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Archive for the ‘CIA’ Category

The Truth About the 14 Missing DC Black Girls in 24 hrs (VIDEOS)

This story has taken the Internet and social media by storm. I think that a lot of issues have arisen as a result of it, but to me the most important issue is to see what is happening in the home with these young people. The fact that most if not all of them are runaways speaks to a deeper problem in the Black community.

There’s no denying that child trafficking and sex trafficking of young people is a serious problem, and with all the hooplah around Pizzagate and to a more serious degree Pedo-gate, we have to begin with looking in the home and seeing what is happening there to the point that these young people would endanger their lives by running away.

Today, our streets are less safe than ever before, so it’s important to help our young people feel safe within their homes, because obviously, they feel safer in the streets which say a lot about their home environment.

That being said, I strongly encourage young people, male and female who are considering running away from home that they get help from a teacher, mentor, social worker, elder family member, minister or someone you can trust to help you. Call a hotline or something of that nature so that you can get help because the streets are dangerous and you could end up dead or badly hurt and/or abused if you go out there with no protection.

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Here’s What’s Actually Going On With The Missing Black Girls In DC
ALERT: Number of Missing D.C. Girls Spikes
Feminists will march for Hillary, but not for missing black girls in DC
Missing DC Girls – decoded by @HotepJesus
Why Are There So Many Missing Minorities Girls & Women In DC?
SupaNova Slom- The Truth about the Missing Black Girls in D.C.
ESSENCE Special Report: How D.C.’s Disappearing Girls Highlight The Nation’s Black and Missing Problem
What We Know So Far About D.C.’s Missing Black and Latinx Teens
DC’s Missing Teens: What’s True and What’s Not
Missing DC Girls: 25 Teens Disappear In Last Month & Stars Want You To Help Find Them
Missing DC Girls: 25 Teens Disappear In Last Month & Stars Want You To Help Find Them

The Counter Coup…. By Ronald Chism (Videos)

NB Commentary: By permission I am reposting a message sent to me via email. I found Mr. Chism’s thoughts compelling and worthy of posting in my blog. Feel free to leave your comments below. Thanks you.

The Counter Coup…. By Ronald Chism

(I have made fairly significant progress on my book, Nine Keys to Superior Livingso I decided to take a little break and share my perspective on what has just occurred in the U.S.  Consider this a “post-election” analysis, although the impact of this election reaches far, far beyond the borders of the United States.)
Some 15 years ago, I told my wife that she and I would live to see a coup–perhaps a military coup–in the United States that would be a counter-coup against the forces that engineered the 1961 coup that was initiated by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a coup and assassination that I, at age 11, “witnessed,” at least on television, as well as a counter-coup against the neo-conservative forces that initiated 9/11.  
Yes, there have been two coup d’etats in the U.S., in modern times, and one counter-coup:
The coup that occurred at the assassination of JFK
The coup that occurred on 9/11.  
The counter-coup initiated by forces that picked Donald Trump to be the visible representative of that coup.

Now, Trump did not organize it himself, nor did he conceive of it.  He was picked by the major counter-coup organizers because of his unique status as a global businessman and, essentially, his status as a civil nationalist [He’s not a Republican, and merely ran on the Republican ticket because he would have had no chance to win had he ran as an independent.  Running as a Republican was a mere tool].  I will name the major organizers of the coup in this brief note.

First, a brief note.  There are two, cultural views within the United States, neither one of which touched upon the prime reality that has been happening in the U.S. and on the planet.  Those two cultural views are:
  • Leftist views that are limited to social issues, such as racism (anti-racism), feminism, the gay agenda, equal rights (including for the handicapped), etc.
  • Rightest views that center on right-to-life issues (anti-abortion), religion (e.g., prayer in school, the promulgation of “Christian values,” etc.), anti-immigration, etc.
But prime issue that has defined the trajectory of U.S. policy both in the U.S. and abroad has been the struggle between freedom and slavery; between ‘higher’ caste and ‘lower’ caste’ between a tiny controlling cabal, and the rest of us.  Although this type of struggle has been happening for thousands of years, it has manifested itself in a unique, and infinitely more dangerous manner in the modern age than in the past.  
And this was explained clearly, as a warning, by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his famous Farewell Address.  The unique manner in which this struggle has manifested itself in the modern age is through what Eisenhower defined as The Military-Industrial Complex, which quickly became the tool by which global dominance [New World Order] would be achieved by a hidden elite (generally hidden from the common people.)  If you have not viewed his Farewell Address, you can do so by clicking here.  Here is a short quote from that address: 

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

Here are the major players that engineered the counter-coup that installed Trump into the Presidency as the visible representative of that coup (You will not find these people on The Internet, listed as part of a counter-coup.  I deduced this list through observation): 

A group within the Deep State that feared the impending social destruction of the United States by the forces that were trying to create the NWO.  The Deep State was never of one mind.  There were always divisions.  But it was 9/11, and the horrid results of 9/11 (both domestically and internationally) that swelled the ranks of those within the Deep State that became opposed to the methods of the others within the deep state whom they perceived as destructive to world and national order and peace.  The CIA, an arm of the Deep State, was also split, one force wishing to carry on the plans for NWO, the other force wishing to depart from those plans.

  • Dr. Steve Piezcienik
  • Roger Stone
  • Gerald Celente
  • Alex Jones (believe it or not )  And I’m not kidding.
  • General James Mattis
  • General John Kelly
  • General Michael Flynn
  • Dr. Steven Greer
  • Aware, anti-globalist, citizen-dot-connectors of the United States who, using The Internet, exercised a significant portion of the U.S. to the possibility that Trump was an anti-globalist. 
  • Julian Assange
  • What we have witnessed is a Civil War, which is still happening at this moment that has taken place chiefly in the shadows and on The Internet.  And it has not been a bloodless Civil War, unfortunately, because people have been killed.  But it is a relatively bloodless coup, waged mostly through The Internet, but also through the hard work of the above people and their assistants, some of whom do not live in the United States.

    [Oh, incidentally, I have no special knowledge about this.  No one has shown me “the secret files.” My claims are based on what I now perceive as the very obvious disclosure that a counter-coup has occurred, that disclosure appearing before our very eyes, in both the mainstream and alternative media, every single day now.  Some of this I pieced together on my own, some of it is information that I gathered from the analysis of others, including experts.  Only one individual, a serious expert in intelligence, Dr. Steve Piezcienik, has actually stated that a counter-coup has occurred].

    A few articles and YouTube videos that are helpful in seeing this counter-coup are:
    Trump – Enough of 9/11! , by Thierry Meyssan

    Now, all of the “right/left” commotion, in the streets, in the form of marches and counter-marches that you are witnessing has ZERO–nada–to do with what is really going on before our eyes. Trump, in order to get votes, held the mirror up before a significant number of disaffected U.S. citizens, and simply reflected, from that mirror, onto himself, what they wanted to hear.
    In short, he out-politicked the politicians.  I doubt very seriously if Trump is a committed racist (Mexican, African, or otherwise), misogynist, or that he hates the religion of Islam.  Roger Stone was his principal guide who fully understood the various factions in the U.S. that Trump would have to appeal to:
    • anti-globalists (including anti-NAFTA, anti-TPP citizens)
    • anti-leftists
    • pro-lifers
    • anti-Muslims (including anti-Muslim terrorists)
    • disaffected white unemployed
    • anti-DC politicians
    Regarding the last mentioned item, anti-DC politicians, remember: 40% of eligible voters did not vote.  This is a measure of the massive discontent, amongst the citizenry.  Trump’s handlers were excellent in mapping out a strategy for Trump, as well as appropriate messaging.

    When I say “appropriate” messaging, I’m not talking about morality.  I’m talking about messaging that was appropriate for appealing to the above-listed audience.  
    I’ll wrap this up now.  Does this mean that I believe Trump to be the real deal?  In a word, yes. And I won’t mind if I end up being wrong.  No problem.

    But understand what I’m saying that he’s the real deal about.  He’s the real deal in being the visible head of that side of this current Civil War (occurring in the shadows, on The Internet, and now, actually, partially in public) that is attempting to destroy the machinations of Deep State globalists, who are also called the proponents of a New World Order.

    (Before continuing, please understand the following: I will not argue or debate this matter with anyone.  That is a promise.  Say, or believe, whatever you wish.  I have analyzed the situation, and it is crystal clear to me what is going on.  I was correctly able to discoveron my own, what was happening inside Libya in 2011.  And I was proven correct.  I wrote 200 articles for, using a pseudonym, alerting people about what was happening in Libya.  Others did also, and that was because, in part, they were studying as hard as I was and we all, 32 of us, came up with the same correct conclusions.

    (Trump might not do all that he claims he’s going to do.  But there is a priority now.  And that priority he is addressing: Destroy the influence of the destructive Deep State, which artificially started a perpetual “war on terrorism” to exact money from ordinary citizens, through taxes, so that arms manufacturers, oil merchants (thieves), corporations, and others could fatten their bank accounts.  I believe that Trump is sincerely trying to put this to an end.)

    What shocked me (in a positive way) was Trump’s inaugural speech.  I was absolutely, 100% certain that he would give a speech that was totally almost the opposite of his campaign rhetoric. I assumed that he would “kick in” and bow down to the political status quo (composed of Democrats and Republicans) and deliver what his opponents would happily call a “conciliatory speech.”  He did not!!

    I was laughing my ASS off, because he stated the same things that he had stated during the campaign, which is totally not what politicians do.  They lie during the campaign, to get votes, and then, at the inauguration, they turn back and give the signal, to the political establishment, that, “Okay, guys, I’m ready to play ball.”  He didn’t do that.  I was shocked.

    Instead, he again lambasted all of the establishment, including the political establishment, and put his reputation on the line by saying that, Here is where it ends, meaning business as usual. I’m paraphrasing, but you can listen to his speech here, if you have not done so.  He openly talked, at the inauguration, about how the politicians had enriched themselves, but left Americans impoverished.  I do not remember, in my lifetime, any in-coming President saying such things at an inauguration.

    We, as ordinary human beings, particularly those of us that are citizens of the United States, have rightly grown almost totally cynical about the power-elite.  They are expert liars; expert promisers; expert do-nothings; expert exploiters; expert enslavers.  So, it is no surprise that we cannot get ourselves to believe, not to even mention trust, any politicians.

    I was suspicious of that guy all the way up to the inauguration.  I had hoped that he might be a true outsider, and a truly concerned person, that would go up against the Deep State.  But, I could not get myself to believe it.  But when he spoke at the inauguration, I thought, “This guy is the real deal!”

    I wonder his chances of staying alive for four years?  Since the inauguration, his moves have been directly against the Deep State, and obviously so.  You can research that in your own way. It’s virtually out into the public domain now, on The Internet.

    He dumped TPP.  He announced the re-negotiation of NAFTA.  He gave hints of working with Russia, in Syria, to destroy ISIS, although, characteristically, he’s not going to openly show his hand (as he had stated during the campaign).  
    And the hysteria against him is coming from all over the place.  When all elements of the establishment–the media, the upper echelon of the intelligence agencies, both political parties, the Executive Branch–go up against someone, then that person is obviously perceived by them to be an immense threat.

    At the first White House Press Briefing, his press secretary, Trump’s White House Secretary, Sean Spicer, laid out some dynamic plans that clearly indicated a huge break from Deep State culture. One such break was the announcement that Trump was setting up Skype Seats, which will be for journalist in other parts of the country that do not have the clout and “inside” power as DC journalists have, and that the mainstream media used to have.  This is an absolutely clear and direct swipe at one of the main control mechanisms of the Deep State: The mainstream press.

    This is an attempt to defang the mainstream press, although that job has been powerfully taken on by the alternative media also, and also to democratize it, for lack of a better word–to give remote news organs the opportunity to compete, in their localities, with the mainstream media (which is now being called, the legacy media, or the lame-stream media).
    I urge people again: Work on the metaphysics.  Because, the Deep State actors are not going to give up.  What we have to hope is that they do not conduct deadly false flag operations designed to force the new President to respond.  Or we have to hope that if such operations are being planned, that they be thwarted mystically by the metaphysical efforts of those of us that believe in such efforts, and also by whatever physical efforts can be made.
    Remember: All over the planet, even in Africa (east Africa, specifically) there are groups amongst the citizenry that are now fighting against the Deep State.  As Dr. Steve Greer has often explained: The Deep State is a trans-national entity, not an entity confined to the United States.
    Last, remember: There are priorities.  The biggest priority is to destroy the influence of the Deep State, and, eventually, to destroy the Deep State period.  I believe that this coup has happened directly for those purposes.  
    That’s the end of my analysis.  It’s going to be interesting.  
    Peace out,
    The Wizard

    Why the Heck, Are These People Protesting? (Videos)

    NB Commentary: What tickles me most about this thing. They outright stole the vote from Bernie, what makes them think that they wouldn’t steal the vote from Trump, which is why he HAD to encourage a landslide. Yet the Clintonians are in the streets tearing up shit cause she didn’t win. They actually wanted their winner to be the Cheater-In Chief. This election was a trainwreck the worse I have ever seen and both candidates suck!!!
    When you have a system where it tells you that you have to vote… folks feel compelled to do so, even though they vote against their interests, time and time again. And when it doesn’t turn out correctly they scream and holler and complain about how unfair it is. Bu they don’t get it, ain’t this democracy? Ain’t this the system where the majority can rule over the minority? Ain’t this the system where if you don’t like what the majority has chosen for your leader, that you have a few options, and only a few,
    1. you can suck it up
    2. you can complain
    3. you can actively protest
    4. you can write your other leaders
    5 . you can vote all the other leaders out next time
    6. Stick your guy in there so he/she can rule and dominate over the other people’s choice.
    Democracy is a failed system and needs to be abolished!
    People believe in it like it is some kind of Divinity when it has proven time and time again to be the bastion of corruption and failed and harmful policies over and over and over again.
    So the definition of insanity is…….
    You fill in the blanks.

    Protesters against President-elect Donald Trump gather in an intersection outside the Humphrey School of Affairs on the campus of the University of Minnesota on November 10, 2016 in Minneapolis. Thousands of people across the country have taken to the streets in protest in the days following the election of Republican Donald Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton.
    Posted by Kevin Barrett on November 9, 2016, With 4677 Reads Filed under Election 2016Of Interest.
    Barack Obama’s nightmare comes true as Donald Trump wins presidency
    5 surprising lessons from Trump’s astonishing win
    These 23 Celebrities Said They’ll Leave The Country If Trump Wins
    Catherine Dunn  Posted: Nov 09, 2016 6:29 AM

    The American Voter Is An Enabler, Part 2 (Videos)

    NB Commentary:  So I was asked the magic, 50 million dollar question… “You mean don’t vote?”

    Yep. Cause every time you vote you co-sign the madness. You can’t say not in my name if you sign on the dotted line. This system needs an overhaul. Every time you vote you are supporting the liars and criminals. 
    I know that folks will continue to vote. The American voter is an enabler with a severe case of cognitive dissonance.  So they will continue to do the same thing over and over thinking things will change, their voice will be heard when time and time again it has shown them otherwise. 

    They vote against their interests over and over again. They vote for known liars and deceivers but they feel they should vote.
    They see that their votes are stolen miscounted or not counted at all. 
    They see the governments, city, state and local redistricting their towns and cities to garner more votes for those the big hats have selected.

    They see campaign promises reneged on over and over and over.
    They see a black face, white face, brown face lie to them about know cover-ups.
    They see their lives gripped in fear porn while their government is supposedly protecting them.
    They see their fellow citizen die in the streets and bombed in parking garages and go on as if it’s business as usual.
    They see tax cuts for the rich while the middle class is down graded to lower class and the poor become obsolete. 
    They see their freedoms of speech and assembly severely curtailed behind barb wire fences, tear gas, mace and militarized police.
    They see their lives being under surveillance 24/7 and their privacy stripped to the bone.
    They see whistle blowers jailed, killed and demonized.
    They see the polluting of the air, water and food by corporations and banksters with no oversight or convictions for their crimes.
    They see their country go to foreign lands and kill innocent people on a lie and no one is convicted of war crimes.
    They are subject to invasive fondling by the TSA and are humiliated at airports and traffic stops.
    They have to lock themselves in their homes and have armed police at their children’s schools.
    They are told over and over again that the government is for the people, yet day in and day out they see lobbyists steal the allegiance of their representatives thru bribes and payoffs.
    They are of the illusion that they cannot govern themselves so they gladly pay taxes to and for their representatives to lie, cheat and steal from the tax payer by blowing up other countries with money that could rebuild large portions of the infrastructure in the US.
    They watch their government arm the so called rebels when they can see that in doing so it prolongs a regime change war that never ends but revels from one “axis of evil” country to another.
    They see them bail out corrupt bankers and foreclose on the homes of hard working citizens. 
    They watch their government send money overseas to victims of so called natural disasters while the Katrina victims are still displaced.
    They cannot see blue skies or stars at night and believe their government when it tells them bogus weather reports about what is happening with the weather.
    They walk in a fog created by mind control and the illusion of democracy which was never really what this country stood for.
    They actually believe that the Masonic, Jesuit, banking cartel that pinned the constitution had them in mind.
    They believe that the earth they walk upon stained with the blood of millions of indigenous peoples and millions more of enslaved, tortured and brutalized blacks, can be free.
    They are walking and living in a nightmare calling it a dream. 
    The American voter is so lost in the illusion of inclusion, they actually believe their vote will make a difference. 
    So to answer your question, I do not vote for politicians. I vote with my dollars. I vote with my mind in resisting tyranny and doing research about what is really going on. I vote by reading and comparing the so called facts about this world.
    I vote by doing all I can to stay in alignment with my Divinity and purpose on this planet.
    I follow laws put forth. But I will not agree to their unrighteousness.
    I vote by avoiding plastics and recycling the ones I do use.
    I vote by being conscious of how I consume energy and by purchasing only what I need.
    I vote by avoiding pharmaceuticals and using all natural products for healing and cleansing.
    I vote by being conscientious about what I put into my body.
    I vote by not owning a television or paying a cable bill.
    I vote by sharing what I have with others who may need it.
    It may not be much, but I don’t participate in their holidays, or shop at Walmart.
    My vote is to boycott wherever and when ever I can. 

    If folks say that every vote counts than my little efforts should count as well.
    Links of Interest:
    “Finally, this isn’t about Trump vs Clinton, that is merely the illusion we are being invited into believing. This is about awakening to the fact that our system is absurd and it’s time to do something different. What is the answer? That is what we must discuss instead of playing this broken political game of dividing and choosing which goon to “vote” for.”
    The American voter is a gullible idealist
    Now, we’re learning that NBC’s parent company Comcast donated $5.6 million to the Democrat Party during the convention in Philadelphia.

    "The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr." (Audio/Video)

    NB Commentary: When the “Voices Of Africa” Choral & Percussion Ensemble traveled to Bolivia in Feb. 2016 to be a part of the annual celebration of the Ganyingo, 2016, we were asked to participate in a Q& A with students who were studying Black History and the particular topic was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I was stunned by their knowledge of what happened to him and one of the students even implicated J. Edgar Hover’s involvement.

    Now, here we are a million miles from home and in one of the poorer countries of South America and these young people knew more about African American history than our own here in the US. And that means black kids and white kids. How is that possible?

    We were asked questions that we had to seriously take a moment to answer. We were dealing with politically adept youngsters no older than 14 or 15 years old max. It made me marvel at how our bias here in the US makes us see through a lens of the same oppressive regime that has our people on lock down. These young people had fewer resources, a scant academic environment, old desks, tables and chairs but were so keen in their thought processes. We could see their potential for leadership in the academia as well as global politics. It was absolutely stunning to behold.
    Please listen to the audio of the Gary Null Radio show on PRN where they interview Dr. William Pepper who spent 39 years researching on the MLK assassination. It lasts 2 hours so wash dishes, take a drive, cook dinner or some other mindless task, but you don’t want to miss the revelations that come out in this broadcast.
    You can go to this link…..
    Or Download this file and listen on your media player.
    By Robert D.  Morningstar 
    On June 21st, 2016, this writer was invited by Dr. Gary Null to participate in his Global Press Conference on the Martin Luther King Assassination to present new evidence in the murder of Martin Luther King, discovered by Dr. William Pepper,  author of “The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.”  
    Dr. William Pepper, who officially represented the King Family, was also a also the lawyer who defended James Earl Ray and through many years of arduous work and investigation succeeded in an appeal to secure the retrial of James Earl Ray, and through that civil trial was able to present exculpatory evidence that the jury found to be more credible than the official story, and in the end coming to a unanimous verdict that cleared James Earl Ray  of the crime of killing Dr. King.
    Listen to Gary Null’s Global Press Conference on The  Martin Luther King Assassination:
    Posted on June 21, 2016 by Jason in Gary Null Show
    On “The Gary Null Show” today, we present new evidence that demands a revision of the history behind the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. An exclusive live press conference happened today over the radio, June 21 at Noon EST, at the studios of the Progressive Radio Network. This is the first presentation to the public with first hand evidence that will revise the official history behind the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The broadcast is simultaneous with the release of a new authoritative publication, The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The books author, human rights attorney William Pepper Esq, has compiled 39 years of private and legal investigation into the murder of one of the world’s greatest civil rights and non-violent anti-war heroes.
    Pepper was Dr. King’s personal friend during the latter year of his life. Later he legally represented James Earl Ray and the King family to exonerate Ray and indict the US government as a conspirator in the assassination. Pepper’s evidence is based upon tens of thousands of hours of research, key sworn depositions, legal testimonies and private interviews with hundreds of persons both guilty and innocent.
    • Evidence of the role of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and his lover and second in command at the FBI Clyde Anderson Tolson in financing the actual murder
    • The orchestration of James Earl Ray’s escape from prison and his subsequent grooming as a patsy and conviction as the lone gunman
    For all who are interested in the life and times of Dr. Martin Luther King and who question our government’s official word on Dr. King’s assassination, this will be an important presentation.
    Further Reading:
    Dr. William F. Pepper
    William Francis Pepper is a barrister in the United Kingdom and admitted to the bar in numerous jurisdictions in the United States of America. His primary work is international commercial law. He has represented governments in the Middle East, Africa, South America, and Asia. Today, Pepper represents Sirhan Sirhan, the gunman convicted in the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in June 1968. 
    BREAKING NEWS – Ole Dammegard: Probable cause evidence shows Jesse Jackson was key covert police operative responsible for April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King assassination.

    Yuri Bezmenov "Useful Idiots" Must Watch.

    Feminists Are Useful Idiots, And Doomed. Must Watch.

    Your Thoughts on this video?????

    NB Commentary. Execution is not always physical. In modern times in a so called modern society, you get targeted. You are demonized, scandalized, suicided, or any other number of ways to “get rid of You”, they have hired assassins who do just that.. It may happen in a day or take years.
    The idea is to maintain the status quo, which is to foment conflict to keep people dependent on government. As long as there is a problem, that they created they will create the solution. so these so called “socialist” leftists, feminists etc. don’t realize they are tools for destabilization… once their work is done, they are useless. They have been duped and therefore, they are no longer needed, they lose esteem in the eyes of the masses as they travel up thru the ranks of the very government they were fighting against. This cause their followers to be disillusioned as well. It’s a vicious cycle.

    But I wouldn’t blame the fighters for social justice and human rights, I would blame the puppeteers behind them, the handlers who know full well what they are doing. the ones who arm the rebels, the ones who incite dissidence, the ones who create rivalry between factions, so that they can control. And that typically is the established government from the beginning.
    Yuri Bezmenov, Former KGB

    10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook

    NB Commentary:  This is a great article especially for those folks who are not sure if the friend requests is coming from a real person or some nefarious person with nefarious motives.  A while ago, I posted a video on my Facebook page about the Spring Valley School incident where the security guard threw the black female student across the room. In the video, a father from the community talked to the folks at a meeting about what he would do if someone did that to his daughter.
    The video got so many hits to my surprise it was up in the thousands within hours. By the end of the day it had gotten 7000 views. Next thing you know, Facebook shut my account down and hard as I tried they did not give me a reason. I couldn’t contact anyone and ended up searching online for why Facebook would put you in the Facebook jail.
    As a result of being locked out of my account for several days, I opened another account and told all my friends what happened. But as soon as I opened my new account I got a flood of friend requests. One of them was from some dude in Malaysia who claimed to be a Tantric yoga teacher. His profile was really borderline pornography. I sent him a message and asked why did he have those videos on his profile and he explained a ton of things that did not make sense to me as to what that even had to do with Tantra. Having had some knowledge about Tantric yoga, I was aware enough to follow his line of thinking to the toilet bowl. I quickly unfriended him. Several others followed, half naked women, which I found extremely interesting since it can clearly be seen in my profile pic that I am female.
    I often read the comments below an article or YouTube video before I respond. Nine times out of 10, when there are several  responses to one comment, it’s an argument and sometimes it sounds like the same person under different accounts is arguing with himself. It is so obvious from the style of writing and the vitriol and cursing that goes on between the parties. It’s as if they get on there just to fill up the comment section with stupidity.
    I am aware of the plants as well. Someone reported on how the “troll/agent” didn’t close their window before going to the next comment section and it was recorded. Somehow the information got transferred to someone with a keen eye and they shared the information on the internet.
    It is common knowledge that the alphabet intelligence organizations have their spies and patsies so of course with the advent of social media they have to infiltrate social media as well.  Using discernment when interacting with these characters is the first line of defense.

    Check out the article below and use some of these tips, they are helpful in avoiding some of these bogus accounts.

    10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook
    by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

    Have you
    noticed an increase in friend requests? Have you ever wondered if any of those
    are REAL people?
    I have a suspicion that many people, especially those of high profile, are being
    bombarded with a plethora of fake Facebook friend requests.
    If you are disseminating important information that goes against the Cabal’s agenda, then flooding your 5,000 Facebook friend limit with fake accounts would prevent your information reaching REAL people who would benefit from it.
    I check each and every friend request I receive. Numerous times, I have seen at least one Facebook friend listed as a “mutual friend” by such requests. In many of
    these profiles, the first and most recent post is porn related. When this happens, I notify the mutual friend and will remind them to take the time to see who they are friending.
    But there are other reasons why fake accounts are being created.
    According to a report on Tech.Micpolice departments around the nation have taken predictive crime prevention to a new level by building fake user accounts, as well as posing as genuine people to gather information about local events. (1)
    10 Ways To Identify A Fake User Account On Facebook
    1. Account was made recently 2015, 2016.
    2. Account has no history published for earlier years, but Facebook says they have been a member since 2009, etc.
    3. Most fake accounts have 1 image or no real profile photo of the person. Some may only have a select few photos over a long span of time. A well seasoned user would have more photos posted over a long period of time. A fake account may have 7-10 photos posted on the same day.
    4. User has very few friends in common and or friends in general.
    5. There is little to no interaction on their page with friends, no comments, likes or responses over their long time line.
    6. Profile picture seems to good to be true, that hot model added you today! They even messaged you and are interested in you!
    7. When in doubt use reverse image search. Take their image and see if it is a real person or not.
    8. When in doubt deny, deny, deny.
    9. The user doesn’t “like” any bands, books, or movies.
    10. The user doesn’t belong to any groups.
    A few Facebook tips:

    I am probably more judicial than most Facebook users. I won’t add anyone who I can’t see their page, nor will I add anyone who floods their wall with political
    posts. If they haven’t posted in at least a month, then chances are, they’re
    not active on Facebook, so I won’t add them either.
    Of course, there are always exceptions to every rule but in general, these trends
    seem to weed out inactive profiles and political clutter on my Facebook feed.
    If you go through your friends list, you will see some profiles without a picture.
    Many of these users are no longer on Facebook but are still counted against
    your 5,000 friend limit.
    If you click on their name and they are no longer on Facebook, then you will be
    redirected back to your personal Facebook page. At that point, you can
    officially “unfriend” them and free up more room to add more people.
    Take the time to see who is friending you. Facebook is a numbers game to a lot of
    people, but I’d rather have a small number of quality friends than a maxed out
    5,000 limit of fake profiles or a plethora of people posting crap I don’t want
    to see on my newsfeed.

    Chaos In Dallas:Sniper Attack Leaves 12 Officers Shot & 5 Dead (video)

    NB Commentary: This is a straight up Psyops. Social engineering Masters Course. Be very, very careful to protect yourself. Keep you mind body ans spirit safe and secure. Whatever you do or wherever you go to find “PEACE” go there. Hold on to your sanity. This is a psychological, mental and spiritual assault on all of your sensibilities. Everyone is at risk. A word to the wise.

    Why the FBI Wants Orlando Agencies to Deny Public Records Request

    NB Commentary:  I have read several comments under the articles listed below and it amazes me how these folks are not seeing the humongous elephant in the room.

    Can the American populace be that blind, deaf and dumb? Did they just crawl out from under a rock when they heard about Omar Mateen’s 911 call saying he was an ISIS sympathizer? Did they not want it to be heard that he said he wanted America to stop bombing  his country of Afghanistan? Why was it redacted from the original release of the 911 calls and then released? Why has the story changed to him being a disgruntled closeted gay homophobe who saw two guys kissing and to detract from his own desire told his dad how disgusting it was? And where is his wife?
    Have the American people been so shook up and down that their brains are rattling and they cannot connect the dots even if they tried? How do they not get
    it? Haven’t they heard that the ISIS attacks will come home to roost? Weren’t they warned that these so-called rebels turned terrorists will be crashing at a party near you? Weren’t they fear mongering and at the same time arming these so-call rebels on one hand and saying you better watch out on the other hand?
    I find it amazing that they have no trouble whatsoever, blaming everything on ISIS when it happens in another country, but when it happens here, mums the word. Why is that?? And why can’t folks see it.

    “Muslims most often are used as convenient US or other Western state-sponsored false flag attack patsies.
    Yet as James Petras explains, “(o)ver the past fifty plus years, over 125 mass shootings/massacres have occurred within the United States but not one perpetrator has been identified as a trained member of an international Islamist terrorist organization.”

    Why won’t they just come out and call a spade a spade? Either it’s ISIS or it ain’t, either they are a part of the terrorist network or they ain’t. And if they are.. Then a lot of questions should ensue.
    Shouldn’t they be bombing the US cells wherever they find them?
    Shouldn’t they be sending drones to US wedding parties wherever they suspect a terrorist cell?
    Shouldn’t they be rounding up these terrorists and sending them to Guantanamo?
    Shouldn’t they be bombing their schools,  hospitals and neighborhoods where they are held up in the US?
    But instead we see them…
    Shaking hands with them….
    Arming them….
    Looking the other way when they travel across borders and enter European countries…..
    Investigating them and then releasing them…..
    Allowing so called radicals, radicalize folks via the internet (Robertson in Mateen’s case)…..
    Allowing their Mosques that openly teach propaganda against the US to exist, instead of shutting them down and weeding them out…..
    No, it is much more fun to do that to other countries and their defenseless men, women and children.
    It’s more fun to blame Obama and say he is closet Muslim who won’t expose the hateful Muslims for who they are.

    It’s easier to omit the “War On Terror” that was launched before Obama came into
    It is easier to ignore the death and destruction that the US and NATO has rained down on the defenseless as a result of this so-called and literally impossible war to win.
    It’s easier to create chaos, division, corruption and massacres and blame it on those folks over there.
    It’s even more fun to show the blood and gore and blood and more gore spewing out of those folks over there than to face it here in the USA.
    So when Bush made the threat that he was going to seek them out wherever they are, he did not mean he would do much of that here in the US. In fact, he just kinda sorta didn’t mean the war on terror was gonna take place in the US at all. No war on terror on US soil, only in the middle East, cause for sure, they ain’t having that war in Paris, France, Brussels.
    Then we have the openly complicit and criminal relationship with Erdogan and the Saudi’s who are also arming the so-called rebels. Not to mention, that Israel says the rebels are better than Assad. And the US supports Israel. So what’s wrong with that picture?
    The false flag narrative has simply run its course. People are waking up and even if it’s just 10 out of every thousand that is still too many. What else is there to do besides go to full scale war with Russia, which is a fools dream. Go to war with Russia?? You’re kidding me right?
    Because the US is responsible for the deaths that happened in Orlando and probably every where else that has the ISIS tag on it, because the US congress agreed to ARM THE REBELS! And in doing so, they endangered the lives of everyone everywhere, and not just over there. Them chickens will find their way, right back home!!

    My rants are just that, rants, but I back them up with the facts and news articles and/or videos that I find on the internet, which seems to be the bane of the existence of the The Powers That Shouldn’t Be.
    Steven Lendman’s article brings it all into perspective, and I have quoted it below. He is a prolific writer and his use of critical analysis of the shenanigans that these folks in power get themselves into is par excellance. 

    Genesis of Current Mass Shootings, Blasts and Suicide Bombings
    by Stephen Lendman  July 4, 2016
    They’re coming in rapid fashion – in late June/early July alone:
    • Istanbul blasts inflicting mass casualties; 
    • Dhaka, Bangladesh shootings and hostage takings; 
    • slaughter in Baghdad, killing over 200 and wounding hundreds more – the latest of numerous violent incidents since GW Bush’s 2003 naked aggression; and
    • on America’s Independence Day, an apparent suicide bombing meters from its Jeddah, Saudi Arabia consulate, followed by multiple blasts rocking the area.
    Whether these and similar attacks are terrorism, false flags, lone wolf incidents or something else requires understanding how they began in the first place.
    In his memoirs, titled “From the Shadows,” former CIA director/defense secretary Robert Gates said US intelligence operatives began aiding Mujahadeen fighters in Afghanistan six months before Soviet Russia invaded.
    Former Carter administration national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski explained, saying Jimmy Carter, on Independence Day eve (July 3, 1979), “signed the the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.” 
    “And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.”
    Mujahadeen support led to today’s Taliban, Al Qaeda, the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), ISIS, Jabhat al Nusra, Jaysh al-Islam, Ahrar ash-Sham, Boko Haram, and other jihadist groups – US created and sponsored or offshoots from them.
    Bipartisan US imperial policy bears full responsibility for unleashing a scourge of state-sponsored terrorism in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, Europe and America.
    Brzezinski was unapologetic, asking “(w)hat is more important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”
    He failed to explain America needs enemies to advance his imperium. Communism was its bogeyman earlier, public enemy number one until Soviet Russia’s 1991 dissolution.
    Now it’s radical Muslims, Islam vilified in the process – directly or by implication, America raping and destroying one Islamic country after another.
    Muslims most often are used as convenient US or other Western state-sponsored false flag attack patsies.
    Yet as James Petras explains, “(o)ver the past fifty plus years, over 125 mass shootings/massacres have occurred within the United States but not one perpetrator has been identified as a trained member of an international Islamist terrorist organization.”
    In contrast, America “brutalized and, directly or indirectly, massacred millions of Muslim civilians, citizens of once-sovereign nations, throughout the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa,” – unprecedented lawlessness continuing unabated, millions more lives at risk.
    State-sponsored terror threatens world peace, America its lead perpetrator, waging war on humanity at home and abroad. Its rage for dominance created societies unfit to live in, imperiling life on earth. 
    Imperial madness threatens everyone, endless wars and headline-making violent incidents reminders of what’s at stake.
    Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at 
    His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
    Visit his blog site at 
    G4S calls itself the “world’s leading security solutions group.”The London-based company contracts often with the U.S. government — it currently operates 32 taxpayer-funded juvenile prisons in the U.S. through G4S Youth Services, and has transported and housed immigrant detainees on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security. G4S has also coordinated security for more than 90 percent of nuclear sites in the U.S, as well as airports, hospitals, and seaports.
    Orlando terrorist connected to radical Muslim cleric who was released from prison last year after he converted 36 people in jail and ‘runs a website used to dispense his teachings’
    • Officials say Omar Mateen, 29, was tied to former US Marine turned radical Muslim cleric Marcus Dwayne Robertson 
    • Robertson converted at least 36 people to his version of Islam while he was imprisoned for four years in jail before he was released
    Robertson, who was a former US Marine and undercover FBI agent before turning into a radical Imam, was released from prison last year despite warning from officials and prosecutors that he would recruit people to carry out horrendous acts of violence. 
    Investigative Report Proves Turkey Part of ISIS Terror
    “We must not question the motives of our elected leaders, who despite sitting on this information for years, still lie to us, flagrantly, even now, before the blood of 129 French citizens has even dried, pretending that they intend to ‘destroy’ a band of psychopathic murdering scum, armed and funded from within the heart of NATO,” Ahmed concludes.
    Says House Intel Chair: “Some of them have drifted back to the U.S.”
    “This is a big part of the reason why ISIS exists, it’s about perpetual war; the military industrial complex has to have new markets, has to make money, so they have to keep things in the Middle East unstable,” Henderson told Press TV on Saturday. 
    Why Barack Obama and most of the U.S. Congress are Guilty of Treason
    Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US “Created” ISIS As A “Tool” To Overthrow Syria’s President Assad
    The T-Shirts
    ISIS, apparently, sells merch. Not just T-shirts and baseball caps, but — gasp — toys for children! Here’s a CNN video from June 24. (I say “seems” because I came in late on this story and Google is a horrible research tool, so, readers, feel free to correct any of my misapprehensions.) Here’s the video:
    America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group

    Manufactured Terrorism The Orlando Santa Monica Connection ! | We Are Change

    NB Commentary: To date, I have read several articles and watch a plethora of YouTube videos on this subject and I have found this event to be very, very curious. There are so many distortions in the official story along with several distortions in the so-called alternative media and so called conspiracy theorists. But I must conclude 2 things.
    1. These events have become text book occurrences with all the usual suspects
    These events are having a counter effect, so instead of scaring folks to death it, they are actually making people roll over like a sleeping giant, and take a yawn.  Some folks are actually waking up and that’s a good thing.
    Ironically, if too many dots are connected, the whole 911 charade and all that followed will come tumbling down and even the most ardent, patriotic supporters for the “official story” will begin to question the “official media narrative.” Folks won’t be so afraid to question or even be called a conspiracy theorist.
    So Where are the Orlando bodies???
    2. One thing that is certainly very apparent, the internet is turning over rocks in these events like never before. With everything being listed there is some form or another, with a little investigation and open source sharing, information gathering has become a lot less complicated and difficult. And on a good day, the information falls right into the investigative reporter’s lap. This makes the owners of these scripted events look highly suspicious. They are almost laughable because a Hollyweird script would be more imaginative than the same old drama these events create over and over again.
    I strongly encourage folks to read this article in its entirety. It is very well written, very comprehensive along with revealing some deeply hidden characters and motives.
    After the overwhelming avalanche of information flow around Prince Rogers Nelson and Muhammad Ali, I really wanted to steer clear of this most recent act of social engineering. But, I guess, I must be an investigative journalist in my own right, and so here I am sharing this story, that I again, encourage you all to read in its entirety.
    I have already said my piece about US massacres in my other blog post. “Was Orlando Shooting a False Flag?”

    Manufactured Terrorism The Orlando Santa Monica Connection !
     by Danny F. Quest | Jun 15, 2016
    Howell Says CIA and Four Other Suspects were Involved in Planned Sunday Massacres
    Sources within the Santa Monica police department claim that James Wesley Howell, an Indiana man who was caught with explosives and weapons on Sunday Morning, told the Santa Monica police that as many as five people were involved in planned attacks on gay communities in both Florida and California.
    According to the LA Times, Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks initially said on Twitter that the 20-year-old Indiana man (James Howell) told one of her officers after he was arrested that he wanted “to harm the Gay Pride event.”
    However, after the FBI quickly took over the case, a Santa Monica police spokesman Saul Rodriguez indicated that Seabrooks was mistaken and offered that the Santa Monica detectives who were working the case are “not aware of what the suspect’s intentions were at this point.”
    You want proof? Call the Santa Monica PD, they released this story. SMH
    Address: 333 Olympic Dr, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Phone:(310) 395-9931
    Please share this vigorously and help me fight this false flag event.
    The official version of this story released by the LA Times falsely claims that on early Sunday, Santa Monica police received a call about a suspected prowler who was knocking on a resident’s door and window about 5 a.m. in the 1700 block of 11th Street, Santa Monica police said.
    Patrol officers responded and encountered Howell, who was sitting in a car registered in Indiana, police said. Officers inspected the car and found three assault rifles, high-capacity ammunition and a 5-gallon bucket containing “chemicals capable of forming an improvised explosive device,” police said.
    A law enforcement source who spoke on condition of anonymity said the contents of the bucket included Tannerite, an ingredient that could be used to create pipe bombs.
    The source, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the ongoing investigation, said authorities also found camouflage clothing in the car.
    Los Angeles County sheriff’s officials said the suspect told police he was going to the Pride parade to look for a friend. Authorities were looking for that individual.
    Place jacwueline Seabrooks tweet here
    Do police chiefs make these kind of errors everyday?
    The real truth of the story was released to a former Los Angeles County prosecutor who works for Get Off the BS by two Santa Monica police officers that have been issued gag orders under threat of Federal prosecution for talking further talking about the incident.
    According to two department sources, Howell called the Santa Monica police on Sunday morning claiming that he needed protection from the CIA. Howell further elaborated to the dispatcher stating that he “had been set up by the CIA – they are going to kill me.”
    According to Howell, he was in LA to meet with another person in a collaborated attack on the gay communities in both Florida and Los Angeles.
    Howell additionally stated that, “everything has gone south. Dan was gone when I got here. They killed the leader of the Florida attack this morning. They are going to kill me. I need protection.”
    According to sources within the police department’s investigation Howell indicated to officers who first made contact with him that Howell claimed he was one of five people involved in a planned Sunday attack on both the east and west coasts.
    Howell stated that he was suppose to “hook up” late Saturday night with his contact in LA who was suppose to have more weapons and chemicals to mix with the Tannerite he was in possession of.
    “When I got here, Dan was gone. I went to his apartment and he had cleared out….I tried calling him but he never answered me,” said Howell.
    When questioned about the other four people involved in the plot, Howell was only familiar with the first names of three of the alleged suspects, naming his contact in LA – Dan and two of the three contacts in Florida, Omarand Brandy
    Speaking of the suspect killed in the Pulse Bar massacre in Florida, Howell stated, “Omar was not suppose to be killed. They lied to us – Omar and Brandy were suppose to get away.”
    When Howell was questioned about how he and his conspirators knew each other, he said that,
    “We were all familiar with each other through an online fundamental Islamic knowledge seminary course[1] – we were recruited through the course and trained together at a camp in Virginia – we were taught how to shoot and make bombs – everyone knew their part – something went wrong….”
    Before the officers could further question Howell, agents working for the Los Angeles office of the FBI quickly swept in and took over the case. Santa Monica detectives were never allowed to talk with Howell.
    In summary, it appears that Howell was on his way to “hook up” with another conspirator (Dan) to set off explosives and shoot people at the gay pride parade in Hollywood California on Sunday.
    Finding his contact missing when he got to LA and having heard that Omar Matteen had been killed by a FBI SWAT teem in Orlando, Howell determined he had been double crossed by the CIA and feared for his own life
    Howell was taken in to custody by the FBI before Santa Monica police officers could further question him about the motives behind killing gay people on both coasts of the US on Sunday.
    However, in absence of further information and or anyone who will officially go on the record, there is no doubt that the America public is not being told the truth about the Orlando Florida shooting and the arrest of Howell on Sunday.
    It is a shame that the Fed’s got to the Santa Monica police chief on Sunday before she was silenced, however we are very thankful that at least two officers have risked their jobs and freedom to reveal what she would of most likely Tweeted had the Fed’s not got to her.
    Would you like to make odds that it was just a “coincidence” as the mainstream media reports, that Howell armed to the teeth with assault rifles and explosives, was on his way to a gay pride parade the same day as the massacre in Florida?
    This Post made with Assistance of  Truthcatradio #truthcat #truthcats #truthcatradio
    Follow CIA/NSA contractor and wistleblower Steven D Kelley
    Shortly after the posting of this story, Main-Stream USA News shed light on the Online Islamic Fundamental course Howell spoke of.
    Omar Mateen Did Not Act Alone!

    BACKFIRE: Guns Fly Off Shelves After Orlando Shooting Amid Calls for Gun Control
    Governments are the world’s biggest mass murderers by millions. Including China, Russia, Chile, Germany, Cuba, Ukraine, and yes, the U.S. —
    It’s just odd that he happened to be a mouthpiece for big oil in a documentary during the disaster here…and I say here because I’m in the Gulf and I know the truth about what happened here.

    Putin Orders “Doomsday” Plane Into Air After Military Warns US-Turkey Plot Is “Beyond Staggering”

    When I first read this article on, I was very skeptical of the report. Particularly since it was taken from the website,, a Sorcha Faal publication. I have watched this publication over the years starting with the big fail NESARA propaganda that had everyone thinking we were gonna be rich as soon as the Big Guys who are bigger than the other Big Guys make them change our monetary system to fair and equal. Well that rumor was going around since the 90’s and possibly before because I can remember how the internet looked back then, a far cry from what it looks like now. Most of the messages came in emails and from blogs. So, I reluctantly read this article.

    The more I read it the more my inner sense started to tell me that there was more than a kernel of truth to it. I did what I always do and search it on Google along with reading the comments. gets a really bad rap because some of their articles are simply NOT worth the read. However, I strongly encourage everyone to read this one. What convinced me of its legitimacy was the “Boiling Frogs” podcast by Sibel Edmonds which I have linked in this post. This report is dated 2014 but the information is so current it is unbelievable. She does have a certain bias, being Turkish herself but she laid it out there, thus verifying a large portion if not all of this article.

    Published on Jan 21, 2014 


    In this exclusive interview for the Boiling Frogs Post Eyeopener report, FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds discusses her recent article, “Turkish PM Erdogan: The Speedy Transformation of an Imperial Puppet.” We talk about Erdogan’s falling out with Fethullah Gülen and the CIA, and how serviceable puppets are discarded by their shadow government masters when they reach their “expiration date.”


    December 2, 2015

    Putin Orders “Doomsday” Plane Into Air After Military Warns US-Turkey Plot Is “Beyond Staggering”
    By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

    The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that President Putin has ordered the Federation’s Ilyushin-80 giant command and control aircraft designated for use during nuclear war (otherwise known as the “Doomsday plane”) to prepare for worldwide war operations within a fortnight after military intelligence analysts discovered a “beyond staggering” plot by United States and Turkish government factions to bring down Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan and replace him with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “designated figurehead” Fethullah Gulen—while at the same time utilizing Islamic State terrorists as “leverage”. 

    According to this report, this “beyond staggering” plot by the CIA to overthrow the current government of Turkey was first started in 2008 by the US military-intelligence establishment supported think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) whose board members are a “whose who” of American military connected individuals, including former US Vice President Richard Cheney, and whose research papers advocated the United States creating what they call a “moderate Muslim” majority in the Middle East to battle Islamic extremists and whose target nation for this action was Turkey.
    Aiding this CIA in this effort, this report continues, is the Turkish imam Fethullah Gulen who came to the United States in 1999 due to “health problems” and has stayed there since after gaining his visa with help from former CIA officials.
    The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), however, this report notes, resisted granting permanent residency status to Gulen and, according to secret US leaked cables,  parts of the American government have long believed that Gülen “is a ‘radical Islamist’ whose moderate message cloaks a more sinister and radical agenda.”
    Shortly after the CIA got Gulen into the United States, this report further explains, President Erdogan established in Turkey the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in 2001 as the “moderate Muslim” platform desired by the AEI to effectuate change throughout the entire Middle East using part of Gulen’s massive wealth estimated to be between $22-50 billion.

    Fethullah Gulen (l) with Recep Erdogan (r) in 1998

    In 2013 though, this report continues, then Prime Minister Erdogan discovered the CIA-Gulen plot against himself and Turkey which he publicaly labeled as an “international conspiracy” vowing revenge on Gulen and threatening Francis Ricciardone, the US ambassador to Turkey, with expulsion.
    Fearing their “moderate Muslim” project would be destroyed, this report grimly states, the CIA then transferred out of Turkey “selected” military and intelligence officers, before Erdogan could arrest them, to Iraq—and where on 8 April 2013 they declared themselves to be the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS/Daesh/Islamic State).

    With Gulen being described as nothing more than the projection of an idea from Langley Virginia CIA headquarters, an idea from essentially stupid people there who believed they could use him and they could abuse religion as a cover to advance their design for global control, this report continues, a duel arrangement was then brokered by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton between the Erdogan and Gulen factions in Turkey to split the illegal oil wealth captured by Islamic State terrorists in Iraq and Syria—and which Hillary Clinton has been paid by Gulen, to both her families foundation and presidential campaign, an estimated $1 million.
    As the MoD began just hours ago publishing the details “of Turkey robbing its neighbors”, this report notes, the continued mounting evidence of this massive CIA plot is now being openly supported by the Obama regime who announced yesterday they were sending more American troops to Iraq to protect their Islamic State allies—and which Iraq’s Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, said were not welcome and whose powerful Shiite militia leaders vowed to kill the moment they set foot on Iraqi soil
    Also, this report notes, as National Defense Management Center Lieutenant-General Mikhail Mizintsev today stated that the size of the illegal Erdogan-CIA-Gulen oil trade is impressive, and more information will be presented about it next week, Russian airstrikes have nevertheless destroyed 32 Islamic State oil production facilities, 11 refineries, and thousands of fuel trucks leaving MoD experts to wonder about whom the exactly the Obama and regime and its allies are going to attack and questioning their true motives.
    This is critical point to note, this report says, especially when viewed in the light of international law where Russia is the only military force currently to allowed to be operating in Syria, and which US Defense Secretary Ash Carter admitted to yesterday before the US Congress when he acknowledge that the claim of legal authority to make such a deployment under the terms of the 2001 legislation that authorized the use of military force (AUMF) in Afghanistan and Iraq (the only such congressional authorization on the books) did not exist to send American military forces into this war zone.
    With the Iraqi government already knowing that the Obama regime is supporting the Islamic State, and having videos showing US military forces dropping weapons and supplies to these terrorists, this report continues, the “true agenda” of the CIA’s plan to install Gulen in power is there for anyone to see if they so wished.

    But to what the Obama regimes “true agenda” actually is, this report claims, may to be to actually ignite World War III—particularly when seen by the evidence that the over 14,000 Islamic refugees reported completely vanished by Sweden have, in fact, been transported to the United States—most specially to the more than 100 radical Islamic charter schools owned and operated by “King of Madrasas” Gulen in the United States set up by a maze of dubious NGO’s—including George Soros’ Center for American Progress NGO which joined with Gulen, and which after this “beyond staggering” plot was discovered this past week caused Russia to label George Soros as threat to national security.
    And as to how these over 14,000 Islamic refugees in Sweden were able to gain Swedish passports to assure their visa free travel to the United States, this report further explains, began this past spring when  Margot Wallström, Sweden’s foreign minister, became the first Western official to publically denounce the subjugation of women in Saudi Arabia—and which aside from being met with the vast and powerful US-led propaganda machine used by this barbaric monarchy, also resulted in Sweden’s “surrender” thus giving the Saudi’s de facto veto power over Sweden’s foreign policy — and perhaps its domestic policies too.
    To what exact purpose the Obama regime has in secreting these over 14,000 Islamic refugees into the United States, this report concludes, can, perhaps, be seen more clearly in the massive military actions currently underway in America (specifically in the regions occupied by Gulen charter schools), and when combined with the actions currently being observed in the Middle East, shows a nation preparing for total global war.
    December 2, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

    How Russia is Smashing the Turkish Game in Syria

    NB Commentary:
    Okay, so somebody done pissed Putin off! Seriously, to say that the US should have known what was going on with the oil smuggling all the way across the water is a bit disingenuous to me. For surely them folks right there on that side of the world should have known about it as well.  With Russia spilling the beans on the corrupted enterprise called “War On Terror” he is showing the hand of all the perps.
    So why is Putin all of a sudden being “Mr. Tattle Spill the Beans” on the whole European NATO BS terrorist, kill job that they ain’t really trying to kill?
    Could it be that Putin’s Russia is sick and tired of being pushed around, bossed around, threatened with sanctions, blamed for shit they didn’t do and seriously played like a punk? How about the line that has been used over and over again, Protecting our National interests” for certainly the interests of Putin’s Russia is much more endangered by Turkey’s Terrorist than anyone else over here.
    Is Putin sick and tired of being sick and tired? And have you seen his approval ratings lately?? Personally, to me Putin is a Mobster who has finally got his time to shine. And the walls will come tumbling down cause last I heard mobsters don’t play. They will give you an offer you CAN’T REFUSE.”
    Just change the Name from “Bill” to “Putin” and sing along…

    And the questions remain as stated in this Counter Punch article by  Vijay Prashad..

    DECEMBER 3, 2015

    ISIS Oil


    The Europeans want to solve the refugee crisis. They believe that their bombing will advance their interests. It is likely to increase the displacement in Syria. The Turkish government’s demand for a “buffer zone” is of interest to the Europeans. They believe it is for refugees. But it could just as well be to protect the tankers from the Russian bombing raids. It is precisely what makes Corbyn’s demand so important – to hold a thorough investigation of the ISIS oil pipeline. Such an inquiry must ask the following questions:

    1 Who is carting the oil from Mosul to the Turkish border? Who owns those trucks?

    2 Who is carting the oil from the Turkish border to Ceylan? Who owns those trucks?

    3 How does ISIS oil go through Ceylan, a port owned by the Turkish government?

    4 Who owns the ships that cart the ISIS oil out of Turkey and to ports afield?

    5 What banks handle the transaction between the sale of ISIS oil and the foreign buyers? Should they also be implicated in the smuggling of ISIS oil?

    An investigation along these lines is overdue. It is not enough to accept or dismiss the Russian accusations. These should be used as an opportunity to clarify the actual pipelines for ISIS funding. Bombing the Omar fields in Syria – as the UK has done today – might not be sufficient. It might dust over the evidence of much greater complicity in ISIS oil.”


    How Russia is Smashing the Turkish Game in Syria

    DECEMBER 3, 2015

    So why did Washington take virtually forever to not really acknowledge ISIS/ISIL/Daesh is selling stolen Syrian oil that will eventually find is way to Turkey?
    Because the priority all along was to allow the CIA – in the shadows – to run a “rat line” weaponizing a gaggle of invisible “moderate rebels”.
    As much as Daesh – at least up to now – the Barzani mob in Iraqi Kurdistan was never under Washington’s watch. The oil operation the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) runs to Turkey is virtually illegal; stolen state-owned oil as far as Baghdad is concerned.
    Daesh stolen oil can’t flow through Damascus-controlled territory. Can’t flow though Shi’ite-dominated Iraq. Can’t go east to Iran. It’s Turkey or nothing. Turkey is the easternmost arm of NATO. The US and NATO “support” Turkey. So a case can be made that the US and NATO ultimately support Daesh.
    What’s certain is that illegal Daesh oil and illegal KRG oil fit the same pattern; energy interests by the usual suspects playing a very long game.
    What these interests are focused on is to control every possible oil asset in Iraqi Kurdistan and then in “liberated” Syria. It’s crucial to know that Tony “Deepwater Horizon” Hayward is running Ug Genel, whose top priority is to control oil fields that were first stolen from Baghdad, and will eventually be stolen from Iraqi Kurds.
    And then, there’s the Turkmen powder keg.
    The key reason why Washington always solemnly ignored Ankara’s array of shady deals in Syria, through its fifth column Turkmen jihadis, is because a key CIA “rat line” runs exactly through the region known as Turkmen Mountain.
    These Turkmen supplied by Ankara’s “humanitarian” convoys got American TOW-2As for their role in preserving prime weaponizing/ smuggling routes. Their advisers, predictably, are Xe/Academi types, formerly Blackwater. Russia happened to identify the whole scam and started bombing the Turkmen. Thus the downing of the Su-24.
    The Turkmen fifth column
    Now the CIA is on a mission from God – frantically trying to prevent the rat line from being definitely smashed by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on the ground and Russia in the air.
    The same desperation applies to the Aleppo-Azez-Killis route, which is also essential for Turkey for all kinds of smuggling.
    The advanced arm of the “4+1” alliance – Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, plus Hezbollah – is taking no prisoners trying to re-conquer these two key corridors.
    And that explains Ankara’s desperation – with a little help from His Masters’ Voice – to come up with an entirely new rat line/corridor through Afrin, currently under Syrian Kurd control, before Damascus forces and Russia air power get there.
    Once again it’s important to remember that a gaggle of Turkmen outfits are Ankara’s fifth column in northern Syria.
    Most Turkmen live in Kurdish territories. And here’s the ultimate complicating factor; the majority happens to live in the Jarablus region, currently controlled by ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. It’s exactly this area that is cutting the geographic connection between the two Kurdish cantons, Kobani and Afrin.
    So imagine a continuous Syrian Kurd control/autonomy/corridor all across the Turkish-Syrian border. For Ankara this is the ultimate nightmare. Ankara’s strategy is to move its Turkmen pawns, with added “moderate rebels”, all across the Jarablus region. The pretext: wipe Daesh off the map. The real reason: prevent the two Kurdish cantons – Afrin and Kobani – from merging.
    And once again Ankara will be directly pitted against Moscow.
    The Russian strategy rests on very good relations with Syrian Kurds. Moscow not only supports the Syrian Kurd canton merger, but qualifies it as an important step on the way to a new Syria rid of takfiris. Russia will even officially recognize the PYD (Democratic Union Party) and allow them a representative office in Russia.
    Ankara regards the PYD and its paramilitary arm, the YPG (People’s Protection Units) as branches of the PKK. It gets curioser an curioser when we know that both Moscow and Washington are cooperating with the YPG against ISIS/ISIL/Daesh.
    The predictable All-Out Ankara Freak Out came in the form of Sultan Erdogan declaring the Euphrates a “red line” for the YPG. If they try to move westward to fight Daesh, sending them out of the Jarablus area, the Turkish Army will strike.
    It’s absolutely key for Turkey to control this area between Jarablus and Afrin because here is the site of the would-be “safe zone”, actually a no-fly zone, which Ankara dreams of implementing using the 3 billion euros just extorted from the EU to house refugees but also control northern Syria. Turkmen would be in charge of the area – as well as the Azez-Aleppo line, assuming the SAA does not clear it for good.
    The case for UEBA
    So Ankara is looking at two very unpleasant Turkmen-filled scenarios to say the least.
    Turkmen instrumentalized by Ankara to become gatekeepers against the Kurdish YPG; that means a nasty sectarian divide, orchestrated by Turkey, whose greatest loser is the unity of the Syrian nation.
    Meanwhile, the SAA and Russian air power are on the verge of total control of Turkmen Mountain.
    This will allow the “4+1” to go much deeper fighting against the so-called Army of Conquest and its twin-headed reptile, Jabhat al-Nusra (a.k.a. al-Qaeda in Syria) and Ahrar al-Sham, the whole lot “supported” and weaponized by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
    The “4+1” inexorable advance comes with extra benefits; the end of all rat lines in the region, and no more possible threats to Russia’s air base in Hmeimim.
    Make no mistake that Moscow will inflict as much pain on Sultan Erdogan as possible.
    As Turkish newspaper Radikal quoted him, Prof. Abbas Vali of Bogazici University confirmed, “The PYD was pleased about Russia’s intervention in Syria. An alliance between the PYD and Russia is inevitable. Russia’s bombardment of the radical Islamist groups on the ground will have a huge impact on the PYD operations.”
    So no matter which way we look, Turkey and Russia are on a serious collision course in Syria. Moscow will support Syrian Kurds no holds barred as they push to link the three major Kurdish cantons in northern Syria into a unified Rojava.
    As for Washington’s “strategy”, it now boils down to the CIA need of a new rat line. That could imply sitting on the – weaponized – sidelines watching Turkmen and Kurds slug it out, thus creating an opening for the Turkish Army to intervene, and the Russian Air Force to prevent it, with all hell guaranteed to break loose.
    The fact remains that Sultan Erdogan badly needs a new CIA-secured rat line to weaponize not only his fifth column Turkmen but also Chechens, Uzbeks and Uyghurs. And Bilal Erdogan, a.k.a. Erdogan Mini Me, desperately needs new oil smuggling routes and a couple of new tankers; Russia is watching their every move. The latest news from Russia’s Defense Ministry has struck like a volcanic eruption; the Erdogan family mob was branded as “criminals”, with Moscow presenting only an appetizer of all the evidence it has in store.
    So we have the Afghan heroin rat line. The Libyan oil racket (now over). The Ukraine fascist rat line. The Libya to Syria weapon rat line. The stolen Syrian oil trade. The northern Syrian rat lines. Let’s call them UEBA: Unregulated Exceptionalist Business Activities. What’s not to like? There’s no business like war business.
    Pepe Escobar is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007), Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge and Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009).  His latest book is Empire of Chaos. He may be reached at

    A Game Worth the Candle: Terror and the Agenda of our Elites | Articles

    A Game Worth the Candle: Terror and the Agenda of our Elites

    Chris Floyd

    Published: 14 November 2015 
    People see the carnage in Paris, and cry, “When will this end?” The hard answer is that it is not going to end, not any time soon. We are living through the horrific consequences of decisions and actions taken long ago, as well as those of being taken right now. The currents and movements set in motion by these actions cannot be quelled in an instant — not by wishing, not by hashtags of solidarity or light shows on iconic buildings … and certainly not by more bombing, destruction, repression and lies, which are the main drivers of our present-day hell.

    There will be no end to rampant terrorism soon because our leaders are not really interested in quelling terrorism. This is simply not a priority for them. For example, in the past 12 years they have utterly destroyed three largely secular governments (Iraq, Libya and Syria) and turned them into vast spawning grounds for violent sectarianism. They did this despite reports from their own intelligence services and military analysts telling them that the spread of violent extremism would almost certainly be the outcome of their interventions. But for our leaders — both the elected ones and the elites they serve — their geopolitical and macroeconomic agendas outweighed any concerns over these consequences. Put simply, to them, the game was worth the candle. They would press ahead with their agenda, knowing that it would exacerbate extremism and terrorism, but doubtless hoping that these consequences could be contained — or better yet, confined to nations seen as rivals to that agenda, or to remote places and peoples of no worth to our great and good.
    Our leaders are not opposed to terrorism, neither as a concept nor as a practical tool. Over the past several decades, our leaders and their allies and puppets around the world have at times openly supported terrorist violence when it suited their aims. The prime example is in Afghanistan, where Jimmy Carter and his Saudi allies began arming and funding violent jihadis BEFORE the Soviet incursion there. In fact, as Carter’s own foreign policy guru, Zbigniew Brzezinski, has openly stated, the United States began supporting Islamist terrorism in Afghanistan precisely in order to draw the Soviet Union into the country. Despite fierce internal opposition in the Kremlin, the Soviets finally took the bait, and sent in troops to save the secular government it was backing from the fundamentalist rebellion.
    Ronald Reagan continued and expanded this policy. The same type of men now in charge of ISIS and al Qaeda were welcomed to the Oval Office and praised by Reagan as “the moral equivalent of our founding fathers.” They were given arms, money and training in terrorist tactics by our military and intelligence services. They were given textbooks — prepared, financed and distributed by the US government — to indoctrinate schoolchildren in violent jihad. The creation of this worldwide network of Islamic extremists was aimed at weakening the Soviet Union. This was the overriding geopolitical concern of the time. Any other consequences that might flow from this policy — creating a global infrastructure of sectarian extremism, seeding a radical minority with arms, funds and innumerable contacts and connections with state were considered unimportant. But we are now living with those consequences.
    These are not the only examples of course. For instance, the United States supported — and went to war for — the KLA in Kosovo, a group that it had earlier condemned as terrorists for years. The cultish terror group MEK —which not only carried out deadly terrorist attacks in Iran but also murdered American government officials — is now honored and supported by top politicians from both parties in Washington. The United States now calls al Qaeda associates in Syria “moderate rebels” and provides arms to their allies. The United States is deeply involved in Saudi Arabia’s horrific attack on Yemen against the Houthis, who had been bottling up al Qaeda in the country. Now, thanks to US bombs and guidance — and participation in a blockade of Yemen that is driving the country to starvation — al Qaeda is thriving there again. The violent extremists that the West knowingly and openly helped in NATO’s destruction of Libya are now exporting weapons and terrorists throughout Africa and the Middle East.
    Again, in almost all of these cases, Western leaders were specifically warned by their own experts that their actions would exacerbate extremism and violence. And again, with this knowledge, they decided that their geopolitical agendas were more important than these consequences. This agenda — maintaining and expanding their political and economic dominance, and preserving the power and privileges that a militarist empire gives to those at the top — was more important than the security and welfare of their own people.
    In this, they are as one with the leaders of ISIS and al Qaeda. They too know that the chief victims of their actions will not be the elites of the West but the ordinary Muslims going about their lives in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India and elsewhere. But their own similar agenda — power, privilege, domination — outweighs any concerns for innocent human lives.

    This is the abysmal, despairing tragedy of our times. Our lives, and the lives of our children and descendants, do not really matter to our leaders; certainly not more than the agendas they pursue. And so despite the horrors we’ve seen in the past few weeks — and yes, the bombing of the Russian airliner, the mass murders in Beirut and Baghdad are every bit as horrific and grievous as the attack on Paris — nothing is likely to change. Our leaders are not even beginning to take the steps necessary to even begin addressing the consequences of their morally demented agenda and at last begin the long process of reversing the current of violence and extremism that assails us. Instead, at every turn, they are adding to the flow of death and madness, despite the stark, undeniable evidence of the consequences of their actions.
    They say they are at war with terrorism. It’s a lie. They use terrorism and terrorists when it suits their agenda. They say they are “at war” with ISIS, an enemy which they tell us represents an existential threat to human civilization, and whose destruction is now our “highest priority.”  It’s a lie. In a real war against such a threat, you would make common cause against the common enemy, even if you find your allies distasteful. Thus the mutually loathing capitalists of the West and communists of the Soviet Union (and elsewhere) made common cause against Nazi Germany.
    If we were really “at war” with ISIS, if its military defeat really was an overriding concern, then the West would form a military coalition with Iran, Russia, Turkey, the Syrian government and others to carry out this goal. It is obvious that for the West, the overthrow of the Assad government is far more important than defeating ISIS or bringing the conflict in Syria to an end by diplomatic means.

    Instead, our leaders give every indication that they will continue the policies that have brought us to this dark and evil place. With the near-total ignorance and amnesia of our media class, there is little hope that public opinion can be mobilized to insist on a new course. And so, at some point soon, we will see more iconic buildings bathed in the colors of a Western nation (but never one from the Middle East, whose peoples suffer more, by several orders of magnitude, from the decades of extremism fostered by the West). And this will go on, year after year, until we decide that human life, human dignity, human freedom are more important than our leaders’ agendas of greed and domination.

    6 Painful Truths About the War on Terrorism

    6 Painful Truths About the War on Terrorism

    Dylan CharlesEditor

    If you were 4 years old when 9/11 occurred in 2001, then you’re now old enough to enlist and fight in the war on terror. Recent geo-political events suggest that this conflict may endure for some generations to come, so, regretfully, your children may also get to participate. The war on terrorism is apparently part of our culture and part of our lives now.

    The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for peace in our time, in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it: We are at war now — with somebody — and we will stay at war with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives.It will be a Religious War, a sort of Christian Jihad, fueled by religious hatred and led by merciless fanatics on both sides. It will be guerilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy.” – Hunter S. Thompson

    By no means a prophet, Hunter S. Thompson was just an eccentric observer with a knack for connecting the dots between political events and the ongoing mainstream media narrative that supports and manufactures consent for the oligarchy. When taken at face value, the terror script is indeed a rather convincing and motivating story, but when you dismantle the official fiction and bring the hidden pieces into the picture, the truth about the war on terror is just too heavy for conscious people to ignore any longer.
    As it persists, international terrorism is guaranteed to increase, and as time goes by, we learn more and more about the real reasons why we’ve been forced into this apocalyptic conflict. After nearly 15 years of kicking down doors, drone bombing villagers, shattering societies, and mourning our own senselessly dead, here are 6 things we now know for sure about the war on terrorism.

    “The first casualty when war comes is truth.”  – Hiram W. Johnson

    1.) The war on terror was never about ensuring the security of Americans at home or abroad, nor was the current situation the result of foreign policy blunders.
    The conflict was engineered from the onset to break up, destroy and destabilize most of the oil-producing countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa. The war on terrorism is about control of oil, about conquering national economies and turning them over to ‘foreign investors,’ about demonizing Muslim nations, about creating a lawless territory in which to develop Western controlled mercenary armies like ISIS, about protecting Israel’s interests in the region, aboutdestabilizing Europe, about opening access to the poppy fields of Afghanistan, and about punishing those nations which dared to defy the international banking cartel by moving to avert the petro-dollar.
    The war on terrorism is also about radically altering the legal framework of Western governments to allow for greater surveillance, control and the militarization of once free societies. The aim is to continually broaden the definition of terrorism so that any act of defiance against the state or the corporate oligarchy, whether advocating for human rights, the environment, or any other issue of popular concern, can be persecuted without due process. The war on terror will be used to target American citizens who support the idea of limited government and strive to maintain the protections afforded by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States of America.
    Additionally, the war on terror is about creating new markets for the security industry and opening steady income streams for war profiteers and arms manufacturers, so that a relative minority can profit heavily from the continuance of the war and the waste, swindling and destruction involved.

    2.) The war on terror doesn’t stop terror, because it is terror.
    The Western nations most heavily invested in the war on terror are also the nations most heavily involved in global arms trading, which gives advanced weaponry to any despotic tin pot dictator with an oilfield. And France just happens to be the world’s number one exporter of arms per capita.The Western ‘coalition’ regularly kills civilians in other nations directly and indirectly, which is in and of itself a very real type of terrorism.

    “You cannot have freedom or peace in a country whose government is engaged in the global wholesale of advanced military arms and weaponry to national governments.”Stefan Molyneux

    Regional arms sales by the UK.
    3.) Our worst terrorist enemies are the products of government, the military industrial complex and Western intelligence agencies.
    The Mujahideen was originally organized, funded, trained and supplied by the CIA to oppose the Soviet Union. The Mujahideen became Al Qaeda with the assistance of Saudi Arabia and American training, arms and financial aid. Al Qaeda has morphed into, or been replaced with ISIS, who is the creation of the military industrial complex, the US, Israel, the UK and France, and is supported by some 40 other nations who knowingly trade and deal with ISIS.

    “They tax you in order to create weapons to sell to foreigners to attack you.” –Stefan Molyneux

    ISIS, the new Islamic Caliphate as they call it, is the most barbaric, cruel and inhumane social movement to come about in some number of centuries, perhaps even a millenia or more. ISIS was given birth and nurtured into being by the West, and now, primarily Muslim people are suffering horribly in their own homelands while the war intensifies and extends into Europe in acts of urban terrorism.

    Video from November 2015 of an ISIS fighter in Syria using an American TOW missile to waste an American Humvee.

    4.) The mainstream media plays a crucial in perpetuating the war on terrorism.
    The primary role of the corporate-owned and government-controlled mainstream media is to transform selected acts of terror into enduring symbols that can be used again and again to reinforce the war on terror narrative. Their secondary role is to keep the level of tension and stress as high as possible by ceaselessly over-reacting to non-events and over-reporting on non-issues, thereby keeping the public captivated and hypnotized by an ongoing drama so that when a major event does occur it has the greatest possible psychological impact.
    Reporting on global terrorism is duplicitous and hypocritical because certain events have more franchise than others in influencing public support for government policy changes and military actions. In the practical world of marketing, French flags pictured draped over national monuments at night-time will go much further in promoting the war on terror than Kenyan flags draped over African monuments.
    The media uses shock and awe in a war of psychological attrition against the public. The objective is to incapacitate and sideline people from participating in dissent, while scaring people into acquiescence to any imposed government authority or security measures.

    5.) State-sponsored False flag attacks still work to achieve political objectives.
    There is a tremendous continual international effort underway to expose the true facts behind each new terror attack, terror plot, and major government lie. The alternative media is growing in reach and effectiveness, however, the reality is that the Hegelian dialectic of problem, reaction, solution still works on a shell-shocked public.

    6.) Suicide is more deadly to our soldiers than any terrorist organization.
    The war on terrorism represents the first time in US history that suicide has been the leading cause of death of US soldiers. The psychological impact of this type of conflict is unique and the suicide rate of returning soldiers may be our best evidence that the war is unwinnable.

    Final Thoughts
    The goal of the war on terror is transform people into willing participants in chaos, mayhem and murder, or to turn them into collateral damageNobody is born a terrorist, and we are all being set up as dispensable pawns in an orchestrated clash of civilizations.
    The truth is out there. When you cut through the propaganda, emotional triggers, and the divisive nature of discourse today, what’s left is the truth that the war on terror is something that we must end. The rise in global consciousness and our willingness to speak out may be our only hope.

    Read more articles from Dylan Charles.
    About the Author
    Dylan Charles is a student and teacher of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, a practitioner of Yoga and Taoist arts, and an activist and idealist passionately engaged in the struggle for a more sustainable and just world for future generations. He is the editor of, the proprietor of, a grateful father and a man who seeks to enlighten others with the power of inspiring information and action. He may be contacted at
    This article (6 Painful Truths About the War on Terrorism) was originally created and published byWaking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Dylan Charles and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.
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    Warhawks: U.S. Officially in "Proxy War" with Russia, Putin Is the New Hitler

    Warhawks: U.S. Officially in “Proxy War” with Russia, Putin Is the New Hitler

    The irony of this whole thing is that Putin has more reason to defend Syria against ISIS than any other Western nation because Russia’s borders and Russia’s interests are closer to the mark. Anglo-American interests merely lie on dollars and cents, but Russia due to its close proximity has a stronger case in  its right to wipe out ISIS.
    Alternatively, the US launched this so-called war on Terror. In doing so, it opened the door for any Nation who feels threatened to launch such a war, not only within its borders but outside of its borders as well. The US and it’s allies in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar and Egypt have all done the bidding of the West in adding their resources in this so-called War on Terror. But now that Russia wants to get into the act, they flip the switch and throw blame at Russia for doing exactly what the US and its allies have felt was their right and that is bomb foreign people in foreign countries half way around the world.

    To me, the reality is, them fat folks who don’t fight on the front lines, want to instigate another confrontation to CYA, a lose, lose strategy of suicide. To hell with the soldiers, their families and loved ones, to hell with the infrastructure of Syria, to hell with the immigrant crisis, to hell with the US deficit and its inability to channel these billions into the American economy, tell hell with it all! The US can not stand to be upstaged by somebody ELSE trying to be the world’s next super power.

    Reminds me of the old “QuickDraw McGraw” cartoon and what he would say whenever Baba Louie had an idea. He would retort, “Baba Louie, I’ll do the thinnin around here and doooonnnnn’t you for get IT!!”

    @ 3:12 “I’ll do the thinning around here, and doooon’t you forget it!”

    Quickdraw McGraw – 6 Gun Spook

    Baba Looey to the Rescue
    Quick Draw McGraw was a cartoon horse with a red cowboy hat and a blue scarf. He played a sheriff in the wild, wild, West. The character was voiced by the inimitable Daws Butler.
    His sidekick and deputy, Baba Looey, was a donkey whose accent reminded one of Ricky Ricardo of I Love Lucy fame. His name was spun off Ricardo’s famous song, Baba Lu.
    As sheriff, Quick Draw made the decisions. Baba Looey, though often more reasoned, would be told when trying to interject a cogent idea, “I’ll do the thinning around here, and doooon’t you forget it!” Of course, Baba Looey was always right, and Quick Draw saved the day, in spite of himself.
    Walking on two feet, like a human, Quick Draw had hoof-like hands, modified with fingers so he could hold his gun. He was so human-like, he even rode his own horse. Viewers were treated to the unlikely spectacle of a horse on a horse.
    In another “persona,” Quick Draw could don a mask and become El-Kabong, a Zorro parody. As El-Kabong, he would subdue bandits by bashing them over the head with his guitar while simultaneously yelling,”KABONG!!!! His instrument never survived.
    Toonopedia has a website with more information on Hanna-Barbera’s Quick Draw McGraw.

      Before Putin Showed Up, 11 Other Countries Were Already Bombing Syria

      OCTOBER 12, 2015
      Russia has struck over 110 ISIS targets in Syria in just two weeks. Over 40% of the Islamic State’s infrastructure has reportedly been destroyed already.
      We lost track somewhere (sadly), but it was recently noted by Putin that, by the time Russia showed up and started systematically destroying ISIS in short order, there were already 11 other countries bombing Syria.
      Eleven other countries…
      In fact, it has been over a year since America started an airstrike campaign over there.
      What does that tell you?
      It hardly needs to be pointed out how blatantly obvious it is that, regardless of how many billions the American people were told just had to be spent “fighting the terrorists” over there, this was never for one hot second about the West actually stopping ISIS.
      The only way that lie works is if the Western coalition is the most inept terror rescue team ever invented in the history of time.
      Further, instead of applauding Putin’s timely and efficient intervention in Syria, the West is protesting Russia’s involvement and bombing of terrorists.
      It’s as if they want the terrorists to win, isn’t it? If Assad gets deposed, then what? The terrorists take over? Yeah, that worked really well in Libya, Iraq, Egypt…
      Meanwhile, NATO has dusted off and thoroughly updated its Cold War plans like giddy children at Christmas. Sure took them long enough to get their pretext to drag Russia into war, didn’t it?
      Melissa Dykes (formerly Melton) is a co-founder of She is an experienced researcher, graphic artist and investigative journalist with a passion for liberty and a dedication to truth. Her aim is to expose the New World Order for what it is — a prison for the human soul from which we must break free.

    What in the World is Happening in Macedonia?? by Brando Turbeville

    What In The World Is Happening In Macedonia?


    By Brandon Turbeville

    In May 2015, protests began erupting in Skopje, Macedonia against the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and his government. The protests, led by Zoran Zaev, were allegedly in response to the massive spying and surveillance of Macedonian officials and other individuals as well as an alleged cover-up of a killing of a young man by police in 2011. The protests were largely focused on the issue of government corruption, with tens of thousands of people in the streets of Skopje, demanding the Prime Minister’s resignation as well as that of other members of his government.

    A major protest occurred on May 5 and several other anti-government protests have taken place since then. While some protests have remained peaceful, there has been widespread violence from other demonstrations. On the May 5 protest alone, violent clashes took place between protesters and police with injuries taking place on both sides.

    In the days that followed, several Macedonian ministers resigned from their posts, including the Interior Minister. Prime Minister Gruevski, however, has refused to resign, characterizing such a move as cowardly behavior.

    On May 17, thousands of protesters once again descended upon the streets of Skopje to demand the ouster of the current government. On May 18, however, thousands more took to the streets to protest in support of the current government and Prime Minister Gruevski.

    An anti-government, anti-Gruevski camp has been set up outside government offices and remains there indefinitely with several hundred inhabitants on average.

    With such social unrest taking place in Macedonia, one need only look to the NATO/US and George Soros-funded networks to see the hidden hand of the Western Color Revolution apparatus at work.

    Macedonia may at first seem an unlikely target of the Anglo-American color revolution apparatus, but the truth is that the small country is now the latest battleground in a proxy war between Russia and the West. Not only are the two sides competing for influence over the domestic affairs and political decisions of the Macedonian government, there is also the question of geopolitical positions and the agenda of the creation of micro-states and mini-states. Most notably, however, is the interest regarding the Balkan Stream pipeline (aka the Turkish Stream Pipeline).

    George Soros, NATO, US Color Revolution Apparatus Behind the Unrest In Macedonia

    George Soros is most well-known for playing a major role in the funding and facilitating of the “Bulldozer Revolution” in Serbia that overthrew Slobodan Milosevic in 2000, Georgia’s “Rose Revolution” of 2003, the 2006 push to move Turkey toward a more Islamist governing structure, and even the Occupy movement in the United States among a great many others – none of which brought anything other than greater misery, impoverishment, and police state mechanisms to bear on the general public. The Occupy movement, being the only exception, still brought nothing to its participants except the opportunity to burn off excess anger and energy along with a few cracked protester skulls. It was otherwise an incredible waste of time.

    In addition, George Soros has been heavily involved in the social unrest and movement-wrecking activity that has taken place all across the United States in recent months. From Florida to Ferguson and then on to Baltimore, George Soros’ Foundations have been involved in making sure that not only are American citizens unable to overcome racial divisions with mutual cooperation but that even the racially isolated participants are unable to accomplish anything of substance.

    In Macedonia, like in the United States, Soros organizations work under the pretense of left cover. In other words, Soros NGOs fund and operate organizations and movements that are seen as Left in nature but are, in reality, revolutionary organizations designed to push a political agenda, change Macedonian culture, install puppet regimes, and ultimately serve the purpose of the Anglo-American oligarchy.

    George Soros’ most well-known NGO is the Open Society Institute, is highly active in Macedonia and itself works with a plethora of “civil society organizations” throughout the country that function as the OSI (and hence the West’s) tentacles in Macedonian society. This is what has prompted some in Macedonia to say in regards to Soros that “Soros came into Macedonia like a Trojan horse, and now he is an octopus.”

    The OSI has been active in Macedonia for some time, with Vladimir Milcin heading the organization for nearly twenty years. Milcin was a former police informant in the days of Communism. Milcin was instrumental in ratting out a dissident actor Risto Siskov.

    The Soros networks in Macedonia are extremely powerful. As Jay Nordlinger reported for the National Review after having traveled to Macedonia,

    In America for the past many years, we have had a plethora of Soros-funded groups:, Media Matters, the Center for American Progress, etc. Macedonia has its rough equivalents. But they mean more in Macedonia than the Soros-funded groups do in America. Back home, we have a zillion conservative groups to counter the Soros groups. The Left has its billionaires, we have ours. You hit me with Soros? Okay, I’ll hit you with a Koch or two. In Macedonia, I’m told, there is no tradition of donating money to a cause. There aren’t think tanks and activist groups and the rest on the right. So, the “Sorosoids” own the field. 

    While this may be a bit of an exaggeration – the Right clearly has its own agents of control and dissemination – it is clearly true that the Soros influence extends far beyond being able to drive public opinion through clever networking ideas Indeed, through a much tighter grasp upon media outlets themselves, Soros is vastly more influential in the way that news and events are reported than in other locations, even those located in Eastern Europe.

    That being said, it should be pointed out that Macedonian news outlets like Telma and 24 Vesti are both major players in promoting the anti-government protests (in addition to other operations). Both of these outlets are funded by George Soros.

    Indeed, even “opposition leader” Zoran Zaev is a notorious Soros-funded agent with close connections to the CIA. Not only Zaev, but his entire Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) party (the former Communist party) has been entirely taken over by the Soros machine. As Wayne Madsen writes,

    Zaev and [Radmila] Sekerinska are said by Macedonian insiders to be nothing more than fronts for former Prime Minister and President Branko Crvenkovski who continues to head up the SDSM and accept large amounts of largesse from such CIA NGO laundry operations as the National Democratic Institute (NDI), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Freedom House, and Soros’s Open Society Institute (OSI) to foment a themed revolution against Gruevksi’s right-of-center VMRO-DPMNE government.

    It is also a known fact that the OSI receives are large amount of money from the US State Department’s USAID.

    Interestingly enough, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, has been charged by Macedonian intelligence of conspiring with Zaev of the SDSM.

    Wayne Madsen further describes the role of Victoria Nuland by writing:

    The unapologetic foul-mouthed Nuland met on the side of the 51st Munich Security Conference in Germany with Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki and President Gjorge Ivanov to express her displeasure at Gruevski’s insurrection charges against her friend Zaev and his SDSM co-conspirators. Earlier, Nuland had offered to mediate a long-standing dispute between Greece and Macedonia over the latter’s use of the name Macedonia, which some Greeks consider to be a solely Greek name. Macedonian observers viewed Nuland’s interest in the name dispute to be a trap that would enable a pro-U.S. government, along with the Zionist and global banker baggage that comes with any such «themed» coup d’etat, to seize power in Skopje. Nuland and her co-conspirators were hoping for a replay of Kiev in what can be termed «Kiev Version 2.0.» 

    Nuland and her co-conspirators in Skopje are alarmed over the speed at which the Macedonian security services rounded up the coup plotters. Macedonian police, in raids conducted in Skopje and Veles, seized five laptop computers, three desktop computers, 19 mobile phones, 100 CDs and DVDs, 17 hard disks, and 9 savings deposit books used by the coup plotters, including a number linked to Soros-financed NGOs. The bank accounts of the plotters reportedly were flush with healthy cash deposits from the CIA as the date of the planned coup approached. 

    The use of social media by the Soros/CIA coup plotters should come as no surprise. Social media served at the very core of the themed revolutions sponsored by the CIA and Soros twice in Ukraine (Orange Revolution and Euro-Maidan uprising), Jasmine Revolution (Tunisia), Lotus Revolution (Egypt), Rose Revolution (Georgia), Tulip Revolution (Kyrgyszstan), and Green Revolution (Iran). In the case of Macedonia, there are clear indications that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) Thomas Melia, responsible for DRL’s work in Europe, including Russia, as well as the Middle East and North Africa, conspired directly with Zaev to mount a coup against the Gruevski government. Melia is the former deputy director of Freedom House, a Cold War-era neoconservative bevvy of U.S. war hawks based in New York. Although founded in 1941 by such progressives as Eleanor Roosevelt, Ralph Bunche, journalist Dorothy Thompson, novelist Rex Stout (creator of Nero Wolfe), and Republican presidential candidate Wendell Willkie (who would be considered by today’s Republicans in the U.S. as a stark-raving liberal), Freedom House has devolved into a neoconservative chatter source having employed as their board members in recent years such war hawk cretins as Paul Wolfowitz, Ken Adelman, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Donald Rumsfeld, and Otto Reich. Freedom House has been caught red-handed funneling CIA money to opposition groups in Iran, Sudan, Russia, and China. In essence, Freedom House, like Soros’s NGOs, serves as a conduit for CIA support for rebellious opposition forces in dozens of countries around the world, countries that now include Macedonia, as well as Hungary, Venezuela, Syria, Egypt, Serbia, Jordan, Mexico, and Cuba.

    In addition, it has been reported by a number of media outlets, most notably the Russian and Macedonian press, that George Soros has tapped into the Canvas network, enlisting the organization to “help” in Macedonian protests.

    According to Macedonia Online,

    Canvas members have managed to get themselves permanently banned from ever entering Russia, but they are welcome in the Macedonian capital. Soros Open Society Institute and the CIA via its fronts (PNAC, NED, USAid) have hired Canvas to do work in Macedonia. Canvas issued a memo to Macedonian students (three weeks prior to protests) that they would award the two best protest ideas with $1,500. 

    The ideas were sent to Sonja Ismail, daughter of Guner Ismail, a popular SDSM member and official.

    Macedonia Online further describes the Canvas organization by stating the following:

    The gang pretending to be NGOs and trained to overthrow Governments and stage Coups around the world is paying $1,500 for ideas how to better organize demonstrations, reports Vecer. 

    That gang is Soros’ Open Society Institute, USAid (Front for the CIA) and the Forum Group (another Soros “NGO”). This group has already backed and financed not just the Macedonian opposition SDSM, but their activists & protests, dating back to 2011.
    Serbian based Canvas led by Srgja Popovic who specializes in demonstrations has been hired both by Soros and the CIA to “help” in Macedonia. Canvas has gained quite the notoriety. Namely, the UAE has listed Canvas in the same ranks as Al-Qaeda, it is the only non-muslim terrorist organization! 

    Canvas and Srgja Popovic were instrumental in bringing chaos to Ukraine (look at Ukraine today) and in removing Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak from power (look at Egypt now). 


    Canvas first earned its notoriety for bringing down Milosevic. But it didn’t stop there. Canvas was repeatedly hired by the CIA to organize protests in Gruzia, Moldavia, the Maldives, Lebanon, Egypt, Ukraine…. Canvas first appeared in Macedonia in 2009, when it became apparent the SDSM will be in opposition once again. The thug for hire himself Srgja Popovic was present in Ohrid to christen the opening of a “Canvas Academy” where future protesters and activists would be trained and be called upon when the time is right.

    Who was the financier of this academy? USAID and Soros. Soros employees Gjuner Ismail and Sasho Ordanovski were the promoters. 

    “Students were paid and agrgresively trained on how to protest in December of 2014 and January of 2015. Srgja Popovic himself showed up and met with Zaev in March, April and early May 2015. On May 6th Canvas (SDSM) activists violently attacked policemen, injuring 38”, reported Vecer. 

    Canvas was heavily involved in the death of Russian opposition leader Nemtsov, just few days before the opposition protest. The goal was to destabilize the situation, create internal conflict. But most Russian saw through the orchestrated murder for what it was, an ordered hit. When one takes into account the wife of Canvas’ leader worked at Stratfor (another CIA front), then things become clear, says Vecer. 

    Prior to Canvas, Serbia had another group created by undercover NGOs. It was called “Otpor”, financed by Freedom House, another front for the CIA. Even the UN investigated Freedom House for their ties to the CIA. Members of Otpor have today joined the ranks of Canvas.

    Macedonia Online only echoes a report written by Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyer Report in 2011 entitled “CIA Coup-College,” where Cartalucci exposed Canvas by writing

    After its success, Serbia’s Otpor would continue receiving funds from the West and become a “CIA-coup college” of sorts, under the name CANVAS, or “Center for Applied Non-Violent Action and Strategies.” It appears that after the Egyptian April 6 Youth Movement finished attending the US State Department funded confab in New York City in 2008, it would make a trip to visit CANVAS in 2009. From there, it took CANVAS’s “curriculum” and apparently their logo, and began assembling a US-funded mob in Egypt. 

    Amongst CANVAS’s current “partners” are the Albert Einstein Institution, Freedom House, and the International Republican Institute (IRI). The IRI includes amongst its board of directors John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Brent Scowcroft. When John McCain says “We should have seen this coming,” in regards to the unrest in Egypt, he obviously isn’t talking about himself since he helped make it happen. 


    A final note to consider is that CANVAS is on record in Foreign Policy magazine’s article “Revolution U,” assisting the “Rose Revolution” of Georgia, the “Orange Revolution” of the Ukraine, and is currently working with networks from Belarus, Myanmar (Burma) and 50 other countries. Taking a look at their activities and the overall globalist agenda, it is clear they are involved in regime change that will directly assist the globalists in their encirclement of Russia and China.

    Who Wiretapped Whom?

    While the justification for the protests has been presented as a wiretapping and surveillance scandal, there is a great deal of question as to who actually surveilled whom. For instance, while the Western and Soros-funded press is clear that the Macedonian government wiretapped the “opposition” and additional officials, other evidence suggests that it was the other way around and that the “opposition” actually wiretapped members of the Macedonian government.

    For instance, as NPR has reported with the certainty of Macedonian government’s guilt,

    The small Balkan country of Macedonia is in turmoil after it was revealed that the government wiretapped 20,000 people. . . . . On Sunday night, tens of thousands of people surrounded this building, demanding the resignation of Gruevski, the conservative who has run this country for the last nine years. They say Gruevski’s government has paid off judges, rigged votes and framed political opponents for crimes. A leftist opposition leader, Zoran Zaev, says it’s all on tape. He released 670,000 secretly recorded conversations from 20,000 Macedonian phone numbers. Shumanska says the government is spying on its own citizens.

    But, as Wayne Madsen points out, the true nature of the wiretapping scandal may be more complicated than what is being presented in the Western media. In fact, it may have been the “opposition” who was responsible for the wiretapping to begin with. Madsen writes,

    In response to Zaev’s charge that Gruevski wiretapped 20,000 Macedonians, including taping phone calls between Zaev and his young daughter, the Macedonian government charged that it was Zaev and his associates, working with a foreign intelligence agency believed to be the CIA, to overthrow Gruevski’s government. An obvious flight risk, Zaev was ordered to turn in his passport to the authorities. Others, in addition to Zaev, accused of working with the CIA to oust Gruevski include Zaev’s associates Sonja Verusevska and Branko Palifrov, as well as the former director of the Office of Security and Counter-intelligence (DBK), Zoran Verusevski. Gruevski charged that Zaev threatened to disclose sensitive information about his government provided to the SDSM by the CIA, referred to as “the bomb” in the Macedonian media, unless Gruevski appointed a caretaker government that would lead to early parliamentary elections. Gruevski has called Zaev’s gambit nothing more than blackmail pressure in order that a snap election be called. As far as pressuring the Gruevski government to resign and call early elections, Nuland resorted to the same gambit that was used in Kiev to oust Yanukovych. 

    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reporter Michael Martens, who reported on the Macedonian coup plot, claimed in an interview with Macedonian television that his initial report on the wiretapping issue had been altered by certain parties inside Macedonia. Martens said that with a population of 2 million, to wiretap 20,000 people would have even far exceed the capabilities of the East German Stasi. In any event, Martens said the 20,000 figure was not true and that Macedonian media and politicians had misquoted him and his article. However, the truth has never been on the side of provocateurs like Nuland and her neoconservative cabal of plotters and disinformation specialists.

    The Methods Of Color Revolution In Macedonia

    Macedonia unfortunately finds itself in an ethnically and nationalistically susceptible state. Since its formation in 1991, Macedonia has found itself at odds with Greece and Bulgaria (two bordering states) over a naming and territorial controversy as well as with Kosovo, Serbia, and Albania (three other bordering states) in regards to “ethnic Albanians,” from whom a movement has emerged that often flirts with separation. While the Albanians are a minority in Macedonia, they are about 25% of the population according to some statistics, large enough to cause a stir when agitated. Because these Albanians mostly live near the Albania-Kosovo border, they can be tempted to push for a “greater Albania” on the same model as the Kurds inhabiting Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey push for a Kurdistan.

    In addition, because of the firm grip that George Soros and his networks have on the Macedonian media, it is much easier to disseminate a certain viewpoint to the population than in a country with competing viewpoints. This is especially relevant when one considers that the total population of Macedonia is only about 2 million people, thus making the goal of reaching the majority of the population with that message a possibility that is all the more real.

    Journalist and Geopolitical analyst, Andrew Korybko describes the situation on the ground inside Macedonia as ripe for a color revolution precisely because of these elements, also pointing out that

    the ‘opposition’ was already boycotting the Parliament as it was, thereby creating the perfect social situation for a Color Revolution to took root and be ‘convincingly’ broadcast to outside audiences. All of these factors came together to create a situation that the West couldn’t’ resist destabilizing, if only for the fact that its demographics provide it with easily controllable variables to that make for a perfect Color Revolution test scenario.

    The Reasons For The Color Revolution

    While geopolitical positioning, geostrategic jostling, and the desire for political influence are most certainly reasons for the destabilization of the Macedonian government, the most acute issue regarding Macedonia is the question of the Balkan Stream Pipeline (aka the Turkish Stream Pipeline).

    The Balkan Stream, of course, is a Russian restart of the South Stream Pipeline, which would have stretched from Russia through the Black Sea to Bulgaria to Serbia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Austria. The oil and gas would then have been delivered to Europe. This project was abandoned after Bulgaria was bullied by the EU (and the United States) into reneging on its promise to participate.

    The Balkan Stream is now a plan to take that Russian gas and oil from Russia and bring it through Turkey, into Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, and in to Austria. It will be a replacement for the South Stream pipeline and an alternate route to provide oil and gas to Europe, particularly now that the decision has been made to begin bypassing Ukraine in 2019.

    Currently, Russia provides Europe with about 30% (or 1/3) of its energy. This provides not only the obvious benefits of profits and services to both countries but it also ensures that Russia has Europe over a barrel, the EU being dependent upon the oil and gas rich nation for a wide variety of energy sources. Thus, it ensures dependence upon Russia and thus better (theoretically) international conduct between the two countries if for no other reason than the EU would be hesitant to provoke Russia for fear of having its oil and gas cut off.

    The US and NATO have been frantically trying to remove this leverage over Europe by attempting to sabotage oil pipelines in the Middle East that might benefit Iran in favor of oil deals that would benefit Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other Gulf State feudal monarchies, all essentially satellites of the Anglo-American oligarchy. It is precisely why the US was so adamantly opposed to Bulgaria’s participation in the South Stream project.

    As Andrew Korybko comments,

    I think that the harsh reaction is definitely due to the fear that Russian influence in the Balkans can serve as the backdoor to soft influence over the rest of Europe. In reality, however, the completion of Balkan Stream would at the very least be a continuation of the existing state of affairs where Russia provides around 30% of the EU’s energy needs. Balkan Stream is basically a replacement for South Stream, which for its own part would have been a replacement for the Ukrainian-bypassing pipelines that will be phased out by 2019. The discomfiting fact that EU policy makers try to forget is that they can’t survive without Russian gas – it’s impossible. The EU and Russia are natural partners by virtue of their geography and history, and the completion of Balkan Stream will reinvigorate their positive bilateral relations. 

    The conflict, however, is that the US absolutely does not want this to happen since it understands that it would lessen its control over Europe, and consequently Eurasia. One needs only to reference former National Security Advisor and noted Polish-American geostrategic Zbigniew Brzezinski’s ‘The Grand Chessboard’ to see this explicitly stated. Therefore, the US wants to use its proxy EU elites to enforce pressure on whichever leader or country wants to build pragmatic relations with Russia, hence the current externally driven destabilization in Macedonia. The future of the Balkans runs through Macedonia, and the country is now the latest flashpoint of the New Cold War.

    Of course, it is also important to point out that the question of the creation of “micro-states” and “mini states” on the Brzezinski model is, as always, readily present. This method is essentially both a strategy of tension and a goal of creating a world where previously united nations are reduced to petty impotent and squabbling pseudo-states incapable of standing up to any major government, corporation, or bank. Likewise, a planet of peoples who are incapable of viewing anything other than the convenient scapegoat given to them by the world oligarchy will be incapable of resisting the power and will of that oligarchy. In the absence of a fully formed “micro state,” the ability to use poorly drawn borders, ethnic conflicts, racial tension, and religious fundamentalism/antagonism provides this oligarchy with the ability to play national governments and their populations like a fiddle.

    Macedonian Reception

    The attempt to present the Macedonian color revolution as the legitimate will of the Macedonian people – as in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, and others – can easily be disproven by talking with Macedonians. Unlike Western audiences, the Macedonian public is somewhat more hesitant to believe their billionaire owned media outlets.

    If speaking with Macedonians is not convincing enough, one can simply witness the massive pro-government demonstrations now taking place in response to the anti-government protests. For instance, on May 18, tens of thousands of Macedonians marched in Skopje expressing support for Prime Minister Gruevski and the Macedonian government. These marches might not be interpreted as love for the government and its politicians so much as a response to the obvious color revolution apparatus at work inside their country. It is more of a statement of rejection of outside influence in Macedonian domestic affairs than support for the status quo.


    The unrest taking place across Macedonia over the last few months and currently bringing tens of thousands of Macedonians out into the streets is the result of a the deployment of the Western-engineered color revolution apparatus designed to destabilize and overthrown the Macedonian government, who has agreed to work with Russia to build the Balkan Stream pipeline through the country. This color revolution, created and deployed by Western governments, NATO, and the Soros networks of NGOs, Foundations, and “civil society groups” is an attempt to remove any leverage Russia may have over the EU and to expand the hegemony of the world oligarchy.

    We must support the Macedonian people in their resistance to this color revolution and oppose such illegal and unjust intervention here at home.

    Recently from Brandon Turbeville:

    Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, and The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria. Turbeville has published over 500 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV.  He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) 

    This article may be re-posted in full with attribution.

    Anti-Police Organizing in the Wake of Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s Death

    Anti-Police Organizing in the Wake of Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s Death


    Cop Killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley Had Pocket Full of $100 Bills – But No Job or Home

    Remember how the 9/11 attack led people to cancel or pull back from anti-globalization protests?  It appears a similar dynamic could be at work as a shocking event challenges and divides a growing and effective movement making serious headway.  Like anti-globalization protests before it, the anti-police brutality/ policing movement is going through its own birth pangs as the tactics debate (when is property violence appropriate?) and issues such as how to foreground anti-black racism (#BlackLivesMatter vs. #AllLivesMatter) have taken center stage in the multifaceted and large scale resistance efforts underway.

    Saturday, December 20th, was a big day for movement news.  While Minnesota’s Mall of America protest had people occupying space in the US’s largest mall to demand an end to police violence, half way across the country in Brooklyn, two police officers were shot and killed by a young black man who had ostensibly posted on social media before the shootings about his intention to “put wings on pigs”, citing revenge for the deaths of Brown and Garner as motive.  The accused shooter, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, shot himself dead on a nearby subway platform after shooting the officers.  As of Sunday afternoon, there is little information and much speculation about the accused murderer’s life (including that the murders were part of a counter-intelligence plot to discredit the movement and justify extreme force).  Much is uncertain, but it’s certain that the NYPD is already using this to suppress protest, repress entire communities, and further foment divisive public relations–especially with NYC Mayor deBlasio.  How can recent police union behavior and statements be considered anything but a naked admission of a police force’s own extra-legal/ paramilitary ambitions?

    At this writing we do know a few things for certain: the corporate state’s policing apparatus will do everything in its power to use this event as a further call to arms against protesting U.S. residents and communities of color.  They will attempt not only to discredit a growing direct action-based movement, but also to aggressively attack protest groups and individuals they have been trying to get their hands on anyway.  If Ismaaiyl Brinsley had been arrested  and charged with the killing of two police officers in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, clearly the anti-policing movement would be having very different debates and discussions.  Now, in his death, many people righteously struggle to contextualize his motives or opportunistically use his actions for their own political reasons.

    Not that probing Brinsley’s motives is entirely irrelevant–he shot a woman, possibly an ex-girlfriend, before the officers, for example– but the movement can hurt itself by participating in the posthumous quasi-legalistic media charade of “nailing down” his motives or state of mind.  (This activity already inculcates participants in the state’s judgmental logic of condemnation/ exoneration–echoing media character assassinations of murder by police victims like Brown and Martin.)   What if he was acting in concert with counter-intelligence forces? What if Mao’s little red book was in Brinsley’s pocket?  What if he was an active member of a local Cop Watch group?  What if he was a well-known local homeless man struggling with mental illness and addiction?

    Initial activist reactions offer a range of responses: some grapple with the delicate issue of expressing compassion about the shooter’s life, death, and family; some timidly, or not so timidly, tiptoe around self-defense concepts and a deep understanding of the extreme nature of “revolutionary suicide”; some routinely denounce Brinsley’s actions–acting as guardians of the “real non-violent movement” against  “unstable violent outsiders”; some have decided that was a police action he got entangled in.  Then there’s those (new to the issue white activists, I am talking to you) who may have been active and supportive of the anti-police brutality movement, but will use this as an excuse to pull back.  (Controversial events function as a movement’s filtering process, losing people who are too challenged to keep fighting and were just waiting for a chance to fold anyway.)

    If there’s anything I am reminded of by this event, it’s the power of social movements, and anti-racist struggles in particular.  For me, there is a connection between the cop murders and the movement.  Before you jump down my throat insisting that I am “feeding the cops’ ideology” by saying this–hear me out, please, and don’t take my statements out of context.  Since the drug war and mass incarceration/ deportation practices, many black and brown lives have been destroyed.  You don’t have to be a front lines long term activist to have strong opinions about policing and institutional racism in America, and feel hopeless in the face of it, too.  Frustration and anger is woven into the everyday fabric of people’s lives, and this includes individual consciousness, rhetoric, and self-understanding.  Add to this an endless flow of social media, news commentary, and live feeds of protests and demonstrations all over the U.S.  Some people may not be able to attend protests for various reasons (work, childcare, transportation, not living close to one, or a shy demeanor) but social media offers a strong way to feel emotionally connected to events since Ferguson began.

    This access and ability to connect is both reason for the movement’s effectiveness and a reason to prepare for more controversial actions taken up by individuals in the name of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, or against violent police generally. (And then there’s always police counterinsurgency activities…)  In a large, multifaceted, international movement such that the Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!/ anti-policing movement has become, no one can ultimately judge who’s a protestor or a non-protestor, who cares or doesn’t care, about “the issues”. (Who has an authentic political consciousness gauge and where can I get one?) We can only state if we support certain actions as part of strategies our organizations or ideologies endorse.

    I believe, from what I understand about Brinsley’s biographical facts and his presumed state of mind before the murders, he understood himself as a target of racist policing.  Go figure: young, black, and male in the U.S. A. But, As Dr. Johanna Fernandez wrote in CounterPunch, he could have also been acting in concert with authorities to execute a state plot to discredit the movement.  We will never know the facts here, and it shouldn’t deflect from our understanding of institutionalized racism, anyway.

    Whether or not Brinsley acted alone or in concert with the state, his life had a truly tragic end.  If we admit understanding or empathy with people espousing extreme tactics — even cop murder — to express oppositional feelings, are we only throwing the police state, and its rabid NYPD, another reason for street level preemptive attack? (As if it ever needed a reason.  We’ve clearly seen over the decades, if the state doesn’t have a reason to justify aggression it’ll make one up.)  What about attempts to understand how social pressures like racist policing and mass incarceration damage people–like Ismaaiyl Brinsley? If we deny a careful consideration of the incalculable impacts movements can have, which include tapping into very real frustrations/ psychological dynamics leading individuals to act alone or as police agents, we sacrifice any potential unity than can be derived in a process of self-reflection and greater political awareness. Collective analysis may not lead to the unity of a shared position, but it could lead to an “agree to disagree” unity or a commitment to explore unpopular perspectives.  Something beyond simple condemnation or exultation is called for here.

    It’s a daunting situation and the corporate state wins again if we play into the terms of engagement it always sets by the very nature of its power.  If Ismaaiyl Brinsley had survived and faced his accusers in court, we would see the movement split around “just” court procedures and outcomes.  Some would want him evaluated to qualify for mental health rehabilitation services, some would want him routinely punished, and some would call for his freedom, with an understanding his actions were committed under extreme duress due to the pernicious police state apparatus (a kind of “black rage” defense– if you will.)  From the looks of his social media posts, he knew he was probably going to die Saturday.

    I shudder to think about what the state would do to Brinsley, and how the movement would split around his “just” punishment and desirable “rehabilitation.” (How are we going to rehabilitate psychotic racist police?  Any ideas?)  We would have to painfully endure a real trial of the Left’s anti-policing/ abolitionist positions. Instead, we are left to grapple with three dead bodies, many unanswered questions, and a big question mark about our ability to buoy the turbulence of building and sustaining a mass movement, focused specifically on the deep and festering wound of racist police violence, in the age of social media activism.


    On Tuesday police Commissioner William Bratton said Ismaaiyl was carrying $100 bills in his pocket.
    But he had no job or home.
    The Yeshiva World reported:

    If we are going to posthumously speculate on Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s life, dare I suggest we use the very commitment to institutional analysis and human compassion that has served as a foundation of the Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!/ anti-policing movement–and previous anti-racist movements– since its inception?  As the saying goes, let’s “keep our eyes on the prize.”

    Michelle Renee Matisons, Ph.D. has  written for Counterpunch, Black Agenda Report, Z Magazine, Mint News Press, the NJ Decarcerator, Rethinking Schools, Alternet, and other publications. She can be reached at

    Anti-Police Organizing in the Wake of Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s Death » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

    Ex-US Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe

    Ex-US Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe

    Excerpt: “He (Wanta) was tasked by President Reagan and CIA Director William Colby to destabilize the Soviet Union through establishment, with funds from the US Treasury, of a worldwide currency trading scheme…….”
    Being Robin Hood and taking down another government to support your own is a very interesting angle as it relates to extortion. The mission may have had some honest intentions but the idea of going after the Soviet Union in a “scheme” that would make trillions of dollars for the US is to me a question of ethics. Is it okay to do someone in so you can do for someone else? Well one thing that is for sure, there is no honesty among thieves. The issue of “my money” is a dubious one notwithstanding how you got “your money” in the first place.
    For a long time a family member of mine was a pimp. He amassed great sums of money. When he offered it to me, I refused. I did not want money that was gotten under duress, torture, abuse or any other such thing.
    Are the American people so shallow that they do not care, how they got the money, just that now they can use it? Are the American Christians and ethical social beings that shallow that they will look the other way, knowing that the money was ill-gotten in the first place, but yeah, we got millions of jobs out the deal? Are Americans so separated from the law of “what goes around comes around” that they think that since the “shake down of the Soviet Union” economy would not bite them in the ass as the Soviet Union and her descendants attempt to get themselves back on track knowing that it was the work of an American President that put them in the cross-hairs in the first place? 
    To answer my own question, yes, in fact most people are that shallow. They do not realize that everything is energy and an exchange of energy, in this instance “ill-gotten money” will not bode well in the future. For instance, if one is willing to do something criminal to someone else, what makes them think they are “safe” from anyone else wanting to do something criminal to them? 
    People who rally in support of criminalizing these two “culprits” who attempted to shake Mr. Wanta down are just as guilty as the party that Wanta engaged in to shake down the Soviet Union. There are no innocents in this kind of “economic tyranny” on all sides. The economies based on the Western Model is a ponzy scheme, no matter how you slice it. Issuing W9’s is no clearance for the fact that a substantial amount of interest was amassed for the Banksters and Crooks of the world to leverage their bets and hedge funds as this “fiat money” traveled around the globe.
    Who in this day and time can even imagine having $trillions of dollars in their bank account?Who can imagine in this day and time having even billions? In fact, who really knows how billions become trillions when millions are homeless and even more millions of homes lie vacant?
    Is there a viable resolve for one to come to in a corrupt economy ran by corrupt banksters backed by corrupt corporations and governments? 
    Again, the fact that people feel that Mr. Wanta has been “mistreated, threatened or bribed” have their eyes veiled by the deception of the “currency trading scheme” and I would dare to mention the reason why. All for the love of money.
    There are no victims in this case and there are no innocents either. IMHO

    Ex-US Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe


    Ex-US  Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe


    “Former Tenn. Gov. Don Sundquist and S. Dakota Sen. Sheldon Songstad may face not just the largest bribery charge in history but conspiracy to murder as well.”

    … by  Gordon Duff,  VT Sr. Editor,    … with  New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

    Lee Wanta, tough as nails, and still kicking

    Editor’s note:  You just can’t make this stuff up. Two crooked aging politicians, who appear to be uber bagmen for Capitol Hill, don’t disconnect a voice mail message left for their shake down victim, and then the caller rings up his co-conspirator to discuss their next move, including killing their target if they don’t get paid.
    But there is just one problem. The whole six-minute conversation goes into Lee Wanta’s voice mail, which the jury is going to enjoy immensely. Lee calls his rather extensive security team to ask what to do, and here we are… doing it.
    This murder conspiracy case might also break the media blackout on the Wanta case, which has gone on since 2006, after the Treasury Dept. snatched his $4.5-million wire transfer from China into the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, only to be tranferred to Goldman Sachs the next day; and off to Europe it went as part of the $16 trillion of liquidity pumped into the banking system there during the meltdown.
    I wish I could say this was an unusual case, but really, only the amounts involved are. These two yo-yos… there is an army of ex-office holders who would be doing exactly what these two thought was going to be their final wet dream.
    If we were really to round up all of them doing this kind of stuff, there would be so many special elections going on that they would run out of press people to cover them. And no, I am not exaggerating… Jim W. Dean ]

    A day after former Republican Virginia governor, Bob McDonnell and his wife were convicted of 20 counts of bribery and influence peddling, former Republican Tennessee governor Don Sundquist and South Dakota Senator Sheldon Songstad may face, not just the largest bribery charge in world history but indictment for conspiracy to murder as well.
    What is amazing about this case is the amount of money involved, totaling $9.5 trillion US dollars, in fact the entire GNP of the United States for several years.
    Sundquist and Songstad, wanted $30 billion out of the proceeds to pay themselves along with Congress, the US Treasury Department, five Supreme Court justices and two former US presidents.
    Best of all, the whole thing is on tape, a “shakedown” attempt against Ambassador Lee Wanta, former White House intelligence chief under President Ronald Reagan and editor at Veterans Today.

    Sundquist and Songstad left, on a recording at Wanta’s embassy, full details, not only of their ability to virtually buy the entire US government and deliver a multi-trillion dollar settlement authorized to Wanta by the US Supreme Court, but were recorded making arrangements for the murder of Wanta as well. 

    Read More……….Source: Excerpt from Veteran’s Today

    The Drums of War are Beating in Syria

    by Marjorie Cohn and Jeanne Mirer
    August 28, 2013
    from GlobalResearch Website
    Marjorie Cohn is a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), and deputy secretary general of the International Association
    of Democratic Lawyers (IADL).
    New York attorney Jeanne Mirer is president of the IADL and co-chair of the NLG’s International Committee.
    Both Cohn and Mirer are on the board of the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign

    The Obama administration will reportedly launch a military strike to punish Syria’s Assad government for its alleged use of chemical weapons. A military attack would invariably kill civilians for the ostensible purpose of showing the Syrian government that killing civilians is wrong.
        “What we are talking about here is a potential response… to this specific violation of international norms,” declared White House press secretary Jay Carney.
    But a military intervention by the United States in Syria to punish the government would violate international law.

    For the United States to threaten to and/or launch a military strike as a reprisal is a blatant violation of the United Nations Charter. The Charter requires countries to settle their international disputes peacefully.

    Article 2(4) makes it illegal for any country to either use force or threaten to use force against another country. Article 2(7) prohibits intervention in an internal or domestic dispute in another country.

    NATO Using Chemical Weapons

    The only time military force is lawful under the Charter is when the Security Council approves it, or under Article 51, which allows a country to defend itself if attacked.
        “The use of chemical weapons within Syria is not an armed attack on the United States,” according to Notre Dame law professor Mary Ellen O’Connell.
    The United States and the international community have failed to take constructive steps to promote peace-making efforts, which could have brought the crisis in Syria to an end.

    The big powers instead have waged a proxy war to give their “side” a stronger hand in future negotiations, evaluating the situation only in terms of geopolitical concerns. The result has been to once again demonstrate that military solutions to political and economic problems are no solution at all.

    In the meantime, the fans of enmity between religious factions have been inflamed to such a degree that the demonization of each by the other has created fertile ground for slaughter and excuses for not negotiating with anyone with “blood on their hands.”

    Despite U.S. claims of “little doubt that Assad used these weapons,” there is significant doubt among the international community about which side employed chemical weapons.

    Many view the so-called ‘rebels’ as trying to create a situation to provoke U.S. intervention against Assad. Indeed, in May, Carla del Ponte, former international prosecutor and current UN commissioner on Syria, concluded that opposition forces used sarin gas against civilians.

    The use of any type of chemical weapon by any party would constitute a war crime. Chemical weapons that kill and maim people are illegal and their use violates the laws of war. The illegality of chemical and poisoned weapons was first established by the Hague regulations of 1899 and Hague Convention of 1907.

    It was reiterated in the Geneva Convention of 1925 and the Chemical Weapons Convention.

    The Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court specifically states that employing,
        “poison or poisoned weapons” and “asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and all analogous liquids, materials or devices” are war crimes, under Article 8.
    The prohibition on the use of these weapons is an international norm regardless of whether any convention has been ratified.

    As these weapons do not distinguish between military combatants and civilians, they violate the principle of distinction and the ban on weapons which cause unnecessary suffering and death contained in the Hague Convention.

    Under the Nuremberg Principles, violations of the laws of war are war crimes.

    The self-righteousness of the United States about the alleged use of chemical weapons by Assad is hypocritical. The United States used napalm and employed massive amounts of chemical weapons in the form of Agent Orange in Vietnam, which continues to affect countless people over many generations.

    Recently declassified CIA documents reveal U.S. complicity in Saddam Hussein’s use of chemical weapons during the Iran-Iraq war, according to Foreign Policy:
        “In contrast to today’s wrenching debate over whether the United States should intervene to stop alleged chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian government, the United States applied a cold calculus three decades ago to Hussein’s widespread use of chemical weapons against his enemies and his own people.
        The Reagan administration decided that it was better to let the attacks continue if they might turn the tide of the war. And even if they were discovered, the CIA wagered that international outrage and condemnation would be muted.”
    In Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States used,
            1. cluster bombs
            2. depleted uranium
            3. white phosphorous gas
                § Cluster bomb cannisters contain tiny bomblets, which can spread over a vast area.

    Unexploded cluster bombs are frequently picked up by children and explode, resulting in serious injury or death.
                § Depleted uranium (DU) weapons spread high levels of radiation over vast areas of land. In Iraq, there has been a sharp increase in Leukemia and birth defects, probably due to DU.
                § White phosphorous gas melts the skin and burns to the bone.
    The Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in time of War (Geneva IV) classifies “willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health” as a grave breach, which constitutes a war crime.

    The use of chemical weapons, regardless of the purpose, is atrocious, no matter the feigned justification.

    A government’s use of such weapons against its own people is particularly reprehensible. Secretary of State John Kerry said that the purported attack by Assad’s forces,
        “defies any code of morality” and should “shock the conscience of the world.”
    He went on to say that,
        “there must be accountability for those who would use the world’s most heinous weapons against the world’s most vulnerable people.”
    Yet the U.S. militarily occupied over 75% of the Puerto Rican island of Vieques for 60 years, during which time the Navy routinely practiced with, and used,
            ○ Agent Orange
            ○ depleted uranium
            ○ napalm,
    …and other toxic chemicals and metals such as TNT and mercury.

    This occurred within a couple of miles of a civilian population that included thousands of U.S. citizens. The people of Vieques have lived under the colonial rule of the United States now for 115 years and suffer from terminal health conditions such as elevated rates of cancer, hypertension, respiratory and skin illnesses and kidney failure.

    While Secretary Kerry calls for accountability by the Assad government, the U.S. Navy has yet to admit, much less seek atonement, for decades of bombing and biochemical warfare on Vieques.

    The U.S. government’s moral outrage at the use of these weapons falls flat as it refuses to take responsibility for its own violations.

    President Barack Obama admitted,
        “If the U.S. goes in and attacks another country without a UN mandate and without clear evidence that can be presented, then there are questions in terms of whether international law supports it…”
    The Obama administration is studying the 1999,
        “NATO air war in Kosovo as a possible blueprint for acting without a mandate from the United Nations,” the New York Times reported.
    But NATO’s Kosovo bombing also violated the UN Charter as the Security Council never approved it, and it was not carried out in self-defense.

    The UN Charter does not permit the use of military force for “humanitarian interventions.” Humanitarian concerns do not constitute self-defense. In fact, humanitarian concerns should spur the international community to seek peace and end the suffering, not increase military attacks, which could endanger peace in the entire region.

    Moreover, as Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies and David Wildman of Human Rights & Racial Justice for the Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church wrote,
        “Does anyone really believe that a military strike on an alleged chemical weapons factory would help the Syrian people, would save any lives, would help bring an end to this horrific civil war”?
    Military strikes will likely result in the escalation of Syria’s civil war.
        “Let’s be clear,” Bennis and Wildman note. “Any U.S. military attack, cruise missiles or anything else, will not be to protect civilians – it will mean taking sides once again in a bloody, complicated civil war.”
    Anthony Cordesman, military analyst from the Center for Strategic and International Studies, asks,
        “Can you do damage with cruise missiles? Yes. Can you stop them from having chemical weapons capability? I would think the answer would be no.”
    The United States and its allies must refrain from military intervention in Syria and take affirmative steps to promote a durable ceasefire and a political solution consistent with international law.

    If the U.S. government were truly interested in fomenting peace and promoting accountability, it should apologize to and compensate the victims of its own use of chemical weapons around the world.

    Pasted from <>

    MK-ULTRA Links To The Sandy Hook Assault

    MK-ULTRA Links To The Sandy Hook Assault

    By Yoichi Shimatsu  12-20-12

    My long-distance interest in the Sandy Hook events is based on ongoing work with a team of anti-pedophile journalists and activists who for over a decade have tracked and exposed American pedophile rings from Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam) to Beijing, China.

    In all cases so far, our team discovered that these frontline pedophiles supply children for sexual services to VIPs traveling in Asia, including diplomats from the highest levels of the White House and State Department, top executives of major corporations, and heads of universities and aid agencies. Nearly all the patrons involved in this cruel pastime have backgrounds in US intelligence ­ the CIA, NSA or State Department intelligence. The individuals are from diverse religious backgrounds ­ Catholic, Jewish and Orthodox – while the core facilitators are often priests with Jesuit order, and to a lesser degree Franciscans and Benedictines.

    At an orphanage in Cambodia, it took three years for our multinational team ­ against death threats from armed policemen and undisguised hostility from NGOs ­ to realize the expulsion of a pedophile coven, which included a former US ambassador to the United Nations, the celebrated head of a new media program at an Ivy League campus and a renowned correspondent based at the Tokyo American Club. When the police shut down their strong-encryption computer center and satellite uplink, used for sweetheart messaging and exporting child-porn videos, the American pedophiles stripped out all the programs, rendering a room of Apple computers inoperable. Later, at a celebration for the “liberation” of the orphans from the grip of these abusive men and their compliant wives, the teachers told me that the average age of the boys and girls who had been invited to sleep over at weekend parties was “10 years old.”

    One member of our team who resided in Cambodia suffered an “accident” in a cowardly act of retaliation by that viscous coven ­ with all the fingers on both hands broken and bleeding from his ears as he lay unconscious along a highway. It’s taken our brave friend three years to regain his formidable intellectual powers as a former political speechwriter. I use the term “coven” because these predators work as families ­ parents, children and grandchildren ­ indoctrinated from infancy that inflicting trauma on helpless children is life’s greatest pleasure.

    Pedophilia is a psychiatric illness that is spreading worldwide because the globalist elite, much like a deranged fraternity from hazing hell, use it to control their peers and underlings through the commission of shameful and often lethal crimes. The photos are enough to prevent defection, informing to the police or sending leaks to the media.

    The American power elite’s predilection for young boys has always been a privilege as shown in past scandals involving White House pages. One of the first postwar American ambassadors to Tokyo was a voracious pursuer of teenage boys inside gay bath houses frequented by rightwing Japanese militarists, the very same war criminals who had committed unspeakable atrocities against civilians ­ for example converting Christian boys schools into male brothels. The shared lust of the former soldiers from both sides corrupted and ultimately reversed the attempt by a victorious Allied Supreme Command to transform Japan into a peaceful democracy. Authoritarian perversion remains in command.

    In recent years with the rise of Internet file-sharing, a major shift in pedophile profiles has appeared in the increasingly lower age of pedophiles. It is shocking that college-age men, who should be involved in same-age affairs (with either sex ­ we are not being judgmental about preference) are instead eager to abduct kids who are barely out of infancy and videotape brutal rape scenes to share with their online fellows. Today, young men of college age serve as procurers, pimps and producers of child porn for their sugar daddies.

    These younger pedophiles, at least while in Asia, are often studying abroad on US government fellowships, CIA grants or working for Soros-funded NGOs. In Beijing, I had a verbal sparring match with a young American video producer who was making a documentary on child abductions by Chinese adoption rings. He had no intention of saving kids from these criminals, since his stated ambition was to launch a pornography industry in China. This was the son of a leading faculty member at a Connecticut prep school, which sponsors troubled boys and prepares them for a life of male prostitution with dormitory screenings of videos showing the gang rape of preteen girls ­ with the knowledge and sometimes approval of teachers, according to testimony submitted to court.

    After first being a victim of sexual assault and then acting as a perpetrator against younger boys or girls, many of these young men develop passive-aggressive personalities. When challenged, they tend react with suppressed rage under a blank expression and then get their revenge with a strange prank against their accusers.

    Many women might nod in agreement that men are awful creatures, but from our experience in Southeast Asia, there are also many female predators. On an early-morning visit to a Peace Corps camp on the Laotian border, a friend in the U.S. Army was stunned to discover that every American women ­ all graduates of elite East Coast colleges ­ was asleep with a 12-to-14 girl tucked inside her bed. Americans are not alone in this sickness of mind and body ­ Europeans, Australians and Japanese are among the notorious child molesters. Sexual domination of weaker individuals, especially children who cannot defend their rights, is a hallmark of imperialism.

    There is one more element involved in the pedophile industry: the organized crime groups that finance the purchase or kidnapping of children. These gangsters are not just low-life elements but also include professional gangsters – “businessmen” with connections to politicians and bankers.

    A point that needs mentioning is that during youth, I spent a summer at a prep school in Connecticut on a National Science Foundation program ­ but it had nothing to do with MK-ULTRA.

    Mind Control in Connecticut: Catcher in the Rye

    In 1942, at the start of World War II, the Jesuit order opened Fairfield University in southern Connecticut. The new Catholic college was erected on the country estate of Brewster Jennings, then chairman of the Socony Mobil Oil Company, which after a series of mergers became ExxonMobil. After serving as a naval officer in World War I, the Hartford-born oil executive graduated from Yale and became closely associated with the OSS and CIA. He founded the Avalon Foundation, since renamed the Mellon Foundation, which has funded pacification programs inside American society. (Outed spy Valerie Plame worked under cover at the Brewster Jennings “brass plate” company, which acted as the CIA’s counter-proliferation department.) Although the information remains classified, it had to be OSS chief Bill Donovan who prompted the formation of Fairfield University as an intelligence training center for potential CIA recruits vetted from the elite preparatory schools in Connecticut.

    During the war in Europe, a non-commissioned office of Russian Jewish descent assigned to U.S. Defense Intelligence worked on Operation Paperclip (the transport of Nazi scientists to U.S. laboratories) and Project Artichoke (smuggling German Jews into Palestine in support of a Zionist state). His name was J.D. “Jerry” Salinger. Later, he served in the Counter-Intelligence Corps, debriefing and reassigning Nazi officers, including those who had conducted psychiatric experiments on prisoners of war.

    At war’s end, Salinger lived in Tarrytown, New York, but was soon ordered to move across the state border to Stamford, Connecticut, close to Fairfield University. He resided in a converted barn, out of  public view, presumably to continue his special area of intelligence work, the field testing of the MK-ULTRA methods refined by the sadistically clinical Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (the pseudonym of Joseph Schieder), who ran the main mind-control lab at Jesuit-run Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., which is also a finishing school for diplomats in the State Department.

    In the Connecticut countryside during his “lost years”, Salinger penned “The Catcher in the Rye”, which contains the command code-words for MK-ULTRA assassins. The protagonist Holden Caulfield is a study of a paranoiac passive-aggressive character, whose favorite expression is: “You’re killing me.”

    CIA Partners with Organized Crime in New England

    Around 1950, while Salinger was in Stamford, the CIA recruited a South Boston convict nicknamed “Whitey” Bulger to supply young runaways for mind-control experiments under the fast-expanding MK-ULTRA programs being set up at 44 universities across the United States. The centers for the New England drug experiments were probably the Whiting Forensic Facility at the Connecticut Valley Hospital in Middleford, Connecticut, and Bridgewater Hospital in Massachusetts, the region’s psychiatric facilities for the criminally insane.

    With CIA backing, Bulger built up his Winter Hill Gang, composed mainly of Irishmen, who strong-armed their way to control over the Boston’s gambling scene and drug trafficking. While little is known about the political activities of the Bulger gang, its rise to crime dominance coincided with the expansion of weapons smuggling into Northern Ireland in support of the IRA. A parallel cross-Atlantic traffic in drugs (and illegal immigration in the reverse direction) began at the same time. The predominantly Irish political machine of Boston ­ from the Prohibition Era smuggling tycoon Joseph Kennedy Sr, to House Majority Leader Tip O’Neill ­ gave their blessings to the flourishing organized crime network and voiced support for the patriotic IRA “freedom fighters,” who returned the favor to Washington with murderous attacks on American-loathing British figures such as Lord Montbatten.

    Connecticut, under control of the Patriciarca crime family, was off-limits to Bulger. The day-to-day operations of the Sicilian immigrants were run by Bill Grasso, head of the clan that later produced Connecticut’s first female governor.

    Starting in the 1980s, the DOJ, FBI and CIA launched an all-out war against the Patriciarca mob ­ in order to install their puppet Whitey Bulger as crime boss of New England. FBI agent John Connelly took credit for infiltrating and busting up the Patriarca clan, but later he was exposed as a mole for Bulger. By the early 1990s, Bulger set up his Jai Alai Associates, a betting syndicate based in Connecticut and Florida. Finally, all of New England was safe for CIA smuggling, support for terrorism, money-laundering and mind-control operations.

    Whitey Bulger

    In 2011, Bulger made headlines with his arrest in Malibu, California, where he had lived for more than a decade “undetected” despite being on the FBI “most wanted” list – on a long vacation thanks to his relationship with the CIA. If there was one point of irritation, however, between the Irish mobster and his controllers, it was his opposition to drug use by teenagers. After seeing first-hand how MK-ULTRA had destroyed the minds of his young recruits, Bulger ordered his gang members never to sell drugs to teenagers. Even a ruthless mobster has more decency that the self-styled “patriots” who run the intelligence services.

    Child Porn Hub for New York and Washington

    Whatever its genteel image of colonial homes and autumnal foliage, Connecticut has a sleazy underside embedded in its servant pool, welfare households and the chronic unemployed. Bridgeport, with its low-income Puerto Rican population, is a major center for prostitution and recruitment of prostitutes for VIP clients in New York and the nation’s capital.

    The pedophile rings have a social-economic hierarchy ­ at the top are the VIP clients, then the intermediaries, often Catholic priests or social-services managers, further down the ladder the operatives ­ losers recruited from prep schools and college campuses – and finally the supply itself – money-hungry willing parents and the unwillingly abducted children.

    Newtown, like Fairfield and Stamford, is part of the Diocese of Bridgeport, which got into legal trouble in 2001 due to lawsuits by 23 victims of pedophilia committed by priests. Bishop Edward Egan, then diocese head, was a protector of sexual offender priests, sending them to other areas when parental complaints reached the ears of the police. After the plaintiffs won an out-of-court settlement, the Diocese petitioned the US Supreme Court to quash the thousands of documents detailing the beastly sex crimes. In 2009 Opus Dei honcho Justice Antonin Scalia determined that the court records should not be made public.

    In this past year’s pedophile scandal at Penn State, another Opus Dei leader, former FBI director Louis Freeh, was hired as a consultant by the Nittany Lions football team. His whitewash report put most of the blame on head coach Joe Paterno, while suppressing the names and backgrounds of the wealthy and powerful boosters who were provided sexual services from the young football players.

    In Connecticut, the Vatican had an interest in wiping the slate clean, and so did the CIA. The clean slate turned out to be a bloody mess.

    Agency-Spawned Pedophiles

    The MK-ULTRA program that reached into campuses across Connecticut quickly created a human garbage heap of wrecked minds and twisted souls. The child abuse and drugs routinely administered to young trainees led to a permanent social fixture of sadism and sexual abuse throughout New England from the gutter up to the governing class.

    In 2011, a Newtown resident named Edwin Wilson was arrested for having a months-long sexual relationship with a 4-year-old girl and producing child-porn videos of their sexual encounters. The arrest was a part of a wide crackdown order the state attorney general, Richard Blumenthal ­ which boosted his successful campaign in the U.S. Senate race. Other cases included: a 24-year-old Hispanic male in Hartford who shot videos of sex with a pre-teen girl; a DJ in Plainfield arraigned on similar charges, an older theater and film teacher accused of using Taft school’s equipment to make kiddie porn ­ the list goes on in sickening detail. Fairfield University, where MK-ULTRA was implanted into New England, recently saw two staffers implicated in the rape of 23 Haitian boys during the earthquake relief effort.

    Adam Lanza fits the profile of a pedophile-ring recruit ­ young enough to approach children at the local schools and in the churches, possessing the computer skills to produce child-porn videos and typically passive-aggressive in personality. The Lanzas attended the Saint Rosa of Lima Church, where eight child parishioners were among the shooting victims. Santa Rosa is the very same order that sponsors the western-state hospital that employed Michael Jackson’s physician Dr. Conrad Murray. As in the case of Jackson’s Neverland, after a child-sex experiment blossoms, it must be shut down.

    The Lone Gun-Boy Theory

    Nancy Lanza kept an arsenal of firearms, and ordered her son to be constantly under watch by older boys. She must have had good reason for being armed to the teeth. Judging from her hoard of rifles and hand guns, she was expecting an all-out assault from a coven of pedophiles, not an attack by a single shooter. The lone gun-boy theory is sheer nonsense ­ her son may have been an accomplice in giving the assailants access to his home but ended up murdered as a patsy.

    The coven is larger and more powerful than Mrs. Lanza could ever have imagined. Sexual violation is the key to creating intelligence agents and assassins who are impervious to reason and mercy, lacking any original thoughts or moral qualms. Plus a supply of children is needed in Congress and the White House to entertain the satraps and moguls from Colombian drug lords to Israeli weapons dealers and French money launderers, not to mention America’s own homegrown pervs.

     The rabbit hole then gets deeper, as we look into another resident of Newtown is Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games… A movie about children murdering eachother… Ironic, no ? 

    The Motive: Payback for a Double-Cross

    If the culprits had been Adam Lanza and his pals, then their response to grounding would have been something like posting photos and addresses of naked children. The method of the shooting ­ point-blank execution-style gun shots ­ indicate that the assailants were professional hit men, probably allied with the Winter Hill Gang.

    The Sandy Hook assault happened probably because of a split between competing institutions and diverging policies. On one hand, the gangland figures who cooperated with CIA mind-control program that promoted child-sex as a means of ensuring obedience and secrecy were being challenged by politicians playing up parental demands to clean up the scandalous child-sex problem in Connecticut.

    The dirty FBI agent John Connelly was more of a double agent and go-between for the Feds and not simply a Winter Hill mole as portraying at his sentencing. The arrest of Whitey Bulger was a pure-and-simple double-cross by the FBI and CIA, who had used him as an ally in MK-ULTRA and informant for more than a half-century. In his ambitious drive to win a U.S. senatorial seat, state attorney general and now Senator Blumenthal broke the basic rules of mob cooperation. And now that has led to a war on the streets and in the schools.

    Unlike the Sicilian crime families who went down easy, the fighting Irish criminals can be counted on to put up a street battle with the same flair as in the movie “The Gangs of New York.” The gangsters have no shortage of allies in the pimps, drug dealers, pedophiles, punks and deranged freaks who have been caught up in the sudden dragnet. The police are outnumbered and easily outgunned. It’s happened before, as in Fort Apache in the South Bronx. Sandy Hook is just the first installment of a payback. If the Feds push any harder, then Bridgeport and Boston will soon be looking like Belfast during the troubles or Beirut in the bad old days.

    Stop Drugging the Kids

    The mass media is under pressure to cover up the incident with sympathetic blather instead of a sustained probe. Forensic evidence is being literally buried. America is moving on ­ where to, nobody knows. The politicians and cops are now silent and glum. Relying on arrests and wiretapping, they have forgotten that the fight against crime begins with addressing social justice, economic fairness and education ­ and in some unfortunate cases, psychiatric care.

    I am Adam Lanza’s Doctor by Rima E Laibow, MD

    Was a Senate seat worth the lives of all those children and teachers?  Blumenthal, who paints himself as a clone of the erstwhile New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, will have to live with that question for the remainder of his life. Is the CIA satisfied that its mind-control techniques that have created hordes of homicidal monsters from Iraq to Libya and now Connecticut?

    Richard Blumenthal

    The lesson of Sandy Hook is that mind-control cannot itself be controlled. Programmed killers are like robots without power-off switches. The process of transforming innocent children into robots through sexual abuse is inhumane and a crime. Whatever MK-ULTRA is called today – since we know it still exists after seeing the Abu Ghraib Prison photos – it must be shut down forever or the murderous nightmare will go on and on. And mind-altering drugs are not just for sinister purposes, since at least 60 percent of U.S. children are on a pharmaceutical dosages long before they can learn how to think. Even parents act as mind-controllers against their own kids.

    Now, with the investigation terminated, comes the diversionary exercise of “gun control”, a national effort led by Joe Biden, a member of the Knights of Malta, a politician with an intelligence background who is sworn to protect the interests of the Vatican. Say it ain’t so, Joe. Leave intact the right of armed self-defense or the gangsters will take over everything, but get rid of the drugs and end the mind control ­ and America will be a safer place, especially for its children.

    Yoichi Shimatsu, a science writer based in Hong Kong, provides herbal therapy and health counseling to the victims of the Fukushima radiation crisis.