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Archive for the ‘FBI’ Category

The Truth About the 14 Missing DC Black Girls in 24 hrs (VIDEOS)

This story has taken the Internet and social media by storm. I think that a lot of issues have arisen as a result of it, but to me the most important issue is to see what is happening in the home with these young people. The fact that most if not all of them are runaways speaks to a deeper problem in the Black community.

There’s no denying that child trafficking and sex trafficking of young people is a serious problem, and with all the hooplah around Pizzagate and to a more serious degree Pedo-gate, we have to begin with looking in the home and seeing what is happening there to the point that these young people would endanger their lives by running away.

Today, our streets are less safe than ever before, so it’s important to help our young people feel safe within their homes, because obviously, they feel safer in the streets which say a lot about their home environment.

That being said, I strongly encourage young people, male and female who are considering running away from home that they get help from a teacher, mentor, social worker, elder family member, minister or someone you can trust to help you. Call a hotline or something of that nature so that you can get help because the streets are dangerous and you could end up dead or badly hurt and/or abused if you go out there with no protection.

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Here’s What’s Actually Going On With The Missing Black Girls In DC
ALERT: Number of Missing D.C. Girls Spikes
Feminists will march for Hillary, but not for missing black girls in DC
Missing DC Girls – decoded by @HotepJesus
Why Are There So Many Missing Minorities Girls & Women In DC?
SupaNova Slom- The Truth about the Missing Black Girls in D.C.
ESSENCE Special Report: How D.C.’s Disappearing Girls Highlight The Nation’s Black and Missing Problem
What We Know So Far About D.C.’s Missing Black and Latinx Teens
DC’s Missing Teens: What’s True and What’s Not
Missing DC Girls: 25 Teens Disappear In Last Month & Stars Want You To Help Find Them
Missing DC Girls: 25 Teens Disappear In Last Month & Stars Want You To Help Find Them

The Counter Coup…. By Ronald Chism (Videos)

NB Commentary: By permission I am reposting a message sent to me via email. I found Mr. Chism’s thoughts compelling and worthy of posting in my blog. Feel free to leave your comments below. Thanks you.

The Counter Coup…. By Ronald Chism

(I have made fairly significant progress on my book, Nine Keys to Superior Livingso I decided to take a little break and share my perspective on what has just occurred in the U.S.  Consider this a “post-election” analysis, although the impact of this election reaches far, far beyond the borders of the United States.)
Some 15 years ago, I told my wife that she and I would live to see a coup–perhaps a military coup–in the United States that would be a counter-coup against the forces that engineered the 1961 coup that was initiated by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a coup and assassination that I, at age 11, “witnessed,” at least on television, as well as a counter-coup against the neo-conservative forces that initiated 9/11.  
Yes, there have been two coup d’etats in the U.S., in modern times, and one counter-coup:
The coup that occurred at the assassination of JFK
The coup that occurred on 9/11.  
The counter-coup initiated by forces that picked Donald Trump to be the visible representative of that coup.

Now, Trump did not organize it himself, nor did he conceive of it.  He was picked by the major counter-coup organizers because of his unique status as a global businessman and, essentially, his status as a civil nationalist [He’s not a Republican, and merely ran on the Republican ticket because he would have had no chance to win had he ran as an independent.  Running as a Republican was a mere tool].  I will name the major organizers of the coup in this brief note.

First, a brief note.  There are two, cultural views within the United States, neither one of which touched upon the prime reality that has been happening in the U.S. and on the planet.  Those two cultural views are:
  • Leftist views that are limited to social issues, such as racism (anti-racism), feminism, the gay agenda, equal rights (including for the handicapped), etc.
  • Rightest views that center on right-to-life issues (anti-abortion), religion (e.g., prayer in school, the promulgation of “Christian values,” etc.), anti-immigration, etc.
But prime issue that has defined the trajectory of U.S. policy both in the U.S. and abroad has been the struggle between freedom and slavery; between ‘higher’ caste and ‘lower’ caste’ between a tiny controlling cabal, and the rest of us.  Although this type of struggle has been happening for thousands of years, it has manifested itself in a unique, and infinitely more dangerous manner in the modern age than in the past.  
And this was explained clearly, as a warning, by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his famous Farewell Address.  The unique manner in which this struggle has manifested itself in the modern age is through what Eisenhower defined as The Military-Industrial Complex, which quickly became the tool by which global dominance [New World Order] would be achieved by a hidden elite (generally hidden from the common people.)  If you have not viewed his Farewell Address, you can do so by clicking here.  Here is a short quote from that address: 

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

Here are the major players that engineered the counter-coup that installed Trump into the Presidency as the visible representative of that coup (You will not find these people on The Internet, listed as part of a counter-coup.  I deduced this list through observation): 

A group within the Deep State that feared the impending social destruction of the United States by the forces that were trying to create the NWO.  The Deep State was never of one mind.  There were always divisions.  But it was 9/11, and the horrid results of 9/11 (both domestically and internationally) that swelled the ranks of those within the Deep State that became opposed to the methods of the others within the deep state whom they perceived as destructive to world and national order and peace.  The CIA, an arm of the Deep State, was also split, one force wishing to carry on the plans for NWO, the other force wishing to depart from those plans.

  • Dr. Steve Piezcienik
  • Roger Stone
  • Gerald Celente
  • Alex Jones (believe it or not )  And I’m not kidding.
  • General James Mattis
  • General John Kelly
  • General Michael Flynn
  • Dr. Steven Greer
  • Aware, anti-globalist, citizen-dot-connectors of the United States who, using The Internet, exercised a significant portion of the U.S. to the possibility that Trump was an anti-globalist. 
  • Julian Assange
  • What we have witnessed is a Civil War, which is still happening at this moment that has taken place chiefly in the shadows and on The Internet.  And it has not been a bloodless Civil War, unfortunately, because people have been killed.  But it is a relatively bloodless coup, waged mostly through The Internet, but also through the hard work of the above people and their assistants, some of whom do not live in the United States.

    [Oh, incidentally, I have no special knowledge about this.  No one has shown me “the secret files.” My claims are based on what I now perceive as the very obvious disclosure that a counter-coup has occurred, that disclosure appearing before our very eyes, in both the mainstream and alternative media, every single day now.  Some of this I pieced together on my own, some of it is information that I gathered from the analysis of others, including experts.  Only one individual, a serious expert in intelligence, Dr. Steve Piezcienik, has actually stated that a counter-coup has occurred].

    A few articles and YouTube videos that are helpful in seeing this counter-coup are:
    Trump – Enough of 9/11! , by Thierry Meyssan

    Now, all of the “right/left” commotion, in the streets, in the form of marches and counter-marches that you are witnessing has ZERO–nada–to do with what is really going on before our eyes. Trump, in order to get votes, held the mirror up before a significant number of disaffected U.S. citizens, and simply reflected, from that mirror, onto himself, what they wanted to hear.
    In short, he out-politicked the politicians.  I doubt very seriously if Trump is a committed racist (Mexican, African, or otherwise), misogynist, or that he hates the religion of Islam.  Roger Stone was his principal guide who fully understood the various factions in the U.S. that Trump would have to appeal to:
    • anti-globalists (including anti-NAFTA, anti-TPP citizens)
    • anti-leftists
    • pro-lifers
    • anti-Muslims (including anti-Muslim terrorists)
    • disaffected white unemployed
    • anti-DC politicians
    Regarding the last mentioned item, anti-DC politicians, remember: 40% of eligible voters did not vote.  This is a measure of the massive discontent, amongst the citizenry.  Trump’s handlers were excellent in mapping out a strategy for Trump, as well as appropriate messaging.

    When I say “appropriate” messaging, I’m not talking about morality.  I’m talking about messaging that was appropriate for appealing to the above-listed audience.  
    I’ll wrap this up now.  Does this mean that I believe Trump to be the real deal?  In a word, yes. And I won’t mind if I end up being wrong.  No problem.

    But understand what I’m saying that he’s the real deal about.  He’s the real deal in being the visible head of that side of this current Civil War (occurring in the shadows, on The Internet, and now, actually, partially in public) that is attempting to destroy the machinations of Deep State globalists, who are also called the proponents of a New World Order.

    (Before continuing, please understand the following: I will not argue or debate this matter with anyone.  That is a promise.  Say, or believe, whatever you wish.  I have analyzed the situation, and it is crystal clear to me what is going on.  I was correctly able to discoveron my own, what was happening inside Libya in 2011.  And I was proven correct.  I wrote 200 articles for, using a pseudonym, alerting people about what was happening in Libya.  Others did also, and that was because, in part, they were studying as hard as I was and we all, 32 of us, came up with the same correct conclusions.

    (Trump might not do all that he claims he’s going to do.  But there is a priority now.  And that priority he is addressing: Destroy the influence of the destructive Deep State, which artificially started a perpetual “war on terrorism” to exact money from ordinary citizens, through taxes, so that arms manufacturers, oil merchants (thieves), corporations, and others could fatten their bank accounts.  I believe that Trump is sincerely trying to put this to an end.)

    What shocked me (in a positive way) was Trump’s inaugural speech.  I was absolutely, 100% certain that he would give a speech that was totally almost the opposite of his campaign rhetoric. I assumed that he would “kick in” and bow down to the political status quo (composed of Democrats and Republicans) and deliver what his opponents would happily call a “conciliatory speech.”  He did not!!

    I was laughing my ASS off, because he stated the same things that he had stated during the campaign, which is totally not what politicians do.  They lie during the campaign, to get votes, and then, at the inauguration, they turn back and give the signal, to the political establishment, that, “Okay, guys, I’m ready to play ball.”  He didn’t do that.  I was shocked.

    Instead, he again lambasted all of the establishment, including the political establishment, and put his reputation on the line by saying that, Here is where it ends, meaning business as usual. I’m paraphrasing, but you can listen to his speech here, if you have not done so.  He openly talked, at the inauguration, about how the politicians had enriched themselves, but left Americans impoverished.  I do not remember, in my lifetime, any in-coming President saying such things at an inauguration.

    We, as ordinary human beings, particularly those of us that are citizens of the United States, have rightly grown almost totally cynical about the power-elite.  They are expert liars; expert promisers; expert do-nothings; expert exploiters; expert enslavers.  So, it is no surprise that we cannot get ourselves to believe, not to even mention trust, any politicians.

    I was suspicious of that guy all the way up to the inauguration.  I had hoped that he might be a true outsider, and a truly concerned person, that would go up against the Deep State.  But, I could not get myself to believe it.  But when he spoke at the inauguration, I thought, “This guy is the real deal!”

    I wonder his chances of staying alive for four years?  Since the inauguration, his moves have been directly against the Deep State, and obviously so.  You can research that in your own way. It’s virtually out into the public domain now, on The Internet.

    He dumped TPP.  He announced the re-negotiation of NAFTA.  He gave hints of working with Russia, in Syria, to destroy ISIS, although, characteristically, he’s not going to openly show his hand (as he had stated during the campaign).  
    And the hysteria against him is coming from all over the place.  When all elements of the establishment–the media, the upper echelon of the intelligence agencies, both political parties, the Executive Branch–go up against someone, then that person is obviously perceived by them to be an immense threat.

    At the first White House Press Briefing, his press secretary, Trump’s White House Secretary, Sean Spicer, laid out some dynamic plans that clearly indicated a huge break from Deep State culture. One such break was the announcement that Trump was setting up Skype Seats, which will be for journalist in other parts of the country that do not have the clout and “inside” power as DC journalists have, and that the mainstream media used to have.  This is an absolutely clear and direct swipe at one of the main control mechanisms of the Deep State: The mainstream press.

    This is an attempt to defang the mainstream press, although that job has been powerfully taken on by the alternative media also, and also to democratize it, for lack of a better word–to give remote news organs the opportunity to compete, in their localities, with the mainstream media (which is now being called, the legacy media, or the lame-stream media).
    I urge people again: Work on the metaphysics.  Because, the Deep State actors are not going to give up.  What we have to hope is that they do not conduct deadly false flag operations designed to force the new President to respond.  Or we have to hope that if such operations are being planned, that they be thwarted mystically by the metaphysical efforts of those of us that believe in such efforts, and also by whatever physical efforts can be made.
    Remember: All over the planet, even in Africa (east Africa, specifically) there are groups amongst the citizenry that are now fighting against the Deep State.  As Dr. Steve Greer has often explained: The Deep State is a trans-national entity, not an entity confined to the United States.
    Last, remember: There are priorities.  The biggest priority is to destroy the influence of the Deep State, and, eventually, to destroy the Deep State period.  I believe that this coup has happened directly for those purposes.  
    That’s the end of my analysis.  It’s going to be interesting.  
    Peace out,
    The Wizard

    Why Did Dir. Comey Close the Clinton FBI Investigation? (Videos)

    “That didn’t happen then. Will it happen now? Not if the Dept. of Justice has anything to say about it. The Clinton’s are protected.”

    NB Commentary:Why are they protected? She said, “If I go down, everyone is going down with me.” That’s why she is protected.

    She has been around long enough and like a virus she has infected everyone she has come in contact with and that is globally. There are a string of offenses reaching back 40 years and have her fingerprints all over them along with a host of others, known and unknown, from top to bottom.

    This debacle if completely unveiled will stymie more folks than we can find guns to shoot them with. Those who were strong enough to resist the virus, were silenced with some form of silencer that caused the coroners to call it a “suicide.” Those who got caught up were black-mailed, and the rest are in hiding, that is, they are walking the streets sworn to secrecy.

    It’s a Pandora’s box of corruption so deep and so extensive, that the entire globe will shake, rattle and roll. It’s more than saving the American republic, they are scampering to save the world.

    Imagine, the so called “greatest country in the world” bringing down the entire world in a pit of insane larceny, deception and debauchery.

    The FBI is complicit in its cover-ups and false flags, ask Sibel Edmonds.

    The CIA is complicit in its infiltrations and regime change.
    And the biggest puppet masters of all, well, you know how they feel. If one puppet doesn’t work, through it out and get another.

    I wonder if this was the plan all along. The United State of America once an experiment to be praised, has fallen so deep into the pit of corruption and psychopathy, that it is dangerous even to its puppeteers. So maybe that’s the plan, take the whole thing down, turn it into a banana republic, every man/woman for themselves, and shoot for better fish.

    Oh, she may win the election, but it ain’t over. There may be an insider mutiny going on, but the good guys are gonna be shocked when they find out what the bad guys have done and that some of them are their close friends and relatives. Will they continue to pursue this? That remains to be seen. Can they afford to out their own? Not sure if there is a blue wall when it comes to the alphabet agencies, but there are so many secrets and need to know that some folks may never, ever, ever know the real deal. It’s a cover up of biblical proportions and while I called the election a trainwreck, it’s starting to look like an earthquake cause a whole lot of shaking is going on.

    Thanks for your articles, Jon, I love them, I share them!!!

    When investigators go rogue: James Comey and Hillary’s emails
    But on Sunday, just two days before the election, Comey announced that the team had news to share. After reviewing “all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State,” he wrote, investigators had “not changed our conclusions.”
    FBI Director James B. Comey under fire for his controversial decision on the Clinton email inquiry
    FBI Director James Comey Concludes Hillary Clinton Still Won’t Face Criminal Charges Despite New Emails
    July 7, 2016 7:17 p.m. ET
    Three days after James Comey’s soliloquy absolving Hillary Clintonof criminal misuse of classified information, the big winner is—James Comey. Washington’s elite are hailing the FBI director as a modern King Solomon for avoiding a political crisis while telling the truth.
    Forgive us if we don’t join the beatification. Now that we’ve had more time to digest Mr. Comey’s legal reasoning, and after his appearance on Capitol Hill Thursday, his actions are all the more troubling and set a dangerous precedent. He often poses as the deliverer of “hard truths,” and the hard truth is that he has helped himself politically but not the cause of equal treatment under the law.
    Comey Whitewashes Hillary Criminality Again
    by Stephen Lendman

    FBI Folds Again: Reads 650,000 emails in a week, clears Hillary
    Monday, 07 November 2016
    And now the pendulum of Comey backlash swings the other way. Which Republican politician will be the first to press charges against Comey under The Heath Act? And will Harry Reid drop his charges?
    In a letter to several committee chairmen released Sunday, FBI Director James Comey announced on Sunday afternoon that just over a week after the FBI reopened its probe into Clinton emails, the Bureau has not changed its July conclusion regarding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of State.
    House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz made waves Sunday afternoon, when he tweeted about the FBI letter.
    Headaches, idiotic journalists and no ethics in sight, make up the latest leaked batch of emails released by WikiLeaks from the hacked account of US Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta.


    Is Hillary’s Campaign Collapsing? (Videos)

    Is Hillary’s Campaign Collapsing?

    What’s that quote about power and how it corrupts? Governments have been corrupt since they were established. Humanity has given power to its governments so that it can avoid being responsible. When humanity takes responsibility for its own behavior, there would be no need for governments. Governments rob, steal, cheat and lie to its masses in order to create the illusion that they are doing something of value when in fact they are thieves and robbers.
    The US governmental system from top to bottom offers every chance to perpetrate frauds, back room deals, lame philanthropy in the form of lobbyist, supposed worth of worthless votes where the people’s choice can be overridden by a host of nefarious men behind the curtain. This country born out of unrest and protest, laid upon the foundation of racism and the massacre of millions of indigenous, secured in the white halls of rich land owners, can only be a failed experiment of the NWO.
    We can scour the corruption of previous governing political figures all the way back to before Plymouth Rock. Thru the annals of supposed American history we can search and seek out one case of corruption, blackmail, larceny, treason and a host of other crimes that are forbidden for the masses and hidden for the elite. But today, why is it different? Because we have Mass Media. Because we have the INTERNET.
    I always considered myself a conscious person about the shenanigans that went on and go on in government local, state and federal. But with the revelations that come by way of the Internet, I am shocked and appalled that I “missed that one!”

    So today, Hillary’s crimes are on blast. And Trump’s inordinate behavior is on blast! Along with Huma, Weiner, Soros, Podesta, the Rothschild and all the others. The Internet has become the venue and tool for investigation into the crimes of ancient history to the present day. Where we may have had to wait for the Pony express or drum signals to bring us the news, we can now, with a tap of our finger, bring the world and all its shadows to our devices at a moment’s notice.

    Hillary is on the hot seat, not because she just started doing anything. When she started 40 years ago.. the attempts to reveal her crimes were feeble at best and defeated by any means necessary at worse. She has progressed with the passage of time, but she has not evolved. She has not evolved to the understanding that what used to be so, just ain’t so no more and that while she was able to slip throw the cracks barely noticed, that is no longer possible.

    Anyone at all from anywhere in this entire world can skip the Pony Express, deafen their ears to the drum calls and sit back in their comfortable homes and glean the thousands of emails that Wikileaks has issued.  Anyone who uses a computer on a regular basis and uses emails knows that bleaching on system does not bleach those that have been synced and if anyone is a Google Administrator for the email accounts of their business, they know that emails can be retrieved even if you “think” you deleted them. Like they said about her health practitioners using archaic methods to address her health issues, she too is using archaic methods to get herself off the hot seat! She really did not keep up with the times, and having a server in her home for “personal” email correspondence is patently ridiculous unless she was the most popular person on Facebook Twitter, instagram and everywhere else and she needed to contact all them folks.

    Nowadays, email is becoming obsolete for personal correspondence when messaging can be embedded in a social media platform. Hillary didn’t keep up with the times, but the times have caught up with her. She cannot use old methods for current situations. I would wager that while she may have pictures of herself using a smartphone, there is no indication, based on her behavior that she is really up to date on how these modern day contraptions work.
    If NSA can follow your every keystroke on your lonely computer somewhere in the hills of Sedona, than quite surely they can monitor what she is doing. Have they not? And if so….. “What do they know, and when did they know it????” To coin a phrase.
    The American people and actually the entire world is reading Hillary’s emails. Hillary is on the International Hotseat, and if the American enabling voter wishes to ignore this, just remember, the entire world and quite possibly the Universe sees what you chose to be blind to. 
    Hillary is an old style crook who has gotten lost in the Bonnie and Clyde sea of corruption without a modern day life raft. In other words, the enabling American voter can pretend she is above reproach, but the rest of the world is trending #cringe #panic #corrupt #wtf and this will be observed on much more advanced technology as the biggest hiccup in the political history of mankind. 
    Why Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Is Collapsing | True News
    Links Of Interest:
    The Clinton Syndrome: The Establishment’s Weapon for National Conquest (Part 1)
    The Clinton Syndrome, Part 2: Can Hillary Escape This Time?
    WaPo/ABC poll has Hillary campaign collapsing like a pneumonia-stricken old lady
    The COLLAPSE of Hillary, She DROPS 8 Points in 4 Days
    Could the Deep State Be Sabotaging Hillary?
    August 8, 2016
    Maybe Hillary is the Deep State’s shoo-in for president. But I suspect doubts in the Deep State have advanced to active sabotage for the reasons noted below.
    Hillary is Finished, This Exploding Google Trend Proves It: “Change Early Vote”
    Can Hillary Escape This Time?
    Video : Crooked Hillary Clinton is the “Nixon” of Our Time, Only MUCH WORSE
    BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury
    New released e-mails puts Hillary Clinton back in the hot seat
    The Myth of Authority (Video Contest Winner)

    Congrats, America: Hillary, Trump Could Both Be Criminally Charged After 2016 Election

    Congrats, America: Hillary, Trump Could Both Be Criminally Charged After 2016 Election

    November 1, 2016   |   Alice Salles

    (ANTIMEDIA) Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton have made headlines recently for their alleged problems with the law.

    Trump, who in April of 2016 was named as the defendant in a lawsuit filed by Katie Johnson, is scheduled to appear before a court on December 16, 2016. The lawsuit alleges Trump, along with former banker billionaire and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, raped Johnson when she was thirteen. The incident allegedly happened in the 1990s.

    Epstein, who was convicted of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution in 2008, has also been associated with former President Bill Clinton, whose name appears in “flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the ‘Lolita Express,’” a term used in association with Epstein’s Boeing 727 jet. The jet was allegedly set up with beds where Epstein and guests “had group sex with young girls.”

    The lawsuit was first filed in April, but U.S. Magistrate Judge Karen Stevenson threw the suit out in May because Johnson then failed “to state a civil rights claim.” The plaintiff was representing herself at the time, claiming to be unemployed and having only $276 to her name.

    In June, Johnson went on to refile the suit in the Manhattan federal court. This time around, Johnson filed the suit under the name “Jane Doe,” asking $75,000 plus attorney fees. But in September, Johnson dropped her lawsuit, only to have it refiled weeks later with three affidavits instead of two.

    While Trump is scheduled to appear in court for a status conference in December in reference to this case, it still requires more information before it leads to a trial or settlement.

    In contrast to Trump’s case, Clinton’s brush with the law is taking place at a different, more advanced level — but is still not close enough to conviction to ruin her chances of being elected.
    Just over a week before Americans head to the polls to cast their ballots, the FBI announced it would be reopening its probe into presidential nominee and former secretary of state Clinton’s use of a private email server. The announcement followed the discovery of an email stash found on a laptop that belonged to former congressman Anthony Weiner.

    Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is a longtime Clinton aide. She claims to have been unaware that her emails were on Weiner’s device.

    Though the FBI has announced it obtained a warrant to review the 650,000 emails, it is unlikely the agency’s investigation will achieve any results before election day.

    The FBI is seeking to determine whether the messages found on Weiner’s computer include any classified information or evidence that may indicate Clinton undermined U.S. national security.

    In an article for Law Newz, Ronn Blitzer attempts to answer some of the questions the public might raise now that the FBI has announced the probe, attempting to determine how Clinton’s legal future will look if she’s elected president.
    While the law “is hazy,” Blitzer writes, he goes over several scenarios. First, he explains “it’s highly unlikely that an indictment would come before November 8.” If it happened, however, “the indictment itself wouldn’t mean that Clinton could no longer run, as an indictment is only an accusation, not a conviction.” Theoretically, he continues, “the Electoral College could … go rogue and not vote for Clinton, even if their states tell them to.”

    Another possibility is that Clinton would be pressured, either by the DNC or the public, to “give up her candidacy.

    In the case Clinton wins but is indicted before her inauguration, “she could try to play beat-the-clock and hope to take office before her case concludes.” But if she’s both indicted and convicted before the inauguration and then sentenced, “she may be deemed incapacitated, in which case Section 3 of the 20th Amendment kicks in and the Vice President-Elect, in this case Tim Kaine, would become President.”

    But if Clinton wins the election and is inaugurated as the investigation is carried on, “Clinton would luck out,” Blitzer explains, “due to the philosophy that Presidents — and only Presidents — [sic] are immune from prosecution while in office.”
    Since the House of Representatives determined in 1873 that a president may only be impeached over offenses committed after their inauguration, Blitzer writes, impeachment over the email scandal isn’t likely to take place. And even if she’s convicted after moving to the White House, “President Hillary Clinton could pardon herself.”

    These scenarios could all play out fairly similarly in Trump’s case, assuming the rape lawsuit filed against him leads to a conviction. But whether Clinton or Trump is elected, their federal or FBI probes may result in nothing more than footnotes in the grand scheme of things — especially once we’re faced with the realization that elected officials are required to meet lower standards of conduct than the rest of us.
    Only after the FBI probe is finalized will we know if Congress is willing to tackle the presidential immunity rules.
    This article (Congrats, America: Hillary, Trump Could Both Be Criminally Charged After 2016 Election) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Alice Salles andtheAntiMedia.orgAnti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article

    "The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr." (Audio/Video)

    NB Commentary: When the “Voices Of Africa” Choral & Percussion Ensemble traveled to Bolivia in Feb. 2016 to be a part of the annual celebration of the Ganyingo, 2016, we were asked to participate in a Q& A with students who were studying Black History and the particular topic was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I was stunned by their knowledge of what happened to him and one of the students even implicated J. Edgar Hover’s involvement.

    Now, here we are a million miles from home and in one of the poorer countries of South America and these young people knew more about African American history than our own here in the US. And that means black kids and white kids. How is that possible?

    We were asked questions that we had to seriously take a moment to answer. We were dealing with politically adept youngsters no older than 14 or 15 years old max. It made me marvel at how our bias here in the US makes us see through a lens of the same oppressive regime that has our people on lock down. These young people had fewer resources, a scant academic environment, old desks, tables and chairs but were so keen in their thought processes. We could see their potential for leadership in the academia as well as global politics. It was absolutely stunning to behold.
    Please listen to the audio of the Gary Null Radio show on PRN where they interview Dr. William Pepper who spent 39 years researching on the MLK assassination. It lasts 2 hours so wash dishes, take a drive, cook dinner or some other mindless task, but you don’t want to miss the revelations that come out in this broadcast.
    You can go to this link…..
    Or Download this file and listen on your media player.
    By Robert D.  Morningstar 
    On June 21st, 2016, this writer was invited by Dr. Gary Null to participate in his Global Press Conference on the Martin Luther King Assassination to present new evidence in the murder of Martin Luther King, discovered by Dr. William Pepper,  author of “The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.”  
    Dr. William Pepper, who officially represented the King Family, was also a also the lawyer who defended James Earl Ray and through many years of arduous work and investigation succeeded in an appeal to secure the retrial of James Earl Ray, and through that civil trial was able to present exculpatory evidence that the jury found to be more credible than the official story, and in the end coming to a unanimous verdict that cleared James Earl Ray  of the crime of killing Dr. King.
    Listen to Gary Null’s Global Press Conference on The  Martin Luther King Assassination:
    Posted on June 21, 2016 by Jason in Gary Null Show
    On “The Gary Null Show” today, we present new evidence that demands a revision of the history behind the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. An exclusive live press conference happened today over the radio, June 21 at Noon EST, at the studios of the Progressive Radio Network. This is the first presentation to the public with first hand evidence that will revise the official history behind the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The broadcast is simultaneous with the release of a new authoritative publication, The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The books author, human rights attorney William Pepper Esq, has compiled 39 years of private and legal investigation into the murder of one of the world’s greatest civil rights and non-violent anti-war heroes.
    Pepper was Dr. King’s personal friend during the latter year of his life. Later he legally represented James Earl Ray and the King family to exonerate Ray and indict the US government as a conspirator in the assassination. Pepper’s evidence is based upon tens of thousands of hours of research, key sworn depositions, legal testimonies and private interviews with hundreds of persons both guilty and innocent.
    • Evidence of the role of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and his lover and second in command at the FBI Clyde Anderson Tolson in financing the actual murder
    • The orchestration of James Earl Ray’s escape from prison and his subsequent grooming as a patsy and conviction as the lone gunman
    For all who are interested in the life and times of Dr. Martin Luther King and who question our government’s official word on Dr. King’s assassination, this will be an important presentation.
    Further Reading:
    Dr. William F. Pepper
    William Francis Pepper is a barrister in the United Kingdom and admitted to the bar in numerous jurisdictions in the United States of America. His primary work is international commercial law. He has represented governments in the Middle East, Africa, South America, and Asia. Today, Pepper represents Sirhan Sirhan, the gunman convicted in the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in June 1968. 
    BREAKING NEWS – Ole Dammegard: Probable cause evidence shows Jesse Jackson was key covert police operative responsible for April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King assassination.

    Yuri Bezmenov "Useful Idiots" Must Watch.

    Feminists Are Useful Idiots, And Doomed. Must Watch.

    Your Thoughts on this video?????

    NB Commentary. Execution is not always physical. In modern times in a so called modern society, you get targeted. You are demonized, scandalized, suicided, or any other number of ways to “get rid of You”, they have hired assassins who do just that.. It may happen in a day or take years.
    The idea is to maintain the status quo, which is to foment conflict to keep people dependent on government. As long as there is a problem, that they created they will create the solution. so these so called “socialist” leftists, feminists etc. don’t realize they are tools for destabilization… once their work is done, they are useless. They have been duped and therefore, they are no longer needed, they lose esteem in the eyes of the masses as they travel up thru the ranks of the very government they were fighting against. This cause their followers to be disillusioned as well. It’s a vicious cycle.

    But I wouldn’t blame the fighters for social justice and human rights, I would blame the puppeteers behind them, the handlers who know full well what they are doing. the ones who arm the rebels, the ones who incite dissidence, the ones who create rivalry between factions, so that they can control. And that typically is the established government from the beginning.
    Yuri Bezmenov, Former KGB

    Is Wikileaks Controlled Opposition? Ask a Psychic. (Videos)

    NB Commentary:  I have added this blog for the purpose of adding more information to the video that I uploaded to YouTube called “Is Wikileaks Controlled Opposition? Ask A Psychic.”   One of my subscribers asked that I look into it, after they saw my video on “What Happened to Dr. Sebi, Why Didn’t His Family Tell us?”  For me it makes much more sense to go to the Oracles than to debate back and forth about a situation to determine what happened. It works for me.
    There are two videos listed in the playlist “Wikileaks.” Part 1 and Part 2.

    Some folks may find Divination something that they should avoid like the plague, I leave them to that idea. As for me, Divination has proven to put the proverbial “nail in the coffin” on controversial subjects especially.  I use the I Ching which I have studied and experienced for over 30 years and have found it to be the most incorruptible Oracle system I have ever used.
    Check out my playlist….Nana Discusses Understanding the I Ching.

    What is WikiLeaks
    3 November 2015
    WikiLeaks is a multi-national media organization and associated library. It was founded by its publisher Julian Assange in 2006.
    WikiLeaks specializes in the analysis and publication of large datasets of censored or otherwise restricted official materials involving war, spying and corruption. It has so far published more than 10 million documents and associated analyses.
    “WikiLeaks is a giant library of the world’s most persecuted documents. We give asylum to these documents, we analyze them, we promote them and we obtain more.” – Julian Assange, Der Spiegel Interview
    WikiLeaks has contractual relationships and secure communications paths to more than 100 major media organizations from around the world. This gives WikiLeaks sources negotiating power, impact and technical protections that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to achieve.
    Although no organization can hope to have a perfect record forever, thus far WikiLeaks has a perfect in document authentication and resistance to all censorship attempts.

    The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition by Zen Gardner
    Is Russia Today (RT) Part of the Controlled Media Matrix?
    Controlled Opposition
    Friday, January 16, 2015
    WikiLeaks Founder Promises More Clinton Emails, Dems Fear ‘October Surprise’
    Shameless WashPost Buries Its Own Poll Showing Record Low in Popularity for Hillary
    EXPOSED Proof FBI Director Comey Threatened With The Masonic Oath Of Silence For Hillary’s Crimes

    Arkancide: lawyer of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange dead
    ANOTHER DEAD CLINTON CRIMES TRUTH TELLER: WikiLeaks Julian Assange Lawyer FOUND DEAD, After Being Struck by Train
    Who Cares If Russia Leaks Clinton’s Emails? 5 DNC Officials Resigned For Cheating Bernie Sanders
    Top DNC fundraiser to depart following shakeup
    5 Revelations From The Leaked DNC Emails
    In the three hours-plus that Hillary Clinton spoke with FBI investigators about her private email server on July 2, she cited more than three-dozen things that she could not recall.
    Hillary Clinton’s Memory Lapse on Benghazi (Supercut)

    The Elective Affinities of Hillary Clinton (Videos)

    NB Commentary: This is a well researched article with links. A must read for anyone who is interested in what is really going on with the Selection of Hillary Clinton for the next President of the US. I have included direct links listed in this article at the bottom along with pics and videos.
    by LUCIANA BOHNE  AUGUST 5, 2016

    “God has not been preparing the English-speaking and Teutonic peoples for a thousand years for nothing but vain and idle self-contemplation and self-admiration. . . . He has made us adept in government that we may administer government among savage and senile peoples.”— Senator Albert J. Beveridge of Indiana, during the US annexation of the Philippines, 1898.

    A grotesque power-fest at the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia left
    me feeling about Hillary Clinton the way P. G. Wodehouse’s Bertie Wooster felt about his Aunt Agatha—“the one who chews broken bottles and kills rats with her teeth.” There is something disquieting and secretively lascivious about her open-mouthed cackle. She doesn’t so much laugh as lusts. She reminded me, too, of the mythical basilisk in the bestiary at the convention—the queen among the serpents. The basilisk of legend, wearing a king’s crown on his head, is only twelve-fingers long, but his venom withers all living plants in his wake. His gaze is enough to kill, according to Pliny the Elder. Only the droppings of a weasel have the potent odor to kill him, but it didn’t work with this basilisk. Her weasel endorsed her, embraced her, kissed her. His odor and her venom neutralized each other and merged into the unity party of the Serpent and the Weasel.

    Her party’s opponent is Charybdis, “a huge bladder of a creature whose face was all mouth and whose arms and legs were flippers” according to Jorge Luis Borges’ Book of Imaginary Beings (1957). As if that were not enough, this Charybdis is reputed to be the troll of a foreign monster, Mandrake, the Demon in the Kremlin. Neither the basilisk’s party nor Charybdis’ own party, a sort of mollusk like the Kraken, likes him. See here and here.  

    I’m raving, you say? This is the Age of Empire, and empire breeds monsters. We live with them now. Imperialism is our political and economic reality. Nothing material or substantial can be reformed within this colossal juggernaut. Yet, we continue to pretend that this has no bearing on our lives. In 2003 alone, the Iraq invasion cost $60 billion, three times the yearly budget for education, yet, we wonder why schools are starving for funds. When we clamor for reforms without mentioning imperialism, it is as if we were told we would be dead in three weeks and reacted by scheduling an appointment for a facelift.
    A facelift is exactly what elections have produced in the last two decades. Bill Clinton’s Nero, saxophone in lieu of harp; George Bush’s Claudius, malapropisms for stutters; Obama’s Titus, fortunate son, charm and treachery—they are all faces of imperialism, exceptionalism, hegemony, capital penetration, globalization, neoliberal recolonization, “full spectrum dominance,” “rebalance.” They are the CEOs of international capitalism in the White House. Their charge is to do away with the sovereignty of nations, economically when possible, militarily when necessary. They destabilize and destroy whole countries through open, economic, proxy, or clandestine wars; they organize and train terrorist organizations; they foment regime change; they privatize the public wealth; they impose deadly economic reforms on countries they in debt in perpetuity; they launch economic sanctions, often in tandem or in the run-up to war. The goal they serve is the domination of the planet to extract resources, secure markets, and depress wages. In Haiti, workers are paid 62 cents per hour. Why would any sane investor hire an American worker for $7 per hour when a Haitian, whose dependent country has stripped him/her of all workers’ protection rights, works for pennies?
    We are the Lotus Eaters, if we don’t know the cost and suffering of imperialism.

    In this predatory process, the masters of the world—the economic elite—have amassed mountains of money over tree decades, and are desperate for “opportunities” for investment. They know that money must move, or it dies. At this stage of disinvestment in industrialization in the capitalist centers because of diminished returns, money becomes the chief export commodity. To secure astronomical returns, lands and resources that belong to other people must be seized and controlled. To achieve this goal, they need a strong, autocratic, and authoritarian state and an appointed dictator. An imperator, head of the army, whose rule is characterized by weak legislative and judicial branches.
    Ruthless, ambitious, violent, and conniving, Hillary Clinton’s Roman imperial analog is Agrippina, Nero’s mother and Claudius’ niece and murderous wife. Her ferocious chemistry makes her kindred by choice to the ferocity of the empire. The two are bound by “elective affinities”– Die Wahlverwandtschaften (1809) of Goethe’s third novel, which examines the possibility that human passions are ruled by chemical affinities , the preference of one substance for another. I am convinced that the imperial candidate with the most affinities with the ruling elite is Hillary Clinton. If Donald Trump is sincere in saying he wants peace with Russia, he would have to be a Titan to reverse a centenary robotic American foreign policy by 360 degrees. That would go against all the laws of political motion, including inertia, which were set down at the birth of the United States. The prize was always to be fabled Eurasia—“he who controls Eurasia controls the world,” wrote that other cobra-eyed basilisk, Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinsk, the veteran Zbiggus Dickus of foreign lunacy at the State Department and the NSA.

    And so this woman, the Agrippina on the Potomac, will sit behind the “grand chessboard,” playing with human pawns. She will make a good empress, even though less than 40 percent of the country’s voters consider her “trustworthy.” But the people’s trust is irrelevant. They are themselves untrustworthy. Having come out from under the spell of “charming” Obama to realize that he was a magician’s trick, the people are spinning off center—the “extreme center,” as Tariq Ali wittily calls it. The people need whipping back into the herd. For that, a virago will do. She will ride rough-shod with Sin and Death, the moral allies of the empire, over hurdles of sovereignties and international law. She will further ravish the already enfeebled Constitution before eating it whole because the inevitable cost of an expansionist foreign policy is the loss of economic and political freedom at home.
    They all trust her. She has affinities with them all.
    The Financiers

    The financial empire trusts Hillary Clinton. Top mega-financiers and hedge fund founders and managers who have contributed to her campaign since March 2015 include: George Soros, hedge-fund billionaire, $7 million; Haim Saban, Israeli hawk and entertainment mogul, $5 million; James Simon, founder, Renaissance Technologies, hedge fund billionaire and former code-breaker for the military, $ 3.5 million; Herbert Sandler, founder of Golden West Financial Corporation, the California savings and loan enterprise; Donald Sussman, hedge-fund manager,
    $2.5 million.

    There was no way that the new world order of financial monopoly capitalism would consider for CEO of the neoliberal empire someone like Bernie Sanders, not because he was “progressive” but because he was “regressive,” and in their view no doubt an unrealistic fantasist. The idea of bringing back the New Deal, a liberal order they had been overthrowing since the 1980s, must have had them belly-laughing in private, but they saw no harm so long as the senator from Vermont fed the illusion in the people that capitalism could be reformed and become a good thing. Ditto for Donald Trump: his regression consists of offering the people another fantasy, a return to a long gone Fordist America, the industrial powerhouse of the planet, in which American workers were the “aristocrats” of labor. At one point in history, Detroit was the capital of this aristocracy, the best-paid white workers in the world. Thus, both candidates offer a spectacle to the voters of a quarrel with their respective parties, but not with their parties’ de-facto bi-partisan pursuit of economic world supremacy. All the same they were useful. They helped to deflect, diffuse, confuse, and veil that stark, existential reality that is the cause of our woes and those of the planet: American economic and military expansion—the weasel more so than Charybdis.
    Hillary Clinton is not a retro-fantasist, apart from being a fantasist of the neoliberal order. Her fantasy is their fantasy. Thus they back her.
    The Liberal Humanitarian Carnivores
    The liberal humanitarians trust Hillary’s exemplary ability to sell a war crime as a service to humanity.

    The modern idea of “humanitarian war” is as old as Columbus; as old as the conquistadores. White, civilized Europeans, arriving in the “New World,” killed “savages” in order to civilize whoever survived. And then worked them to death and took their lands. In that tradition, the modern liberal humanitarian must be a flesh-eater. “A liberal society cannot be defended by herbivores. We need carnivores to save us,” wrote Michael Ignatieff, former Professor of Human Rights Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, in a New York Times magazine op-ed piece, May 2, 2004. There is no need to recite the litany of Hillary Clinton’s bloody deeds since 1990. Gary Leupp covers them comprehensively in a 2015 CounterPunch article  but for carnivorism, who can forget her maenad-possessed laughter on watching the tearing apart of Qaddafi’s flesh on video—a scene reminiscent of Euripides’ tragedy, “The Bacchae”?

    Bill Clinton’s administration in the 1990s disemboweled Yugoslavia on humanitarian grounds, after portraying it as the resurgence of the genocidal Third Reich and its president, Slobodan Milosevic, as the new Hitler. Milosevic, by the way, has just been exonerated of all crimes for which Clinton’s kangaroo International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia had formerly condemned him. In 2003, casting her vote for the invasion of Iraq, Hillary Clinton cited the persecution of Milosevic as the example to follow for removing Saddam Hussein. It’s worth listening to her self-assurance in demonizing a man she, and Bill Clinton’s administration, knew to be innocent of the charges—knew because they trumped them up:

    “We and our NATO allies did not depose Mr. Milosevic, who was responsible for more than a quarter of a million people being killed in the 1990s. Instead, by stopping his aggression in Bosnia and Kosovo, and keeping on the tough sanctions, we created the conditions in which his own people threw him out and led to his being in the dock being tried for war crimes as we speak.”

    But Bill Clinton didn’t just scrap Yugoslavia; he junked international law by removing from the Security Council the legal monopoly on authorizing war. He set a precedent in the Kosovo War by claiming Responsibility to Protect (R2P), which gives humanitarian intervention the pseudo-legal means to overthrow a sovereign state. The UN Charter specifically disallows humanitarian intervention for a very good reason: it was that responsibility Hitler’s rogue regime claimed for invading Poland—the protection of German minorities—to start WW II.
    Never mind. The Kosovo precedent opened the gates to all the “humanitarian” wars that followed, including Hillary Clinton’s war on Libya in 2009, consistent with her approval of her husband’s intervention in Kosovo. During a meeting with Code Pink on 6 March 2003 at the US Capitol, defending her vote in favor of attacking Iraq, Senator Clinton applauded her husband’s war in Kosovo, claiming that he saved Kosovar Albanian from ethnic cleansing—a lie—while commending his initiative to go it alone, without the “international community’s” consent:

    “With respect to whose responsibility it is to disarm Saddam Hussein, I do not believe that given the attitudes of many people in the world community today that there would be a willingness to take on very difficult problems were it not for United States leadership.  And I am talking specifically about what had to be done in Bosnia and Kosovo, where my husband could not get a Security Council resolution to save the Kosovar Albanians from ethnic cleansing.  And we did it alone as the United States, and we had to do it alone.  It would have been far preferable if the Russians and others had agreed to do it through the United Nations — they would not.  I’m happy that, in the face of such horrible suffering, we did act.”

    She’s praising here her husband’s international crime, the interference with a country’s sovereignty for fictional humanitarian reasons. No, the goal of the war in Kosovo was not ethnic defense (Bill Clinton’s policy throughout the 90s in the former Yugoslavia was to foment and prey on ethnic anarchy) but the expansionist penetration of a foreign territory and the construction of one of the largest military bases in Europe, at Camp Bondsteel, costing the American people a good chunk of social services—possibly, his welfare “reform,” for example.

    Liberal humanitarian warmongers peddle the ludicrous claim that “America is the essential country” (Madeleine Albright) for safeguarding liberal democracy throughout the world, sublimely indifferent to the evidence that the world can’t wait to get America’s essentialism off its back. Hillary Clinton’s belligerent foreign policy is notorious. She has promised to bomb Iran. She has managed and supervised the destruction of Libya. She has organized the coups in Paraguay and Honduras. Her neo-con team at the State Department funded and organized the coup in Ukraine, Nazified its political, military, and cultural life, triggering a civil war (while calling Putin “Hitler”).

    HRC-Syria Policy
    There’s no reason to believe that her carnivorous humanitarian resources have been depleted since then. While Secretary of State for Obama, she authorized the sale of weapons to Qatar that she knew would go to the Libyan rebels to topple Qaddafi and then go to Syria to arm al Qaeda to overthrow Assad. She denied any involvement under oath. In an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, her campaign foreign policy adviser, Jeremy Bash, former Chief of Staff at the Pentagon and CIA, said that she would work to get President Assad “out of there”:

    Julian Assange says “1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection” proves she sold weapons to ISIS in Syria.

    “A Clinton administration will not shrink from making clear to the world exactly what the Assad regime is. It is a murderous regime that violates human rights; that has violated international law; used chemical weapons against his own people; has killed hundreds of thousands of people, including tens of thousands of children.

    If Assad is as guilty as she was sure at the time Milosevic was, we’re in for another international crime.”

    On Russia, the Council on Foreign Relations reports that she’s calling for strengthening NATO and “tougher measures against Putin to punish him for invading Ukraine and annexing Crimea as well as for supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.” “I remain convinced,” they quote her, “that we need a concerted effort to really up the cost on Russia and, in particular, on Putin.” She considers that Russia’s intervention in Syria creates “chaos”:

    “I think it’s important too that the United States make it very clear to Putin that it’s not acceptable for him to be in Syria creating more chaos, bombing people on behalf of Assad, and we can’t do that if we don’t take more of a leadership position, which is what I’m advocating.”

    Russia Today blames Clinton’s outrageous Russophobia—“Hillary Clinton is the Bachman Turner Overdrive of US politics”–on Obama’s mistake for allowing the Neo-con contingent to dominate the State Department:

    Obama’s other mistake was to allow Hillary, as Secretary of State, to retain neocon holdovers from the Bush administration on her Eastern Europe team. Even more incredibly, Kerry then inherited them for the second term. “Obama allowed US officials on the ground (in Ukraine and elsewhere) to pursue a grossly irresponsible and provocative anti-Russian policy,” Anatol Lieven recently told the Valdai Club. “What on earth, one may ask, was Victoria Nuland, a neo-conservative State Department official married to the arch neocon Robert Kagan, doing in the Obama administration at all, given that her attitudes run clearly counter to his?”Lieven also pointed out that “figures like Nuland are still favored by Hillary Clinton (Kagan is now moving into her political camp) and much of the US foreign and security establishment; and that with regard to Russia, that establishment is still conditioned to pursue what are in effect Cold War attitudes.”
    The Neo-Cons and “New” Imperialists
     Hillary Clinton represents the personification of rehabilitated imperialism, the overarching geopolitical focus of American politics. That is why she will be the establishment’s choice—tested and proven. She will press hard against the political independence of Russia and the economic rise of China, a pressure that encapsulates American foreign policy in the foreseeable future.
    Neo-con and neo-liberal promoters of the “new imperialism” are Western regime intellectuals and historians such as Max Boot, Niall Ferguson, and Michael Ignatieff.
    As a result, by 2003, the year of the invasion of Iraq, media pundits were busy domesticating the word “empire.” American propaganda had proscribed the word for decades on account of there being only one empire, which was “evil”: the USSR. With the Soviet Union gone, America congratulated itself on being #1, the sole super-power, the essential country, and, the old standby, the exceptional country. None of these brands resonated with the force that the scope of conquering the world required. To make matters worse, critics of the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, were floating the un-American term “imperialism.” Something had to be done. With the evil empire dead, the good empire could re-emerge. Max Boot, Senior Fellow in National Security Studies at Council on Foreign Relations, proposed “an American might to promote American ideals”–messianic political morality at the point of a gun. He explained.

    “In the early twentieth century, Americans talked of spreading Anglo-Saxon civilization and taking up the ‘white man’s burden’; today they talk of spreading democracy and defending human rights. Whatever you call it, this represents an idealistic impulse that has always been a big part in America’s impetus for going to war.”

    Soon after 9/11, 2001, Boot had already invoked this impetuous idealism to respond to the lament of suffering nations pining for the . . . return of a British-style imperial ministration.
    Afghanistan and other troubled lands today cry out for the sort of enlightened foreign administration once provided by self-confident Englishmen in jodhpurs and pith helmets.
    And in 2002, Boot wrote, “Imperialism used to be the white man’s burden. This gave it a bad reputation. But imperialism doesn’t stop being necessary because it is politically incorrect” (New York Times Magazine, July 28, 2002). Neoconservative William Kristol, of The Weekly Standard, said more tersely on Fox television at the time, “if people want to say we’re an imperial power, fine.”If there is a place on earth that is testy about Western imperialism, that place is China. If there is an American official who has sorely tested China’s anti-colonial sensibility, that person is Clinton. As First Lady, she rousingly declared that “women’s rights are human rights” in Beijing at the UN World Conference on Women in 1995. As

    Secretary of State, in 2011, she denounced China’s “deplorable” record of human rights in an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic. Again in 2011, she proposed a US policy toward China as one “of advancing democracy and human rights” in a Foreign Policy article, titled “America’s Pacific Century.”

    To Chinese officials’ ear this aggressive insistence on human rights sounded suspiciously like a systematic call for color revolution in China. Her hostile intent, had already become apparent in 2010. At the ASEAN Regional Forum in Hanoi, she confirmed China’s suspicion that she advocated a US policy of containment by intervening in the territorial disputes of the South China Sea. Recommending a “rebalance” of power in the disputed areas, she asserted that the US had “a national interest in freedom of navigation, open access to Asia’s maritime commons, and respect for international law in the South China Sea.”
    China’s Foreign Minister at the time, Yang Jiechi, at first walked out of the meeting, only to return an hour later with the ominous reminderthat “China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that’s just a fact.”
    On the unpopular Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement, a pact China correctly perceives as economic containment, she said in her debate with Bernie Sanders on 4 February 2016 that she now opposes it after having strenuously and enthusiastically supported it as Obama’s Secretary of State until 2012 and beyond. Her flip-flops on the TPT are well documented here.

    These three affinities—with finance, war, and imperialism—make Hillary Clinton the perfect mate for president of the financial-imperial White House. Picture her in jodhpurs and pith helmet astride the financial bull, taking on the “white woman’s burden,” and riding the humanitarian “savage wars for peace.” Stop worrying about Donald Trump “Charybdis” and learn to avoid where the Basilisk treads, which will be difficult. You can prepare by reviewing her record as “empire-slayer” here.

    “I urged him to bomb.” – Hillary Clinton

    In choosing between presidential candidates today, it’s best to stick to Bertie Wooster’s advice about aunts: “It is no use telling me there are bad aunts and good aunts. At the core, they are all alike. Sooner or later, out pops the cloven hoof.”

    Sources: DNC warned of hack months before
    Hillary Clinton Wins Historic Nomination
    Lead Attorney In Anti-Clinton DNC Fraud Case Mysteriously Found Dead
    ‘Unfit to be president’: Obama hammers Trump with harshest comments yet
    Julian Assange says “1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection” proves she sold weapons to ISIS in Syria [Video]
    Hillary Clinton will reset Syria policy against ‘murderous’ Assad regime
    Syria anniversary: the psychopaths are unstoppable
    Hillary Clinton says the United States needs to work with Russia 
    President Hillary? If you think Russian-American relations are bad now, you ain’t seen nothing yet
    U.S. takes a tougher tone with China
    Hillary Clinton flip-flops on Trans-Pacific Partnership
    Hillary Clinton Pro-War and Imperialism Record in Bullet Points

    10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook

    NB Commentary:  This is a great article especially for those folks who are not sure if the friend requests is coming from a real person or some nefarious person with nefarious motives.  A while ago, I posted a video on my Facebook page about the Spring Valley School incident where the security guard threw the black female student across the room. In the video, a father from the community talked to the folks at a meeting about what he would do if someone did that to his daughter.
    The video got so many hits to my surprise it was up in the thousands within hours. By the end of the day it had gotten 7000 views. Next thing you know, Facebook shut my account down and hard as I tried they did not give me a reason. I couldn’t contact anyone and ended up searching online for why Facebook would put you in the Facebook jail.
    As a result of being locked out of my account for several days, I opened another account and told all my friends what happened. But as soon as I opened my new account I got a flood of friend requests. One of them was from some dude in Malaysia who claimed to be a Tantric yoga teacher. His profile was really borderline pornography. I sent him a message and asked why did he have those videos on his profile and he explained a ton of things that did not make sense to me as to what that even had to do with Tantra. Having had some knowledge about Tantric yoga, I was aware enough to follow his line of thinking to the toilet bowl. I quickly unfriended him. Several others followed, half naked women, which I found extremely interesting since it can clearly be seen in my profile pic that I am female.
    I often read the comments below an article or YouTube video before I respond. Nine times out of 10, when there are several  responses to one comment, it’s an argument and sometimes it sounds like the same person under different accounts is arguing with himself. It is so obvious from the style of writing and the vitriol and cursing that goes on between the parties. It’s as if they get on there just to fill up the comment section with stupidity.
    I am aware of the plants as well. Someone reported on how the “troll/agent” didn’t close their window before going to the next comment section and it was recorded. Somehow the information got transferred to someone with a keen eye and they shared the information on the internet.
    It is common knowledge that the alphabet intelligence organizations have their spies and patsies so of course with the advent of social media they have to infiltrate social media as well.  Using discernment when interacting with these characters is the first line of defense.

    Check out the article below and use some of these tips, they are helpful in avoiding some of these bogus accounts.

    10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook
    by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

    Have you
    noticed an increase in friend requests? Have you ever wondered if any of those
    are REAL people?
    I have a suspicion that many people, especially those of high profile, are being
    bombarded with a plethora of fake Facebook friend requests.
    If you are disseminating important information that goes against the Cabal’s agenda, then flooding your 5,000 Facebook friend limit with fake accounts would prevent your information reaching REAL people who would benefit from it.
    I check each and every friend request I receive. Numerous times, I have seen at least one Facebook friend listed as a “mutual friend” by such requests. In many of
    these profiles, the first and most recent post is porn related. When this happens, I notify the mutual friend and will remind them to take the time to see who they are friending.
    But there are other reasons why fake accounts are being created.
    According to a report on Tech.Micpolice departments around the nation have taken predictive crime prevention to a new level by building fake user accounts, as well as posing as genuine people to gather information about local events. (1)
    10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook
    1. Account was made recently 2015, 2016.
    2. Account has no history published for earlier years, but Facebook says they have been a member since 2009, etc.
    3. Most fake accounts have 1 image or no real profile photo of the person. Some may only have a select few photos over a long span of time. A well seasoned user would have more photos posted over a long period of time. A fake account may have 7-10 photos posted on the same day.
    4. User has very few friends in common and or friends in general.
    5. There is little to no interaction on their page with friends, no comments, likes or responses over their long time line.
    6. Profile picture seems to good to be true, that hot model added you today! They even messaged you and are interested in you!
    7. When in doubt use reverse image search. Take their image and see if it is a real person or not.
    8. When in doubt deny, deny, deny.
    9. The user doesn’t “like” any bands, books, or movies.
    10. The user doesn’t belong to any groups.
    A few Facebook tips:

    I am probably more judicial than most Facebook users. I won’t add anyone who I can’t see their page, nor will I add anyone who floods their wall with political
    posts. If they haven’t posted in at least a month, then chances are, they’re
    not active on Facebook, so I won’t add them either.
    Of course, there are always exceptions to every rule but in general, these trends
    seem to weed out inactive profiles and political clutter on my Facebook feed.
    If you go through your friends list, you will see some profiles without a picture.
    Many of these users are no longer on Facebook but are still counted against
    your 5,000 friend limit.
    If you click on their name and they are no longer on Facebook, then you will be
    redirected back to your personal Facebook page. At that point, you can
    officially “unfriend” them and free up more room to add more people.
    Take the time to see who is friending you. Facebook is a numbers game to a lot of
    people, but I’d rather have a small number of quality friends than a maxed out
    5,000 limit of fake profiles or a plethora of people posting crap I don’t want
    to see on my newsfeed.

    The Clinton Chronicles – The Bill Clinton Murders (Video-Links)

    NB Commentary: This country dedicates monuments, federal buildings, streets, towns, libraries, roads and holidays to its war criminals, slave holders, pedophiles, drug addicts, corporate moguls and mafia connected king pins. It says a lot about how it protects its criminals, honors them and gives them high office in the land.
    Small wonder that they would select someone like Bill Clinton for the presidency and quite possibly, his wife as well. I used to always wonder about that. It seems strange to me that the American public don’t get it or see it.
    They continually rally behind these criminals as if they are in the twilight zone with no clue of how deep the rabbit hole goes. But as I get older, it all seems to make more sense.
    Why would Killery even flinch at an FBI investigation, when they have skirted passed so many crimes in the past? It would only stand to reason that being knee-deep in the criminality that has subdued this country… one could only expect that this (the email scandal) shall pass, be swept under the rug, or a few folks go missing; thus the corrupt debauchery can and will continue unabated.
    Links Of Interest

    Chaos In Dallas:Sniper Attack Leaves 12 Officers Shot & 5 Dead (video)

    NB Commentary: This is a straight up Psyops. Social engineering Masters Course. Be very, very careful to protect yourself. Keep you mind body ans spirit safe and secure. Whatever you do or wherever you go to find “PEACE” go there. Hold on to your sanity. This is a psychological, mental and spiritual assault on all of your sensibilities. Everyone is at risk. A word to the wise.

    Why the FBI Wants Orlando Agencies to Deny Public Records Request

    NB Commentary:  I have read several comments under the articles listed below and it amazes me how these folks are not seeing the humongous elephant in the room.

    Can the American populace be that blind, deaf and dumb? Did they just crawl out from under a rock when they heard about Omar Mateen’s 911 call saying he was an ISIS sympathizer? Did they not want it to be heard that he said he wanted America to stop bombing  his country of Afghanistan? Why was it redacted from the original release of the 911 calls and then released? Why has the story changed to him being a disgruntled closeted gay homophobe who saw two guys kissing and to detract from his own desire told his dad how disgusting it was? And where is his wife?
    Have the American people been so shook up and down that their brains are rattling and they cannot connect the dots even if they tried? How do they not get
    it? Haven’t they heard that the ISIS attacks will come home to roost? Weren’t they warned that these so-called rebels turned terrorists will be crashing at a party near you? Weren’t they fear mongering and at the same time arming these so-call rebels on one hand and saying you better watch out on the other hand?
    I find it amazing that they have no trouble whatsoever, blaming everything on ISIS when it happens in another country, but when it happens here, mums the word. Why is that?? And why can’t folks see it.

    “Muslims most often are used as convenient US or other Western state-sponsored false flag attack patsies.
    Yet as James Petras explains, “(o)ver the past fifty plus years, over 125 mass shootings/massacres have occurred within the United States but not one perpetrator has been identified as a trained member of an international Islamist terrorist organization.”

    Why won’t they just come out and call a spade a spade? Either it’s ISIS or it ain’t, either they are a part of the terrorist network or they ain’t. And if they are.. Then a lot of questions should ensue.
    Shouldn’t they be bombing the US cells wherever they find them?
    Shouldn’t they be sending drones to US wedding parties wherever they suspect a terrorist cell?
    Shouldn’t they be rounding up these terrorists and sending them to Guantanamo?
    Shouldn’t they be bombing their schools,  hospitals and neighborhoods where they are held up in the US?
    But instead we see them…
    Shaking hands with them….
    Arming them….
    Looking the other way when they travel across borders and enter European countries…..
    Investigating them and then releasing them…..
    Allowing so called radicals, radicalize folks via the internet (Robertson in Mateen’s case)…..
    Allowing their Mosques that openly teach propaganda against the US to exist, instead of shutting them down and weeding them out…..
    No, it is much more fun to do that to other countries and their defenseless men, women and children.
    It’s more fun to blame Obama and say he is closet Muslim who won’t expose the hateful Muslims for who they are.

    It’s easier to omit the “War On Terror” that was launched before Obama came into
    It is easier to ignore the death and destruction that the US and NATO has rained down on the defenseless as a result of this so-called and literally impossible war to win.
    It’s easier to create chaos, division, corruption and massacres and blame it on those folks over there.
    It’s even more fun to show the blood and gore and blood and more gore spewing out of those folks over there than to face it here in the USA.
    So when Bush made the threat that he was going to seek them out wherever they are, he did not mean he would do much of that here in the US. In fact, he just kinda sorta didn’t mean the war on terror was gonna take place in the US at all. No war on terror on US soil, only in the middle East, cause for sure, they ain’t having that war in Paris, France, Brussels.
    Then we have the openly complicit and criminal relationship with Erdogan and the Saudi’s who are also arming the so-called rebels. Not to mention, that Israel says the rebels are better than Assad. And the US supports Israel. So what’s wrong with that picture?
    The false flag narrative has simply run its course. People are waking up and even if it’s just 10 out of every thousand that is still too many. What else is there to do besides go to full scale war with Russia, which is a fools dream. Go to war with Russia?? You’re kidding me right?
    Because the US is responsible for the deaths that happened in Orlando and probably every where else that has the ISIS tag on it, because the US congress agreed to ARM THE REBELS! And in doing so, they endangered the lives of everyone everywhere, and not just over there. Them chickens will find their way, right back home!!

    My rants are just that, rants, but I back them up with the facts and news articles and/or videos that I find on the internet, which seems to be the bane of the existence of the The Powers That Shouldn’t Be.
    Steven Lendman’s article brings it all into perspective, and I have quoted it below. He is a prolific writer and his use of critical analysis of the shenanigans that these folks in power get themselves into is par excellance. 

    Genesis of Current Mass Shootings, Blasts and Suicide Bombings
    by Stephen Lendman  July 4, 2016
    They’re coming in rapid fashion – in late June/early July alone:
    • Istanbul blasts inflicting mass casualties; 
    • Dhaka, Bangladesh shootings and hostage takings; 
    • slaughter in Baghdad, killing over 200 and wounding hundreds more – the latest of numerous violent incidents since GW Bush’s 2003 naked aggression; and
    • on America’s Independence Day, an apparent suicide bombing meters from its Jeddah, Saudi Arabia consulate, followed by multiple blasts rocking the area.
    Whether these and similar attacks are terrorism, false flags, lone wolf incidents or something else requires understanding how they began in the first place.
    In his memoirs, titled “From the Shadows,” former CIA director/defense secretary Robert Gates said US intelligence operatives began aiding Mujahadeen fighters in Afghanistan six months before Soviet Russia invaded.
    Former Carter administration national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski explained, saying Jimmy Carter, on Independence Day eve (July 3, 1979), “signed the the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.” 
    “And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.”
    Mujahadeen support led to today’s Taliban, Al Qaeda, the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), ISIS, Jabhat al Nusra, Jaysh al-Islam, Ahrar ash-Sham, Boko Haram, and other jihadist groups – US created and sponsored or offshoots from them.
    Bipartisan US imperial policy bears full responsibility for unleashing a scourge of state-sponsored terrorism in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, Europe and America.
    Brzezinski was unapologetic, asking “(w)hat is more important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”
    He failed to explain America needs enemies to advance his imperium. Communism was its bogeyman earlier, public enemy number one until Soviet Russia’s 1991 dissolution.
    Now it’s radical Muslims, Islam vilified in the process – directly or by implication, America raping and destroying one Islamic country after another.
    Muslims most often are used as convenient US or other Western state-sponsored false flag attack patsies.
    Yet as James Petras explains, “(o)ver the past fifty plus years, over 125 mass shootings/massacres have occurred within the United States but not one perpetrator has been identified as a trained member of an international Islamist terrorist organization.”
    In contrast, America “brutalized and, directly or indirectly, massacred millions of Muslim civilians, citizens of once-sovereign nations, throughout the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa,” – unprecedented lawlessness continuing unabated, millions more lives at risk.
    State-sponsored terror threatens world peace, America its lead perpetrator, waging war on humanity at home and abroad. Its rage for dominance created societies unfit to live in, imperiling life on earth. 
    Imperial madness threatens everyone, endless wars and headline-making violent incidents reminders of what’s at stake.
    Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 
    His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
    Visit his blog site at 
    G4S calls itself the “world’s leading security solutions group.”The London-based company contracts often with the U.S. government — it currently operates 32 taxpayer-funded juvenile prisons in the U.S. through G4S Youth Services, and has transported and housed immigrant detainees on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security. G4S has also coordinated security for more than 90 percent of nuclear sites in the U.S, as well as airports, hospitals, and seaports.
    Orlando terrorist connected to radical Muslim cleric who was released from prison last year after he converted 36 people in jail and ‘runs a website used to dispense his teachings’
    • Officials say Omar Mateen, 29, was tied to former US Marine turned radical Muslim cleric Marcus Dwayne Robertson 
    • Robertson converted at least 36 people to his version of Islam while he was imprisoned for four years in jail before he was released
    Robertson, who was a former US Marine and undercover FBI agent before turning into a radical Imam, was released from prison last year despite warning from officials and prosecutors that he would recruit people to carry out horrendous acts of violence. 
    Investigative Report Proves Turkey Part of ISIS Terror
    “We must not question the motives of our elected leaders, who despite sitting on this information for years, still lie to us, flagrantly, even now, before the blood of 129 French citizens has even dried, pretending that they intend to ‘destroy’ a band of psychopathic murdering scum, armed and funded from within the heart of NATO,” Ahmed concludes.
    Says House Intel Chair: “Some of them have drifted back to the U.S.”
    “This is a big part of the reason why ISIS exists, it’s about perpetual war; the military industrial complex has to have new markets, has to make money, so they have to keep things in the Middle East unstable,” Henderson told Press TV on Saturday. 
    Why Barack Obama and most of the U.S. Congress are Guilty of Treason
    Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US “Created” ISIS As A “Tool” To Overthrow Syria’s President Assad
    The T-Shirts
    ISIS, apparently, sells merch. Not just T-shirts and baseball caps, but — gasp — toys for children! Here’s a CNN video from June 24. (I say “seems” because I came in late on this story and Google is a horrible research tool, so, readers, feel free to correct any of my misapprehensions.) Here’s the video:
    America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group

    Manufactured Terrorism The Orlando Santa Monica Connection ! | We Are Change

    NB Commentary: To date, I have read several articles and watch a plethora of YouTube videos on this subject and I have found this event to be very, very curious. There are so many distortions in the official story along with several distortions in the so-called alternative media and so called conspiracy theorists. But I must conclude 2 things.
    1. These events have become text book occurrences with all the usual suspects
    These events are having a counter effect, so instead of scaring folks to death it, they are actually making people roll over like a sleeping giant, and take a yawn.  Some folks are actually waking up and that’s a good thing.
    Ironically, if too many dots are connected, the whole 911 charade and all that followed will come tumbling down and even the most ardent, patriotic supporters for the “official story” will begin to question the “official media narrative.” Folks won’t be so afraid to question or even be called a conspiracy theorist.
    So Where are the Orlando bodies???
    2. One thing that is certainly very apparent, the internet is turning over rocks in these events like never before. With everything being listed there is some form or another, with a little investigation and open source sharing, information gathering has become a lot less complicated and difficult. And on a good day, the information falls right into the investigative reporter’s lap. This makes the owners of these scripted events look highly suspicious. They are almost laughable because a Hollyweird script would be more imaginative than the same old drama these events create over and over again.
    I strongly encourage folks to read this article in its entirety. It is very well written, very comprehensive along with revealing some deeply hidden characters and motives.
    After the overwhelming avalanche of information flow around Prince Rogers Nelson and Muhammad Ali, I really wanted to steer clear of this most recent act of social engineering. But, I guess, I must be an investigative journalist in my own right, and so here I am sharing this story, that I again, encourage you all to read in its entirety.
    I have already said my piece about US massacres in my other blog post. “Was Orlando Shooting a False Flag?”

    Manufactured Terrorism The Orlando Santa Monica Connection !
     by Danny F. Quest | Jun 15, 2016
    Howell Says CIA and Four Other Suspects were Involved in Planned Sunday Massacres
    Sources within the Santa Monica police department claim that James Wesley Howell, an Indiana man who was caught with explosives and weapons on Sunday Morning, told the Santa Monica police that as many as five people were involved in planned attacks on gay communities in both Florida and California.
    According to the LA Times, Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks initially said on Twitter that the 20-year-old Indiana man (James Howell) told one of her officers after he was arrested that he wanted “to harm the Gay Pride event.”
    However, after the FBI quickly took over the case, a Santa Monica police spokesman Saul Rodriguez indicated that Seabrooks was mistaken and offered that the Santa Monica detectives who were working the case are “not aware of what the suspect’s intentions were at this point.”
    You want proof? Call the Santa Monica PD, they released this story. SMH
    Address: 333 Olympic Dr, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Phone:(310) 395-9931
    Please share this vigorously and help me fight this false flag event.
    The official version of this story released by the LA Times falsely claims that on early Sunday, Santa Monica police received a call about a suspected prowler who was knocking on a resident’s door and window about 5 a.m. in the 1700 block of 11th Street, Santa Monica police said.
    Patrol officers responded and encountered Howell, who was sitting in a car registered in Indiana, police said. Officers inspected the car and found three assault rifles, high-capacity ammunition and a 5-gallon bucket containing “chemicals capable of forming an improvised explosive device,” police said.
    A law enforcement source who spoke on condition of anonymity said the contents of the bucket included Tannerite, an ingredient that could be used to create pipe bombs.
    The source, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the ongoing investigation, said authorities also found camouflage clothing in the car.
    Los Angeles County sheriff’s officials said the suspect told police he was going to the Pride parade to look for a friend. Authorities were looking for that individual.
    Place jacwueline Seabrooks tweet here
    Do police chiefs make these kind of errors everyday?
    The real truth of the story was released to a former Los Angeles County prosecutor who works for Get Off the BS by two Santa Monica police officers that have been issued gag orders under threat of Federal prosecution for talking further talking about the incident.
    According to two department sources, Howell called the Santa Monica police on Sunday morning claiming that he needed protection from the CIA. Howell further elaborated to the dispatcher stating that he “had been set up by the CIA – they are going to kill me.”
    According to Howell, he was in LA to meet with another person in a collaborated attack on the gay communities in both Florida and Los Angeles.
    Howell additionally stated that, “everything has gone south. Dan was gone when I got here. They killed the leader of the Florida attack this morning. They are going to kill me. I need protection.”
    According to sources within the police department’s investigation Howell indicated to officers who first made contact with him that Howell claimed he was one of five people involved in a planned Sunday attack on both the east and west coasts.
    Howell stated that he was suppose to “hook up” late Saturday night with his contact in LA who was suppose to have more weapons and chemicals to mix with the Tannerite he was in possession of.
    “When I got here, Dan was gone. I went to his apartment and he had cleared out….I tried calling him but he never answered me,” said Howell.
    When questioned about the other four people involved in the plot, Howell was only familiar with the first names of three of the alleged suspects, naming his contact in LA – Dan and two of the three contacts in Florida, Omarand Brandy
    Speaking of the suspect killed in the Pulse Bar massacre in Florida, Howell stated, “Omar was not suppose to be killed. They lied to us – Omar and Brandy were suppose to get away.”
    When Howell was questioned about how he and his conspirators knew each other, he said that,
    “We were all familiar with each other through an online fundamental Islamic knowledge seminary course[1] – we were recruited through the course and trained together at a camp in Virginia – we were taught how to shoot and make bombs – everyone knew their part – something went wrong….”
    Before the officers could further question Howell, agents working for the Los Angeles office of the FBI quickly swept in and took over the case. Santa Monica detectives were never allowed to talk with Howell.
    In summary, it appears that Howell was on his way to “hook up” with another conspirator (Dan) to set off explosives and shoot people at the gay pride parade in Hollywood California on Sunday.
    Finding his contact missing when he got to LA and having heard that Omar Matteen had been killed by a FBI SWAT teem in Orlando, Howell determined he had been double crossed by the CIA and feared for his own life
    Howell was taken in to custody by the FBI before Santa Monica police officers could further question him about the motives behind killing gay people on both coasts of the US on Sunday.
    However, in absence of further information and or anyone who will officially go on the record, there is no doubt that the America public is not being told the truth about the Orlando Florida shooting and the arrest of Howell on Sunday.
    It is a shame that the Fed’s got to the Santa Monica police chief on Sunday before she was silenced, however we are very thankful that at least two officers have risked their jobs and freedom to reveal what she would of most likely Tweeted had the Fed’s not got to her.
    Would you like to make odds that it was just a “coincidence” as the mainstream media reports, that Howell armed to the teeth with assault rifles and explosives, was on his way to a gay pride parade the same day as the massacre in Florida?
    This Post made with Assistance of  Truthcatradio #truthcat #truthcats #truthcatradio
    Follow CIA/NSA contractor and wistleblower Steven D Kelley
    Shortly after the posting of this story, Main-Stream USA News shed light on the Online Islamic Fundamental course Howell spoke of.
    Omar Mateen Did Not Act Alone!

    BACKFIRE: Guns Fly Off Shelves After Orlando Shooting Amid Calls for Gun Control
    Governments are the world’s biggest mass murderers by millions. Including China, Russia, Chile, Germany, Cuba, Ukraine, and yes, the U.S. —
    It’s just odd that he happened to be a mouthpiece for big oil in a documentary during the disaster here…and I say here because I’m in the Gulf and I know the truth about what happened here.

    Who Was Behind the Cyberattack on Sony?

    Who Was Behind the Cyberattack on Sony?


    The cyberattack on Sony Pictures unleashed a torrent of alarmist media reports, evoking the image of North Korean perfidy. Within a month, the FBI issued a statement declaring the North Korean government “responsible for these actions.” Amid the media frenzy, several senators and congresspersons called for tough action. Arizona Senator John McCain blustered, “It’s a new form of warfare that we’re involved in, and we need to react and react vigorously.” President Barack Obama announced his administration planned to review the possibility of placing North Korea on the list of states sponsoring terrorism, a move that would further tighten the already harsh sanctions on North Korea. “They caused a lot of damage, and we will respond,” Obama warned darkly. “We will respond proportionally, and we’ll respond in a place and time and manner that we choose.”

    In the rush to judgment, few were asking for evidence, and none was provided. Computer security analysts, however, were vocal in their skepticism.

    In its statement, the FBI offered only a few comments to back its attribution of North Korean responsibility. “Technical analysis of the data deletion malware used in the attack revealed links to other malware that the FBI knows North Korean actors previously developed,” it reported, including “similarities in specific lines of code, encryption algorithms, data deletion methods, and compromised networks.” The FBI went on to mention that the IP addresses used in the Sony hack were associated with “known North Korean infrastructure.” Tools used in the attack “have similarities to a cyberattack in March of last year against South Korean banks and media outlets, which was carried out by North Korea.”

    The major problem with the evidence offered by the FBI is that it is self-referential, all of it pointing back to the 2013 attack on South Korean banks and media that was carried out by the DarkSeoul gang. At that time, without supplying any supporting evidence, the United States accused North Korea of being behind DarkSeoul. In effect, the FBI argues that because the U.S. spread the rumor of North Korean involvement in the earlier attack, and some of the code is related, this proves that North Korea is also responsible for the Sony hack. One rumor points to another rumor as ‘proof,’ rendering the argument meaningless.

    The logical fallacies are many. To date, no investigation has uncovered the identity of DarkSeoul, and nothing is known about the group. The linking of DarkSeoul to North Korea is purely speculative. “One point that can’t be said enough,” emphasizes Risk Based Security, “is that ‘attribution is hard’ given the nature of computer intrusions and how hard it is to ultimately trace an attack back to a given individual or group. Past attacks on Sony have not been solved, even years later. The idea that a mere two weeks into the investigation and there is positive attribution, enough to call this an act of war, seems dangerous and questionable.”

    Consider some of the other flaws in the FBI’s statement. The IP addresses that were hard-coded in the malware used in the Sony hack belonged to servers located in Thailand, Poland, Italy, Bolivia, Singapore, Cypress, and the United States. The FBI implies that only the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK – the formal name for North Korea) could have used these servers. The Thai port is a proxy that is commonly used in sending spam and malware. The same is true of the Polish and Italian servers. All of the servers used in the Sony attack have been previously compromised and are among the many computers that are widely known and used by hackers and spam distributors. Anyone with the knowhow can use them.

    Whether or not these machines were used is another matter. Hackers often use proxy machines with phony IP addresses to mislead investigators. No hackers use their own computers to launch an attack. Vulnerable systems are hijacked in order to route traffic. For the FBI to point to IP addresses either reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of cybersecurity or a cynical attempt to deliberately mislead the public.

    The Sony hack also bears similarities with the 2012 Shamoon cyberattack on computers belonging to Saudi Aramco. Those responsible for that attack have never been identified either, although the United States accused Iran without providing any evidence. Using the FBI’s logic, one could just as easily argue that the Sony hack was the work of Iran. One groundless accusation is used to buttress another. As evidentiary matter, it is worthless. It should also be recalled that in 1998, the United States blamed Iraq for the Solar Sunrise hack into Defense Department computers, only for it be ultimately revealed that it was the act of a few teenagers.

    Nor do the similarities in code between the Sony hack and the earlier Shamoon and DarkSeoul attacks indicate a shared responsibility. Malware is freely available on the black market. Hackers operate by purchasing or borrowing, and then tweaking commonly available software, including both illegal and legal components. Code is shared among hackers on forums, and malware is assembled by linking various elements together.

    One of the components used in the Sony cyberattack was the RawDisk library from EldoS, a commercial application that allows direct access to Windows hardware bypassing security. Anyone can legally purchase this software. There is nothing to tie it to the DPRK.

    “There’s a lot of malware that’s shared between different groups, and all malware is built on top of older malware,” reports Brian Martin of Risk Based Security. “They’re also built on top of hacking tools. For example, you’ll find lots of malware that uses pieces of code from popular tools like Nmap. Does that mean that the guy who wrote Nmap is a malware author? No. Does it mean he works for North Korea? No.”

    Robert Graham of Errata Security regards the evidence offered by the FBI as “complete nonsense. It sounds like they’ve decided on a conclusion and are trying to make the evidence fit.” Graham adds: “There is nothing unique in the software. We know that hackers share malware on forums. Every hacker in the world has all the source code available.”

    Trojan-Destover, the malware used in the Sony cyberattack, included at least six components utilized earlier by Shamoon and DarkSeoul. “Even in such damaging scenarios, the cyber attacker’s tools are reused,” points out Sariel Moshe of CyActive. “For them, if it worked once, tweak it a bit and it will work again. The attack on Sony demonstrates quite clearly that this method works quite well.” Indeed, while Shamoon and DarkSeoul are the most commonly mentioned predecessors to the Sony hack, it is thought that this software has been used on several occasions in the past against multiple targets.

    The software utilized in the Sony cyberattack is atypical for a nation state. “It’s a night and day difference in quality,” says Craig Williams of Cisco’s Talos Security Intelligence and Research Group. “The code is simplistic, not very complex, and not very obfuscated.”

    Four files used in the attack were compiled on a machine set to the Korean language. That fact proves nothing, notes computer security analyst Chris Davis. “That is pretty weak evidence. I could compile malware code that used Afrikaans and where the timestamp matched JoBerg in about five seconds.” Any reasonably competent hacker would change the language setting in order to misdirect investigators. Had North Korean conducted this attack, it certainly would have taken the basic step of changing the language setting on the machine used to compile code.

    What about North Korean resentment over Sony Picture’s tasteless lowbrow comedy, The Interview, which portrays the assassination of DPRK leader Kim Jong-un? It is doubtful that Americans would find themselves any more amused by a foreign comedy on the subject of killing a U.S. president than the North Koreans are by The Interview.

    Among the emails leaked by the cyberattack on Sony was a message from Bruce Bennett of the Rand Corporation. Bennett was a consultant on the film and opposed toning down the film’s ending. “I have been clear that the assassination of Kim Jong-un is the most likely path to a collapse of the North Korean government,” he wrote, adding that DVD leaks of the film into North Korea “will start some real thinking.” In another message, Sony CEO Michael Lynton responded: “Bruce – Spoke to someone very senior in State (confidentially). He agreed with everything you have been saying. Everything.” Lynton was also communicating with Robert King, U.S. Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights Issues in regard to the film.

    The Western media portray North Korean reaction to The Interview as overly sensitive and irrational, while U.S. officials and a Rand Corporation consultant saw the film as having the potential to inspire the real-life assassination of Kim Jong-un. The scene of Kim’s assassination was not intended merely for so-called ‘entertainment.’

    The mass media raced to attribute the Sony hack to the DPRK, based on its reaction to the Sony film. A closer look at the cyberattack reveals a more likely culprit, however. The group taking responsibility for the hack calls itself ‘Guardians of Peace’, and in one of the malware files the alternate name of ‘God’sApstls’ is also used. In the initial attack, no reference was made to the film, nor was it mentioned in subsequent emails the attackers sent to Sony. Instead, the hackers attempted to extort money: “Monetary compensation we want. Pay the damage, or Sony Pictures will be bombarded as whole.”

    In an interview with CSO Online, a person represented as belonging to Guardians of Peace said the group is “an international organization…not under the direction of any state,” and included members from several nations. “Our aim is not at the film The Interview as Sony Pictures suggests,” the hacker wrote, but mentioned that the release of a film that had the potential of threatening peace was an example of the “greed of Sony Pictures.”

    For two weeks following the cyberattack, the media harped on the subject of North Korean culpability. Only after that point did the Guardians of Peace (GOP) make its first public reference to The Interview, denying any connection with the DPRK. Yet another week passed before the GOP denounced the movie and threatened to attack theaters showing the film.

    It appears that the narrative of North Korean involvement repeated ad nauseam by the media and the U.S. government presented a gift to the hackers too tempting to pass up. The GOP played to the dominant theme and succeeded in solidifying the tendency to blame the DPRK, with the effect of ensuring that no investigation would pursue the group.

    For its part, the Obama Administration chose to seize the opportunity to bolster its anti-North Korea policy in preference over tracking down the culprits.

    There are strong indications that the cyberattack involved one or more disgruntled Sony employees or ex-employees, probably working together with experienced hackers. The malware used against Sony had been modified to include hard-coded file paths and server names. System administrator user names and passwords were also hard-coded. Only someone having full access with system administrator privileges to Sony’s computer network could have obtained this information.

    The GOP could have hacked into the Sony system months beforehand in order to gather that data. But it is more likely that someone with knowledge of Sony’s network configuration provided the information. Arguing against the possibility that critical information had been siphoned beforehand through a hack, cybersecurity expert Hemanshu Nigam observes, “If terabytes of data left the Sony networks, their network detection systems would have noticed easily. It would also take months for a hacker to figure out the topography of the Sony networks to know where critical assets are stored and to have access to the decryption keys needed to open up the screeners that have been leaked.”

    The most likely motivation for the attack was revenge on the part of current or former Sony employees. “My money is on a disgruntled (possibly ex) employee of Sony,” Marc Rogers of CloudFlare wrote. “Whoever did this is in it for the revenge. The info and access they had could have easily been used to cash out, yet, instead, they are making every effort to burn Sony down. Just think what they could have done with passwords to all of Sony’s financial accounts.”

    Nation states never conduct such noisy hacking operations. Their goal is to quietly infiltrate a system and obtain information without detection. Sony had no data that would have been of interest to a nation state. Computer security blogger The Grugq wrote, “I can’t see the DPRK putting this sort of valuable resource onto what is essentially a petty attack against a company that has no strategic value.”

    It would have been reckless for a North Korean team to draw attention to itself. Cybersecurity specialist Chris Davis says, “All the activity that was reported screams Script Kiddie to me. Not advanced state-sponsored attack.” Davis adds, “Well, the stupid skeleton pic they splashed on all the screens on the workstations inside Sony…is not something a state-sponsored attack would do…Would ANY self-respecting state-sponsored actor use something as dumb as that?” The consensus among cybersecurity experts is clear, Davis argues. “The prevalent theory I am seeing in the closed security mailing lists is an internet group of laid off Sony employees.”

    Following his cybersecurity firm’s investigation, Kurt Stammberger of Norse echoes that view. “Sony was not just hacked. This is a company that was essentially nuked from the inside. We are very confident that this was not an attack master-minded by North Korea and that insiders were key to the implementation of one of the most devastating attacks in history.”

    “What is striking here is how well they knew to exploit Sony’s vulnerabilities,” reports Nimrod Kozlovski of JVP Labs. “The malware itself is not creative or new; there are plenty of actors that could have manifested this particular attack.” The hackers “knew more about the company, Sony, and its vulnerabilities than they knew, or needed to know, about hacking.”

    As an indication of the hacker’s real motivation, it should be noted that the first communications focused on a different issue than the Sony film. The content of an email sent by the GOP to the IDG News Service refers to Sony’s restructuring, in which thousands of employees lost their jobs: “Sony and Sony Pictures have made terrible racial discrimination and human rights violation, indiscriminate tyranny and restructuring in recent years. It has brought damage to a lot of people, some of whom are among us. Nowadays, Sony Pictures is about to prey on the weak with a plan of another indiscriminate restructuring for their own benefits. This became a decisive motive for our action.” In an email to The Verge, the GOP wrote, “We want equality. Sony doesn’t…We worked with other staff with similar interests to get in.”

    Seeking to diffuse tensions, North Korea proposed to conduct a joint investigation with the United States into the Sony cyberattack. Predictably, the United States quickly rebuffed the offer. National Security Council spokesman Mark Stroh arrogantly responded, “If the North Korean government wants to help, they can admit their culpability and compensate Sony for the damages this attack caused.” North Korea can hardly be expected to accept blame for an act it did not commit. But getting to the truth of the matter was the farthest thing from the Obama Administration’s mind. Similarly, U.S. officials are ignoring requests from cybersecurity experts to be allowed to analyze the Destover code. “They’re worried we’ll prove them wrong,” Robert Graham concludes.

    The Obama Administration’s outrage over the Sony attack contains more than a small measure of hypocrisy. It was the United States that launched the Stuxnet attack that destroyed many of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges. According to a Washington Post article published in 2013, the United States conducted 231 cyber operations throughout the world two years before. The National Security Agency, as is now well known, regularly hacks into computer networks, scooping up vast amounts of data. The GENIE program, the Post reported, was projected to have broken into and installed implants in 85,000 computers by the end of 2013. It was reported that GENIE’s next phase would implement an automated system that could install “potentially millions of implants” for gathering data “and active attack.” According to former deputy of defense secretary William J. Lynn III, “The policy debate has moved so that offensive options are more prominent now.”

    Contrast the mild treatment the media gave to the recent large-scale hacks into Target, Home Depot and JP Morgan, in which millions of credit cards and personal information were stolen, with the coverage of the cyberattack on Sony Pictures. It is impossible to avoid the conclusion that political considerations are driving the media furor over the latter case.

    After six years in office, the Obama Administration has yet to engage in dialogue or diplomacy with North Korea. It prefers to maintain a wall of hostility, blocking any prospect of progress or understanding between the two nations.

    Already, North Korean websites have been targeted by persistent denial of service operations. Whether the attacks were launched by a U.S. government cyber team or independent hackers inspired by media reports is not known. In any case, President Obama has already promised to take unspecified action against the DPRK. Actual responsibility for the Sony attack is irrelevant. Backed by media cheerleading, U.S officials are using the cyberattack as a pretext to ratchet up pressure on North Korea. Any action the Obama Administration takes is likely to trigger a response, and we could enter a dangerous feedback loop of action/counteraction.

    Gregory Elich is on the Board of Directors of the Jasenovac Research Institute and the Advisory Board of the Korea Policy Institute. He is a member of the Committee to Defend Democracy in South Korea and a columnist for Voice of the People. He is also one of the co-authors of Killing Democracy: CIA and Pentagon Operations in the Post-Soviet Period, published in the Russian language.

    Gregory Elich is on the Board of Directors of the Jasenovac Research Institute and the Advisory Board of the Korea Policy Institute. He is a member of the Committee to Defend Democracy in South Korea and a columnist for Voice of the People. He is also one of the co-authors ofKilling Democracy: CIA and Pentagon Operations in the Post-Soviet Period, published in the Russian language.