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Archive for the ‘beheadings’ Category

4 Chicago Thugs Torture Disabled Young Man on Facebook Live Stream (Video)

There is no excuse for violence against another for any reason, and should not be condoned by anyone. this whole 4 thugs torture a poor defenseless mentally challenged child” narrative is skewed. I read a lot of comments under the videos presented and news stories written about this event. It seems that folks can hardly wait to spew venom at the supposed perpetrators of a crime against someone they deem innocent, harmless and defenseless.
And then I remember. The innocents who were kidnapped, tortured, beaten,
starved and stuffed in the hulls of ships during the North Atlantic Slave trade. I remember the many who died and who still cry in the slave Castles of Elmina. I remember standing there and feeling the walls close in on me as their cries ripped my ears apart. I remember not being able to even read the entire book “Black cargoes.”
I remember Antoine Sterling, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland and many others who simply wanted to be able to be treated like human beings.
I remember the Palestinians, who face torture and trepidation every day as they watch home after home, community after community bulldozed to the ground and their guts squeeze in a vice grip, like a traffic jam.

I remember homeless veterans who fought for a cause not their own, but for a false system with the false belief that it is the protectorate of the world and the way to keep it safe from tyrannical leaders, is to drone democracy down its throat.

I remember the many traumatic false flags perpetrated by a thuggish system that only cares about the financial advantage of its escapades and not the hurt, trauma, guilt and deceit perpetrated on the masses who view this thuggishness.
I remember the many lost children, lost forever and barely recorded by the alphabet agencies, who thru their own complicity, cover up the many scandalous crimes perpetrated against the most vulnerable of our world, our children.
I remember how the churches, mosques and synagogues are filled with hate, deceit, anger, distrust, incest, rape and adultery, while their walls are painted in diamonds and gold.
I remember the buried bodies of aborted fetuses, silenced in the night by the desperation of ill-informed and frightened women, who see their bodies as property for someone else to use and discard of as they see fit.
I see, lost children, stuck in their devices, screaming and fainting when they don’t

get what they feel they deserve no matter how outlandish it may seem to their adult counterparts.

I remember men in dark cloaks, in dark rooms in the middle of the night, who plot and plan the annihilation of millions of people from the face of the planet by any means necessary.
I remember the destruction that is blasted through the media in movie after movie, video game after  video game where oversized imaginations struggle to believe it ain’t real, when, all the credits say is, “no animal was hurt in this film.”
I remember the cognitive dissonance.
And then I remember the litany all over again, the pain, hurt, distress, agony, abuse, etc. that one human being can impose on another, but then, somehow, it has to do with race or nothing at all to do with race, or maybe a little bit to do with race, or maybe it’s just ugly people doing ugly things.
And then I remember how fascinated we as humans become, to watch and engage in the total destruction of another human.

Maybe some of it is poor judgment, some of it nervousness, some of it voyeurism and some of it just incredulous, but all of it is us.
Every last one of us. All of it is in us.
And each of us, have the potential to be mean, cruel and despicable as the person we happen to be recently pointing our fingers at.
Cause I remember those cries for blood for the murderer. The lust and pleasure and joy in the eye when the verdict came down, “Execution” and the crowds that gather around to “watch” the “murdering thug” take his last breath. I remember the pleas for clemency from that murdering thug both behind bars and free .

I remember how quickly we are able to commit acts of violence, spanning a wide spectrum, against another human being and blame them for just being there, in the way.

So, yeah, those 4 young people, who lost their minds, lost their sensibilities, lost their empathy for another helpless defenseless one, were being insensitive thugs, they were committing a crime, and Facebook was complicit in this criminal act for allowing it to be aired and participating in the agenda of divide and conquer.
And yes, there is justice, and yes, there is truth, but in this reality, were we are all complicit, were we are all capable, so. Let us all remember, but for the Grace of God, go I.
Four Chicago Suspects Charged With Hate Crime After Broadcasting Torture of Special Needs Teen on Facebook Live