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The Counter Coup…. By Ronald Chism (Videos)

NB Commentary: By permission I am reposting a message sent to me via email. I found Mr. Chism’s thoughts compelling and worthy of posting in my blog. Feel free to leave your comments below. Thanks you.

The Counter Coup…. By Ronald Chism

(I have made fairly significant progress on my book, Nine Keys to Superior Livingso I decided to take a little break and share my perspective on what has just occurred in the U.S.  Consider this a “post-election” analysis, although the impact of this election reaches far, far beyond the borders of the United States.)
Some 15 years ago, I told my wife that she and I would live to see a coup–perhaps a military coup–in the United States that would be a counter-coup against the forces that engineered the 1961 coup that was initiated by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a coup and assassination that I, at age 11, “witnessed,” at least on television, as well as a counter-coup against the neo-conservative forces that initiated 9/11.  
Yes, there have been two coup d’etats in the U.S., in modern times, and one counter-coup:
The coup that occurred at the assassination of JFK
The coup that occurred on 9/11.  
The counter-coup initiated by forces that picked Donald Trump to be the visible representative of that coup.

Now, Trump did not organize it himself, nor did he conceive of it.  He was picked by the major counter-coup organizers because of his unique status as a global businessman and, essentially, his status as a civil nationalist [He’s not a Republican, and merely ran on the Republican ticket because he would have had no chance to win had he ran as an independent.  Running as a Republican was a mere tool].  I will name the major organizers of the coup in this brief note.

First, a brief note.  There are two, cultural views within the United States, neither one of which touched upon the prime reality that has been happening in the U.S. and on the planet.  Those two cultural views are:
  • Leftist views that are limited to social issues, such as racism (anti-racism), feminism, the gay agenda, equal rights (including for the handicapped), etc.
  • Rightest views that center on right-to-life issues (anti-abortion), religion (e.g., prayer in school, the promulgation of “Christian values,” etc.), anti-immigration, etc.
But prime issue that has defined the trajectory of U.S. policy both in the U.S. and abroad has been the struggle between freedom and slavery; between ‘higher’ caste and ‘lower’ caste’ between a tiny controlling cabal, and the rest of us.  Although this type of struggle has been happening for thousands of years, it has manifested itself in a unique, and infinitely more dangerous manner in the modern age than in the past.  
And this was explained clearly, as a warning, by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his famous Farewell Address.  The unique manner in which this struggle has manifested itself in the modern age is through what Eisenhower defined as The Military-Industrial Complex, which quickly became the tool by which global dominance [New World Order] would be achieved by a hidden elite (generally hidden from the common people.)  If you have not viewed his Farewell Address, you can do so by clicking here.  Here is a short quote from that address: 

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

Here are the major players that engineered the counter-coup that installed Trump into the Presidency as the visible representative of that coup (You will not find these people on The Internet, listed as part of a counter-coup.  I deduced this list through observation): 

A group within the Deep State that feared the impending social destruction of the United States by the forces that were trying to create the NWO.  The Deep State was never of one mind.  There were always divisions.  But it was 9/11, and the horrid results of 9/11 (both domestically and internationally) that swelled the ranks of those within the Deep State that became opposed to the methods of the others within the deep state whom they perceived as destructive to world and national order and peace.  The CIA, an arm of the Deep State, was also split, one force wishing to carry on the plans for NWO, the other force wishing to depart from those plans.

  • Dr. Steve Piezcienik
  • Roger Stone
  • Gerald Celente
  • Alex Jones (believe it or not )  And I’m not kidding.
  • General James Mattis
  • General John Kelly
  • General Michael Flynn
  • Dr. Steven Greer
  • Aware, anti-globalist, citizen-dot-connectors of the United States who, using The Internet, exercised a significant portion of the U.S. to the possibility that Trump was an anti-globalist. 
  • Julian Assange
  • What we have witnessed is a Civil War, which is still happening at this moment that has taken place chiefly in the shadows and on The Internet.  And it has not been a bloodless Civil War, unfortunately, because people have been killed.  But it is a relatively bloodless coup, waged mostly through The Internet, but also through the hard work of the above people and their assistants, some of whom do not live in the United States.

    [Oh, incidentally, I have no special knowledge about this.  No one has shown me “the secret files.” My claims are based on what I now perceive as the very obvious disclosure that a counter-coup has occurred, that disclosure appearing before our very eyes, in both the mainstream and alternative media, every single day now.  Some of this I pieced together on my own, some of it is information that I gathered from the analysis of others, including experts.  Only one individual, a serious expert in intelligence, Dr. Steve Piezcienik, has actually stated that a counter-coup has occurred].

    A few articles and YouTube videos that are helpful in seeing this counter-coup are:
    Trump – Enough of 9/11! , by Thierry Meyssan

    Now, all of the “right/left” commotion, in the streets, in the form of marches and counter-marches that you are witnessing has ZERO–nada–to do with what is really going on before our eyes. Trump, in order to get votes, held the mirror up before a significant number of disaffected U.S. citizens, and simply reflected, from that mirror, onto himself, what they wanted to hear.
    In short, he out-politicked the politicians.  I doubt very seriously if Trump is a committed racist (Mexican, African, or otherwise), misogynist, or that he hates the religion of Islam.  Roger Stone was his principal guide who fully understood the various factions in the U.S. that Trump would have to appeal to:
    • anti-globalists (including anti-NAFTA, anti-TPP citizens)
    • anti-leftists
    • pro-lifers
    • anti-Muslims (including anti-Muslim terrorists)
    • disaffected white unemployed
    • anti-DC politicians
    Regarding the last mentioned item, anti-DC politicians, remember: 40% of eligible voters did not vote.  This is a measure of the massive discontent, amongst the citizenry.  Trump’s handlers were excellent in mapping out a strategy for Trump, as well as appropriate messaging.

    When I say “appropriate” messaging, I’m not talking about morality.  I’m talking about messaging that was appropriate for appealing to the above-listed audience.  
    I’ll wrap this up now.  Does this mean that I believe Trump to be the real deal?  In a word, yes. And I won’t mind if I end up being wrong.  No problem.

    But understand what I’m saying that he’s the real deal about.  He’s the real deal in being the visible head of that side of this current Civil War (occurring in the shadows, on The Internet, and now, actually, partially in public) that is attempting to destroy the machinations of Deep State globalists, who are also called the proponents of a New World Order.

    (Before continuing, please understand the following: I will not argue or debate this matter with anyone.  That is a promise.  Say, or believe, whatever you wish.  I have analyzed the situation, and it is crystal clear to me what is going on.  I was correctly able to discoveron my own, what was happening inside Libya in 2011.  And I was proven correct.  I wrote 200 articles for, using a pseudonym, alerting people about what was happening in Libya.  Others did also, and that was because, in part, they were studying as hard as I was and we all, 32 of us, came up with the same correct conclusions.

    (Trump might not do all that he claims he’s going to do.  But there is a priority now.  And that priority he is addressing: Destroy the influence of the destructive Deep State, which artificially started a perpetual “war on terrorism” to exact money from ordinary citizens, through taxes, so that arms manufacturers, oil merchants (thieves), corporations, and others could fatten their bank accounts.  I believe that Trump is sincerely trying to put this to an end.)

    What shocked me (in a positive way) was Trump’s inaugural speech.  I was absolutely, 100% certain that he would give a speech that was totally almost the opposite of his campaign rhetoric. I assumed that he would “kick in” and bow down to the political status quo (composed of Democrats and Republicans) and deliver what his opponents would happily call a “conciliatory speech.”  He did not!!

    I was laughing my ASS off, because he stated the same things that he had stated during the campaign, which is totally not what politicians do.  They lie during the campaign, to get votes, and then, at the inauguration, they turn back and give the signal, to the political establishment, that, “Okay, guys, I’m ready to play ball.”  He didn’t do that.  I was shocked.

    Instead, he again lambasted all of the establishment, including the political establishment, and put his reputation on the line by saying that, Here is where it ends, meaning business as usual. I’m paraphrasing, but you can listen to his speech here, if you have not done so.  He openly talked, at the inauguration, about how the politicians had enriched themselves, but left Americans impoverished.  I do not remember, in my lifetime, any in-coming President saying such things at an inauguration.

    We, as ordinary human beings, particularly those of us that are citizens of the United States, have rightly grown almost totally cynical about the power-elite.  They are expert liars; expert promisers; expert do-nothings; expert exploiters; expert enslavers.  So, it is no surprise that we cannot get ourselves to believe, not to even mention trust, any politicians.

    I was suspicious of that guy all the way up to the inauguration.  I had hoped that he might be a true outsider, and a truly concerned person, that would go up against the Deep State.  But, I could not get myself to believe it.  But when he spoke at the inauguration, I thought, “This guy is the real deal!”

    I wonder his chances of staying alive for four years?  Since the inauguration, his moves have been directly against the Deep State, and obviously so.  You can research that in your own way. It’s virtually out into the public domain now, on The Internet.

    He dumped TPP.  He announced the re-negotiation of NAFTA.  He gave hints of working with Russia, in Syria, to destroy ISIS, although, characteristically, he’s not going to openly show his hand (as he had stated during the campaign).  
    And the hysteria against him is coming from all over the place.  When all elements of the establishment–the media, the upper echelon of the intelligence agencies, both political parties, the Executive Branch–go up against someone, then that person is obviously perceived by them to be an immense threat.

    At the first White House Press Briefing, his press secretary, Trump’s White House Secretary, Sean Spicer, laid out some dynamic plans that clearly indicated a huge break from Deep State culture. One such break was the announcement that Trump was setting up Skype Seats, which will be for journalist in other parts of the country that do not have the clout and “inside” power as DC journalists have, and that the mainstream media used to have.  This is an absolutely clear and direct swipe at one of the main control mechanisms of the Deep State: The mainstream press.

    This is an attempt to defang the mainstream press, although that job has been powerfully taken on by the alternative media also, and also to democratize it, for lack of a better word–to give remote news organs the opportunity to compete, in their localities, with the mainstream media (which is now being called, the legacy media, or the lame-stream media).
    I urge people again: Work on the metaphysics.  Because, the Deep State actors are not going to give up.  What we have to hope is that they do not conduct deadly false flag operations designed to force the new President to respond.  Or we have to hope that if such operations are being planned, that they be thwarted mystically by the metaphysical efforts of those of us that believe in such efforts, and also by whatever physical efforts can be made.
    Remember: All over the planet, even in Africa (east Africa, specifically) there are groups amongst the citizenry that are now fighting against the Deep State.  As Dr. Steve Greer has often explained: The Deep State is a trans-national entity, not an entity confined to the United States.
    Last, remember: There are priorities.  The biggest priority is to destroy the influence of the Deep State, and, eventually, to destroy the Deep State period.  I believe that this coup has happened directly for those purposes.  
    That’s the end of my analysis.  It’s going to be interesting.  
    Peace out,
    The Wizard

    The Economic Destruction of Baltimore, by Rob Urie

      Baltimore, Police Violence and Economic Justice
      by ROB URIE
      “We need more police, we need more and tougher prison sentences for repeat offenders. The ‘three-strikes-and-you’re-out’ for violent offenders has to be part of the plan. We need more prisons to keep violent offenders for as long as it takes to keep them off the streets.”
      Hillary Clinton 1994
      The Economic Backdrop
      American politics is the realm of Immaculate Conception where actual policies and accumulated history disappear behind a veil of personal characteristics and unrelated acts. The (mis)leadership class pretends that ruling class machinations— trade agreements, financial deregulation, imperial wars, surveillance and policing have no bearing on social outcomes. American cities bear the imprint of these policies plus the residuals of slavery, genocide and the particulars of Western capitalism that have embedded history into current social relations. This is to argue that the individualist explanation of Western history may be interesting for those so-inclined, but it fails as description in every conceivable dimension.
      Freddie Gray. Original Image source:
      Political explanations of public policies like trade agreements and financial deregulation put a political face on fundamentally economic arrangements. When Bill and Hillary Clinton instituted the ‘tough-on-crime’ policies that so exacerbated mass incarceration there was a political explanation— pandering to White suburban voters’ manufactured fears of a Black urban underclass to garner votes, but the policies tied closely to American economic history as well. From slavery to convict leasing to urban dispossession, racial repression has produced economic value that has been expropriated. The Clinton’s neoliberal trade policies exacerbated the urban industrial exodus while deregulation of finance ‘monetized’ Black wealth for the taking. Seemingly unrelated ‘political’ policies often have economic explanations.
      Economic history ties America’s cities to political and economic hierarchy through the dimensions of this hierarchy. Washington to Baltimore to Philadelphia to New York was the land route North for Southern Blacks fleeing slavery. This was also one of the routes to industrial jobs following WWII. Sequential (engineered) oil crises in the 1970s roiled industrial America. In the late 1970s and early 1980s Federal Reserve policies decimated the industrial economy by increasing the value of the U.S. dollar. Bill Clinton passed NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and his deregulation of Wall Street provided the money needed to finance the relocation of a large portion of the U.S. industrial base overseas. None of these policies were crafted by the inner-city residents.

      Modern day Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit and Chicago have neighborhoods left behind by policy decisions that decimated the economic bases that once supported them. When there were jobs people worked. When the jobs left people either stopped working or found other, less remunerative work in the service sector. The housing boom and bust monetized inner-city houses until the bubble burst. Rather than forcing Wall Street to clean up the mess inner city residents were left with their former wealth in the hands of bankers and an economy that imploded in the Great Recession. While this story is full of malefactors, Bill Clinton has major policy responsibility for mass incarceration, for neoliberal trade deals and for bank deregulation.
      The bankers who destroyed Baltimore discuss their bonuses
      with Congress. Image source: google images.
      The Murder of Freddie Gray
      The wholly implausible storyline that Freddie Gray severed his own spine being put out by the Baltimore police is a Rorschach test for social accountability. The political strategy of officialdom is to peel away those who will accept any explanation in favor of police actions, no matter how implausible, to marginalize protestors. That a significant portion of the population, both Black and White, wants to believe that the police always act in good faith illustrates a preconception that will only be effectively challenged through political estrangement. The fabrication adds insult to Freddie Gray’s murder and as such, to the conduct that the Baltimore police department needs to be held to account for. Freddie Gray was murdered in police custody. Technocratic explanations of the particulars only serve to obscure this basic truth.
      When videotape revealed the brutal beating the Los Angeles police inflicted on Rodney King the defense was able to convince a jury and a substantial portion of America that Mr. King had assaulted the police ‘batons’ with his head. One might wonder how graphic footage of a group of cops beating Rodney King within an inch of his life in plain public view could be construed otherwise. The tactic used was similar to the comments from officialdom, including the Black (mis)leadership class, toward protestors in Baltimore. Mr. King was alleged to have been in an angel dust rage that made him impervious to pain and to rational thought— he was an ‘out-of-control’ Black man. Likewise the protestors in Baltimore were deemed irrational ‘thugs,’ criminals with no legitimate right to political action.

      Graph (1) above: the official storyline has unknown forces producing intractable poverty in American cities when many of the forces are quite visible. Mass incarceration is racially targeted and causes wholesale immiseration by precluding meaningful employment. Wall Street’s subprime lending fiasco racially targeted neighborhoods and emptied them of residents as local wealth was transferred to the bank accounts of the already wealthy. It is paradoxical that public discussion of ‘looting’ in Baltimore has focused on angry citizens without deep discussion of what they are angry about. Home foreclosures in Baltimore (Graph (1) above) have followed the national housing boom – bust because Wall Street made predatory mortgage loans targeting neighborhoods of color. Rather than charging bankers with making fraudulent, predatory loans the citizens of Baltimore were forced to bear the consequences of banker malfeasance. Source: Baltimore Homeownership Preservation Coalition.

      In telling form, officialdom’s concern for property overshadowed care for the life of Freddie Gray and the many other Black, Brown and poor White youth and men murdered by the police. These misplaced priorities are thinly veiled socio-cide, concern with what can be replaced in place of what can’t be. The rapid vilification of protestors was accompanied by Immaculate Conception politics, denial of responsibility for the circumstances being protested. However, made apparent by events in Baltimore is that police murders only enter the American consciousness when buildings and police cars burn. Assertions that peaceful protests are the only legitimate form face the burden of history and official hypocrisy. Moral suasion through peaceful protest assumes a capacity that divergent class interests render improbable.
      Democracy Now! illustrated one such experiential divide when a Baltimore mother refused to join local youth who had volunteered to clean a burned CVS store because, as she put it, the police need to be made to understand that they can’t murder Black youth with impunity. Left unexplored, and apparently unconsidered by the youth who saw the local CVS outlet as ‘their’ store, is that through direct purchase and their Caremark consulting business CVS has put hundreds of locally owned pharmacies in inner city neighborhoods out of business and replaced them with minimum wage jobs and extractive economic practices. Likewise, the Ace Cash Express that was burned is a payday lender whose business model is to make usurious loans in poorly banked communities under terms that lead to permanent debt servitude.
      State police or police state? Original image source:
      National Mis-Leadership Meets Local Mis-Leadership
      When President Obama called protesters in Baltimore ‘criminals and thugs’ he neglected to mention the class divisions that have as his major campaign contributors the Wall Street bankers who engineered the housing boom – bust still devastating Baltimore and whose subsidiaries are the payday lenders who destroy lives and neighborhoods there. Some fair portion of these campaign contributors would have been ‘criminals’ if Mr. Obama’s Justice Department had not shielded them from prosecution for their crimes. The term ‘thugs’ is widely used as racist code for Black and Brown youth and could be more appropriately applied to American drone operators so regularly slaughtering wedding parties across the Middle East. And the term most certainly applies to the police who murder Black and Brown youth with alarming regularity and officially sanctioned impunity.
      Much of the reaction to events in Baltimore harkens to the late FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s quip that “justice is incidental to law and order.” Implied is that justice may be set to the side if order can be maintained through systematic injustice. The conceptual problem is that, as with President Obama’s and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s slander of protestors as ‘thugs,’ class interests lie behind class-based policing. Heavily armed, militarized police could storm Wall Street (as metaphor for geographically dispersed finance) and corporate executive suites kicking in doors, handcuffing everyone they meet and opening fire on those who aren’t immediately compliant under the same theorized justification they have for doing so in Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia or Los Angeles. That they don’t is evidence that neither law nor justice is behind police actions in poor communities.
      If peaceful change is possible, why have the police been militarized to prevent it?
      The Department of Homeland Security calls protestors ‘terrorists’
      and the Ferguson, MO police department calls them ‘the enemy.’
      Original image source: google images.
      The economic crises affecting communities of color in Baltimore and elsewhere tie directly to government policies like trade agreements that benefit financiers, upper class ‘professionals,’ industrialists and the owners of capital. Official indifference to the social consequences of industrial relocation has produced economic dead zones in major cities since the 1960s. Wall Street’s predatory mortgages decimated black wealth in cities like Baltimore and with it the capacity for economic investment. Elite chides that citizens are destroying their future prospects through rebellion provide cover for the economic forces they control for their own benefit. In the last decade Wall Street has destroyed more of urban America than citizen rebellions ever could.
      The problem of the economic capture of the mis-leadership class suggests that political resolution is unlikely to come through the ballot box. Blacks have joined this mis-leadership class with co-optation being the singular result. American political economy is set up to perpetuate existing class relations with the racial residual of history as a component. Martin King began addressing economic justice with the understanding that it is a prerequisite to social justice. He was murdered shortly thereafter. The interest in ‘property’ in the face of the loss of life at police hands is clear indication of what drives official concerns. Therein lies the political paradox— economics is the more dangerous dimension of social injustice to address but it is also the most necessary. The U.S. has subverted democratic movements and invaded countries to prevent implementation of a minimum wage. But how is life possible without a living wage?
      Rob Urie is an artist and political economist.  
      Weekend Edition May 1-3, 2015