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Archive for the ‘Holywood’ Category

WHY THIS AND WHY NOW? Hollywood Offenders Are Being Outed (Videos)


Hollywood Offenders Are Being Outed

Okay, why does this feel like another distraction? Why does this feel like another bone for the so-called Truth Community to chew on? What are they hiding and why put this stuff out now?

Come on people, look at this with clear vision. Okay, I ain’t saying that I have the clearest vision in the world, but why this and why now?

Anyone who is bringing out information against anyone, and I do mean anyone, who has been performing pedophilia acts, raping women or abusing and killing children has been known for doing so for as long as they have been doing it. But nobody said anything all this time.

So my question remains, why now?



If anyone is coming forward they are certainly being supported and protected because they are exposing the big dogs, correct? Well, not really, cause Jeffrey Epstein only went to jail for a few months. Jeffrey was the ringleader conspirator for harboring young girls and carrying airplane loads of folks to his little island, how come them folks aren’t being outed? Has anyone seen that flight log?

Where are the people they have abused?

And Cosby, he goes out like a light… but back then we had tons and tons of folks defending Cosby. How come ain’t nobody defending these other folks? Why is this being allowed to happen?

Does the FBI need to finally do its job to gain the confidence of the American people after it has done a miserable job on the Las Vegas Event? Do they think that if they start “acting” like they know who these guys are and bring them to justice that, like a flip of a coin, they can augment and repair the serious damage they have done over the years and not just with Las Vegas.

Do they think that if they throw this bone at us, we will all shut up and go away?

Press For Truth is too optimistic, in my opinion. These folks are small fry, and they will throw these small folks into the fire to say the bigger dogs, who will remain unnamed, un-indicted, un-prosecuted and inconspicuous. As they remain so, they will just light the fire under other small fry, get them involved in these nefarious activities and when the time comes, burn them at the stake. They will be and have always been protected.

We can go after these pedophiles and rapists but first we must guard ourselves from these people. We must teach our children what is safe touch and what is not. We must teach them what really happens in Hollyweird and strongly encourage them to think twice before they go off to lala land. We must teach them the dangers of this behavior in closer proximity, like the home, the church, the mosque, the synagogue, the neighborhood school yard and classroom.

We must love our children enough to give them the real information they need so that they do not become cannon fodder for this perpetrators who care not about collateral damage. We must be with them as much as we possibly can, so we can watch over them. And those of us who have a problem and don’t know how to stay within boundaries in dealing with our children and the children of others, we need to go get help for our problem.

Destroying the youth of a generation, destroys the future of that generation and their progeny as well. The replication of these acts against our young people is heinous and horrific, but if we just spend time pointing fingers at the perpetrators and not look at what we are doing to create an environment where these perps can flourish we are missing a golden opportunity to change things.

Hanging one perp at a time, killing them off, banishing them, divesting them of their wealth, shaming them, etc., etc., etc. has some impact, but we really need to take it to the heart, and change how we view this world, what we allow our children and young people to do and be around, and become more responsible for their lives. It will take more than just some quality time, while driving our children to school or standing on the corner waiting for the school bus.. It will take more quality time then sitting on the bleachers at the game or in the audience at a recital.

It will take talking to them, one on one, spending weekends with them in the park, with no media, and explaining to them, having a conversation with them, about the hard cold facts of life.

We can no longer live in a bubble of fabricated trust that our teachers, preachers, politicians and entertainers, et al, are that concerned about our child’s mental and physical health, that they will guard themselves, restrain themselves and prevent themselves from harming our children. Obviously, with all that has come out, this is not the case.

All in all, i want to see the big smack down, only then will I be sure that things are really changing. Small fry roasts only serve to distract us from the real deal, and that’s the global network of child trafficking, abuse and sexual predation. When they connect the dots, and the big heads roll, then I will feel that a paradigm shift has really taken place and not just window dressing.

Press For Truth
Published on Nov 3, 2017

A former employee of George Soros has just been accused of brutally sexually assaulting three women, two of whom are former Playboy bunnies. Howard ‘Howie’ Rubin allegedly lured the woman into a Manhattan penthouse equipped with a sex dungeon as he tortured them with cow prods and raped them. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth lays out the latest details in this horrific story as well as other cases now popping up in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal.



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The Truth Seeker’s Guide: The Star Trek Conspiracy – Part One

The Star Trek Conspiracy – Part One

“Space… the final frontier!”

These four instantly recognizable words will forever be associated with the phenomenon known as Star Trek. Six shows (a total of 726 episodes) and 11 feature length movies later, the effect of this sci-fi landmark on the minds of millions cannot be underestimated. So powerful is it’s sway, that it has shaped academic careers, created new languages, influenced global policies and created a vision of the future where war,
poverty and hatred has been eliminated and all of humanity is equal.

So what happens when the suggestion is raised that not everything about this behemoth is what it appears to be? As with all things that fall into the sphere of mythical archetypes and cults of personality, questioning  intent and purpose can be akin to sticking your head inside a bees nest! Holding up mass values and perceptions to the cold light of day can (at best) trigger an instant denial reaction or (at worst) the threat of reprisals. Just take a look at the mass reaction to the ‘Faux Paul’  research in relation to The Beatles…

 A superficial look at the possible hidden aspects of Star Trek won’t get you very far. Many of the knee jerk reactions consider that the ‘proof’ can be found in relation to various religious agendas (Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry’s Baptist upbringing in relation to the TV industry in the 1960s) although (in reality) there is very little evidence to substantiate these claims. This doesn’t mean that the idea of a Star Trek ‘agenda’ is unfounded though. In order to get an idea of a possibly larger picture, one needs to play a game of ‘degrees of separation’.
Some may say that doing this only shows a bunch of coincidences, but I encourage any open minded person to look at these factors carefully before drawing conclusions.

The first place to start is with Gene Roddenberry. Was he a Freemason?! Many speculate (and even state) that he was a 33rd degree of the Scottish rite, although there appears to be no obvious evidence in this case. 
However, this doesn’t rule out a Freemasonic association entirely. It does seem interesting that the initial names of both the ship and captain have some significance. Roddenberry wanted to stick with Captain Pike (a name synonymous with Freemasonry: Albert Pike) although this link is tenuous. More interesting though is the ship itself. Roddenberry was determined, for a considerable amount of time, to name the vessel “Constitution”. Those who have looked into Freemasonic history will know that on March 17th, 1926, Major General Henry Knox lodge was constituted on the gun deck of the US Navy ship “USS Constitution”. More importantly, this was the only Lodge in the world ever to be instituted on an active ship of war. Although the starship name eventually became
“Enterprise”, the ship remained a “constitution class starship”.

Read Full Article: The Truth Seeker’s Guide: The Star Trek Conspiracy – Part One
SEE MORE: Parts Two and Part Three


For full length video click here:

The Star Trek The Original Series 2-part episode, The Menagerie, was reworked fom the show’s actual 1965 pilot epsiode named The Cage. The Menagerie was aired in November of 1966. A group of small telepathic aliens very reminiscent of the little grey aliens that dominate today’s commercial market, hold Captain Pike a prisoner. The Star trek series, of course, went on to be a huge success.
In a rare interview on the paranormal radio show Coast to Coast A.M. Art Bell interviewed Leonard Nimoy who played the alien character Spock. Leonard Nimoy told him, “When we were making the Star Trek series the first season — middle of the first season — some people came to me and they said, ‘You may not know it, but you have been chosen as a kind of a vessel to carry information to this civilization to help prepare this society for the coming of another civilization for alien arrival and your character is a character designed to educate this public  that there is nothing to fear, that it is possible to interact with other species’, and I said, ‘Ok, it’s ok with me if that’s the case.’ ”

Excerpted from: TRICKED BY THE LIGHT


Star Trek Voyager – In the Star Trek Voyager episode Coda, Captain Janeway is almost fooled by an alien into thinking she has died. The alien poses as her father, imploring her to follow him into the light. She is suspicious of his intentions and refuses.
JANEWAY: That’s the real me, isn’t it, lying on the ground on that planet, dying, and this is the hallucination. This isn’t real.
ALIEN: More denial. You’re only making it harder on yourself.
JANEWAY: You’re trying very hard to convince me to come with you. Why is that? If what you’re saying is true, why not let me come to the decision on my own?
ALIEN: I’m trying to spare you unnecessary pain.
JANEWAY: My father would never act like this. He always believed I had to learn my own lessons, make my own mistakes. He never tried to shield me from life. Why would he try to shield me from death? You’re not my father. I could be imagining you, but I don’t think so. You have such a specific agenda. You’re determined that I go with you somewhere. Who are you?
ALIEN: I’m trying to help you. Stop fighting me.
JANEWAY: Are you an alien being of some kind? Is that it?
[Planet Surface]
CHAKOTAY: Her eyes are open.
EMH: Vital signs are responding. Blood pressure is sixty over thirty.
TUVOK: But the entity is still inhabiting her cerebral cortex, impeding your treatment.
CHAKOTAY: Kathryn, hang on. We’re bringing you back. Just fight a little longer.
EMH: Direct synaptic stimulation might drive out the alien presence.
[Mess hall]
JANEWAY: I was right. I heard Tuvok and Chakotay and the Doctor. You’re an alien. You’ve created all these hallucinations, haven’t you?
ALIEN: This is what my species does. At the moment just before death one of us comes down to help you understand what’s happening, to make the crossing over an occasion of joy.
JANEWAY: And what is that?
ALIEN: Our Matrix, where your consciousness will live. I was being truthful when I said it was a place of wonder. It can be whatever you want it to be.
JANEWAY: Then why didn’t you tell me this from the beginning? Why pretend to be my father.
ALIEN: Usually people are comforted to see their loved ones. It makes the crossing over a much less fearful occasion. I’ve done this many times, but I’ve never encountered someone so resistant.
[Planet Surface]
EMH: Something’s happened. The alien presence is getting stronger again.
CHAKOTAY: Fight it, Kathryn, just a little longer.
EMH: I’ll have to try a thoron pulse.
[Mess hall]
JANEWAY: My people are telling me to fight. They’re trying to save me.
ALIEN: They’re trying out of desperation. It’s hopeless.
JANEWAY: You’re the one who sounds desperate. I don’t get the feeling you’re trying to make me comfortable. You’re only interested in my agreeing to come with you.
ALIEN: Because it’s inevitable.
JANEWAY: And you don’t strike me as any type of Good Samaritan. You’re more like a vulture, preying on people at the moment of their death when they’re at their most vulnerable.
ALIEN: I’ve waited for you. I’ve been patient.
JANEWAY: But your patience is wearing thin. What’s the real reason you want me in that Matrix? Somehow I don’t think it has anything to do with everlasting joy.
ALIEN: You must go with me.
JANEWAY: If you could force me to go, you’d have done it already. You need me to agree, don’t you? I have to go voluntarily.
ALIEN: Wouldn’t that be better than standing here in this endless debate?
JANEWAY: Let me tell you this. We can stand here for all eternity and I will never choose to go with you.
ALIEN: You’re in a dangerous profession, Captain. You face death everyday. There’ll be another time and I’ll be waiting. Eventually you’ll come into my Matrix and you will nourish me for a long, long, time.
JANEWAY: Go back to hell, coward.
Afterwards, Captain Janeway discusses the encounter with one of her crew.
CHAKOTAY: I can understand that. I can’t help thinking about it. That alien, his Matrix, he was like the spider that has to lure a fly into his web.
JANEWAY: Do you think it’s possible that each of the near death experiences we’ve heard about are the result of an alien inhabitation?