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Archive for the ‘media’ Category

Untying the YouTube Knot (Videos)

The Title of this video is “Untying the YouTube Knot”You know, over the past few months, YouTube has been giving its content creators the blues. Some righteously and others not so much.  I was surprised that they came at me, but I am beginning to think that it was because of my video series debunking the rumor that Michelle Obama was a man, that got me so many views and subs, that my channel was no longer under the radar.

I really couldn’t understand why YouTube is acting so crazy, demonetizing my vids and now suppressing my views. It really doesn’t make any sense to me because I have a really small channel compared to some. But at this point, I am convinced it’s the message and not the size of your channel.
I even saw someone complaining about their views being suppressed back in 2015 before the big hooplah about the advertisers.  So, the Passive aggressive way of getting at you and staying on you is basically getting fine tuned as they blame it on the Algorithms, etc.
So, I just wanted to let my subscribers and visitors know what I am going to do. I believe that when one door closes another opens and many times the other door has more opportunities. I strongly believe that YouTube is gonna see what a bad move it was for them to squeeze out their content creators.
Of course, they are big enough that they feel they can do so, and suffer minor scraps and bruises. But the fact that they would do that to the folks who made YouTube what it is today, shows the level of loyalty they have and therefore they cannot be trusted with their new partners, the big Dogs!!! 
Everybody is in it for the money, and if the Big Dogs see YouTube is not loyal, they won’t trust them either. Instead of squeezing us out they should have created another Platform where we could flourish, but instead, they are using passive aggressive means to get us out. Suppressing views and demonetizing most channels, and then actually shutting others down. And they are doing it left and right.
When you look at the trending pages, even if your interests are extremely different, you don’t see what you used to see, now you see weirdness.  Then you gotta go search for your channels, when they used to be right there prominent on the Home Page.

Some channels are completely GONE, gone, others have moved to their back up and some have created 2 and 3 other channels only to have them shut down.
So, for me, I always say, if it don’t fit, don’t force it. Content creators are creative folks, and YouTube is just causing other folks to draw them in on other platforms. These platforms may not be as fancy as YouTube, but they are options and in a little bit, they will pan out to be a much better option than YouTube, because the content creators will not only leave, but take their subscribers with them. I don’t know whose idea it was to put the squeeze on us, but I don’t think it was well thought out.
When you are married for several years, you just don’t get up and leave, unless you really don’t need what you are leaving behind. Quiet as it’s kept, YouTube needs us, so kicking us out in the cold, will only make them wish they hadn’t. The funny thing will be if they try to bring us back. How many of us jilted lovers will crawl back to YouTube, no questions asked. I am sure some will, but we should not come back, because YouTube kicked us to the curb for no real reason except their cash register, and that’s not a good foundation for any relationship.
So, I want to let you all know what I have done and what I will be doing in the future.

Obviously, I cannot totally depend on my channel like folks with hundreds of thousands of views can, for revenues. However, the idea that they are suppressing my views is a bit infuriating. They went from demonetizing to the back way of doing so, by saying, ain’t nobody watching my videos and I know much better than that. In fact, I am wondering why the analytics say 1,620 view in the passed 48 hours but the actual view count on the vids, ain’t changing, sounds a bit fishy to me.
I am at Patreon, but I really have no patrons, even though I did the whole patreon push.
I am on Vidme and that’s pretty cool, got a couple of subs there.  Vidme, is straight no chaser, just upload your vids within the parameters of your membership, or upload by adding a URL of a video from somewhere else, which is really, really a cool feature and wallah, there’s your vid, with the description, thumbnail and all! Pretty niffty I might add.  So come over there an check me out.
I am on, which is an alternative to Facebook and a decent place for African Americans, who primarily want to support a black owned business and get other opportunities like showcasing your business, uploading vids, and pics, networking, blogging, and announcing events, it’s pretty cool. When first started off it was free to join, but now they are asking for $5/month membership fee. It makes sense to me cause it takes money to do much of anything in this country! I like it because I know that my posts will be appreciated by a small group of folks who will holler back at me and let me know they saw it!
I am still on Facebook, but my days there are numbered. I really don’t care for it anymore, and since I don’t get much traction over there, I am slowly weaning myself off it.  They offer the opportunity to post ads, but if you don’t have a large following, your ads won’t do much as far as getting them duckets into the bank!!
I am still on Google+ as well, I like the interactions there much better, I also like the groups they have and the networking. People respond to what I post, I share theirs, and of course, Google offers so much other junk to rope you in, it ain’t funny. But no revenue. That is only through YouTube.
I am also, it’s seems to be a budding platform similar to FaceBook but not quite as overloaded with the newsfeed. There you get points for being on there, and they can be cashed in or used to purchase whatever they got going over there, but I get a kick out of watching my points increase. is working on sharing revenues with their content creators, but I gotta read the fine print about a hundred more times before I can make any sense of that.
I want to give a special shout out for the folks over there at BitChute though! I joined the platform about 6 months ago, and had no idea I was even accepted until someone posted a comment under one of my vids. I was like, really???? Then when I went there, I saw my channel and all my YouTube videos from the past 6 months. I was like, wait-a-second, when did that happen???? I ain’t complaining or anything, but I was not prepared for that! And that was soo cool.
Now they are using some sort of bit torrent thingamajig, and don’t get me lying, I ain’t got a single clue how that works or what the heck that is… but they were able to suck all my vids off YouTube via my YouTube ID and there were my vids, looking just as pretty and nice and wonderful and right there! I also have the option of uploading which is a new feature as they were mainly dependent on the torrent option, whatever the heck that is. If you know what that means, feel free to clue me in, in the comment section cause I am like “duuuuh” when it comes to that technology.
But what was super special was when I sent them a thank you message and got a response right away from the Big Guy over there who said he had been watching my vids for a long time on YouTube, and that I was one of the first folks to sign up, probably after I heard about it on the Corbett Report. Ditto, ditto, but I had no idea I was one of the first ones to sign up.
You know how you get that tingly feeling when you think nobody notices you and then all of a sudden someone does and you are like wow, and you didn’t even know it?? But even more than that, that you are appreciated!! That’s what I am talking about. Heck, I went to a small college and live in a small town and it’s the smallness that’s the greatness if you ask me. So BitChute might be small now, but they care and so I just wanna say thanks for that, and ask you all to come over and check me out there.
I am gonna move my I Ching videos over there. I was thinking of filling up another channel with just those types of videos, but some of them are still political, and YouTube has already demonetized a few of them. I mean, they are psychic reading videos, but because I am talking about Donald Trump, War, Syria, 911, and all they demonetized them, I couldn’t believe, especially since I thought, they wouldn’t dare demonetize those vids. They even demonetized my video on Michelle Obama that got the most vids on my whole channel!! And after it have been there for 2-3 months.  And, along with demonetizing they are suppressing views.
It’s frustrating, infuriating and depressing. You do all this work, not only for the money but because you have something you want to share with your subs and you can’t even tell if they even saw it, but you know they did, by the comments, cause pretty much, out of the hundred who watch it maybe one or 2 will leave a comments, so if you have 35 views and 10 comments, well that’s pretty fishy, don’t you think?? Well, I do anyways.
So, I am still juggling, this one woman show, trying to determine what the what, but I may just make my vids and upload them to the other platforms… cause you know what, it don’t make no sense that YouTube is giving us such a hard time!
I just wanted to let you all know where I was, and what I am thinking about doing. And what I will probably be doing from now on. Since I can upload to those platforms, I ain’t making no money over here on YouTube anyways, might as well stretch out there and get more exposure on these other platforms and build up an audience there. At 65, going on 66, ain’t nobody got time for that!!

Support My Work, it would be greatly appreciated. YouTube is doing its level best to make it hard for content creators.
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Available for Psychic Readings, Dream Interpretation and Workshops.


How JFK Gave Us Donald J. Trump (Videos)

When image trumps ideology: How JFK created the template for the modern presidency

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President John F. Kennedy watches as planes conduct anti-sub operations during maneuvers off the North Carolina coast in April 1962. Associated Press

Steven Watts, University of Missouri-Columbia
Even at John F. Kennedy’s centennial on May 29, 2017, the 35th president remains an enigma. We still struggle to come to a clear consensus about a leader frozen in time – a man who, in our mind’s eye, is forever young and vigorous, cool and witty. The Conversation

While historians have portrayed him as everything from a nascent social justice warrior to a proto-Reaganite, his political record actually offers little insight into his legacy. A standard “Cold War liberal,” he endorsed the basic tenets of the New Deal at home and projected a stern, anti-Communist foreign policy. In fact, from an ideological standpoint, he differed little from countless other elected officials in the moderate wing of the Democratic Party or the liberal wing of the Republican Party.

Much greater understanding comes from adopting an altogether different strategy: approaching Kennedy as a cultural figure. From the beginning of his career, JFK’s appeal was always more about image than ideology, the emotions he channeled than the policies he advanced.

Generating an enthusiasm more akin to that of a popular entertainer than a candidate for national office, he was arguably America’s first “modern” president. Many subsequent presidents would follow the template he created, from Republicans Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump to Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

A cultural icon

JFK pioneered the modern notion of the president as celebrity. The scion of a wealthy family, he became a national figure as a young congressman for his good looks, high-society diversions and status as an “eligible bachelor.”

He hobnobbed with Hollywood actors such as Frank Sinatra and Tony Curtis, hung out with models and befriended singers. He became a fixture in the big national magazines – Life, Look, Time, The Saturday Evening Post – which were more interested in his personal life than his political positions.

Later, Ronald Reagan, the movie actor turned politician, and Donald Trump, the tabloid fixture and star of “The Apprentice,” would translate their celebrity impulses into electoral success. Meanwhile, the saxophone-playing Bill Clinton and the smooth, “no drama” Obama – ever at ease on the talk show circuit – teased out variations of the celebrity role on the Democratic stage.

President Bill Clinton plays ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ on his saxophone during an episode of ‘The Arsenio Hall Show’ in 1992.AP Photo/Reed Saxon

After Kennedy, it was the candidate with the most celebrity appeal who often triumphed in the presidential sweepstakes.

A master of the media

Kennedy also forged a new path with his skillful utilization of media technology. With his movie-star good looks, understated wit and graceful demeanor, he was a perfect fit for the new medium of television.

He was applauded for his televised speeches at the 1956 Democratic convention, and he later prevailed in the famous television debates of the 1960 presidential election. His televised presidential press conferences became media works of art as he deftly answered complex questions, handled reporters with aplomb and laced his responses with wit, quoting literary figures like the Frenchwoman Madame de Staël.

John F. Kennedy gave the first live televised presidential press conference in history on Jan. 25, 1961. AP

Two decades later, Reagan proved equally adept with television, using his acting skills to convey an earnest patriotism, while the lip-biting Clinton projected the natural empathy and communication skills of a born politician. Obama’s eloquence before the cameras became legendary, while he also became an early adopter of social media to reach and organize his followers.

Trump, of course, emerged from a background in reality television and adroitly employed Twitter to circumvent a hostile media establishment, generate attention and reach his followers.

The vigorous male

Finally, JFK reshaped public leadership by exuding a powerful, masculine ideal. As I explore in my book, “JFK and the Masculine Mystique: Sex and Power on the New Frontier,” he emerged in a postwar era colored by mounting concern over the degeneration of the American male. Some blamed the shifting labor market for turning men from independent, manual laborers into corpulent, desk-bound drones within sprawling bureaucracies. Others pointed to suburban abundance for transforming men into diaper-changing denizens of the easy chair and backyard barbecue. And many thought that the advancement of women in the workplace would emasculate their male coworkers.

John F. Kennedy smokes a cigar and reads The New York Times on his boat off the coast of Hyannisport. U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

Enter Jack Kennedy, who promised a bracing revival of American manhood as youthful and vigorous, cool and sophisticated.

In his famous “New Frontier” speech, he announced that “young men are coming to power – men who are not bound by the traditions of the past – young men who can cast off the old slogans and delusions and suspicions.”

In a Sports Illustrated article titled “The Soft American,” he advocated a national physical fitness crusade. He endorsed a tough-minded realism to shape the counterinsurgency strategies that were deployed to combat Communism, and he embraced the buccaneering style of the CIA and the Green Berets. He championed the Mercury Seven astronauts as sturdy, courageous males who ventured out to conquer the new frontier of space.

JFK’s successors adopted many of these same masculine themes. Reagan positioned himself as a manly, tough-minded alternative to a weak, vacillating Jimmy Carter. Clinton presented himself as a pragmatic, assertive, virile young man whose hardscrabble road to success contrasted with the privileged, preppy George H.W. Bush. Obama impressed voters as a vigorous, athletic young man who scrimmaged with college basketball teams – a contrast to the cranky, geriatric John McCain and a stiff, pampered Mitt Romney.

More recently, of course, Trump’s outlandish masculinity appealed to many traditionalists unsettled by a wave of gender confusion, women in combat, weeping millennial “snowflakes” and declining numbers of physically challenging manufacturing jobs in the country’s post-industrial economy. No matter how crudely, the theatrically male businessman promised a remedy.

So as we look back at John F. Kennedy a century after his birth, it seems ever clearer that he ascended the national stage as our first modern president. Removed from an American political tradition of grassroots electioneering, sober-minded experience and bourgeois morality, this youthful, charismatic leader reflected a new political atmosphere that favored celebrity appeal, media savvy and masculine vigor. He was the first American president whose place in the cultural imagination dwarfed his political positions and policies.

Just as style made the man with Kennedy, it also remade the American presidency. It continues to do so today.

Steven Watts, Professor of History, University of Missouri-Columbia
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.


Manhunt for Steve Stephens Ends In His Suicide In Erie, PA (Videos)

Okay folks, I have been dealing with my own distraction in trying to make some sense out of why Trump would bomb Syria and wag the dog at North Korea. And then, right on Easter Sunday, while everyone is praising the Lord for rising from the dead, which I always ask, where did he go, this guy decides to kill a few people. But we only have a real account of one person so where are the other 13 bodies? Hmmmm, interesting number there, #13.

Then it’s the whole thing about the manhunt.
Of course they knew where he was, how in the world of mass surveillance can they not find this guy? They know where me and you are, right?

So now dude is dead. Kilt himself. Now why did he go and do that? Gambling problem lead him to a suicide mission of killing some old man walking down the street collecting tin cans? Hmmm.

Now, I have been asked to do a reading on it, and I may or may not, cause this so-called “Threat of Nuclear War” looming over us and no place for my grandchildren to hide in the bunkers with the fat cats, I ain’t too sure if I will get to  it, and besides by the time I do, we will be looking at some other crazy shit happening in this world.

But after watching the video of him talking about what he has done, he sure was pretty calm. I mean, he said he killed 13 people and was about to kill some more?
Where are the bodies of the other 13 people?
Where are the families? Well we do have the Godwin family but how about the other 12?
Why was that dude so calm? He looked rather self contained to have just murdered 13 people. In fact he didn’t even look like he “snapped” at all but more like he was reading a script.

Built in anger? Then how did he cover that up for 37 years?
If I am not mistaken, wasn’t there another manhunt in Erie or there abouts when that dude went ballistic and killed a State Policeman while back?
What’s with the woods of that part of the world?
But back to the video, he is driving and on the phone and recording himself and telling whomever he is talking to that he loves them and by the way, here’s my facebook profile name. Huh?


Then he goes back to recording and tells everyone who watches the video his telephone number? He wanted people to call him while he was killing more people? Now that don’t make sense.

Why would you call him? Did the police do their job and call him? Why would he, a serial killer, give out his phone number?
If he wanted to be tracked down, well, don’t he know there are many, many ways these folks can track you, dang, they probably got a tracker in that car. Which I don’t know how he could drive like that, talk on the phone and record. And did anyone notice he did not have on a seat belt?? Straight up violation. He should have been pulled over just for that.

I checked out a few articles, some saying this others saying that, but for sure, when it gets blasted all over the news, there is an ulterior motive. One we can ascertain and one we may never figure out.
With Trump being against a gun ban, and Obama trying with all his tears to get

one, I wonder if these killings are going to start that up again. The war against guns, meanwhile, folks is bombing up folks all over the place and buying guns like gangbusters on the black market, but I digress. But I do want to mention the guns and ammunition sales that were transacted between the US and the Rebels, but yeah, they don’t like their government and so they got good reason for the US to support them with guns, ammunition and a little gas from time to time.  Seems like they should do the same for the anarchist and patriots here in the US who feel the same way, instead of taking their guns away from them, but boy was that a digression.

Anyways, I believe it’s a distraction/false flag diversion, it doesn’t mean no one is hurt or killed, but it does serve a purpose.

Some folks were thinking that since Trump has been in office that the false flags and mass shooting had subsided. They want to claim that the gun grab agenda of Obama has gone put the window, however people fail to realize that these false flags are NOT just for us, but for the President as well.

They have sleeper cells all over the place. All they have to do is give them the right signal and the person goes into action. It let’s everyone know they can turn the madness on or turn it off. And if he had a gambling problem, he may have gotten an offer to be a “crisis” actor and get paid handsomely for participating in this shooting. Some feel it’s a hoax and I really don’t know but for sure.. it’s a big distraction from the saber rattling of North Korea, China, Russia, NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Association) and the US. While people are running into their basements, manhunting down the whole country, locking down schools in Philadelphia, the UN will be quietly passing resolutions against Syria cause you know, they still are saying that Assad gassed his people and you do know, they will not release the Intel on it, and you do know the Intel they did release is bogus. But hey, it’s Easter Sunday and the show must go on.

Well, it was Easter Sunday and the show did go on, and folks woke up to horror and were given another dose of social engineering.
Hmmm, I wonder if they really woke up.. or if they just took their dose while in a deep sleep.

Some folks were thinking that since Trump has been in office that the false flags and mass shooting had subsided. They want to claim that the gun grab agenda of Obama has gone put the window, however people fail to realize that these false flags are NOT just for us, but for the President as well.
They have sleeper cells all over the place. All they have to do is give them the right signal and the person goes into action. It let’s everyone know they can turn the madness on or turn it off.

PS did anyone notice how this guy looks like Christopher Dorner, LL Cool J?

And did anyone notice the whole “monster” label?
And did anyone think just for a moment, that here we have more fodder to label Black Men as dangerous monsters? Like that Blakc man who went ballistic and went all the way to the school and killed his wife in front of her students?
Hmmm, nice narrative for all the Trump Supporters who just happened to get galvanized by his racist vitriol.
The plot thickens and folks really need to see how manipulated they are being.
Of course they know where he is, how in the world of mass surveillance can they not find this guy? They know where me and you are, right?
Since folks want to say false flag hoax, etc. They will let it go and end dramatically with bombing the shit out of that guy, or in his case, this lone shooter just kills himself, and that’s the end. No one will ever know what the hell happened and his girlfriend ain’t talking.

I believe it’s a distraction/false flag diversion, it doesn’t mean no one is hurt or killed, but it does serve a purpose.


Manhunt for Steve Stephens Ends In His Suicide In Erie, PA
Here’s What’s True and False About Man Accused of Posting Murder of Robert Godwin, Sr on Facebook
Man Accused of Murdering Robert Godwin Sr. Said He ‘Just Snapped,’ Joy Lane Speaks Out 

Chaos In Dallas:Sniper Attack Leaves 12 Officers Shot & 5 Dead (video)

NB Commentary: This is a straight up Psyops. Social engineering Masters Course. Be very, very careful to protect yourself. Keep you mind body ans spirit safe and secure. Whatever you do or wherever you go to find “PEACE” go there. Hold on to your sanity. This is a psychological, mental and spiritual assault on all of your sensibilities. Everyone is at risk. A word to the wise.

Beyoncé, Media Hype, 2016 Super Bowl Madness

Beyoncé, Media Hype, 2016 Super Bowl Madness

Beyonce and her Girl Gang

NB Commentary: I enter this discussion kicking and screaming and swearing to myself that I am not, and I mean, am not gonna fall prey to the hype. But today, I had to come forth with another blog post.  I was compelled by the comments under many of the pictures posted of her and her girl gang at the Super Bowl and how some folks were actually seeing it as a Powerful Movement, a statement about Black Power, a high five to Malcolm X, and the insane indicators of it being an Illuminati ritual. But what really took me to the top of the clock was the actual lyrics, which in no way seem to reflect any of this, in fact quite the contrary. So here I am again, with something to rant on about That!!!

Let me begin my rant with a shout out to Cookie Couture who posted the lyrics to Beyoncé song.

“Thank you for this. You know how you witness something and something inside you goes off and tells you that there is something wrong with this because inside of you, you can feel it going in all kinds of different directions. Well, thanks again, I really appreciate you posting those lyrics!!”

Nowadays, we cannot take lightly the impact of the media. It’s in your face in an instant and manipulating you and brainwashing you in the millisecond. Nowadays, it’s more dangerous due to the advance technology they can use to grab your brain and do all kinds of trickery with it.
The invention of motion pictures and later television, herald the beginning of an epic age, where the minds of the masses are in the hands of the elite controllers who can massage, manipulate, brainwash and control the narrative to such a degree that people believe that what they see is real and true.
People identify with the character on the screen so much so that they protect them as if they have an intimate relationship with them, all because of what they see on the screen. People project themselves into the personification of a made up image on the screen and it becomes their alters. For that matter, fans are as much MK-Ultra slaves as much as the people they Idolize and Adore. The Cult of Personality has replaced the Gods and Goddesses of ancient times.
The people on the big screen are fallible human beings, but the masses need Gods so they elevate them to the status of “Gods” and defend their “Persona” as if it’s real, or actually means anything. The psychological irony of this is that their “Persona” does mean something for the hungry masses, but 99% of them won’t use this power for anything other than maintaining the status quo of the Elite Moguls who control them from behind the scenes. Their true creativity is eclipsed by the greed, avarice and debauchery that is the world of celebrity. If they step out of the mold that was designed for them, they will fail or meet a worse fate. Thus the hype is just that, hype, form no substance, yet the impact of such superficiality is as deadly has a thousand poison arrows.

And Now to the Lyrics. You decide, how progressive these are.
What happened at the New Wil’ins?
Bitch, I’m back by popular demand
[Refrain: Beyoncé]
Y’all haters corny with that illuminati mess
Paparazzi, catch my fly, and my cocky fresh
I’m so reckless when I rock my Givenchy dress (stylin’)
I’m so possessive so I rock his Roc necklaces
My daddy Alabama, Momma Louisiana
You mix that negro with that Creole make a Texas bama
I like my baby heir with baby hair and afros
I like my negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils
Earned all this money but they never take the country out me
I got a hot sauce in my bag, swag
[Interlude: Messy Mya + Big Freedia]
Oh yeah, baby, oh yeah I, ohhhhh, oh, yes, I like that
I did not come to play with you hoes, haha
I came to slay, bitch
I like cornbreads and collard greens, bitch
Oh, yes, you besta believe it
[Refrain: Beyoncé]
Y’all haters corny with that illuminati mess
Paparazzi, catch my fly, and my cocky fresh
I’m so reckless when I rock my Givenchy dress (stylin’)
I’m so possessive so I rock his Roc necklaces
My daddy Alabama, Momma Louisiana
You mix that negro with that Creole make a Texas bama
I like my baby heir with baby hair and afros
I like my negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils
Earned all this money but they never take the country out me
I got a hot sauce in my bag, swag
[Chorus: Beyoncé]
I see it, I want it, I stunt, yellow-bone it
I dream it, I work hard, I grind ’til I own it
I twirl on them haters, albino alligators
El Camino with the seat low, sippin’ Cuervo with no chaser
Sometimes I go off (I go off), I go hard (I go hard)
Get what’s mine (take what’s mine), I’m a star (I’m a star)
Cause I slay (slay), I slay (hey), I slay (okay), I slay (okay)
All day (okay), I slay (okay), I slay (okay), I slay (okay)
We gon’ slay (slay), gon’ slay (okay), we slay (okay), I slay (okay)
I slay (okay), okay (okay), I slay (okay), okay, okay, okay, okay
Okay, okay, ladies, now let’s get in formation, cause I slay
Okay, ladies, now let’s get in formation, cause I slay
Prove to me you got some coordination, cause I slay
Slay trick, or you get eliminated
[Verse: Beyoncé]
When he fuck me good I take his ass to Red Lobster, cause I slay
When he fuck me good I take his ass to Red Lobster, cause I slay
If he hit it right, I might take him on a flight on my chopper, cause I slay
Drop him off at the mall, let him buy some J’s, let him shop up, cause I slay
I might get your song played on the radio station, cause I slay
I might get your song played on the radio station, cause I slay
You just might be a black Bill Gates in the making, cause I slay
I just might be a black Bill Gates in the making
[Chorus: Beyoncé]
I see it, I want it, I stunt, yellow-bone it
I dream it, I work hard, I grind ’til I own it
I twirl on my haters, albino alligators
El Camino with the seat low, sippin’ Cuervo with no chaser
Sometimes I go off (I go off), I go hard (I go hard)
Get what’s mine (take what’s mine), I’m a star (I’m a star)
Cause I slay (slay), I slay (hey), I slay (okay), I slay (okay)
All day (okay), I slay (okay), I slay (okay), I slay (okay)
We gon’ slay (slay), gon’ slay (okay), we slay (okay), I slay (okay)
I slay (okay), okay (okay), I slay (okay), okay, okay, okay, okay
Okay, okay, ladies, now let’s get in formation, cause I slay
Okay, ladies, now let’s get in formation, cause I slay
Prove to me you got some coordination, cause I slay
Slay trick, or you get eliminated
[Bridge: Beyoncé]
Okay, ladies, now let’s get in formation, I slay
Okay, ladies, now let’s get in formation
You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation
Always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper
Girl, I hear some thunder

Golly, look at that water, boy, oh lord

FEBRUARY 10, 2016
The lyrics and video to Beyonce’s new single “Formation” shouldn’t be surprising to any fans who have been closely following the political leanings of the pop artist and her husband Jay-Z. While the power couple have often tried to keep it quiet, they’ve been huge financial supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement. Last year, activist Dream Hampton revealed that the couple had poured in tens of thousands of dollars in bail money without a second thought when Baltimore and Ferguson protestors were jailed. After those tweets were deleted, he later suggested that they didn’t really want to largely publicize the fact, reported The Guardian.
That attitude seems to be shifting when peering into the video, performance and lyrics behind Beyonce’s “Formation.” Just as she gained accolades for aligning herself with feminism on her 2013 surprise self-titled album, Beyonce has once again recognized the power of pop and the cult of her own artistry to send a message. This time, it’s about the police violence faced by the black community.

Bill Cosby, Hollyweird’s Manchurian Candidate

Bill Cosby, Hollyweird’s Manchurian Candidate

The Media gave us Bill Cosby, a relatively unknown comedian who reached meteoric stardom. They made Bill Cosby and gave him certain privileges that they would not give to any other Black man during the 60’s & 70’s and like Fred Sanford would tell us, if the white man is doing it than it must be right. Remember how he wouldn’t go to a black dentist? Well, during that time we too were struggling if we could trust a Black professional “anything” over a white one. Once Cosby was sanctioned by “white America” then Black America felt it was safe to throw their support behind him.
What we miss out on is that it is a selection process. They chose Bill Cosby and the Media took it from there. He was allowed to do what no other Black Man in those times and even these to do. They gave him position and status in their circles, rubbing elbows (and whatever else) with “their women” and basically making him part of the in crowd. Couple that with the fact that he was a “clean comic” on stage, which was another part of the selection deal. He was a favorite of not only blacks but he WAS ACCEPTED BY WHITES!  So, we cannot compare him to any other Black Man by saying, because he was Black they would not have allowed him to do any of what he is accused of by white women. This little caveat is missed in the debate. It has a lot to do with we as a people and how we, especially during those times, aligned ourselves with those “Black Folks” that white folks approved of.
Now as before, there is a different atmosphere around our feelings about successful Black Folks, we don’t need the sanction of the “White Man”  as much as we did in the past, but how trusting are we of a successful Black professional, unless the White man sanctions them? This is just another nuance of this whole situation and its impact on the Black community. When we go to the root, the actual history of this man and how he became a superstar, we can clearly see that it was part of an agenda. Was it a divide and conquer strategy, as we know there were other comedians, more like Black Market comedians who were NOT embraced by white audiences.
The question remains, what price did he have to pay to be 
Hollyweird’s Manchurian Candidate?
Cosby took the bait, he agreed and that meant he had to do whatever they said. I am almost certain he was guaranteed millions and a pristine image in the public eye. News outlets and tabloids would not be allowed to defame him in anyway or suffer the consequences. They protected him from the peering eyes of the public and maintained, sustained and protected the illusion they created call Bill Cosby, the clean comic, who appeals to all audiences world wide.
His attempts to cover his tracks through philanthropic donations and support to the Black Colleges etc., was most definitely done by his wife, Camille, his business manager.  She was behind every single act of charity. Was that her effort to conceal his back-door deals and prop up his reputation keeping him squeaky clean in the eyes of the masses, but behind closed doors, anyone who knew him personally knew a very different guy? This is true.
Cosby’s head is on the chopping block. He is no longer needed. His chip of protection has been removed. The White Establishment that propped him up have all pulled out their support and turned their backs on him abandoning any and all promises of protection. He has been thrown back into the pool of Black American opinion, that is, much to his dismay, an opinion that is shaped and manipulated by the powers that be. Cosby became a house nigger, to coin a phrase. He was allowed to be the Misses Playmate.  But once he completed his chores he was thrown back into the field with the rest of us along with all the shuckin’ and jivin’ he did to keep his house nigger status. 
A person who does not learn the lesson from his past history is bound to repeat the mistakes in his future. We must become more discerning as a people. We must support our own whether or not they get the stamp of approval from the “Wizard of OZ”. We must prop up those genuine folks who are in all sincerity attempting to improve our station in life on this planet. We must rally around the sincere folks who are making changes that will benefit our youth and generations to come. We must stop looking at our people through the Willie Lynch lens and work with those who have shown their honest nature and work. We have so many others scientist, inventors, statesmen, philosophers, educators and performing artists who are deeply dedicated to the emancipation of our people and are not simply perpetrating a fraud hand crafted by the Elite Media Moguls.
Once we get there it will be very difficult for anyone to sully the image of these dedicated men and women.

Again, I say, the Media gave us “Cosby” and the “Media” has taken him away. We need to think about how duped we have been and continue to be by Mass Media and develop discernment, particularly when it appears that a White Supremacist culture has seemingly stepped beyond their racist inclinations in support of a person of color. In the final analysis, if we can identify this issue as racially motivated, we cannot in all honesty, see any of his meteoric success that has proceeded this current attack on Bill Cosby as any more than a part of a racially motivated agenda of power and control.


NB Commentary: Why Do We Watch People Die?

NB Commentary: Why Do We Watch People Die?

See video below

It’s called a Death Culture, not only is the fascination with seeing someone give up the ghost, but then we try to hold on to the dead, through grieving, massive funerals, morticians, memorials, tombstones, insurance policies, etc. In some cultures, they actually dig the bodies up, redress them in their finest, put them on display and then bury them again. Imagine that!

It certainly is part of the human condition cross-culturally because this fascination with death and it’s aftermath is played out all over the world. Who genetically engineered that into our DNA that we find death and dying to be such a phenomenon rather than birth and living!

I do realize that there are some cultures that see Death as just another part of life, that is, they see the immortality of the Soul and that while the person is physically dead, their Soul lives on to re-incarnate according to some, and then to go to heaven/hell according to others.

Whatever the case may be.. it is a fascination and most likely fear of the unknown that pulls us into these scenarios. Nobody “has come back” to tell us what it was like, some say, so we may be vicariously dying and being reborn with the individual. There is an immediate denial when we hear of someone dying. Maybe that’s part of keeping them alive, or having them alive after death.

One more thing, we as a western culture have been desensitized about death as well. Even though we may know that it is “REAL” while we are watching it on TV it probably doesn’t register cause the stuff on TV isn’t real, at least that’s what we tell our children when they show signs of being horrified by the blood and gore they see on TV and in the movies.

The Seth Material says, birth is more traumatic than death but for some reason we just don’t get it. Besides, if we did…. imagine the stock market crash that would cause.
In the final analysis, I would say trace it back, follow the money and how the Money Changers create streams of income off of our fear of dying. Think about it. It could very well be “just for the money”, the energy, the keeping the Blood suckers alive.

I always found it interesting that after a movie filled with blood, gore, death, tragedy, etc., if there were any animals in the movie, it would be followed by a disclaimer, “No Animals Were Injured In This Presentation” but they never say….
“Neither was any human…..”


Published on Nov 19, 2014
The who, how and why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day. We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run today.

Baltimore Riots: A Product of the Soros Machine

Baltimore Riots: A Product Of The Soros Machine

Image source

By Brandon Turbeville

While Baltimore burns, the city has proven itself to be yet another staging ground in a long line of scenes involving “violent protests,” riots, and racial violence following an incident concerning police brutality, real or otherwise.

Although the issues that have set off the spark in most of these protests were entirely legitimate, government agencies, foundations, organizations, and NGOs immediately swooped in to divert the protests into racially charged fit throwing and often violent riots.

With a carefully orchestrated network that was capable of organizing large numbers of individuals on a moment’s notice, and a simultaneous media campaign that cleverly showed violence and riots but ignored peaceful or appropriately-directed violent acts, these organizations were able to turn what could and should have been a national movement into a racially-oriented hate-filled display of unrestrained destruction.

With this in mind, one might justifiably ask how these organizations might have such an effective network that operates in concert with a national corporate media apparatus in order to wreck legitimate movements and, out of those movements, create a counter-productive act of mindless fit-throwing?

The answer is the same as it has often been in Europe – the color revolution apparatus and George Soros.

Indeed, George Soros has been heavily involved in the social unrest and movement-wrecking activity that has taken place all across the United States in recent months. From Florida to Ferguson and now to Baltimore, George Soros’ Foundations have been involved in making sure that not only are American citizens unable to overcome racial divisions with mutual cooperation but that even the racially isolated participants are unable to accomplish anything of substance.

As Kelly Riddell of the Washington Times reported in January, 2015, regarding Soros’ involvement in Ferguson,

There’s a solitary man at the financial center of the Ferguson protest movement. No, it’s not victim Michael Brown or Officer Darren Wilson. It’s not even the Rev. Al Sharpton, despite his ubiquitous campaign on TV and the streets. 

Rather, it’s liberal billionaire George Soros, who has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean in Europe while forging a political machine powered by nonprofit foundations that impacts American politics and policy, not unlike what he did with 

Mr. Soros spurred the Ferguson protest movement through years of funding and mobilizing groups across the U.S., according to interviews with key players and financial records reviewed by The Washington Times. 

In all, Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already-established groups that emboldened the grass-roots, on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his nonprofit Open Society Foundations. 

The financial tether from Mr. Soros to the activist groups gave rise to a combustible protest movement that transformed a one-day criminal event in Missouri into a 24-hour-a-day national cause celebre. 

“Our DNA includes a belief that having people participate in government is indispensable to living in a more just, inclusive, democratic society,” said Kenneth Zimmerman, director of Mr. SorosOpen Society Foundations’ U.S. programs, in an interview with The Washington Times. “Helping groups combine policy, research [and] data collection with community organizing feels very much the way our society becomes more accountable.”

Indeed, the Open Society Institute has been promoting “democracy” all over the world if, by democracy, one means the overthrow of governments unfriendly to Anglo-American banking interests and installing new and more corrupt leadership in its place.

Riddell continues by writing,

Soros-sponsored organizations helped mobilize protests in Ferguson, building grass-roots coalitions on the ground backed by a nationwide online and social media campaign. 

Other Soros-funded groups made it their job to remotely monitor and exploit anything related to the incident that they could portray as a conservative misstep, and to develop academic research and editorials to disseminate to the news media to keep the story alive. 

The plethora of organizations involved not only shared Mr. Soros‘ funding, but they also fed off each other, using content and buzzwords developed by one organization on another’s website, referencing each other’s news columns and by creating a social media echo chamber of Facebook “likes” and Twitter hashtags that dominated the mainstream media and personal online newsfeeds. 

Buses of activists from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference in Chicago; from the Drug Policy Alliance, Make the Road New York and Equal Justice USA from New York; from Sojourners, the Advancement Project and Center for Community Change in Washington; and networks from the Gamaliel Foundation — all funded in part by Mr. Soros — descended on Ferguson starting in August and later organized protests and gatherings in the city until late last month. 

All were aimed at keeping the media’s attention on the city and to widen the scope of the incident to focus on interrelated causes — not just the overpolicing and racial discrimination narratives that were highlighted by the news media in August. 

“I went to Ferguson in a quest to be in solidarity and stand with the young organizers and affirm their leadership,” said Kassandra Frederique, policy manager at the Drug Policy Alliance, which was founded by Mr. Soros, and which receives $4 million annually from his foundation. She traveled to Ferguson in October. 

“We recognized this movement is similar to the work we’re doing at DPA,” said Ms. Frederique. “The war on drugs has always been to operationalize, institutionalize and criminalize people of color. Protecting personal sovereignty is a cornerstone of the work we do and what this movement is all about.” 

Ms. Frederique works with Opal Tometi, co-creator of #BlackLivesMatter — a hashtag that was developed after the killing of Trayvon Martin in Florida — and helped promote it on DPA’s news feeds. Ms. Tometi runs the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, a group to which Mr. Soros gave $100,000 in 2011, according to the most recent of his foundation’s tax filings. 

“I think #BlackLivesMatter’s success is because of organizing. This was created after Trayvon Martin, and there has been sustained organizing and conversations about police violence since then,” said Ms. Frederique. “Its explosion into the mainstream recently is because it connects all the dots at a time when everyone was lost for words. ‘Black Lives Matter’ is liberating, unapologetic and leaves no room for confusion.”

It should be noted that The Gamaliel Foundation, which is described as a “net-work of grassroots and interracial organizations,” is not only funded by George Soros, it was the Foundation where President Barack Obama began his career as a “community organizer” in Chicago. Obama’s former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright who drew Conservative ire for a fiery sermon condemning America’s actions (his famous “Goddamn America speech), is a trustee of the Soros-funded Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference, an organization that sent representatives to Ferguson early on.

In Ferguson, the use of clergy and ministers became a major part of the social movement as funded by Soros as well. Riddell reveals as much when she writes,

Representatives of Sojourners, a national evangelical Christian organization committed “to faith in action for social justice,” attended the weekend [Gamaliel’s weekend protest event in Ferguson]. The group received $150,000 from Mr. Soros in 2011. 

Clergy representatives from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference, where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright serves as a trustee, also showed up. Mr. Wright was Mr. Obama’s pastor in Chicago before some of his racially charged sermons, including the phrase “God damn America,” forced Mr. Obama to distance himself. SDPC received $250,000 from Mr. Soros in 2011. 

During Gamaliel’s weekend protest event, Sunday was deemed “Hands Up Sabbath,” where clergy were asked to speak out about racial issues, using packets and talking points prepared for them by another religion-based community organizing group, PICO.

PICO is also supported by the Open Society Foundations, according to its website.

The Washington Times article also serves to shed light on a number of other more profile “national” organizations funded by Soros that descended upon Ferguson, now explaining some of the reasons that the protest movement on the ground in MO became such a disgraceful failure. Riddell further demonstrates this by writing,

Larry Fellows III, 29, a Missouri native, did find his voice in the chaos of Ferguson with the help of outside assistance backed by Mr. Soros

Mr. Fellows is co-founder of the Millennial Activists United, a key source of video and stories developed in Ferguson by youth activists used to inspire other groups nationally.

Mr. Fellows explained how he started his organization in an interview with the American Civil Liberties Union (another Soros-backed entity that sent national representatives to Missouri) in November. 

“Initially, it would just be that we would show up for protests, and the next day we’d clean up the streets. A lot of the same people were out at the protests and going out to lunch and talking about what was happening. That became a cycle until a lot of us figured out we needed to have a strategy,” Mr. Fellows explained to the ACLU, which posted the interview in its blog. 

“Then a lot of organizers from across the country started to come in to help us do the planning and do the strategizing. That helped us start doing it on our own and planning out actions and what our narratives were going to be,” he said. 

MAU has listed on its website that it has partnered with Gamaliel network churches. They’ve also received training on civil disobedience from the Advancement Project — which was given a $500,000 grant from Mr. Soros in 2013 “to build a fair and just, multi-racial democracy in America through litigation, community organizing support, public policy reform, and strategic communications,” according to the Foundation’s website. 

The Advancement Project, based in Washington, also arranged the meeting between community organizers in Ferguson and Mr. Obama last month to brief him on the situation in Ferguson and to set up a task force that examines trust between police and minority communities. 

In addition, the Advancement Project has also dedicated some of its staff to lead organizations in Ferguson, like the Don’t Shoot Coalition, another grass-roots group that preaches the same message, links to the same Facebook posts and “likes” the same articles as DPA, ACLU, Hands Up Coalition, OBS, MORE and others.

It should also be noted that the Open Society Institute, one of Soros’ main NGOs, has worked closely with Mayor Rawlings-Blake and Google in making Baltimore one of their “test cities” for smart technology and new fiber cables. Rawlings-Blake has had pleasant things to say about Soros in the past.

While the above information addresses the involvement of #blacklivesmatter groups and similar organizations active on the ground inside Ferguson as a matter of historical precedent, these organizations and similar operations such as the Black Youth Project (funded by Soros) and the Open Society Institute and its subsididiaries have had a sizable presence inside Baltimore in the time leading up to the Freddie Gray protests and continue to do so as we speak.

For instance, Baltimore United Viewfinders has received a sizeable grant from the OSI for the purpose of working with a coalition of community partners and the Maryland Institute College of Art to use digital media to engage East Baltimore youth in peer-to-peer arts and social justice programming. Other organizations and individuals have received grants from the OSI to promote “social justice” and “democracy” through theatre and the arts while others operate on a more charitable basis, providing guidance in healthcare matters and community organizing skills. As one will see from the discussion of the methodology of color revolutions below as well as the discussion of the preparation that goes into these social phenomena, the structure of “community organizations” and “community influence” is important to the color revolution apparatus. The ability to take advantage of unemployed, under-educated, lonely, and hopeless youth is one of the greatest opportunities that the Soros color revolution organizations understand and firmly grasp.

The relevance of the Soros connection may seem confusing to many. Certainly, however, no one in their right mind will suggest that a man that has made his fortune bankrupting nations and impoverishing their peoples lies awake at night wringing his hands over concerns for black people in America.

Soros is most well-known for playing a major role in the funding and facilitating of the “Bulldozer Revolution” in Serbia that overthrew Slobodan Milosevic in 2000, Georgia’s “Rose Revolution” of 2003, the 2006 push to move Turkey toward a more Islamist governing structure, and even the Occupy movement in the United States among a great many others – none of which brought anything other than greater misery, impoverishment, and police state mechanisms to bear on the general public. The Occupy movement, being the only exception, still brought nothing to its participants except the opportunity to burn off excess anger and energy along with a few cracked protester skulls. It was otherwise an incredible waste of time.

Regardless, the methods being used by the Soros machine in terms of the #blacklivesmatter and other related campaigns across the country are much the same as those used in Europe to usher in greater austerity, police states, and fascism through government-coup and social protest – i.e. a coordinated media campaign to provide the general public with a false perception of events as well as a false narrative, the use of social media and slogans, and the deployment of “swarming adolescents” in the streets.

When media campaigns alone are not enough, there are other methods that are able to be implemented if need be. For instance, a Mother Jones report revealed the fact that in some areas where rioting began, there appears to have been a concerted effort on the part of the authorities to create an environment in which riots would be inevitable. For example, in an instance where it was reported that teens in Baltimore attacked police by throwing rocks, it was never mentioned that police had corralled these teens – who should have been on their way home – off the bus and into an area in between the mall and the high school. According to onlookers, it appeared that both the teens and the police were surprised at the situation – the police surprised at the lack of violence and the teens surprised that they were kept from going home. Eventually, rocks and bottles were reportedly thrown at police and the situation deteriorated from there. Of course, the entire story was never fully reported in the mainstream press. Still, while the rocks and bottles may have started from those in the crowd, others may justifiably wonder if there were not provocateurs already placed simply waiting to cause violence as soon as the tension had reached a boiling point. As it is, it is very likely that protesters and police alike were dupes in a devious game.

Consider also the fact that the Baltimore authorities, despite implementing heavy-handed tactics against high schoolers on their way home, allowed criminals, thieves, and violent thugs to prey upon innocent people, private property, and communities for quite some time without a serious effort to stop them. In fact, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake even openly admitted that the looters were allowed to riot when she stated that “We also gave those who wish to destroy space to do that as well.” The police were prevented from actually stopping the riots and were kept largely unequipped as well. In other words, the riots were both allowed and encouraged until they had reached a boiling point and the National Guard was called in.

Of course, the color revolution and destabilization is not merely some communiqué presented to a small group of people that organically takes on a life of its own. There is an entire science behind the application of a movement of destabilization both when it takes place overseas as well as when it takes place domestically. As Pottenger and Frieson of Color Revolutions and Geopolitics write,

Many are the professions that utilize this type of understanding, including (but not limited to) marketing, advertising, public relations, politics and law-making, radio, television, journalism and news, film, music, general business and salesmanship; each of them selling, branding, promoting, entertaining, sloganeering, framing, explaining, creating friends and enemies, arguing likes and dislikes, setting the boundaries of good and evil: in many cases using their talents to circumvent their audiences’ intellect, the real target being emotional, oftentimes even subconscious.

Looking beneath the facade of the color revolutionary movement we also find a desire-based behavioral structure, in particular one that has been built upon historical lessons offered by social movements and periods of political upheaval.

It then makes sense that the personnel of such operations include perception managers, PR firms, pollsters and opinion-makers in the social media. Through the operational infrastructure, these entities work in close coordination with intelligence agents, local and foreign activists, strategists and tacticians, tax-exempt foundations, governmental agencies, and a host of non- governmental organizations.

Collectively, their job is to make a palace coup (of their sponsorship) seem like a social revolution; to help fill the streets with fearless demonstrators advocating on behalf of a government of their choosing, which then legitimizes the sham governments with the authenticity of popular democracy and revolutionary fervor.

Because the operatives perform much of their craft in the open, their effectiveness is heavily predicated upon their ability to veil the influence backing them, and the long-term intentions guiding their work.

Their effectiveness is predicated on their ability to deceive, targeting both local populations and foreign audiences with highly-misleading interpretations of the underlying causes provoking these events.

With this explanation in mind, consider the description provided by Ian Traynor of the Guardian regarding the “revolutions” and “mass movements” which was taking place in Ukraine, Serbia, Belarus, and Georgia in 2004 and the time of the writing of his article. Indeed, Traynor’s depiction of the methodology used by the Foundations, NGOs, and government agencies stirring up dissent and popular revolt is equally illuminating. Traynor writes,

In the centre of Belgrade, there is a dingy office staffed by computer-literate youngsters who call themselves the Centre for Non-violent Resistance. If you want to know how to beat a regime that controls the mass media, the judges, the courts, the security apparatus and the voting stations, the young Belgrade activists are for hire. 

They emerged from the anti-Milosevic student movement, Otpor, meaning resistance. The catchy, single-word branding is important. In Georgia last year, the parallel student movement was Khmara. In Belarus, it was Zubr. In Ukraine, it is Pora, meaning high time. Otpor also had a potent, simple slogan that appeared everywhere in Serbia in 2000 – the two words “gotov je”, meaning “he’s finished”, a reference to Milosevic. A logo of a black-and-white clenched fist completed the masterful marketing.

In Ukraine, the equivalent is a ticking clock, also signalling that the Kuchma regime’s days are numbered.

Stickers, spray paint and websites are the young activists’ weapons. Irony and street comedy mocking the regime have been hugely successful in puncturing public fear and enraging the powerful.

These slogans and symbols are the product of mass marketers employed by State Departments and intelligence agencies for the sole purpose of destabilizing and/or overthrowing a democratically elected or unfavorable (to the oligarchy)government.

The details and techniques of the manipulation of mass numbers of people have only continued to become more and more advanced and sophisticated, particularly with the advent of social media.

As Jonathan Mowat wrote,

As in the case of the new communication technologies, the potential effectiveness of angry youth in postmodern coups has long been under study. As far back as 1967, Dr. Fred Emery, then director of the Tavistock Institute, and an expert on the “hypnotic effects” of television, specified that the then new phenomenon of “swarming adolescents” found at rock concerts could be effectively used to bring down the nation-state by the end of the 1990s. This was particularly the case, as Dr. Emery reported in “The next thirty years: concepts, methods and anticipations,” in the group’s “Human Relations,” because the phenomena was associated with “rebellious hysteria.” The British military created the Tavistock Institute as its psychological warfare arm following World War I; it has been the forerunner of such strategic planning ever since. Dr. Emery’s concept saw immediate application in NATO’s use of “swarming adolescents” in toppling French President Charles De Gaulle in 1967.[1]


In November 1989, Case Western Reserve in Cleveland, Ohio, under the aegis of that university’s “Program for Social Innovations in Global Management,” began a series of conferences to review progress towards that strategic objective, which was reported on in “Human Relations” in 1991. There, Dr. Howard Perlmutter, a professor of “Social Architecture” at the Wharton School, and a follower of Dr. Emery, stressed that “rock video in Kathmandu,” was an appropriate image of how states with traditional cultures could be destabilized, thereby creating the possibility of a “global civilization.” There are two requirements for such a transformation, he added, “building internationally committed networks of international and locally committed organizations,” and “creating global events” through “the transformation of a local event into one having virtually instantaneous international implications through mass-media.”[2]

The American people must quickly learn the formula behind color revolutions, destabilizations, and the agendas of the world oligarchy before it becomes too late for us all. They must learn that simply because “leaders” appear to them, attempt to speak the same language and articulate rage does not mean that these leaders are men of the people.

Protests are necessary. Directed rage may also be necessary. But the wanton destruction of communities belonging to you or your neighbors is not only counterproductive, it produces rage that will be aimed back at you, and justifiably so. The entire country is being played like a fiddle. Baltimore is not an isolated collection of dupes, it is a microcosm. It is time the American people wise up and become street smart before it is too late.

On the Death of Nelson Mandela

On the Death of Nelson Mandela

Updated December 6, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |
On December 5, 2013, Nelson Mandela died at the age of 95. In the coming period, will have more reporting and analysis of the significance of the struggle against the brutal racist apartheid regime in South Africa with which Mandela was so closely associated, Mandela’s role in that, and the nature of South Africa today. But at this moment, the following are five points of orientation:
  1. The vicious system of apartheid—blatant, racist, brutal oppression and discrimination against black (and other non-white) peoples in South Africa, which Nelson Mandela struggled against—was part of a legacy of centuries of the most horrific plunder of Africa as a whole by the capitalist world. In South Africa after World War 2, apartheid further institutionalized and intensified that vicious oppression. Black (and other non-white) South Africans were locked down in prison-like “Bantustans,” without the most basic necessities of life (like clean water or decent shelter). They were treated as non-humans, subject to fascist “pass laws” that governed their every movement. On the backs of their labor, white settlers lived the lifestyles of northern Europe and global capitalism-imperialism accumulated massive profits.
  2. Nelson Mandela emerged as an opponent of the apartheid system in the 1950s. He joined the rising tide of courageous, widespread struggle among many different sections of people in South Africa that went up against the whips, clubs, guns and torture chambers of the regime. For this he was sentenced to a life of hard labor in prison, and he never backed down in his opposition to apartheid. The struggle against apartheid became a cause that inspired people around the world. Many people gave their lives in this struggle. And Nelson Mandela became the most prominent symbol of that struggle.
  3. But the powers-that-be are not praising Mandela because of his role as an opponent of apartheid, but because he conciliated with the forces of the old order, and played a key role in dismantling apartheid in a way that didn’t excavate, but in the main reinforced the historic and horrific oppression of the black and other non-white peoples of South Africa. Whatever Mandela’s intent, his outlook of “embrace the enemy” which is being so extolled by the powers-that-be in their eulogies, went directly against the need to uproot all the political, structural, economic, social and cultural relations that formed the foundation for that system.
  4. We have to have the honesty to confront the reality of the path Nelson Mandela charted. It did not lead to freedom for the oppressed people of South Africa. The vast majority of people in South Africa continue to suffer in the grip of global capitalism-imperialism. Today, two decades after Mandela became the first black president of South Africa, the situation for the masses of black people in South Africa remains horrendous. South Africa is one of the world’s most unequal societies. Over half the population of South Africa lives in extreme poverty. The only source of water for 1.4 million children is dirty, disease-ridden streams. Immigrant workers from poorer countries in Africa are subjected to violent attacks. Conditions for women, who played such a heroic role in the battle against apartheid, are abysmal—South Africa has the highest rate of rape in the world. And, perhaps the most heartbreaking consequence of all, people have been left demoralized—seeing all this as more proof that fundamental change in society is not possible. That is not the case.
  5. But it is the case that nothing short of uprooting exploitation and oppression can free the people of South Africa or anywhere else. The “wretched of the earth” have made revolution and started on the road to communism—a society free of all oppression—first in Russia and then in China. They achieved great things before these revolutions were turned back. And not only has this been done before, it can be done again, and even better this time. We urge everyone reading this to get their hands on the special issue of revcom / Revolution “You Don’t Know What You Think You ‘Know’ About… The Communist Revolution and the REAL Path to Emancipation: Its History and Our Future,” and get into the work of Bob Avakian at

The Drums of War are Beating in Syria

by Marjorie Cohn and Jeanne Mirer
August 28, 2013
from GlobalResearch Website
Marjorie Cohn is a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), and deputy secretary general of the International Association
of Democratic Lawyers (IADL).
New York attorney Jeanne Mirer is president of the IADL and co-chair of the NLG’s International Committee.
Both Cohn and Mirer are on the board of the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign

The Obama administration will reportedly launch a military strike to punish Syria’s Assad government for its alleged use of chemical weapons. A military attack would invariably kill civilians for the ostensible purpose of showing the Syrian government that killing civilians is wrong.
    “What we are talking about here is a potential response… to this specific violation of international norms,” declared White House press secretary Jay Carney.
But a military intervention by the United States in Syria to punish the government would violate international law.

For the United States to threaten to and/or launch a military strike as a reprisal is a blatant violation of the United Nations Charter. The Charter requires countries to settle their international disputes peacefully.

Article 2(4) makes it illegal for any country to either use force or threaten to use force against another country. Article 2(7) prohibits intervention in an internal or domestic dispute in another country.

NATO Using Chemical Weapons

The only time military force is lawful under the Charter is when the Security Council approves it, or under Article 51, which allows a country to defend itself if attacked.
    “The use of chemical weapons within Syria is not an armed attack on the United States,” according to Notre Dame law professor Mary Ellen O’Connell.
The United States and the international community have failed to take constructive steps to promote peace-making efforts, which could have brought the crisis in Syria to an end.

The big powers instead have waged a proxy war to give their “side” a stronger hand in future negotiations, evaluating the situation only in terms of geopolitical concerns. The result has been to once again demonstrate that military solutions to political and economic problems are no solution at all.

In the meantime, the fans of enmity between religious factions have been inflamed to such a degree that the demonization of each by the other has created fertile ground for slaughter and excuses for not negotiating with anyone with “blood on their hands.”

Despite U.S. claims of “little doubt that Assad used these weapons,” there is significant doubt among the international community about which side employed chemical weapons.

Many view the so-called ‘rebels’ as trying to create a situation to provoke U.S. intervention against Assad. Indeed, in May, Carla del Ponte, former international prosecutor and current UN commissioner on Syria, concluded that opposition forces used sarin gas against civilians.

The use of any type of chemical weapon by any party would constitute a war crime. Chemical weapons that kill and maim people are illegal and their use violates the laws of war. The illegality of chemical and poisoned weapons was first established by the Hague regulations of 1899 and Hague Convention of 1907.

It was reiterated in the Geneva Convention of 1925 and the Chemical Weapons Convention.

The Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court specifically states that employing,
    “poison or poisoned weapons” and “asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and all analogous liquids, materials or devices” are war crimes, under Article 8.
The prohibition on the use of these weapons is an international norm regardless of whether any convention has been ratified.

As these weapons do not distinguish between military combatants and civilians, they violate the principle of distinction and the ban on weapons which cause unnecessary suffering and death contained in the Hague Convention.

Under the Nuremberg Principles, violations of the laws of war are war crimes.

The self-righteousness of the United States about the alleged use of chemical weapons by Assad is hypocritical. The United States used napalm and employed massive amounts of chemical weapons in the form of Agent Orange in Vietnam, which continues to affect countless people over many generations.

Recently declassified CIA documents reveal U.S. complicity in Saddam Hussein’s use of chemical weapons during the Iran-Iraq war, according to Foreign Policy:
    “In contrast to today’s wrenching debate over whether the United States should intervene to stop alleged chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian government, the United States applied a cold calculus three decades ago to Hussein’s widespread use of chemical weapons against his enemies and his own people.
    The Reagan administration decided that it was better to let the attacks continue if they might turn the tide of the war. And even if they were discovered, the CIA wagered that international outrage and condemnation would be muted.”
In Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States used,
        1. cluster bombs
        2. depleted uranium
        3. white phosphorous gas
            § Cluster bomb cannisters contain tiny bomblets, which can spread over a vast area.

Unexploded cluster bombs are frequently picked up by children and explode, resulting in serious injury or death.
            § Depleted uranium (DU) weapons spread high levels of radiation over vast areas of land. In Iraq, there has been a sharp increase in Leukemia and birth defects, probably due to DU.
            § White phosphorous gas melts the skin and burns to the bone.
The Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in time of War (Geneva IV) classifies “willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health” as a grave breach, which constitutes a war crime.

The use of chemical weapons, regardless of the purpose, is atrocious, no matter the feigned justification.

A government’s use of such weapons against its own people is particularly reprehensible. Secretary of State John Kerry said that the purported attack by Assad’s forces,
    “defies any code of morality” and should “shock the conscience of the world.”
He went on to say that,
    “there must be accountability for those who would use the world’s most heinous weapons against the world’s most vulnerable people.”
Yet the U.S. militarily occupied over 75% of the Puerto Rican island of Vieques for 60 years, during which time the Navy routinely practiced with, and used,
        ○ Agent Orange
        ○ depleted uranium
        ○ napalm,
…and other toxic chemicals and metals such as TNT and mercury.

This occurred within a couple of miles of a civilian population that included thousands of U.S. citizens. The people of Vieques have lived under the colonial rule of the United States now for 115 years and suffer from terminal health conditions such as elevated rates of cancer, hypertension, respiratory and skin illnesses and kidney failure.

While Secretary Kerry calls for accountability by the Assad government, the U.S. Navy has yet to admit, much less seek atonement, for decades of bombing and biochemical warfare on Vieques.

The U.S. government’s moral outrage at the use of these weapons falls flat as it refuses to take responsibility for its own violations.

President Barack Obama admitted,
    “If the U.S. goes in and attacks another country without a UN mandate and without clear evidence that can be presented, then there are questions in terms of whether international law supports it…”
The Obama administration is studying the 1999,
    “NATO air war in Kosovo as a possible blueprint for acting without a mandate from the United Nations,” the New York Times reported.
But NATO’s Kosovo bombing also violated the UN Charter as the Security Council never approved it, and it was not carried out in self-defense.

The UN Charter does not permit the use of military force for “humanitarian interventions.” Humanitarian concerns do not constitute self-defense. In fact, humanitarian concerns should spur the international community to seek peace and end the suffering, not increase military attacks, which could endanger peace in the entire region.

Moreover, as Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies and David Wildman of Human Rights & Racial Justice for the Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church wrote,
    “Does anyone really believe that a military strike on an alleged chemical weapons factory would help the Syrian people, would save any lives, would help bring an end to this horrific civil war”?
Military strikes will likely result in the escalation of Syria’s civil war.
    “Let’s be clear,” Bennis and Wildman note. “Any U.S. military attack, cruise missiles or anything else, will not be to protect civilians – it will mean taking sides once again in a bloody, complicated civil war.”
Anthony Cordesman, military analyst from the Center for Strategic and International Studies, asks,
    “Can you do damage with cruise missiles? Yes. Can you stop them from having chemical weapons capability? I would think the answer would be no.”
The United States and its allies must refrain from military intervention in Syria and take affirmative steps to promote a durable ceasefire and a political solution consistent with international law.

If the U.S. government were truly interested in fomenting peace and promoting accountability, it should apologize to and compensate the victims of its own use of chemical weapons around the world.

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