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Archive for the ‘chemtrails’ Category

Sky Crap: The Skies Above Me 2017-03-17 (Videos)

They call it a number of things. Geo-engineering, solar radiation management, persistent contrails, chemtrails, terra-forming, messing up the skies so we can’t see ET spacecraft, etc. but to me the most appropriate word for it is Sky Crap! Raining down on us each and every single day. Down on any and every thing under the sky, so that means every thing!
There are links to respiratory disorders, morgelions, aluminum poison of the earth, trees and of course people………….. And a host of other crap!
I am no atmospheric scientist. But I do have eyes and I have been around long enough to know the difference between what the sky looked like when I was a child to what it looks like now. I live near an airport and to say its just atmospheric effects on the exhaust from planes is so disingenuous because that says that the atmospheric effects on the exhaust from planes must change within a few hours. Persistent contrails? Then why do they spread out?

Anyways, I used to make a lot of videos, when I first realized what was happening. I felt like Sherlock Holmes or Christopher Columbus. I prided myself in being there at the right time to catch the rascals. I saw all kinds of weirdness. Red/orange clouds, black streak clouds, rainbow clouds, white luminous clouds that lit up the sky but not the ground… all kinds of feathery shaped clouds, etc. After seeing it day after day the novelty wore off. But Hey, I may just remake those videos for posterity’s sake.

Check out: GeoEngineering Watch,

What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)

“Why in the World are They Spraying?” Documentary HD (multiple language subtitles)

Toxic Skies. , Geoengineering Chemtrails feature film…A Must See……..

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Debunked: What In The World Are They Spraying?
What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)
“Why in the World are They Spraying?” Documentary HD (multiple language subtitles)
Carnicom Institute is a non-profit organization working solely for the benefit of humanity.
Toxic Skies. , Geoengineering Chemtrails feature film…A Must See……..

Rosalind Peterson: The Chemtrail Cover-Up

Rosalind Peterson of California Skywatch was a certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. She now spearheads a watchdog group that monitors uncontrolled experimental weather modification programs, atmospheric heating and testing programs, and ocean and atmospheric experimental geoengineering programs Peterson is at the forefront of the chemtrail research field and how the unexplained patterns that scar our skies are “causing detrimental human health effects and environmental degradation.”

In this 1-hour plus video exclusive for Prison members, Peterson reveals how she was first spurred to investigate chemtrails after being alerted to them by someone at the Mendocino County Probation Department. Peterson then began to intensely study the phenomenon and note that aircraft producing the trails would circle the county in a clock-like loop, covering the entire area with a cloudy haze in as little as three hours. Peterson cites NASA studies showing that the chemtrails turn into man-made clouds, exacerbating artificial climate change. However, Peterson states her contention that NASA is attempting to cover-up the true nature of chemtrails and convince people that they are a natural phenomenon, a ruse dutifully parroted by top weather and satellite observatories, who as Peterson explains acknowledge the fact that man-made chemtrails are changing the weather yet still label them as natural weather fronts in their public broadcasts.

Peterson shows a map provided by the FAA which reveals how “intra-flights” – mainly of military origin – are causing the chemtrails by flying in loops around counties in flight paths that differ substantially from normal airline trajectories. The flights have no other obvious purpose than to disperse chemtrails because they have no fixed destination, they merely fly around and around in circles.

As proponents of geoengineering like Obama’s science czar John P. Holdren have proposed, blocking sunlight is a primary effect of chemtrailing, and sulfur could be one of the chemicals being dispersed by these trails. As Peterson explains, sulfur has been linked with a host of health problems, which is why California removed it from diesel fuel in the first place.

After studying water quality samples for the state of California stretching back some 30 years, Peterson found that starting from 1990, water sources were all registering unusual spikes in certain chemicals at precisely the same time, namely arsenic, barium, aluminum, calcium, manganese, magnesium, lead and iron. By measuring the spikes in these chemicals in the water supply with similar spikes in these chemicals in air quality samples, Peterson was able to conclude that the cause was airborne and that it had to be coming from the atmosphere. Peterson notes that mixing aluminum and barium creates clouds and that NASA experiments based around this concept were coinciding with the spikes in such chemicals measured in water and air quality samples.

This is an enlightening, detailed and documented explanation of how chemtrailing is being conducted, who is responsible for it and what the consequences are for our health and the environment.

Aliens May Destroy Humanity to Protect other Civilisations, Say Scientists

Aliens May Destroy Humanity to Protect other Civilisations, Say Scientists

Rising greenhouse emissions could tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat, warns a report.

It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim.
Watching from afar, extraterrestrial beings might view changes in Earth’s atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilisation growing out of control – and take drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat, the researchers explain.

This highly speculative scenario is one of several described by a Nasa-affiliated scientist and colleagues at Pennsylvania State University that, while considered unlikely, they say could play out were humans and alien life to make contact at some point in the future.

Shawn Domagal-Goldman of Nasa’s Planetary Science Division and his colleagues compiled a list of plausible outcomes that could unfold in the aftermath of a close encounter, to help humanity “prepare for actual contact”………….
Continue reading…….Source:

Nana’s Comment

LOL, this article is comical.

It’s saying maybe the threat of being annihilated by ETI could stop humanity from destroying itself and the planet. Baa Humbug, I say to that. Where were they thousands of years ago before Atlantis was destroyed? Where were they when the so-called great flood happened? Where were they when Mars, supposedly destroyed itself? What about their intercession when Venus was in trouble?

Too funny, if they are smart, they will not bother us, cause we can take em on!!! And we can still destroy our planet and move out into the Cosmos with our diseases in the mind, body and spirit.

Don’t they know that they cannot wipe us out??We are like roaches.. We will come back as we have done over and over again. We have suffered through all types of calamities. Wars, hunger, drought, wars, pestilence, death and destructions, wars and atom bombs, mini nukes, Fukishimo,  Oil Spills, fracking, tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricane Katrina.. wars and starvation, Ebola and Boko Haram. We will survive ISIS and the New World Order. Don’t they know that is how we got here in the first place.

Don’t they know that they sent the worse of the worse here because we were so incorrigible we couldn’t make it there?

Silly, Aliens, they think they can deter us from destroying our planet, filling our seas with plastic and drying up our water supplies. They oughta know we will take them vaccines, plug all kinds of micro-chips in us, become cyborgs, and travel to other planets for safe refuge.

Don’t they know that our underground bunkers are no match for their stupid technology. Don’t they know we been hiding out here on the edge of our Galaxy for eons just so we could show them how powerful and resilient we are?

Who cares how big they are? We tame the wildest and biggest beasts in the jungle. Ain’t nobody scared of no darned Aliens.

We got weapons in space and we can see them coming and we are practicing on downing asteroids before they hit the planet. We are holding them off already in space, and every time we get one of them, we hear weird sounds all over the place on earth, they tell us we are winning.

Don’t they know that we are covering the earth with chemtrails so that their stupid technology can’t pierce through our cloud of barium, aluminum and nano particles of blood plasm. Shucks, them Aliens better wake up and find some other planet to mess with, cause we ain’t going out like that!!!!!

Silly Aliens, SMDH!

Citizen Slave of New Jersey

Today I took a trip to the NJ MVC (NJ Motor Vehicle Commision). After 8 months the pressure was on to conform to the rules of the land, or be without the convenience of paying more dues to it! My car has been acting weird and she really sounded weird today, but she got me there.

When I stepped outside, all I could do was shake my head at the big giant X that stretched across the entire sky. I had no time to dally with the sky phenomenon today so I quickly got into my car and turned on my GPS and headed towards Runnemede, NJ.

The panic I felt the few days before going there was immeasurable. They have a 6 point checklist of things you need to prove you are who you are and that you belong here on this planet. And if you don’t they will flatly send you home and tell you try it again. Fortunately, I was able to gather all that I needed and a little some for good measure. My goal, to get a photo ID. I was under the impression that I would have to take the NJ driving test so I opted for the ID card.

The “citizen slave” receptionist told me I had just what I needed and asked me,
“Are you sure you want to surrender your PA driver’s license?” The word surrender” sounded so ominous.
Surrender?” I asked, “you mean I have to give it up in order to get a NJ ID card?”
“Of course,” he respond candidly, “You cannot have several ID cards.”
(Like lady, what do you think this is?? Do you work for the CIA? Or some other top brass official organization, cause they the only ones allowed to have more than one ID card. In fact, some of them have several and depending on the occasion they will flash them for you, but you little comely “citizen slave” is only allowed one.)
I am stumped, now what do I do.
“You can just get a NJ driver’s license and that will be sufficient.”
“But how will I go about doing that? Do I have to take the driver’s lesson over again?”
“Oh no!” he responded as if he were just so happy to tell me that the slaves that come to his state need only surrender their other slave master’s jurisdiction and they are welcomed with open arms.
“You can do that today. You can get your NJ driver’s license today.” He smiled so nicely at me. It almost tricked me into feeling relieved. He actually believes in his slave master and that his slave master is one of the nicest slave masters around.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see in a picture frame, hanging on the wall behind him, the smiling face of Governor Chris Christie, whose face seemed to smile even broader now that he has been exonerated from that NJ BridgeGate Scandal. Even as I was leaving, the little happy “citizen slave” receptionist, went out of his way to bid me a fond farewell.

Standing in the MVC in Runnemede, NJ, I watched as “citizens slaves” renewed their vehicle registrations, their driver’s license, and get new ones. I watched “citizen slaves” pay $46.50 for vehicle registrations, $24.00 for ID cards, and $34.00 to transfer your license from another state to NJ.

I watched “citizen slaves” line up for their numbers and ID cards and had flashbacks of South Africa, when you could travel no where without an ID card. I watched the little old lady receptionist “citizen slave”, check the paperwork of other “citizen slaves” to make sure it was all there according to the law.

One “citizen slave” was so distraught, he wanted to register a vehicle in his name, a vehicle that belonged to a deceased or long gone relative. In his haste he started erasing the name of this relative on the registration document and then quickly caught himself before he erased everything. But, to his chagrin, he had altered the document which made in inadmissible. He was completely outdone, as he begged the other “citizen slave” to allow his document to pass. She flatly refused, fearful of her job being jeopardized as he begged and pleaded. She demanded that he get another document and get the person whose name is on it to get a new one.
“But he’s dead!” he cried.
“Dead?’ she responded.
“Well, he’s missing, he’s gone, I don’t know where he is. We can’t find him!” he responded frantically. “Is there anything you can do?”
“No, you need another document, you altered this one, we cannot take it.” She responds definitively..
“But isn’t there anything I can do?” the poor little “citizen slave” begged.
“Well, you can declare the car abandoned. Then you can take ownership of it.” Crestfallen, the “citizen slave”, walked away as I wondered why and how we are so anxious to add another chain to our ankles.

After several months, I finally am standing in this line to tell the world, I am no longer a “citizen slave” of Pennsylvania, but have transferred my slave owner to New Jersey. Then it was my turn, after standing in the wrong line for over an hour, I step up, to become a “citizen slave” of New Jersey. 

The little old “citizen slave” representatives busily worked away in their pastel blues and spring yellows. The younger “citizen slave” customer servant agent had perched on her desk a picture of her fiancé, totally clad in dressed army uniform. And as she faded away for a minute, creating a soft pause between herself and her paperwork, I wondered if that “citizen slave” representative was wondering if she would ever see her “citizen slave” soldier again.

Then she called my number, 67. Her diamond ring sparkled on her finger as she thumbed through my paperwork. She takes a soft break, and I traveled with her wondering how he is doing and will she ever see her fiancé again, and if she does, what kind of physical and mental condition will he be in. She was kind and courteous and most likely looking forward to getting out of there in contrast to her senior “citizen slaves” who appeared quite competent, white haired, deep glasses busily typing the information into the MVC standard software on their computers. I wondered how long they had been there. Was it Nepotism or genuine qualifications that had them there long past retirement age.

It’s lunch time and the “citizen slaves” lined up, one by one, almost two by two.

The young “citizen slave” customer servant agent looked at my head wrap and said,
“Um, it’s part of your religion, right?”
I nodded, she never looked up, and said,
“Right, it’s your religion, it’s okay” in a moving-right-along tone.

Then I felt compelled to tell her how outraged I was when they questioned me when I got my PA license renewed for 2014. I had been wearing my headwrap for these many years, which I politely did not state, and showed her my other license and passport with my headwrap and now they want me to take it off??!! She chuckled at my story, admitting that they would never take anyone of their “citizen slaves” through that as long as it’s their religion!! Again, the citizen slaves are not allowed to wear any head wear unless it’s for religious reasons. Though they are aware that some just want to wear the headwrap to cover their messed up hair. I can understand covering messed up hair, but I only thought that, avoiding the look I would have gotten if I changed my story. But seriously, many of us who wear headwraps ain’t wrapping up a new do, that’s for sure.

Then SNAP!!!!!!!

I questioned myself, wondering why didn’t  I feel jubilant!! What’s up with that? It’s finally done, I have all I need for anything, anywhere to prove I am a registered “citizen slave”. I can use this card to open a bank account, register to vote, get a passport update, show proof of address all over the place. I am in like Flint! but somehow I just don’t feel like happy days are here again. Where’s Pharrell Williams when you need him?

And then on the mechanical side of life, Ole Nellie, my car is acting up. She is leaking transmission fluid and had to be towed home after the ordeal at the NJ MVC. But Ole Nellie, she is a blessing, she came to a complete stop after several others, near home base, and quietly allowed herself to be drawn onto the tow truck and moved through the streets of NJ to my front door. I wondered if she felt my own conflicting feelings and since she had trouble with her transmission fluid leaking, I wondered if she was manifesting my own reticence to transition from PA Law to NJ Law.

I guess I am writing this to get a grip on how I feel about this. The irony of it all, is that as hard as you may attempt to get off the grid, consuming only a very little, at some point, you have to prove to somebody that you have the right to be here. How is it that human beings have to prove that they belong on the land they were born on?

Watching people have a glimpse, a tiny glimpse of “mission accomplished” as their paperwork past the acid test, and then slowly as they made their way to the door, you could hear the rattle of the prison guard keys and the slam of the prison gate, as each person knew, this was temporary, until that next date when they would have to stand in that line, once more, or else!!

Many of them have no idea of how they turned themselves in to the “citizen slave” master’s prison guards. They do not realize that by registering themselves, their property, their lives; at any point, at any time a law can be enacted to take them, their property, their lives away. The story of their life and survival on this prison planet is at the forefront of their minds. And if they register to vote, bequeath an organ, pay their taxes, they will be free. Free to live in America, the so called “greatest” country in the world. So the truth that they/we are walking around in a prison without bars is incomprehensible to most of those folks I saw today. They pride themselves in being good “citizen slaves”, doing their civic duty and staying within the extent of the law. And since it ain’t gonna change any time soon, I too stood in the line, felt that momentary sense of freedom and walked out, with my badge, my imprint, my chip, my picture and my acceptance into the “citizen slave” state of NJ.

I guess, I am feeling a little mournful. A deja vu of my ancestors who were transported to a new slave master, after they had just gotten used to the ways and wiles of the old one. Delving into the unknown can be a bit scary… then you pull yourself together and realize, it ain’t unknown, it’s the  

same slave master, just a different slave state.

So, I won’t just promise my poet friend I met in the line that I will come out and engage with him and his art; but I will go, because quiet as it’s kept, it is through our creativity that we can transcend slavery on this prison planet or at least find some joy.

It was interesting as I was surrendering myself to the banking system as a self employed “citizen slave”, the “citizen slave” Bank rep, chose to identify my Performing Arts rather than my Mental Health Profession as my main source of income. Ha! Could that be a sign, a signal, a message, that he inadvertently gave me? We are all in this boat together, at least pursue your Cultural Performing Arts to get that fleeting sense, “yeah, we live on a prison planet, but we can find some freedom through the arts.” He whimsically mused as he told me about his singing days and desire to go back to them.

I am grateful, I am blessed, I am honored to have the knowledge I have about this world, I would not give it back for any reason at all. It just felt like I had stepped into the twilight zone today, standing in the NJ MVC line adding another nail in the coffin of “citizen slavery”.

It’s over, it’s done, I am now a bonafide member of the human slave population of NJ. And what a cute little colorful chipped license they gave me. New address, new face, new license, but for some reason, it didn’t feel joyful, not at all.

NASA Documents Reveal “Climate Change” Caused By Covert Weather Weapons

November 5, 2013

NASA Documents Reveal “Climate Change” Caused By Covert Weather Weapons

Little Known NASA Documents Reveal Mission of Military and Federal Agencies to Modify the Climate

It’s unacceptable that the UN/IPCC continue to push CO2 as the cause for climate change but refuse to acknowledge the military has been actively engaged in Climate Warming Weapons Technologies for more than 20 years.

TITLE: “Present and Future Plans of Federal Agencies in Weather-Climate Modification”

This set of documents from 1966 reveals a network of government agencies in perpetual and secret collaboration with each other and the military to Modify the Global climate. Created by the elitist National Academy of Sciences – decades of an inter-agency culture of secrecy explains why
the issue of covert aerosol Geoengineering is a taboo topic to be degraded to the status of “conspiracy theory” by a matrix of complicit bureaucrats at every opportunity. This is why your local TV “meteorologist” will rarely make a helpful comment about an unusual sky filled with persistent jet trails.
TITLE: “The Evolution of a Weather Modification R&D program Into a Military Weapons System”. A 1986 Critique of the 1966 initiative.
This document appears as an anonymous draft intended as a critique of the US Weather Modification Program that the author characterizes as hijacked into a military weapons system…..