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Archive for the ‘prison planet’ Category

Six Minutes Of President Obama’s Accomplishments (Video)

NB Commentary: Oh Lord, complaining about how short this video is???
Folks don’t even watch videos that last longer than 6 minutes, and no way in hell did he help Muslims considering how many of them got killed by his drones. I do say he could have done more for the veterans, but we all can. Got a bunch of stuff you ain’t using? Got an empty house that no one is in? Got some food to share? Go visit a vet in the hospital. Ban all fireworks displays!! Take a vet to Lunch on a monthly basis.
We can always find fault, but what are we doing about it?
So, now we have Trump and we shall see that we are talking about the same coin, just the flip side, it matters not what puppet is in the White House, it matters who his handlers/backers/bankers/corporations/shadowgovernment that are pulling his strings people. Let’s get over ourselves, let’s stop being divided down party lines, let’s look at the BIG GIANT ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. We are being lead like sheep to the slaughter, and as we fight among ourselves and kill each other off in the process, there will be fewer sheep for them to slaughter.
Wake UP People, this Ain’t Kansas! We Live On A Prison Planet!

All man-made systems require slaves and rulers. (Videos)

Peace and Blessings to you, your family and loved ones.
I found this article while searching for “Kryon” on the internet. I wanted to know who he was and what his pull was, so to speak.

The article I am about to present was presented by Arthur & Fiona Cristian, Love For Life, April 2011.  This article struck me, but it also brought to mind how much I have changed over the years and how I have come to this juncture in my life so that I can relate to what they are saying in their article. Had I read this article 20, 30 or even 40 years ago, I would probably had thought that they were crazy, but now, after researching and learning so much about how our world has been constructed around us, I can say that today, I can hear this, read this and see how this makes so much sense.

All man-made systems require slaves and rulers.

It is impossible to avoid this fact, this circumstance. Being forced to live under the rules, regulations, rituals, procedures, conditions and contracts of any man-made system causes a loss of uniqueness to everyone exposed to them. No man, woman or child is answerable to anyone or anything re-presenting a man-made system. We were never meant to give up FULL-responsibility for our lives, which is what we do when we acquiesce to any man-made system, be it cashless or not, gold standard or not, religious, political, legal, social, environmental, spiritual, philosophical, commercial, esoteric, international or domestic or not, and fall under the standing of its authorities, representatives and enforcers. All man-made systems are a scam as will be the coming New World Order system with its cosmic, galactic, Christianized, feel good/feel god, “Oneness” glue remedy to cure the present earth-wide chaos engineered by the tiny few who still want all the power and glory. This cashless “one-world” remedy will be overseen by an earth-wide power structure no different to the Federation overseeing the non-sense cashless world of Star Trek.

Tools used by those behind man-made systems to indoctrinate the masses include all religions, holy books, history books, science, the New Age and all forms of education stemming from any of the many universities presently offering “system career” courses across Earth. Placed on the conveyor belt running through factory planet earth, brainwashed men and woman are being manufactured in sameness molds to produce individuals (in-divide-u-all-s). We are already unique, not one the same as the next, but all man-made systems trick us through propaganda and manipulation into giving up our uniqueness so we can become the willing slaves and rulers in “The System”. All man-made systems (all beliefs, faiths and associated opinions) cause loss of uniqueness. As already mentioned we were never meant to be in the image/likeness of another mans thought.

Broken up into individuals, we no longer feel the bonds between us which is why we think we need an artificial system to co-exist. All Freemasonic/Satanic holy books, and belief systems exist to keep us in an individualized state so that we accept “The Systems” that control us therefore giving our power and life-force-energy away to those hiding behind “The Systems” to rule us with. There is no other reason or purpose for their existence. They are all designed to con us into being ruled by man-made systems, to con us into accepting third party figures, whether saviors or “leaders” so that we give up the responsibility for our lives here and now to them. Even to the point where we no longer think that what is happening on Earth is important because we believe in “life after death” or the ascended masters of the Galactic Federation or some “other world” out there where we will have peace from the pressures of life under “The System”. They all come packaged as fairytales with fairytale props and characters for us to give up our responsibility for our lives to here and now so that we can be ruled by those Freemasons/Satanists hiding behind “The System” of those fairytales.

This is why the Freemasonic/Satanic world always operates in the shadows. They are the master puppeteers pulling at the strings of the belief, faith and associated opinion of their marionettes. Just as little Mary is unable to bring forward the Alice in Wonderland characters and settings she is playing to prove they exist neither are those who believe in “The System” fairytales able to bring forward 1st party to 1st party proof/substance of their existence. All they can do is re-present them but they are the only ones present; the characters are not. No matter how intense and for how long they believe in their fairytales and how much they argue for them and protect them, the believers only have their belief, faith and associated opinion. The brainwashing is extensive.

Individualism is as if we go to the ants and say, “Hey ants! We are changing your values and giving you a new program called individualism. You are now free to be in-divide-u-all-s; you can each have your own truths and no one has the right to take them away from you.” And so the ants go off to become materialists, Buddhists, Christians, Jews, atheists, republicans, democrats, New Agers, conservatives, punk rockers, journalists, psychologists, politicians, priests, banksters, judges, lawyers, etc, etc. Meanwhile back in the ant world colony, who is taking care of the babies and the elderly and maintaining the nest? Inevitably, the ant-world perishes and all individualized ants go with it! This is what is happening to MAN and MANS Earth. Is this the consequence we all want? We each need to take full-responsibility for our lives so that together the responsibility for taking care of Life is taken care of. Passing the buck to a 3rd party God, man, woman, fiction, law, political party, piece of paper, electronic/digital recording device, etc, stops each of us from taking full-responsibility for life.

We are determined to co-create Kingdoms/Do No Harm Communities to be the living-remedy that provides an everlasting peace, freedom, truth, joy, abundance and do no harm for all of life without the need for having slaves and rulers or causing loss of uniqueness.

Note: To continue exploring the information we share and fill in all the other missing pieces please read the articles: “Re-Presenting Is The Pull Of Duality Into False Consciousness” 19th April 2011:, “Introduction To “The Curses Are Being Returned” 11th June 2011: and explore the many videos, podcasts, articles and recent Facebook/email discussions/debates posted here: and here: and here:
Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
April 2011

Sterling, Castile, Dallas, Bomb Robots

NB Commentary: I knew it wasn’t over, I get this dizzy feeling when Shit is about to hit the fan. So from Orlando to this. If they give us enough false flags, with real casualties, we won’t be able to keep up or debunk them fast enough.

Bomb Robots? 
Dang, couldn’t they  just get me a robot that likes to house clean.
Seriously?? A Bomb Robot??
Okay, here’s a question.
Who saw this coming?
Makes you wonder if they stage these events to test out their new weapons. I am beginning to think so.
Bet they wagered on it down at Wall Street, wish I could understand all them numbers. Watch the stocks for this company go up though.
For humans to find more and more creative ways to kill each other must give the one who created this Prison Planet even more reason to feel good about their experiment.
I believe that Killery is behind it, and I wouldn’t put her passed it, it gives her a chance to throw her towel in for the BLM movement. It’s all staged, and believe me there are many agendas, they got a lot of dogs in this race.

Dallas Police Used Robot With Bomb to Kill Ambush Suspect: Mayor

“He added that while robots aren’t typically designed to be armed — they’re used for observation or dismantling purposes — law enforcement could decide to use bomb robots when officers are in immediate danger.” 

Everything we know about the bomb robot used by Dallas policeThe incident is believed to be a first on US soil. By James Vincent  July 8, 2016  

They have been trying to separate us,

divide and conquer. They tried to do it by selecting Obama and get all the white folks that are secretly racist, riled up. But that didn’t work, and a lot of white folks fell in love with that man.

Gun supporter Ms Giffords on a shooting range

Then we had the Tea Party, and that went over like a led balloon when they shot that political lady, Gabby Gifford,  a gun supporter.
And all these “false flags hoaxed drills” that are unraveling at the seems. So they throw in Donald Trump to get the masses really acting whacko. But even Trump got unexpected followers, in the Latinos and Blacks.. So now what, what can they do to declare Martial law, what can they pull off next to give them good reason to bring the military to the streets of North America in full bloom?? 

Either the American people are more resilient than they expected or too sleep to care. One thing I do know, is that if Martial law does become open, and warfare is declared, they will be facing some serious gun battles from folks who ain’t as scared as the Police are, from folks who have bought out the gun stores in the Malls and online, even the gays purchases of firearms peaked after Orlando, well, all I can say is, get your supplies and honker down cause if the SHTF… it ain’t gonna be pretty. And it will certainly be colorful as all walks of life join together. The USA and its government has shown that it doesn’t really care about ANY OF ITS people. It ain’t about black or white, or latino it’s about those who have and those who do not. So yeah, this will be a colorful revolution coming to a war theater near you.

You know, maybe it’s because I have been checking the Corbett Report out for some time, but James said exactly what I was thinking when I heard the term “sniper”. Then I went down the list of countries in my head where this same scenario took place. Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Egypt… and it makes you wonder, who the hell is behind these “so-called snipers” and what is their agenda, or should I say agendas?? 
After the recent deaths of two black men (Alton B. Sterlingand Philando Castile) here in the US struck down by police, and the not so recent legislation called, “Blue Alert” to protect the Police, it makes you wonder if along with being psychopaths, if the folks at the helm are bi-polar. I have always admired folk’s ability to list dates and times and names in news stories and talks etc., well that part of history always escapes me, but believe me, I remember the stories, the carnage, the blaming and the looking away. And one thing that is for sure, the US will say it’s a brutal regime that uses snipers to kill its own people who are peacefully protesting, but they will never turn the mirror around and own, claim or admit that those snipers, along with a host of other so-called “lone gunman” are funded and supported by our own home grown brutal regime, right here in the USA. Nope, not, it’s different, they are “lone gunman” they are not connected in anyway to the USA or it’s government and administration, oh no, the US would never do anything like that against its people, never in a million years, only those other guys do that. 

Nana’s Commentary: "200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball"

Nana’s Commentary:
To me, the irony of this endless banter about the earth being flat, or the earth being a globe, the question that stumps the panel and that no one can prove is, where did it all begin. Who is this “God” according to the biblical/sacred texts? Who orchestrated the “big bang” according to the scientists?
Well, I have the answer, that will shut all this down.
Watch, the movie “Dark City.”

After watching that, I was convinced that the “hidden” hand that created this world came from another (“Men In Black” ending gives clues.) And my theory is just as plausible as any other. If they can build huge planet size moons and spaceships, why couldn’t they build a planet, a prison planet for their little wayward human creatures, who according to the Bible were born in sin anyways. Give them a playground, a few animals for pets, zoos, slaughter, consumption and clothing. Give them a few plants for the same purposes. Put them in a giant terrarium with plenty of water and see what happens.

Convene a Galactic Council to decide who will be allowed to come in and out. Design a zodiac/constellation apparatus to impact on their personalities. Give them time marked by the rising and setting of the sun and moon. Throw a few asteroids in for good measure and to keep it interesting. Add a little religion, well I should say dozens of religions. Mix in a little politics for surely these humans cannot be allowed to be sovereign. They must have LEADERS!!

Make sure that all the animals have COMMON sense and strong instincts, while the humans have to wait for someone to “train” them. Wipe their memories after each death so they can be trapped in the cycle of Karma. Make sure that those who manage to escape death come back with incredulous stories about heaven and hell, pass on their experiences through lore so the others will believe. It’s imperative that while they believe they have free will and DO NOT have to step into the light (Star Trek) that it would behoove them to do so because there they will be reunited with their loved ones, Jesus, Buddha, etc.

Spoon feed them technology so that they never discover the hidden hand but keep the banter going back and forth about the nature and/or origin of “the hidden.” hand. (Truman Show). Whenever they get too crazy, “come down” and dismantle their nuclear arsenals; blow a few volcanoes, throw in a tsunami, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. just to keep them scared shitless and to get them to comply. Keep them focused on the last days, death and the hereafter. ( I always thought the term “come down” was interesting. Why do humans say “God” “Angels” or “Aliens” come down?????)

Give only the Psychopathic rulers full range over controlling nature and point to the holy book and sacred scriptures (Vedas) as their right to eminent domain.  If they evolve too quickly and start to see themselves as humans instead of races, creeds, religions, sexes, etc. create enmity to keep it interesting as well, without a little friction this Truman show can become quite boring. Make sure that the minds of the masses have some options for expansion, but if anyone should expand too far, shut it down!

Collude all the world leaders, scientists and archaeologists. (The teachers will profess whatever they have been taught, so this will self replicate). The religious leaders are already colluded with their “sacred” writings, rituals, tithes, sacrifices and hocus-pocus.

Press the reset button every once in a while, because, Jeez, these humans are a wild bunch and tend to get out of control.

Since death and time is an illusion, pressing the reset button just recycles them all back into the pool with only a trace memory of horror. Of course, a few will survive, so, like in the “Book of Eli” give them the “Book” (myth, legends, folklore) so they can start all over again, or so they think they are anyways, and that’s all that matters.

Create uprisings from time to time, kill off their leaders, good and bad, throw in a few psychopaths to keep it even more interesting.

Make sure the humans are hard wired to continuously put Psychopaths into the role of leaders over them. That will make this zoo more easily managed. As long as a bat shit crazy nut job is the bully in the playground, it won’t need to be micromanaged, just a minor check-in from time to time. Allow them to have a few saviors, ET’s, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Prophets, the Antichrist, etc. so they will continually look to the sky for help or some higher force beyond them. Keep them in survival mode, always searching for contentment. Augment their survival instincts with rewards like sex, marriage, money, family and presumptuous success.

Since cognitive dissonance is a most effective tool for keeping these human creatures insane, weak and fearful, create illusions, like philanthropy, love, success, hope, faith, virtue, integrity, and other do-gooder examples while oppressing their minds with evil, demons, consumerism and the media.

Create the illusion of good vs evil which is optimum in a 3d reality. There always has to be some kind of enmity so the natives can maintain a restless paranoia. Give them natural and pharmaceutical drugs to pacify them. Those who are most deviant will be thrown to the lions, beheaded, jailed, or threatened with damnation for all eternity. Keep this propaganda alive in the hearts and minds of the religious leaders. Fear of damnation is a great culling mechanism.

Since Plan-ET is a prime directive, there will be skirmishes with outer worldly powers (Star Wars) over who is in charge. Some sharing will take place, some stealing and backdoor dealings. Some of the most agreeable plans will last the longest, like taking turns on who will be the God of the next new religion and who is most adept at keeping the humans, blind, deaf and dumb. This arrangement could last for trillions of years with only a few, barely noticeable and surely laughable humans will discover. And since the reset button is always an option, wiping them all out and starting all over again is a viable solution should these humans start to unite and decide to escape this hell hole.

Ha, that makes sense to me!!!!

France the Arch Enemy of Africa

14 African Countries Forced by France to Pay Colonial Tax For the Benefits of Slavery and Colonization

By: Mawuna Remarque KOUTONIN
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 at 3:41 pm.
Africa-France-relationship. Did you know many African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France since their independence till today!
When Sékou Touré of Guinea decided in 1958 to get out of French colonial empire, and opted for the country independence, the French colonial elite in Paris got so furious, and in a historic act of fury the French administration in Guinea destroyed everything in the country which represented what they called the benefits from French colonization.
Three thousand French left the country, taking all their property and destroying anything that which could not be moved: schools, nurseries, public administration buildings were crumbled; cars, books, medicine, research institute instruments, tractors were crushed and sabotaged; horses, cows in the farms were killed, and food in warehouses were burned or poisoned.
The purpose of this outrageous act was to send a clear message to all other colonies that the consequences for rejecting France would be very high.
Slowly fear spread trough the African elite, and none after the Guinea events ever found the courage to follow the example of Sékou Touré, whose slogan was “We prefer freedom in poverty to opulence in slavery.”
Sylvanus Olympio, the first president of the Republic of Togo, a tiny country in west Africa, found a middle ground solution with the French.
He didn’t want his country to continue to be a French dominion, therefore he refused to sign the colonisation continuation pact De Gaule proposed, but agree to pay an annual debt to France for the so called benefits Togo got from French colonization.
It was the only conditions for the French not to destroy the country before leaving. However, the amount estimated by France was so big that the reimbursement of the so called “colonial debt” was close to 40% of the country budget in 1963.
The financial situation of the newly independent Togo was very unstable, so in order to get out the situation, Olympio decided to get out the French colonial money FCFA (the franc for French African colonies), and issue the country own currency.
On January 13, 1963, three days after he started printing his country own currency, a squad of illiterate soldiers backed by France killed the first elected president of newly independent Africa. Olympio was killed by an ex French Foreign Legionnaire army sergeant called Etienne Gnassingbe who supposedly received a bounty of $612 from the local French embassy for the hit man job.
Olympio’s dream was to build an independent and self-sufficient and self-reliant country. But the French didn’t like the idea.
On June 30, 1962, Modiba Keita , the first president of the Republic of Mali, decided to withdraw from the French colonial currency FCFA which was imposed on 12 newly independent African countries. For the Malian president, who was leaning more to a socialist economy, it was clear that colonisation continuation pact with France was a trap, a burden for the country development.
On November 19, 1968, like, Olympio, Keita will be the victim of a coup carried out by another ex French Foreign legionnaire, the Lieutenant Moussa Traoré.
In fact during that turbulent period of African fighting to liberate themselves from European colonization, France would repeatedly use many ex Foreign legionnaires to carry out coups against elected presidents:
– On January 1st, 1966, Jean-Bédel Bokassa, an ex french foreign legionnaire, carried a coup against David Dacko, the first President of the Central African Republic.
– On January 3, 1966, Maurice Yaméogo, the first President of the Republic of Upper Volta, now called Burkina Faso, was victim of a coup carried by Aboubacar Sangoulé Lamizana, an ex French legionnaire who fought with french troops in Indonesia and Algeria against these countries independence.
– on 26 October 1972, Mathieu Kérékou who was a security guard to President Hubert Maga, the first President of the Republic of Benin, carried a coup against the president, after he attended French military schools from 1968 to 1970.
In fact, during the last 50 years, a total of 67 coups happened in 26 countries in Africa, 16 of those countries are french ex-colonies, which means 61% of the coups happened in Francophone Africa.
Number of Coups in Africa by country
Ex French colonies Other African countries
Country Number of coup Country number of coup
Togo 1 Egypte 1
Tunisia 1 Libye 1
Cote d’Ivoire 1 Equatorial Guinea 1
Madagascar 1 Guinea Bissau 2
Rwanda 1 Liberia 2
Algeria 2 Nigeria 3
Congo – RDC 2 Ethiopia 3
Mali 2 Ouganda 4
Guinea Conakry 2 Soudan 5
Congo 3
Tchad 3
Burundi 4
Central Africa 4
Niger 4
Mauritania 4
Burkina Faso 5
Comores 5
TOTAL (1 + 2) 45 TOTAL 22
As these numbers demonstrate, France is quite desperate but active to keep a strong hold on his colonies what ever the cost, no matter what.
In March 2008, former French President Jacques Chirac said:
“Without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third [world] power”
Chirac’s predecessor François Mitterand already prophesied in 1957 that:
“Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century”
At this very moment I’m writing this article, 14 African countries are obliged by France, trough a colonial pact, to put 85% of their foreign reserve into France central bank under French minister of Finance control. Until now, 2014, Togo and about 13 other African countries still have to pay colonial debt to France. African leaders who refuse are killed or victim of coup. Those who obey are supported and rewarded by France with lavish lifestyle while their people endure extreme poverty, and desperation.
It’s such an evil system even denounced by the European Union, but France is not ready to move from that colonial system which puts about 500 billions dollars from Africa to its treasury year in year out.
We often accuse African leaders of corruption and serving western nations interests instead, but there is a clear explanation for that behavior. They behave so because they are afraid the be killed or victim of a coup. They want a powerful nation to back them in case of aggression or trouble. But, contrary to a friendly nation protection, the western protection is often offered in exchange of these leaders renouncing to serve their own people or nations’ interests.
African leaders would work in the interest of their people if they were not constantly stalked and bullied by colonial countries.
In 1958, scared about the consequence of choosing independence from France, Leopold Sédar Senghor declared: “The choice of the Senegalese people is independence; they want it to take place only in friendship with France, not in dispute.”
From then on France accepted only an “independence on paper” for his colonies, but signed binding “Cooperation Accords”, detailing the nature of their relations with France, in particular ties to France colonial currency (the Franc), France educational system, military and commercial preferences.
Below are the 11 main components of the Colonisation continuation pact since 1950s:
#1. Colonial Debt for the benefits of France colonization
The newly “independent” countries should pay for the infrastructure built by France in the country during colonization.
I still have to find out the complete details about the amounts, the evaluation of the colonial benefits and the terms of payment imposed on the African countries, but we are working on that (help us with info).
#2. Automatic confiscation of national reserves
The African countries should deposit their national monetary reserves into France Central bank.
France has been holding the national reserves of fourteen african countries since 1961: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.
“The monetary policy governing such a diverse aggregation of countries is uncomplicated because it is, in fact, operated by the French Treasury, without reference to the central fiscal authorities of any of the WAEMU or the CEMAC. Under the terms of the agreement which set up these banks and the CFA the Central Bank of each African country is obliged to keep at least 65% of its foreign exchange reserves in an “operations account” held at the French Treasury, as well as another 20% to cover financial liabilities.
The CFA central banks also impose a cap on credit extended to each member country equivalent to 20% of that country’s public revenue in the preceding year. Even though the BEAC and the BCEAO have an overdraft facility with the French Treasury, the drawdowns on those overdraft facilities are subject to the consent of the French Treasury. The final say is that of the French Treasury which has invested the foreign reserves of the African countries in its own name on the Paris Bourse.
In short, more than 80% of the foreign reserves of these African countries are deposited in the “operations accounts” controlled by the French Treasury. The two CFA banks are African in name, but have no monetary policies of their own. The countries themselves do not know, nor are they told, how much of the pool of foreign reserves held by the French Treasury belongs to them as a group or individually.
The earnings of the investment of these funds in the French Treasury pool are supposed to be added to the pool but no accounting is given to either the banks or the countries of the details of any such changes. The limited group of high officials in the French Treasury who have knowledge of the amounts in the “operations accounts”, where these funds are invested; whether there is a profit on these investments; are prohibited from disclosing any of this information to the CFA banks or the central banks of the African states .” Wrote Dr. Gary K. Busch
It’s now estimated that France is holding close to 500 billions African countries money in its treasury, and would do anything to fight anyone who want to shed a light on this dark side of the old empire.
The African countries don’t have access to that money.
France allows them to access only 15% of the money in any given year. If they need more than that, they have to borrow the extra money from their own 65% from the French Treasury at commercial rates.
To make things more tragic, France impose a cap on the amount of money the countries could borrow from the reserve. The cap is fixed at 20% of their public revenue in the preceding year. If the countries need to borrow more than 20% of their own money, France has a veto.
Former French President Jacques Chirac recently spoke about the African nations money in France banks. Here is a video of him speaking about the French exploitation scheme. He is speaking in French, but here is a short excerpt transcript: “We have to be honest, and acknowledge that a big part of the money in our banks come precisely from the exploitation of the African continent.”
#3. Right of first refusal on any raw or natural resource discovered in the country
France has the first right to buy any natural resources found in the land of its ex-colonies. It’s only after France would say, “I’m not interested”, that the African countries are allowed to seek other partners…….Continued click the link below.

Please take a moment and go to this link to read the article in its entirety!

President Ahmed Sékou Touré of the Republic of Guinea arrives at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland during a visit to Washington DC. (June 1982)
AFRICANGLOBE – The West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) is an organization of eight West African states. It was established to promote economic integration among countries that share the Communauté Financière d’Afrique (CFA) franc as a common currency. The currency is issued by the Banque Centrale des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (BCEAO), located in Dakar, Senegal, for the members of the UEMOA. The union administers the West African CFA franc, now a Euro-pegged currency that is used in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. Read More…
Sylvanus Epiphanio Olympio (6 September 1902 – 13 January 1963) was a Togolese politician who served as Prime Minister, and then President, of Togo from 1958 until his assassination in 1963. . He was assassinated during the 1963 Togolese coup d’état.
A great illustration on how corporations take control of countries, and how capitalism drives the expansion of the Military Industrial Complex. Made by Studio Joho who have allowed me to upload their video.
Laurent Gbagbo[1][2] (Gagnoa BétéGbagbo [ɡ͡baɡ͡bo]French pronunciation: ​[loʁɑ̃ baɡbo]; born 31 May 1945) was thePresident of Côte d’Ivoire from 2000 until his arrest in April 2011. Source
In March 2008, former French President Jacques Chirac said:
“Without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third [world] power” and that Chirac’s predecessor François Mitterand already prophesied in 1957 that: “Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century”.

The CFA franc, used by 14 African countries, was created in 1945 by a decree signed by Charles de Gaulle [EPA]

A hoard of cash sits in the Bank of France: $20 billion in African money held in trust by the French government and earning just 0.75 percent interest. Now economists and politicians from 14 Central and West African countries say they want their funds returned and an arrangement dating back to the days of France’s colonial empire ended.
France holds the money to guarantee that the CFA franc, the currency used in the 14 nations, stays convertible into euros at a fixed exchange rate of 655.957. The compulsory deposits started more than half a century ago, when the then-colonies had to place all their financial reserves in the French Treasury. The deposit requirement has dropped over the decades: Today the African members entrust 50 percent of their reserves to Paris.  Source..
Three weeks ago, a rumour emerged that the CFA franc – two closely-related currencies used by 14 countries in western and central Africa – would be devalued by 35 per cent on January 1, 2012.
As a result, anxiety is taking hold of the 140 million citizens of francophone Africa. The devaluation could create a liquidity crisis and cause inflation rates to soar. Although the two governors of the central banks of Western and Central Africa have dismissed the rumour, the fact that French authorities and African heads of state failed to comment fuels peoples’ fears and could result in a massive financial outflow.
The eurozone crisis and France’s struggle to maintain its credit rating deepened fears that devaluing the CFA franc could be indirectly used as. Source
François Mitterrand
French Complicity in the Crisis in Central African Republic
By the end of 2013, “the White man’s burden” was proving too heavy to bear for France. Feeling militarily and materially outstretched, Paris cried for help from other European powers to help it shoulder “its responsibility” to quell violence, restore peace, order and political legitimacy in its backyards of Mali and Central African Republic, both in turmoil: the Islamists terrorists linked to Al-Qaïda in Maghreb (Aqmi), Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria and so on, are wreaking havoc in northern Mali and Christians and Muslims are hacking each other to death in Central African Republic (CAR). Both Belgium and the United States responded positively by providing logistics and transport for the French and African troops.
by Antoine Roger Lokongo
Without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third [world] power.”
By the end of 2013, “the White man’s burden” was proving too heavy to bear for France. Feeling militarily and materially outstretched, Paris cried for help from other European powers to help it shoulder “its responsibility” to quell violence, restore peace, order and political legitimacy in its backyards of Mali and Central African Republic, both in turmoil: the Islamists terrorists linked to Al-Qaïda in Maghreb (Aqmi), Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria and so on, are wreaking havoc in northern Mali and Christians and Muslims are hacking each other to death in Central African Republic (CAR). Both Belgium and the United States responded positively by providing logistics and transport for the French and African troops.
Chirac’s predecessor François Mitterand already prophesied in 1957 that ‘Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century’ (François Mitterrand, Présence française et abandon, 1957, Paris: Plon).”



61% of the coups happened in Francophone Africa.




Number of Coups in Africa by country
Ex French colonies
Other African countries
Number of coup
number of coup
Cote d’Ivoire
Equatorial Guinea
Guinea Bissau
Congo – RDC
Guinea Conakry
Central Africa
Burkina Faso
TOTAL (1 + 2)
African Countries whose Official Language is  French

In short, the Colonial Pact has created a legal mechanism under which

France obtains a special place in the political and economic life of its former colonies. Source:

This Same Sex Marriage Law Contraversy Is So Overrated

They Say That Promoting/Protecting or Approving of the Gay Lifestyle (agenda) Will……..

1. Make everybody go gay.

Where is the proof that if the gay lifestyle is accepted that it will turn everyone gay? If it is to say it is a choice then who would choose it once it’s acceptable but folks who already had the tendencies? Does every one carry the “gay” gene that can be activated the moment same sex marriages are lawful?

2. Cause mass genocide cause same sex folks can’t have children.

If it’s gonna cause mass genocide.. how come there are so many people in the world. 7 billion and……..  Here we have the genocide issue again. Come on there a plenty of openly gay folks in the black community who have children and grand children and great grand children.. Not to mention how many other folks have children. Even the “white” proponents of the gay lifestyle have children. Besides, if everyone turned gay, it would take centuries to wipe out the human race, because, seriously, every body ain’t straight gay, there are some bisexuals and some transsexuals who have children. There are sperm banks and plenty of donors. Unless men are gonna stop producing sperm, there will always be that slight chance of somebody somewhere getting pregnant.

counting? Is the fear that so many people will turn gay and stop making babies? Hmm, that’s interesting since many gay folks do have children and adopt children, and the birth rate is going down already for everyone except the “Mexicans” but seriously.. 7 billion people will just stop producing once same sex relationships are acceptable? That’s 7 billion people will all turn gay then lose their desire to procreate because they are gay?

3. It is an attack on the Black race cause it’s a norm for “them”.

Okay, I can see how racism, police brutality, poverty, poor education in black neighborhoods, disproportionate imprisonment, marginal hiring, discrimination, cessation of funding for programs that improve the life of Black Folk, slavery, lynching, etc. etc, etc. as an attack on the Black race, but how does someone being gay do it? How is accepting the gay life style comparable to any of the above mentioned? Better yet, explain how it does damage to the Black community in particular without any generalizations. Does it cause a kind of disease that only Gay people have? Does it make people become more criminal? Would it make more people want to bear arms (I had to throw that one in there). Are gay people more racist? Will police brutality be meeted out under the direction of “Gay” police officers? Just a few of my questions on this notion of an “attack on the Black Race.”

4. It is against God and His word!

Well, since I am not a biblical scholar, I am not going to touch that one with a 10 foot pole except to say, that a I heard about a lot of things that are written in the Bible that folks do not do today… And some take it so far as to threaten to “kill” them or themselves. Like I said, I am not a biblical scholar, but where does it say you can kill them or commit suicide over them in your “Holy Book”?

This whole paranoia about the Gay life style being acceptable and same sex marriages being the law of the land is so overrated. There are so many more pressing issues to concern ourselves with and be proactive about than to worry about, for lack of sounding cliche, what someone does in their bedroom, or who someone chooses to love or marry.

How about what people are doing to other people’s bedrooms, defiling their home, killing their women and children while lying innocently sleeping in their beds. Let’s look at the child trafficking and child pornography that is happening. Let’s look at how many children go missing every week! Let’s look up at our skies and down on the Earth that we are wreaking havoc with, let’s make the effort to be kind to one another, or at least do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

Again, this same sex distraction is so overrated and so full of fallacious fears and innuendos it’s hard to believe that it is getting so much attention with all else that is going on. But then again, maybe that is the real plan. Distract folks so they won’t think about looking into what is really happening on this Prison Planet Matrix called Earth.

On that note, I’m just saying. These arguments are very, very interesting.