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Archive for the ‘President’ Category




While many of us in the alternative media and especially those researchers of Clinton crimes are breathing a big fat sigh of relief that anybody but Hillary is headed to the White House in 2017, Brandon Smith of Alt Market is warning us all not to get too comfortable… and with history on his side here, we should listen to him.

Despite what looked like a rigged, fraudulent Hillary win orchestrated from the top down with the entire establishment machine behind her, Trump won the election. In an election year that would have otherwise seen record low voter turnout, the specter of Hillary that led to Trump’s victory has now given the people a reason to believe their vote actually matters again, an extra boon to further relegitimize the corrupt system running things in this country.

But Smith reminds us that if Trump is walking into the Oval Office in January, it is only because the elites decided to put him there in advance — and for a reason.
First it should be noted that Smith accurately predicted that Brexit would pass, even when the majority of the alt media was reporting that there was no way it possibly could. Was it another victory for the people?

No, it was predetermined well in advance:
“The mainstream media has been consistently comparing Trump supporters to Brexit supporters, and Trump himself has hitched his political wagon to the Brexit. This fits perfectly with the globalist narrative that populists and conservatives are killing the global economy and placing everyone at risk.“
Then he accurately predicted a Trump win… but not because voting actually matters:
“U.S. elections are indeed controlled, and have been for decades, primarily through the false left/right paradigm.  However, as I have been pointing out since I correctly predicted the success of the Brexit referendum, I don’t think that Clinton is the choice of the elites.”
“To be clear, my position is that Trump is slated to take the White House and that this is by design. This has been my position since before Trump won the Republican Primaries, it was my position when the election cycle began, it has never changed, nor have my views on the reasons for this outcome ever changed…”

Smith says regardless of whether or not Trump is a legitimate anti-establishment candidate, his win means the global economic collapse the system has been holding off on will finally come to pass — as planned — under Trump’s watch:
“…Even if Trump is a legitimate anti-establishment conservative, his entry into the Oval Office will seal the deal on the economic collapse, and will serve the globalists well.  The international banks need only pull the plug on any remaining life support to the existing market system and allow it to fully implode, all while blaming Trump and his conservative supporters…”
He will be the perfect scapegoat for something the alternative media have known is coming for a long, long time.
Now Smith is spelling it out:
The bottom line is, Trump is on the way to the White House because the elites WANT HIM THERE.  Now, many liberty proponents, currently in a state of elation, will either ignore or dismiss the primary reason why I was able to predict the Brexit and a Trump win.  These will probably be some of the same people that were arguing with me only weeks ago that the elites would NEVER allow Trump in office.
So, to clarify:
Trump may or may not be aware that he and his conservative followers have been positioned into a a trap.  We will have to wait and see how he behaves in office (and he WILL be in office, despite the claims of some that the elites will try to “stop him” before January).  My primary point is THAT IT DOES NOT MATTER, at least not at this stage.  The elites will initiate a final collapse of the global economy under Trump’s watch (this will probably escalate over the course of the next six months), and they WILL blame him and conservatives in general.  This IS going to happen.  The elites play the long game, and so must we.
And there you have it.
It’s not much of a secret that the economy is being artificially propped up. The Fed’s QE stimulus programs are no longer working. We know it can’t remain this way forever.
And even though everyone just feels so much relief that we’ve all been spared the nightmare of Hillary Clinton climbing into yet another seat of even more power, we can’t just assume we’re all going to skip off into happy magical fairy sprinkle land unscathed.
Sure, the people have spoken, but it’s only the illusion of power that we’re seeing play out now. The Powers That Shouldn’t Be running this insanity circus always have a plan… how else have they gotten away with controlling the globe for at least the past century?
After saying “I told ya so,” Smith issued a final warning that we shouldn’t be so naive:
While millions of Americans are celebrating Trump’s win today, I will remain even more vigilant.  The party is just getting started, folks.  Don’t get too comfortable.
Sadly, we can’t ignore decades of New World Order history here just because we’re relieved a psychopath like Hillary lost the election. Smith is right. We’d all do well to listen to him and get prepared for what’s coming.
2017 is going to be a bumpy ride.
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Contributed by Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple.
Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheepleand a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa and Aaron also recently launched Revolution of the Method and Informed Dissent. Wake the flock up!

What’s Happening with Hillary Clinton’s Health? Ask A Psychic.

NB Commentary: There has been a lot of speculation around Hillary Rodham Clinton’s health lately. It seems the news is abuzz with the prospect that she might be seriously ill. So I decided that I would consult the I Ching Oracle because doing that seems to bring all things into perspective. The video is the first one in the following playlist, but you will get an idea of what the Oracle gave me. It provided a very indepth perspective on what is going on with her health, along with what to expect as she proceeds forward with this campaign. She will have to beat Trump and she won’t be able to do it while sitting down on pillows or being held up by two body guards.

For those of you who want this woman to reign over the US Empire, I suggest that you strongly encourage her Doctors to get on her health ASAP and give her the much needed assistance she needs because, frankly, according to the readings, she is not well and may not be able to withstand the rigors of the next few months of campaigning, not to mention 4 years of being the president of the USA.
It may be a big deal having a “Woman” in the white house, I see that, but you want a healthy strong and capable “Woman” in the white house who can withstand the rigors that that job entails.
Hillary will be 70 years old when she reaches that pinnacle of “so-called” success and she will go down in history for being the first “Woman” selected to be president of the US, but she will also be the first “Woman” to take a serious nose dive if she is not assisted, immediately. Frankly, at her age and with her list of ailments, she really may not have much recourse as far as medical assistance. It’s not to late to save her life, it’s just not going to save her if she becomes President of the US.

Of course we have had other Presidents who were propped up, Reagan, Roosevelt, Truman, and maybe others, but at least they were all men! and they were not the first “men.” If folks are looking for a shot in the arm, an adrenalin rush, something to brag about, etc. well, that won’t last long at the rate she is going. Best to wrap her in your arms and run to safety cause she is no “Barack Hussein Obama” shooting hops on the basketball court and playing golf. Even without any health issues, she is not “physically” fit to take on the rigors. Does she even work out?? LOL

Well, enjoy the playlist and by all means feel free to leave your comments.

What’s Happening with Hillary Clinton’s Health? Ask A Psychic.

“….Mrs. Clinton took umbrage at the idea that rival Senator Bernie Sanders “would characterize me, a woman running to be the first woman president, as exemplifying the establishment.”
If she is on an anticoagulant indefinitely, she does have a deep-seated problem; however, if she is nominated she will run, even it means death. Killary Rotten Benghazi Clinton is nearing the end of the trail, but only death or the legal system will stop her.
“With the collusion of the media at large FDR was elected 4 times while suffering from a terminal illness that eventually killed him while in office, almost leading to a Constitutional crisis as Elanore (who is not in the Constitutional chain of command) bacially took over running the Oval office in the last months before he died.”
WASHINGTON — People who run for president have to have a screw loose, Hillary Rodham Clinton said in an interview on Wednesday.

“Well, you have to be a little bit crazy to run for president, let me just put it like that, because you have to be so totally immersed and so convinced that you can bring something to that office,” she told Gwen Ifill on PBS’ “NewsHour.”

Hillary’s ambition is to be the first female POTUS. She doesn’t care if she lives past day two of her reign because she will go down in the history books as the first woman president.
“Fame is fleeting but obscurity is forever.” N.Bonaparte
Time to celebrate Hillary Clinton’s victory (and get ready for the backlash)
“….Mrs. Clinton took umbrage at the idea that rival Senator Bernie Sanders “would characterize me, a woman running to be the first woman president, as exemplifying the establishment.”


If she is on an anticoagulant indefinitely, she does have a deep-seated problem; however, if she is nominated she will run, even it means death. Killary Rotten Benghazi Clinton is nearing the end of the trail, but only death or the legal system will stop her.
“With the collusion of the media at large FDR was elected 4 times while suffering from a terminal illness that eventually killed him while in office, almost leading to a Constitutional crisis as Elanore (who is not in the Constitutional chain of command) bacially took over running the Oval office in the last months before he died.”
Hillary’s ambition is to be the first female POTUS. She doesn’t care if she lives past day two of her reign because she will go down in the history books as the first woman president.
“Fame is fleeting but obscurity is forever.” N.Bonaparte
Time to celebrate Hillary Clinton’s victory (and get ready for the backlash)
For Hillary Supporters:
It does not matter whether the classification was a high or low level one. You simply cannot include any classified information on an unclassified system. To do so is a violation of law. It does not matter if, in your opinion, whether or not he material should have been classified, or was over-classified. Clinton could have declassified it following standard procedures but did not do so (see, because you can retroactively classify something, you can also retroactively declassify something.)
But what is most significant here is that Clinton lied. Stone cold lied. There was marked classified on her unclassified server. And that does matter.

Clinton’s doctor reiterated those claims this week — in response to fake medical records that surfaced on the internet — saying yet again Clinton is in “excellent” condition to be president. Right now, there’s no compelling reason to think otherwise.
What Clinton has said about her health
Most campaigns tend to release letters from physicians who have examined the candidates. Clinton’s doctor released a letter in July 2015 detailing Clinton’s medical record, family history, medications, and recent examinations. The letter found that while Clinton has hypothyroidism and seasonal allergies, she is in “excellent physical condition and fit to serve as president of the United States.”
Clinton Scandals
Hillary Clinton’s ‘Entangled’ Foreign Policy
Is Hillary fit to be POTUS?
Voting for Hillary? You May Want to Recall the Clinton Body Count
Arkansas Connections
Clinton stories most of the media didn’t cover 
Soros has spent or committed more than $13 million to support Hillary Clinton and other Democrats this election cycle

Ex-US Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe

Ex-US Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe

Excerpt: “He (Wanta) was tasked by President Reagan and CIA Director William Colby to destabilize the Soviet Union through establishment, with funds from the US Treasury, of a worldwide currency trading scheme…….”
Being Robin Hood and taking down another government to support your own is a very interesting angle as it relates to extortion. The mission may have had some honest intentions but the idea of going after the Soviet Union in a “scheme” that would make trillions of dollars for the US is to me a question of ethics. Is it okay to do someone in so you can do for someone else? Well one thing that is for sure, there is no honesty among thieves. The issue of “my money” is a dubious one notwithstanding how you got “your money” in the first place.
For a long time a family member of mine was a pimp. He amassed great sums of money. When he offered it to me, I refused. I did not want money that was gotten under duress, torture, abuse or any other such thing.
Are the American people so shallow that they do not care, how they got the money, just that now they can use it? Are the American Christians and ethical social beings that shallow that they will look the other way, knowing that the money was ill-gotten in the first place, but yeah, we got millions of jobs out the deal? Are Americans so separated from the law of “what goes around comes around” that they think that since the “shake down of the Soviet Union” economy would not bite them in the ass as the Soviet Union and her descendants attempt to get themselves back on track knowing that it was the work of an American President that put them in the cross-hairs in the first place? 
To answer my own question, yes, in fact most people are that shallow. They do not realize that everything is energy and an exchange of energy, in this instance “ill-gotten money” will not bode well in the future. For instance, if one is willing to do something criminal to someone else, what makes them think they are “safe” from anyone else wanting to do something criminal to them? 
People who rally in support of criminalizing these two “culprits” who attempted to shake Mr. Wanta down are just as guilty as the party that Wanta engaged in to shake down the Soviet Union. There are no innocents in this kind of “economic tyranny” on all sides. The economies based on the Western Model is a ponzy scheme, no matter how you slice it. Issuing W9’s is no clearance for the fact that a substantial amount of interest was amassed for the Banksters and Crooks of the world to leverage their bets and hedge funds as this “fiat money” traveled around the globe.
Who in this day and time can even imagine having $trillions of dollars in their bank account?Who can imagine in this day and time having even billions? In fact, who really knows how billions become trillions when millions are homeless and even more millions of homes lie vacant?
Is there a viable resolve for one to come to in a corrupt economy ran by corrupt banksters backed by corrupt corporations and governments? 
Again, the fact that people feel that Mr. Wanta has been “mistreated, threatened or bribed” have their eyes veiled by the deception of the “currency trading scheme” and I would dare to mention the reason why. All for the love of money.
There are no victims in this case and there are no innocents either. IMHO

Ex-US Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe


Ex-US  Officials Demanded a 30 Billion Dollar Bribe


“Former Tenn. Gov. Don Sundquist and S. Dakota Sen. Sheldon Songstad may face not just the largest bribery charge in history but conspiracy to murder as well.”

… by  Gordon Duff,  VT Sr. Editor,    … with  New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Lee Wanta, tough as nails, and still kicking

Editor’s note:  You just can’t make this stuff up. Two crooked aging politicians, who appear to be uber bagmen for Capitol Hill, don’t disconnect a voice mail message left for their shake down victim, and then the caller rings up his co-conspirator to discuss their next move, including killing their target if they don’t get paid.
But there is just one problem. The whole six-minute conversation goes into Lee Wanta’s voice mail, which the jury is going to enjoy immensely. Lee calls his rather extensive security team to ask what to do, and here we are… doing it.
This murder conspiracy case might also break the media blackout on the Wanta case, which has gone on since 2006, after the Treasury Dept. snatched his $4.5-million wire transfer from China into the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, only to be tranferred to Goldman Sachs the next day; and off to Europe it went as part of the $16 trillion of liquidity pumped into the banking system there during the meltdown.
I wish I could say this was an unusual case, but really, only the amounts involved are. These two yo-yos… there is an army of ex-office holders who would be doing exactly what these two thought was going to be their final wet dream.
If we were really to round up all of them doing this kind of stuff, there would be so many special elections going on that they would run out of press people to cover them. And no, I am not exaggerating… Jim W. Dean ]

A day after former Republican Virginia governor, Bob McDonnell and his wife were convicted of 20 counts of bribery and influence peddling, former Republican Tennessee governor Don Sundquist and South Dakota Senator Sheldon Songstad may face, not just the largest bribery charge in world history but indictment for conspiracy to murder as well.
What is amazing about this case is the amount of money involved, totaling $9.5 trillion US dollars, in fact the entire GNP of the United States for several years.
Sundquist and Songstad, wanted $30 billion out of the proceeds to pay themselves along with Congress, the US Treasury Department, five Supreme Court justices and two former US presidents.
Best of all, the whole thing is on tape, a “shakedown” attempt against Ambassador Lee Wanta, former White House intelligence chief under President Ronald Reagan and editor at Veterans Today.

Sundquist and Songstad left, on a recording at Wanta’s embassy, full details, not only of their ability to virtually buy the entire US government and deliver a multi-trillion dollar settlement authorized to Wanta by the US Supreme Court, but were recorded making arrangements for the murder of Wanta as well. 

Read More……….Source: Excerpt from Veteran’s Today

Cosmic Slop, A Trilogy

Uploaded BY TexasFiReAnT on Aug 19, 2010 This is a movie I saw a looong time ago on cable! t’s about aliens wanting to make a trade with white people for black people! It is a TRIP! Kinda makes me wonder, what if this happened while Bush was president? hmmm….

Cosmic Slop (1994 TV Movie)

Plot Summary

  • In the tradition of The Twilight Zone, this bizarre, thought-provoking trilogy addresses the destiny of the world’s minorities: Part I: A conservative African American politician must choose between his people’s survival and appeasing his white colleagues when space aliens propose to share their profound knowledge in exchange for all black people on earth. Part II: The Virgin Mary’s appearance in an inner-city housing project forces a Hispanic priest to face the hidden cultural origins of Western religion. Part III: On the dawn of the “Black Revolution,” an African American couple discovers who the “real” enemy is.

    Written by Lammastide


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