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Archive for the ‘NASA’ Category

Where Is This Flat Earth? A Question for Flat Earthers (VIDEOS)

Where Is This Flat Earth? A Question for Flat Earthers.


After watching this video on’s channel called
“Top Vatican Jesuit Astronomer; Earth is Flat, Gravity is Obsolete.”
It aroused in me a few questions. I want to ask all you Flat Earthers out there and
I hope you can answer my question. Over and over again folks keep saying they can see that the earth is flat. They use all kinds of tests and experiments to prove their point.
It is obvious that NASA (never a straight answer) is making up stuff as they go along. They use creative graphic artists to give us these amazing pictures, do-dads and what-nots to give us what they THINK it must look like out there. Okay, so you got me to this point.
But what I want to know is this, if the earth is flat, then what is the Earth flatly on?
Is it under water?
If so, where is the water coming from? What is the water encased in?
Is it a flat dome covered spaceship, floating out in space?
Is it a stationary flat doom covered spaceship.
Is the earth and all of its inhabitants just a fig-newton of someone’s imagination?
Cause you see, unless you can tell me the actual location of this flat dome covered big ole rock then it stands to my reasoning that it may very well be flat, but it has to be held up by something.
Throw gravity out of the window, what is holding this flat dome covered rock in place?

I think that if flat earthers cannot answer that question and present specific evidence that the Earth is indeed flat, then the debate will go on endlessly because the real questions are not being answered and that is….. Where is this Flat Earth located in the scheme of things and how is it being held up, contained, held stationery, immovable,  and all the other answers that would make this flat earth notion fly..
I really don’t care about what this so-called Vatican Astronomer has said, it’s disengenuous to accept some things they say and ignore other stuff they say and do. Either they are gonna be impeccable points of light when it comes to truth, or they are just liars telling a little truth like the rest of them.
Where is the real answer?
Who has the real answer?
And when will it be revealed?
Many Flat earthers consider themselves Christians, however, they also believe that Christ ascended into heaven. If the earth is covered by a dome, then what heaven did he ascend into. Did he ascend into a hole in the dome? And if so, how come his ascension did not cause a full scale flooding of the planet?
How can you have it both ways?
How can you even believe he is coming back to save the world, and he will be in the flesh, yet you cannot say where he even went, and if we are living under a dome, and he ascended in the flesh, then how did he get through that dome?
So back to my original question.
Where is this Flat Earth located in the scheme of things and what is it anchored upon?

Rosalind Peterson: The Chemtrail Cover-Up

Rosalind Peterson of California Skywatch was a certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. She now spearheads a watchdog group that monitors uncontrolled experimental weather modification programs, atmospheric heating and testing programs, and ocean and atmospheric experimental geoengineering programs Peterson is at the forefront of the chemtrail research field and how the unexplained patterns that scar our skies are “causing detrimental human health effects and environmental degradation.”

In this 1-hour plus video exclusive for Prison members, Peterson reveals how she was first spurred to investigate chemtrails after being alerted to them by someone at the Mendocino County Probation Department. Peterson then began to intensely study the phenomenon and note that aircraft producing the trails would circle the county in a clock-like loop, covering the entire area with a cloudy haze in as little as three hours. Peterson cites NASA studies showing that the chemtrails turn into man-made clouds, exacerbating artificial climate change. However, Peterson states her contention that NASA is attempting to cover-up the true nature of chemtrails and convince people that they are a natural phenomenon, a ruse dutifully parroted by top weather and satellite observatories, who as Peterson explains acknowledge the fact that man-made chemtrails are changing the weather yet still label them as natural weather fronts in their public broadcasts.

Peterson shows a map provided by the FAA which reveals how “intra-flights” – mainly of military origin – are causing the chemtrails by flying in loops around counties in flight paths that differ substantially from normal airline trajectories. The flights have no other obvious purpose than to disperse chemtrails because they have no fixed destination, they merely fly around and around in circles.

As proponents of geoengineering like Obama’s science czar John P. Holdren have proposed, blocking sunlight is a primary effect of chemtrailing, and sulfur could be one of the chemicals being dispersed by these trails. As Peterson explains, sulfur has been linked with a host of health problems, which is why California removed it from diesel fuel in the first place.

After studying water quality samples for the state of California stretching back some 30 years, Peterson found that starting from 1990, water sources were all registering unusual spikes in certain chemicals at precisely the same time, namely arsenic, barium, aluminum, calcium, manganese, magnesium, lead and iron. By measuring the spikes in these chemicals in the water supply with similar spikes in these chemicals in air quality samples, Peterson was able to conclude that the cause was airborne and that it had to be coming from the atmosphere. Peterson notes that mixing aluminum and barium creates clouds and that NASA experiments based around this concept were coinciding with the spikes in such chemicals measured in water and air quality samples.

This is an enlightening, detailed and documented explanation of how chemtrailing is being conducted, who is responsible for it and what the consequences are for our health and the environment.

The Truth Seeker’s Guide: The Star Trek Conspiracy – Part One

The Star Trek Conspiracy – Part One

“Space… the final frontier!”

These four instantly recognizable words will forever be associated with the phenomenon known as Star Trek. Six shows (a total of 726 episodes) and 11 feature length movies later, the effect of this sci-fi landmark on the minds of millions cannot be underestimated. So powerful is it’s sway, that it has shaped academic careers, created new languages, influenced global policies and created a vision of the future where war,
poverty and hatred has been eliminated and all of humanity is equal.

So what happens when the suggestion is raised that not everything about this behemoth is what it appears to be? As with all things that fall into the sphere of mythical archetypes and cults of personality, questioning  intent and purpose can be akin to sticking your head inside a bees nest! Holding up mass values and perceptions to the cold light of day can (at best) trigger an instant denial reaction or (at worst) the threat of reprisals. Just take a look at the mass reaction to the ‘Faux Paul’  research in relation to The Beatles…

 A superficial look at the possible hidden aspects of Star Trek won’t get you very far. Many of the knee jerk reactions consider that the ‘proof’ can be found in relation to various religious agendas (Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry’s Baptist upbringing in relation to the TV industry in the 1960s) although (in reality) there is very little evidence to substantiate these claims. This doesn’t mean that the idea of a Star Trek ‘agenda’ is unfounded though. In order to get an idea of a possibly larger picture, one needs to play a game of ‘degrees of separation’.
Some may say that doing this only shows a bunch of coincidences, but I encourage any open minded person to look at these factors carefully before drawing conclusions.

The first place to start is with Gene Roddenberry. Was he a Freemason?! Many speculate (and even state) that he was a 33rd degree of the Scottish rite, although there appears to be no obvious evidence in this case. 
However, this doesn’t rule out a Freemasonic association entirely. It does seem interesting that the initial names of both the ship and captain have some significance. Roddenberry wanted to stick with Captain Pike (a name synonymous with Freemasonry: Albert Pike) although this link is tenuous. More interesting though is the ship itself. Roddenberry was determined, for a considerable amount of time, to name the vessel “Constitution”. Those who have looked into Freemasonic history will know that on March 17th, 1926, Major General Henry Knox lodge was constituted on the gun deck of the US Navy ship “USS Constitution”. More importantly, this was the only Lodge in the world ever to be instituted on an active ship of war. Although the starship name eventually became
“Enterprise”, the ship remained a “constitution class starship”.

Read Full Article: The Truth Seeker’s Guide: The Star Trek Conspiracy – Part One
SEE MORE: Parts Two and Part Three


For full length video click here:

The Star Trek The Original Series 2-part episode, The Menagerie, was reworked fom the show’s actual 1965 pilot epsiode named The Cage. The Menagerie was aired in November of 1966. A group of small telepathic aliens very reminiscent of the little grey aliens that dominate today’s commercial market, hold Captain Pike a prisoner. The Star trek series, of course, went on to be a huge success.
In a rare interview on the paranormal radio show Coast to Coast A.M. Art Bell interviewed Leonard Nimoy who played the alien character Spock. Leonard Nimoy told him, “When we were making the Star Trek series the first season — middle of the first season — some people came to me and they said, ‘You may not know it, but you have been chosen as a kind of a vessel to carry information to this civilization to help prepare this society for the coming of another civilization for alien arrival and your character is a character designed to educate this public  that there is nothing to fear, that it is possible to interact with other species’, and I said, ‘Ok, it’s ok with me if that’s the case.’ ”

Excerpted from: TRICKED BY THE LIGHT


Star Trek Voyager – In the Star Trek Voyager episode Coda, Captain Janeway is almost fooled by an alien into thinking she has died. The alien poses as her father, imploring her to follow him into the light. She is suspicious of his intentions and refuses.
JANEWAY: That’s the real me, isn’t it, lying on the ground on that planet, dying, and this is the hallucination. This isn’t real.
ALIEN: More denial. You’re only making it harder on yourself.
JANEWAY: You’re trying very hard to convince me to come with you. Why is that? If what you’re saying is true, why not let me come to the decision on my own?
ALIEN: I’m trying to spare you unnecessary pain.
JANEWAY: My father would never act like this. He always believed I had to learn my own lessons, make my own mistakes. He never tried to shield me from life. Why would he try to shield me from death? You’re not my father. I could be imagining you, but I don’t think so. You have such a specific agenda. You’re determined that I go with you somewhere. Who are you?
ALIEN: I’m trying to help you. Stop fighting me.
JANEWAY: Are you an alien being of some kind? Is that it?
[Planet Surface]
CHAKOTAY: Her eyes are open.
EMH: Vital signs are responding. Blood pressure is sixty over thirty.
TUVOK: But the entity is still inhabiting her cerebral cortex, impeding your treatment.
CHAKOTAY: Kathryn, hang on. We’re bringing you back. Just fight a little longer.
EMH: Direct synaptic stimulation might drive out the alien presence.
[Mess hall]
JANEWAY: I was right. I heard Tuvok and Chakotay and the Doctor. You’re an alien. You’ve created all these hallucinations, haven’t you?
ALIEN: This is what my species does. At the moment just before death one of us comes down to help you understand what’s happening, to make the crossing over an occasion of joy.
JANEWAY: And what is that?
ALIEN: Our Matrix, where your consciousness will live. I was being truthful when I said it was a place of wonder. It can be whatever you want it to be.
JANEWAY: Then why didn’t you tell me this from the beginning? Why pretend to be my father.
ALIEN: Usually people are comforted to see their loved ones. It makes the crossing over a much less fearful occasion. I’ve done this many times, but I’ve never encountered someone so resistant.
[Planet Surface]
EMH: Something’s happened. The alien presence is getting stronger again.
CHAKOTAY: Fight it, Kathryn, just a little longer.
EMH: I’ll have to try a thoron pulse.
[Mess hall]
JANEWAY: My people are telling me to fight. They’re trying to save me.
ALIEN: They’re trying out of desperation. It’s hopeless.
JANEWAY: You’re the one who sounds desperate. I don’t get the feeling you’re trying to make me comfortable. You’re only interested in my agreeing to come with you.
ALIEN: Because it’s inevitable.
JANEWAY: And you don’t strike me as any type of Good Samaritan. You’re more like a vulture, preying on people at the moment of their death when they’re at their most vulnerable.
ALIEN: I’ve waited for you. I’ve been patient.
JANEWAY: But your patience is wearing thin. What’s the real reason you want me in that Matrix? Somehow I don’t think it has anything to do with everlasting joy.
ALIEN: You must go with me.
JANEWAY: If you could force me to go, you’d have done it already. You need me to agree, don’t you? I have to go voluntarily.
ALIEN: Wouldn’t that be better than standing here in this endless debate?
JANEWAY: Let me tell you this. We can stand here for all eternity and I will never choose to go with you.
ALIEN: You’re in a dangerous profession, Captain. You face death everyday. There’ll be another time and I’ll be waiting. Eventually you’ll come into my Matrix and you will nourish me for a long, long, time.
JANEWAY: Go back to hell, coward.
Afterwards, Captain Janeway discusses the encounter with one of her crew.
CHAKOTAY: I can understand that. I can’t help thinking about it. That alien, his Matrix, he was like the spider that has to lure a fly into his web.
JANEWAY: Do you think it’s possible that each of the near death experiences we’ve heard about are the result of an alien inhabitation? 

Aliens May Destroy Humanity to Protect other Civilisations, Say Scientists

Aliens May Destroy Humanity to Protect other Civilisations, Say Scientists

Rising greenhouse emissions could tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat, warns a report.

It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim.
Watching from afar, extraterrestrial beings might view changes in Earth’s atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilisation growing out of control – and take drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat, the researchers explain.

This highly speculative scenario is one of several described by a Nasa-affiliated scientist and colleagues at Pennsylvania State University that, while considered unlikely, they say could play out were humans and alien life to make contact at some point in the future.

Shawn Domagal-Goldman of Nasa’s Planetary Science Division and his colleagues compiled a list of plausible outcomes that could unfold in the aftermath of a close encounter, to help humanity “prepare for actual contact”………….
Continue reading…….Source:

Nana’s Comment

LOL, this article is comical.

It’s saying maybe the threat of being annihilated by ETI could stop humanity from destroying itself and the planet. Baa Humbug, I say to that. Where were they thousands of years ago before Atlantis was destroyed? Where were they when the so-called great flood happened? Where were they when Mars, supposedly destroyed itself? What about their intercession when Venus was in trouble?

Too funny, if they are smart, they will not bother us, cause we can take em on!!! And we can still destroy our planet and move out into the Cosmos with our diseases in the mind, body and spirit.

Don’t they know that they cannot wipe us out??We are like roaches.. We will come back as we have done over and over again. We have suffered through all types of calamities. Wars, hunger, drought, wars, pestilence, death and destructions, wars and atom bombs, mini nukes, Fukishimo,  Oil Spills, fracking, tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricane Katrina.. wars and starvation, Ebola and Boko Haram. We will survive ISIS and the New World Order. Don’t they know that is how we got here in the first place.

Don’t they know that they sent the worse of the worse here because we were so incorrigible we couldn’t make it there?

Silly, Aliens, they think they can deter us from destroying our planet, filling our seas with plastic and drying up our water supplies. They oughta know we will take them vaccines, plug all kinds of micro-chips in us, become cyborgs, and travel to other planets for safe refuge.

Don’t they know that our underground bunkers are no match for their stupid technology. Don’t they know we been hiding out here on the edge of our Galaxy for eons just so we could show them how powerful and resilient we are?

Who cares how big they are? We tame the wildest and biggest beasts in the jungle. Ain’t nobody scared of no darned Aliens.

We got weapons in space and we can see them coming and we are practicing on downing asteroids before they hit the planet. We are holding them off already in space, and every time we get one of them, we hear weird sounds all over the place on earth, they tell us we are winning.

Don’t they know that we are covering the earth with chemtrails so that their stupid technology can’t pierce through our cloud of barium, aluminum and nano particles of blood plasm. Shucks, them Aliens better wake up and find some other planet to mess with, cause we ain’t going out like that!!!!!

Silly Aliens, SMDH!

NASA Documents Reveal “Climate Change” Caused By Covert Weather Weapons

November 5, 2013

NASA Documents Reveal “Climate Change” Caused By Covert Weather Weapons

Little Known NASA Documents Reveal Mission of Military and Federal Agencies to Modify the Climate

It’s unacceptable that the UN/IPCC continue to push CO2 as the cause for climate change but refuse to acknowledge the military has been actively engaged in Climate Warming Weapons Technologies for more than 20 years.

TITLE: “Present and Future Plans of Federal Agencies in Weather-Climate Modification”

This set of documents from 1966 reveals a network of government agencies in perpetual and secret collaboration with each other and the military to Modify the Global climate. Created by the elitist National Academy of Sciences – decades of an inter-agency culture of secrecy explains why
the issue of covert aerosol Geoengineering is a taboo topic to be degraded to the status of “conspiracy theory” by a matrix of complicit bureaucrats at every opportunity. This is why your local TV “meteorologist” will rarely make a helpful comment about an unusual sky filled with persistent jet trails.
TITLE: “The Evolution of a Weather Modification R&D program Into a Military Weapons System”. A 1986 Critique of the 1966 initiative.
This document appears as an anonymous draft intended as a critique of the US Weather Modification Program that the author characterizes as hijacked into a military weapons system…..