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Archive for the ‘campaign’ Category

Obamagate: Barack Obama Is Going to Federal Prison? (Videos)

NB Commentary: Okay Folks, Here’s the deal. And it ain’t no shocker. People want to harp on this wikileaks speculation that will expose Obama for the criminal he is.  And for sure he has been caught in so many lies it ain’t funny but…

First of all, Obama is just a puppet, just like all the other presidents before and after. He should NOT be the only one going to jail, if, if, if, if, that ever should happen. Everyone connected to him and any and everyone in his administration should be in the hot seat.
Signaling him out is disingenuous and missing the very big elephant in the room, the government! Although I would give him a serious rub for throwing his wife and her family under the bus by calling her Michael, but that’s another story. You can check out my video called..
If you remember what Hillary said, if she goes down, she’s taking the entire ship with her.
The DC rat hole has dirt on all the rats.

Obama came out after folks wanted to try Bush for war crimes and said, “Let’s look forward, not backwards.” These folks are all criminals and they protect each other. If anything Bush should have been in jail for that big lie he told about WMD’s in Iraq! This resulted in the invasion of Iraq, millions of Iraqi deaths, depleted uranium dropped on innocents who are now suffering from birth defects, and not to mention the many service men and women who have been exposed to this senseless war without end, and coming home with PTSD. If he could get off, then what?

And let’s not even talk about Hillary’s crimes and she never even became President. Ain’t no president of the United States going to jail. Period!

 And if it should happen that only Obama goes down then I will have to call it what it is, discrimination against one man who was only following orders. Now how fair is that?
These rats are gonna run for cover. They know too much about each other and if the real deep troth of pedophilia is not addressed this is just another bulls hit smoke screen to pacify the masses.

People are talking about how the Trump Tower was wired tapped. They really cannot even investigate that because it would expose how everybody is spying on everybody. Does anyone remember the Bernie Sanders debacle? People have short memories. What about Co-intel Pro, any takers on that one? You can’t even go to the corner store without being under some kind of surveillance, it is so funny to me, how folks point fingers at a moments notice.

Wikileaks is not leaking anything new, different or even shocking. The fact that the Obama administration came out blaming Russia for hacking, or impacting on the election, something else they could not prove, just shows how lame the whole idea of hacking and spying is. This is what governments do nowadays, every keystroke, every nod, every time you turn on your television, cell phone, tablet, etc. you name it. Somebody is checking you out.
Have you read the fine print in you every day apps lately.
Go to jail, that is so laughable! They would have to put the entire NSA in there with him! Then the CIA and then the FBI.. Remember the Patriot Act? Homeland security?? There is no way, any of it is illegal anymore after 911. 

So sending Obama and even his cronies to jail is a mute point, so laughable, I can’t stop laughing. Shut down the whole country then, if you really want to stop folks from spying, and that will never happen in 10 thousand years, so get used to it.. Big Brother is here to stay. And Putting Obama in jail ain’t gonna stop the other hundred million 007’s out there.

Put Obama in Federal Prison? Don’t put your money on this leak.
Now an iron belt around his waist and dumping him in the Chesapeake, well that may be an option but it won’t fix a dam thing that’s wrong wit the US government.

Wikileaks CIA dump reveals how the Deep State can hack databases and make it SEEM like the Russians did it
Donald Trump Condemned By Breitbart News For ‘Broken Promise’ On Not Prosecuting Hillary Clinton
Israeli, Saudi Role in 9/11 Covered up by US: Obama ‘Part of Cover-up Team’ on 9/11 Truth
Israeli, Saudi role in 9/11 covered up by US: Analyst

The American Voter Is An Enabler, Part 2 (Videos)

NB Commentary:  So I was asked the magic, 50 million dollar question… “You mean don’t vote?”

Yep. Cause every time you vote you co-sign the madness. You can’t say not in my name if you sign on the dotted line. This system needs an overhaul. Every time you vote you are supporting the liars and criminals. 
I know that folks will continue to vote. The American voter is an enabler with a severe case of cognitive dissonance.  So they will continue to do the same thing over and over thinking things will change, their voice will be heard when time and time again it has shown them otherwise. 

They vote against their interests over and over again. They vote for known liars and deceivers but they feel they should vote.
They see that their votes are stolen miscounted or not counted at all. 
They see the governments, city, state and local redistricting their towns and cities to garner more votes for those the big hats have selected.

They see campaign promises reneged on over and over and over.
They see a black face, white face, brown face lie to them about know cover-ups.
They see their lives gripped in fear porn while their government is supposedly protecting them.
They see their fellow citizen die in the streets and bombed in parking garages and go on as if it’s business as usual.
They see tax cuts for the rich while the middle class is down graded to lower class and the poor become obsolete. 
They see their freedoms of speech and assembly severely curtailed behind barb wire fences, tear gas, mace and militarized police.
They see their lives being under surveillance 24/7 and their privacy stripped to the bone.
They see whistle blowers jailed, killed and demonized.
They see the polluting of the air, water and food by corporations and banksters with no oversight or convictions for their crimes.
They see their country go to foreign lands and kill innocent people on a lie and no one is convicted of war crimes.
They are subject to invasive fondling by the TSA and are humiliated at airports and traffic stops.
They have to lock themselves in their homes and have armed police at their children’s schools.
They are told over and over again that the government is for the people, yet day in and day out they see lobbyists steal the allegiance of their representatives thru bribes and payoffs.
They are of the illusion that they cannot govern themselves so they gladly pay taxes to and for their representatives to lie, cheat and steal from the tax payer by blowing up other countries with money that could rebuild large portions of the infrastructure in the US.
They watch their government arm the so called rebels when they can see that in doing so it prolongs a regime change war that never ends but revels from one “axis of evil” country to another.
They see them bail out corrupt bankers and foreclose on the homes of hard working citizens. 
They watch their government send money overseas to victims of so called natural disasters while the Katrina victims are still displaced.
They cannot see blue skies or stars at night and believe their government when it tells them bogus weather reports about what is happening with the weather.
They walk in a fog created by mind control and the illusion of democracy which was never really what this country stood for.
They actually believe that the Masonic, Jesuit, banking cartel that pinned the constitution had them in mind.
They believe that the earth they walk upon stained with the blood of millions of indigenous peoples and millions more of enslaved, tortured and brutalized blacks, can be free.
They are walking and living in a nightmare calling it a dream. 
The American voter is so lost in the illusion of inclusion, they actually believe their vote will make a difference. 
So to answer your question, I do not vote for politicians. I vote with my dollars. I vote with my mind in resisting tyranny and doing research about what is really going on. I vote by reading and comparing the so called facts about this world.
I vote by doing all I can to stay in alignment with my Divinity and purpose on this planet.
I follow laws put forth. But I will not agree to their unrighteousness.
I vote by avoiding plastics and recycling the ones I do use.
I vote by being conscious of how I consume energy and by purchasing only what I need.
I vote by avoiding pharmaceuticals and using all natural products for healing and cleansing.
I vote by being conscientious about what I put into my body.
I vote by not owning a television or paying a cable bill.
I vote by sharing what I have with others who may need it.
It may not be much, but I don’t participate in their holidays, or shop at Walmart.
My vote is to boycott wherever and when ever I can. 

If folks say that every vote counts than my little efforts should count as well.
Links of Interest:
“Finally, this isn’t about Trump vs Clinton, that is merely the illusion we are being invited into believing. This is about awakening to the fact that our system is absurd and it’s time to do something different. What is the answer? That is what we must discuss instead of playing this broken political game of dividing and choosing which goon to “vote” for.”
The American voter is a gullible idealist
Now, we’re learning that NBC’s parent company Comcast donated $5.6 million to the Democrat Party during the convention in Philadelphia.

Hillary Emerges From Chelsea’s Apartment Looking ENTIRELY DIFFERENT! (Video)

NB Commentary: The body double for the elite, public officials and entertainers has been going on for some time. With speculations around types of clones etc., but to be sure, common sense would tell you that with all the running around from place to place that they do they would need a stand in or a serious dose of some drug to keep them standing.

I used to wonder about that with Obama, how can he be in all them places at one time? I travel and air travel is sometimes more draining than ground travel. But be sure, when they are “chosen” to be in office in those high places, their body double is chosen for sure. And yes, I saw the movie Dave (see the video below if you missed it), but I heard about body doubles, long before.

It brings comfort to the American people to think that only Saddam, Osama or some other “terrorist” had a body double, but there was a report that even Qaddafi had one. So you see… it’s quite possible.

The thing to me is, if she is not well, or even if she is too sick to continue, who will folks be electing into the office of the Presidency? A real live  puppet for sure.. but wouldn’t that be treasonous???