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Archive for the ‘Orlando’ Category

The Anatomy of a False Flag Event

This are article examines three critical aspects of a false flag event and then applies what is known, and typical of a false flag event to the murder of five Dallas police officers earlier in the week. By the way, the above picture strongly suggests that there is a lot more to the official narrative than the public is being told.
The three areas of concern are:
  1. Rehearsal of certain aspects of the event by either First Responser, LEO, or both.
  2. If the false flag event consists of an assassination(s), the narrative includes acting alone, the “discovery” of a diary or a mainfesto which states the murderous intentions of the “patsy”, and the labeling of the so-called perpetrator as being insane so the act can be referred to as a random act of insane violence so the subject of a conspiracy never enters the discussion by the media and the authorities investigating the crime.
  3. Disguise the purpose of the event.
Rehearsal for the Event
History is replete for rehearsal of a false flag event. In some cases, the event flows from the drill/rehearsal. This practice make s a great deal of sense, because complex agendas need rehearsal in order to produce the desired effect, which is always the opposite of the truth.
The following events represents a history of major false flag attack in which there were drills preceding the attack. This list is not exhaustive and it not intended to be. Rather, it shows a distinctive pattern in which the event was preceded by a drill closely associated with the nature of the false-flag event
  • Oklahoma City
  • 9/11
  • The Estonia Catastrophe
  • The Oslo Shooting
  • London Subway Bombing
  • Virginia Tech Shooting
  • Taft Union High School Drill gone live
  • Boston Marathon Bombing
  • In the case of the Dallas shooting, we see the same type of drill preparation only a few days prior to the murdering of five Dallas police officers
According to CBS Dallas Fort Worth an active shooter drill took place in Argyle Texas just 41 miles north of Dallas on June 29 2016.  
FROM CBS DFW: “The sights and sounds are scary, but not dangerous. Members of law enforcement, along with fire and EMS personnel conducted an active shooter exercise at a North Texas high school on Wednesday.
Emergency vehicles could be seen responding with lights and sirens at Argyle High School. Local hospitals also participated in the disaster drill.
The event includes realistic scenarios that have actors playing victims and officers using fake gun rounds.
The sights and sounds are scary, but not dangerous. Members of law enforcement, along with fire and EMS personnel conducted an active shooter exercise at a North Texas high school on Wednesday.
Emergency vehicles could be seen responding with lights and sirens at Argyle High School. Local hospitals also participated in the disaster drill.
The event includes realistic scenarios that have actors playing victims and officers using fake gun rounds.
Argyle ISD Police Chief Paul Cairney said officials are taking every consideration and realize a shooting event can happen in a small town. “We’ve been thinking about that. But one of the things that we need to make sure that we do, if something were to happen, is we need to have the whole response coordinated and coordinated well, because we don’t want to have anymore people that are hurt,” he said.”

The Dallas event definitely fits the profile of so many other false flag events with regard to a preceding drills which comes close mimicking the actual event.
If this were the only similarity to so many false flag events, one could argue that this is just a tragic coincidence. However, the evidence trail which strongly suggest that this fits previous false flag events, almost perfectly.
There is no question that the rehearsal aspect of a false flag event was satisfied in this case.
When the False Flag Involves Assassination, the Following Characteristics are Present
When direct assassinations are involved we see the following narrative:
  1. Lone gunman with no second shooter in order to avoid allegations of a conspiracy.
  2. A discovered diary or manifesto declaring the intentions of the lone gunman. In each of the following cases, the perpetrator (i.e. patsy) had a diary/manifesto stating their murderous intentions and the target of the hostility.
    1. JFK assassination
    2. RFK assassination
    3. Martin Luther King
    4. In 9/1l, the discovery of Mohamed Atta’s passport was miraculously found, despite the fact that neither of the two planes had their black boxes found. But the government found Atta’s passport. Swamp land in Florida anyone? The found passport served the purpose of a diary with stated terrorist intentions, for placing the blame on Muslim terrorists, to cover up the fact that this was a false flag event.
    5. In regard to the most recent terror event, the shooter has been identified and he has, you guessed, a manifesto with stated intentions to go along with a discovered document on military strategy tactics. In regard to the most recent terror event, the shooter has been identified and he has, you guessed, a manifesto with stated intentions to go along with a discovered document on military strategy tactics. Micah Xavier Johnson went on a shooting rampage against Dallas police, officials said Friday.
From the official narrative from the LA Times
“Investigators have discovered bomb-making materials, rifles and a “personal journal of combat tactics” in the home of the black former Army reservist who is identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, a Dallas-area resident, was a “loner” with no criminal history who “wanted to kill white people” and “especially white officers,” said police, who are still investigating whether he acted alone in perpetrating the deadliest day for law enforcement since the Sept. 11 terror attacks in 2001.”
 Please note that Johnson was not a man of many means. Where did he get the money to acquire such a vast amount of military hardware?  This is strongly reminiscent of the Aurora Batman Shooting for the exact same reasons. 
The Purpose of the False Flag Event
I have been writing this for years, the following order will be followed to take world into a third world war in which the goal is to cull the population  by 90%. The people don’t want war, they have to be convinced by false flag events. The following three steps are now in play and will culminate in World War III
  1. The creation of domestic false flag terror events (e.g. the Dallas police shootings designed to start a race war), in which the government, for the good of the people, must step in  and declare martial law.
  2. The elimination of all political and religious dissent under the martial law. This means gun confiscations and roundups (e.g. rehearsed by Jade Helm.
  3. When goals one and two occur, World War III will commence and the New World Order will complete its mission of the elimination of all national sovereignty.
We are are present in stage one moving quickly toward stage two.
This is the anatomy of a false flag event.

    Sterling, Castile, Dallas, Bomb Robots

    NB Commentary: I knew it wasn’t over, I get this dizzy feeling when Shit is about to hit the fan. So from Orlando to this. If they give us enough false flags, with real casualties, we won’t be able to keep up or debunk them fast enough.

    Bomb Robots? 
    Dang, couldn’t they  just get me a robot that likes to house clean.
    Seriously?? A Bomb Robot??
    Okay, here’s a question.
    Who saw this coming?
    Makes you wonder if they stage these events to test out their new weapons. I am beginning to think so.
    Bet they wagered on it down at Wall Street, wish I could understand all them numbers. Watch the stocks for this company go up though.
    For humans to find more and more creative ways to kill each other must give the one who created this Prison Planet even more reason to feel good about their experiment.
    I believe that Killery is behind it, and I wouldn’t put her passed it, it gives her a chance to throw her towel in for the BLM movement. It’s all staged, and believe me there are many agendas, they got a lot of dogs in this race.

    Dallas Police Used Robot With Bomb to Kill Ambush Suspect: Mayor

    “He added that while robots aren’t typically designed to be armed — they’re used for observation or dismantling purposes — law enforcement could decide to use bomb robots when officers are in immediate danger.” 

    Everything we know about the bomb robot used by Dallas policeThe incident is believed to be a first on US soil. By James Vincent  July 8, 2016  

    They have been trying to separate us,

    divide and conquer. They tried to do it by selecting Obama and get all the white folks that are secretly racist, riled up. But that didn’t work, and a lot of white folks fell in love with that man.

    Gun supporter Ms Giffords on a shooting range

    Then we had the Tea Party, and that went over like a led balloon when they shot that political lady, Gabby Gifford,  a gun supporter.
    And all these “false flags hoaxed drills” that are unraveling at the seems. So they throw in Donald Trump to get the masses really acting whacko. But even Trump got unexpected followers, in the Latinos and Blacks.. So now what, what can they do to declare Martial law, what can they pull off next to give them good reason to bring the military to the streets of North America in full bloom?? 

    Either the American people are more resilient than they expected or too sleep to care. One thing I do know, is that if Martial law does become open, and warfare is declared, they will be facing some serious gun battles from folks who ain’t as scared as the Police are, from folks who have bought out the gun stores in the Malls and online, even the gays purchases of firearms peaked after Orlando, well, all I can say is, get your supplies and honker down cause if the SHTF… it ain’t gonna be pretty. And it will certainly be colorful as all walks of life join together. The USA and its government has shown that it doesn’t really care about ANY OF ITS people. It ain’t about black or white, or latino it’s about those who have and those who do not. So yeah, this will be a colorful revolution coming to a war theater near you.

    You know, maybe it’s because I have been checking the Corbett Report out for some time, but James said exactly what I was thinking when I heard the term “sniper”. Then I went down the list of countries in my head where this same scenario took place. Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Egypt… and it makes you wonder, who the hell is behind these “so-called snipers” and what is their agenda, or should I say agendas?? 
    After the recent deaths of two black men (Alton B. Sterlingand Philando Castile) here in the US struck down by police, and the not so recent legislation called, “Blue Alert” to protect the Police, it makes you wonder if along with being psychopaths, if the folks at the helm are bi-polar. I have always admired folk’s ability to list dates and times and names in news stories and talks etc., well that part of history always escapes me, but believe me, I remember the stories, the carnage, the blaming and the looking away. And one thing that is for sure, the US will say it’s a brutal regime that uses snipers to kill its own people who are peacefully protesting, but they will never turn the mirror around and own, claim or admit that those snipers, along with a host of other so-called “lone gunman” are funded and supported by our own home grown brutal regime, right here in the USA. Nope, not, it’s different, they are “lone gunman” they are not connected in anyway to the USA or it’s government and administration, oh no, the US would never do anything like that against its people, never in a million years, only those other guys do that. 

    Why the FBI Wants Orlando Agencies to Deny Public Records Request

    NB Commentary:  I have read several comments under the articles listed below and it amazes me how these folks are not seeing the humongous elephant in the room.

    Can the American populace be that blind, deaf and dumb? Did they just crawl out from under a rock when they heard about Omar Mateen’s 911 call saying he was an ISIS sympathizer? Did they not want it to be heard that he said he wanted America to stop bombing  his country of Afghanistan? Why was it redacted from the original release of the 911 calls and then released? Why has the story changed to him being a disgruntled closeted gay homophobe who saw two guys kissing and to detract from his own desire told his dad how disgusting it was? And where is his wife?
    Have the American people been so shook up and down that their brains are rattling and they cannot connect the dots even if they tried? How do they not get
    it? Haven’t they heard that the ISIS attacks will come home to roost? Weren’t they warned that these so-called rebels turned terrorists will be crashing at a party near you? Weren’t they fear mongering and at the same time arming these so-call rebels on one hand and saying you better watch out on the other hand?
    I find it amazing that they have no trouble whatsoever, blaming everything on ISIS when it happens in another country, but when it happens here, mums the word. Why is that?? And why can’t folks see it.

    “Muslims most often are used as convenient US or other Western state-sponsored false flag attack patsies.
    Yet as James Petras explains, “(o)ver the past fifty plus years, over 125 mass shootings/massacres have occurred within the United States but not one perpetrator has been identified as a trained member of an international Islamist terrorist organization.”

    Why won’t they just come out and call a spade a spade? Either it’s ISIS or it ain’t, either they are a part of the terrorist network or they ain’t. And if they are.. Then a lot of questions should ensue.
    Shouldn’t they be bombing the US cells wherever they find them?
    Shouldn’t they be sending drones to US wedding parties wherever they suspect a terrorist cell?
    Shouldn’t they be rounding up these terrorists and sending them to Guantanamo?
    Shouldn’t they be bombing their schools,  hospitals and neighborhoods where they are held up in the US?
    But instead we see them…
    Shaking hands with them….
    Arming them….
    Looking the other way when they travel across borders and enter European countries…..
    Investigating them and then releasing them…..
    Allowing so called radicals, radicalize folks via the internet (Robertson in Mateen’s case)…..
    Allowing their Mosques that openly teach propaganda against the US to exist, instead of shutting them down and weeding them out…..
    No, it is much more fun to do that to other countries and their defenseless men, women and children.
    It’s more fun to blame Obama and say he is closet Muslim who won’t expose the hateful Muslims for who they are.

    It’s easier to omit the “War On Terror” that was launched before Obama came into
    It is easier to ignore the death and destruction that the US and NATO has rained down on the defenseless as a result of this so-called and literally impossible war to win.
    It’s easier to create chaos, division, corruption and massacres and blame it on those folks over there.
    It’s even more fun to show the blood and gore and blood and more gore spewing out of those folks over there than to face it here in the USA.
    So when Bush made the threat that he was going to seek them out wherever they are, he did not mean he would do much of that here in the US. In fact, he just kinda sorta didn’t mean the war on terror was gonna take place in the US at all. No war on terror on US soil, only in the middle East, cause for sure, they ain’t having that war in Paris, France, Brussels.
    Then we have the openly complicit and criminal relationship with Erdogan and the Saudi’s who are also arming the so-called rebels. Not to mention, that Israel says the rebels are better than Assad. And the US supports Israel. So what’s wrong with that picture?
    The false flag narrative has simply run its course. People are waking up and even if it’s just 10 out of every thousand that is still too many. What else is there to do besides go to full scale war with Russia, which is a fools dream. Go to war with Russia?? You’re kidding me right?
    Because the US is responsible for the deaths that happened in Orlando and probably every where else that has the ISIS tag on it, because the US congress agreed to ARM THE REBELS! And in doing so, they endangered the lives of everyone everywhere, and not just over there. Them chickens will find their way, right back home!!

    My rants are just that, rants, but I back them up with the facts and news articles and/or videos that I find on the internet, which seems to be the bane of the existence of the The Powers That Shouldn’t Be.
    Steven Lendman’s article brings it all into perspective, and I have quoted it below. He is a prolific writer and his use of critical analysis of the shenanigans that these folks in power get themselves into is par excellance. 

    Genesis of Current Mass Shootings, Blasts and Suicide Bombings
    by Stephen Lendman  July 4, 2016
    They’re coming in rapid fashion – in late June/early July alone:
    • Istanbul blasts inflicting mass casualties; 
    • Dhaka, Bangladesh shootings and hostage takings; 
    • slaughter in Baghdad, killing over 200 and wounding hundreds more – the latest of numerous violent incidents since GW Bush’s 2003 naked aggression; and
    • on America’s Independence Day, an apparent suicide bombing meters from its Jeddah, Saudi Arabia consulate, followed by multiple blasts rocking the area.
    Whether these and similar attacks are terrorism, false flags, lone wolf incidents or something else requires understanding how they began in the first place.
    In his memoirs, titled “From the Shadows,” former CIA director/defense secretary Robert Gates said US intelligence operatives began aiding Mujahadeen fighters in Afghanistan six months before Soviet Russia invaded.
    Former Carter administration national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski explained, saying Jimmy Carter, on Independence Day eve (July 3, 1979), “signed the the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.” 
    “And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.”
    Mujahadeen support led to today’s Taliban, Al Qaeda, the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), ISIS, Jabhat al Nusra, Jaysh al-Islam, Ahrar ash-Sham, Boko Haram, and other jihadist groups – US created and sponsored or offshoots from them.
    Bipartisan US imperial policy bears full responsibility for unleashing a scourge of state-sponsored terrorism in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, Europe and America.
    Brzezinski was unapologetic, asking “(w)hat is more important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”
    He failed to explain America needs enemies to advance his imperium. Communism was its bogeyman earlier, public enemy number one until Soviet Russia’s 1991 dissolution.
    Now it’s radical Muslims, Islam vilified in the process – directly or by implication, America raping and destroying one Islamic country after another.
    Muslims most often are used as convenient US or other Western state-sponsored false flag attack patsies.
    Yet as James Petras explains, “(o)ver the past fifty plus years, over 125 mass shootings/massacres have occurred within the United States but not one perpetrator has been identified as a trained member of an international Islamist terrorist organization.”
    In contrast, America “brutalized and, directly or indirectly, massacred millions of Muslim civilians, citizens of once-sovereign nations, throughout the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa,” – unprecedented lawlessness continuing unabated, millions more lives at risk.
    State-sponsored terror threatens world peace, America its lead perpetrator, waging war on humanity at home and abroad. Its rage for dominance created societies unfit to live in, imperiling life on earth. 
    Imperial madness threatens everyone, endless wars and headline-making violent incidents reminders of what’s at stake.
    Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 
    His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
    Visit his blog site at 
    G4S calls itself the “world’s leading security solutions group.”The London-based company contracts often with the U.S. government — it currently operates 32 taxpayer-funded juvenile prisons in the U.S. through G4S Youth Services, and has transported and housed immigrant detainees on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security. G4S has also coordinated security for more than 90 percent of nuclear sites in the U.S, as well as airports, hospitals, and seaports.
    Orlando terrorist connected to radical Muslim cleric who was released from prison last year after he converted 36 people in jail and ‘runs a website used to dispense his teachings’
    • Officials say Omar Mateen, 29, was tied to former US Marine turned radical Muslim cleric Marcus Dwayne Robertson 
    • Robertson converted at least 36 people to his version of Islam while he was imprisoned for four years in jail before he was released
    Robertson, who was a former US Marine and undercover FBI agent before turning into a radical Imam, was released from prison last year despite warning from officials and prosecutors that he would recruit people to carry out horrendous acts of violence. 
    Investigative Report Proves Turkey Part of ISIS Terror
    “We must not question the motives of our elected leaders, who despite sitting on this information for years, still lie to us, flagrantly, even now, before the blood of 129 French citizens has even dried, pretending that they intend to ‘destroy’ a band of psychopathic murdering scum, armed and funded from within the heart of NATO,” Ahmed concludes.
    Says House Intel Chair: “Some of them have drifted back to the U.S.”
    “This is a big part of the reason why ISIS exists, it’s about perpetual war; the military industrial complex has to have new markets, has to make money, so they have to keep things in the Middle East unstable,” Henderson told Press TV on Saturday. 
    Why Barack Obama and most of the U.S. Congress are Guilty of Treason
    Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US “Created” ISIS As A “Tool” To Overthrow Syria’s President Assad
    The T-Shirts
    ISIS, apparently, sells merch. Not just T-shirts and baseball caps, but — gasp — toys for children! Here’s a CNN video from June 24. (I say “seems” because I came in late on this story and Google is a horrible research tool, so, readers, feel free to correct any of my misapprehensions.) Here’s the video:
    America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group

    Istanbul Airport Attacked, Corrupt Governments & Mainstream Media (Video)

    NB Commentary:  Okay, so they must really be counting on folks to have the shortest of shortest memories about the relationship that ISIS has with the Turkey government which has been accused over and over again of supporting and arming ISIS. Now ISIS is going to bite the hand that feeds it?? I think not. Just back up a few months ago. Remember the Russian satellite images of the ISIS convoy that was being allowed to travel into Turkey. The convoy was carrying gallons upon gallons of crude oil, BTW, well I should say millions of gallons, and was sold by Turkey on the Black Market. 

    Erdogan got into deep shit when that was revealed to the public, of course we know those with the need to know, knew, but the satellite images were very incriminating. Then Russia subsequently started to blow them up to stop them from going into Turkey, shame the Turkish government and make Erdogan look really really complicit in his attempts to support, fund and arm ISIS. It was one of the first strikes that got Russia into the battle against ISIS, but people forget, especially these illiterate talking heads who parrot whatever they are told to parrot. So I guess if you twist it up a little bit in your mind, you could connect these distorted dots… Yeah, the Russians are fighting the Turks, but then how is it that the Russians have ISIS sympathizers. Huh?? The sad part about this is that it is a GLOBAL AGENDA, and like I always say, there’s no new world order, it’s the old world with a new face. War, war and more war!!!! 

    Call me a nut job, a conspiracy theorist or whatever you wish, but I knew it wasn’t over. Slowly but surely Orlando is leaving the face of media because it’s a no brainer, so let’s get a little more going on in Turkey, the handmaiden of the USA and the Globalist.
    It makes you wonder, are they with the Terrorists or are they against the Terrorists. 

    “Who’s enemy of my enemy is my friend of my friend’s enemy’s friend of a friend’s enemy’s enemy?????  What the hell, we are all friends when it comes to blowing shit up!!”

    Video of the Convoy on it’s way to Turkey…. Published on Dec 5, 2015 The Russian Ministry of Defence released footage on Saturday showing a convoy of oil tankers believed to belong to the so-called Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL) passing through a Syrian-Turkish border gate near the city of Reyhanli. The tankers are also shown passing through a compound, where one building is adorned with a Turkish flag. 

    Published on Dec 2, 2015 Turkish leadership, including Erdogan & his family are involved in ISIS oil trade, Russian MoD announced on Wednesday, showcasing satellites images and footage from oil facilities and Syrian-Turkish border.


    Istanbul (CNN) Turkish officials have strong evidence that the Istanbul airportattackers came …

    Istanbul airport terror attack: 41 dead and 239 hurt in ISIS triple bombing
    FOREIGN tourists are among the victims of an ISIS terror attack on Turkey’s busiest airport –which has killed at least 41 and injured 239.


    Why So Many Mass Killings? Look in a Mirror

    NB Commentary: Think about it. Whether real or contrived, the idea that it happens should cause one to pause and think. Why does this country thrive on this type of fanfare, violence, false flags, hoaxes or whatever you wish to call them? Over and over again, we see people die, or maybe not, killed or maybe not, but whatever the case may be, DEATH is the calling card and then the other is GUN CONTROL. Ironically, the Powers that Shouldn’t Be feel that if they do this enough times they will beat the public down so far they will cry for  two things.

    1. More protection from the PTB, which is ironically not being very protective
    2. Gun Control, which these events just make the sale of guns skyrocket.

    So what is the real agenda here? Do they do this to keep the stock market booming with the gun sales, the consumers fear purchases, the media hype and tons and tons of views while they parrot the same story? Somebody is getting over like a fat rat and these events are milking the public of their sensibilities and wreaking havoc on the mental, emotional and physical health of the populace.
    Please read this article, it says it all. Whether these events are true or false, the fact that they even happen says a lot about the American Psyche.

    Why So Many Mass Killings? Look in a Mirror

    By Joe Clifford
    June 27, 2016 “Information Clearing House” – We will never understand the mass killings in Orlando, Aurora, Newtown, or any of the many others, until we take a long hard look at ourselves in a mirror. Why does this happen so frequently, and why is it such a rare occurrence in other industrialized nations?  We cannot comprehend this because we fail to come to grips with certain very hard realities about who we are as a nation and a people.
    There are cries for gun control every time a massacre occurs, and never once has anyone pointed out the hypocrisy of trying to stop the flow of guns to the US public, while the US government floods the entire world with weapons.  We are the undisputed leader in selling killing weapons around the world, and no ever questions the hypocrisy of a government trying to take guns from its people, while our government and military industrial complex inundates the world with weapons. Government always sets the model for the people, and here we have a great example. 
    Mass murderers have absolutely no regard or respect for law, and once again it is the US government who sets the example for its people, by defying international law and invading and bombing anyone in callous contempt of the law.  Government officials huddle secretly once a week to decide what individuals must be “taken out,” paying no attention to the legality of murder without charges, evidence, or a trial. Currently, Secretary of State John Kerry, the nations’ chief diplomat, is calling for regime change in Syria.  What gives the US the legal right to decide who will rule Syria? Nothing; there is no legal right that gives the US the power to determine leadership of another nation.  The US has sponsored untold numbers of illegal coups of democratically elected leaders, but again, so much for the law.  If the US government is so callous about law, and constantly sends the message that we don’t care about law, why would it be a surprise when citizens do the same? The government sets the example and the people follow.
    The hardest thing for citizens to reconcile, is just how violent a nation we are. Our government is a mass killer.  The first people to get in our way were exterminated. We ethnically cleansed the American Indian from his own land. We then enslaved a race of people.  More recently, we killed 3 million people in southeast Asia.  Can you explain why?  We have killed about one million over the past 20 years in Iraq.  Do you know why?  We invaded Iraq based on a series of lies claiming they had WMD; a hoax that led to a needless slaughter. Iraq was a war of choice, which is illegal, but who cares about law?
    Do you know how many nations the US is currently bombing? We have killed untold innocents in Afghanistan over the last 20 years. Can you explain why?  Do you know why we bombed Libya for 7 months, turning it into a completely failed terrorist state? Media, pundits, and presidential candidates, condemn Muslims, but the US government has bombed 14 Muslim nations, and perhaps has killed as many as 4 million Muslims in our never ending wars.  War has become the American pastime.  We are always looking for new enemies, and when none are around our government creates them up by demonizing leaders who might challenge our authority such as North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia and China. We are dangerously provoking both Russia and China almost daily. The State Department has been taken over by war crazy neocons who are risking a nuclear holocaust.  It is no wonder that in a poll of 68 nations, the US was named the biggest threat to world peace.
    Weapons of war are the leading export.  The military consumes the lion’s share of the US budget, and everything else is sacrificed to pay for the largest military in the history of the planet.  We spend more on security, war, and defense, than the rest of the world put together.  There is no money left for anything else, so kids go to college and acquire a mortgage, while college is free in most industrialized nations.  We have the worst health care in the industrialized world, paying huge sums for poor health care compared to the rest of the world.  Health care is a right in most civilized nations, but they don’t have the enormous cost of never ending wars that we do. They have luxuries such as free college, excellent government health care, high speed trains, great airports, and infrastructure. Other nations, because they have better health care, treat mental illness. We cannot afford it, as all money goes to support the military. Just about all of the mass murderers have been emotionally troubled, but because we do not treat mental illness, they take up arms and kill. We give lip service to our veterans, but let them live under bridges as homeless troubled people. Other nations, offer treatment to troubled individuals.
    The murder rate in this country is light years ahead of other nations. We have an industrialized prison system with more people incarcerated than any other country in the world. War is glorified and neither the military nor the police can do anything wrong.  An entire new generation has known only war in their lifetime. African Americans are shot down in cold blood by police, with more than 1000 killed last year, with 50% being unarmed, and none of their killers are held responsible.  Without cell phone videos, those deaths would be swept under the proverbial rug.
    So take a long thoughtful look in a mirror.  Government sets the example and we follow.  Our government’s prime concern is making war on others and killing those who get in the way.  We are a cold blooded violent nation led by a cold blooded government, so when all too frequently the blood of our citizens flows in the streets, why are we shocked?

    US Embassy Says Gay Flag Was Flown At All Their Embassies Worldwide

    NB Commentary: How ironic on so many levels. Just one year ago, 9 people were killed in a mass shooting in South Carolina. I am sure they half mast the flag at the Capital, of course a US Senator was killed, but at every US Embassy around the world?
    I keep fighting this “gay agenda” bs. Battling with folks who believe it’s demonic and part of the New World Order; watching Jaden Smith’s gender fluidity and Kaitlyn Jenner’s transformation into  the”Woman of the Year;” attempting to defend people I know and love who are in same sex relationships and have children while others claim it’s genocide.
    Meanwhile, we have pedophiles who are behind the scenes raping and molesting children… which turns the focus towards LGBT community and still I am defending the beloved souls, the real deal, the genuine folks who are in same sexed relationships and they ain’t raping or molesting children, entrapping them or even kidnapping them and yet… I feel like a voice in the wilderness. And now this. 
    How utterly inconsiderate for the US Embassies around the globe to fly this flag. It doesn’t even fly this flag on federal buildings as a matter of course for any reason. What’s the nature of this statement? Screw you, we are on our own territory and we can fly any flag we want on our property we don’t care if you are totally incensed by it. 
    Typically, the folks who work at these Embassies are a combination of the natives and US diplomats and representatives. For all we know, even they are not in alignment with the Gay Agenda, same sex marriages, etc.
    What lives, culture, religion, practices, etc, really do matter to the US and its authorities and political leaders and administrators?
    It makes you wonder from this display of total intolerance of anyone’s belief system to do such a thing as wave the LGBT rainbow flag in foreign lands among people who are utterly against that lifestyle. A mark of incredible hubris…  is all I can say.


    Remembering the Charleston 9 June 16, 2015

    US Embassy Says Gay Flag Was Flown At All Their Embassies Worldwide

    Jamaica AG under fire for voicing disapproval of rainbow flag at US Embassy 

    The United States Embassy in Jamaica says the rainbow flag being flown at its consulate is also being flown “across the globe” at all its embassies.
    A tweet from the US Embassy this afternoon read: “Across the globe US Embassies flying our flag half-mast in memorial & rainbow flag in solidarity w LGBT our citizens.”
    The tweet comes hours after a controversial tweet from Attorney General Marlene Malahoo-Forte denouncing the flying of the rainbow flag in Jamaica, following a mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday.
    “I strongly condemn #OrlandoNightClubShooting but find it disrespectful of Jamaica’s laws to have #RainbowFlag flown here. #MyPersonalView,” Malahoo Forte said in a post on Monday.
    Attorney General Marlene Malahoo Forte has come under criticism and is being asked to explain herself, after saying that the United States Embassy in Jamaica was disrespecting the island’s laws by flying a rainbow flag, following the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida on Sunday.
    The rainbow flag, which is symbol of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, has been flying at half mast next to the US flag at the Embassy in Kingston.
    But Malahoo Forte made it clear, in a post on Twitter, that she did not agree with that expression of solidarity.
    Stressing that it was her personal opinion, Malahoo Forte tweeted yesterday that while she condemned the gun attack by Omar Mateen, which left 50 people dead and 53 injured, she found it “disrespectful of Jamaica’s laws” to have to the rainbow flag flying there. Buggery remains illegal in Jamaica.
    However, the US Embassy replied to Malahoo Forte’s tweet, asking her to explain her “legal reasoning”.
    The Attorney General has also been harshly criticized by some on Twitter, while others agreed that she had a valid point.

    Manufactured Terrorism The Orlando Santa Monica Connection ! | We Are Change

    NB Commentary: To date, I have read several articles and watch a plethora of YouTube videos on this subject and I have found this event to be very, very curious. There are so many distortions in the official story along with several distortions in the so-called alternative media and so called conspiracy theorists. But I must conclude 2 things.
    1. These events have become text book occurrences with all the usual suspects
    These events are having a counter effect, so instead of scaring folks to death it, they are actually making people roll over like a sleeping giant, and take a yawn.  Some folks are actually waking up and that’s a good thing.
    Ironically, if too many dots are connected, the whole 911 charade and all that followed will come tumbling down and even the most ardent, patriotic supporters for the “official story” will begin to question the “official media narrative.” Folks won’t be so afraid to question or even be called a conspiracy theorist.
    So Where are the Orlando bodies???
    2. One thing that is certainly very apparent, the internet is turning over rocks in these events like never before. With everything being listed there is some form or another, with a little investigation and open source sharing, information gathering has become a lot less complicated and difficult. And on a good day, the information falls right into the investigative reporter’s lap. This makes the owners of these scripted events look highly suspicious. They are almost laughable because a Hollyweird script would be more imaginative than the same old drama these events create over and over again.
    I strongly encourage folks to read this article in its entirety. It is very well written, very comprehensive along with revealing some deeply hidden characters and motives.
    After the overwhelming avalanche of information flow around Prince Rogers Nelson and Muhammad Ali, I really wanted to steer clear of this most recent act of social engineering. But, I guess, I must be an investigative journalist in my own right, and so here I am sharing this story, that I again, encourage you all to read in its entirety.
    I have already said my piece about US massacres in my other blog post. “Was Orlando Shooting a False Flag?”

    Manufactured Terrorism The Orlando Santa Monica Connection !
     by Danny F. Quest | Jun 15, 2016
    Howell Says CIA and Four Other Suspects were Involved in Planned Sunday Massacres
    Sources within the Santa Monica police department claim that James Wesley Howell, an Indiana man who was caught with explosives and weapons on Sunday Morning, told the Santa Monica police that as many as five people were involved in planned attacks on gay communities in both Florida and California.
    According to the LA Times, Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks initially said on Twitter that the 20-year-old Indiana man (James Howell) told one of her officers after he was arrested that he wanted “to harm the Gay Pride event.”
    However, after the FBI quickly took over the case, a Santa Monica police spokesman Saul Rodriguez indicated that Seabrooks was mistaken and offered that the Santa Monica detectives who were working the case are “not aware of what the suspect’s intentions were at this point.”
    You want proof? Call the Santa Monica PD, they released this story. SMH
    Address: 333 Olympic Dr, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Phone:(310) 395-9931
    Please share this vigorously and help me fight this false flag event.
    The official version of this story released by the LA Times falsely claims that on early Sunday, Santa Monica police received a call about a suspected prowler who was knocking on a resident’s door and window about 5 a.m. in the 1700 block of 11th Street, Santa Monica police said.
    Patrol officers responded and encountered Howell, who was sitting in a car registered in Indiana, police said. Officers inspected the car and found three assault rifles, high-capacity ammunition and a 5-gallon bucket containing “chemicals capable of forming an improvised explosive device,” police said.
    A law enforcement source who spoke on condition of anonymity said the contents of the bucket included Tannerite, an ingredient that could be used to create pipe bombs.
    The source, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the ongoing investigation, said authorities also found camouflage clothing in the car.
    Los Angeles County sheriff’s officials said the suspect told police he was going to the Pride parade to look for a friend. Authorities were looking for that individual.
    Place jacwueline Seabrooks tweet here
    Do police chiefs make these kind of errors everyday?
    The real truth of the story was released to a former Los Angeles County prosecutor who works for Get Off the BS by two Santa Monica police officers that have been issued gag orders under threat of Federal prosecution for talking further talking about the incident.
    According to two department sources, Howell called the Santa Monica police on Sunday morning claiming that he needed protection from the CIA. Howell further elaborated to the dispatcher stating that he “had been set up by the CIA – they are going to kill me.”
    According to Howell, he was in LA to meet with another person in a collaborated attack on the gay communities in both Florida and Los Angeles.
    Howell additionally stated that, “everything has gone south. Dan was gone when I got here. They killed the leader of the Florida attack this morning. They are going to kill me. I need protection.”
    According to sources within the police department’s investigation Howell indicated to officers who first made contact with him that Howell claimed he was one of five people involved in a planned Sunday attack on both the east and west coasts.
    Howell stated that he was suppose to “hook up” late Saturday night with his contact in LA who was suppose to have more weapons and chemicals to mix with the Tannerite he was in possession of.
    “When I got here, Dan was gone. I went to his apartment and he had cleared out….I tried calling him but he never answered me,” said Howell.
    When questioned about the other four people involved in the plot, Howell was only familiar with the first names of three of the alleged suspects, naming his contact in LA – Dan and two of the three contacts in Florida, Omarand Brandy
    Speaking of the suspect killed in the Pulse Bar massacre in Florida, Howell stated, “Omar was not suppose to be killed. They lied to us – Omar and Brandy were suppose to get away.”
    When Howell was questioned about how he and his conspirators knew each other, he said that,
    “We were all familiar with each other through an online fundamental Islamic knowledge seminary course[1] – we were recruited through the course and trained together at a camp in Virginia – we were taught how to shoot and make bombs – everyone knew their part – something went wrong….”
    Before the officers could further question Howell, agents working for the Los Angeles office of the FBI quickly swept in and took over the case. Santa Monica detectives were never allowed to talk with Howell.
    In summary, it appears that Howell was on his way to “hook up” with another conspirator (Dan) to set off explosives and shoot people at the gay pride parade in Hollywood California on Sunday.
    Finding his contact missing when he got to LA and having heard that Omar Matteen had been killed by a FBI SWAT teem in Orlando, Howell determined he had been double crossed by the CIA and feared for his own life
    Howell was taken in to custody by the FBI before Santa Monica police officers could further question him about the motives behind killing gay people on both coasts of the US on Sunday.
    However, in absence of further information and or anyone who will officially go on the record, there is no doubt that the America public is not being told the truth about the Orlando Florida shooting and the arrest of Howell on Sunday.
    It is a shame that the Fed’s got to the Santa Monica police chief on Sunday before she was silenced, however we are very thankful that at least two officers have risked their jobs and freedom to reveal what she would of most likely Tweeted had the Fed’s not got to her.
    Would you like to make odds that it was just a “coincidence” as the mainstream media reports, that Howell armed to the teeth with assault rifles and explosives, was on his way to a gay pride parade the same day as the massacre in Florida?
    This Post made with Assistance of  Truthcatradio #truthcat #truthcats #truthcatradio
    Follow CIA/NSA contractor and wistleblower Steven D Kelley
    Shortly after the posting of this story, Main-Stream USA News shed light on the Online Islamic Fundamental course Howell spoke of.
    Omar Mateen Did Not Act Alone!

    BACKFIRE: Guns Fly Off Shelves After Orlando Shooting Amid Calls for Gun Control
    Governments are the world’s biggest mass murderers by millions. Including China, Russia, Chile, Germany, Cuba, Ukraine, and yes, the U.S. —
    It’s just odd that he happened to be a mouthpiece for big oil in a documentary during the disaster here…and I say here because I’m in the Gulf and I know the truth about what happened here.

    Was Orlando Shooting A False Flag?

    Was Orlando Shooting a False Flag?

    Shooter Has Ties To FBI, Regular At Club, Did Not Act Alone?

    NB Commentary: It is truly unfortunate and very, very sad that these events are happening with such frequency. People are losing their lives and folks are mourning their dead relatives and friends. My condolences go out to anyone who is mourning a loss of a love one due to this tragedy. Iba Ye.

    One of the things that sticks out in my mind is the total silence by mainstream of the US and its allies complicity in creating these so-called terrorists, here and abroad. ISIS, Al-Qaeda are all products of the US. It is unbelievable to me that the PTB would think there would be no proverbial “blowback” for their hegemony around the world.

    Statements made by high officials like “Bomb them back to the stone age” are grievance and narcissistic rants that seem to carry no concept of the consequence as far as these war mongers are concerned. It could be stated that since they are not on the front lines, or behind the monitors where the drones are launched, they don’t see the carnage and therefore are exempt from empathy? Or are they simply psychopaths?

    But, on the other hand the moment something happens here, in the US, we get superlatives like, “deadliest mass murder in U.S. history” which is patently false. We look at how these mouth pieces can parrot this narrative ad nauseum yet pay no attention to the pain, sorrow and grief that is happening in their name overseas.

    This disconnect is not simply a matter of cognitive dissonance it’s criminal.

    The fear and saber rattling cry of “they are gonna take our guns” is so laughable at this point, especially since it has been shown over and over again, that immediately after the drum beat starts for taking folks guns, which has happened after all of these “events”, real, contrived, or a combination of both; folks go out and buy more guns. It makes you wonder if the gun manufacturers are staging these events to boost their gun sales.

    Why are Americans so obsessed with guns?

    (Spoiler Alert – Snarky Comment Follows)
    Two things, agenda of American exceptionalism. & Gun control, which only means keeping it away from the law abiding…. criminals get guns and continue to get guns… all they gotta do is join ISIS and they will have plenty of guns, women and drugs and oil, just saying. I always say, what kind of policy takes guns from Americans and gives them to the so called “rebels’ in foreign lands. DON’T ANSWER THAT, ask Killery instead.

    They are trying to tie him into Islamic extremist and the other guy who killed that singer, Christina Grimmie, is just a whack job. They also said he had to be well trained to kill that many people at one time. Who trained him?  Now, false flags have real casualties. Not that they didn’t in the past, but they are doing it for real this time. Like Oswald said, “I’m just a patsy.”

    What concerns me most is the short sightedness that comes over the masses when an event such as what happened in Orlando hits the world stage. It’s as if each event cause a sort of amnesia and folks forget every single thing that preceded it. How is that possible when they exact same protocols are used over and over again? Of course, the shock and awe effect of these events could certainly knock even the most centered individual off their square, but when the events carry the same exact scenario it would seem to trigger some cognition or replay of past events in the minds of the masses.

    I felt that something was going to occur. I had just finished some work on my computer and was preparing to retire when a familiar dizzy feeling came over me along with a vibration in my ears. I spoke outloud to myself, what’s gonna happen now. Interestingly enough, I didn’t hear about this event for at least 24 hours later. The feeling hasn’t left me and I am not sure if it is because of the mourning and disbelief, or if something else will happen in the not too distant future. I don’t make predictions, there are too many variables that can change things, but I do pay attention to my body as it responds to the change of frequency in our environment.

    We must also be aware that all of this is part of a larger plan of social engineering and distraction and innumerable other scenarios that are going on in our world today. It can’t be ignored that death has been the running theme for 2016 thus far. The masses tend to pay more attention when the individual who makes transition is a “celebrity” but what folks sometimes miss, is the bigger the individual the larger the loss, and more follow. My Mom used to say, death comes in threes, but it seems it must be multiples upon multiples of threes at the rate things are going.

    And then there’s the kevlar helmet.

    I feel a deep sense of sadness for those who have lost their loved ones in this horrendous act. It is appalling that an agenda would be initiated irrespective of the victims and their families. We live in a very distressful time and while folks are talking about the stock market, celebrity deaths, chemtrails, GMO’s, trans-humanism, media propaganda, Illuminati, the value of money, the political charade….. What is most important, “the sanctity of life on this planet,” has taken a seat way in the back.  These theatrics are covering our planet with the energy of suffering, pain, injustice, sadness and a word I seldom use “evil”. When human beings can be a party to the destruction of the planet they live on and the life forms that inhabit it, can we call them anything else but evil?

    Was Orlando Shooting A False Flag? Shooter Has Ties To FBI, Regular At Club, Did Not Act Alone?

    As mainstream media organizations continue to be afire with reports regarding the recent Orlando shooting, a number of details are escaping the public consciousness that might point to an even more sinister motivation for the killing of 50 innocent people at the Pulse nightclub. Most notably, that the attack could very well have been orchestrated by the FBI and other relevant U.S. intelligence agencies in order to guide public opinion, galvanize the American people, and for other “political” purposes.

    Indeed, in my article 5 Reasons To Question The Official Story Of The Orlando Shooting,” I listed a number of questionable aspects regarding the shooting such as the fact that the FBI was well aware of Omar Mateen, his ideology, and his potential violence years before the attack yet did nothing, as well as the fact that this father is a Taliban-supporting TV host from Afghanistan. I also pointed out that Mateen himself had connections to a known ISIS recruiter and suicide bomber. In addition, I discussed the FBI’s history in relation to creating terrorist attacks in order to “bust” them and subsequently take the credit for stopping terrorist attacks.
    FBI Foreknowledge, ISIS Sympathies, Taliban Ties
    What may at first sound like an instance of senseless violence brings with it a number of other questions. For instance, the FBI was already well aware of Mateen and his connections to radical jihad and terrorism. According to CNN’s article, 50 Killed in Florida Nightclub, Shooter Pledged ISIS Allegiance,” two officials tell CNN that the FBI had investigated Mateen at some point for possibly having ties to or sympathizing with Islamic extremism. A law enforcement official said there were two cases opened involving Mateen but the probes didn’t result in enough evidence to charge him with anything.
    The investigations were reported by a number of mainstream media organizations and later confirmed by the FBI itself during a press conference. The FBI admitted that Mateen had been interviewed by agents twice in 2013 due to comments made about radical jihad which were overheard by coworkers. He was interviewed for a third time one year later due to his connection to Moner Mohammad Abu Salha, an American who had traveled from Florida to train in Syria and later to return to the United States in order to recruit other Americans to fight in the Western-backed terrorist brigades attempting to overthrow secular and legitimate government, Bashar Al Assad.
    Salha allegedly returned to Syria and blew himself up in a suicide bombing. It is also interesting to note that Mateen’s father Seddique Mateen is a political personality in his own right having hosted a TV show and apparently declared himself a presidential candidate  for Afghanistan. Seddique has denounced the Pakistani government and expressed support and encouragement for the Taliban movement.

    Still, the question regarding the fact that Mateen was on the FBI’s radar is extremely important. One key aspect suggesting a false flag that should be looked for soon after the attack is any possible connection the suspect or group of suspects may have had with intelligence agencies. A connection to any one of these organizations and institutions may go some length in explaining how the attack was coordinated, the motivation of the perpetrators, the actual involvement (or not) of the suspects, and who actually directed the operation. For instance, on 9/11, many of the alleged hijackers had previously had close contact with the FBI, CIA, and other high-level intelligence agencies (both home and abroad). Likewise, the Tsarnaev brothers who have been accused of masterminding and carrying out the Boston Bombing  had ties to the FBI before the attack..
    In many instances, connections to certain military agencies and communities should serve as the same red flag as connections to intelligence agencies since these institutions have largely been blended together.
    The Presence Of FBI “Informants”
    The FBI did much more than simply “investigate” Mateen – they introduced him to “informants” as well. According to the New York Daily News in the article, “FBI spied on Orlando gay club terrorist Omar Mateen for 10 months in 2013: FBI Director James Comey,”

    Mateen first appeared on authorities’ radar in 2013 after the security guard’s colleagues alerted the FBI spied on Orlando gay club terrorist Omar Mateen for 10 months in 2013: FBI Director James Comey,”
    Mateen also told coworkers he had a family member who belonged to Hezbollah, a Shia network that is a bitter enemy of ISIS — the network he pledged allegiance to the night of the carnage, Comey noted.
    The FBI’s Miami office opened an inquiry into Mateen.
    “He said he hoped that law enforcement would raid his apartment and assault his wife and child so he could martyr himself,” Comey said.
    Nevertheless, FBI investigators investigated Mateen, who was born in New York, for 10 months. They introduced him to confidential informants, spied on his communications and followed him. They also interviewed him twice.

    Connections To Known Terrorists, FBI Informants, CIA Assets
    Mateen was not only connected to Mohammed Abu Salha, he also maintained ties with Marcus Dwayne Robertson, a notoriously violent radical Muslim/CIA Asset.

    Robertson, who is also known as Abu Taubah to his thousands of followers, converted at least 36 people to his version of Islam while he was imprisoned for four years in jail.
    Early Sunday authorities brought Robertson, who was living in Florida, along with several other associates in for questioning.
    According to Fox News, a law enforcement source said: ‘It is no coincidence that this happened in Orlando. Mateen was enrolled in (Robertson’s online) Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary.’
    Police believe that Robertson’s Timbuktu Seminary is used to dispense his radical teachings, sources told Fox News.
    Robertson, who was a former US Marine and undercover FBI agent before turning into a radical Imam, was released from prison last year despite warning from officials and prosecutors that he would recruit people to carry out horrendous acts of violence.
    He was considered so dangerous that he was kept shackled with his own security detail away from other inmates.
    Whenever he was transported to court, authorities had a seven-car caravan of armed federal marshals escort him.
    He was eventually moved to solitary confinement after prison officials discovered that he was trying to radicalize his fellow inmates.
    After serving as a Marine for six years, Robertson, 47, went on to become a bank robber, before turning FBI informant after his arrest in exchange for a short prison sentence.
    He was dismissed by the FBI in 2007 after allegedly attacking his CIA handler, and then began preaching Islamic extremism.
    He was thrown in jail for tax fraud back in 2011, prosecutors attempted to have ten years added to his sentence last year after discovering documents preaching terror among his possessions. However, a judge released him.
    Robertson has openly preached against homosexuality, as wiretaps from 2011 proved that he instructed one of his students to file fake tax returns to get a refund to pay for travel to Mauritania for terror training.
    According to Fox News, federal law enforcement officials have been familiar with Robertson since as early as 1991.
    Robertson became the leader of a New York gang known as ‘Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves’ and robbed more than 10 banks, private homes and post offices at gunpoint.
    They shot three police officers and also attacked an officer after he suffered injuries from a homemade pipe bomb.
    In that same period, authorities claimed that Robertson, who was known as ‘Ali Baba,’ also ‘served as a bodyguard to Omar Abdel Rahman, who led the terrorist group that carried out the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center,’ Fox News reported.
    When he was arrested in 1991 he cut a deal with prosecutors who let him serve four years in prison before he went to work undercover for the FBI in 2004 to document terrorists’ plans in Africa and the United States.

    Thus, the best efforts of the FBI, CIA, and their media mouthpieces are to attempt to convince readers that Robertson was a legitimate radical Muslim (aside from his ties to the U.S. military, FBI, and CIA) but that he was simply too much of a loose cannon to be used as an informant and was therefore cut loose from the program. This claim would actually mean two things: First, Robertson may have been a loose cannon but he was still willing to work as an informant. Secondly, despite his being known as a radical jihadist with a notorious criminal history, he was released from prison on numerous occasions having served less time than many with simple drug offenses to their names. In reality, however, the story purporting to show Robertson as a legitimate terrorist are most cover for what was and still is a CIA/FBI asset.
    It should also be noted that Robertson was known to have acted as the bodyguard for Omar Abdel Rahman, the alleged leader of the terrorist group that carried out the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, another “sting” operation that resulted in a terrorist attack going live.
    The FBI History Of Creating Terrorist Attacks
    For some time Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyerhas been painstakingly
    documenting instances of the FBI organized, arming, funding, and directing domestic terror attacks only to foil those attacks later and claim success in preventing terror attacks on American soil as well as the possibility that many of these attacks simply do not get foiled but are allowed to take place for political purposes.
    For instance, in his article CONFIRMED: FBI Introduced Florida Shooter To ‘Informants,’” Cartalucci provides an excellent overview of the FBI’s history of creating terror attacks that can be “foiled” later or even allowed to go live. Cartalucci writes,

    Among the activities these informants carry out includes providing and training suspects in the use of real explosives, providing suspects with arsenals of weapons precisely like those used in the recent shooting in Orlando Florida, and encouraging suspects to adopt “radical ideology” over the course of the investigation. Suspects are given the false impression that they are working on behalf of terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda or the self-proclaimed “Islamic State,” often cultivating delusions of grandeur among otherwise mentally ill suspects.
    The Intercept in its recent article, Before Nightclub Shooting, FBI Pursued Questionable Florida “Terror” Suspects,”would note that the FBI’s Miami office who investigated Mateen, has been “among the bureau’s most active and aggressive counterterrorism units.”
    It would also report on the specifics of this unit’s activities:
    For more than a year ending in April — a time during which investigators will now be looking for any clues from Mateen that might have been missed — the FBI in Miami focused on a counterterrorism sting that targeted James Medina, a homeless man with mental problems.
    The Intercept would reveal that the FBI informant, not Medina, came up with the idea of crediting the planned attack to the “Islamic State.” In fact, upon reading the FBI’s affidavit (.pdf), it is clear the FBI’s informant encouraged and walked Medina through every aspect of the planned attack, including providing him with what he thought was an explosive device.
    Upon reading Medina’s incoherent conversations with various FBI informants, it is clear he possessed neither the mental or technical capacity on his own to perpetrate the attacks he was arrested for.
    The Intercept would continue:
    Nearly a year before Medina’s arrest, the FBI’s Miami office arrested another supposed terrorist, 23-year-old Cuban-American Harlem Suarez, also known as Almlak Benitez, whom former co-workers described as “a little slow.” The government alleged that Suarez conspired with an FBI informant to bomb a beach in Key West in support of the Islamic State. The FBI provided a fake backpack bomb.
    Finally, the Intercept would reveal:
    The Orlando shooting isn’t the first case to raise this question. In 2011, when the FBI investigated Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, agents did not deem him a threat.
    Instead, at about the same time, the Boston FBI started a nine-month sting operation against Rezwan Ferdaus, who had no weapons and no connections to international terrorists, and whose mental wellness had deteriorated so much that he was wearing adult diapers at the time of his arrest on terrorism charges.
    Rezwan Ferdaus, like Medina, was provided assistance by the FBI every step of the way, including being provided 24 lbs of C4 explosives, 6 fully automatic AK47 rifles, and 3 grenades –  the FBI’s own affidavit reveals (.pdf) He was brought deep into a fictional world where he believed he was working directly with Al Qaeda for nearly a year – told that “detonation devices” he constructed and passed on to FBI informants were “used” in Iraq to “kill” American soldiers.
    The FBI’s informants conduct similar practices in virtually all of their investigations.
    In 2010, the FBI investigated naturalized US citizen and Oregon resident Mohamed Osman Mohamud. In their own official statement titled, Oregon Resident Arrested in Plot to Bomb Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in Portland,” released by the U.S. Attorney’s Office on November 26, 2010 it was stated :
    According to the affidavit, on November 4, 2010, Mohamud and the undercover FBI operatives traveled to a remote location in Lincoln County, Ore., where they detonated a bomb concealed in a backpack as a trial run for the upcoming attack.
    The FBI in February 2012 provided another suspect with live explosives in the lead up to what was ultimately a foiled suicide bombing planned with the help of FBI informants at the US Capitol.
    USA Today reported in their article, FBI foils alleged suicide bomb attack on U.S. Capitol,” that :
    According to a counterterrorism official, El Khalifi “expressed interest in killing at least 30 people and considered targeting a building in Alexandria and a restaurant, synagogue and a place where military personnel gather in Washington before he settled on the Capitol after canvassing that area a couple of times,” the Associated Press writes. During the year-long investigation, El Khalifi detonated explosives at a quarry in the capital region with undercover operatives. He is not believed to be affiliated with al-Qaeda, officials said.
    Considering the disturbing activities conducted by FBI informants during these “investigations,” the FBI appears obligated to tell the American public just what their “informants” were doing with Florida shooting suspect Omar Mateen in the 10 months they were “investigating” him beginning in 2013.
    Did they also walk Mateen through planned attacks he ultimately backed out of? Did he eventually change his mind again after the FBI’s investigation was allegedly closed?
    The American media and US elected representatives have an obligation to ask these questions, obtain this information from the FBI, and to reevaluate the FBI’s means and methods of investigating potential suspects through what is clearly a dangerous process of entrapment, indoctrination, and deceit.

    Was Mateen Being Handled By The FBI?
    In addition to the “investigations” being conducted by the FBI into Mateen’s conduct, there is the very real possibility that Mateen himself was being handled and/or lulled into radical jihad, culminating in the very attack that took place in Orlando.
    One piece of information that would lend credence to this hypothesis comes from a New York Daily News report that claims Mateen was actually a regular at the Pulse bar. According to the New York Daily News report, Orlando Shooter Was Regular At Pulse Gay Club; Former Classmate Says Omar Mateen Was Homosexual,”

    The homophobic maniac who murdered 49 people inside Orlando’s gay-friendly nightclub Pulse Sunday morning had been hanging out there for three years and chatted with men via online dating services like Grindr, said multiple witnesses who claimed to have firsthand knowledge of Mateen’s habits.
    . . . . .
    Mateen, who had married again, this time to Noor Salman who bore him a son, also visited Pulse several times over the past three years, according to club patrons.
    One couple, who work together as drag-dancing performers, said they’d seen Mateen as many as a dozen times at Pulse.
    Ty Smith and Chris Callen also said they’d seen him escorted drunk from the club more than once.
    . . . . .
    “I’ve seen him a couple of times at Pulse, a couple of other people that I’ve spoken with, including an-ex security guard, have actually witnessed this guy at Pulse many times before,” said Callen, who performs as Kristina McLauglin.
    “One friend was a security guard there two years ago and she remembers him,” Callen told the Daily News.
    He estimates Mateen began showing up about three years ago. Everybody was blown away to realize he was the man responsible for the slaughter.
    “It’s shocking to everyone because we saw him there before,” said Callen.
    He said one night Mateen got angry about a religious joke and pulled a knife on a friend. But it was nothing the friend couldn’t handle, Callen said.
    The performer recalled his first words with Mateen three years ago.
    “He was a nice guy,” he said of the shooter. “He was at the bar. He was actually talking with another guy. I turned around. I was in drag. I said hello. He seemed comfortable,” Callen said.
    “As I was onstage he was standing next to somebody, having a conversation, having a good time close to the stage. Later on that night … he was out there dancing with another guy. It could be he just went crazy. Maybe he got radicalized and hated who he was,” Callen said.

    Interestingly enough, if Mateen began frequenting Pulse around three years ago (2013) that would put his first foray into being a regular at the club around the same time as his first “investigation” at the hands of the FBI.
    Was Mateen blackmailed into terror for his sexuality? Was he recruited, radicalized, and facilitated by U.S. intelligence and his regular visits to Pulse merely an act of casing the joint? Did he think he was part of a drill? Did he believe he was really fighting jihad?
    It has been admitted that Mateen was “introduced to informants” around this time. So what did they tell him? What did they do with him? The answers to these questions will likely never be known but what is known is that the FBI keeps records of these types of things, so the organization has some serious explaining to do regardless.
    More Than One Shooter
    Despite mainstream news organizations’ attempts to minimize victims’ reports of more than one perpetrator in the Orlando shooting, authorities are now being forced to acknowledge the possibility that Mateen did not act alone. According to WSB-TV in Atlanta,

    Channel 2’s sister station in Orlando, WFTV, is reporting that they expect an arrest in  connection to the Orlando nightclub shooting that left 50 dead, including the shooter.
    A top law enforcement source told WFTV an arrest, elsewhere in Florida, is expected of an alleged accomplice.

    Janiel Gonzalez, who was in the club on the night of the shooting, seems to think there must have been more than one perpetrator. In an interview with the Palm Beach Post, he recounted a second man holding the door shut and keeping everyone inside. Interestingly enough, it was on the side of the club that the shooter virtually ignored during his rampage. As Palm Beach Post reports,

    “I remember telling myself, ‘This is not how I die,’’’ Gonzalez, 26, said.
    “When I dropped to the floor and saw people crying and covered in blood. The scent of the ammunition and bullets, I was like ‘This is real life. This is happening right now.’”
    He said he never saw the gunman, who was in an adjacent room about 20 feet away. He said he thought the initial burst of gunfire lasted eight or nine minutes.
    “He kept on shooting and shooting and shooting, rapid fire,’’ Gonzalez said, “and he’d change (clips), put in more ammunition — bud-dudda. I could smell the ammo in the air.’’
    He said he heard another gun from a different direction, so he wonders if there were two gunmen.
    “Everybody dropped to the floor. We were trying to look for an exit. But the main exit was right next to the entrance where the shooter was shooting,’’ he said.
    “In a moment of desperation we were all crawling on the floor trying to find a place to exit. I looked to my right and I could see people going through some curtains. We were digging through the curtains and found a door.’’
    But he said the door was blocked by a man. He wasn’t sure if it was a club security person or an accomplice to the gunmen.
    “Fifty people were trying to jump over each other trying to exit the place. There was a guy holding the door and not letting us exit. He’s like ‘Stay inside, stay inside.’ As he is saying that, the shooter keeps getting closer and closer and the sound of the bullets is getting closer. Everyone starts to panic. People are getting trampled. Let us out, let us out!’’’
    Gonzalez’ first thought was that it was a hate crime. “This guy is trying to prevent us from leaving. Maybe they’re working together,’’ he said.
    Gonzalez said he feel lucky because he hung out on the left side of the club, while the gunman concentrated fire on the right side.
    “When you enter the club, there’s a right wing and a left wing. The shooter entered and went straight to the right. He never came to the left (side), which is the hiphop room where the majority of my friends were. Everybody in the right (wing) room got injured.’’
    “I’m pretty sure it was more than one person. I heard two guns going at the same time. It was very, very crazy.’’

    The Security Firm
    Despite all of the “investigations” into Mateen’s ideology and his connections with known terrorists, he was still able to gain not only a gun (the point of focus by the anti-gun left) but a security clearance as part of his job. But the most interesting aspect of Mateen’s employmentwas that he worked for G4S Secure Solutions, one of the largest security firms in the United States and formerly known as Wackenhut. The company is  notorious for its connections to the FBI, CIA, military industrial complex, and the “shadow government” apparatus itself.
    Not only does Wackenhut/G4S boast of a board that reads like a list of some of the most powerful intelligence players in the country, but it has been closely involved in surveillance, espionage, and innumerable clandestine operations. The organization essentially has a revolving door with the CIA and functions as just another wing of the intelligence community.
    While the right-wing media blames Muslims and the left-wing media blame guns, perhaps it would be more effective if thinking individuals would examine the possibilities that this attack was a false flag incident designed to push an agenda that would benefit those in power in some way or other. Out of this attack we will no doubt see another push for the evisceration of the Second Amendment and other civil liberties as well as increased hype regarding ISIS as a threat to the American way of life and a greater attempt at justification for foreign adventures.
    While the information presented above may not be enough evidence to prove in the court of law that the Orlando attack was a false flag attack, it is, without a doubt, reason enough to question the official story thus far and is highly suggestive of the possibility that the largest mass shooting in U.S. history was indeed a false flag attack engineered and directed by elements in the U.S. government intelligence community.
    If the attack is attributed to a lone jihadist nut the FBI has some serious explaining to do since it appears that the agency itself is the greatest initiator of terrorist activity inside American borders and is either the most incompetent anti-terror fighter in the U.S. or it is complicit in the attacks that continue to take place.
    Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 650 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)
    This article may be freely shared in part or in full with author attribution and source link.

    Mass shooting in Orlando gay nightclub, June 12, 2016

    Mass shooting in Orlando gay nightclub: 50 dead, 53 injured, ‘act of domestic terrorism’

    NB Commentary: Guess folks was loving Muhammed Ali, a professed Muslim too much, they needed to demonise the Muslims for the sake of balance. Did anyone see the video of the beautiful Jenazah prayer service for him? Oh yeah, and they love doing stuff right around or right at the beginning of Ramadan. The cowards, love to get them when they are vulnerable. How many folks remember that the Shock & Awe campaign of the Iraq war was right at the beginning of Ramadan that year? Yeah, they are really brave to drop bombs on fasting folks, weak, thirsty and hungry.. But we know, the warriors are NOT fasting, but it’s just the blatant disrespect for the Holiest Month of the Islamic faith. SMDH.

    So now we have a mass shooting, #guncontrol #hatemuslims, #falseflag, #whoturnedofthisdudeschip
    Last night, around this time say 2AM or so, I got a serious dizzy spell, I said to myself, what the hell is gonna happen now?
    Now, I don’t jack shit about guns, or rifles for that matter but I would notice someone walking into even the darkest alley with a gun that looks similar to this, and not from watching it in a movie. Plus he was heavily armed??????

    Mass shooting in Orlando gay nightclub: 50 dead, 53 injured, ‘act of domestic terrorism’

    By Ian Greenhalgh on June 12, 2016
    We have come a long way from the Texas Bell Tower sniper shootings in 1966 and the mass killing scourge that Charles Whitman unleashed on us that day.
    Yes… another one.
    Editor’s Note Update: Well this is indeed a bad day, when a new mass killing record is set in the US by a lone shooter with only an assault rifle and a handgun. The bad news is the updated statistic of 53 dead  and 50 injured now. That means where were a lot of clip reloads. Our prayers go out to all the victims and their families.
    I did a very quick notice Press TV news clip on the story. We did not know the shooter was an Afghan Muslim at air time.  They graciously gave me some time to cover the “copycat” crime history on these shootings, starting with the Texas bell tower sniper…how the massive coverage triggered other losers seeking to go out in a blaze of glory to do the same.
    We had the “Going Postal” genre, where disgruntled, fired employees would go back and shoot up their former employers and then later came the school shootings, which also became “copycat” fodder. No one call this terrorism at any step of the process, almost like permission had not been given to use the term.
    I knew the question would come up about “too many guns in America” which set me up for saying what never gets airtime during these mass killing stories, that 2 million Americans defend themselves from criminal attacks every year using a gun. Many do not have to fire them, and then there are those who kill their attackers.
    This puff of smoke is from Whitman firing a shot
    The “people versus guns kill people” debate will be going on for a long time. A gun has never killed anyone, people do. And if they are not totally crazy they do it for a reason, like they saw someone else do it on TV and decided to do the same for whatever warped reason.
    My two cents? Dear night club, with 300 plus people in your club you can afford two armed and well trained security people to protect your customers. You have the camera technology to spot suspect people. Adding a $1 to the entry fee would cover the cost.  You could put up a sign that you have a well-armed establishment.
    Here in Georgia churches were banned places for gun carriers, but that law was amended to allow the churches to allow armed concealed carry security if they chose. This was done after random church shootings began and everyone was well tuned to the copycat crime aspect.
    After the Newtown, Connecticut mass elementary school shooting nine states enacted legislation to allows schools to have armed, trained personnel. But most were afraid of the “liability” of getting sued from an incident and chose to be defenseless to an armed attacker, depending on locked door security to save them.
    No school has been sued for not having protection. In the meantime there are idiots that actually put up yard signs, “This is a gun-free house”. The house breakers and thieves are most grateful. There is another kind of sign,  “We have guns and now how to use them”. This debate will be with us forever… Jim W. Dean]

    This tragic incident has several hallmarks of being a false flag attack; the shooter being a young Muslim, the FBI ‘checking’ to see if he has links with extremists, the shooter already dead and unable to answer any questions. It’s all too familiar. The fact it was a gay club may also be significant, given the current hoo-hah in the US political arena over LGBT issues.

    Since the initial reports, the shooter has been identified as US citizen Omar Mateen from Florida. 

    The suspect behind the gay nightclub shooting in Orlando, which left dozens dead and injured, has been identified as Omar Mateen, the CBS network reported, citing sources. The channel added that the FBI is currently checking if he was linked to extremists.
    A correspondent from the WFTV channel said Mateen was 27 years old and was from Port St. Lucie in Florida, nearly 150km from Orlando.
    According to reports on social media, he was born to Afghan parents.
    Quite frankly, this is almost certainly an event designed to provoke further anti-Islamic feeling in the US and judging by the sort of stupid, ill-informed and hate-filled commentary that is already appearing on various websites reporting on this story, it is an easy sell.  
    This comment, the byline to an article on the shooting is sadly typical of the nonsense flooding the interwebs:
    His level of preparation indicates an intention to demonstrate his profound devotion to Allah during Ramadan.
    Since when was Ramadan about killing people? How is committing murder showing devotion to Allah? This is just ludicrous nonsense written by someone who is either completely ignorant of Islam or is willfully telling nefarious lies in order to demonise Islam and Moslems.