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Archive for the ‘crisis actors’ Category

Was the Steve Stephens Event Preparing Us For Something Bigger? (VIDEOS)

Greetings, Peace & Blessings to you, Your family and loved ones.
YouTube is doing its level best to shut me adsense revenues down to a bare minimum by demonetizing my videos one by one. I probably speak on controversial subjects a bit too much for their blood, but I will continue to move forward as I feel Divinely Guided to share my thoughts and views and research with the folks who subscribe to my channel and who visit my channel. I know that I am divinely guided by the Ancestors and Guardians and my Own Inner Light and Voice because of the impact that my little channel has.  I am not a victim. I am victorious and YouTube don’t know who they messin’ with! I’m just saying.

Now for the topic of this video. 
Was the Steve Stephens Event Preparing Us For Something Bigger?
There has been a lot of speculation about the Steve Stephens event. Supposedly his family came together to host an open funeral for him this past Saturday, just in case folks thought it was a hoax and he was really NOT dead. Any of you folks out there went to the funeral? How many of you went to the old man’s funeral?
One of the things about False Flags is that they have tale-tail signs written all over them. Some of them are so incredulous it makes you wonder why anyone would believe them. Some of them repeat the same staging with:
Media reporting over the top:
Horrendous details but no real camera footage:
Murder weapons used change shape, size and details:
If there is video, obvious editing and or obscure rendering to cause even more speculation about how real is real.
Witnesses corroborate stories on one hand then contradict on the others:
Family members of victims are immediately interviewed to keep the narrative fresh in the minds of the public.
Family members of victims show little or no real emotion or grief:
Family members who wear glasses have been exposed for reading a script as it can be seen in the lens of their glasses or as in one case I observed, she actually had the paper in her hand and while looking down at it, exposed it.
Family members are quick to forgive, which I find quite interesting because if you take the time to read the comments under the stories surrounding these events, well, the commenters for the most part are calling for blood, string him up, put him under the jail, etc.
Reports interviewing victims and witnesses in front of a green screen.
Witnesses appear out of nowhere in some instances with a full account of what happened even before the Media/authorities have investigated it.
It’s all over social media, and the MSM is using social media as their source of verifiable info. Catch them making up stuff and they quickly move on to another story, rarely retracting the blunder in their reporting.
Witness and even some family members of the victims become celebrities and/or start non-profits or lawsuits. Interesting.
FBI knew of the so called “terrorist” long before the act took place.
Family members and supporters show up within hours with pics, posters, etc. of the victim, some in pristine condition as if they were made by a professional who works on weekends and after hours.
And last but not least of course, the perpetrator gets to die, kill himself or in rare cases, gets to have a trial which in most cases is a closed trial, away from public scrutiny.
 So Dylann Storm Roof gets a trial while Steve Stephens gets to kill himself. But they both paid a visit to a fast food restaurant.
Dylann was taken to Burger King.. by his captors no less, and Steve, well he just road up to the McDonald’s a 1.5hrs drive from Cleveland and ordered a 6 pack of chicken nuggets, no wait, that dude is too big for a six pack, change that to 20 pack nuggets folks, make it more believable.
And let me just add right here for those who really like to look deeper and deeper into these events “The Notion of Snuff Films” and the even more sinister notion of waging bets on them. You can check out Abel Danger’s perspective on “Serco” and the “Snuff Films” angle. In a word, people don’t have to “actually” die, but the films rake in enough revenue for the betters, so who cares?
So we move to the theme of Crisis Actors. Personally, I really think they need to get better actors, cause for sure, dude was horrid in his performance, absolutely horrid! I think his acting is what made this story unbelievable on so many levels more than anything else.
Under this video “WHAT ARE CRISIS ACTORS? WAS STEVE STEPHEN A CRISIS ACTOR?” posted by Wise Minds ( Someone commented and I quote this comment..
“We assume 1000’s of people lost their lives because we were told so. If there where no planes and it was all staged controlled demolition then the death toll was probably very low like incidentals they could not account for. Homeless persons as an example. There is good evidence that suggests those buildings where largely hollow that explains the lack of debris. It is also a common practice to remove everything out of buildings before implosion as the stuff in the building can cause the building to come down in a  undesirable fashion. Like internal non support walls.
If you follow these so called events where we never see the money shot they always turn the camera or give us the colored bars or the video is so grainy and terrible you can’t make heads or tales of anything. Everything happens just out of sight of the camera. This makes the viewers mind fill in the blanks. Killing real people is a messy affair that could cause real world consequences. These assholes also believe in karma and I guess I have witnessed it myself. They fake it for a number of reasons but I think karma is the big reason it always comes back to bite you in the ass. Easier to fake it. When and if ever caught they can say it’s not our fault you are an idiot that fell for a hoax.”
My Response to this comment is this:
Wow, that’s some interesting concepts on the controlled demolition theory. It needs to be investigated further.
Was there any large amounts of office junk moved out?
Did moving trucks come back and forth in the preceding days. Were businesses in the buildings moved out, I heard some relocated, but enough to minimize the obstruction to the demolition?
However, if no to these questions, or only a minimal displacement then we must look to another theory.
Dustification. Weapons that can turn anything to dust. Judy Wood discusses this and your one statement about removing stuff makes so much sense and truly gives her theory legs.
I think it’s all of the above. They wanted to take building 7 down the same way, but for some reason the invisible plane did not hit that building.  But all were wired for demolition and building seven should not have come down at all. It was the newest and most fortified building which Mayor Juliani had a protective fortified bunker at the top. Why did that building disintegrate?
Not sure if they believe in Karma, that’s another hoax they got folks to believe in. They feel protected as long as they do what the overlords tell them. They have been duped as well.
Now there is blow back, what goes around comes around, though. And so, even if they are pranking the people they will and are susceptible to being pranked.
These people live in fear of discovery which is why they spend so much time covering their tracks.
I am convinced this was staged, and in more than one shot. The video of the shooting was not live streamed but later edited. If he was on the run, when and where did he find the time to edit the video?
But all in all the masses are being played, but so are the players. There are even more sinister forces behind it all. The idea is to keep every one in their fear chakra so they are more easily manipulated.
In another comment under the same video:
“I wish we knew what really happened. I keep wondering what really went on in the streets of Cleveland when the Police told everyone to stay inside. It just feels like this is all preparation for something.”
My Response to this comment is this:

People say it’s martial law, but that is already here, it’s been a long time since the police we called civil servants. These events give the cities, towns and states more reason to intensify law enforcement with militarized armored vehicles, munitions and gear. They no longer are trained to see people as someone to protect and serve, but as enemy combatants or civilians, these are military terms they been using for years. It’s intensifying and becoming more common, but this country been under martial law since Lincoln was president.
The idea of government, is the idea of God. What I mean is Government=God to many people. They worship the Flag of their government and expect their government to protect them from threats foreign and domestic. With this in mind they control the perception of the masses of what the government is bequeathed by a higher authority to do in their rolls of governing over the people. It always comes back to this.
Governments rule by creating reasons to fear the lack of their protection, thereby they are legitimate in doing all the things they do that curtail and in some case rescind  human rights and privacy. Governments can do to you what others cannot do to you and make you pay for it by issuing a tax levy.
Governments create situations that make you cry out for more government control and power over your life. The ultimate goal of government is to totally disavow any sovereignty that the individual would or could have and give it all to them and then charge you for it. People happily go along with it because Government has created this illusion and has given you a document and/or thousands of unread ones, to prove how much power they have over you and your life.
“Humanity is hard wired to believe in other than self, outside of self, power not contained in self, so the scriptures (propaganda-sorry to say) indoctrinates folks to believe in a power outside of them. It made the Romans rich, it made the Catholic Church rich, and today, it makes the so-called powers that be rich elites who continue to dupe the masses.
Whatever character they need to use to demonize (Bin Laden) or glorify (celebrities) we have the same story going on, the story of good and evil, savior and saved, lost and found. So for real, it does not matter if Jesus is real or contrived… what matters is the power this Archetype has had in taking away the “PERSONAL POWER” of humanity, or anyone who believes in him. It enslaves humanity and ties a yoke of perceived and fabricated freedom predicated on what… SOMEBODY ELSE DID FOR YOU!
It props up governments worldwide, who take care of their citizens, instead of societies where citizens take care of themselves. It’s the age old plan of keeping the slaves in check through the use of false hope in that which is outside, thus losing connection to the true divine self that lies within. It creates martyrs, pacifist, abusers and dictators. When humanity finally wakes up from its slumber, hypnosis and amnesia, there will be a whole lot of shaking going on that will reverberate throughout the entire Universe.”

Manhunt for Steve Stephens Ends In His Suicide In Erie, PA (Videos)

Okay folks, I have been dealing with my own distraction in trying to make some sense out of why Trump would bomb Syria and wag the dog at North Korea. And then, right on Easter Sunday, while everyone is praising the Lord for rising from the dead, which I always ask, where did he go, this guy decides to kill a few people. But we only have a real account of one person so where are the other 13 bodies? Hmmmm, interesting number there, #13.

Then it’s the whole thing about the manhunt.
Of course they knew where he was, how in the world of mass surveillance can they not find this guy? They know where me and you are, right?

So now dude is dead. Kilt himself. Now why did he go and do that? Gambling problem lead him to a suicide mission of killing some old man walking down the street collecting tin cans? Hmmm.

Now, I have been asked to do a reading on it, and I may or may not, cause this so-called “Threat of Nuclear War” looming over us and no place for my grandchildren to hide in the bunkers with the fat cats, I ain’t too sure if I will get to  it, and besides by the time I do, we will be looking at some other crazy shit happening in this world.

But after watching the video of him talking about what he has done, he sure was pretty calm. I mean, he said he killed 13 people and was about to kill some more?
Where are the bodies of the other 13 people?
Where are the families? Well we do have the Godwin family but how about the other 12?
Why was that dude so calm? He looked rather self contained to have just murdered 13 people. In fact he didn’t even look like he “snapped” at all but more like he was reading a script.

Built in anger? Then how did he cover that up for 37 years?
If I am not mistaken, wasn’t there another manhunt in Erie or there abouts when that dude went ballistic and killed a State Policeman while back?
What’s with the woods of that part of the world?
But back to the video, he is driving and on the phone and recording himself and telling whomever he is talking to that he loves them and by the way, here’s my facebook profile name. Huh?


Then he goes back to recording and tells everyone who watches the video his telephone number? He wanted people to call him while he was killing more people? Now that don’t make sense.

Why would you call him? Did the police do their job and call him? Why would he, a serial killer, give out his phone number?
If he wanted to be tracked down, well, don’t he know there are many, many ways these folks can track you, dang, they probably got a tracker in that car. Which I don’t know how he could drive like that, talk on the phone and record. And did anyone notice he did not have on a seat belt?? Straight up violation. He should have been pulled over just for that.

I checked out a few articles, some saying this others saying that, but for sure, when it gets blasted all over the news, there is an ulterior motive. One we can ascertain and one we may never figure out.
With Trump being against a gun ban, and Obama trying with all his tears to get

one, I wonder if these killings are going to start that up again. The war against guns, meanwhile, folks is bombing up folks all over the place and buying guns like gangbusters on the black market, but I digress. But I do want to mention the guns and ammunition sales that were transacted between the US and the Rebels, but yeah, they don’t like their government and so they got good reason for the US to support them with guns, ammunition and a little gas from time to time.  Seems like they should do the same for the anarchist and patriots here in the US who feel the same way, instead of taking their guns away from them, but boy was that a digression.

Anyways, I believe it’s a distraction/false flag diversion, it doesn’t mean no one is hurt or killed, but it does serve a purpose.

Some folks were thinking that since Trump has been in office that the false flags and mass shooting had subsided. They want to claim that the gun grab agenda of Obama has gone put the window, however people fail to realize that these false flags are NOT just for us, but for the President as well.

They have sleeper cells all over the place. All they have to do is give them the right signal and the person goes into action. It let’s everyone know they can turn the madness on or turn it off. And if he had a gambling problem, he may have gotten an offer to be a “crisis” actor and get paid handsomely for participating in this shooting. Some feel it’s a hoax and I really don’t know but for sure.. it’s a big distraction from the saber rattling of North Korea, China, Russia, NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Association) and the US. While people are running into their basements, manhunting down the whole country, locking down schools in Philadelphia, the UN will be quietly passing resolutions against Syria cause you know, they still are saying that Assad gassed his people and you do know, they will not release the Intel on it, and you do know the Intel they did release is bogus. But hey, it’s Easter Sunday and the show must go on.

Well, it was Easter Sunday and the show did go on, and folks woke up to horror and were given another dose of social engineering.
Hmmm, I wonder if they really woke up.. or if they just took their dose while in a deep sleep.

Some folks were thinking that since Trump has been in office that the false flags and mass shooting had subsided. They want to claim that the gun grab agenda of Obama has gone put the window, however people fail to realize that these false flags are NOT just for us, but for the President as well.
They have sleeper cells all over the place. All they have to do is give them the right signal and the person goes into action. It let’s everyone know they can turn the madness on or turn it off.

PS did anyone notice how this guy looks like Christopher Dorner, LL Cool J?

And did anyone notice the whole “monster” label?
And did anyone think just for a moment, that here we have more fodder to label Black Men as dangerous monsters? Like that Blakc man who went ballistic and went all the way to the school and killed his wife in front of her students?
Hmmm, nice narrative for all the Trump Supporters who just happened to get galvanized by his racist vitriol.
The plot thickens and folks really need to see how manipulated they are being.
Of course they know where he is, how in the world of mass surveillance can they not find this guy? They know where me and you are, right?
Since folks want to say false flag hoax, etc. They will let it go and end dramatically with bombing the shit out of that guy, or in his case, this lone shooter just kills himself, and that’s the end. No one will ever know what the hell happened and his girlfriend ain’t talking.

I believe it’s a distraction/false flag diversion, it doesn’t mean no one is hurt or killed, but it does serve a purpose.


Manhunt for Steve Stephens Ends In His Suicide In Erie, PA
Here’s What’s True and False About Man Accused of Posting Murder of Robert Godwin, Sr on Facebook
Man Accused of Murdering Robert Godwin Sr. Said He ‘Just Snapped,’ Joy Lane Speaks Out 

Why the Towers Fell: The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time (Videos)

NB Commentary: In this video I want to share my thoughts on the subject of a UFO being sighted during the destruction of the Twin Towers. The video in question is called  “UFO Sighting at Twin Towers 9/11 WTCAttacks – FindingUFO” It was produced by NewsNeverSeenOnTV and uploaded by  a YouTube Channel called “FindingUFO”. 

I responded to a comment that was posted under this video and I will read the comment and then I will read my response to the comment. Make sure you check out that video so you can follow the comment and my response to it.
The Title of my video is

Why the Towers Fell: The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time”.

“There were no places. Al the images of planes crashing into the towers were ONLY on media coverage. Again controlled. The actual buildings were destroyed by something else. Look for 9/11 ball on you tube. I believe the destruction of the towers was planned by a a group of human and extraterrestrial beings to bring around change that will pave the way for a bigger project.”

If you think like a military strategist or even a chess player… I don’t play chess but I heard about it. You always have contingency plans in the works. First there is the hatching of the plan and along the way it is tweak but the original goal is set in motion long before the final “dustification” takes place.
Then there is the strategy of putting all elements in place on a need to know basis. The right hand does not always know what the left hand is doing. And then among the participants is a host of misinformation and disinformation to keep things interesting and keep them battling among themselves.
The other contingency is to have several options or ways to get to the goal, if it’s total dominion over the entire world, well, that’s a big plot and will have embedded in it many tiny plots.

Then there are the false flags leading up to the big bang.. or the perceived big bang because power never concedes until it consumes itself so as long as there are powerful people in powerful place in government, they will continue, in their think tanks to hatch more and more plans to gain more and more power, until the Think Tank explodes in on itself.

Unfortunately, since human nature has been hardwired to destroy itself, another crop of corruptibles will emerge and thus the cycle will continue. But I digress.
The game plan(s) are put in place. A serious of strategic moves are made, some in sequence some not, The idea is to keep the level of confusion controllable but not easily assessed or revealed. Next step is through a few conspiracy theorists, controlled opposition and at the bottom of the pile a few folks who are whacky enough to figure it all out and who will most likely to be called Chicken Little because the real plot is so preposterous it could never be believed to be a reality.
Once this is all set up, they still must maintain and control the narrative. And what is that, Order Out of Chaos.
In this modern age, they have technology that can create anything we “think” we see as have been proven over and over again. More than likely, the technology at the disposal of the masses is decades behind what the Military Industrial complex has, so, like pawns in this game of chess, the shadow government, hidden hand, nefarious overlords or whatever you wish to call them can manipulate what we see, hear and even think.
And then, the event happens. A series of events lead up to it, to test the masses.

It’s a grand experiment, and like strategic scientists they have to have the double bind. The real deal and the placebo. The effects of the placebo are more telling than the real thing. If people can be fooled by propaganda, disinformation and misinformation, than the real thing can easily be covered by many false flags instead of the real thing till the masses are so apprehensive, that when the “real thing” happens some believe it and others don’t. More than likely most will believe, and because they have been primed, they will follow the dictates of the so called “CareTaker Government” give up all their freedoms for protection, etc., etc., etc.

Now, we must remember that this plan has to take thousands upon thousands of years before it can be fully realized. Therefore, various nefarious backroom deals and secret societies must be implemented in order to keep the chaos going among the members as well as the leaking of the information from various sources to keep the masses confused and chaotic as well.

The Master of this Plot is a genius when it comes to understanding human nature and how it responds to certain situations. It knows that it can set things in motion, like a spinning top and it will spin endlessly on its own steam because it has been hardwired to do so.

Not one single solitary human is averse to falling into the trap of lusting for power, influence and impact on his world around him. The Masters know this. Why do they know this? Because they created us that way.
We are living in a human zoo, a prison planet with bars on our minds, bodies and spirits that we cannot see. This is the nature of the Grand Conspiracy. All the Chess pieces are in place and operable. Anyone who determines the grand scheme is ignored, demonized, compromised or discarded as they are inhibitors and a threat to the status quo. Even the corruptibles are disposable as they are still players/pawns as well. None of them, no matter how much they pledge allegiance, will get to be a Master. They are given empty titles of grandeur, wealth, status and are sometimes feared but they never, never will become a MASTER. That is not part of the plan. So leaders, political figures, religious Evangelists, corporate moguls, scientists, educators and even those who have been authorized to sit in the Think Tanks and strategize, all have to be approved by a higher Power, the MASTER, the OVERLORD of this reality.
Finally, if there is a finality to this agenda, there is a major catastrophe or reset and it starts all over again. This may sound pessimistic but it is the nature of this 3d reality Earth Prison Planet we live in. Understanding that we live on a Prison Planet is the first step towards awakening to what is happening around us.


“UFO Sighting at Twin Towers 9/11 WTC Attacks – FindingUFO”
Bombs, Bush and booby traps: Bizarre conspiracy theories around the 9/11 attacks
More than 1,100 have cancer after 9/11 By CNN Staff  Updated 11:00 AM ET, Wed September 11, 2013
9/11 conspiracy theories – the unexplained questions!
Conspiracy theorists believe this video is proof the Twin Towers were brought down by a controlled explosion on 9/11
The Star Wars Beam Weapons and Star Wars Directed-Energy Weapons (DEW)
Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror’
Feeding Time at the Human Zoo: Why We Never Get Invited to Extraterrestrial Parties
We’re the puppets, the strings are in their hands –
UFOs and Aliens in the News

Manufactured Terrorism The Orlando Santa Monica Connection ! | We Are Change

NB Commentary: To date, I have read several articles and watch a plethora of YouTube videos on this subject and I have found this event to be very, very curious. There are so many distortions in the official story along with several distortions in the so-called alternative media and so called conspiracy theorists. But I must conclude 2 things.
1. These events have become text book occurrences with all the usual suspects
These events are having a counter effect, so instead of scaring folks to death it, they are actually making people roll over like a sleeping giant, and take a yawn.  Some folks are actually waking up and that’s a good thing.
Ironically, if too many dots are connected, the whole 911 charade and all that followed will come tumbling down and even the most ardent, patriotic supporters for the “official story” will begin to question the “official media narrative.” Folks won’t be so afraid to question or even be called a conspiracy theorist.
So Where are the Orlando bodies???
2. One thing that is certainly very apparent, the internet is turning over rocks in these events like never before. With everything being listed there is some form or another, with a little investigation and open source sharing, information gathering has become a lot less complicated and difficult. And on a good day, the information falls right into the investigative reporter’s lap. This makes the owners of these scripted events look highly suspicious. They are almost laughable because a Hollyweird script would be more imaginative than the same old drama these events create over and over again.
I strongly encourage folks to read this article in its entirety. It is very well written, very comprehensive along with revealing some deeply hidden characters and motives.
After the overwhelming avalanche of information flow around Prince Rogers Nelson and Muhammad Ali, I really wanted to steer clear of this most recent act of social engineering. But, I guess, I must be an investigative journalist in my own right, and so here I am sharing this story, that I again, encourage you all to read in its entirety.
I have already said my piece about US massacres in my other blog post. “Was Orlando Shooting a False Flag?”

Manufactured Terrorism The Orlando Santa Monica Connection !
 by Danny F. Quest | Jun 15, 2016
Howell Says CIA and Four Other Suspects were Involved in Planned Sunday Massacres
Sources within the Santa Monica police department claim that James Wesley Howell, an Indiana man who was caught with explosives and weapons on Sunday Morning, told the Santa Monica police that as many as five people were involved in planned attacks on gay communities in both Florida and California.
According to the LA Times, Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks initially said on Twitter that the 20-year-old Indiana man (James Howell) told one of her officers after he was arrested that he wanted “to harm the Gay Pride event.”
However, after the FBI quickly took over the case, a Santa Monica police spokesman Saul Rodriguez indicated that Seabrooks was mistaken and offered that the Santa Monica detectives who were working the case are “not aware of what the suspect’s intentions were at this point.”
You want proof? Call the Santa Monica PD, they released this story. SMH
Address: 333 Olympic Dr, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Phone:(310) 395-9931
Please share this vigorously and help me fight this false flag event.
The official version of this story released by the LA Times falsely claims that on early Sunday, Santa Monica police received a call about a suspected prowler who was knocking on a resident’s door and window about 5 a.m. in the 1700 block of 11th Street, Santa Monica police said.
Patrol officers responded and encountered Howell, who was sitting in a car registered in Indiana, police said. Officers inspected the car and found three assault rifles, high-capacity ammunition and a 5-gallon bucket containing “chemicals capable of forming an improvised explosive device,” police said.
A law enforcement source who spoke on condition of anonymity said the contents of the bucket included Tannerite, an ingredient that could be used to create pipe bombs.
The source, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the ongoing investigation, said authorities also found camouflage clothing in the car.
Los Angeles County sheriff’s officials said the suspect told police he was going to the Pride parade to look for a friend. Authorities were looking for that individual.
Place jacwueline Seabrooks tweet here
Do police chiefs make these kind of errors everyday?
The real truth of the story was released to a former Los Angeles County prosecutor who works for Get Off the BS by two Santa Monica police officers that have been issued gag orders under threat of Federal prosecution for talking further talking about the incident.
According to two department sources, Howell called the Santa Monica police on Sunday morning claiming that he needed protection from the CIA. Howell further elaborated to the dispatcher stating that he “had been set up by the CIA – they are going to kill me.”
According to Howell, he was in LA to meet with another person in a collaborated attack on the gay communities in both Florida and Los Angeles.
Howell additionally stated that, “everything has gone south. Dan was gone when I got here. They killed the leader of the Florida attack this morning. They are going to kill me. I need protection.”
According to sources within the police department’s investigation Howell indicated to officers who first made contact with him that Howell claimed he was one of five people involved in a planned Sunday attack on both the east and west coasts.
Howell stated that he was suppose to “hook up” late Saturday night with his contact in LA who was suppose to have more weapons and chemicals to mix with the Tannerite he was in possession of.
“When I got here, Dan was gone. I went to his apartment and he had cleared out….I tried calling him but he never answered me,” said Howell.
When questioned about the other four people involved in the plot, Howell was only familiar with the first names of three of the alleged suspects, naming his contact in LA – Dan and two of the three contacts in Florida, Omarand Brandy
Speaking of the suspect killed in the Pulse Bar massacre in Florida, Howell stated, “Omar was not suppose to be killed. They lied to us – Omar and Brandy were suppose to get away.”
When Howell was questioned about how he and his conspirators knew each other, he said that,
“We were all familiar with each other through an online fundamental Islamic knowledge seminary course[1] – we were recruited through the course and trained together at a camp in Virginia – we were taught how to shoot and make bombs – everyone knew their part – something went wrong….”
Before the officers could further question Howell, agents working for the Los Angeles office of the FBI quickly swept in and took over the case. Santa Monica detectives were never allowed to talk with Howell.
In summary, it appears that Howell was on his way to “hook up” with another conspirator (Dan) to set off explosives and shoot people at the gay pride parade in Hollywood California on Sunday.
Finding his contact missing when he got to LA and having heard that Omar Matteen had been killed by a FBI SWAT teem in Orlando, Howell determined he had been double crossed by the CIA and feared for his own life
Howell was taken in to custody by the FBI before Santa Monica police officers could further question him about the motives behind killing gay people on both coasts of the US on Sunday.
However, in absence of further information and or anyone who will officially go on the record, there is no doubt that the America public is not being told the truth about the Orlando Florida shooting and the arrest of Howell on Sunday.
It is a shame that the Fed’s got to the Santa Monica police chief on Sunday before she was silenced, however we are very thankful that at least two officers have risked their jobs and freedom to reveal what she would of most likely Tweeted had the Fed’s not got to her.
Would you like to make odds that it was just a “coincidence” as the mainstream media reports, that Howell armed to the teeth with assault rifles and explosives, was on his way to a gay pride parade the same day as the massacre in Florida?
This Post made with Assistance of  Truthcatradio #truthcat #truthcats #truthcatradio
Follow CIA/NSA contractor and wistleblower Steven D Kelley
Shortly after the posting of this story, Main-Stream USA News shed light on the Online Islamic Fundamental course Howell spoke of.
Omar Mateen Did Not Act Alone!

BACKFIRE: Guns Fly Off Shelves After Orlando Shooting Amid Calls for Gun Control
Governments are the world’s biggest mass murderers by millions. Including China, Russia, Chile, Germany, Cuba, Ukraine, and yes, the U.S. —
It’s just odd that he happened to be a mouthpiece for big oil in a documentary during the disaster here…and I say here because I’m in the Gulf and I know the truth about what happened here.