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Archive for the ‘history’ Category

The American Voter Is An Enabler, Part 3-Ruling Class (Videos)

People are going back and forth about this Comey situation. I did a reading on it a while back so if you check my video, “Why Did Comey Close the 2nd FBI Investigation? Ask A Psychic. You will see how all this and so much more is playing out. It’s all political theater. Politicians are actors who never made it to Hollyweird.  

These are some interesting times.
It was stated by someone, and I quote…

“Too many people, who appear to be waking up still think that politics is the best way to life. From the first day that a human can absorb information, it is indoctrinated they have and need masters (teachers, police, priest & politicians). As soon as the awake people also wake up to the fact, that a ruling class is bad for society, things will start to change.” Anonymous

It’s the conundrum of human history. Particularly when you look at the notion of Empire. Modern day empire building manifests as the industrial revolution, but it really boils down to the concept of scarcity, fear of scarcity and then the need for a ruling class to protect everyone from scarcity. In their back rooms and dark halls, the ruling class had to figure out a way to remain the ruling “men behind the curtain” so they invented the notion of scarcity, on an abundant planet, and while they fill their coffers with more than they could ever use or need, and all the rest follows.

Humans, particularly the industrialized human, have the propensity to applaud their rulers no matter how they rule “Stockholm Syndrome” just as long as they promise to arrest their fears. They willingly give up their sovereignty to some external, much bigger, much more powerful force, to protect them and keep them from harm.

Meanwhile, cognitive dissonance is in full swing, as they look around at the failing economy, loss of jobs, horrendous war games, loss of life, health care, etc. which all equal loss of security, yet, the love relationship they have with leadership, i.e., the ruling class, is so pervasive it blinds them to the fact that they are no better off and that the ruling class are blood suckers who have no care for them. The voter will continue to vote against his/her interest for just a sliver of that promise pie, while the ruling class own the pie factory.
The deeper question is, why is humanity susceptible to being duped in this fashion, over and over again?

It appears that “Trump” was an even bigger Psyops than Obama. People actually believe there was a strong populous movement headed by a Billionaire? Even that makes no sense. But, because he was a cantankerous Billionaire, they thought he would be different?

Trump was a bigger Psyops than Obama because he had even the folks who were beginning to distrust the system altogether, get behind him. He pulled folks in from the left, right and center.

He has completely disappointed his base, yet they feverishly hold on to hope. As their hope disappears, it will create a tremendous mental dystopia and the masses who believed in him will join the ones “shouting” NOT MY PRESIDENT, and the populous movement will disintegrate like a morning fog.
Lack of faith in the government could lead to even more unrest and even more need for militarize police all over the country. Society will disintegrate into warring factions among themselves and the outcome will be as it always has been. The ruling class remain in power handing out slivers of pie to the fewer and fewer numbers of humans that are left after destroying them from the inside out.
It is written in the stars, Empires rise and fall over the millennia, however the Empire wheel keeps turning. Why do humans need empires is my question.
Why Is Humanity Susceptible to Building Empires?

“Are we witnessing the beginning of the end? And who’s end will it be? Ours or his!?” Anonymous

The Dems may want to tar and feather Trump for firing Comey.  But they keep missing the elephant, the big huge elephant in the room. This is not about the dems vs the Reps, it’s about pedos not wanting their crap to be uncovered. The in fighting is just a smoke screen. Do you realize that they fight each other in public and sleep with each other after dark?

Wake up people, there’s no saving this corrupt system.
It needs to be dismantled.

Pedophiles are running for cover. What Comey found out will bring even Trump down and it ain’t no Russian BS. How many times has the US interfered in elections, (Homeland Security interfered in US elections) overthrown governments, set up puppets who are allied with the US and NATO?

#Iraq #Haiti #Egypt #Honduras #Venezuela just to name a few.
Come on people!

Remember, Hillary sold 20% of US uranium reserves to Russia.  So what’s the hype about Trump or anyone in  his inner circle relating to the Russians? Why are these people trying to suggest Russian involvement in US elections when their track record is glaringly obvious of their collusion and interference around the globe? It’s the pot calling the kettle black!

We got, Hillary and Trump hobnobbing with the Saudis but so did Bush. The Saudi government, those guys, who just got Elected by the United Nations to Women’s Rights Commission DESPITE THAT COUNTRY’S APPALLING RECORD ON THE TREATMENT OF WOMEN. This shows you the “world” collusion and moral bankruptcy.

It ain’t about parties, it’s about world dominion, power and control for the psychopaths that run this world.
FYI, the Trump family is featured in the Jeffrey Epstein Blackbook, which indicates they knew a little bit about his lifestyle.

The Trump presidency is a psyops almost bigger than the Obama one was. In fact, Trump IS Obama’s 3rd term. He’s a puppet. He don’t know nothing from nothing, which makes him even easier to be manipulated by the globalist. He has no resistance, he’s a naive narcissistic, touch off. Don’t even think that bringing him down will change anything. It won’t!

Check it out, there’s a huge elephant in the room people!

So folks think that Comey should have been fired since he did not suggest that Hillary be prosecuted for her crimes. SO, good-bye Comey, you didn’t do your job.

But if you people think that Trump is going to hire someone who will prosecute her, you are sadly mistaken. She will not go to jail!

They haven’t forgotten what Hillary said, “If I go down, I am taking everyone with me.” and she wasn’t playing. In order to get to the top, you have to swim in some slime, become slime and then throw slime. All of them are complicit in some way and all of them think they are above the law.
There is no honesty among thieves so they all got to watch their backs, can’t keep their eyes closed to long and eliminate ALL threats. The United States government is a mafia, a criminal cabal, crooks thieves and robbers, and folks keep voting for them, thinking something will change, and it won’t. History should tell us that much.

The other thing that I think is sorely missed is that, usually, the VP is the President’s Handler. Think about it.. they tend to be more of a power broker from the sidelines. We hardly ever heard of Biden except here and there, Obama was the front man, same with Bush and Chaney. they got it all set up, and like Bush said “Oh, I’m not gonna lose.” so whatever they got to do, they will do and have done it. It’s just easier to see it now with the Internet, and if they have their way, they will figure out a way to silence it.

The whole “Alt-Right” and “fake news” meme was the beginning of a paradigm shift from allowing certain information to find its way to the web.
Censorship began, Twitter shut down accounts, Facebook, in addition to its already sending folks to Facebook jail; hired people to filter out so called “fake news”, reddit shut down accounts or deactivated certain sub-reddits and now, under the guise of Advertiser pressure, YouTube/Google is doing its part to silence the masses.

I ain’t even about free speech, you can’t have it on someone else’s platform. It’s a privilege to be able to speak your mind on someone else’s platform, but, it’s discouraging enough to make people self censor or go somewhere else.
The idea is to silence dissent, wherever they find it; and to keep the secret, secret, and at all costs.
Our world is governed by Psychopathic Megalomaniacs who intend on staying in power no matter what.
So to conclude, American voter, as long as you enable your government it will continue to abuse you.

United Nations Elects Saudi Arabia to Women’s Rights Commission
EPIC RANT: The Government Will Not Protect You From Tractor Trailers
The Government Will Not Protect You From The Coming Financial Collapse
Police Militarization – How America’s Police Became an Army: The 1033 Program
After Berkeley riots, President Trump threatens to take away federal funds
21 arrested as hundreds of Trump supporters and counter-protesters clash at Berkeley rally
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
The U.S. is no stranger to interfering in the elections of other countries
Subject: Media Black-Out Ordered About Saudi 911 Murders & Hillary’s 15 Year Cover-Up
Trump to Approve Weapons Sale to 9/11 Financiers, Saudi Arabia
Jeffrey Epstein: inside the decade of scandal entangling Prince Andrew
Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery
How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately “elevated” Donald Trump with its “pied piper” strategy
Labor nominee Acosta cut deal with billionaire guilty in sex abuse case
Not Good: “Trump is Now a Captive of The Deep State” (Video)
Bill Bonner: Trump Is No Match for the Deep State
Globalist puppet Donald Trump on US charging Julian Assange: ‘It’s ok with me’

Planet Earth, the Pyramid Culture

This isn’t exactly true. Check out this link.

But to me what is more important is the realization that there are pyramids all over this planet in every section of the planet, occupying places/cities far and wide. It makes me ponder at the agenda for having them all over. In different places they were used for different purposes, but it can’t be ignored that they are every where.

My question is why do we have a planet covered with pyramids. Is there some “other’ mystical reason for these megalithic structures. And we must not forget Stonehenge in Europe. Or the huge round balls in Bosnia.

I have read some studies about the Earth energetic being with a giant grid and the pyramids act like conduits to connect the energy i.e., primary nodal point of ever sacred spot on the planet are connected on this grid.  And that quite possibly it is these conduits that keep this planet under lock down. In fact the pyramid grid also shows the placement of great churches, synagogues and Mosques on these primary and sub-primary nodal points. These placements are no accident. Why in the advent of the Pyramids have practically megalithic places of worship been erected?

Before we go into the “my dog’s bigger than your dog” debate, we need to look deeper into the real reason and purpose for having a “dog” in the first place.

Is it just to say how magnificent the civilization was? If so, why are we left with just remnants.

Are they there for comparison and to determine the strength, value, heroism, quality of life than another culture?

Are they simply tourist sites and have no contemporary value or significance?

Why have they been discovered to have Astrological, Metaphysical and even Earth based indicators that have people coming to them from all over the world to observe, and/or be enchanted by them?

Who put them there in the first place? Are we saying that primitive people with stone tools built these structures in the time it would take modern day man to do over decades.. Maybe even longer than that? Are we even being told the truth about their origins and purpose and if so, why would one be used to feed the gods and another to sacrifice the lives of virgins to the gods? Why?

I think if we just take a moment and get over ourselves and realize what it took to even put these stone megaliths in place, the labor, the manpower down to the destruction of a neighboring environment it should cause us to stop and think. How do we know that removing all them big rocks and stones, didn’t cause great floods, or disruption of the Eco-system.

What I am proposing is that we take a little more time before we make a supposition and see what we can research on this and find out what these pyramids really mean and what use do they hold for us in modern times.

In closing I suggest that we live on a planet that has been structured by a particular Architect or assembly of Architects with an express purpose of creating a model, specific to this planet. Thus they have transplanted a pyramid culture that impacts on all life on this planet and any life that observes this planet. These pyramids are telling the Solar System, the Galaxy and the Universe we live in, who we are, how we got here and why we are here. This entire planet is a pyramid civilization,  a pyramid culture (see Mars Pyramids).

When the true purpose of these facts are studied with an objective eye, we may come to “See” what the “Others” see when observing this planet and the life forms upon it.

“Well, there are some Pyramids in Europe. Maybe not as massive and impressive as the ones in Egypt, but they are there
Here are some examples :
The Bosnian Pyramid, Visocica Hill – Bosnia
Greek Pyramids – Greece   http://www.hiddenmys…ekpyramids.html
The Pyramids of Montevecchia – Italy   http://www.crystalin…m/pyritaly.html
“These are definitely pyramids, but authentic I don’t think so.  The only and most important reason why these pyramids do not share the world stage with the other pyramids is because they lack the astrological precision that the Egyptians and Mayans had in their Pyramids.  The one in Italy is the closest, but only in alignment configuration~it still lacks alignment with the heavens, reducing it to a duplicate.  Pyramids without the astrological factor prove that their makers had no understanding of its purpose.  My post was made in reference to the real deal pyramids, not the duplicates.”
“It is true Europe doesn’t have the same types of pyramids that the Egyptians and South Americans do, but they have the Henges that work in the same way. The Henges can still be used today. Maybe the ancient Europeans didn’t like the look or the shape of the pyramid. The South American pyramid is in a slightly different shape than the ones in Egypt.”
“There are also a couple in the US, though they are more correctly “mounds” – Cahokia in Illinois and Etowahin Georgia.
Neither is on the scale of the pyramids of Egypt or elsewhere, but both exhibit some astronomical alignments.”
“Or… we can look at what the geologists who’ve been out there have said: That they are hills. They’ve removed all the first and vegetation (how would it get on top of a large manmade structure anyway?) and have been using the remains of the Roman Villa, a medical era cemetery, and in some instances have been caught hoaxing inscriptions to show evidence of a culture.
  Robert Schoch, a well known proponent of a much earlier date for the pyramids at Giza, investigated the site and reported that inscriptions appeared in a cave that had not been there to begin with.
All evidence points to it being a natural formation, and is based soley of of Osmanagić’s feeling that it has to be a pyramid.   Geology of the Bosnian Pyramids
“There are quite a few seemingly.
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire has been carbon-dated at 2660 years BC, the same era as the Giza pyramids. It contains an estimated 340,000 cubic metres of chalk and earth, rising to a height of 39.6 metres. The base of the monument is 167m in diameter and it is perfectly round. The flat top is 30m across. It is part of a sequence of ancient sites in the area that are in alignment.
Despite its external appearance, this is actually a step pyramid, consisting of six, six metre high steps. The steps are walled with blocks of chalk, which easily deteriorates when left exposed. Consequently the builders preserved it, by covering it with earth and grass.
Excavations have revealed that it is not a burial mound.
There is also an omphalos stone there which is always of interest to me. Ziggurats (a ziggurat: that is a kind of pyramid, but with “steps” – several storeys, each smaller than the one below. ) are far more practical and impressive than pyramids imo and should never be considered inferior not that you or anyone has said so but this is a misconception that I’ve encountered on occasions. I mean what can you do with a pyramid other than use it as a tomb?”
Difference between Pyramids and Ziggurats
Few sights-or sites for that matter-can compare to the grandeur and majesty of the Ziggurats and the Pyramids. If you are looking to get a feel for the ancient civilizations on your next trip or vacation, few destinations can compare to these two for sheer historical value. Of course determining which one of these two is the “best” is an exercise in futility, as each will have its own merits and drawbacks. It would perhaps be better to point out their key attributes in the interest of helping you make a more informed decision and that is precisely what this comparison aims to do.

The Smash of Civilizations
by Chalmers Johnson
[Extracted from Chalmers Johnson’s Nemesis: The Crisis of the American Republic, forthcoming from Metropolitan Books in late 2006, the final volume in the Blowback Trilogy. The first two volumes are Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire (2000) and The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic (2004)]
In the months before he ordered the invasion of Iraq, George Bush and his senior officials spoke of preserving Iraq’s “patrimony” for the Iraqi people. At a time when talking about Iraqi oil was taboo, what he meant by patrimony was exactly that — Iraqi oil. In their “joint statement on Iraq’s future” of April 8, 2003, George Bush and Tony Blair declared, “We reaffirm our commitment to protect Iraq’s natural resources, as the patrimony of the people of Iraq, which should be used only for their benefit.” In this they were true to their word. Among the few places American soldiers actually did guard during and in the wake of their invasion were oil fields and the Oil Ministry in Baghdad. But the real Iraqi patrimony, that invaluable human inheritance of thousands of years, was another matter. At a time when American pundits were warning of a future “clash of civilizations,” our occupation forces were letting perhaps the greatest of all human patrimonies be looted and smashed.
Coalition soldiers in front of the Great Ziggurat of Ur, a four-thousand-year-old temple in southern Iraq which is one of the archaeological treasures of the world. The military has placed the monument off limits in order to disguise the vandalism by U.S. soldiers, including the looting of clay bricks and spray-painting “Semper Fi” onto its walls
There have been many dispiriting sights on TV since George Bush launched his ill-starred war on Iraq — the pictures from Abu Ghraib, Falluja laid waste, American soldiers kicking down the doors of private homes and pointing assault rifles at women and children. But few have reverberated historically like the looting of Baghdad’s museum — or been forgotten more quickly in this country.
In archaeological circles, Iraq is known as “the cradle of civilization,” with a record of culture going back more than 7,000 years. William R. Polk, the founder of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago, says, “It was there, in what the Greeks called Mesopotamia, that life as we know it today began: there people first began to speculate on philosophy and religion, developed concepts of international trade, made ideas of beauty into tangible forms, and, above all developed the skill of writing.” No other places in the Bible except for Israel have more history and prophecy associated with them than Babylonia, Shinar (Sumer), and Mesopotamia — different names for the territory that the British around the time of World War I began to call “Iraq,” using the old Arab term for the lands of the former Turkish enclave of Mesopotamia (in Greek: “between the [Tigris and Eurphrates] rivers”). Most of the early books of Genesis are set in Iraq (see, for instance, Genesis 10:10, 11:31; also Daniel 1-4; II Kings 24).
The pyramids at Giza, belonging (from the right) to Khufu (also known as Cheops), Khaefre (Khephren) and Menkaure (Mykerinus)

    4th Dynasty

      The pyramids at Giza, on the outskirts of modern Cairo, are perhaps the most iconic of all Egyptian monuments, and they mark the high point in the engineering skills first displayed by Imhotep in the previous dynasty. The largest, the Great Pyramid, shown here furthest from the camera, remains the most massive freestanding monument ever raised by humankind.

        The 4th Dynasty was the period at which many of the institutions of the state appeared in mature form, and the art of this dynasty became firmly established in the canons that would endure until the end of Egyptian civilisation.
        Alien Base Found At Chinese Pyramid

        by Terrence Aym

        27 October 2011
        Nine university scientists gaped upwards at the gigantic, prehistoric pyramid that had no right to exist
        A team of daring Chinese researchers, digging into the ancient mysteries of the origin of their country, have come to the inescapable conclusion that 12,000 years ago, an interstellar supreme alien race used much of the northern and central Chinese regions as massive Earth bases.

        Obama Charged With ‘Imperial Hubris’ Unmatched Even By Bush

        Obama, the Marionette

        When this man first came on the scene, I was very skeptical. It became mortal combat to even mention that he may not be the “Savior” Messiah that folks had been waiting for. So, I quietly took my place among the dissenters and waited. It has become clear that I was waiting for the masses to wake up, not for him to change. Clearly, he has been what he has been all along. Clear indicators were his assessment that 911 was caused by Arabs with box cutters, no indictment for Bush/Chaney war crimes, and let’s get out of Iraq and go into Afghanistan. Those positions alone should have alerted the entire world community, that under that handsome face and dancing swagger was a war monger, the likes we have seen from the days of blatant Roman & Ottoman Empire builders to name a few.

        Now, look at his eyes. Even this picture with his hands up in the manner that a marionette would be held, display invisible strings. He is a puppet of the first degree, a mind-controlled marionette who does and most like has to do the will of his controllers.

        He has lost any semblance of autonomy, sovereignty or self-determination. He does not think, he does not question, he does not rebel. He cannot. The part of his brain that once housed free thinking, free will, has been entirely lobotomized. Here we see, a clear picture of a man who is lost, completely lost from reality, troops on the ground, in the air, or anywhere.

        “God bless our troops” is a misnomer….. until he verifies which “God” he is speaking of, and even then, it is highly unlikely that the “God” of which he speaks is at all concerned with blessing the troops. Unless, of course, we realize that there are many “Gods” and to whom he is bequeathing his troops, is a question that requires serious scrutiny. That “God” is a blood thirsty hater of truth, justice and peace. That “God” seeks vengeance and lusts off the souls, and bodies of brutally murdered and assassinated innocent men, women and children. That “God” feeds off despair and agony and like a vicious swarm of locusts, that “God” sends its minions to devour the grotesquely disembodied. That “God” waits in the war theaters created around the world and drinks with luscious delight the carnage and spillage of blood sprouting from the open head, leg and neck wounds of those who barely knew what hit them. That “God” hysterically laughs at the ignorance of those who are led to it. That “God” is the absolute epitome of Psycho-pathic-sado-masochistic Psychosis that makes the most horrid of beings look beautiful. That “God” has promised a nice warm seat in the heart of hell for its puppet and all the minions who follow.

        Unfortunately, it may be too late to ring the alarm bell, and wake this ONE up! Whatever he had, has been lost. And it is very sad. A golden opportunity to move the entire world into a new directions, based on the influence that the US has, and yet, the entire world is now much worse off than it was before he came into office. I wonder what happened to all those New Age Channellers who were lauding the praises of this “man” and what he represented. Even the astrologers caused one to wonder if they were authentic or just sock puppets like the rest. It appears as though the entire world was hijacked into believing that “CHANGE HAD REALLY COME”!

        Things have definitely changed. The access to alternative media has made it virtually impossible for the “false flag” scenarios to hold the attention of the masses for too long. I firmly believe as I have stated before, that the election of Barack Hussein Obama into the position of the 44th President of the United states was the biggest hoax, psyops, media ramping up of  the “Big Lie”, etc, more than any other situation in human history since the invention of Jesus Christ! His election has served so many purposes on so many levels it is mind boggling to watch all the pieces fall right into place. The Grand Chess board and design for a new American Century took its last major leap be making sure that BHO got elected!! He ushered in the NWO in a way that no other world event or crisis or natural disaster could. He represents ALL OF these and much more by his position and presence in the White House.

        Whether he goes down in history as the worst president of the United states or the most misguided president of the United States, one thing is certain, he will leave a legacy behind to be topped by none, short of a complete take over and colonization of the entire Planet via an Alien Invasion.

        Obama Charged With ‘Imperial Hubris’ Unmatched Even By Bush

        Following his announcement to bomb Syria without
        congressional approval, president slammed for total disregard for
        constitutional safeguards regarding war-making.

        A day after President Obama told the American public he was preparing
        to bomb targets inside the sovereign state of Syria and that he did not
        need congressional approval to do so, critics are lashing out against
        what Bruce Ackerman, a professor of law and political science at Yale
        University, described as “imperial hubris” on Friday.

        In his scathing op-ed in the New York Times, Ackerman writes:

        President Obama’s declaration of war against the terrorist group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria marks a decisive break in the American constitutional tradition. Nothing attempted by his predecessor, George W. Bush, remotely compares in imperial hubris.

        Mr. Bush gained explicit congressional consent for his invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
        In contrast, the Obama administration has not even published a legal
        opinion attempting to justify the president’s assertion of unilateral
        war-making authority. This is because no serious opinion can be written.
        This became clear when White
        House officials briefed reporters before Mr. Obama’s speech to the
        nation on Wednesday evening. They said a war against ISIS was justified
        by Congress’s authorization of force against Al Qaeda after the Sept.
        11, 2001, attacks, and that no new approval was needed.
        But the 2001 authorization for the use of military force
        does not apply here. That resolution — scaled back from what Mr. Bush
        initially wanted — extended only to nations and organizations that
        “planned, authorized, committed or aided” the 9/11 attacks.
        And Ackerman’s not alone.
        Robert Chesney, a professor at the University of Texas School of Law, told the Daily Beast this week that Obama’s claim of authority to bomb ISIS targets in Syria was “on its face” an “implausible argument.”
        “The 2001 AUMF requires a nexus
        to al Qaeda or associated forces of al Qaeda fighting the United
        States,” explained Chesney, but “since ISIS broke up with al Qaeda it’s
        hard to make” the case that authority granted by the AUMF  still
        applies.     Continue reading hereObama Charged With ‘Imperial Hubris’ Unmatched Even By Bush

        I’m confused, can anyone help me? — RT Op-Edge

        I’m confused, can anyone help me? — RT Op-Edge

        I’m confused, can anyone help me?

        An anti-government protester waves a flag in front of the seized office of the SBU state security service in Luhansk, eastern Ukraine April 14, 2014. (Reuters / Shamil Zhumatov)

        An anti-government protester waves a flag in front of the seized office of the SBU state security service in Luhansk, eastern Ukraine April 14, 2014. (Reuters / Shamil Zhumatov)

        I’m confused. A few weeks ago wewere told in the West that people occupying government buildings in
        Ukraine was a very good thing. These people, we were told by our political leaders and elite media commentators, were ‘pro-democracy protestors’.

        The US government warned the Ukrainian authorities against using force against these ‘pro-democracy protestors’ even if, according to the pictures we saw, some of them were neo-Nazis who were throwing Molotov cocktails and other things at the police and smashing up statues and setting fire to buildings.

        Now, just a few weeks later, we’re told that people occupying government buildings in Ukraine are not ‘pro-democracy protestors’ but ‘terrorists’ or ‘militants’.

        Why was the occupation of government buildings in Ukraine a very good thing in January, but it is a very bad thing in April? Why was the use of force by the authorities against protestors completely unacceptable in January, but acceptable now? I repeat: I’m confused. Can anyone help me?

        Pro-Russian activists gather outside the secret service building in the eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk on April 14, 2014. (AFP Photo / Dimitar Dilkoff)
        Pro-Russian activists gather outside the secret service building in the eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk on April 14, 2014. (AFP Photo / DimitarDilkoff)

        The anti-government protestors in Ukraine during the winter received visits from several prominent Western politicians, including US Senator John McCain, and Victoria Nuland, from the US State Department, who handed out cookies. But there have been very large anti-government protests in many Western European countries in recent weeks, which have received no such support, either from such figures or from elite Western media commentators. Nor have protestors received free cookies from officials at the US State Department.

        Surely if they were so keen on anti-government street protests in Europe, and regarded them as the truest form of ‘democracy’, McCain and Nuland would also be showing solidarity with street protestors in Madrid, Rome, Athens and Paris? I’m confused. Can anyone help me?

        A thousand people gather in front of fences blocking the street leading to the Spain's parliament (Las Cortes) during an anti-government demonstration in Madrid (AFP Photo / Javier Soriano)
        A thousand people gather in front of fences blocking the street leading to the Spain’s parliament (Las Cortes) during an anti-government demonstration in Madrid (AFP Photo / Javier Soriano)A few weeks ago I saw an interview with the US Secretary of StateJohn Kerry who said, “You just don’t invade another country on phony pretexts in order to assert your interests.” But Iseem to recall the US doing just that on more than one occasionin the past 20 years or so.

        Have I misremembered the ‘Iraq has WMDs claim’? Was I dreaming back in 2002 and early 2003 when politicians and neocon pundits came on TV every day to tell us plebs that we had to go to war with Iraq because of the threat posed by Saddam’s deadly arsenal? Why is having a democratic vote in Crimea on whether to rejoin Russia deemed worse than the brutal, murderous invasion of Iraq – an invasion which has led to the deaths of up to 1 million people? I’m confused. Can anyone help me?

        AFP Photo / Pool / Mario Tama
        AFP Photo / Pool / Mario TamaWe were also told by very serious-looking Western politicians and

        media ‘experts’ that the Crimea referendum wasn’t valid because it was held under “military occupation.” But I’ve just been watching coverage of elections in Afghanistan, held under military occupation, which have been hailed by leading western figures, such as NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen as a “historic moment for Afghanistan” and a great success for “democracy.” Why is the Crimean vote dismissed, but the Afghanistan vote celebrated? I’m confused. Can anyone help me?

        An Afghan policeman keeps watch as Afghan voters line up to vote at a local polling station in Ghazni on April 5, 2014. (AFP Photo / Rahmatullah Alizadah)

        An Afghan policeman keeps watch as Afghan voters line up to vote at a local polling station in Ghazni on April 5, 2014. (AFP Photo /Rahmatullah Alizadah)

        Syria too is rather baffling. We were and are told that radical Islamic terror groups pose the greatest threat to our peace, security and our ‘way of life’ in the West. That Al-Qaeda and other such groups need to be destroyed: that we needed to have a relentless ‘War on Terror’ against them. Yet in Syria, our leaders have been siding with such radical groups in their war against a secular government which respects the rights of religious minorities, including Christians.

        When the bombs of Al-Qaeda or their affiliates go off in Syria and innocent people are killed there is no condemnation from our leaders: their only condemnation has been of the secular Syrian government which is fighting radical Islamists and which our leaders and elite media commentators are desperate to have toppled. I’m confused. Can anyone help me?

        AFP Photo / Amr Radwan Al-Homsi

        AFP Photo / Amr Radwan Al-Homsi

        Then there’s gay rights. We are told that Russia is a very bad and backward country because it has passed a law against promoting homosexuality to minors. Yet our leaders who boycotted the Winter Olympics in Sochi because of this law visit Gulf
        states where homosexuals can be imprisoned or even executed, and warmly embrace the rulers there, making no mention of the issue of gay rights.

        Surely the imprisonment or execution of gay people is far worse than a law which forbids promotion of homosexuality to minors? Why, if they are genuinely concerned about gay rights, do our leaders attack Russia and not countries that imprison or execute gay people? I’m confused. Can anyone help me?

        US President Barack Obama shakes hands with King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia (AFP Photo / Saul Loeb)
        US President Barack Obama shakes hands with King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia (AFP Photo / Saul Loeb)

        We are told in lots of newspaper articles that the Hungarian ultra-nationalist party Jobbik is very bad and that its rise is a cause of great concern, even though it is not even in the government, or likely to be. But neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists
        do hold positions in the new government of Ukraine, which our leaders in the West enthusiastically support and neo-Nazis and the far-right played a key role in the overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected government in February, a ‘revolution’ cheered on by the West. Why are ultra-nationalists and far-right groups unacceptable in Hungary but very acceptable in Ukraine? I’m confused. Can anyone help me?

        Chairman of the far-right parliamentary JOBBIK (Better) party Gabor Vona (C) reacts for the result of the parliamentary election with his party members at Budapest Congress Center in Budapest on April 6, 2014. (AFP Photo / Peter Kohalmi)
        Chairman of the far-right parliamentary JOBBIK (Better) party Gabor Vona (C) reacts for the result of the parliamentary election with his party
        members at Budapest Congress Center in Budapest on April 6, 2014. (AFP Photo / Peter Kohalmi)

        We are told that Russia is an aggressive,  imperialist power and that NATO’s concerns are about opposing the Russian ‘threat’. But I looked at the map the other day and while I could see lots of countries close to (and bordering) Russia that were members of NATO, the US-led military alliance
        whose members have bombed and attacked many countries in the last 15 years, I could not see any countries close to America that were part of a Russian-military alliance, or any Russian military
        bases or missiles situated in foreign countries bordering or close to the US. Yet Russia, we are told, is the ‘aggressive one’. I’m confused. Can anyone help me?

        Neil Clark is a journalist, writer and broadcaster. His award winning blog can be found at Follow him on Twitter

        Published time: April 15, 2014 10:06

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