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Archive for the ‘magic’ Category

Are You Involved In Witchcraft and don’t Even Know It? (Videos)

NB Commentary: Let me start by saying, this video is not designed to offend anyone. I am merely using a bit of logic and attempting to show a simple correlation. I was inspired to make this video because of the post I saw the other day, asking, “Are you involved In Witchcraft and Don’t Even Know It?” My response to this post flowed like water and I felt it only fair to share my thoughts with my YouTube audience.

Whenever I upload a video discussing the I Ching Oracle system, I typically get a Christian backlash saying I should come to Jesus and give up the ways of the Devil as it is written in the bible that divining and other such “occult” practices are witchcraft! 

So let’s start with the definition of occultand move on from there.


  • of or relating to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies.
  • beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious.
  • secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated.
  • hidden from view.
  • not apparent on mere inspection but discoverable by experimentation.
  • of a nature not understood, as physical qualities. dealing with such qualities; experimental: occult science.

    1. the supernatural or supernatural agencies and affairs considered as a whole 11. to become hidden or shut off from view.
    2. metaphysical, supernatural. 3. concealed, unrevealed; veiled, shrouded; mystical, cabalistic. Concealed, Deep, hidden, magic, mystic, obscure, psychic, unknown, veiled, weird, abstruse, achromatic, arcane, cabalistic, eerie, esoteric, hermetic, invisible, magical, mystical, preternatural, profound, recondite, transmundane, unearthly, unrevealed.
    1. the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.; legerdemain; conjuring:
    to pull a rabbit out of a hat by magic.

    2. the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of incantation or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature.
    Compare contagious magic, imitative magic, sympathetic magic.
    3. the use of this art:  Magic, it was believed, could drive illness from the body.
    4. the effects produced: the magic of recovery.
    5. power or influence exerted through this art: a wizard of great magic.
    6. any extraordinary or mystical influence, charm, power, etc.:
    the magic in a great name; the magic of music; the magic of spring.
    8. employed in magic: magic spells; magic dances; magic rites.
    9. mysteriously enchanting; magical: magic beauty.
    10. of, relating to, or due to magic.
    11. producing the effects of magic; magical: a magic touch.
    12. to create, transform, move, etc., by or as if by magic:
    fascination, illusion, wizardry, alchemy, allurement, astrology, augury, bewitchment, conjuring, conjury, devilry, diabolism, divination, enchantment, exorcism, foreboding, horoscopy, incantation, legerdemain, magnetism, necromancy, occultism, power, prediction, presage, prestidigitation, prophecy, rune, soothsaying, sorcery, spell, superstition, taboo, thaumaturgy, trickery, voodoo, voodooism, witchcraft, black art, fortune-telling, hocuspocus, of impossible feats by tricks abracadabra, sleight of hand, sortilege
    It is written in the Bible that at 12 years of age, the Messiah spoke to the elders in the Temple of great wonders and amazed them that he knew so much at such a young age.
    He spoke about the metaphysics, temperaments and healing. Later he change water into wine, raised the dead, healed leprosy, fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, (how did he do that?). It must have taken all day to get to all of them. I go to the foodbank and that line takes hours and it’s only about 150 people in line.
    He bi-located, and possessed Elijah. 
    He walked on water and became invisible to his enemies.
    He put the servant’s ear back on.
    He made predictions and interpreted dreams.
    He suffered, according to the text, the most horrific torture imaginable and managed to live thru it.

    After his demise on the cross, he rose from the dead with the help of two “invisible angels” no less. Then Ascended into Heaven, which is where? He levitated into the sky without a spaceship or rocket fuel? And where did he go? He sits at the right hand of the Father which is himself, which means he is besides himself, or he doubled himself? Now that’s magic if you ask me. A serious magic show for real especially since no one has seen where he went and so many believe he is there. Can I get a vote for Jesus being a wizard at least here? I know, I know, you want to call it miracles… miracles..magic… miracles..magic… healing… laying on of hands…. He even changed his hair color from dark brown to blond! More and more magic!!

    Now, to me that there man, is a wizard, anybody following that man is a wizard, sorcerer or witch lover. Anyone praying for that man to heal the sick, fill their bank accounts with money, get them a new car, pass a test, be cured of cancer, have a safe journey in an airplane, find a lost loved one, speaking in tongues, catching the Holy Ghost, giving God the Glory for acquiring a huge sum of money, paying tithes, interpreting dreams, hear God’s voice and messages and more are all casting spells and using witchcraft.
    It always amazes me when folks call the stuff humans do, witchcraft, yet somehow they don’t see it as magic or witchcraft when the Messiah did it. In fact they say he showed himself as God’s Son.
    Would the real son of God deny his brethren the gifts he had? Would he not be being selfish? And would that show he was not really the Son of God but some selfish charlatan instead. A charlatan who professed to love his neighbor as himself but would hoard his precious treasure of abilities from his neighbor.
    Hmmmmm, I sense a contradiction here.
    And let’s not forget Holy Communion, the eating of the “flesh and Blood” of the Messiah which guarantees everlasting life which harkens back to cannibalism and vampirism. And can I get an applause for this term?   “Washing in the blood of Christ.” I hear that the witches wash in the blood of pigs, goats, and chickens. This practice seems eerily similar to what the witches do.
    Can we take a look at the vestments that are worn by the so-called Holy Men of the Church across the spectrum from the “backwards collar to the full garb in the colors red, black, white and purple.
    And if you say, you do not worship idols like those Catholics, how many of you pledge allegiance to the flag, honor the Presidents with holiday shopping and fireworks, erect statues, monuments and huge paintings of dead people.
    Oh, and let’s not forget the burning of candles, incense and the sprinkling of Holy Water.

    In the Christian Churches the congregation engages in ritual chanting they call singing hymns or gospel music, that is so powerful sometimes it draws tears from those who listen. And the folks who listen hard enough and eagerly enough may soon find themselves “filled with the Holy Ghost”.  Hmmmm, a Ghost that is Holy. How ironic. 
    And from what I hear, the Book of Psalms is full of incantations and certain Psalms have been recited in hopes for a desired effect. I personally love the “Yeah, though I walk through the valley of death…….” Christians have been known to tell other Christians which ones to recite for specific purposes.

    For those of you still in denial about the level of sorcery in Christianity, I am sure you do not even celebrate Halloween, cutting into a pumpkin and setting a candle inside of it. Do you go to masquerade parties or allow your children to dress up in costumes and prowl the area asking for “tricks or treats (magic and offerings).”
    And you certainly do not cut down trees, bring them into your home and light millions of lights around it and your house. It’s the festival of lights, bringing light into the darkness of winter, but surely that is not sorcery or witchcraft.
    You have to hand it to the social engineers who have fully duped the masses to the point that they don’t even realize that many if not all of their “holy days” are left overs from pagan festivals, including going to Church on the day of the Sun.  If you think that’s a stretch well, Ra is the sun God and his day is Sunday, so worshiping the Lord on Sunday, equates to worshiping the Sun.

    If you scoff at oracles, how many of you toss a coin, “heads or tails” when you are unable to make a decision? How many of you look for signs to let you know you are on the right path, how many of you see waking up in the morning as a “sign” that God has blessed you?
    And while I am speaking of signs, Catholics “bless” themselves with the sign of the cross and Christians wear the “sign” of the Messiah’s death around their necks, in their cars, on their night tables, etc. Could it be that the “Church” decided what “signs” were good and “which ones were “evil” in some random fashion or was it deliberate?
    Christianity is the bastion of witchcraft, the only difference being, since Christians do it, that makes it of the light, and when those who are not Christian do it, it is considered darkness or demon worship. And even though, if a person is “possessed” with demons, the Christian will call in an exorcist, carrying a cross and rosary beads (talismans) to magically chase that demon away, in the name of Jesus.

    I wonder if you all realize that Jesus Christ as you call upon him, is an Ancestor? That is someone who lived in human flesh, walked the earth, talked to people, had a following and then died. Of course you would not equate his rising from the dead as vampire-ish or ghoulish or zombi-ish, because he was given the title “the exalted One” so what he did made him different from all the other vampires, ghouls and zombies, even though he did the exact same thing.  And worshiping him is Ancestor worship.

    Of all the things I have mentioned, it has to be obvious that a whole lot of magic is going on among people of the Christian faith. They throw up their arms, wave them in the air, pray using the sign of a pyramid, close their eyes and hope to be heard by God, their prayers answered after this ritual is completed. They teach their children, who teach their children who teach theirs, and so on for generations and generations… never forgetting to add that they are the Holy Ones, the Selected Ones, the Ones of the Light (Illuminati perhaps), they have been washed clean in “red” blood (which I seriously can’t understand how you can become clean washed in blood) but of course it’s all symbolic, which only smacks of more witchcraft and sorcery as they use these and many other symbols to “invoke” the power and/or the “wrath” of God.
    I cannot see how that is any different from a rain dance, yoga, chanting, cards and in my case, Divining with the I Ching. And that’s what I got to say about that!
    Top 10 African Countries at Practicing Witchcraft or Juju
    Black Magic: Hoodoo Witches Speak Out on the Appropriation of Their Craft
    The Top 15 Witches According to My Bruja Heart
    The Witches from MisSpelled
    Have you caught this funny, creative and clever webseries yet? It’s about a group of five friends who are witches and it’s created by and starring a bunch of women of color. The dark comedy series deals with how these girls deal with their growing powers, their relationships and their lives. Any time you have a cast of five diverse women of color and a product that’s this high quality, you know you’ve got something special.
    Ra, god of Egypt
    Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses for kids – Ra (aka Re)
    The Mythology & History of ancient Egypt surrounding the Egyptian god Ra, the sun & creator god

    How Did Bill Clinton Become a Voodoo Priest? (Videos)

    NB Commentary:One of the things that I absolutely love about making my videos for YouTube and for my subscribers, is the fact that I learn so much while doing it.
    I like to make my videos interactive, so I search the Internet for pictures to go along with what I am trying to convey. In doing so, I come across articles that feature the pictures that I wish to use. Then I end up reading the articles and finding out more and more and more about my subject.  A  7-12 minute video may take me hours of reading materials I find on the web. I have always been a researcher, and  I have always enjoyed the challenge of integrating my research into a readable and enjoyable theme.
    I have posted several links in my blog that you will find a link to in the description below.  Be prepared to learn something new or confirm what you already knew.
    I also was trained in public speaking so I create a script for my videos so I can express myself as succinctly as possible. Sometimes I get tongue tied, which is just what I do and it shows you all that I am human.
    I see making videos as a form of artistry. I feel my creative juices flowing and no sooner I put one up, I get more ideas about my next video. I love the hide and seek that YouTube plays with my videos, because they are monetized and sometimes YouTube feels that after all my hard work and hours of labor, a certain video is not ad friendly. Oh well, I just hope you folks out there don’t mind the ads too much and will come watch some of the other ones as well.
    I have set up a Patreon account where you all can support me over there, ad free. I will let you know when I am ready to launch it.
    So today, I am watching a video on a YouTube channel called blackmagik363
    Video Title “Professor Griff- The Truth about Kanye West ‘Spiritual Attack’, Music Industry Rituals, and Witches”
    I really enjoy Brother Rich’s interviewing style. He is well read and informed but still poses the questions in such a way as to want more information and to defer to his guest and gives them ample time to answer. He never interrupts, but is very much an active listener. In this interview with Professor Griff they come upon the question of Bill Clinton being initiated into Voodoo in Haiti. Brother Rich is quite curious as to why the Haitians would initiate a European into their occult magic. I do not think that Professor Griff’s answer was comprehensive enough so I wanted to expound on it in this video.

    Being quite aware of the religion and having insight into African Spirituality, I think I can offer a more in depth understanding as to why the Haitians would accommodate Bill Clinton and his wife back in 1975 and since that time.  It seems that Mr. Clinton wanted to win the election in his home state of Arkansas. Later, the presidential election, over George Bush, so he asked for help. In return he protected Haiti with the help of Hougan Max Beauvoir.  

    It is not uncommon for the Priests and Priestess of African Spirituality to be visited by Heads of State from all over the Globe in fact. They may be of all manner of other religious practices but they have heard or already know the power of the “rituals” that can be performed to help them win court cases, elections, positions

    of power in government, money, wealth, etc. Some of them come, Bibles and Qur’ans in hand to seek out the help and advice of these Priests. They may do it in secret under the cover of darkness, pay their respects, pay their money, have the rituals done for them and/or do them themselves, or whatever is asked of them.  It is not uncommon, not at all.   While they may not speak of it publicly or may even denounce it, secretly they are there and they are doing the “work” to get what they want accomplished in their lives professionally, economically, etc.

    “In the days leading up to Clinton’s visit, according to sources in Haiti, many occult preparations took place. These were intended not only to grant Clinton the power to overcome the challenges facing his presidency and defeat the Whitewater investigations, but also to give Aristide the power to continue to control Clinton.”

    According to the Haiti Observateur, “During a March 31, 1995 visit to Haiti under Aristide’ s restored rule, Clinton took part in a Voodoo initiative ceremony intended to keep him impervious to Republican attacks and to guarantee his re-election.” (, Feb. 20,. 2004). 

    Clinton joined with Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a defrocked Catholic Priest, to gain more influence in the upcoming election to get Al Gore elected who would continue to favor the Haitian cause.  This is where the work became nefarious and Bush ended up throwing up in the lap of the Japanese Prime minister because of the work Aristide did.  Al Gore still did not win the election even though he should have, but it just shows that the “work” is not full proof and though it helped to ease the tension and impeachment of Bill Clinton, it did not keep him out of his own lust for young girls and children. But that’s another video.

    So to answer the question of why?
    Why would the Haitians or any other African Spiritual Practitioners give their rituals, rites and initiations to Europeans? Depending on the integrity of the Practitioners it can simply boil down to politics and economics. I am not too sure if he was actually initiated into the Haitian Priesthood. That initiation is not immediate and takes several years to complete, but I would surmise that he participated in ceremonies and may have gotten some talismans and may even been mounted by spirits.  There is a reason why they called him, the “First Black President.” Little did we know he was chumming up with the Haitian Priests and attending Haitian ceremonies, but there was something about him. And it was said he had a certain charm.  One that I never understood, but like it was when I didn’t drink the Obama Kool-Aid, I didn’t drink the Clinton Kool-Aid either.
    The Clinton foundation ain’t got nothing on the “Pay-to-Play scenario when it comes to unscrupulous African Spirituality Practitioners.  If the money is right, the influence right, they will give it to them. They will give you a Chieftaincy, they will give you a stool a crown, a title, what do you want?  In return you will build in their country, you will give them money, you will transport them around in fancy cars and jets, you will give them a seat as an Ambassador or in the White House. You will protect their country with your military, you will in essence be accommodating to them,  or whatever…  It’s a form of spiritual bribery. And remember, the Priest, will never give you any power that will make you independent of him.  And that’s another layer of this type of relationship with a Priest who you go to for nefarious reasons.  One hand washes the other, but in the African Spirituality rituals of this nature, you don’t see the third hand.  Or as some would call it “The Voodoo Double-Cross.”
    But what goes around comes around the level of trust is skewed because everybody is using everybody. As the saying goes, there’s no honesty among thieves. So I ain’t surprised that Clinton is a said to be a so-called Voodoo priest down there in Haiti.
    Don’t get me wrong, there are very righteous and upstanding African Spirituality Practitioners, but if he was initiated and they did not refuse him, then their ability to “see” him shrouded in all the corruption is very, very suspect. Why would they bring this criminal element into the fold, unless it was going to give them something in return?
    Look at Haiti! How did his practice of Voodoo help Haiti? There in lies the answer as to why they would initiate him.
    And we won’t go down the scummy road of money laundering, Pedophilia, human trafficking, sex slaves and child abuse. Or even into the very, very nefarious of Voodoo.
    Like Professor Griff said and I paraphrase, every thing is energy. It can be used for righteousness or it can be used for nefarious reasons. It can be used to heal or to harm. Energy is neutral, it has no moral construct. It just is.
    Just because someone is of African decent and using ancient African Spiritual mysticism does not mean they are not aware of and/or privy to using it for harm.
    More Reading
    That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti
    Haitian sorcerers claim credit for his victories and defeats
    Published: 12/14/1998 at 1:00 AM
    Former President Bill Clinton And His Experience With Haitian Voodoo
    Sunday, March 22, 2015 11:29 AM
    Bill Clinton’s affair with Voodoo
    The hidden life of the Clintons revealed
    Alex Jones and Doug Hagmann discuss how the Clintons have been involved with some very disturbing occult practices:
    The Alex Jones Show – NOVEMBER 5, 2016

    The BBC Asks – What Really Happened With The Clintons In Haiti?
    Former President Bill Clinton And His Experience With Haitian Voodoo
    Aristide, the Man who Turns to Voodoo to Place a Curse on Presumed Enemies
    First published January 21, 2001
    The origin of the species: Zombies
    Voodoo In Haiti
    Haiti: Possessed by Voodoo
    Hillary Clinton: 6th Level Illuminati Witch and Sadistic Monarch Slave Handler)
    Suicided Investigator was Digging into Clinton Family Child Trafficking Allegations in Haiti
    Clinton pressured Aristide to adopt free market economic policies as the condition of restoring him to power in 1994.”
    Bill Clinton Loves Haiti  by Jemima Pierre
    For Haitians, Clinton’s ‘liberation’ is more dehumanization.”
    There is no Haiti without Bill Clinton. Rarely has the Republic entered the mainstream press since the January 12, 2010 earthquake without mention of the former US President. When it comes to Haiti, Clinton is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. In the days after the earthquake Clinton saturated the media with Haiti-related appearances on cable newsnetworks, a spread in Esquire Magazine, a speech at the UN, and editorials in prominent newspapers. Clinton is the co-chair of the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti. He is the UN Special Envoy for Haiti. And he is the co-director of the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, a foundation involved in number of neoliberal economic initiatives in Haiti. Clinton justifies his involvement by saying he is “responding to the needs of Haitians.” But what needs? Which Haitians? And to what end?
    This would be Aristide’s second return from exile. He was ousted by a military coup in 1991 but Bill Clinton, when he was president, returned him to power in 1994 following a US intervention that forced out the military regime.
    Aristide fled Haiti again in February 2004, leaving before dawn on a US plane as rebels approached the capital. He accused American diplomats of having kidnapped him, charges that Washington denied.
    The Clintons and the Clinton Foundation have a long history in Haiti. During his time as president, Bill Clinton imposed three years of devastating economic sanctions against the country, in an effort to destabilize the military junta. With the failure of this policy, Clinton sent Marines to Haiti to restore Jean-Bertrand Aristide to the presidency. During Aristide’s term, Clinton demanded Haiti’s adherence to brutal IMF austerity policies, while cracking down on Haitian migrants trying to flee the devastated country to the US.
    In the immediate aftermath of the 2010 Haitian earthquake, which killed upwards of 300,000 people, Clinton was dispatched as a UN special envoy and co-chairman of the Interim Haiti Recovery Committee to oversee the international aid and investment efforts in the country. Under his watch, there has been a continual looting of the country, with investment designed to exploit the country’s low-paid working class.