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Archive for the ‘dying’ Category

NB Commentary: Why Do We Watch People Die?

NB Commentary: Why Do We Watch People Die?

See video below

It’s called a Death Culture, not only is the fascination with seeing someone give up the ghost, but then we try to hold on to the dead, through grieving, massive funerals, morticians, memorials, tombstones, insurance policies, etc. In some cultures, they actually dig the bodies up, redress them in their finest, put them on display and then bury them again. Imagine that!

It certainly is part of the human condition cross-culturally because this fascination with death and it’s aftermath is played out all over the world. Who genetically engineered that into our DNA that we find death and dying to be such a phenomenon rather than birth and living!

I do realize that there are some cultures that see Death as just another part of life, that is, they see the immortality of the Soul and that while the person is physically dead, their Soul lives on to re-incarnate according to some, and then to go to heaven/hell according to others.

Whatever the case may be.. it is a fascination and most likely fear of the unknown that pulls us into these scenarios. Nobody “has come back” to tell us what it was like, some say, so we may be vicariously dying and being reborn with the individual. There is an immediate denial when we hear of someone dying. Maybe that’s part of keeping them alive, or having them alive after death.

One more thing, we as a western culture have been desensitized about death as well. Even though we may know that it is “REAL” while we are watching it on TV it probably doesn’t register cause the stuff on TV isn’t real, at least that’s what we tell our children when they show signs of being horrified by the blood and gore they see on TV and in the movies.

The Seth Material says, birth is more traumatic than death but for some reason we just don’t get it. Besides, if we did…. imagine the stock market crash that would cause.
In the final analysis, I would say trace it back, follow the money and how the Money Changers create streams of income off of our fear of dying. Think about it. It could very well be “just for the money”, the energy, the keeping the Blood suckers alive.

I always found it interesting that after a movie filled with blood, gore, death, tragedy, etc., if there were any animals in the movie, it would be followed by a disclaimer, “No Animals Were Injured In This Presentation” but they never say….
“Neither was any human…..”


Published on Nov 19, 2014
The who, how and why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day. We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run today.