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Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About The Radicalization of Whites? – AfroSapiophile

via Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About The Radicalization of Whites? – AfroSapiophile

A while back ago I spoke in great pain on how I’m losing friends fighting racism.  I talked about how one can have friends (white) who will invite you (black person) to a Christmas dinner, but will engage in vehicular manslaughter when it comes to Black Lives Matter protesters.  What I didn’t really discuss was this radicalization process among the white community in America which makes such violent ideas possible.

Radicalization?  You probably never really took a look at it. You’re probably wondering what am I talking about.  Radicalization?  What radicalization?

Radicalization of the White American


To the left is a photograph I took of a white woman, bowing down to Donald Trump during the Tucson Trump rally in March 2016.

The put this into perspective, I do a lot of political/protest rallies as a street photographer.  Out of the thousands of photos I’ve ever taken, I never seen anything like this in a political rally before in my life.  The crazy thing about this photo is the fact that it was difficult to get anything like this.  You see, the photography is tightly controlled in a Trump rally.  They are NOT media friendly.  The bigger take away here is the fact that this is is categorically odd to capture at a political rally.

As Donald Trump continued to validate the claims of white supremacists, Americanized Nazis, and other racists, I always think of this photo.  When Richard Spencer held an Americanized Nazi rally in Washington D.C. and mainstream (whitestream?) media attempted to romanticize the alt-right, I thought of this photo.

I think of this photo a lot.  As a black abolitionist, I never really stop to think about what does white supremacist ideologies and propaganda feels like to a white person.  When it comes to that question this photo says plenty.

The structure and ideologies of white supremacy must be very comfortable.  I would imagine that it feels good to know that you are infinitely above suspicion when it comes to any form of social deviance, including crime.  It probably feels soothing to know that no matter what, a white person will NEVER have to answer for the behavior of other whites.  I’ll go as far as suggesting that white people may get a sad level of satisfaction in hearing non-white people talk, discuss, protest all these things that nonwhites suffer from due to white supremacy.  To hear that for example, people in Africa and Asia engage in skin bleaching to look like you — the white person — may be the source of a sick level of pride.  Yes, we never think of it as people of color.  But the notion that people in Asia actually go through elective surgery and cut their eyes open to look more white probably fuels a cold-blooded smirk of satisfaction inside of many white people as a whole.


Sure, to a black person this level of pride is sick and disgusting.  But to a white person, all of this — white supremacy, white privilege, white defaultness — is simply, the way.  All of this is simply the waythings are.  While these things are largely invisible in (white) American society, these things are in fact known and understood.

Being that these things are understood by white America, imagine if a person comes by who promise to practically, maintain and rejuvenate white supremacy?  What happens when you have websites dedicated to taking the job of J. Edger Hoover, slandering those who are oppressed?  What happens when you have mainstream media forever anglicizing  white criminals, all while demonizing black victims of crime?  What happens when the government who remained callous to minority drug offenders began softening up laws when heroin strikes white neighborhoods?  What happens when whites are allowed to have guns, but nonwhites are not?

What takes place is a caste system within a society.  Currently, America is NOT one reality for all.  You cannot argue that we live in an equal society if a police officer can murder me and attempt to place false evidence by my body, and not be convicted.

White Radicalization is a Reality

With an intricate collective of white supremacist websites, blogs, message board forums and conservative pundits, glued together with conspiracy theories and disinformation campaigns (which guides stupid whites into kinetic action), we are now facing a moment in modern history where white people are now becoming radicalized into white supremacy at an alarming rate.  Where a man named Barry Goldwater campaigned as a blatant white supremacist and failed, Donald Trump did the same and succeeded.  Nazis think they can wear suits and nice haircuts and do Nazi salutes downtown Washington D.C.

Some of the friends I’ve lost, the white ones, now dance with the devil when it comes to the white radicalization process.  I’ve noticed this when Obama was in office.  One white male I’ve known for the Army years had a friend call me an Obama lover, which contextually sounds like nigger lover.   Honestly, the guy is so stupid it’s not a serious loss. Other white friends ROUTINELY share racist, bigoted propaganda on social media, with them actually taking refuge in racism, saying things with a false sense of shielding sarcasm, like:

“…but that would make me racist huh?”

“I’m gonna have to be racist…”

“….race baiting…”

If you were to look at the social media accounts of these radicalized white men, you’d think that American police forces are infallible, devoid of corruption — but federal (non-conservative) politicians are full of lies and deception.  The list could go on.

Years ago, I wrote this one column I called the Four Fears.  The Four Fears were a set of fears I believe what drives white anxiety concerning white privilege and race relations as a whole.  At the end of this old column I stated that whites will either realize that diversity isn’t a bad thing and we are all the same regardless, or they will radicalize and fight tooth and nail to maintain white privilege and restore white supremacy.  I fear we are now looking at the latter.

America will talk all day about radical Islam and radical black speakers and writers.  No one ever thinks to talk about white radicalization, which is a unique danger we’ve seen on this planet before.

Anyway, I do believe that there should be a discussion on this white radicalization process taking place.  That conversation will have to be brutally honest.  If this discussion doesn’t take place, feel free to catch up on fascism, because it’s what follows next.

The Great Mind F***k Seth Rich, George Webb, Jason Goodman, Dave Acton, Defango & LTV Social Engineering (VIDEOS)

The Great Mind F***k

Seth Rich, George Webb, Jason Goodman, 
Dave Acton, Defango and LTV, 
Social Engineering

Okay folks, this is a dream story and I am asking you to travel into the Dream Universe with me and then leave your comments below. Take this opportunity to hone your Dream interpretation skills and tell me what you think this dream means.

I am going to do all I can to pull this dream together.
I return to my old college campus, Marywood in Scranton PA. They are having an event, a gathering or party or festival or something to that effect.  When I arrive, there are a few people gathered around, but I had expected to see many more folks. At some point, it snows very heavily and quickly the ground is covered up to at least 7 inches. We are out side when this happens and though it was not expected everyone seems to simply go indoors without any resistance.

There are two ladies that I end up talking to. They seem to be in some kind of position of authority, or have some type of job on campus, but they are not students.

We strike up a conversation and I tell them how when I attended Marywood, there were 7 black students in the entire school, now there are so many there and even students from Africa.

They seem to be preoccupied but listen to me anyways.
I tell them how we could walk from the Liberal Arts building to Regina Hall on one side and to the freshmen dorm on the other side.

They tell me that Regina Hall is now a shelter for homeless people. I thought that odd that they would put a shelter for homeless people right on campus. Especially since homeless people can have many types of varying issues, from mental health, drug addictions, criminality, etc.

They reassured me that they were secure and that there was no way the homeless people could come over because they had built a strong wall between the two building and sealed off the opening to Regina hall.

At some point in this dream, I go into the Liberal arts building and there I could see the wall. It’s a pale blue but it is really strange. Mainly because there was no wall, when I attended the college before. I gingerly run my hand across the wall, remembering how we used to be able to visit our fellow classmates by just walking thru the Liberal Arts Building to the other building.

I tell the two young ladies that I may have even spent a few months in that building as that is where the sophomores lived before they moved over to Madonna Hall, a building that was reserved for the Juniors and seniors and had been newly renovated, when I was there in the 70’s.

A lot has changed on campus since I was there in the 70’s and my old stories seem to go over their heads, they are a few years younger than me, maybe 20 or 30 years younger., or maybe just 20 years.

I am very familiar with the campus none the less.  So they trust that my old story is probably very true but irrelevant at this point.
The dorm on the other side of the Liberal Arts building, Immacculata Hall is totally unfamiliar to me, especially how they have the students crammed into the rooms. Some rooms have 2 and 3 bunk beds stacked on top of one another. I see a few students lying in bed, but they are not sleeping they are just hanging out in their beds, like college kids in dorms do, but it was really strange that they were so cramped into the rooms. I don’t remember us having bunk beds when I was there and thought maybe they do that so they can house more students or something like that.
A little while later, I begin to realize that it’s time for me to return home. And I better hurry before I miss my “bus” or “train”.
One of the two young ladies offers me a job.
“Would you like to work with us?” She asks.
“Wow, I respond, that’s interesting, what would you all want me to do?”
“Well, we keep an eye out on the campus and the students. We don’t have to work to hard, we just walk around and check things out. Since you are so familiar with this campus, it should be easy for you to do this, correct?”
“We really hadn’t thought of adding another person to our team, but now that you are here and you seem to be familiar wit the surroundings we thought about it and decided that you would be great addition to what we are already doing as a team.”
I am still not quite clear of exactly it is that they want me to do, or even what they saw in me that would  make them think I qualified for the job, but heck, I could use some extra money to help pay my rent.
“So, what are the terms of the job, like how long and how much, and what are the hours?” I ask.
I do have responsibilities back home and all, but if they can pay me enough that I could take care of my rent,  and other bills, then fine.
“Oh, and would I live on campus or off campus?”
“You would definitely live on campus, we all do, we live right here,”
I wondered if the students knew they were being watched, or if they looked out of place they are a bit older, but then again, the student body demographics range as well. But then I wondered, if the students would notice that these folks were never in any of their classes. They had to be clandestine in whenever they were around and could not come right out and say to the students “Hey, we are watching you.”
The two ladies take me inside of a building and into a small office.  There’s another young lady, even younger than them, maybe a grad student or something, but she was very professional and had her books out. She may have been their accountant as she was writing down numbers in a book she took out when we arrived.

One of the young ladies spoke to her as we stood there in her office.
“Listen, I need you to crunch some numbers. We are thinking of hiring this lady to work on our team so she can help us watch the students. Do we have it in our budget to cover another person on the team?”
The lady is sitting at her desk and she turns some pages saying.
“Well, we have three sources from which we can draw money. How much are we paying her?”
Yeah, that was my initial question anyways.
“Well, we need her to work about 6 hours a week for 6 weeks. She can work more, but we don’t want to appear to obvious, with three of us working, we alternate shifts so we won’t be too obvious. She is really familiar with the campus since she lived here before. So, we were thinking 6 hours a week for 6 weeks, should be good.”
That’s a curious amount of hours for a watch detail, I think to myself. How can anybody make a living only working 6 hours a week.
“Excuse me, did I hear you correctly did you say 6 hours a week, or was that six hours a day?
“No, you heard me correctly, we would start with 6 hours a week for 6 weeks, if you can keep a good look out over the campus and report back what you find out in that time, then we may expand your hours but this would be determined by you in the long run.”
That sounded pretty fair, give me a trial run, see if I now my way around and then, increase my hours if I do well, sounds pretty fair, I think to myself.  Then the one of the ladies asks the accountant-treasure acting looking lady, do we have the budget for this addition.
They seem to be really strange acting to me at this point.
Not like a security team of folks but some kind of special project thingy or something. They are not very relaxed either but really rigid and super professional like.  The lady who is crunching the numbers seems more relaxed although they are standing over her and sorta demanding but gently so, that she hurry up.  And I kind of remember, they better hurry up cause I have a bus to catch.
“Well, we have three funds we can draw from to pay her salary of $26,000.00 for her 6 weeks/6  hours per week position.
We have the “……………….” fund. We can take $12,000.00 from there” 
I can’t remember what she said in this part of the dream.
“We have the “……………………” fund, we can take $10,000.00 from there.”
I can’t remember that one either.
“And then we have the Seth Rich Fund, we can get the balance from there.”
“Wait, did you say the Seth Rich fund? How can he fund anything,  I thought he was killed, shot in the back a few times or something like that. You mean he is still alive and contributing to this fund?”
This is where the dream took a serious turn for me. I am usually lucid in my dreams and my day time and sleep time overlap a lot, so when they said Seth Rich, well I respond with the knowledge of my waking life, I though that that dude was dead so how can he be putting in any money into a fund and why would he, if he were alive, fund a project that has us watching the students on campus?  The questions start swirling around in my head and the fact that nobody paid any attention to my question was even more weird. They jus simply agreed with her and were happy she could find the money to pay my salary.
Actually I was kinda happy, I mean, where can you go and work for 6 hours a week for 6 weeks and get paid $26,000.00? And all I gotta do is keep an eye out and watch these students. But look like I ain’t watching them, and have housing and food and all that stuff and be able to pay my rent back home..
It sounded like a really sweet deal, although I am still curious how Seth Rich got in the mix.

I am not sure if this happens in my minds’ eye or if they actually had a picture of him in his flag out fit sitting on the chair, but that is what I see as I am waking up from this dream, thinking, dang, that dude ain’t dead after all. He’s somewhere making money and donating it to a fund to watch the students at Marywood College.
Now, I am a prolific dreamer, I dream all the time, even during my naps that I take whenever I’m sleepy. Ha, I am blessed to be able to do that and I thank the Universe and my guides for that at this point in my life.
My dreams have plots that run in sequence for the most part and are telling me something. I believe they help me to see beyond the veil.
I had watched a few videos on YouTube about this George Webb, Dave Acton, Jason Goodman, Defango debacle that just blew up with “Lift the Veil” saying he believed George and Dave were the same person. But then we had the bomb threat that shut down the Port of Charlestonin South Carolina and got the FBI and Coast guard to evacuate the Maersk Memphis container ship. I had just heard about that before I had this dream. My last thought on this whole thing was that George Webb had hijacked Dave’s YouTube channel and that is why it felt like to LTV that they were the same person. Since Dave wouldn’t show his face in his vids anymore, like he had been seen on Infowars, and all, it was strange to LTV that he would not show his face.

The whole thing blew up with the bomb scare that hit mainstream media where they reported that YouTube conspiracy theorists were behind the scare and named George Webb and Jason Goodman in some of their reports.
Like a bowling ball, going down the alley, all the pins fell!


So what do you think?

I would love for my subscribers and visitors to take a shot at interpreting this dream. Tell me what you think it is saying.
Nana’s Rants On Things From A-Z
Music:  Audiobinger 8 “What If”
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Possible Coverup w Intercept Russia Election Story
Rebekah Roth ~ George Webb for Dummies Part 1
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George Webb give further evidence linking Hillary to the murder of Seth Rich
Alpha Jalloh was tracked to being behind the Seth Rich hit by George Webb
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What we know about Reality Winner
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Who Is Reality Winner, NSA Contractor Accused in Top Secret Leak?
Here’s what we know about alleged NSA leaker Reality Leigh Winner
BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Investigator George Webb On The Run From John Podesta And Hillary Goon Squad! Life And Family Been Threatened Due To Work On Seth Rich Murder Investigation. – See more at:

Seth Rich, Reality Winner and Social Engineering (VIDEOS)

Seth Rich, Reality Winner and Social Engineering Pt. 1, 2, 3

To me this is all Social engineering at its finest. It is a distraction from what we really need to be focusing on.

In this video I review several online news outlets discussing Reality Winner along with a review of a few YouTube videos pointing to the situation surrounding Seth Rich’s “reported botched robbery.”

To me this is all Social engineering at its finest. It is a distraction from what we really need to be focusing on.
In this video I review several online news outlets discussing Reality Winner along with a review of a few YouTube videos pointing to the situation surrounding Seth Rich’s “reported botched robbery.”
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Available for Psychic Readings, Dream Interpretation and Workshops.

Possible Coverup w Intercept Russia Election Story
Rebekah Roth ~ George Webb for Dummies Part 1
whats eating Ronald grape?
George Webb give further evidence linking Hillary to the murder of Seth Rich
Alpha Jalloh was tracked to being behind the Seth Rich hit by George Webb
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught – Motherboard
First NSA leaker is finally under arrest, and she clearly had a major ax to grind against President Trump
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
Assange wants support for NSA whistleblower as WikiLeaks offers $10k reward to ‘expose’ reporter
How the New Suspected NSA Leaker Reality Winner Was Caught
The FBI thinks it’s found the person who leaked top secret intelligence about Russia
What We Know About Reality Winner, Government Contractor Accused Of NSA Leak
What we know about Reality Winner
Snowden: Prosecuting NSA Leaker Reality Winner Is a ‘Fundamental Threat to the Free Press’
Who Is Reality Winner, NSA Contractor Accused in Top Secret Leak?
Here’s what we know about alleged NSA leaker Reality Leigh Winner
BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Investigator George Webb On The Run From John Podesta And Hillary Goon Squad! Life And Family Been Threatened Due To Work On Seth Rich Murder Investigation. – See more at:

Exposing Judge Scalia’s Child Sex Ring, a Royal Prince and Political Pedophiles (video)

Exposing Judge Scalia’s Child Sex Ring, a Royal Prince and Political Pedophiles

NB Commentary: I didn’t make this video. I am sharing it because the material seems to be interesting. I have not done any personal research, just watched the video.
I find this topic to be quite disturbing so I will not do my usual finding and posting links for your further reading pleasure, verification and personal knowledge and research purposes.
If even 1% of this stuff is true, it is more than awful. I am a child advocate and hurting children is nothing that I would condone on any level. However I do not live in a bubble and am aware of this and other possible “child pedophile rings” and “child trafficking” and “child sex slaves,” it’s just an unbearable subject matter for me to explore in depth.
Watch the video if you choose, make your own decision about its content. Go to the YouTube channel that hosted this video and leave your comments if you wish.
You can make your own decision about its validity.

Video Description:

Published on Oct 25, 2016

My latest video: “The Murder of Max Spiers and the War of the Roses – FULL DOCUMENTARY”…

This video is dedicated in the memory of Super Soldier Max Spiers who was in the process of exposing the Global Elite pedophiles before he was murdered in Warsaw, Poland on July 16th, 2016. 

Mainstream Media does a pretty damn good job exposing Donald Trump’s ‘locker room’ talk and his exploits in apparently sexually abusing/assaulting women, but rarely do you see or hear MSM talking about our ‘global elites’ visiting a convicted pedophile billionaires island who was notorious for offering up young girls as sex slaves and personal masseuses. 

This is a documentary with many twists and turns. In this video I talk about the dark world of pedophilia and how it has been connected to both politics and Hollywood for several, several years. From billionaire convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his flying Hollywood A-listers such as Kevin Spacey and Chris Rock to present day Prince’s and Politicians named Bill Clinton and Donald Trump to his private island in the Caymen Islands nicknamed “Orgy Island”. From there I discuss Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his relationship with his accused pedophile late-father and former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and then I go deep into the world of global pedophilia by discussing the murder of former US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and his connection with 12 year admitted and arrested pedophile David Sterling Allen. Credit to the making of this video goes to websites and 

Music from Epidemic Sound 

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