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The Great Mind F***k Seth Rich, George Webb, Jason Goodman, Dave Acton, Defango & LTV Social Engineering (VIDEOS)

The Great Mind F***k

Seth Rich, George Webb, Jason Goodman, 
Dave Acton, Defango and LTV, 
Social Engineering

Okay folks, this is a dream story and I am asking you to travel into the Dream Universe with me and then leave your comments below. Take this opportunity to hone your Dream interpretation skills and tell me what you think this dream means.

I am going to do all I can to pull this dream together.
I return to my old college campus, Marywood in Scranton PA. They are having an event, a gathering or party or festival or something to that effect.  When I arrive, there are a few people gathered around, but I had expected to see many more folks. At some point, it snows very heavily and quickly the ground is covered up to at least 7 inches. We are out side when this happens and though it was not expected everyone seems to simply go indoors without any resistance.

There are two ladies that I end up talking to. They seem to be in some kind of position of authority, or have some type of job on campus, but they are not students.

We strike up a conversation and I tell them how when I attended Marywood, there were 7 black students in the entire school, now there are so many there and even students from Africa.

They seem to be preoccupied but listen to me anyways.
I tell them how we could walk from the Liberal Arts building to Regina Hall on one side and to the freshmen dorm on the other side.

They tell me that Regina Hall is now a shelter for homeless people. I thought that odd that they would put a shelter for homeless people right on campus. Especially since homeless people can have many types of varying issues, from mental health, drug addictions, criminality, etc.

They reassured me that they were secure and that there was no way the homeless people could come over because they had built a strong wall between the two building and sealed off the opening to Regina hall.

At some point in this dream, I go into the Liberal arts building and there I could see the wall. It’s a pale blue but it is really strange. Mainly because there was no wall, when I attended the college before. I gingerly run my hand across the wall, remembering how we used to be able to visit our fellow classmates by just walking thru the Liberal Arts Building to the other building.

I tell the two young ladies that I may have even spent a few months in that building as that is where the sophomores lived before they moved over to Madonna Hall, a building that was reserved for the Juniors and seniors and had been newly renovated, when I was there in the 70’s.

A lot has changed on campus since I was there in the 70’s and my old stories seem to go over their heads, they are a few years younger than me, maybe 20 or 30 years younger., or maybe just 20 years.

I am very familiar with the campus none the less.  So they trust that my old story is probably very true but irrelevant at this point.
The dorm on the other side of the Liberal Arts building, Immacculata Hall is totally unfamiliar to me, especially how they have the students crammed into the rooms. Some rooms have 2 and 3 bunk beds stacked on top of one another. I see a few students lying in bed, but they are not sleeping they are just hanging out in their beds, like college kids in dorms do, but it was really strange that they were so cramped into the rooms. I don’t remember us having bunk beds when I was there and thought maybe they do that so they can house more students or something like that.
A little while later, I begin to realize that it’s time for me to return home. And I better hurry before I miss my “bus” or “train”.
One of the two young ladies offers me a job.
“Would you like to work with us?” She asks.
“Wow, I respond, that’s interesting, what would you all want me to do?”
“Well, we keep an eye out on the campus and the students. We don’t have to work to hard, we just walk around and check things out. Since you are so familiar with this campus, it should be easy for you to do this, correct?”
“We really hadn’t thought of adding another person to our team, but now that you are here and you seem to be familiar wit the surroundings we thought about it and decided that you would be great addition to what we are already doing as a team.”
I am still not quite clear of exactly it is that they want me to do, or even what they saw in me that would  make them think I qualified for the job, but heck, I could use some extra money to help pay my rent.
“So, what are the terms of the job, like how long and how much, and what are the hours?” I ask.
I do have responsibilities back home and all, but if they can pay me enough that I could take care of my rent,  and other bills, then fine.
“Oh, and would I live on campus or off campus?”
“You would definitely live on campus, we all do, we live right here,”
I wondered if the students knew they were being watched, or if they looked out of place they are a bit older, but then again, the student body demographics range as well. But then I wondered, if the students would notice that these folks were never in any of their classes. They had to be clandestine in whenever they were around and could not come right out and say to the students “Hey, we are watching you.”
The two ladies take me inside of a building and into a small office.  There’s another young lady, even younger than them, maybe a grad student or something, but she was very professional and had her books out. She may have been their accountant as she was writing down numbers in a book she took out when we arrived.

One of the young ladies spoke to her as we stood there in her office.
“Listen, I need you to crunch some numbers. We are thinking of hiring this lady to work on our team so she can help us watch the students. Do we have it in our budget to cover another person on the team?”
The lady is sitting at her desk and she turns some pages saying.
“Well, we have three sources from which we can draw money. How much are we paying her?”
Yeah, that was my initial question anyways.
“Well, we need her to work about 6 hours a week for 6 weeks. She can work more, but we don’t want to appear to obvious, with three of us working, we alternate shifts so we won’t be too obvious. She is really familiar with the campus since she lived here before. So, we were thinking 6 hours a week for 6 weeks, should be good.”
That’s a curious amount of hours for a watch detail, I think to myself. How can anybody make a living only working 6 hours a week.
“Excuse me, did I hear you correctly did you say 6 hours a week, or was that six hours a day?
“No, you heard me correctly, we would start with 6 hours a week for 6 weeks, if you can keep a good look out over the campus and report back what you find out in that time, then we may expand your hours but this would be determined by you in the long run.”
That sounded pretty fair, give me a trial run, see if I now my way around and then, increase my hours if I do well, sounds pretty fair, I think to myself.  Then the one of the ladies asks the accountant-treasure acting looking lady, do we have the budget for this addition.
They seem to be really strange acting to me at this point.
Not like a security team of folks but some kind of special project thingy or something. They are not very relaxed either but really rigid and super professional like.  The lady who is crunching the numbers seems more relaxed although they are standing over her and sorta demanding but gently so, that she hurry up.  And I kind of remember, they better hurry up cause I have a bus to catch.
“Well, we have three funds we can draw from to pay her salary of $26,000.00 for her 6 weeks/6  hours per week position.
We have the “……………….” fund. We can take $12,000.00 from there” 
I can’t remember what she said in this part of the dream.
“We have the “……………………” fund, we can take $10,000.00 from there.”
I can’t remember that one either.
“And then we have the Seth Rich Fund, we can get the balance from there.”
“Wait, did you say the Seth Rich fund? How can he fund anything,  I thought he was killed, shot in the back a few times or something like that. You mean he is still alive and contributing to this fund?”
This is where the dream took a serious turn for me. I am usually lucid in my dreams and my day time and sleep time overlap a lot, so when they said Seth Rich, well I respond with the knowledge of my waking life, I though that that dude was dead so how can he be putting in any money into a fund and why would he, if he were alive, fund a project that has us watching the students on campus?  The questions start swirling around in my head and the fact that nobody paid any attention to my question was even more weird. They jus simply agreed with her and were happy she could find the money to pay my salary.
Actually I was kinda happy, I mean, where can you go and work for 6 hours a week for 6 weeks and get paid $26,000.00? And all I gotta do is keep an eye out and watch these students. But look like I ain’t watching them, and have housing and food and all that stuff and be able to pay my rent back home..
It sounded like a really sweet deal, although I am still curious how Seth Rich got in the mix.

I am not sure if this happens in my minds’ eye or if they actually had a picture of him in his flag out fit sitting on the chair, but that is what I see as I am waking up from this dream, thinking, dang, that dude ain’t dead after all. He’s somewhere making money and donating it to a fund to watch the students at Marywood College.
Now, I am a prolific dreamer, I dream all the time, even during my naps that I take whenever I’m sleepy. Ha, I am blessed to be able to do that and I thank the Universe and my guides for that at this point in my life.
My dreams have plots that run in sequence for the most part and are telling me something. I believe they help me to see beyond the veil.
I had watched a few videos on YouTube about this George Webb, Dave Acton, Jason Goodman, Defango debacle that just blew up with “Lift the Veil” saying he believed George and Dave were the same person. But then we had the bomb threat that shut down the Port of Charlestonin South Carolina and got the FBI and Coast guard to evacuate the Maersk Memphis container ship. I had just heard about that before I had this dream. My last thought on this whole thing was that George Webb had hijacked Dave’s YouTube channel and that is why it felt like to LTV that they were the same person. Since Dave wouldn’t show his face in his vids anymore, like he had been seen on Infowars, and all, it was strange to LTV that he would not show his face.

The whole thing blew up with the bomb scare that hit mainstream media where they reported that YouTube conspiracy theorists were behind the scare and named George Webb and Jason Goodman in some of their reports.
Like a bowling ball, going down the alley, all the pins fell!


So what do you think?

I would love for my subscribers and visitors to take a shot at interpreting this dream. Tell me what you think it is saying.
Nana’s Rants On Things From A-Z
Music:  Audiobinger 8 “What If”
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Possible Coverup w Intercept Russia Election Story
Rebekah Roth ~ George Webb for Dummies Part 1
whats eating Ronald grape?
George Webb give further evidence linking Hillary to the murder of Seth Rich
Alpha Jalloh was tracked to being behind the Seth Rich hit by George Webb
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught – Motherboard
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How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
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How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
The FBI thinks it’s found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia
What We Know About Reality Winner, Government Contractor Accused Of NSA Leak
What we know about Reality Winner
Snowden: Prosecuting NSA Leaker Reality Winner Is a ‘Fundamental Threat to the Free Press’
Who Is Reality Winner, NSA Contractor Accused in Top Secret Leak?
Here’s what we know about alleged NSA leaker Reality Leigh Winner
BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Investigator George Webb On The Run From John Podesta And Hillary Goon Squad! Life And Family Been Threatened Due To Work On Seth Rich Murder Investigation. – See more at:

Seth Rich, Reality Winner and Social Engineering (VIDEOS)

Seth Rich, Reality Winner and Social Engineering Pt. 1, 2, 3

To me this is all Social engineering at its finest. It is a distraction from what we really need to be focusing on.

In this video I review several online news outlets discussing Reality Winner along with a review of a few YouTube videos pointing to the situation surrounding Seth Rich’s “reported botched robbery.”

To me this is all Social engineering at its finest. It is a distraction from what we really need to be focusing on.
In this video I review several online news outlets discussing Reality Winner along with a review of a few YouTube videos pointing to the situation surrounding Seth Rich’s “reported botched robbery.”
Support My Work, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Available for Psychic Readings, Dream Interpretation and Workshops.

Possible Coverup w Intercept Russia Election Story
Rebekah Roth ~ George Webb for Dummies Part 1
whats eating Ronald grape?
George Webb give further evidence linking Hillary to the murder of Seth Rich
Alpha Jalloh was tracked to being behind the Seth Rich hit by George Webb
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught – Motherboard
First NSA leaker is finally under arrest, and she clearly had a major ax to grind against President Trump
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
Assange wants support for NSA whistleblower as WikiLeaks offers $10k reward to ‘expose’ reporter
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
The FBI thinks it’s found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia
What We Know About Reality Winner, Government Contractor Accused Of NSA Leak
What we know about Reality Winner
Snowden: Prosecuting NSA Leaker Reality Winner Is a ‘Fundamental Threat to the Free Press’
Who Is Reality Winner, NSA Contractor Accused in Top Secret Leak?
Here’s what we know about alleged NSA leaker Reality Leigh Winner
BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Investigator George Webb On The Run From John Podesta And Hillary Goon Squad! Life And Family Been Threatened Due To Work On Seth Rich Murder Investigation. – See more at:

How JFK Gave Us Donald J. Trump (Videos)

When image trumps ideology: How JFK created the template for the modern presidency

File 20170525 23279 1d42o23
President John F. Kennedy watches as planes conduct anti-sub operations during maneuvers off the North Carolina coast in April 1962. Associated Press

Steven Watts, University of Missouri-Columbia
Even at John F. Kennedy’s centennial on May 29, 2017, the 35th president remains an enigma. We still struggle to come to a clear consensus about a leader frozen in time – a man who, in our mind’s eye, is forever young and vigorous, cool and witty. The Conversation

While historians have portrayed him as everything from a nascent social justice warrior to a proto-Reaganite, his political record actually offers little insight into his legacy. A standard “Cold War liberal,” he endorsed the basic tenets of the New Deal at home and projected a stern, anti-Communist foreign policy. In fact, from an ideological standpoint, he differed little from countless other elected officials in the moderate wing of the Democratic Party or the liberal wing of the Republican Party.

Much greater understanding comes from adopting an altogether different strategy: approaching Kennedy as a cultural figure. From the beginning of his career, JFK’s appeal was always more about image than ideology, the emotions he channeled than the policies he advanced.

Generating an enthusiasm more akin to that of a popular entertainer than a candidate for national office, he was arguably America’s first “modern” president. Many subsequent presidents would follow the template he created, from Republicans Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump to Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

A cultural icon

JFK pioneered the modern notion of the president as celebrity. The scion of a wealthy family, he became a national figure as a young congressman for his good looks, high-society diversions and status as an “eligible bachelor.”

He hobnobbed with Hollywood actors such as Frank Sinatra and Tony Curtis, hung out with models and befriended singers. He became a fixture in the big national magazines – Life, Look, Time, The Saturday Evening Post – which were more interested in his personal life than his political positions.

Later, Ronald Reagan, the movie actor turned politician, and Donald Trump, the tabloid fixture and star of “The Apprentice,” would translate their celebrity impulses into electoral success. Meanwhile, the saxophone-playing Bill Clinton and the smooth, “no drama” Obama – ever at ease on the talk show circuit – teased out variations of the celebrity role on the Democratic stage.

President Bill Clinton plays ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ on his saxophone during an episode of ‘The Arsenio Hall Show’ in 1992.AP Photo/Reed Saxon

After Kennedy, it was the candidate with the most celebrity appeal who often triumphed in the presidential sweepstakes.

A master of the media

Kennedy also forged a new path with his skillful utilization of media technology. With his movie-star good looks, understated wit and graceful demeanor, he was a perfect fit for the new medium of television.

He was applauded for his televised speeches at the 1956 Democratic convention, and he later prevailed in the famous television debates of the 1960 presidential election. His televised presidential press conferences became media works of art as he deftly answered complex questions, handled reporters with aplomb and laced his responses with wit, quoting literary figures like the Frenchwoman Madame de Staël.

John F. Kennedy gave the first live televised presidential press conference in history on Jan. 25, 1961. AP

Two decades later, Reagan proved equally adept with television, using his acting skills to convey an earnest patriotism, while the lip-biting Clinton projected the natural empathy and communication skills of a born politician. Obama’s eloquence before the cameras became legendary, while he also became an early adopter of social media to reach and organize his followers.

Trump, of course, emerged from a background in reality television and adroitly employed Twitter to circumvent a hostile media establishment, generate attention and reach his followers.

The vigorous male

Finally, JFK reshaped public leadership by exuding a powerful, masculine ideal. As I explore in my book, “JFK and the Masculine Mystique: Sex and Power on the New Frontier,” he emerged in a postwar era colored by mounting concern over the degeneration of the American male. Some blamed the shifting labor market for turning men from independent, manual laborers into corpulent, desk-bound drones within sprawling bureaucracies. Others pointed to suburban abundance for transforming men into diaper-changing denizens of the easy chair and backyard barbecue. And many thought that the advancement of women in the workplace would emasculate their male coworkers.

John F. Kennedy smokes a cigar and reads The New York Times on his boat off the coast of Hyannisport. U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

Enter Jack Kennedy, who promised a bracing revival of American manhood as youthful and vigorous, cool and sophisticated.

In his famous “New Frontier” speech, he announced that “young men are coming to power – men who are not bound by the traditions of the past – young men who can cast off the old slogans and delusions and suspicions.”

In a Sports Illustrated article titled “The Soft American,” he advocated a national physical fitness crusade. He endorsed a tough-minded realism to shape the counterinsurgency strategies that were deployed to combat Communism, and he embraced the buccaneering style of the CIA and the Green Berets. He championed the Mercury Seven astronauts as sturdy, courageous males who ventured out to conquer the new frontier of space.

JFK’s successors adopted many of these same masculine themes. Reagan positioned himself as a manly, tough-minded alternative to a weak, vacillating Jimmy Carter. Clinton presented himself as a pragmatic, assertive, virile young man whose hardscrabble road to success contrasted with the privileged, preppy George H.W. Bush. Obama impressed voters as a vigorous, athletic young man who scrimmaged with college basketball teams – a contrast to the cranky, geriatric John McCain and a stiff, pampered Mitt Romney.

More recently, of course, Trump’s outlandish masculinity appealed to many traditionalists unsettled by a wave of gender confusion, women in combat, weeping millennial “snowflakes” and declining numbers of physically challenging manufacturing jobs in the country’s post-industrial economy. No matter how crudely, the theatrically male businessman promised a remedy.

So as we look back at John F. Kennedy a century after his birth, it seems ever clearer that he ascended the national stage as our first modern president. Removed from an American political tradition of grassroots electioneering, sober-minded experience and bourgeois morality, this youthful, charismatic leader reflected a new political atmosphere that favored celebrity appeal, media savvy and masculine vigor. He was the first American president whose place in the cultural imagination dwarfed his political positions and policies.

Just as style made the man with Kennedy, it also remade the American presidency. It continues to do so today.

Steven Watts, Professor of History, University of Missouri-Columbia
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.


The Battle Between the MSM and Alternative News Media (Videos)

NB Commentary:  If it’s so fake, and so unbelievable, then why don’t they simply ignore it?
Why do so many so called “real news” outlets feel the need to spend so much time lambasting so called fake news.
They have relegated themselves to the likes of in an effort to cover up PizzaGate scandal.  They have reported the debunked aspects of this story while ignoring the real indications and the real connections.

They are also telling out right lies, which is nothing new..

I find it ironic that they, in the past, have used Twitter accounts of what is happening in the world of news and posted it on their websites and TV programs, but now that the dark cover has been pulled back they want to discredit alternative news outlets.
When they go thru this much lambasting of alternative news, they must really be trying to hide something. 
Sounds like they are in full attack mood.
They are panicking and shooting themselves in the foot the entire time.
Get a grip you guys.
Get off your Satanic Panic button.
Let it rest. We know what you all do in the dark. You can’t cover it up no more.

Now we just need witnesses, victims to come forward and shut it down. Hopefully, anyways.
What gets me is that “they” know their news is scripted. They read a teleprompter that pipes in the same spin. They get a chance to add a little caveat to it, an inflection or intonation, but they know that if they steer away from the script they will lose their jobs. They know the CIA is playing a huge roll in the news they pipe out and that government officials are typically present at the big news outlets. They have heard the horror stories and they have their own as it relates to how they are pruned to even be an announcer.
ABC anchor man said, “Breaking News, we now have news about Hillary Clinton’s death.” but she wasn’t dead. Fake news. They know that the poison gas debacle blamed on Syria’s Assad, was faked but they report what they are told.  And how about the faked beheadings?  They know that they even have to change their story and some folks get fired when they are exposed as faking a story, or in other instances get promoted if they can keep it going, i.e, Anderson Cooper and the Green Screen debacle during his interviewing of a Sandy Hook Grieving Mom. He lost his nose in that one.

Or how about the two news reporters claiming to be in two separate places but had the same truck drive by in the scene behind them.  There are countless other examples, to many to even identify, yet they want to point a finger at the alternative news outlets and call them fake news.
They know this, yet they want to point fingers at independent news outlets and encourage a crack down on them. I say, look in the mirror first, and once that’s done, I am sure there will be few MSM outlets left if they were being honest.

They are so desperate. The funny thing is, by listing those so-called fake news outlets, they are actually giving you free advertisement, and that will get folks to check you out. Like Mommy and Daddy telling you don’t play with the children who live across the street. What are you going to do? Play with the children across the street. Maybe they need more publicity, if they talk begrudgingly about so-called fake news, they think they can get more viewers, but that’s too bad because they have lied so much, folks would rather find an alternative and they have given them a nice list to refer to. Who told them to do that?

When they claim that the alternative news stories that are not exactly true, or a
spin or a mere fabrication, that those stories may cost someone’s lives, I can’t help but think of how the story of 19 hijackers with box cutters, took over 3 planes, crashed into two buildings in NY and one at the Pentagon and how this story hyped the American people up to the point they were willing to hurt somebody. Folks enlisted in droves to go fight the enemy of “our freedoms” only to find out
that the whole war on terror was based on a lie. A lie so well orchestrated that to this day people still debate over whether it was an inside job.  Forget whether it was inside or outside job, how about all the inconsistencies and how they spun the narrative.
9/11 is my pet peeve as it is so blatantly obvious to be bigger than any false flag preceding it. How many people died in the ensuing wars because of this fabricated story?  And this story was so full of holes, doctored and re-written with obvious cover-up after cover-up and those who covered it up, got promoted and/or were never brought to “heel”.
It’s not the lie that bothers me, 
it’s the insult to my intelligence that I find offensive.
Every time I hear that adage, “fake news” I can only think of the many, many false flags, and how they repeated the same narrative. Remember that shooting of a TV anchor in VA? That was sooooo phoney, yet they kept repeating it like it was real. I think they are robots. Remember the “white hot” love guy who was clearly not so hot.. It was so fake, it was comical. They also fake the weather reports. It’s like the pot calling the kettle black. But more seriously, it’s the other arm of gun control. Control the narrative, control how folks can defend themselves and it’s a done deal. I only laugh because the Internet was created by DARPA, the CIA infiltrated Facebook and YouTube. Soros cause all them color revolutions with Twitter. Its like they created a toy for themselves and never expected it to become their destruction. They are falling over themselves trying to recoup their losses. The postal service lost with email and now the MSM is losing because of Social Media. What a world, what a world.

Let Me Conclude With This Summary:
When you set up an educational system that creates parrots who memorize and retort what they have learned to earn a grade, then you will create a mass of sheeple who will accept and regurgitate whatever they are given, from what ever news outlet, be it Mainstream or Alternative. Neither animal is always correct and certainly they all have to spin to keep their audience engaged. Some spin to the tune of millions of dollars, others to the tune of millions of followers but all in all it’s about getting their version of the “word” out there for consumption by the masses.
Since the masses have not been taught creative thinking, critical thinking or even discernment, it is difficult for many of them to separate the wheat from the tares when it comes to what is really going on in our world, and since most of us were not at the scene of the crime, we have to take “somebody’s” word for it.
Additionally, since much of what is reported is reported for the intellectual
prowess of the average 5th grader, the news is watered down and dumbed down and spruced up with cleavage, entertainment and sometimes fantasy.
Once again, their desire to control the masses and create non-thinking robots has given the so called “alternative news” outlets a group of people who, quiet as it’s kept, still are not thinking outside of the box. They will each find their niche or some outlet that speaks to their sentiments and preconceived notions just as they would with any other news outlet.

So what we have is a battle between the MSM and the Alternative News. What are they fighting for? Followers, subscribers, ads and revenue. On both sides of the aisle you will find “truth telling” but the same system that made the MSM and it’s cohorts has made the Alternative News. So even this battle is a Psyops and does not speak to the deeper issue, we have a dumbed down, gullible, practically illiterate group of fans who support their narrative. It’s all about politics and economics in the final analysis.

CIA Flashback: “We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.”
WASHINGTON — A regular guest commentator on Fox News who has been lying for years about working for the Central Intelligence Agency was arrested on Thursday and is being charged in connection with falsely claiming he worked as an “Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Officer” for the CIA for nearly three decades.
Total Breakdown of The Media’s Use of NLP & Mind Control
Dr Udo Ulfkotte, journalist and author, on RT
The End of Alt Media = The End of Trump!
Pizza Gate False Flag For Fake News Attacks Free Speech and Independent Media

Obama’s Attack on "Fake News" (Videos)

NB Commentary: This guy! We are being hoodwinked again with this proposition that we need “Big Brother” to censor “Fake News”!
No, we don’t need discernment.
We don’t need our own ability to sort through and sift through the BS.
No we are not mature enough or able to critically think for ourselves.
We need to have it done for us.
So, under the guise of protecting Democracy, whose greatest tenet is freedom of speech, let’s start sorting through the “Fake News”, shut them down, censor them on social media and decide for the ignorant masses what they need to or don’t need to know, read or discern.
Facebook, you fail at doing this for the masses.
Twitter, you are so awful we need to tell you what to keep out of your feeds.
Oh, we won’t look at the color revolutions that took place because of social media. In fact, when they happened we were cheering and jumping up and down about how wonderful it was that we were able to use social media to get the word out in a moments notice. People on the streets in mass, like never before.
And when we were able to get the word out on social media about the never ending threats posed by ISIS and their (fake) beheadings, we were very confident that the viewing public would be certain that what they were seeing was true. Without a doubt.

Let’s go all the way back to the Bin Laden videos while we are at it. Or how about 9/11 CGI.  That news was so real we were able to go to war on it and kill millions of people.
I am not talking about the “news” that accused Assad of gassing his own people and the picture of the dead bodies that turned out to be “fake” news. 
No, it doesn’t apply when the government is behind the propaganda. It is just when the alt-right and alt-left do not parrot the party line, that’s when we need to determine which one of those characters are faking it till they make it.
Hillary started this ball rolling when she spoke out against Info-Wars and Brietbart.
The major networks did their stories so well that when the Donald won, they were shocked!!! So who faked those polls? Certainly not alternative media. In fact it was there that folks could get the real news.

These people are always coming up with some way to counter a movement when it is not in their favor, but will surely feel really happy about a movement that is in their favor.

The majority of folks, especially here in America, barely read any other news except what comes from mainstream. They believe the lies the MSM tells them that is blasted at them thru their televisions. If you mention to them something that was not on Television, a counter perspective or simply a different one, they look at you like you have 2 heads, they dismiss you as a kook or a conspiracy theorist.

So this is an attack on Democracy! This is censorship! This is a big fat lie, to say freedom of speech needs to be monitored and by whom may I ask. Will the government get a think tank together to determine who’s fake and who’s not? According to what criteria??
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

What’s going on? Both Internet companies claim they’re changing their advertising policy to counter misinformation, indicating they’ll monitor content to assure it. Is censorship intended instead? Will reliable information sources challenging the official narrative be targeted? Will other similar online companies operate the same way? 

Is net neutrality threatened? Is online freedom and openness at risk – content available without restrictions, limitations, or discrimination, a level playing field for everyone, the essence of democratic free expression?

pre-election article discussed covert Google support for Hillary – its searches rigged for her, a way to sway undecided voters to choose her over Trump, while suppressing negative search terms about her.

Media scoundrels, Google, Facebook, and similar online operations and powerful tools for what power brokers want disseminated, restricting or blocking content they want suppressed.

Speech, press and academic freedoms are vital elements of free societies. Without them all other rights are endangered.

We the poor sheeple, who read newspapers, watch television and get our news from social media, may be in peril when it comes to being able to determine what is really going on in our world. I guess they see how easily we can be lead astray, in fact, haven’t they done it more times than we can count.

The history of this country is over populated with propaganda to support an agenda. Let’s just start with the profusion of false flags for starters. However, what they did not expect was that outlets like Facebook and Twitter, which they thought they could manage by infiltrating them with CIA agents, has gotten off the ground running faster than the speed of light, and too fast for them to keep up with, so now we need to crack down on them more and more, because Democracy is now in peril, as if this was ever a Democracy anyway.

How many times have folks been censored or demonized because they offered an alternative perspective to what the MSM has given us? How often has policies, laws and codes been instituted based on what was given to us in the MSM? How many times did they “Wag the Dog” to make a  point and affect public sentiment? Not the so called “fake news” outlets but the so called “Real News”, the mainstream Media.

Now, social media, has become a runaway locomotive and it is not doing what they initially thought it would do. It is allowing folks to fact check, to research, to look deeper into the narrative that is being given by the MSM and now it’s a threat.
Ironically, these outlets have been censoring content since before he felt threatened by it. They have also been moving content around so that it could be viewed under circumstances that would get the most traction. People have resorted to the Blogosphere in order to get the news out due to the already entrench censorship.

So what are we looking at here?
YouTube, creating a rewards program to encourage folks to become “flaggers” of content.
Facebook dropping folks into the Facebook jail and giving police access to the ability to shut down your live stream.
And Twitter, stopping content from being in their streams.
Is he just parroting what is already taking place. Or does his words sanction it?
Forget the BS around Democracy or fake news threatening. Has fake news become the new ISIS?
I really hadn’t intended on ranting on this one, but hypocrisy really gets me hyped!!

“In an age where there’s so much active misinformation ― and it’s packaged very well, and it looks the same when you see it on a Facebook page or you turn on your television ― where some overzealousness on the part of, you know, a U.S. official is equated with constant and severe repression elsewhere, if everything seems to be the same, and no distinctions are made, then we won’t know what to protect,” Obama said.

“We won’t know what to fight for, and we can lose so much of what we’ve gained in terms of the kind of democratic freedoms and market-based economies and prosperity that we’ve come to take for granted,” he added.

Marina Fang  Associate Politics Editor, The Huffington Post

President Barack Obama on Thursday pointed to the profusion of fake news on social media as a sign that people should not take democracy for granted.
In a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Obama warned that the ease with which people can promulgate fraudulent news stories threatens basic democratic principles.
“In an age where there’s so much active misinformation ― and it’s packaged very well, and it looks the same when you see it on a Facebook page or you turn on your television ― where some overzealousness on the part of, you know, a U.S. official is equated with constant and severe repression elsewhere, if everything seems to be the same, and no distinctions are made, then we won’t know what to protect,” Obama said.
“We won’t know what to fight for, and we can lose so much of what we’ve gained in terms of the kind of democratic freedoms and market-based economies and prosperity that we’ve come to take for granted,” he added.
Facebook in particular has come under fire for not distinguishing between credible and false news sources, helping to fuel misinformation on political issues and candidates. The site’s algorithm doesn’t filter out articles from websites presenting slanted or blatantly false coverage ― instead, when users post those links, they look as if they were from reliable news outlets. The company announced on Monday that it would take steps to address the problem.
If we can’t discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda, then we have problems.President Barack Obama
In a veiled criticism of President-elect Donald Trump, Obama spoke more broadly on the state of democracies around the world, cautioning both Americans and Europeans to “not take for granted our systems of government and our way of life,” advising that “democracy is hard work.” 
He also urged a greater emphasis on facts and reason.
“If we are not serious about facts and what’s true and what’s not, and particularly in an age of social media, where so many people are getting their information in sound bites and snippets off their phones, if we can’t discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda, then we have problems,” Obama said.
“If people, whether they are conservative or liberal, left or right, are unwilling to compromise and engage in the democratic process and are taking absolutist views and demonizing opponents, then democracy will break down,” he added. “And so I think my most important advice is to understand, what are the foundations of a healthy democracy and how we have to engage in citizenship continuously, not just when something upsets us, not just when there’s an election or when an issue pops up for a few weeks. It’s hard work.”

Fake news threatens democracy, Obama says
Obama, With Angela Merkel in Berlin, Assails Spread of Fake News
Barack Obama on fake news: ‘We have problems’ if we can’t tell the difference
Facebook staff mount secret push to tackle fake news, reports say
Facebook’s failure: did fake news and polarized politics get Trump elected?
Rather than connecting people – as Facebook’s euphoric mission statement claims – the bitter polarization of the social network over the last eighteen months suggests Facebook is actually doing more to divide the world.
In the memo, staffers weighed the pros and cons of accepting an invitation to the G20, if it were extended. On one hand, the meeting just 11 days after the election would “afford you an early and efficient opportunity to evaluate the positions of leaders from other economically important countries,” they wrote.
The report is a work of fiction published by a fake-news website that calls itself Fox News the FB Page. In fact, the parody website has no connection to Fox News whatsoever.  Nor is it a Facebook Page. Nothing published on the site should be taken seriously.
The result of the popular vote is, I’m sure you know, immaterial to the result of the Presidential election – but it carries a undeniable moral weight. Equally obviously, the claim is simply untrue. Clinton will ultimately win between one and two million more votes than Trump.

Will Hillary’s body double be the next President? (fiction) by Jon Rappoport, Narrated by Nana Baakan

NB Commentary:  This article is completely fictional. It is written by Jon Rappoport at   Video Url=

Will Hillary’s body double be the next President? (fiction)

Jon Rappoport

by Jon Rappoport
October 23, 2016
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrixclick here.)
Dear Mom,
I’m trying to be exactly like Hillary. I really am. That’s my job. I hope this message gets through. The people around me are supposed to be “tight security,” but they aren’t all that attentive.
Some of them don’t like Hillary and Bill.
Anyway, can you believe I might become the next President of the United States?
When I was trying to win those little beauty contests back in Kansas, the most I was hoping for was a good-looking boyfriend. But you told me I was smart and I could shoot for something higher. It wasn’t until college that I realized I had a mind. And remember, I was always good at imitations. Well, mom, I’ve got an imitation going now!
In the house where I’m staying, Bill came to visit. I think he wanted to grope me, but I told him I wanted to stick to the script, meaning since he and Hillary have no sex life, then he and I shouldn’t have one, either. Besides, he looks very unhealthy, and I was afraid he might collapse if we…you get the picture.
I told my handlers I wanted to read all of Hillary’s speeches, but they told me it wasn’t necessary. They aren’t interested in my brain, only my ability to sound and look like Hillary. They say they’ll “take it from there.” I’m not sure what that means. Time will tell.
It’s not me at the debates. From what I hear, they have a whole team of doctors who give Hillary a protocol of drugs, supplements, and electronic zappers so she can go on stage. I saw her the other day for a minute. She looked exhausted. She doesn’t talk to me or look at me. She pretends I’m not there. I guess I would, too, if I were in her shoes. After the 9/11 memorial, outside Chelsea’s apartment, that was me. Hillary had collapsed getting into the van, and they kept her in the medical suite next to Chelsea’s. I went outside on the sidewalk with no security around me, to show I was fine and didn’t need help standing and walking. They told me to say, “It’s a beautiful day in New York,” and I did. It came out well, I thought.
So far, I’m being used in transition moments. Getting in and out of vehicles, appearing for moments in hallways and on planes. That sort of thing. I rarely speak. But I think my role is going to expand after the election. We’ll see. I’m ready. I want to be President of the United States. Even if I don’t fully understand policy, I know enough to make a plausible impression. Bill says I’m terrific.
I’ve rehearsed sentences like, “Sometimes, war is inevitable in order to win the peace,” “We must welcome all those who need a safe place to live within our borders,” “The national debt is not a pressing concern,” “This great nation must unite as one,” “I stand with working people,” “I reject the values of Wall Street,” “The whole world needs one political and economic system,” “America is kind and good.” I have to deliver these lines with a big smile.
I don’t know whether you can come to the White House after I become President, but I’m going to give it my best shot. I’d love it if you stayed in the Lincoln bedroom with Jimmy, or whoever your boyfriend is these days. I’ll make sure you get some nice clothes. I think you should put your hair back to brown. The white-blonde doesn’t look good.
Yesterday, I was arguing with the make-up and designer people about the truss and the harness around my middle and behind. They’re supposed to make me look more like Hillary. They’re heavy. I don’t like to walk with them. As usual, I lost the argument. I said, “Make them lighter.” They said they’d try. Remember when I was broke and I brought in some contraband across the border? That truss worked better. You know what, mom? I think video of me at the border that time was what alerted some of the Clinton people. They saw how much I looked like Hillary.
The other day, I had a little problem. They brought in George Soros. I was supposed to meet him and see if I could fool him. But after we started talking, I sort of lost it. There was just something about him. He was dark. Our old pastor in Wichita used to talk about that quality. Remember? Anyway, I just blurted out that he looked like a frog in a swamp. He got very angry. People came into the room and led me out. They told me if I ever did anything like that again, they’d hurt me. I was scared. But they need me. That’s my ace in the hole.
Last night, I overheard a few of the people around here talking. I don’t know who they were. Folks come and go. This group was talking about Haiti and the Clinton Foundation. They said they were trying to cover up where all the aid money really went. I was standing in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I was trying to figure out whether my nose really matched Hillary’s. There’s a little difference under my nose where it meets my upper lip. I pretended I didn’t hear them. They seemed nervous. See, I want to know about all these things, so if I have to respond in public, I’ll say the right thing. But my role is very defined at the moment. I’m trying to convince my bosses I can take on the serious stuff. I’m smart enough.
After the election, I think they’re going to need me more often. I really do. If they alternate Hillary and me enough times, people will get used to the fact that we don’t look exactly the same. People are easy to fool. A reporter will think I don’t look the same as Hillary did yesterday, but he’ll think I do look just like Hillary two days ago, because two days ago it was me. Do you get it, mom? I can do it. I’m chomping at the bit.

I’ve got some ideas of my own, too. For instance, why can’t I decide that Americans should get the first pick of good jobs, instead of immigrants? That’s pretty simple. And if I come out and say it in public, how can Hillary take it back? I know it could be dangerous, but I want to have an influence. I’m not just a dumb woman who happens to look a whole lot like Hillary. You kept telling me I was smart. I want to live up to your faith in me. I really do.
In a little while, they’re going to fit me for new shoes. My feet are too small, so they’ll insert pads in bigger shoes. I like that. I have a corn on my left pinky toe, and the pad gives me a soft place to rub against.
I’ve been thinking about terrorism lately. If we can’t screen people coming into the country from Syria, because we don’t know who they are, why should we just let them in? It doesn’t make sense. I don’t understand why Hillary and Trump are arguing about that. The answer seems so obvious. After the election, if the moment comes up, I might mention it to a reporter. I don’t want to feel like a doll. The other night, I got hold of a Bernie Sanders speech where he said 60,000 factories have closed down in America. The factories went overseas. That’s another one. All those lost jobs. Why can’t we tax the companies that left America, when they send their products back here for sale? That would help convince them to bring their factories back here where they belong. Wouldn’t it? Then the companies could hire back all the American workers they fired.
I’m seeing things more clearly now. It helps to be near the top, where the decisions are made. That’s when it gets serious. Remember when you were telling me about my nephew, Jeff, who can’t understand all the new education in his class? The Common Core? It sounded horrible, like they were trying to confuse him. Well, why can’t we get rid of that Common Core? It would be easy. I’d love to tell reporters a thing or two about it.
I wouldn’t scream and swear at people close to me, like Hillary does. I’d be nice to them. If they really want to help America, like they say they do, then maybe they have a few good ideas. I’d listen to them. I like working with other people. When I had the secretary job at WKZV, I would suggest stories to my boss. He liked a few, and he put them on the air. I felt like I was making a contribution.
Look at me now, mom. I’m right there next to Hillary. I’m in with big people. I could help.

Have you heard of a group called Public Citizen? I’ve been reading some of their reports when I’m alone in my room. I’m supposed to be listening to Hillary tapes all day, but I’m getting them played to me when I’m asleep at night, so I decided to ease off. Anyway, one of the Public Citizen reports says that a trade deal called NAFTA allowed the US to ship cheap corn to Mexico. It put 1.5 million Mexican corn farmers out of business. I suddenly thought that could explain why some of those Mexicans come up here through the border. Why can’t we get out of NAFTA or change it? Hillary would never do that. But maybe I could say something about it, in public.
See, I think I may have to take over from Hillary. She’s not in good shape. If she’s too sick to stay on as President, I’ll be next in line. I need to be prepared to say the right thing. At first, it would be a shock. I’d be saying things that are out of character for Hillary, but then people would get used to it, especially since it’s helping the country. For instance, there is already a term limit for Presidents. Why can’t we do the same for people in Congress? Obamacare isn’t working. The premiums keep getting higher, and Americans can’t choose their own doctors. We need a better plan. I think I should bring up these subjects in my press conferences. Another thing—this business about a “global economic system.” I don’t understand all the details, but why should we try to solve everyone else’s problems when we have so many of our own? Doesn’t it make more sense to focus on America? And if our democracy is so great, why do we have to use force to convince other countries to adopt it?
I’d better go now, mom, before they find out I’m in touch with you. Keep an eye on Hillary, because sometimes it’ll be me. Fix yourself up, cut back on the wine, and take your vitamins. Behave yourself. I really want you to see the White House and stay here, at least one night. If we’re lucky, I’ll be sitting in the Oval Office. Then we really won’t be in Kansas anymore.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALEDEXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails or OutsideTheRealityMachine.
3rd ‘Hillary’ ™ Double rolled out for NC rally?
Hillary has a 2nd body double –

Hillary Clinton had a multiple day absence after the 9/11 memorial collapse. She rested in her place in NY. Many people suspect a body double was used, and I suspect because so many people suspected she was a double she was let go. Now we see a different Clinton on stage at her rally in Greensboro NC. She has hazel eyes, not blue anymore in a pretty clear indication among others that it’s a third person.
She uses green screen in her videos:
Still using a body double Sept 18-
In #stillnothill video hand prints are compared in the most concrete evidence that Double-1 and Secretary Clinton are different people. 

10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook

NB Commentary:  This is a great article especially for those folks who are not sure if the friend requests is coming from a real person or some nefarious person with nefarious motives.  A while ago, I posted a video on my Facebook page about the Spring Valley School incident where the security guard threw the black female student across the room. In the video, a father from the community talked to the folks at a meeting about what he would do if someone did that to his daughter.
The video got so many hits to my surprise it was up in the thousands within hours. By the end of the day it had gotten 7000 views. Next thing you know, Facebook shut my account down and hard as I tried they did not give me a reason. I couldn’t contact anyone and ended up searching online for why Facebook would put you in the Facebook jail.
As a result of being locked out of my account for several days, I opened another account and told all my friends what happened. But as soon as I opened my new account I got a flood of friend requests. One of them was from some dude in Malaysia who claimed to be a Tantric yoga teacher. His profile was really borderline pornography. I sent him a message and asked why did he have those videos on his profile and he explained a ton of things that did not make sense to me as to what that even had to do with Tantra. Having had some knowledge about Tantric yoga, I was aware enough to follow his line of thinking to the toilet bowl. I quickly unfriended him. Several others followed, half naked women, which I found extremely interesting since it can clearly be seen in my profile pic that I am female.
I often read the comments below an article or YouTube video before I respond. Nine times out of 10, when there are several  responses to one comment, it’s an argument and sometimes it sounds like the same person under different accounts is arguing with himself. It is so obvious from the style of writing and the vitriol and cursing that goes on between the parties. It’s as if they get on there just to fill up the comment section with stupidity.
I am aware of the plants as well. Someone reported on how the “troll/agent” didn’t close their window before going to the next comment section and it was recorded. Somehow the information got transferred to someone with a keen eye and they shared the information on the internet.
It is common knowledge that the alphabet intelligence organizations have their spies and patsies so of course with the advent of social media they have to infiltrate social media as well.  Using discernment when interacting with these characters is the first line of defense.

Check out the article below and use some of these tips, they are helpful in avoiding some of these bogus accounts.

10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Have you
noticed an increase in friend requests? Have you ever wondered if any of those
are REAL people?
I have a suspicion that many people, especially those of high profile, are being
bombarded with a plethora of fake Facebook friend requests.
If you are disseminating important information that goes against the Cabal’s agenda, then flooding your 5,000 Facebook friend limit with fake accounts would prevent your information reaching REAL people who would benefit from it.
I check each and every friend request I receive. Numerous times, I have seen at least one Facebook friend listed as a “mutual friend” by such requests. In many of
these profiles, the first and most recent post is porn related. When this happens, I notify the mutual friend and will remind them to take the time to see who they are friending.
But there are other reasons why fake accounts are being created.
According to a report on Tech.Micpolice departments around the nation have taken predictive crime prevention to a new level by building fake user accounts, as well as posing as genuine people to gather information about local events. (1)
10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook
  1. Account was made recently 2015, 2016.
  2. Account has no history published for earlier years, but Facebook says they have been a member since 2009, etc.
  3. Most fake accounts have 1 image or no real profile photo of the person. Some may only have a select few photos over a long span of time. A well seasoned user would have more photos posted over a long period of time. A fake account may have 7-10 photos posted on the same day.
  4. User has very few friends in common and or friends in general.
  5. There is little to no interaction on their page with friends, no comments, likes or responses over their long time line.
  6. Profile picture seems to good to be true, that hot model added you today! They even messaged you and are interested in you!
  7. When in doubt use reverse image search. Take their image and see if it is a real person or not.
  8. When in doubt deny, deny, deny.
  9. The user doesn’t “like” any bands, books, or movies.
  10. The user doesn’t belong to any groups.
A few Facebook tips:

I am probably more judicial than most Facebook users. I won’t add anyone who I can’t see their page, nor will I add anyone who floods their wall with political
posts. If they haven’t posted in at least a month, then chances are, they’re
not active on Facebook, so I won’t add them either.
Of course, there are always exceptions to every rule but in general, these trends
seem to weed out inactive profiles and political clutter on my Facebook feed.
If you go through your friends list, you will see some profiles without a picture.
Many of these users are no longer on Facebook but are still counted against
your 5,000 friend limit.
If you click on their name and they are no longer on Facebook, then you will be
redirected back to your personal Facebook page. At that point, you can
officially “unfriend” them and free up more room to add more people.
Take the time to see who is friending you. Facebook is a numbers game to a lot of
people, but I’d rather have a small number of quality friends than a maxed out
5,000 limit of fake profiles or a plethora of people posting crap I don’t want
to see on my newsfeed.

Imagine If Armed Black Lives Matter Protesters Occupied a Federal Building

Imagine If Armed Black Lives Matter Protesters Occupied a Federal Building

NB Commentary: Yeah, tell me about it.

Here’s a question worth asking right now: What would happen if 150 armed Black Lives Matter protesters occupied a federal building?
This is exactly what an armed white militia did when they took over the headquarters at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters in Burns, Oregon.  Known in some circles as #YallQaeda, who are waging #YeHawd, they reportedly took the action to protest the government control of land in the West, and punishment of two local ranchers who refused to sell their land.  Specifically, Dwight and Steven Hammond, father and son, were convicted of arson on federal land.  A member of the group, Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada anti-government rancher Cliven Bundy, said the group is “planning on staying here for years” and told the Oregonian they are “willing to kill and be killed if necessary.” Another militia member said, “I didn’t come here to shoot, I came here to die.”
Meanwhile, also joining Bundy is Ryan Payne, an Army vet who claimed he organized militia snipers to target federal agents during the Bundy standoff in Nevada last year.
Political protest, which is free speech, is one thing, as was the original protest throughout Burns.   But when you and your boys get your guns, form a splinter group and take over a federal building, that is terrorism.  And yet, law enforcement is taking a low-key approach to the whole thing.  No national guard has been called in.  Nothing to see here.  Is this not the country that seeks to end terrorism?
And while the media are all too eager to cover a terrorism story, in this case, not so much.  Some media outlets painted the ongoing armed standoff as an innocuous event, more like a campfire gathering of guys roasting marshmallows in the woods: 
When the Black Panthers walked into a government building armed, the state of California changed the gun laws OVERNIGHT #OregonUnderAttack
What is terrorism?  The FBI defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”  J. Edgar Hoover terrorized the black community for years, so the FBI should be a dependable source.
And yet, the working definition of terrorism does not apply in actual practice.  Remember, in the U.S., whether it actually counts as terrorism depends on the skin tone and religion of those doing the terrorizing.  So, black and brown people are painted as thugs, gangbangers and terrorists, in a nation that has empathy even for white mass murderers, who are captured alive.  Charleston shooter Dylann Roof—certainly a terrorist yet not called one—was even treated to Burger King on his way to jail, hours after the white supremacist had murdered nine black people at the Emanuel AME Church.  This, in a nation that has declared walking while black an offense punishable by death, as unarmed black women, men and children are shot for no good reason, left to die in a pool of their blood.
In the case of Oregon, the double standard of color coded terrorism speaks for itself.  At least one CNN expert was honest and embraced the double standard.  Law enforcement analyst Art Rodericksaid this white militia was not being treated like Black Lives Matter protesters or Muslims because they were not looting.
“This is a very rural area,” Roderick argued. “It is out in the middle of nowhere. What are they actually doing? They’re not destroying property, they’re not looting anything.”
“The last thing we need is some type of large confrontation because that’s when stuff goes bad,” he added. “And I think in this particular instance, if we just wait them out, see what they’ve got to say, then eventually, they’re all going to go home.”
Go home?  If Black Lives Matter protesters were to take over a federal building, armed to the teeth with firepower–and they certainly would not do this—they would wind up dead, or in prison for life on terrorism charges.
And it is almost fitting that Oregon provides the backdrop for this latest case of white domestic terrorism.  Known for its violent history of oppression against Native peoples, Oregon was established as a white racist utopia.  It was the only state whose founding constitution forbade black people from living within its boundaries, which was the case until 1926.  And today, Oregon is only 2 percent black.
Meanwhile, America is no stranger to white domestic terrorists.  For African Americans, the Ku Klux Klan was our ISIS.  They were praised in the White House, and controlled state governments throughout the country, including Oregon.  We faced the lynching and firebombing, and the aerial bombing of Black Wall Street.  Even today, black people fear for their lives, as America normalizes the violence against them.  This, as angry white men–uneducated, disaffected and wanting to “make America great again”—threaten to use their guns, their only manhood, against their perceived enemies.
But white terrorists are not taken seriously, because (white) boys will be boys.
Follow David A. Love on Twitter at @davidalove