation between the haves and the have-nots was profound and the magic, spiritual practices, etc. were delegated to the royal blood lines, and priests. This carried over into the more modern religions of our time. But even if you look at Ancient China, Mesopotamia, India, and other ancient cultures the same is true. Some how the idea of controlling and manipulating the masses became prevalent for political, social and economic reasons and this system was primarily responsible for the civilizations to thrive. That is not to say they wouldn’t have done so without this separation, but in doing so, the element of controlling the masses for gains of the few was much more manageable. So, when we speak of Empire we must be fair in our delineation of exactly what that meant then and what it means now.
4.  Finally, I would like to mention that modern constructs of traditional African spirituality has become more institutionalized and thus there is a chasm between the Knowledge of “God” and the actual imbibing with the God within. Because it has become another tool of control through rituals and sacrifice, those in these “systems” become imprisoned as do the others in institutionalized religious practices. that is, African traditional spirituality becomes the same bastion of mind control and manipulation as the other more popular “religions”. It has become an institution and like he mentioned, it has become a business. People have their finances scarfed from them under the guise of pleasing the Gods/Ancestors and are seldom lead to believe that they can achieve this without all the trappings, i.e., shrines, altars, sacrifices, etc.
We are all here to learn, evolve and develop and for the most part Dr. Umar is clearly on point, and even with admitting his own evolution and development, it is very refreshing to hear him mention that, if just for the sake of perspective.
Personally, I applaud Dr. Umar and his work. He is very intelligent and creative in his manner of educating us about the issues we face in this world as African descendant peoples. Continue in your work, Dr. Umar, you are a blessing for those who have ears to hear.

Like he mentioned, there is no ONE AND ONLY WAY to connecting with the Divine within. In fact, the path may have many twists and turns, but if we remain vigilant we will succeed and the awakening will be all pervasive. We Are The Change We Are Looking For! Ase’, Namaste

Clarence Thomas: Slavery Didn’t Take Away Dignity So How Can Same-Sex Marriage Bestow It?

Okay, I am probably gonna get some flack for this comment but…. I kinda see his point. If a government can give you dignity, it can take it away. I think he is saying that human dignity is not for sale or barter. That if people believe that their dignity is arbitrary, then anyone can deny it or determine it.

With the perception of knowing who you are, no matter what anyone says or does to you, you are assured within yourself than no one, can take your human dignity away from you. I have to say that that point to me is very powerful and may be missed because he is talking against marriage equality. I believe that is how Africans survived through slavery, that is how any oppressed people survive, i.e., the Muslims in the Middle East who are so outrageously demonized. They still hole their heads up high. I could site so many other examples but suffice it to say, human dignity is not an arbitrary construct of someone’s imagination that can be imposed on another, unless….. the other accepts it and thus gives up their personal power and self determination.

Once a person believes that someone else can take their human dignity away, they whither and die. Only the strong survive, despite the odds, and I think that is the real message of his statement.

No government, person place or thing should have that much power over how someone feels dignified. I understand how a system can attempt to belittle, downgrade, even demoralize another so called “inferior” but a man is as  he thinketh. If he believes he has no dignity then no one can give it to him or take it away. He is simply unaware of who he is and therefore is susceptible to viewing himself through the lens of his oppressor.

I have always said that LGBT folks who want to get married should just do that without having to beg to be recognized by the government. There are various ways that it can be done, through contracts, notarized documents and various other steps that can be taken. There were and are always someone who will marry you, and if you can’t find that someone, marry yourself. There is always a way to get around it.

Societies have socialized and institutionalized marriage around the world. They see marriage as a communal act between those who marry and the community they belong to. Over time it has become a system of barter, protocols, laws, restrictions, politics and bellicose religious indictments.  It seldom becomes a personal matter between persons but rather a socio-economic and political statement about what and who you are. Because human beings are socialized into believing they must be accepted by their communities, families, churches and other religious institutions, they go through the rituals that in some instances have nothing at all to do with how they feel on the inside. Marriages have gone from being partnerships and dedication to having property and the value, worth and status that comes with it. As a result, people want to be “acknowledge”. And in this case, do to the social construct of this Nation, the USA, they felt the need to make it to the Supreme Court with their case. 

Actually, marriage is really an arbitrary situation that is deemed to exist between the people who are “married” and not necessarily something that has to be sanctioned by others. What I mean is that there are so many kinds of partnerships that have contributed to the making of families around the world. In fact, polygamy is a more natural construct than the ownership of another that happens in Western style marriages. The spiritual connection that folks feel towards one another is often shrouded in the external, “how to be” in a relationship that often what is truly happening between the souls of individuals gets lost because of the pressures of society. Some people never marry and live together as a devoted couple for years and years, helping and supporting and loving and even baring children together. Are their unions any more worthy than the ones that are “sanctioned” by the larger community? Just think, with all this marriage equality business folks can run out and spend more money on getting married when they could have very well saved that money to build a business together. And then after all that money is spent to please the onlookers, some of these self same marriages end in divorce. Why? Because they were sanctioned or was it because the true connection on the Soul level was “NOT” made and therefore there was no “glue-on” to hold it together to stand the test of time.

Supreme Court Justice Thomas may very well be married to a European woman and some may say that there was a time where he could not have been legally married to her, but does that or did that determine his love or devotion to her??? Obviously not. And I doubt if her being married to him diminished her dignity. Though I am guessing here, it still stands to reason that no one can tell you who you can love or not love, marry or not marry, or at least no one should have that kind of power over your life, and if they do, to me, there is something very wrong with this picture.

All too often people rely upon someone or something to acknowledge their worth and “dignity” instead of knowing who they are and that it matters not, who else knows it. I think the movie “The Green Mile” shows how a man can remained dignified, no matter how he is treated. He knew who he was and what powers he had, he sincerely knew where his heart was and that he was innocent, but he even went to the electric chair with dignity. I believe that is what Judge Thomas is saying. He may not realize it himself but he said it and it makes sense to me.


The Green Mile

Clarence Thomas: Slavery Didn’t Take Away Dignity So How Can Same-Sex Marriage Bestow It?

Clarence Thomas is one of the most conservative and one of the most controversial justices currently sitting on the Supreme Court. Justice Scalia gets a lot of attention, in part because his dissents of late have been hyperbolic and bombastic, but Justice Thomas rarely gets much attention.
He deserves a lot more, and not in a good way.
The 67-year old Georgia-born jurist who replaced – of all people, Thurgood Marshall – on the bench, offered a stunning statement in his dissent of the same-sex marriage case.
“Perhaps recognizing that these cases do not actually involve liberty as it has been understood, the majority goes to great lengths to assert that its decision will advance the ‘dignity’ of same-sex couples,” Justice Thomas writes. “The flaw in that reasoning, of course, is that the Constitution contains no ‘dignity’ Clause, and even if it did, the government would be incapable of bestowing dignity.”

“Human dignity has long been understood in this country to be innate. When the Framers proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence that ‘all men are created equal’ and ‘endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,’ they referred to a vision of mankind in which all humans are created in the image of God and therefore of inherent worth. That vision is the foundation upon which this Nation was built.”
OK, you’re probably thinking, this is nuts, and insensitive, but wait, there’s more.

“The corollary of that principle is that human dignity cannot be taken away by the government. Slaves did not lose their dignity (any more than they lost their humanity) because the government allowed them to be enslaved. Those held in internment camps did not lose their dignity because the government confined them. And those denied governmental benefits certainly do not lose their dignity because the government denies them those benefits. The government cannot bestow dignity, and it cannot take it away.”
Let’s do that again.
“Slaves did not lose their dignity (any more than they lost their humanity) because the government allowed them to be enslaved.”
Is he serious?
Being property, being owned by another person, with absolutely no rights, subjected to violence and rape and starvation and whipping and all sorts of other indignities does not cause one to lose their dignity nor their humanity?
Speaking personally, I have never been a slave, nor confined in an internment camp, but I can imagine how horrific that was.
How is it possible that Justice Thomas cannot?
And, as a gay man who married two years ago, almost to this day, I can without qualification state that my personal dignity was greatly affected – positively – upon becoming a legally married man.
The exact moment my husband and I were pronounced married I was a changed person. My world changed, and yes, it had to do with legal acceptance and validation, and dignity.
Something Justice Thomas, sadly, must not know anything about.
Justice Thomas’ dissent is so vile and offensive, he’s actually right now the number two trending topic, right under #LoveWins:




author unknown

Published 8 August 2014

The killing train transcends each separate war, inequity, and injustice, and ultimately, and this is, of course, the point – so must our opposition. The killing train is fueled by poverty, disease, starvation, indignity, death squads, racism, sexism, class division, bombs, and more bombs.

Many years back, moved by the first Gulf War, I wrote a piece with the above title, Stop the Killing Train. I am revisiting the same subject because, regrettably, the topic remains at the forefront even if the precipitating violence is different.

For the purpose of the exercise, please use your imagination.

Suppose a hypothetical god got tired of what we humans do to one another and decided that from January 1, 1991 onward all corpses unnaturally created anywhere in or by the hand of the “free world” would cease to decompose. Anyone dying for want of food or medicine, anyone hung or garroted to death, shot or beaten to death, raped or bombed to death, anyone dying unjustly and inhumanely for want of clean air or water or other necessities of life, would, as a corpse, persist without decomposing. The permanent corpse would then automatically enter a glass-walled cattle car attached to an ethereal train traveling monotonously across the U.S., state by state, never stopping. The hypothetical God would tirelessly display our achievements for us all to see.

One by one the corpses would divinely load onto the cattle cars. After every thousand corpses piled in a car, a new car would hitch up and begin filling in turn. Mile after mile the killing train would roll along, each corpse visible through the train’s transparent walls. We can suppose it fills at the rate of 200 new corpses a minute, or one new car every five minutes, day and night, without pause.

By the end of 1991, on its first birthday, the killing train would easily measure over 2,500 miles long. Traveling at 20 miles an hour it would take about five days to pass any intersection across the U.S. Imagine you are sitting at a railroad crossing. You watch this horror go past, 24 hours a day, for five full days. Every car contains 1,000 corpses, all clearly visible. This hypothetical God knows how to communicate so we can’t ignore reality.

By the year 2000, assuming no dramatic change in institutions and behavior, the train would stretch from coast to coast about seven times. It would take about six weeks from the time its engine passed the Statue of Liberty to when its caboose would go by. Would the God still wonder when pitiful, aspiring humanity would get the message?

By 2014 – you can safely just double the ugly statistics. Deaths accelerate, unless, of course, we had gotten the message. So, coast to coast it would stretch, about 14 times. Every corpse an indictment.

Think how a young child sometimes points to a picture in a book or magazine and asks for an explanation, “Tell me about a tree?” A car? A boat? Or a train? A big train? The killing train? Go ahead, try to answer that one. Perhaps that explains why this image isn’t, in fact, a common one on our TVs and in our never-ending streams of information.

Bad enough, way worse than bad enough, it could even get worse. Consider that climate change will before long start to wrack up even larger kill lists. But, of course, those dead would pile into the killing train too, since with only modest exceptions they too are preventable.

The killing train, in any event, no matter how each moribund commuter who need not have been on board got his or her ticket, is horrendous.

Imagine the lost opportunity and lost love. Imagine as well the network of negative influences that radiate from the unnecessary deaths displayed by the killing train stretching from coast to coast and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. Consider the horrendous impact, not only on those on board, but on every person that any of those corpses ever loved or would have loved, fed or would have fed, taught or would have taught.

Who rides the killing train? 
Certainly citizens of the “Third World,” selling their organs for food, selling their babies to save their families, suffering disappearances and starvation. They live in Brazil, the Philippines, El Salvador, but also New York. They enter the killing train, every day. It isn’t a peace train. It isn’t a justice train. It isn’t a love train. It is a killing train. Its current most bloody loading platform: Gaza. But don’t forget those who starve and die of preventable diseases in the Third World and in the first world too. All are onboard.

Is the gigantic sprawling disgusting image exaggerated? 10 million kids die yearly for lack of basic medical aid that the U.S. could provide at almost no cost in countries whose economies Exxon and the Bank of America have looted. Preventable death fills the killing train. To the sane, it is mass murder. The grotesque image I offer is actually understated.

Bloated diseased bodies are victims of murder just as surely as bullet-riddled bodies tossed into rivers by death squads, or shrapnel shredded bodies prone in the piles of blasted hospitals and homes. Denying medicine by out of reach pricing or preventable shortages is no less criminal than denying medicine by blowing up pharmacies and demolishing hospitals is no less criminal than supplying torture racks, stealing resources, and paving roads with bomblets. Bombing electric power stations and pulverizing hospitals enlarges the train. Deaths by starvation and disease are no less unnatural than those by bomblet and bullet, and enlarge the train.   

Evolution has given humans the capacity to perceive, think, feel, and imagine. During war time—as now exists in so many places —if we get aroused to action we begin to see the whole train as it persists day in and day out. When this happens, what do we do about it? Do we become depressed? Cynical? Anguished? Cry? Daydream of Armageddon? Daydream of justice? Or do we hand out a leaflet?

Once we begin to see the killing train, how do we face the killing train? Part of me says these crimes are so grotesque, so inhumane, that the perpetrators deserve to die, now. A little tiny killing train for the killers and no more big killing train for everyone else. An eye for a million eyes. What other step makes more sense? Was this the hypothetical God’s plan?

But, of course, that’s not the way the world works. Yes, people give the orders. People wield the axes, withhold the food, pay the pitiful salaries, blow up the power stations, spew the garbage, lie, steal, cheat, obey – and produce corpses. But institutions create the pressures that mold the people.

When an institutional cancer spreads through the human patient, what kind of surgeon can cut it away? Is the imprint of accumulated repression so deep it can never be excised.

At first, becoming attuned to our country’s responsibility for the corpses stacked behind transparent cattle-car walls makes handing out leaflets, or writing essays, or arguing for peace with a co-worker, or urging a relative to think twice about paying taxes, or going to a demonstration, or sitting in, or doing civil disobedience, or even taking over a workplace, seem insignificant. But the fact is, these are the acts that the hypothetical God, tired of our behavior, would be calling for if she were to actually parade the “free world’s” corpses down our main streets in killing trains. These are the acts that can accumulate into a firestorm of informed protest that raises the cost of profiteering and domination, of war making and pollution so high that the institutions breeding such behavior start to buckle.   

The fact is, when fighting a behemoth, “You lose, you lose, you lose, and then you win.” Every loss, understood properly to learn its lessons, is part of the process that leads to transforming institutions so that there can be no people as vile as Hussein or Bush, as Netanyahu or Obama. No more “Good Germans” or “Good Americans.” No more incinerated Jews or decapitated, starved, poisoned, starved, bulleted Palestinians.   

War is invariably unjustly motivated. War is always horrendously harmful. War is an orchestrated atrocity that mandates our militant, unswerving opposition. But so too does exploitation, racism, sexism, the systematic deprivation of any one community at the hands of any other.

But even after the Gaza crimes of the little thug Israel and of its guardian angel the big thug, America, ends, the on-going U.S. war against “free world” people who it has consigned to ride the killing train will, if it continues, remain a enormous crime against humanity. The killing train transcends each separate war, inequity, and injustice, and ultimately, and this is, of course, the point – so must our opposition. The killing train is fueled by poverty, disease, starvation, indignity, death squads, racism, sexism, class division, bombs, and more bombs. The power plant of the death, destruction, and generalized deprivation is our basic institutions.

The institutions must become our target.