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Archive for the ‘ETI’ Category

Aliens May Destroy Humanity to Protect other Civilisations, Say Scientists

Aliens May Destroy Humanity to Protect other Civilisations, Say Scientists

Rising greenhouse emissions could tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat, warns a report.

It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim.
Watching from afar, extraterrestrial beings might view changes in Earth’s atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilisation growing out of control – and take drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat, the researchers explain.

This highly speculative scenario is one of several described by a Nasa-affiliated scientist and colleagues at Pennsylvania State University that, while considered unlikely, they say could play out were humans and alien life to make contact at some point in the future.

Shawn Domagal-Goldman of Nasa’s Planetary Science Division and his colleagues compiled a list of plausible outcomes that could unfold in the aftermath of a close encounter, to help humanity “prepare for actual contact”………….
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Nana’s Comment

LOL, this article is comical.

It’s saying maybe the threat of being annihilated by ETI could stop humanity from destroying itself and the planet. Baa Humbug, I say to that. Where were they thousands of years ago before Atlantis was destroyed? Where were they when the so-called great flood happened? Where were they when Mars, supposedly destroyed itself? What about their intercession when Venus was in trouble?

Too funny, if they are smart, they will not bother us, cause we can take em on!!! And we can still destroy our planet and move out into the Cosmos with our diseases in the mind, body and spirit.

Don’t they know that they cannot wipe us out??We are like roaches.. We will come back as we have done over and over again. We have suffered through all types of calamities. Wars, hunger, drought, wars, pestilence, death and destructions, wars and atom bombs, mini nukes, Fukishimo,  Oil Spills, fracking, tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricane Katrina.. wars and starvation, Ebola and Boko Haram. We will survive ISIS and the New World Order. Don’t they know that is how we got here in the first place.

Don’t they know that they sent the worse of the worse here because we were so incorrigible we couldn’t make it there?

Silly, Aliens, they think they can deter us from destroying our planet, filling our seas with plastic and drying up our water supplies. They oughta know we will take them vaccines, plug all kinds of micro-chips in us, become cyborgs, and travel to other planets for safe refuge.

Don’t they know that our underground bunkers are no match for their stupid technology. Don’t they know we been hiding out here on the edge of our Galaxy for eons just so we could show them how powerful and resilient we are?

Who cares how big they are? We tame the wildest and biggest beasts in the jungle. Ain’t nobody scared of no darned Aliens.

We got weapons in space and we can see them coming and we are practicing on downing asteroids before they hit the planet. We are holding them off already in space, and every time we get one of them, we hear weird sounds all over the place on earth, they tell us we are winning.

Don’t they know that we are covering the earth with chemtrails so that their stupid technology can’t pierce through our cloud of barium, aluminum and nano particles of blood plasm. Shucks, them Aliens better wake up and find some other planet to mess with, cause we ain’t going out like that!!!!!

Silly Aliens, SMDH!